ArtificialIntelligenceUse Cases

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Real-Time Communication System Powered by AI for

Specially Abled
2. Crude Oil Price Prediction
3. AI-powered Nutrition Analyzer for Fitness Enthusiasts
4. Classification of Arrhythmia by Using Deep Learning with
2-D ECG Spectral Image Representation
5. Digital Naturalist - AI Enabled tool for Biodiversity

Artificial 6. Natural Disasters Intensity Analysis and Classification

using Artificial Intelligence
7. Fertilizers Recommendation System For Disease

Intelligence 8. A Novel Method for Handwritten Digit Recognition System

9. Emerging Methods for Early Detection of Forest Fires
10. Gesture-based Tool for Sterile Browsing of Radiology

Use Cases 11. Deep Learning Fundus Image Analysis for Early Detection
of Diabetic Retinopathy
12. Intelligent Vehicle Damage Assessment & Cost Estimator
for Insurance Companies
13. Virtual Eye - Life Guard for Swimming Pools to Detect
Active Drowning
14. AI-based localization and classification of skin disease
with erythema
15. AI based discourse for Banking Industry
Use-Case 1: Real-Time ● A World Health Organization report says around 63 million people in India
Communication System suffer from either complete or partial deafness, and of these, at least 50 lakh
are children.
Powered by AI for
● Communication between deaf-mute and a normal person has always been a
Specially Abled challenging task.
● It is very difficult for mute people to convey their message to normal people
in emergency times as well as in normal times.
Social Impact:
● The main purpose of this application is to make deaf-mute people feel
independent and more confident.
Business Model/Impact:
Use-Case 1: Real-Time
● Can generate revenue through direct customers and collaborate with
Communication System health care sector and generate revenue from their customers.
Powered by AI for Existing Solutions:
Specially Abled ●
Recommended Technology Stack:
● Data Science, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence,
IBM Watson, etc.
Use-Case 2: Crude Oil ● About 30% of India's total energy consumption is met by oil.
Price Prediction ● Prediction of future crude oil price is considered a significant challenge due
to the extremely complex, and dynamic nature of the market and
stakeholders perception.
● The market price for commodity such as crude oil is influenced by many
factors including news, supply-and-demand gap, labour costs, amount of
remaining resources, as well as stakeholders' perception.
Business Model/Impact:
● We can focus on exporters in exporting countries, generate revenue by
selling our application.
Use-Case 2: Crude Oil Existing Solution:

Price Prediction ●

Recommended Technology Stack:
● Data Science, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, IBM Watson, etc.
Use-Case 3: ● In India, because of unhealthy food, most young people are dying due to
AI-powered Nutrition obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.
Analyzer for Fitness ● Nowadays new dietary assessment and nutrition analysis tools are
Enthusiasts ● Nutritional analysis is the process of determining the nutritional content of
food. This helps the fitness enthusiast to track and monitor their intake
nutrition and calorie intake.
Social Impact:
● People can do weight managements, strengthen their bones and muscles,
manage chronic health conditions & disabilities.
Business Model/Impact:
Use-Case 3: ● Social media is the best way to spread the word about our application.
AI-powered Nutrition And with the influencers we can attract the normal people.
Analyzer for Fitness ● Clustering and targeting the fitness people with the help of local gyms.
Enthusiasts Existing Solutions:
Recommended Technology Stack:
● Data Science, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, IBM Watson, etc.
Use-Case 4: ● According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular
Classification of diseases (CVDs) are the number one cause of death today. .
Arrhythmia by Using ● The annual number of deaths from CVD in India is projected to rise from
Deep Learning with 2-D 2.26 million (1990) to 4.77 million (2020).
ECG Spectral Image ● Arrhythmia is a representative type of CVD that refers to any irregular
Representation change from the normal heart rhythms.
Social Impact:
● The main purpose of this application is to make people awareness on their
general health.
Use-Case 4: Business Model/Impact:
Classification of ● Can collaborate with diagnosis centres and hospitals.
Arrhythmia by Using ● Can collaborate with government for health awareness camps.
Deep Learning with 2-D Existing Solution:
ECG Spectral Image ●
Representation Recommended Technology Stack:
● Data Science, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, IBM Watson, etc.
Use-Case 5: Digital ● A naturalist is someone who studies the patterns of nature, identifies and
Naturalist - AI examines different kind of flora and fauna in the nature.
Enabled tool for ● When venturing into the woods, field naturalists usually rely on common
Biodiversity approaches like always carrying a guidebook around everywhere or
Researchers seeking help from experienced Ornithologist .
Social Impact :
● Being able to identify the flora and fauna around us often leads to an
interest in protecting wild spaces
Business model/Impact :
● Can make money through subscription based.
● Partnership with many laboratories and scientists around the world.
Use-Case 5: Digital Existing Solutions :
Naturalist - AI
Enabled tool for ●
Recommended Technology Stack :
● Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Ibm Watson etc..
References :
● Natural Disaster one of most inevitable disasters, it can be caused by
Use-Case 6: Natural naturally occurring events such as earthquakes, cyclones, floods, and
Disasters Intensity wildfires
Analysis and ● A natural disaster can cause loss of life or damage property like buildings
Classification using will collapse due to seismological effects, and typically leaves some
Artificial Intelligence economic damage in its wake. diseases/virus spread and sometimes
natural disasters can devastate nations.
Social Impact :
● Can save lives of people, can minimize the loss of infrastructure,finance
Business Model/Impact:
● By helping the government and getting fund from it.
● By giving the information to companies.
Use-Case 6: Natural
Existing Solution :
Disasters Intensity
Analysis and
Classification using Recommended Technology Stack :

Artificial Intelligence ● Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Ibm Watson etc..

References :
Use-Case 7: Fertilizers ● Agriculture is the most important sector in today’s life. Most of the plants
are affected by a wide variety of bacterial and fungal diseases.
Recommendation System ● In agricultural aspects, if the plant is affected by leaf disease then it
For Disease Prediction reduces the growth and productiveness.
● Generally, the plant diseases are caused by the abnormal physiological
functionalities of plants.
Social Impact :
● Helps farmers to get good yield out of the crop.
● People will get good quality products.
Business Model/Impact:
● Can give this to farmers in subscription bases.
● Recommending fertilizers and places that has and can get commission out
of it.
Use-Case 7: Fertilizers Existing Solution :
Recommendation System ●

For Disease Prediction Recommended Technology Stack :

● Artificial Intelligence, Digital Image Processing, Computer Vision, Ibm
Watson, etc..
References :
Use-Case 8 : A Novel
● Digit recognition plays an important role in the modern world.
Method for Handwritten ● It can solve more complex problems and makes humans job easier. This
Digit Recognition type of system can be widely used in the world to recognize zip code or
postal code for mail sorting
● In Banking Sector too where more handwritten numbers are involved like
account number, figure of cash and checks.
Social Impact:
● Postal department and courier services can easily find the digits written.
● Old people who will have eye sight issues with handwritten digits.
Business Model/Impact:
● Baking sector and Postal sector by providing the services.
Use-Case 8 : A Novel Existing Solutions :
Method for Handwritten ●
Digit Recognition System ●
Recommended Technology Stack :
● Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Ibm Watson, etc..
References :
● Forest fires are a major environmental issue, creating economic and ecological
Use-Case 9 : Emerging
damage while endangering human lives.
Methods for Early ● There are typically about 100,000 wildfires in the United States every year.
Detection of Forest Over 9 million acres of land have been destroyed due to treacherous wildfires.
● It is difficult to predict and detect Forest Fire in a sparsely populated forest
Fires area.
Social Impact:
● Tribal people who live in forest and forest department.
● Saving the most essential Forest cover.
Business Impact:
● Supply chain, power & supply, Fires stations and government by providing
Use-Case 9 : Emerging
Existing Solutions:
Methods for Early ●
Detection of Forest ●

Fires Recommended Technology Stack:

● Artificial intelligence, Computer vision, IBM Watson, etc.
Use-Case 10 : ● Health care is one of the most important and major sector in India , which
contributes to economy of India.
Gesture-based Tool for
Sterile Browsing of ● The use of doctor-computer interaction devices in the operation room (OR)
requires new modalities that support medical imaging manipulation while
Radiology Images allowing doctors' hands to remain sterile, supporting their focus of attention,
and providing fast response times.
Social Impact:
● Contributing the corporate social responsibility by providing better solutions
to the healthcare and to patients
Business Model/Impact:
● Can collaborate with diagnosis centers and hospitals.
● Can collaborate with government for health awareness camps.
Use-Case 10 : Existing Solution:
Gesture-based Tool for ●
Sterile Browsing of Recommended Technology Stack:
Radiology Images ● Data Science, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, IBM Watson, etc.
Use-Case 11 : Deep ● Health care is one of the most important and major sector in India , which
Learning Fundus Image contributes to economy of India.
Analysis for Early ● Diabetic retinopathy is one of the common complications of diabetes.
Detection of Diabetic ● Retinopathy is a common cause of visual loss in the world and it is a
Retinopathy potentially blinding complication of diabetes that damages the eye's retina 
Social Impact:
● Helps in preventing the loss of visibility to the needed through CSR activities
or through healthcare camps
Business Model/Impact:
● Can collaborate with diagnosis centers and hospitals.
● Can collaborate with government for health awareness camps.
Use-Case 11 : Deep Existing Solution:
Learning Fundus Image ●
Analysis for Early Recommended Technology Stack:
Detection of Diabetic
● Data Science, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, IBM Watson, etc.
Use-Case 12 : ● Automobile sector is one of the most important and major sector in India ,
which contributes to economy of India.
Intelligent Vehicle
● One of the major problem faced by the customers or the insurance
Damage Assessment &
companies are not having idea about the cost of repair for the damage
Cost Estimator for
● Insurance companies are failing to provide right amount for the car damage
Insurance Companies
and the customers not able to claim for the damage.
● Developing a solution, which can able to identify the right cost for the
damage would be beneficial for many
Business Model/Impact:
● Can collaborate with insurance companies.
● Can collaborate with car companies
● Can post the advertisements on to the website.
Existing Solution:
Use-Case 12 :
Intelligent Vehicle ●
Damage Assessment & Recommended Technology Stack:
Cost Estimator for ● Data Science, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, IBM Watson, etc.
Insurance Companies References:
Use-Case 13: Virtual ● Drowning is the 3rd leading cause of unintentional injury death worldwide,
Each year many people including children are drowned or very close to
Eye - Lifeguard for
drowning in the deeps of the swimming pools.
Swimming Pools to
● One important environment that the need for monitoring systems is
Detect Active Drowning crucially sensed is the swimming pool.
● Real-time detection of a drowning person in swimming pools is a
challenging task that requires an accurate system.
● In this application with using some advanced technologies, we can identify
if anyone is drowning in a live video feed and then send an alert
Business Model/Impact:
● Can generate revenue from direct customers, like lifeguards, and
collaborate with maritime sector and other Swimming pool authorities.
Use-Case 13: Virtual Existing Solutions:
Eye - Lifeguard for ●
Swimming Pools to ● SwimEye - a drowning detection system for swimming pools
Detect Active Drowning Recommended Technology Stack:
● Data Science, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, IBM Watson, etc.
● How do drowning detection systems identify water incidents?
● As per the World Health Organization statistics more than 125 million
Use-Case 14 : AI-based people are  suffering from skin diseases.
localization and ● Erythema is a skin disorder that's considered to be an allergic reaction to
classification of skin medicine or an infection.If skin diseases are not treated at an earlier stage,
disease with erythema then it may leads to complications.
● The main challenge is, to identify this particular skin disease, as the test
results are fluctuating.
● Detection of skin disease and its severity at the earliest will helps the
people to take necessary actions.
Business Model/Impact:
● Health Care Sector(Hospitals).
● Can generate revenue through direct customers.
● Can collaborate with health care sector and generate revenue from their
Existing Solutions:
Use-Case 14 : AI-based
localization and
classification of skin
Recommended Technology Stack:
disease with erythema
● Data Science, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, IBM Watson, etc.
● Banking is one the crucial sector, it deals with financial transactions which can
Use-Case 15 : AI based be availed by everyone, banks are not able to resolve the queries of customers
discourse for Banking related to the products or services in satisfactory way in turn hinders the
Industry customer satisfaction
● Currently, most banks offer a wide variety of products and services – credit
cards, savings accounts, debit cards, financial planning, personal loans,
mortgages, etc. Yet many customers are not always aware of all the products
offered by the financial company they‘re doing business with.
● Addressing and resolving this issue will highly beneficial for the banks.
Social Impact:
● Customers of the bank – Depositors, borrowers, lenders etc
Use-Case 15 : AI based Business Model/Impact:
discourse for Banking ● Banks will enable much and reliable services which will gain customer
Existing Solution:
Recommended Technology Stack:
● Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, IBM Watson, etc.

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