ArtificialIntelligenceUse Cases
ArtificialIntelligenceUse Cases
ArtificialIntelligenceUse Cases
Use Cases 11. Deep Learning Fundus Image Analysis for Early Detection
of Diabetic Retinopathy
12. Intelligent Vehicle Damage Assessment & Cost Estimator
for Insurance Companies
13. Virtual Eye - Life Guard for Swimming Pools to Detect
Active Drowning
14. AI-based localization and classification of skin disease
with erythema
15. AI based discourse for Banking Industry
Use-Case 1: Real-Time ● A World Health Organization report says around 63 million people in India
Communication System suffer from either complete or partial deafness, and of these, at least 50 lakh
are children.
Powered by AI for
● Communication between deaf-mute and a normal person has always been a
Specially Abled challenging task.
● It is very difficult for mute people to convey their message to normal people
in emergency times as well as in normal times.
Social Impact:
● The main purpose of this application is to make deaf-mute people feel
independent and more confident.
Business Model/Impact:
Use-Case 1: Real-Time
● Can generate revenue through direct customers and collaborate with
Communication System health care sector and generate revenue from their customers.
Powered by AI for Existing Solutions:
Specially Abled ●
Recommended Technology Stack:
● Data Science, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence,
IBM Watson, etc.
Use-Case 2: Crude Oil ● About 30% of India's total energy consumption is met by oil.
Price Prediction ● Prediction of future crude oil price is considered a significant challenge due
to the extremely complex, and dynamic nature of the market and
stakeholders perception.
● The market price for commodity such as crude oil is influenced by many
factors including news, supply-and-demand gap, labour costs, amount of
remaining resources, as well as stakeholders' perception.
Business Model/Impact:
● We can focus on exporters in exporting countries, generate revenue by
selling our application.
Use-Case 2: Crude Oil Existing Solution: