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Business Intelligence

1. The Full Form of BI is
a) Business Intelligence
b) Business Interest
c) Beginning Interest
d) Business Intellectuality

2. The purpose of B.I is

a) To support information.
b) To use data collection.
c) To analyze the data
d) To support decision-making and complex problem solving.

3. Which of the following is not a component of business intelligence analysis cycle?

a) Analysis
b) Insight
c) Decision
d) Design

4. Information is transformed into______

a) Knowledge
b) Data
c) Decision
d) Design

5. _______is one of the ethical issue in BI.

a) Analysis
b) Privacy
c) Data
d) Design

6. The DSS must be _______________ in decision making process.

a) Flexible & adaptable
b) Rigid
c) Optional
d) True

7. Planning usually involves _________ to develop DSS.

a) Feasibility study
b) Flexible study
c) Decision study
d) Study of data.

8. The phase of DSS is

a) Collection
b) Testing
c) Development
d) Raw data
Unit 2
1. __________ are helpful for analysis the control system.
a) Business Intelligence
b) Mathematical Models
c) Data Model
d) Business Model

2. _____________have been developed and used in many application domains.

a) Information.
b) Data collection.
c) Data Model
d) Mathematical Models

3. ___________is material representation of a real system

a) Analysis
b) Iconic
c) Decision
d) Data

4. BI input data concern with _______.

a) Future Events
b) Data for analyze
c) Decision making
d) Design model

5. A set of resources providing ______

a) Service
b) Privacy
c) Data
d) Models

6. The purpose of interpretation is to identify __________within the data.

a) Regular pattern
b) Future Events
c) Avoidable Data
d) Future Data.

7. Identification of target customer segments for__________.

a) Feasibility
b) Flexible models
c) Decision study
d) Retention campaigns

8. _____________process reduces the size of data

a) Collection
b) Data Reduction
c) Development
d) Analyze

9. Information can be retrieved from

a) Analyzed data.
b) Website information
c) Internal Sources
d) External Sources
1. Decisions can be classified in terms of two main dimensions, according to their nature and scope.

2. Data Validation is done to identify & remove anomalies & inconsistent.

3. The quality of data is unsatisfactory because of :

 Incompleteness : Missing Values
 Noise : errorneous or anomalies -- This are called outliers
 Inconsistency

4. Incompleteness : It has some technique which make incomplete data complete

 Elimination : discarding records with missing values
 Inspection : inspecting the missing value by domain expert & substitute it
 Identification : using conventional value in place of missing data
 Substitution : baysian method - replacement of missing value

5. Outlier correction technique is the example of transformation of the original data.

6. Decimal sealing :

7. Min -Max Technique :

8. Z -index : Z-index based transformation generate values with in the range (-3,3)

9. Data Reduction
There are 3 criteria to determine data reduction technique is used or not:
 Efficiency
 Accuracy
 Simplicity

10. Benefits of BI
 Many alternative considered
 More accurate conclusion
 Effective & Timely Decisions

11. Cycle of Business Intelligence Analysis

 Analysis
 Insight
 Decision
 Evaluation

12. Enabling Factors of BI Projects

 Technologies
 Analytic
 Human Resources
13. Phases of development of BI System
 Analysis
 Design
 Planning
 Implementation & Control

14. Classes of Evolution of Matrix

Effectiveness : It shows level of conformity of a given system
Efficiency : It shows the relationship between input flows used by system & corresponding output flow

15. Phases of Decision Making Process

 Intelligence Phase
 Design Phase
 Choice Phase
 Implementation Phase
 Control Phase

16. Types of decisions according to their Nature

 Structured Decision
 Unstructured Decision
 Semi-Structured Decision

17. Types of decisions according to their Scope

 Strategic Decision
 Tactical Decision
 Operational Decision

18. Approaches to the Decision Making Process

 The Behavioral Approach
 The Practical Approach
 The Personal Approach

19. Decision Support System

 Dialogue Management
 Model Management
 Database Management

20. Steps Of Decision Support System

1) Requirement
2) Planning
3) Analysis
4) Design
5) Implementation
6) Testing
7) Maintenance
8) Delivery
21. In DEA the units which are compared are called Decision Making Units (DMU).

22. The number of units are denoted by N .

23. Eficient forntier is also known as Production Function which expresses the relationship between inputs
utilized & outputs produced.

24. Classification models are supervised learning methods for predicitng the value of a catagorical target
attribute which deals with numerical as well as textual data.

25. In classification problem we have : dataset - D containing observations - m describe in terms of

explanodory atttribute - n.

26. The purpose of classification models is to identify recurring relationships among the explanmentory
veriables which describe the examples belonging to the same class.

27. Development of classification model consist of main phases :

a) Training Phase
b) Test Phase - V = D - T
c) Prediction Phase

28. Agglomerative Hierarchical Method follows the Bottom-Up Approach.

29. Divisive Hierarchical Method follows the Top-Down Approach.

30. Tacticla Planning will find production volume with respect to time.

Sample MCQ
1) The objective of B.I. is
A. To support decision-making and complex problem solving.
B. To support information gathering.
C. To support data collection.
D. To support data analysis.

2) Decision making process is of phases.

A. Three
B. Five
C. Two
D. Six

3) DSS stands for:

A. Decision Support System.
B. Definition support System.
C. Data sub system
D. D. Data storage system.

4) measurements express the level of conformity of a given system to the objectives

for which it was designed.
A. Effectiveness
B. Efficiency
C. Evaluation
D. Feedback

5) Decision support systems are used for

A. Management decision making
B. Providing tactical information to management
C. Providing strategic information to management
D. Better operation of an organization

6) Which of following is not phase of decision making process

A. Design
B. Analysis
C. Intelligence
D. Choice

7) Strategic information is needed for

A. Day to day operations
B. Meet government requirements
C. Long range planning
D. Short range planning

8) Strategic information is needed for

A. Day to day operations
B. Meet government requirements
C. Long range planning

D. Short range planning

9) Phases are in Decision making process

A. Intelligence, Design, Choice, Implementation, Control.
B. Design, Develop, Apply
C. Data, Process, Develop, Implement, Control
D. Search, Sort, Design, Develop, Implement

10) Business intelligence allows to make and timely decisions.

A. Effective
B. Right
C. Correct
D. Beneficiary

11) What is a model ?

A. a selective abstraction of real world
B. a selective imagination of 1st world
C. a selective proposal of real world
D. a selective example of second word

12) A material representation of a real system, whose behaviour is imitated for the purpose of the
analysis is called as ?
A. Analogical Model
B. Iconic Model
C. Symbolic Model
D. Static Model

13) Which is the last Phases of mathematical models for decision making
A. Problem Identification
B. Implementation and Testing
C. Model Formation
D. Development of Algorithm

14) Which of the statement is not true about Data Mining?

A. The term data mining refer to the overall process consisting of data gathering and analysis,
development of inductive learning models and adoption of practical decisions and consequent
actions based on the knowledge acquired.
B. Data mining analysis is to draw a fresh conclusion without investigating the past
data, observations and interpretations

C. Data mining activities can be subdivided into two major investigation streams, interpretation
and prediction.
D. The data mining process is based on inductive learning methods

15) A significant proportion of the models used in business intelligence systems, such
models, require input data concerned with future events.
A. Project management model
B. learning model
C. Predictive model
D. optimization model

16) The purpose of a data mining process is some-times to provide a simple and concise
representation of the information stored in a .
A. .small dataset
B. large dataset.
C. numeric dataset
D. stored dataset

17) The purpose of feature selection, also called .

A. feature reduction
B. feature compression
C. feature normalization
D. feature denormalization

18) The term theory is reserved for the variety of mathematical models and
methods that can be found at the core of each data mining analysis and that are used to generate
new knowledge.
A. mathematical learning
B. machine learning
C. deep learning
D. static learning

19) which technique used this general equation:


A. Min-max standardization
B. z- score
C. standardisation
D. zero scaling

20) how many distinct myopic search schemes are followed?

A. two
B. four
C. three
D. one

21) Which of the following is finally produced by Hierarchical Clustering?

a. final estimate of cluster centroids
b. tree showing how close things are to each other
c. assignment of each point to clusters
d. k-Means Clustering

22) Point out the wrong statement.

a. k-means clustering is a method of vector quantization.
b. k-means clustering aims to partition n observations into k clusters.
c. k-nearest neighbor is same as k-means.
d. k-nearest neighbor has nothing to do with k-means.

23) Which of the following is characteristic of exploratory graph?

a. Made slowly
b. Axes are not cleaned up
c. Color is used for personal information
d. All of the mentioned

24) Which of the following gave rise to need of graphs in data analysis?
a. Data visualization
b. Communicating results
c. Decision making
d. data Analysis

25) Which of the following information is not given by five-number summary?

a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode
d. average

26) Which of the following graph can be used for simple summarization of data?
a) Scatterplot
b) Overlaying
c) Barplot
d) pie chart

27 ) Classify variable which is not continuous.

a. age

b. height
c. gender
d. revenue of medical shop

28 ) Neural Networks are methods of ?

a. Regression
b. Clustering
c. Classification
d. Customization

29) Classify variable which is not continuous.

a. age
b. height
c. gender
d. revenue of medical shop

30) Agglomerative methods are techniques.

a) Top-Down
b) Left-Right
c) Right-Left
d) Bottom-Up

31) Which of the following is not a component of Relational Marketing

A. Organisation
B. BI and Data Mining
C. Technology
D. Fund

32) Which of the following is not an optimization model?

A. Extra Capacity
B. Maximum Fixed Cost
C. Backlogging
D. Multiple Plants

33) The expresses relationship between the Inputs utilized and Outputs Produced:
A. Efficiency Function
B. Effective Frontier
C. Efficient Frontier
D. Effective Fact

34) . The Relationship Marketing is all about

A. Creating database value
B. Travelling programs
C. Maintaining relationship with customer

D. Loyalty based on behaviour

35) Which of the following is not a component of relational marketing strategy?

A. Strategy
B. Data Mining
C. Technology
D. Customers

36) The expresses relationship between the Inputs utilized and Outputs Produced:
A. Efficiency Function
B. Effective Frontier
C. Efficient Frontier
D. Effective Fact

37) Which of the following is not a stage in “Lifetime of a Customer”

a. Acquisition
b. Cross/Up Selling
c. Retention
d. Bargaining

38) Which of the following is true:

A. Intensity of Relation is low for B2C
B. Intensity of Relation is low for B2B
C. Intensity of Relation is high for B2C
D. Does not depend on whether it is B2B or B2C.

39) It is a managerial Policy whose purpose is to maximize profit through an optimal balance
between demand and supply.
A. Management insight
B. Economic System
C. Sales System
D. Revenue Management System

40) Which of the following statements is true?

A. A relationship marketing is a collection of software applications.
B. A relationship marketing is a coherent project where the various company departments are
called upon to cooperate and integrate the managerial culture and human resources
C. A relationship marketing is a coherent project where the various company departments are
called upon to work using CRM tools
D. A relational marketing creates a true data culture in an organization.

41) represent how you increase the ability of individuals within the organisations to
influence others with the knowledge.
a. People
b. Processes
c. Technology

d. Culture

42) Characteristics of expert systems

A. High Performance
B. Demonstrating
C. Advising
D. Diagnosing

43) Strategy followed for finding cause or reasons.

A. Backward Chaining
B. Forward Chaining
C. Facts
D. Decisions

44) Knowledge Management Activity aims at

A. Total turing test
B. The rational agent approach
C. To build knowledge infrastructure
D. Thinking humanly

45) What is the form of Knowledge representation?


46) A is nothing but an expert system without knowledge base.

A. Tools
B. Expert System
C. shell
D. knowledge

47) which one of the following is not a type of Knowledge

A. Declarative Knowledge
B. Procedural Knowledge
C. Tactic Knowledge
D. Collective Knowledge

48) Who introduced the term “Artificial Intelligence”

A. Arthur Samule
B. Marvin Lee Minsky
C. Jhon McCarthy

D. E. F. Codd

49) is required to exhibit intelligence.

A. Data
B. Knowledge
C. Information
D. High-quality data

Sem 6
Business Intelligence

Unit I

1. Business intelligence system provides tools and methodologies to knowledge workers

to help them to take .
a) Effective decision.
b) Timely decision

d) Efficient Decision.
2. is the outcome of extraction and processing activities carried out on data.

a) Knowledge

c) Data
d) Raw Data
3. The objective of B.I. is .

b) To support information gathering.

c) To support data collection.
d) To support data analysis.

4. Which of the following is not a component of business intelligence analysis cycle?

a) Analysis
b) Insight
c) Decision

5. In BI Architecture, is used to gather and integrate the data stored in

various primary and secondary sources.

a) Data Warehouse
b) Data mart

d) None of the above.

6. Extraction of information and knowledge from data is known as

b) Optimisation
c) Data exploration
d) Data mart

7. Following are the phases of Development of a business intelligence system.

a) Analysis and Design
b) Planning
c) Implementation and Control

8. Decision making process is of phases.

a) Three

c) Two
d) Six

9. Well defined and recurring decision-making procedure is called

b) Semi-structured
c) Operational
d) Unstructured

10. In approach, a decision maker considers economic, tactical legal,

ethical, procedural and political factors.
a) Absolute rationality approach
b) Bounded rationality approach

d) None of the above.

11. a) Data mart is a subset of data warehouse.

b) Data marts contain repositories of summarized data collected for analysis on a
specific section or unit within an organization.
a) Only a is correct
b) Only b is correct

d) Both are wrong.

12. is the outcome of extraction and processing activities carried out on data.
a) Data

c) Knowledge
d) Wisdom

13. In ETL ‘E’ stands for .

a) External

c) Extreme
d) None of the above

14. DSS stands for:

b) Definition support System.

c) Data sub system
d) Data storage system

15. represent the real problem situations.

a) Data
b) Models

c) Tools
d) Information

16. During the phase, additional data conversion occurs to performed to obtain
the summaries that will reduce the response time.
a) Loading.
b) Extraction.

d) Performance Evaluation.

17. Optimization is:

b) Successful marketing approaches to achieve the optimum outcome.

c) Getting the greatest return for the least expenditure of time, effort, manpower.
d) All the above.

18. (a)A decision support system helps in decision making but does not necessarily give a
decision itself.
(b) decision support system is a computer-based application that collects organizes and
analyses business data to facilitate quality business decision making for management,
operations, and planning.
a) only a is correct.
b) only b is correct
d) both are wrong.

19. measurements express the level of conformity of a given system to the

objectives for which it was designed.

b) Efficiency
c) Evaluation
d) Feedback

20. is the first stage in developing in decision support system.

a) Analysis
b) Design

d) Planning

21. Data by itself is not useful unless

a) It is massive

c) It is collected from diverse sources

d) It is properly stated

22. Decision support systems are used for

b) Providing tactical information to management

c) Providing strategic information to management
d) Better operation of an organizatio

23. Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs which includes:
a) Decision support
b) Data mining

24. Decision support systems are used by

a) Line managers.
b) Top-level managers.
c) Middle level managers.
d) System users

25. Which of following is not phase of decision-making process

a) Design

c) Intelligence
d) Choice

26. is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering,

storing, analysing, and providing access to data to help enterprise users make better
business decisions.
a) best practice
b) data mart
c) business information warehouse

27. Organizations have hierarchical structures because

a) it is convenient to do so
b) it is done by every organization

d) it provides opportunities for promotions

28. Strategic information is needed for

a) Day to day operations
b) Meet government requirements

d) Short range planning

29. Decision support systems are essential for

a) Day–to-day operation of an organization.
b) Providing statutory information.

d) Ensuring that organizations are profitable.

30. Computer information system are most successful in providing information for:

b) Planning decision
c) Strategic decision
d) None of the above

31. Close System Cycle defined as

a) Which is System cycle does not need any output.

c) Able to modify their own output flows based on process.

d) Able to modify their own output without any process.

32. Information is transformed into to make decisions.

a) Data
b) Information

d) File

33. Mathematical models are developed by

b) exploring the relationships with data.

c) developing mathematical logic
d) exploiting the relationships among system control variables, parameters and
evaluation metrics

34. BI supports for data.

a) Files
b) Data Marts & Data Warehouse.
c) Data Mining

35. The fourth phase of the Bicycle involves performances measurement

a) Design

c) Intelligence
d) Graph

36. technologies enabling factors that have facilitate development of BI with

complex organizations
a) Application
b) System
c) business information

37. Phases are in Decision making process

b) Design, Develop, Apply

c) Data, Process, Develop, Implement, Control
d) Search, Sort, Design, Develop, Implement

38. Decisions can be classified into their

a) concept and thoughts
b) Supply and Demand

d) Techniques

39. Full Form of DSS is

a) Day–to-day System Support.
b) Dynamic System Service.

d) Decision Solve System.

40. Knowledge Management increase in the

b) no. of difficulties considered

c) no. of risks considered
d) no. of models considered

41. Information is transformed into when it is used to make decisions and

develop the corresponding actions.
a) Data

c) Outcome
d) Experience

42. Business intelligence allows to make and timely decisions.

b) Correct
c) Right
d) Beneficiary

43. It is necessary to recognize and accurately spell out the problem in phase in
the Cycle of a business intelligence analysis

b) Insight
c) Decision
d) Evaluation

44. ETL process consists of Extract, and Load.

a) Translate
b) Track
c) Transmit

45. Analysis, Design, Planning and are the Phases in the development
of a business intelligence system.
a) Implementation

c) Control
d) Coding

46. The evaluation metrics can be categorized into two main classes - effectiveness and
a) Perfection
b) Performance

c) Effectiveness

47. Decisions can be classified in terms of two main dimensions, according to

their and scope.

b) Type
c) Time
d) Need

48. Depending on scope, decisions can be classified as strategic, tactical and

a) Accurate

c) Sequential
d) Procedural

49. A decision support system has been defined as an interactive computer system helping
decision makers to combine data and to solve semi-structured and
unstructured problems.
a) Information
b) Knowledge

d) Experience

50. A DSS must be and adaptable.

b) Changeable
c) Adjustable
d) Knowledgeable

Unit II

1. What is a model?
a) a selective abstraction of real world
b) a selective imagination of 1st world

d) a selective example of second word

2. A material representation of a real system, whose behaviour is imitated for the purpose
of the analysis is called as .
a) Analogical Model

c) Symbolic Model
d) Static Model

3. In which model some input information represents random events characterized by a

probability distribution?

b) Iconic

c) Symbolic
d) Static

4. What is allowed by Sensitivity and Scenario analyses be assessed?

a) the robustness of optimal decisions from variations in the input parameters.
b) the robustness of optimal decisions to variations into input parameters.
c) the robustness of optimal decisions to variations in the input data.
d) the robustness of optimal decisions to variations in the input parameters.

5. Which model observes the status of a system only at the beginning or at the end
of discrete intervals?

b) Static-time dynamic models

c) Symbolic -time dynamic models
d) Iconic-time dynamic models

6. The purpose of explanatory models is to functionally identify a possible

relationship between a dependent variable and ?
a) a set of positive attributes
b) a set of negative attributes
c) a set of neutral attributes
d) s

7. Which is one of the primary objectives of mathematical models?

b) to identify irregular patterns in the data

c) to identify negative patterns in the data
d) to identify neutral patterns in the data

8. The conceptual paradigm outlined determines a wide and popular class of

mathematical models for decision making, represented by models

b) stochastic models
c) supervised models
d) iconic models

9. What is the aim of Data Mining?

b) useful for knowledge workers in decision making

c) extracting raw data
d) Both A & B

10. On which learning methods the Data Mining method is based?

b) deductive learning methods

c) basic learning methods
d) comprehensive learning methods

11. What is the purpose of Interpretation?

b) to express the rules and criteria for easy understanding

c) to identify irregular patterns in the data
d) Both A & B

12. Classification Trees or Association Rules are also called as?

b) knowledge discovery in databases

c) deep learning
d) A & B

13. Which are the last Phases of mathematical models for decision making
a) Problem Identification

c) Model Formation
d) Development of Algorithm

14. Which mathematical model aims at understanding the mechanisms that regulate the
development of intelligence, ability to extract knowledge from experience in order to
apply it in the future.
a) Risk analysis models
b) Optimization models

d) Waiting line models

15. In which Mathematical model the decision maker is required to choose among a number
of available alternatives

b) Optimization models
c) Pattern recognition Models
d) Waiting line models

16. Which of the statement is not true about Data Mining?

a) The term data mining refers to the overall process consisting of data gathering
analysis, development of inductive learning models and adoption of practical
decisions and consequent actions based on the knowledge acquired.

c) Data mining activities can be subdivided into two major investigation streams,
interpretation and prediction.
d) The data mining process is based on inductive learning methods

17. Which is not the Phase of data Mining Process

a) Data Gathering
b) Selection of Attributes
c) Prediction and interpretation

18. Data Inception Means

b) identify missing values

c) replacement of missing Data
d) discard all records

19. Data Elimination Means

a) inspection of each missing value
b) identify missing values
c) replacement of missing Data

20. Data mining activities can be subdivided into two major investigation streams , which are
a) Interpretation and Sampling

c) Forecast and Prediction

d) Forecast and Interpretation

21. Which is the Application of Data Miming

a) Fraud Detection

c) Both a & b
d) Only b

22. learning analyses are not guided by a target attribute.

b) Guided
c) Unguided
d) Unsupervised

23. Which of the following is not a primary phase for the development of a model?
a) Model formulation
b) Implementation & Testing

d) Problem identification

24. PERT is an abbreviation of

a) Process Evaluation and Review Techniques

c) Part Evaluation and Review Techniques

d) Project Estimating and Review Techniques

25. Which of the following describes the order in which customers are extracted from the line
to be admitted to the service?
a) Population
b) Arrivals

d) Line rules

26. ''To anticipate the value that a random variable will assume in the future or to estimate the
likelihood of the future events'' is the purpose of?
a) Interpretation

c) Data mining
d) A & B both

27. attributes are numerical attributes that assume a finite number or a

countable infinity of values.
a) Ordinal
b) Continuous

d) Nominal

28. is used when the target variable takes on continuous values.

b) Clustering
c) Classification
d) Characterization

29. The purpose of is to identify and implement corrective actions in case of

incomplete and inconsistent data or data affected by noise.

b) Data Transformation
c) Data Reduction
d) Data Noise

30. If the distribution of values of the attribute aj is roughly normal, the z index-based
transformation generates values that are almost certainly within the range.

b) (-2,2)
c) (-4,4)
d) (-1,1)

31. The purpose of is to obtain a decrease in the number of distinct values assumed
by one or more attributes.
a) Data Validation
b) Data Transformation

d) Data Noise

32. PCA is
a) Projection Combination Analysis
b) Principal Combination Analysis

d) Projection Combination Analysis


33. In learning analysis, a target attribute either represents the class to which
each record belongs.

b) Unsupervised Learning
c) Clustering
d) Classification

34. learning analyses are not guided by a target attribute.

a) Supervised Learning

c) Clustering
d) Classification

35. Which of the following does not include in seven basic data mining tasks?
a) characterization and discrimination

c) regression
d) time series analysis

36. In a a set of observations is available, usually represented by the records

of a dataset, whose target class is known.
b) Data Transformation
c) Data Reduction
d) Clustering problem

37. is used when the target variable takes on continuous values.

a) Classification

c) Data Transformation
d) Data Reduction

38. are used to identify interesting and recurring associations between groups of
records of a dataset.
a) Supervised Learning
b) Unsupervised Learning

d) time series analysis

39. The term refers to a homogeneous subgroup existing within a population.

a) Continuous
b) Discrete
c) Nominal

40. In there are no predefined classes or reference examples indicating the target

a) classification
b) regression

d) discrete

41. Business intelligence systems and mathematical models for decision making can achieve
accurate and effective results only

b) when the output data are correct.

c) when the input data are in sequence.
d) when the input data are organized.

42. may prove unsatisfactory due to incompleteness, noise and inconsistency.

a) The quantity of input data

c) The error of input data

d) The number of input data

43. Data may contain erroneous or anomalous values, which are usually referred to as
a) noise
c) risk
d) error

44. incomplete data one may adopt several techniques. Elimination, Inspection, Identification,
Substitution are techniques of .

b) Complete data
c) Raw data
d) Accurate data

45. The term refers to a random perturbation within the values of a numerical
attribute, usually resulting in noticeable anomalies.

b) outliers
c) risk
d) error

46. corresponds to shifting the decimal point by h positions toward the left.
a) rational scaling

c) normal scaling
d) z-index scaling

47. Transformations which used to generate new attributes that represent a set of additional
columns in the matrix X representing the dataset D are referred to as .

b) Feature selection
c) Feature scaling

d) Feature grouping

48. , accuracy and simplicity of the models are three main criteria to determine
whether a data reduction technique should be used.
a) Order

c) Sequence
d) Purpose

49. The purpose of is to eliminate from the dataset a subset of variables which
are not deemed relevant for the purpose of the data mining activities.
a) Feature extraction.

c) Feature scaling
d) Feature grouping

50. Filter methods, wrapper methods and embedded methods are three main categories of
a) Feature extraction.
b) Feature scaling
c) Feature grouping

Unit III

1. Business intelligence system provides tools and methodologies to knowledge workers

to help them to take .
a) Effective decision.
b) Timely decision

d) Efficient Decision.

2. is the outcome of extraction and processing activities carried out on data.

a) Knowledge

c) Data
d) Raw Data

3. The objective of B.I is

a) .
b) To support information gathering.
c) To support data collection.
d) To support data analysis.

4. Which of the following is not a component of business intelligence analysis cycle?

a) Analysis

b) Insight
c) Decision

5. In BI Architecture, It is used to gather and integrate the data stored in various primary and
secondary sources.
a) Data Warehouse
b) Data mart

d) None of the above.

6. Extraction of information and knowledge from data is known as

b) Optimisation
c) Data exploration
d) Data mart

7. Following are the phases of Development of a business intelligence system.

a) Analysis and Design
b) Planning
c) Implementation and Control

8. Decision making process is of phases.

b) Five
c) Two
d) Six

9. Well defined and recurring decision-making procedure is called

b) Semi-structured
c) Operational
d) Unstructured

10. In approach, a decision maker considers economic, tactical legal, ethical,

procedural and political factors.
a) Absolute rationality approach
b) Bounded rationality approach

d) None of the above.

11. Which of the following is finally produced by Hierarchical Clustering?

a) final estimate of cluster centroids

c) assignment of each point to clusters

d) all the mentioned

12. Which of the following is required by K-means clustering?

a) defined distance metric

b) number of clusters
c) initial guess as to cluster centroids

13. Point out the wrong statement.

a) k-means clustering is a method of vector quantization
b) k-means clustering aims to partition n observations into k clusters
c) s
d) none of the mentioned

14. Which of the following clustering requires merging approach?

a) Partitional

c) Naive Bayes
d) None of the mentioned

15. Which of the following gave rise to need of graphs in data analysis?
a) Data visualization
b) Communicating results
c) Decision making

16. Which of the following is characteristic of exploratory graph?

a) Made slowly
b) Axes are not cleaned up

d) All the mentioned

17. Which of the following information is not given by five-number summary?

a) Mean
b) Median

d) All the mentioned

18. Which of the following graph can be used for simple summarization of data?
a) Scatterplot
b) Overlaying

d) All the mentioned

19. Which of the following problem is solved by reproducibility?

a) Scalability

c) Improved data analysis

d) None of the mentioned

20. Classify variable which is not continuous.

a) age
b) height

d) revenue of medical shop

21. are supervised learning methods for predicting the value of a categorical target

b) Clustering
c) Regression
d) Customization

22. Neural Networks are methods of?

a) Regression
b) Clustering

d) Customization

23. The development of classification model consists of main phases: Training phase,
, Prediction phase.
a) Dividing Phase
b) Combining Phase

d) Sorting Phase

24. methods make use of classification methods based on simple and intuitive
a) Separation
b) Regression
c) Probabilistic

25. model is used for prediction of continuous target variables

a) Probabilistic

c) Separation
d) Heuristic

26. The method involves subdividing the m observations available into two disjoint

b) Repeated random sampling

c) Cross validation
d) Confusion matrix

27. Decision tree initially starts with.

b) Leaf
c) Terminal
d) Branch

28. The purpose of clustering is the identification of homogenous groups called .

a) Records

b) Pairs

d) Observations

29. develops a subdivision of given dataset into pre-determined number of non-empty

a) s
b) Hierarchical methods
c) Density Based methods
d) Grid methods

30. Which of the following clustering type has characteristic shown in the below figure?
a) Partitional

c) Naive Bayes
d) None of the mentioned

31. Which of the following is required by K-means clustering?

a) defined distance metric
b) number of clusters
c) initial guess as to cluster centroids

32. k-means clustering is also referred to as

b) Optimizing partitioning
c) Divisive clustering
d) Agglomerative clustering

33. Which statement is not true about cluster analysis?

a) Objects in one cluster are similar to each other and dissimilar to objects in the
other clusters.
b) Cluster analysis is also called classification analysis or numerical taxonomy.
c) Groups or clusters are suggested by the data, not defined a priori.

34. Clustering is what type of learning?

a) Supervised

c) Semi-supervised
d) None of the above

35. Which method of analysis does not classify variables as dependent or independent?
a) regression analysis
b) discriminant analysis
c) analysis of variance

36. In the K-means clustering algorithm the distance between cluster centroid to each object
is calculated using......method.
a) Cluster distance

c) Cluster width
d) None of above

37. Which of the following clustering algorithms suffers from the problem of convergence at
local optima?

b) Hierarchical clustering
c) Diverse clustering
d) All the above

38. A perceptron is:

b) an auto-associative neural network

c) a double layer auto-associative neural network
d) a neural network that contains feedback

39. Automated vehicle is an example of

b) Unsupervised learning
c) Active learning
d) Reinforcement learning

40. Classify variable which is not continuous.

a) age
b) height

d) revenue of medical shop

41. are supervised learning methods for predicting the value of a categorical target

b) Clustering
c) Regression
d) Customization

42. Neural Networks are methods of?

a) Regression
b) Clustering c)

d) Customization

43. The development of classification model consists of main phases: Training phase,
, Prediction phase.
a) Dividing Phase
b) Combining Phase

d) Sorting Phase

44. methods make use of classification methods based on simple and intuitive
a) Separation
b) Regression
c) Probabilistic

45. model is used for prediction of continuous target variables

a) Probabilistic

c) Separation
d) Heuristic

46. The method involves subdividing the m observations available into two disjoint

b) Repeated random sampling

c) Cross validation
d) Confusion matrix

47. Decision tree initially starts with.

b) Leaf
c) Terminal
d) Branch

48. The purpose of clustering is the identification of homogenous groups called .

a) Records
b) Pairs

d) Observations

49. develops a subdivision of given dataset into pre-determined number of non-empty


b) Hierarchical methods
c) Density Based methods
d) Grid methods

50. is also called as single linkage criterion.

b) Maximum Distance
c) Mean Distance
d) Distance between centroids

51. is also called as complete linkage criterion.

a) Minimum Distance

c) Mean Distance
d) Distance between centroids

52. Agglomerative methods are techniques.

a) Top-Down
b) Left-Right
c) Right-Left

53. Divisive methods are techniques.

b) Left-Right
c) Right-Left
d) Bottom-Up

54. When data are classified according to a single characteristic, it is called:

a) Quantitative classification
b) Qualitative classification
c) Area classification

55. Cluster is

b) Operations on a database to transform or simplify data in order to prepare it

for a machine-learning algorithm
c) Symbolic representation of facts or ideas from which information can
potentially be extracted
d) None of these

56. Which of the following statements about Naive Bayes is incorrect?

a) Attributes are equally important.

c) Attributes are statistically independent of one another given the class value.
d) Attributes can be nominal or numeric

57. Suppose we would like to perform clustering on spatial data such as the geometrical
locations of houses. We wish to produce clusters of many different sizes and shapes.
Which of the following methods is the most appropriate?
a) Decision Trees

c) Model-based clustering
d) K-means clustering

58. Bayesian classifiers is

b) Any mechanism employed by a learning system to constrain the search space

of a hypothesis

c) An approach to the design of learning algorithms that is inspired by the fact

that when people encounter new situations, they often explain them by
reference to familiar experiences, adapting the explanations to fit the new
d) None of these

59. Classification is

b) A measure of the accuracy, of the classification of a concept that is given by a

certain theory
c) The task of assigning a classification to a set of examples
d) None of these

60. Classification of data according to location or areas is called:

a) Qualitative classification
b) Quantitative classification

d) Chronological classification

61. In classification, the data are arranged according to:

b) Differences
c) Percentages
d) Ratios

62. Which of the following curve analysis is conducted on each predictor for classification?
a) NOC
c) COC
d) All the mentioned

Unit IV

1. Which of the following is not a component of Relational Marketing?

a) Organisation
b) BI and Data Mining
c) Technology

2. Which of the following is true?

b) Intensity of Relation is low for B2B

c) Intensity of Relation is high for B2C
d) Does not depend on whether it is B2B or B2C.

3. The aim of strategy is to initiate, strengthen, intensify and preserve over

time the relationships between a company and its stakeholders.
a) proportional marketing
b) business intelligence

d) artificial marketing

4. The number of customers and their characteristics strongly influence of the

relationship with an enterprise.

b) the relative sequence

c) the cost effects
d) the behaviour

5. Which of the following is not included in Cycle of Relational Marketing Analysis?

a) Collecting information on Customers
b) Identifying their needs

d) Planning based on knowledge

6. Which of the following is not a stage in “Lifetime of a Customer”?

a) Acquisition
b) Cross/Up Selling
c) Retention

7. Which of the following is not part of Web Mining?

a) Content Mining
b) Structure Mining

d) Usage Mining

8. Which of the fallowing is False for Supply Chain?

a) It is network of connected and inter dependent organizational units
b) Strong Coordination is required
c) It improves flow of materials if it is effective

9. Which of the following is not an optimization model?

a) Extra Capacity

c) Backlogging
d) Multiple Plants

10. Planning, target selection, channel selection, content selection, campaign cycle,
optimization comes under campaigns.
a) Business campaigns

c) Sales campaigns
d) System campaigns

11. It is a managerial Policy whose purpose is to maximize profit through an optimal

balance between demand and supply.
e) Management insight
f) Economic System

g) Sales System

12. CCR Model stands for:

b) Charley-Common-Rules
c) Challenging-Common-Rules
d) Cooper-Common-Rules

13. The expresses relationship between the Inputs utilized

and Outputs Produced:
a) Efficiency Function
b) Effective Frontier

d) Effective Fact

14. One of the main difficulties in loyalty analysis is

a) understanding concept

c) relocating market
d) communication

15. The term cross-selling refers to

a) the attempt to change the idea of product
b) the attempt to order something

d) sell product to another customer

16. The term up-selling refers to

b) complaining about lower version product

c) selling second-hand products
d) making good feedback of customer

17. The purpose of market basket analysis is

a) to gain invoice

c) to provide services to customer

d) to gain negative feedback

18. Which methods can be traced back to data mining problems?

b) Shell mining
c) Web mining
d) Scrap mining

19. Content mining include

a) Static links
b) Dynamic links

d) User Profile

20. The database provides access to data on customers’ contacts with the call
a) log center

c) address center
d) sequence center

21. analysis is mostly concerned with clickstreams – the sequences of pages

visited during a given session.

b. Image mining
c. Web mining
d. Data mining

22. The term is generally taken to mean the whole set of people and roles that
are involved.
a. Response management

c. Assessment
d. Formulation

23. Designing a sales territory means .

a. grouping customers and assigning agent

c. Coupling customers to an agent

d. Measuring distances

24. The purpose of assessment and control activities is

a) to control customers
b) to measure geographical distance
c) to minimize weighted sum

25. play a key role in the formulation of models for designing and planning a
sales network.

b) Ready function
c) Sales function
d) Network function

26. design involves allocating sales coverage units to individual agents to

minimize a weighted sum of two terms
a) System Design

c) Minimum territory
d) Integrated design

27. The major purpose of an integrated logistic process is

b) to maximize a total cost function

c) to combine cost function
d) none of above

28. In relational marketing the first step is the of the data available for each

b) Explanation
c) Management
d) Combination

29. The aim of the integrated planning and operations of the supply chain is

b) to group customer
c) to combine and evaluate from a customer
d) to combine and evaluate from a proportional approach

30. The term refers to the possibility that a portion of the demand due in a
given period may be satisfied in a subsequent period, incurring an additional penalty

b) Salesforce
c) System Design
d) Frontier

31. is a managerial policy whose purpose is to maximize profits through

an optimal balance between demand and supply.
a) Salesforce management
b) Data management

d) Profit management

32. For what purpose does Revenue management involve the application of mathematical

b) to predict the customer age

c) to predict the behaviour of customers at a first level
d) to make financial models

33. The purpose of revenue management is

a) to minimize profits

c) to generate risk
d) to make report

34. The purpose of data envelopment analysis (DEA) is

a) to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of individuals
b) to predict the behaviour of customers at a first level

d) to minimize a total cost function

35. Data envelopment analysis relies on

b) decision indicator
c) performance
d) making units

36. In data envelopment analysis the units being compared are called
a) Profit making units (PMUs)

c) Cost-making units (CMUs)

d) Performance making units (PMUs)

37. The expresses the relationship between the inputs utilized and the outputs
a) Backward frontier

c) Backlog
d) productivity indicator

38. Data envelopment analysis identifies for each inefficient unit a set of excellent units,
called .

b) Network group
c) Customer group
d) Organizational group

39. The analysis of _provides information on the nature of the weights system.
a) productivity indicator
b) Organizational group

d) Peer group

40. provide information on the relative importance that each unit attributes to
each individual input and output.
a) customer relationship management

c) Decision-making units (DMUs)

d) Cost-making units (CMUs)

41. is used to separate the units that are really efficient from those whose
efficiency score is more.
a) cross-efficiency
b) Backlog
c) performance

42. CRM is
a) customer retention manager
b) customer reseller management

d) customer regression management

43. involves the analysis of the content of web pages to extract useful
a) Usage mining
b) Image mining
c) Web mining

44. The area between the efficient frontier and the positive horizontal semi-axis is called

b) customer relationship management

c) Efficient frontier
d) Backlog

45. are given by the product of the outputs of the unit and the associated optimal

b) virtual inputs
c) virtual cost
d) virtual path

46. The is a critical channel for the communication and promotion of a

company’s image.

b) Virtual
c) Big data
d) Server

47. is a matter of working out the optimal number of agents that should
operate within the selected structure.
a) Sales scaling

c) Sales management
d) Sales cost

Unit V

1. Which among these are the key stages for managing organisational transformation

b) Manage the future

c) Both
d) None of the above

2. represent how you increase the ability of individuals within the organisations to
influence others with the knowledge.

b) Processes
c) Technology
d) Culture

3. It addresses how you choose, configure and utilise tools and automation to enable
knowledge management.
a) People
b) Processes

d) Culture

4. It directs how you transform organizational structures to facilitate and encourage

cross discipline and expertise.
a) Binding
b) Context

d) Association

5. Characteristics of expert systems

b) Demonstrating
c) Advising
d) Diagnosing

6. Capabilities of expert systems.

a) Reliable

c) High Responsive
d) Understandable

7. In-capabilities of expert systems.

a) Advising
b) Diagnosing
c) Interpreting input

8. Strategy followed for finding cause or reasons.


b) Forward Chaining
c) Facts
d) Decisions

9. Strategy followed for working on conclusion, results or effects.

a) Backward Chaining

c) Facts
d) Decisions

10. Levels in ES technology

b) Design
c) Both
d) None

11. Knowledge Management Activity aims at

a) Total turning test
b) The rational agent approaches

d) Thinking humanly

12. The challenges faced by Knowledge Management System are

a) Psychology

c) Control theory and cybernetics

d) Computer Engineering

13. Which of the following is not a Capabilities of Expert Systems?

a) Advising
b) Demonstrating
c) Explaining

14. What is the form of Knowledge representation?



15. Which of the following is not a benefit of Expert Systems?

a) Availability
b) Speed

d) Less Error Rate

16. Which is the key area in which Knowledge Management is applied

a) Technological Advances
b) Inference Engine

c) Globalization of Business
d) a & c

17. The advantage of AI over Natural Intelligence are

a) Fabulous speed
b) Less baised
c) Error prone

18. Data, information, and past experience combined together are termed as .
a) Inference
b) Acquisition
c) vision

19. A is nothing but an expert system without knowledge base.

a) Tools
b) Expert System

d) knowledge

20. What kind of signal is used in speech recognition?

a) Electromagnetic signal
b) Electric signal

d) Radar

21. Which one of the following is not a type of Knowledge?

a) Declarative Knowledge
b) Procedural Knowledge
c) Tactic Knowledge

22. KDD Stands for:

a) Knowledge Discovery Data

c) Knowledge Database Discovery

d) Knowledge Data Discovery

23. Who introduced the term “Artificial Intelligence”?

a) Arthur Samule
b) Marvin Lee Minsky

d) E. F. Codd

24. In which of the following steps of expert system development, the knowledge should
be represented in IF-THEN-ELSE rules form?
a) System Design
b) Expert System Development and Completion
c) Prototype Development

d) Problem Domain Identification

25. Forward Chaining Strategy is used by to recommend a solution.

a) Inference Engine
b) Knowledge Engine
c) Expert Engine
d) Forward Engine

26. is required to exhibit intelligence.

a) Data
b) Knowledge
c) Information
d) High-quality data

27. Which of the following is not a component of ES?

a) Knowledge Base
b) Inference Engine
c) User Interface

28. Human use content memory and thinking whereas, robots are using the , designed
by scientists.
a) Knowledge
b) Data

d) High Level Information

29. Knowledge is resource.

a) Replaceable
b) Draining
c) Exhaustible
d) Depleting

30. Who is the person who is responsible for making knowledge management effort in
an organization.
a) CIO
b) CEO

d) CKE

31. First basic step for knowledge management process is

a) summarizing information

c) Data analysis
d) Data classification

32. Following step is not involved in knowledge management process

a) Decision making
b) Information Analysing

d) Synthesizing

33. Who is not involved in organizational transformation?

a) People
b) process
c) technology

34. Artificial intelligence is a study and design of

a) operations research

c) neuroscience
d) control theory

35. Expert systems are capable of

b) refining their own knowledge

c) possessing human capabilities
d) substituting human

36. Knowledge consist of

a) Data and Information only
b) past experience and data only

d) only past experience

37. Knowledge engineers acquire information from subject expert by

a) recording
b) interviewing
c) observing his/her work

38. Forward and Backward chaining are the strategies of

a) Inference Engine
b) Knowledge management process
c) Data mining process
d) Effective communication process

39. The components of Expert system include

a) knowledge base

c) user interface
d) all of above

40. knowledge management process has basic steps

a) 4

c) 8
d) 7

41. Gathered information in knowledge management is organised, stored, shared and

using defined techniques.
a) Collected

c) Planned
d) Minimized

42. Knowledge Management process has basically six steps, they are collecting, organizing,
summarizing, analysing, synthesizing and of data.

b) Knowledge processing
c) Planning
d) Arranging

43. In data collection procedure of knowledge management process, certain data collection
points define the of certain routine reports.
a) Idea
b) Knowledge
c) Data

44. Lengthy information is presented in or graphical format and stored in appropriate

form in summarizing step of knowledge management process.
a) unorganised

c) sequential
d) unstructured

45. In decision making step of Knowledge Management process the is used for decision
a) Data

c) Information
d) Metadata

46. People are ultimately the of knowledge.

a) Storage
b) Gainer

d) Acquire

47. Learning organisation is an organisation characterised by a deep commitment to learning

and with the intention of continuous improvement.
a) Education
b) Understanding
c) Training
d) Improving

48. The three key stages for managing organisational transformation for critical success factor
are break with the past, managing the past and .

a) Invest in present

c) Managing the present

d) Outlining the future

49. is a way of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or a software think

intelligently, in the similar manner the intelligent humans think.
a) Machine Intelligence

c) Linguistic Intelligence
d) Naturalistic Intelligence

50. are one of the prominent research domains of Artificial Intelligence.

a) Knowledge Management Systems
b) Data driven Systems

d) Cognitive Systems

51. Data, information and past experience combined together are termed as .
a) Intelligence

c) Expert systems
d) Data driven systems

52. is a strategy of an expert system to answer the question, “What can happen next?”

b) Backward Chaining
c) Total Task Chaining
d) Backward Reasoning

1. Business intelligence system provides tools and methodologies to knowledge

workers to help them to take .

A. Effective decision.

B. Timely decision

C. Both 1 and 2.

D. Efficient Decision.

Ans: 3

2. is the outcome of extraction and processing activities carried out on


A. Knowledge

B. Information

C. Data

D. Raw Data

Ans: 2

3. The objective of B.I is

A. To support decision-making and complex problem solving.


B. To support information gathering.

C. To support data collection.

D. To support data analysis.

Ans: A

4. Which of the following is not a component of business intelligence analysis cycle?

A. Analysis

B. Insight

C. Decision

D. Design

Ans: D

5. In BI Architecture, It is used to gather and integrate the data stored in various

primary and secondary sources.

A. Data Warehouse

B. Data mart

C. Data Sources

D. None of the above.

Ans: C

6. Extraction of information and knowledge from data is known as

A. Data mining

B. Optimisation

C. Data exploration

D. Data mart

Ans: A

7. Following are the phases of Development of a business intelligence system.

A. Analysis and Design

B. Planning


C. Implementation and Control

D. All of the above

Ans: D

8. Decision making process is of phases.

A. Three

B. Five

C. Two

D. Six

Ans: B

9. Well defined and recurring decision making procedure is called

A. Structured

B. Semi-structured

C. Operational

D. Unstructured

Ans: A

10. In approach, a decision maker considers economic, tactical legal,

ethical, procedural and political factors.

A. Absolute rationality approach

B. Bounded rationality approach

C. Rational approach

D. None of the above.

Ans: C


Q1. a) Data mart is a subset of data warehouse.


b) Data marts contain repositories of summarized data collected for

analysis on a specific section or unit within an organization.

a) Only a is correct

b) Only b is correct

c)Both are correct

d)Both are wrong.

Ans: c

Q2. is the outcome of extraction and processing activities carried out

on data.

a) Data

b) Information

c) Knowledge

d) Wisdom

Ans: b

Q3. In ETL ‘E’ stands for

a) External

b) Extraction

c) Extreme

d) None of the above

Ans: b

Q4. DSS stands for:

a) Decision Support System.

b) Definition support System.

c) Data sub system

d) Data storage system.


Ans: a

Q5. represent the real problem situations.

a) Data

b) Models

c) Tools

d) Information

Ans: a

Q6. During the phase, additional data conversion occurs to

performed to obtain the summaries that will reduce the response time.

a) Loading.

b) Extraction.

c) Transformation

d) Performance Evaluation.

Ans: c

Q7. Optimization is:

a) Determine the best solution.

b) Successful marketing approaches to achieve the optimum outcome.

c) Getting the greatest return for the least expenditure of time, effort,

d) All the above.

Ans: d

Q8. (a)A decision support system helps in decision making but does not
necessarily give a decision itself.

(b) decision support system is a computer-based application that collects

organizes and analyses business data to facilitate quality business decision
making for management, operations, and planning.


a) only a is correct.

b) only b is correct

c) both are correct.

d) both are wrong.

Ans: c

Q9. measurements express the level of conformity of a given

system to the objectives for which it was designed.

a) Effectiveness

b) Efficiency

c) Evaluation

d) Feedback

Ans: a

Q10. is the first stage in developing in decision support system.

a) Analysis

b) Design

c) Knowledge Acquisition

d) Planning

Ans: c


Q11.Data by itself is not useful unless

A. It is massive

B. It is processed to obtain information


C. It is collected from diverse sources

D. It is properly stated


12. Decision support systems are used for

A. Management decision making

B. Providing tactical information to management

C. Providing strategic information to management

D. Better operation of an organization


Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs
which includes :

A. Decision support

B. Data mining


D. All of the mentioned


14. Decision support systems are used by

A. Line managers.

B. Top-level managers.

C. Middle level managers.


D. System users


15. Which of following is not phase of decision making process

A. Design

B. Analysis

C. Intelligence

D. Choice


16. is a broad category of applications and technologies for

gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing access to data to help
enterprise users make better business decisions.

A. best practice

B. data mart

C. business information warehouse

D. business intelligence


17. Organizations have hierarchical structures because

A. it is convenient to do so

B. it is done by every organization


C. specific responsibilities can be assigned for each level

D. it provides opportunities for promotions


18. Strategic information is needed for

A. Day to day operations

B. Meet government requirements

C. Long range planning

D. Short range planning


19. Decision support systems are essential for

A. Day–to-day operation of an organization.

B. Providing statutory information.

C. Top level strategic decision making.

D. Ensuring that organizations are profitable.


20. Computer information system are most successful in providing

information for:

A. Control decisions

B. Planning decision


C. Strategic decision

D. None of the above


By Priyanka, Pillai HOC college



Q. 1 What is a model ?

A. a selective abstraction of real world

B. a selective imagination of 1st world
C. a selective proposal of real world
D. a selective example of second word

Correct answer: A

Q. 2 A material representation of a real system, whose behaviour is imitated for the

the purpose of the analysis is called as ?

A. Analogical Model


B. Iconic Model
C. Symbolic Model
D. Static Model

Correct answer: B

Q. 3 In which model some input information represents random events characterized

by a probability distribution?

A. Stochastic
B. Iconic
C. Symbolic
D. Static

Correct answer: A

Q.4 What is allowed by Sensitivity and Scenario analyses be assessed ?

A. the robustness of optimal decisions from variations in the input parameters.

B. the robustness of optimal decisions to variations into input parameters.
C. the robustness of optimal decisions to variations in the input data.
D. the robustness of optimal decisions to variations in the input parameters.
Correct answer: D

Q. 5 Which model observes the status of a system only at the beginning or at the end
of discrete intervals ?

A. Discrete-time dynamic models

B. Static-time dynamic models
C. Symbolic -time dynamic models
D. Iconic-time dynamic models
Correct answer: A

Q. 6 The purpose of explanatory models is to functionally identify a possible

relationship between a dependent variable and ?
A. a set of positive attributes
B. a set of negative attributes


C. a set of neutral attributes

D. a set of independent attributes

Correct answer: D

Q. 7 Which is one of the primary objective of mathematical models ?

A. to identify regular patterns in the data

B. to identify irregular patterns in the data
C. to identify negative patterns in the data
D. to identify neutral patterns in the data

Correct answer: A

Q.8 The conceptual paradigm outlined determines a wide and popular class of
mathematical models for decision making, represented by models

A. optimization models
B. stochastic models
C. supervised models
D. iconic models
Correct answer: A

Q.9 What is the aim of Data Mining?

A. extracting information and knowledge

B. useful for knowledge workers in decision making
C. extracting raw data
D. Both A & B

Correct answer: D

Q.10 On which learning methods the Data Mining method is based?

A. inductive learning methods

B. deductive learning methods
C. basic learning methods


D. comprehensive learning methods

Correct answer: A

Q.11 What is the purpose of Interpretation?

A. to identify regular patterns in the data

B. to express the rules and criteria for easy understanding
C. to identify irregular patterns in the data
D. Both A & B

Correct answer: D

Q.12 Classification Trees or Association Rules are also called as?

A. machine learning
B. knowledge discovery in databases
C. deep learning
D. A&B

Correct answer: D

Which is the last Phases of mathematical models for decision making

(a) Problem Identification

(b) Implementation and Testing
(c) Model Formation
(d) Development of Algorithm

Answer b

Which mathematical model aims at understand the mechanisms that regulate the
development of intelligence, ability to extract knowledge from past experience in order to
apply it in the future.

a. Risk analysis models

b. Optimization models
c. Pattern recognition Models
d. Waiting line models


Answer C
In which Mathematical mode the decision maker is required to choose among a number of
available alternatives

a. Risk analysis models

b. Optimization models
c. Pattern recognition Models
d. Waiting line models

Answer A
Which of the statement is not true about Data Mining?

a) The term data mining refer to the overall process consisting of data gathering and
analysis, development of inductive learning models and adoption of practical decisions and
consequent actions based on the knowledge acquired.
b) Data mining analysis is to draw a fresh conclusion without investigating the past data,
observations and interpretations
c) Data mining activities can be subdivided into two major investigation streams,
interpretation and prediction.
d) The data mining process is based on inductive learning methods

Answer b
Which is not the Phase of data Mining Process

A. Data Gathering
B. Selection of Attributes
C. Prediction and interpretation
D. Data Discarding

Answer D

Data Inception Means

(a) inspection of each missing value

(b) identify missing values
(c) replacement of missing Data
(d) discard all records

Answer a
Data Elimination Means


(a) inspection of each missing value

(b) identify missing values
(c) replacement of missing Data
(d) discard all records

Answer d
Data mining activities can be subdivided into two major investigation streams , which are
a. Interpretation and Sampling
b. Interpretation and Prediction.
c. Forecast and Prediction
d. Forecast and Interpretation

Answer b.
Which is the Application of Data Miming

a. Fraud Detection
b. Risk Analysis
c. Both a & b
d. Only b

Answer C
learning analyses are not guided by a target attribute.
a. Supervised
b. Guided
c. Unguided
d. Unsupervised

Answer d


Business intelligence system provides tools and methodologies to knowledge workers to

help them to take .
A. Effective decision.
B. Timely decision
C. Both 1 and 2.
D. Efficient Decision.
Ans: 3

is the outcome of extraction and processing activities carried out on data.

A. Knowledge
B. Information
C. Data
D. Raw Data
Ans: 2

The objective of B.I is

A. To support decision-making and complex problem solving.
B. To support information gathering.


C. To support data collection.

D. To support data analysis.
Ans: A
Which of the following is not a component of business intelligence analysis cycle?
A. Analysis
B. Insight
C. Decision
D. Design
Ans: D
In BI Architecture, It is used to gather and integrate the data stored in various primary and
secondary sources.
A. Data Warehouse
B. Data mart
C. Data Sources
D. None of the above.
Ans: C
Extraction of information and knowledge from data is known as
A. Data mining
B. Optimisation
C. Data exploration
D. Data mart
Ans: A
Following are the phases of Development of a business intelligence system.
A. Analysis and Design
B. Planning
C. Implementation and Control
D. All of the above
Ans: D
Decision making process is of phases.
A. Three
B. Five
C. Two
D. Six
Ans: B
Well defined and recurring decision making procedure is called
A. Structured
B. Semi-structured
C. Operational
D. Unstructured
Ans: A
In approach, a decision maker considers economic, tactical legal, ethical,
procedural and political factors.
A. Absolute rationality approach
B. Bounded rationality approach
C. Rational approach
D. None of the above.


Ans: C


1. Which of the following is finally produced by Hierarchical Clustering?

a) final estimate of cluster centroids

b) tree showing how close things are to each other

c) assignment of each point to clusters

d) all of the mentioned

Answer: b

Explanation: Hierarchical clustering is an agglomerative approach.

2. Which of the following is required by K-means clustering?

a) defined distance metric

b) number of clusters

c) initial guess as to cluster centroids

d) all of the mentioned

Answer: d

Explanation: K-means clustering follows partitioning approach.

3. Point out the wrong statement.

a) k-means clustering is a method of vector quantization

b) k-means clustering aims to partition n observations into k clusters

c) k-nearest neighbor is same as k-means

d) none of the mentioned

Answer: c

Explanation: k-nearest neighbor has nothing to do with k-means.


4. Which of the following function is used for k-means clustering?

a) k-means

b) k-mean

c) heatmap

d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a

Explanation: K-means requires a number of clusters.

5. Which of the following clustering requires merging approach?

a) Partitional

b) Hierarchical

c) Naive Bayes

d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b

Explanation: Hierarchical clustering requires a defined distance as well.

6. Which of the following gave rise to need of graphs in data analysis?

a) Data visualization

b) Communicating results

c) Decision making

d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d

Explanation: A picture can tell better story than data.

7. Which of the following is characteristic of exploratory graph?


a) Made slowly

b) Axes are not cleaned up

c) Color is used for personal information

d) All of the mentioned

Answer: c

Explanation: A large number of exploratory graphs are made.

8. Which of the following information is not given by five-number summary?

a) Mean

b) Median

c) Mode

d) All of the mentioned

Answer: c

Explanation: The mode is the value that appears most often in a set of data.

9. Which of the following graph can be used for simple summarization of data?

a) Scatterplot

b) Overlaying

c) Barplot

d) All of the mentioned

Answer: c Explanation:

bar chart or bar graph is a chart that presents Grouped data with rectangular bars with lengths
proportional to the values that they represent.

10. Which of the following problem is solved by reproducibility?


a) Scalability

b) Data availability

c) Improved data analysis

d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b

Explanation: More transparency is achieved with reproducibility.

Which of the following clustering type has characteristic shown in the below figure?

a) Partitional
b) Hierarchical
c) Naive bayes
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b

Which of the following is required by K-means clustering?

a) defined distance metric
b) number of clusters
c) initial guess as to cluster centroids
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: d

k-means clustering is also referred to as

a. Non-hierarchical clustering
b. Optimizing partitioning
c. Divisive clustering


d. Agglomerative clustering
Answer: a

Which statement is not true about cluster analysis?

a. Objects in one cluster are similar to each other and dissimilar to objects in the other
b. Cluster analysis is also called classification analysis or numerical taxonomy.
c. Groups or clusters are suggested by the data, not defined a priori.
d. Cluster analysis is a technique for analysing data when the criterion or dependent variable
is categorical and the independent variables are interval in nature.
Answer: d

Clustering is what type of learning?

a. Supervised
b. Unsupervised
c. Semi-supervised
d. None of the above
Answer: b

Which method of analysis does not classify variables as dependent or independent?

a. regression analysis
b. discriminant analysis
c. analysis of variance
d. cluster analysis
Answer: d

In the K-means clustering algorithm the distance between cluster centroid to each object is
calculated using..... method.
a. Cluster distance
b. Euclidean distance
c. Cluster width
d. None of above
Answer: b

Which of the following clustering algorithms suffers from the problem of convergence at local
a. K- Means clustering
b. Hierarchical clustering
c. Diverse clustering
d. All of the above
Answer: d

A perceptron is:
a) a single layer feed-forward neural network with pre-processing
b) an auto-associative neural network
c) a double layer auto-associative neural network


d) a neural network that contains feedback

Answer: a
Automated vehicle is an example of
a) Supervised learning
b) Unsupervised learning
c) Active learning
d) Reinforcement learning
Answer: a
Questions Answers
Classify variable which is not continuous.
a. age
b. height
c. gender
d. revenue of medical shop
Ans : c

are supervised learning methods for predicting the value of a categorical target

a) Classification
b) Clustering
c) Regression
d) Customization A

Neural Networks are methods of ?

a) Regression
b) Clustering
c) Classification
d) Customization C

The development of classification model consists of main phases: Training phase,

,Prediction phase.

a) Dividing Phase
b) Combining Phase
c) Testing Phase
d) Sorting Phase
methods make use of classification methods based on simple and intuitive

a) Separation
b) Regression
c) Probabilistic


d) Heuristic D
model is used for prediction of continuous target variables

a) Probabilistic
b) Regression
c) Separation
d) Heuristic b
The method involves subdividing the m observations available into two disjoint
a) Holdout
b) Repeated random sampling
c) Cross validation
d) Confusion matrix
Decision tree initially starts with ?
a) Root
b) Leaf
c) Terminal
d) Branch A
The purpose of clustering is the identification of homogenous groups called .

a) Records
b) Pairs
c) Clusters
d) Observations
develops a subdivision of given dataset into pre-determined number of non-empty

a) Partition methods
b) Hierarchical methods
c) Density Based methods
d) Grid methods
is also called as single linkage criterion.

a) Minimum Distance
b) Maximum Distance
c) Mean Distance
d) Distance between centroids
1. is also called as complete linkage criterion.

a) Minimum Distance
b) Maximum Distance
c) Mean Distance


d) Distance between centroids

Agglomerative methods are techniques.

a) Top-Down
b) Left-Right
c) Right-Left
d) Bottom-Up
Divisive methods are techniques.

a) Top-Down
b) Left-Right
c) Right-Left
d) Bottom-Up

When data are classified according to a single characteristic, it is called:

(a) Quantitative classification (b) Qualitative classification
(c) Area classification (d) Simple classification
Answer d
Cluster is

Group of similar objects that differ significantly from other objects
Operations on a database to transform or simplify data in order to prepare it for a
machine-learning algorithm
Symbolic representation of facts or ideas from which information can potentially be extracted
None of these
Answer A

Which of the following statements about Naive Bayes is incorrect?

a) Attributes are equally important.

b) Attributes are statistically dependent of one another given the class value.

c) Attributes are statistically independent of one another given the class value.

d) Attributes can be nominal or numeric

Answer B


Suppose we would like to perform clustering on spatial data such as the geometrical
locations of houses. We wish to produce clusters of many different sizes and shapes. Which
of the following methods is the most appropriate?

a) Decision Trees b) Density-based clustering

c) Model-based clustering d) K-means clustering

Answer b
Bayesian classifiers is

A class of learning algorithm that tries to find an optimum classification of a set of examples
using the probabilistic theory.
Any mechanism employed by a learning system to constrain the search space of a
An approach to the design of learning algorithms that is inspired by the fact that when people
encounter new situations, they often explain them by reference to familiar experiences,
adapting the explanations to fit the new situation.
None of these
Answe A
Classification is

A.) A subdivision of a set of examples into a number of classes

B.)A measure of the accuracy, of the classification of a concept that is given by a certain
C.)The task of assigning a classification to a set of examples
D.)None of these
Answer A
Classification of data according to location or areas is called:
(a) Qualitative classification (b) Quantitative classification
(c) Geographical classification (d) Chronological classification
Answer c
In classification, the data are arranged according to:
(a) Similarities (b) Differences
(c) Percentages (d) Ratios

Answer a
Which of the following curve analysis is conducted on each predictor for classification?
a) NOC b) ROC
c) COC d) All of the mentioned

Answer b


What is formed by K-means Algorithum

a) Line b) cluster
c) Patches d) Systems
Answer c


Q1. Which among these are the key stages for managing organisational transformation
a) Break with the past
b) Manage the future
c) Both
d) None of the above
Ans: a


Q2. represent how you increase the ability of individuals within the
organisations to influence others with the knowledge.
a) People
b) Processes
c) Technology
d) Culture
Ans: a

Q3. It addresses how you choose, configure and utilise tools and automation to enable
knowledge management.
a) People
b) Processes
c) Technology
d) Culture
Ans: c

Q4. It directs how you transform organizational structures to facilitate and encourage
cross discipline awareness and expertise.
a) Binding
b) Context
c) Structure
d) Association
Ans: c

Q5. Characteristics of expert systems

a)High Performance
Ans: a

Q6. Capabilities of expert systems.

a) Reliable
b) Demonstrating
c) High Responsive
d) Understandable
Ans: b

Q7. In-capabilities of expert systems.

a) Advising
b) Diagnosing
c) Interpreting input


d) Refining their own knowledge

Ans: d

Q8. Strategy followed for finding cause or reasons.

a) Backward Chaining
b) Forward Chaining
c) Facts
d) Decisions
Ans: a

Q9. Strategy followed for working on conclusion, results or effects.

e) Backward Chaining
f) Forward Chaining
g) Facts
h) Decisions
Ans: b

Q10. Levels in ES technology

a) Shells
b) Design
c) Both
d) None

Knowledge Management Activity aims at
a) Total turning test
b) The rational agent approach
c) To build knowledge infrastructure
d) Thinking humanly

Answer: c
The challenges faced by Knowledge Management System are
a) Psychology
b) Communication and Collaboration
c) Control theory and cybernetics
d) Computer Engineering

Answer: b


Which of the following is not a Capabilities of Expert Systems?

a) Advising
b) Demonstrating
c) Explaining
d) Expanding

Answer : d

What is the form of Knowledge representation?


Answer: b
Which of the following is not a benefits of Expert Systems?
a) Availability
b) Speed
c) Time
d) Less Error Rate

Answer: c
Which is the key area in which Knowledge Management is applied
a) Technological Advances
b) Inference Engine
c) Globalization of Business
d) a&c

Answer: d

The advantage of AI over Natural Intelligence are

a) Fabulous speed
b) Less baised
c) Error prone
d) a & b
Answer: d

Data, information, and past experience combined together are termed as .

a) Inference
b) Acquisition
c) vision
d) knowledge


Answer: d

A is nothing but an expert system without knowledge base.

b) Expert System
c) shell
d) knowledge

Answer: c

What kind of signal is used in speech recognition?

a)Electromagnetic signal
b) Electric signal
c) Acoustic signal
d) Radar

Answer: c




Q1. which one of the following is not a type of Knowledge

A. Declarative Knowledge

B. Procedural Knowledge

C. Tactic Knowledge

D. Collective Knowledge

Correct answer D

Q2. KDD Stands for :

A. Knowledge Discovery Data

B. Knowledge Discovery in Database


C. Knowledge Database Discovery

D. Knowledge Data Discovery

Answer D

Q3. Who introduced the term “Artificial Intelligence”

A. Arthur Samule

B. Marvin Lee Minsky

C. Jhon McCarthy

D. E. F. Codd

Correct answer C

Q4. In which of the following steps of expert system development, the knowledge should
be represented in IF-THEN-ELSE rules form?

A. System Design

B. Expert System Development and Completion

C. Prototype Development

D. Problem Domain Identification

Correct answer C

Q5. Forward Chaining Strategy is used by to recommend a solution.

A. Inference Engine

B. Knowledge Engine


C. Expert Engine

D. Forward Engine

Correct answer A

Q6. is required to exhibit intelligence.

A. Data

B. Knowledge

C. Information

D. High-quality data

Correct answer B

Q7. Which of the following is not a component of ES .

A. Knowledge Base

B. Inference Engine

C. User Interface

D. High-level Data

Correct answer D


Q8. Human use content memory and thinking whereas, robots are using the ,
designed by scientists.

A. Knowledge

B. Data

C. built-in instruction

D. High Level Information

Correct answer C

Q9. Knowledge is resource.

A. Replaceable

B. Draining

C. Exhaustible

D. Depleting

Correct answer A

Q10. Who is the person who is responsible for making knowledge management effort in
an organization .





Correct answer C


TYBSCIT SEM 6 Business Intelligence MCQ for exam

Bsc. Information Technology (University of Mumbai)

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B.N.N College,Bhiwandi
Department Of Information Technology
Subject: Business Intelligence
Questions Bank
1. Business intelligence system provides tools and methodologies to
knowledge workers to help them to take______.

A. Effective decision.
B. Timely decision
C. Both 1 and 2.
D. Efficient Decision.

Answer: C

2. _________ is the outcome of extraction and processing activities

carried out on data.

A. Knowledge
B. Information
C. Data
D. Wisdom

Answer: B

3. The objective of B.I is

A. To support decision-making and complex problem solving.

B. To support information gathering.
C. To support data collection.
D. To support data analysis.

Answer: A

4. Which of the following is not a component of business intelligence

analysis cycle?

A. Analysis
B. Insight
C. Decision
D. Design

Answer: D

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5. In BI Architecture, It is used to gather and integrate the data stored in

various primary and secondary sources.

A. Data Warehouse
B. Data mart
C. Data Sources
D. Data explosion.

Answer: C

6. Extraction of information and knowledge from data is known as

A. Data mining
B. Optimisation
C. Data exploration
D. Data mart

Answer: A

7. Which phases is used for planning of Development of a business

intelligence system.

A. Analysis and Design

B. Planning
C. Implementation and Control
D. Maintenance

Answer: B

8. Decision making process is of ____________ phases.

A. Three
B. Five
C. Two
D. Six

Answer: B

9. Well defined and recurring decision making procedure is called

A. Structured
B. Semi-structured
C. Operational

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D. Unstructured

Answer: A

10. In ____________ approach, a decision maker considers economic,

tactical legal, ethical, procedural and political factors.

A. Absolute rationality approach

B. Bounded rationality approach
C. Rational approach
D. Un-Bounded rationality approach

Answer: C

11. a) Data mart is a subset of data warehouse.

b) Data marts contain repositories of summarized data collected for

analysis on a specific section or unit within an organization.

A. Only a is correct
B. Only b is correct
C. Both are correct
D. Both are wrong.

Answer: C

12. In ETL ‘E’ stands for

A. External
B. Extraction
C. Extreme
D. Extra-ordinal

Answer: B

13. DSS stands for:

A. Decision Support System.

B. Definition support System.

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C. Day–to-day System Support.

D. Data storage system.

Answer: A

14. ________represent the real problem situations.

A. Data
B. Models
C. Tools
D. Information

Answer: A

15. During the _________ phase, additional data conversion occurs to

performed to obtain the summaries that will reduce the response time.

A. Loading.
B. Extraction.
C. Transformation
D. Performance Evaluation.

Answer: C

16. Optimization is:

A. Determine the best solution.Successful marketing approaches to

achieve the optimum outcome.

B. Un-Successful marketing approaches to achieve the optimum

C. Getting the greatest return for the least expenditure of time, effort,
D. Determine the Worst solution.

Answer: A

17 . (a)A decision support system helps in decision making but does not
necessarily give a decision itself.

(b) decision support system is a computer-based application that

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collects organizes and analyses business data to facilitate quality business

decision making for management, operations, and planning.

A. only a is correct.
B. only b is correct
C. both are correct.
D. both are wrong.

Answer: C

18. ___________measurements express the level of conformity of a given

system to the objectives for which it was designed.

A. Effectiveness
B. Efficiency
C. Evaluation
D. Feedback

Answer: A

19. ___________is the first stage in developing in decision support


A. Analysis
B. Design
C. Knowledge Acquisition
D. Planning

Answer: C

20. Data by itself is not useful unless

A. It is massive
B. It is processed to obtain information
C. It is collected from diverse sources
D. It is properly stated

Answer: B

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22. Decision support systems are used for

A. Management decision making

B. Providing tactical information to management
C. Providing strategic information to management
D. Better operation of an organization

Answer: C

23. Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs

which includes:

A. Decision support,Datamining,OLTP
B. Decision support,Datacollection,OLAP
C. Decision Expert,Datamining,OLAP
D. Decision support,Datamining,OLAP

Answer: D

24. Decision support systems are used by

A. Line managers.
B. Top-level managers.
C. Middle level managers.
D. System users


25. Which of following is not phase of decision making process

A. Design
B. Analysis
C. Intelligence
D. Choice


26. ___________is a broad category of applications and technologies for

gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing access to data to help
enterprise users make better business decisions.

A. best practice

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B. data mart
C. business information warehouse
D. business intelligence


27. Organizations have hierarchical structures because

A. it is convenient to do so
B. it is done by every organization
C. specific responsibilities can be assigned for each level
D. it provides opportunities for promotions


28. Strategic information is needed for

A. Day to day operations

B. Meet government requirements
C. Long range planning
D. Short range planning


29. Decision support systems are essential for

A. Day–to-day operation of an organization.

B. Providing statutory information.
C. Top level strategic decision making.
D. Ensuring that organizations are profitable.


30. Computer information system are most successful in providing

information for

A. Control decisions
B. Planning decision
C. Strategic decision
D. Design decision

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31. Close System Cycle defined as

A. Which is System cycle does not need any output.

B. Able to modify their own output flows based on feedback.
C. Able to modify their own output flows based on process.
D. Able to modify their own output without any process.

32. Information is transformed into _____to make decisions.

A. Data
B. Information
C. Knowledge
D. File

33. Mathematical models are developed by

A. doing mathematical calculation
B. exploring the relationships with data.
C. developing mathematical logic
D. exploiting the relationships among system control variables
,parameters and evaluation metrics.

34. BI supports _______________ for data.

A. Files
B. Data Marts & Data Warehouse.
C. Data Mining
D. System database

35. The fourth phase of the BI cycle involves performances

A. Design
B. Evaluation
C. Intelligence
D. Graph

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36. ___________technologies enabling factors that have facilitate

development of BI with complex organizations
A. Application
B. System
C. business information
D. Hardware and Software

37. Phases are in Decision making process

A. Intelligence, Design, Choice, Implementation, Control.
B. Design, Develop, Apply
C. Data, Process, Develop, Implement, Control
D. Search, Sort, Design, Develop, Implement
38. Decisions can be classified into their ____________
A. concept and thoughts
B. Supply and Demand
C. Nature and Scope
D. Techniques

39. Knowledge Management increase in the ___________

A. no. of options considered.
B. no. of difficulties considered
C. no. of risks considered
D. no. of models considered

40. Business intelligence allows making _________ and timely decisions.

A. Effective
B. Correct
C. Right
D. Beneficiary


41. It is necessary to recognize and accurately spell out the problem in

_______ phase in the Cycle of a business intelligence analysis
A. Analysis

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B. Decision
C. Insight
D. Evaluation


42. ETL process consists of Extract, __________ and Load

A. Translate
B. Transmit
C. Track
D. Transform


43. Analysis, Design, Planning and ________________ are the

Phases in the development of a business intelligence system

A. Implementation
B. Control
C. Implementation and control
D. Coding


44. The evaluation metrics can be categorized into two main

classes - effectiveness and ________________.

A. Perfection
B. Performance
C. Concreteness
D. Correctness


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45. Depending on scope, decisions can be classified as strategic,

tactical and _______________

A. Accurate
B. Sequential
C. Operational
D. Procedural


46. A decision support system has been defined as an interactive

computer system helping decision makers to combine data and
__________ to solve semi-structured and unstructured problems.

A. Information
B. Model
C. Knowledge
D. Experience


47. A DSS must be __________ and adaptable

A. Flexible
B. Adjustable
C. Changeable
D. Knowledgeable


48. Usage of data by ________organizations that is improper and does not

respect the individuals’ right to privacy should not be tolerated
A. Public
B. Private
C. Public and Private
D. Government


49. _______ decisions affect only parts of an enterprise and are usually
restricted to a single department.
A. Strategic
B. Operational
C. Ethical

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D. Tactical


50. ________ decisions refer to specific activities carried out within an

organization and have a modest impact on the future.
A. Strategic
B. Operational
C. Ethical
D. Tactical


51. What is MDX:

A. (MDX) is a query language for online transection processing (OLTP)

using a database management system.

B. (MDX) is a query language for online analytical processing (OLAP)

using a database management system.

C. (MDX) is a query language for online analytical processing (OLAP)

using a power BI.

D. (MDX) is a structure language for online analytical

processing (OLAP) using a database management system.

Answer: B

52. Fullform of MDX:

A. Multidimensional Expressions

B. Multidata Expressions

C. Multidirect Expressions

D. Multidimensional Exponential


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53. Data warehouse is also known as _______

A. Enterprise data warehouse

B. Enter data warehouse

C. Extra data warehouse

D. Easy data warehouse

Answer: A

54. Full form of OLAP:

A. Online analytical process

B. Online analog process

C. Online anal process

D. Online analogy process

Answer: A

55. What is explain by given figure:

A. Features of business intelligence

B. Features of power BI

C. Features of Data warehouse

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D. Features of data explosion


Unit -02

Q. 1 What is a model?

A. a selective abstraction of real world

B. a selective imagination of 1st world
C. a selective proposal of real world
D. a selective example of second word

Correct answer: A
Q. 2 A material representation of a real system, whose behaviour is
imitated for the purpose of the analysis is called as ?

A. Analogical Model
B. Iconic Model
C. Symbolic Model
D. Static Model

Correct answer: B
Q. 3 In which model some input information represents random events
characterized by a probability distribution?

A. Stochastic
B. Iconic
C. Symbolic
D. Static

Correct answer: A
Q.4 What is allowed by Sensitivity and Scenario analyses be assessed ?

A. the robustness of optimal decisions from variations in the input

B. the robustness of optimal decisions to variations into input
C. the robustness of optimal decisions to variations in the input data.
D. the robustness of optimal decisions to variations in the input
Correct answer: D

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Q. 5 Which model observes the status of a system only at the beginning or

at the end
of discrete intervals ?

A. Discrete-time dynamic models

B. Static-time dynamic models
C. Symbolic -time dynamic models
D. Iconic-time dynamic models
Correct answer: A

Q. 6 The purpose of explanatory models is to functionally identify a

relationshipbetween a dependent variable and
___________________ ?
A. a set of positive attributes
B. a set of negative attributes
C. a set of neutral attributes
D. a set of independent attributes

Correct answer: D

Q. 7 Which is one of the primary objective of mathematical models ?

A. to identify regular patterns in the data

B. to identify irregular patterns in the data
C. to identify negative patterns in the data
D. to identify neutral patterns in the data

Correct answer: A

Q.8 The conceptual paradigm outlined determines a wide and popular

class of
mathematical models for decision making, represented by

A. optimization models
B. stochastic models
C. supervised models
D. iconic models

Correct answer: A
Q.9 What is the aim of Data Mining?

A. extracting information and knowledge

B. useful for knowledge workers in decision making
C. extracting raw data
D. Both A & B

Correct answer: D

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Q.10 On which learning methods the Data Mining method is based?

A. inductive learning methods

B. deductive learning methods
C. basic learning methods
D. comprehensive learning methods

Correct answer: A
Q.11 What is the purpose of Interpretation?

A. to identify regular patterns in the data

B. to express the rules and criteria for easy understanding
C. to identify irregular patterns in the data
D. Both A & B

Correct answer: D
Q.12 Classification Trees or Association Rules are also called as?

A. machine learning
B. knowledge discovery in databases
C. deep learning
D. A&B

Correct answer: D
Q.13 Which is the last Phases of mathematical models for decision

(a) Problem Identification

(b) Implementation and Testing
(c) Model Formation
(d) Development of Algorithm

Answer b

Q.14 Which mathematical model aims at understand the mechanisms that

regulate the development of intelligence, ability to extract knowledge
from past experience in order to apply it in the future.

a. Risk analysis models

b. Optimization models
c. Pattern recognition Models
d. Waiting line models

Answer C
Q.15 In which Mathematical mode the decision maker is required to
choose among a number of available alternatives.

a. Risk analysis models

b. Optimization models

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c. Pattern recognition Models

d. Waiting line models

Answer A

Q.16 Which of the statement is not true about Data Mining?

a)The term data mining refer to the overall process consisting of data
gathering and analysis, development of inductive learning models and
adoption of practical decisions and consequent actions based on the
knowledge acquired.
b) Data mining analysis is to draw a fresh conclusion without
investigating the past data, observations and interpretations
c) Data mining activities can be subdivided into two major investigation
streams, interpretation and prediction.
d) The data mining process is based on inductive learning methods

Answer b
Q.17 Which is not the Phase of data Mining Process

A. Data Gathering
B. Selection of Attributes
C. Prediction and interpretation
D. Data Discarding

Answer D
Q.18 Data Inception Means

(a) inspection of each missing value

(b) identify missing values
(c) replacement of missing Data
(d) discard all records

Answer a
Q.19 Data Elimination Means

(a) inspection of each missing value

(b) identify missing values
(c) replacement of missing Data
(d) discard all records

Answer d

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Q.20 Data mining activities can be subdivided into two major

investigation streams , which are
a. Interpretation and Sampling
b. Interpretation and Prediction.
c. Forecast and Prediction
d. Forecast and Interpretation

Answer b.
Q.21 Which is the Application of Data Mining .

a. Fraud Detection
b. Risk Analysis
c. Both a & b
d. Only b

Answer C
Q.22 The conceptual paradigm outlined determines a wide and popular
class of mathematical models for decision making, represented by
optimization models.

a. Project management model

b. learning model
c. Predictive model
D.optimization model
Answer d
Q.23 A number of techniques originated in the field of computer science,
such as classification trees or association rules, and are referred to

a. machine learning or knowledge discovery in databases

b. Deep learning
c. machine learning or knowledge recovery in databases.
d. Deep learning or knowledge discovery in databases.

Answer a
Q.24 ____________________methods are based on the contributions of
various disciplines,
such as business organization, behavioral psychology and operations

a. Project management model

b. learning model
c. Predictive model
D.optimization model
Answer a

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Q.25 A significant proportion of the models used in business intelligence

such _________models, require input data concerned with future events.

a. Project management model

b. learning model
c. Predictive model
D.optimization model
Answer c
Q.26 ____________ learning analyses are not guided by a target attribute.
a. Supervised
b. Guided
c. Unguided
d. Unsupervised

Answer d
Q.27 Once a mathematical model has been defined, one will naturally
wish to proceed with its solution to assess decisions and to select the best

a. Development of algorithms
b. Mathematical relationships
c. Numerical parameters
d. Evaluation criteria

Answer a
Q.28 ___________are categorical attributes in relation to which a specific
can be true or false.

Answer: a
Q.29 Which attributes are categorical attributes without a natural order-
ing, such as the province of residence.

Answer: b
Q.30 which attributes are numerical attributes that assume a finite number
or a countable infinity of values.
B. Discrete

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Answer: b

Q.31 The purpose of a data mining process is some-times to provide a

simple and concise representation of the information stored in a

A.small dataset
b.large dataset.
C. numeric dataset
D.stored dataset

Answer: b
Q.32 It is possible to discard ____ records for which the values of one or
more attributes are missing.

C. combined
D. half
Answer: a
Q.33 Most learning models benefit from a preventive standardization of
the data,
also called__________.

C. data segregation
D. data prevention
Answer: A
Q.34 Transformations of this kind are usually referred to as feature
a. Transformations
b. Extraction
c. Scaling
d. Standardization
Q.35 The use of such methods will be explained within the classification
methods called _____________.
A K-means
B K-nearest
C. support vector machines
D. Normalization

Answer: c

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Q.36 The purpose of feature selection, also called __________.

a. feature reduction
b. feature compression
c. feature normalization
d. feature denormalization

Answer: a

Q.37 An ____________model is a material representation of a real

system, whose
behavior is imitated for the purpose of the analysis.
A. Iconic
B. b.Analogical
C. .Symbolic
D. Stochastic

Q.38 A model is called ___________when all input data are supposed to

be known a priori and with certainty.
Answer: c
Q.39 _________ models consider a given system through several
temporal stages, corresponding to a sequence of decisions.

Answer: d
Q.40 The term ________________theory is reserved for the variety of
mathematical models and methods that can be found at the core of each
datamining analysis and that are used to generate new knowledge.
A. mathematical learning
B. machine learning
C. deep learning
D. static learning
Answer: a
Q.41 Continuous attributes are numerical attributes that assume an
uncountable _____of values.
D. non-zero
Answer: a

Q.42 Training of the models is carried out using a sample of records

extracted from the__________.

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a. Duplicate dataset
b. original dataset
c. Training dataset
d. Result dataset
Q.43 An _______in the company information systems, expected to
the access to the information sources.
Answer: a
Q.44 Trough which the effort of representation is justified by the
conciseness of the information achieved .

A.through a well-designed documentation

B.through a class diagram
C.through a well-designed chart
D. through a well-designed journal

Answer: c
Q.45 Data may contain erroneous or anomalous values, which are usually
referred to as_____________.


Q.46 estimate procedures can become rather complex and time-consuming
for a large dataset with a high percentage of___________.

A Training data
B. missing data
C.result data
D. expert data

Answer: b

Q.47 whichtechnique uses this equation:

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A.Min-max standardization
B.z- score
C.standardisation scaling

Answer: B
Q.48 _____________methods select the relevant attributes before moving
on to the subsequent learning phase, and are therefore independent of the
specific algorithm being used.

D. Scaling

Answer: A
Q.49 how many distinct myopic search schemes are followed?


Answer: c
Q.50 Data mining projects differ in many respects from both classical
statistics and _________________analyses.


Answer: a
Q.51 Which of the following is a dimension reduction technique?

a) Sampling
b) Box plot
c) Principal component analysis
d) Z – Test

Answer: C

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Q.52 Which of the following is not an objective of PCA?

a) To reduce attribute space from a larger number of variables to a smaller

number of
b) To identify new meaningful underlying variables
c) To convert a set of observations of possibly uncorrelated variables into
a set of values of linearly correlated variables
d) To reduce number of dimensions

Answer: C
Q.53 The first principal component in PCA is obtained by means of
_________ associated with the
maximum eigenvalues.
a) Eigenvalues
b) Eigen vectors
c) Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
d) Vector addition
Answer: B
Q.54 The full form for PCA is

a) Principal Component Analysis

b) Principle Component Analysis
c) Partition Component Analysis
d) Partial Component Analysis

Answer: A
Q.55 Why is dimensionality reduction useful?
a) To achieve parsimony
b) To avoid overfitting
c) It reduces processing time
d) To achieve parsimony, To avoid overfitting, It reduces processing time

Answer: D

Unit-03 1. Classifications models are used to generate _________that allow the

target class of future examples to be predicted.
A. a set of rules
B. a set of results
C. a set of predicted variables
D. a set of misclassified variables
Answer: A

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2. The target attribute is also called as ________

A. Class or Label
B. Goal
C. Leaf
D. Variable

Answer: A

3. If the instances belong to two classes only, the classification is called

as _______
A. Binary Classification
B. Multiclass Classification
C. Multicategory Classification
D. Unary Classification
Answer: A
4.If the instances belongs to more than two classes than the classification
is called as ______
A. Binary Classification
B. Unary Classification
C. Binary or Unary Classification
D. Multicategory or Multiclass Classification
Answer: D
5.A prediction is obtained by applying the ________ during the training
phase to the explanatory variables that describe the new instance.
A. Rules generated
B. Variables generated
C. Values generated
D. Labels generated
Answer: A
6.In the development of classification model Test phase comes after
A. Training Phase
B. Prediction Phase
C. Development phase
D. Identification Phase
Answer: A
7.Which model is not the category of the classification models?
A. Heuristic Models
B. Separation Models
C. Probabilistic Models
D. Prediction Models
Answer: C

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8. In f(x) = sgn(g(x)), where sgn(.) is a function indicating the sign of its

argument, it takes the values of the two classes _______
A. {-1, 1}
B. {0, 1}
C. {1, 0}
D. {-1, -2}
Answer: A
9. Among the following which method guarantees that each observation
of the dataset appears the same number of times in the training set and
exactly once in the test set.
A. Cross Validation
B. Holdout method
C. Repeated Random Sampling
D. Holdout method and Repeated Random Sampling
Answer: A
10. Which of the following is not true about Classification Matrix?
A. Most accuracy measures are derived from the classification
B. Classification matrix is also called as confusion matrix
C. It summarizes only incorrect classifications
D. Rows and columns of the classification matrix correspond
to the true and predicted classes
Answer: C
11. Which of the following is correct formula for accuracy?
A. Accuracy= (p + v)/m
B. Accuracy= p/(p + q)
C. Accuracy= q/(p + q)
D. Accuracy= (p + u)/m

Answer: A
12. True negative rate is calculated by the formula:
A. tn = p/ (p + q)
B. tn = q/ (p + q)
C. tn = u/ (u + v)
D. tn = p/ (p + p)
Answer: A
13. The precision is the proportion of __________ positive examples.
A. Correctly classified
B. Misclassified
C. Actually classified
D. Occasionally classified
Answer: A

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14. The F-Measure is equal to zero if all the predictions are ________
A. Incorrect
B. Correct
C. Partially correct
D. Partially incorrect
Answer: A
(𝛽2 −1)tp ×prc
15. In the formula for F-Measure, F = the value of β
𝛽2 prc +tp
belongs to _____
A. [0, ∞)
B. [0,1]
C. [-1, 1]
D. [0, 1)
Answer: A
16. The correct formula for the Geometric mean is _________
A. 𝑔𝑚 = √𝑡𝑝 × 𝑝𝑟𝑐
B. 𝑔𝑚 = √𝑡𝑝 × 𝑡𝑛
C. 𝑔𝑚 = √𝑡 × 𝑡𝑝
D. 𝑔𝑚 = √𝑡𝑝 × 𝑡𝑝
Answer: A
17. ROC in performance metrics stands for?
A. Reverse operating characteristic
B. Receiver operating characteristic
C. Remote operating characteristic
D. Revise operating characteristic
Answer: B
18. For two class classifiers, if the probability of a record being a
class 1 member is greater than 0.5, then that record is classified
A. 1
B. 0
C. 1 and 0
D. -1
Answer: A
19. Typically, classification matrix considers-
A. Actual Class
B. Predicted Class
C. Actual Class and Predicted Class
D. Target class
Answer: C
20. For a record i, prediction error can be calculated as-
A. predicted value- actual value
B. actual value - predicted value
C. actual value+ predicted value

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D. predicted value × actual value

Answer: B

21. Which of the following is a graphical way to assess predictive

A. Pie Chart
B. Box plot
C. Histogram
D. Lift curve
1. Answer: D
22. ROC chart is a __________ plot.
A. Two-dimensional
B. One-dimensional
C. Multi-dimensional
D. Three-dimensional
2. Answer: A
23. In ROC chart the proportion of false positive fp is on __________
and the proportion of true positive tp is on ____________
A. The horizontal axis, the vertical axis
B. The vertical axis, the horizontal axis
C. The horizontal axis, the x-axis
D. The vertical axis, the y-axis
3. Answer: A
24. All of the following steps are part of Naïve Bayes method except-
A. Find all the other records where the predictor values are
B. Determine what classes they all belong to and which is
more prevalent
C. Assign that class to the old record
D. Express the probability as p(x|y) = ∏nj=1 p(xj |y)

4. Answer: C
- 25. Which of the following is a basis of Naïve Bayes method?
A. Pie Chart
B. Regression
C. Conditional Probability
D. Pivot Table
Answer: C
26. Which of the following is necessary to establish in Naïve Bayes
A. Beta Value
B. Cut-off Probability
C. Alpha value
D. Gamma Value
Answer: B

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27. Which of the following is an advantage of Naïve Bayes

A. Simplicity
B. Computational efficiency
C. Good classification performance
D. Simplicity, Computational efficiency, Good classification
Answer: D
28. Which of the following is not true for Bayes model for
A. Predictors should also be categorical
B. Numerical variables need not to be converted into
C. Naïve Bayes classifiers are highly scalable
D. All the records are used instead of relying on just the
matching records
Answer: B
29. Naïve Bayes formula works well for-
A. Prediction
B. Classification
C. Association
D. Clustering
Answer: B
30. Naïve Bayes formula works well for-
A. Prediction
B. Classification
C. Association
D. Clustering
Answer: B
31. In Logistic regression technique input features can be
A. Quantitative
B. Qualitative
C. Quantitative and Qualitative
D. Only numeric
Answer: C
32. Function which is used to bound the probability of x between 0
and 1?
A. Log function
B. Sigmoid function
C. Sine
D. Cosine
Answer: B

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33. The confusion matrix for a binary classifier gives

A. True Positives, true negatives
B. False Positives, false negatives
C. True Positives, true negatives, false Positives, false
D. True negatives
Answer: C
34. In confusion matrix, which one of the following is called as
power of the test?
A. True negative
B. True positive
C. False positive
D. False negative
Answer: A
35. Logistic regression is applicable for:
A. Classification
B. Profiling
C. Clustering
D. Classification, profiling

Answer: D
36. Logistic regression is a ________ regression technique that is
used to model data having a _____outcome
A. Linear, numeric
B. Linear, binary
C. Nonlinear, numeric
D. Nonlinear, binary
Answer: D
37. Which of the following methods do we use to best fit the data in
Logistic Regression?
A. Least Square Error
B. Maximum Likelihood
C. Jaccard distance
D. Euclidean distance
Answer: B
38. In logistic regression the logit is:
A. The natural logarithm of the odds
B. An instruction to record the data
C. A logarithm of a digit
D. The cube root of the sample size
Answer: A
39. Maximum likelihood estimation methods work for:
A. Logit
B. Probit
C. Logit, Probit
D. Least Square Error

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Answer: C

40. If x1, x2 are independent variables and y the dependent variable,

which of the following represents a linear regression model?
A. y = a0 + a1/x1 + a2/x2
B. y = a0 + a1x1 + a2x2
C. y = a0 + a1x1 + a2x22
D. y = a0 + a1x12 + a2x2
Answer: B
41. Layers between the input and output layers are known as:
A. Multilayer
B. Resultant layer
C. Hidden layer
D. Output layer
Answer: C
42. In feed- forward networks, the connections between layers are
___________ from input to output.
A. Bidirectional
B. Unidirectional
C. Multidirectional
D. Directional
Answer: A
43. Which of the following statement is NOT true about clustering?
A. It is a supervised learning technique
B. It is an unsupervised learning technique
C. It uses clusters for data analysis.
D. It groups the data
Answer: A
44. Which of the following is true about cluster analysis?
A. Clustering is referred to as an unsupervised learning
B. It can’t uncover previously undetected relationships in a
complex dataset.
C. Cluster analysis is the process of ungrouping objects into
subsets that have meaning in the context of a particular
D. Clustering is referred to as a supervised learning method.
Answer: D
45. _____ is a clustering procedure characterized by the development
of a tree-like structure.
A. Non-hierarchical clustering
B. Hierarchical clustering
C. K-Means clustering
D. K-Medoids clustering
Answer: B

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46. HAC stands for-

A. Hierarchical aggregative clustering
B. Hierarchical agglomerative clustering
C. Heightened agglomerative clustering
D. Hierarchical absolute clustering
Answer: B
47. Which statement is not true about cluster analysis?
A. Objects in each cluster tend to be similar to each other and
dissimilar to objects in the other clusters.
B. Cluster analysis is also called classification analysis or
numerical taxonomy.
C. Groups or clusters are suggested by the data, not defined a
D. Cluster analysis is a technique for analyzing data when the
criterion or dependent variable is categorical and the
independent variables are interval in nature.
Answer: D
48. A _____ is a tree diagram for displaying clustering results. Vertical
lines represent clusters that are joined together.
A. Dendrogram
B. Scatter plot
C. Scree plot
D. Histogram
Answer: A
49. Which of the following will be Euclidean Distance between the two
data point A(1, 3) and B(2, 3)?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 8
Answer: A
50. Which of the following is an advantage of choosing k>1?
A. Maximizes misclassification rate
B. Provides smoothing that reduces the risk of over fitting
C. Minimizes classification rate
D. Doesn’t maximize classification rate

Answer: B
51. The aim of clustering models is to subdivide the records of a dataset
A. Homogeneous groups
B. Heterogeneous groups
C. Learning groups.
D. Problem-Solving groups

Answer: A

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52. From the following which method is not the clustering method?
A. Partition
B. Hierarchical
C. Density based
D. Divide-and-conquer based

Answer: D
53. Which clustering method develops a subdivision of the given dataset
into a predetermined number K of non empty subset?
A. Partition method
B. Hierarchical method
C. Density-based method
D. Grid method

Answer: A
54. _______ Method derives clusters from the number of observations
locally falling in a neighborhood of each observation.
A. Partition method
B. Hierarchical method
C. Density-based method
D. Grid method

Answer: C
55. Grid methods first derive a _______ of the space of the observations,
obtaining a grid structure consisting of cells.
A. Discretization
B. Digitization
C. Characterization
D. Standardization

Answer: A
56. clustering problems actually belong to the class of__________
A. NP-hard
B. NP-complete
C. Complicated problem
D. Complex problem

Answer: A
57. Euclidean distance between the vector associated with the pair of
observations xi and xk is calculated by the formula________.
A. dist(xi, xk)= √∑𝑛𝑗=1( 𝑥𝑖𝑗 − 𝑥𝑘𝑗)2

B. dist(xi, xk)= √∑𝑛𝑗=1( 𝑥𝑖𝑗 + 𝑥𝑘𝑗)2

C. dist(xi, xk)= √∑𝑛𝑗=1( 𝑥𝑖𝑗 × 𝑥𝑘𝑗)2

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D. dist(xi, xk)= √∑𝑛𝑗=1( 𝑥𝑖𝑗 − 𝑥𝑘𝑗)3

Answer: A

58. Formula for Manhattan distance using two dimensional example is:
A. dist(xi, xk)= ∑𝑛𝑗=1 | 𝑥𝑖𝑗 − 𝑥𝑘𝑗 |
B. dist(xi, xk)= ∑𝑛𝑗=1 | 𝑥𝑖𝑗 + 𝑥𝑘𝑗 |
C. dist(xi, xk)= ∑𝑛𝑗=1 | 𝑥𝑖𝑗 − 𝑥𝑘𝑗 |2
D. dist(xi, xk)= ∑𝑛𝑗=1 | 𝑥𝑖𝑗 − 𝑥𝑘𝑗 |-2

Answer: A
59. The formula dist(xi, xk)= √∑𝑛𝑗=1|𝑥𝑖𝑗 − 𝑥𝑘𝑗 |𝑞 shows:
A. Euclidean distance
B. Manhattan distance
C. Minkowski distance
D. Cosine distance

Answer: C
60. ________ distance depends on the angle formed by the vectors
associated with the observation.
A. Minkowski
B. Manhattan
C. Euclidean
D. Arccosine

Answer: D
61. Partition algorithms usually stop when
A. During the same iteration no reallocation occurs, subdivision
appears stable with respect to the evaluation criterion chosen.
B. Subdivisions appear unstable
C. Reallocation occurs and subdivision appears unstable
D. All the observation are assigned to the cluster
Answer: A
62. The subdivision of the hierarchical methods are
A. Agglomerative and divisive
B. Partition and divisive
C. Partition and agglomerative
D. Distance based and density based

Answer: A

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1. Which of the following is not a component of Relational Marketing
a. Organization
b. BI and Data Mining
c. Technology
d. Fund
Answer: d

2. Which of the following is true:

a. Intensity of Relation is low for B2C
b. Intensity of Relation is low for B2B
c. Intensity of Relation is high for B2C
d. Does not depend on whether it is B2B or B2C.
Answer: a
3. Which of the following is not included in Cycle of Relational Marketing
a. Collecting information on Customers
b. Identifying their needs
c. Paying them
d. Planning based on knowledge
Answer: c
4. Which of the following is not a stage in “Lifetime of a Customer”
a. Acquisition
b. Cross/Up Selling
c. Retention
d. Bargaining
Answer: d

5. Which of the following is not part of Web Mining:

a. Content Mining
b. Structure Mining
c. Database Mining
d. Usage Mining
Answer: c
6. Which of the following is False for Supply Chain
a. It is network of connected and interdependent organizational units
b. Strong Coordination is required
c. It improves flow of materials if it is effective
d. Suppliers are given priority

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Answer: d

7. Which of the following is not an optimization model?

a. Extra Capacity
b. Maximum Fixed Cost
c. Backlogging
d. Multiple Plants
Answer: b
8. It is a managerial Policy whose purpose is to maximize profit through
an optimal balance between demand and supply.
a. Management insight
b. Economic System
c. Sales System
d. Revenue Management System
Answer: d

9. CCR Model stands for:

a. Charnes-Cooper-Rhodes
b. Charley-Common-Rules
c. Challenging-Common-Rules
d. Cooper-Common-Rules
Answer: a

10. The __________________________ expresses relationship between

the Inputs utilized and Outputs Produced:
a. Efficiency Function
b. Effective Frontier
c. Efficient Frontier
d. Effective Fact
Answer: c

11. The Relationship Marketing is all about

a. Creating database value
b. Travelling programs
c. Maintaining relationship with customer
d. Loyalty based on behaviour

Ans: C

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12. The goal of an organization should be to

a. Maintaining existing customers only
b. Get more customers and also get more return customers
c. Get more potential customers
d. Just selling the product

Ans : B
13.Which of the following is not a component of relational marketing
a. Strategy
b. Data Mining
c. Technology
d. Customers

Answer: D
14.Which of the following is not a decision-making option for a relational
marketing strategy?
a. Prices
b. Distribution Channels
c. Product
d. Sales Processes

Ans: C
15. Which of the following is not a decision-making option for a relational
marketing strategy?
A. Prices
B. Distribution Channels
C. Product
D. Sales Processes

Ans: C
16. Which of the following statements is true?
a. A relationship marketing is a collection of software applications.
b. A relationship marketing is a coherent project where the various
company departments are called upon to cooperate and integrate
the managerial culture and human resources
c. A relationship marketing is a coherent project where the various
company departments are called upon to work using CRM tools
d. A relational marketing creates a true data culture in an

Answer : B

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17. Which of the following is not an actor of an enterprise relationship

a. Employees
b. Customers
c. Suppliers
d. Competitors

Answer: D
18. Which of the following are the customers of high value?
a. B2B
b. B2C
c. B2C2B
d. B2B2C

Answer: A

19.The implementation of ________ actions gives rise to low revenue per

unit transactions.
a. Low-cost
b. High-cost
c. Min-cost
d. Max-cost

Answer: A
20.The companies well acquainted with fast delivery at _______ must
involve in the direction of increased customization, by introducing more
options and variants of products and services offered.
a. High-cost
b. Low-cost
c. Zero-cost
d. Min-cost

Answer: B
21. ______ analyses for relational marketing purposes are a powerful tool
for identifying the segments to be targeted with customized products.
a. Data
b. Data-mining
c. Sales
d. Market

Answer: B

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22.Which of the following databases is not used to store the data into the
data mart for relational marketing analysis?
a. Salesforce database
b. Data Warehouse
c. OLTP database
d. Marketing database

Answer: C
23. Which of the following are the indirect methods that are used to
acquire customers data?
a. Telephonic Conversations
b. Display Advertisement Boards
c. Sending email to customers
d. Talk with Sales Agents
Answer: B
24. Revenue management is a managerial policy whose purpose is to
profits through an optimal balance between __________.
A. Price and product
B. Demand and supply
C. Raw material
D. Employee and organization
Answer: B

25. The term ______ refers to the possibility that a portion of the demand
due in a given period may be satisfied in a subsequent period, incurring an
additionalpenalty cost.
A. Sales
B. Sales process
C. Backlog
D. Execution
Answer: C
26.__________________ is concerned with optimising financial results
and is especially popular in industries like hospitality, which must contend
with high fixed costs and a perishable inventory.
a. Revenue management
b.Revenge management
c.Revenue manager
d.Rename management
answer: A

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27 .CRM stands for___________.

a. Customer relationship management
b. Customer relationship manager
c. Customer relay management
d. Custom relationship management
Answer: A
28. _________________is the amount of divisions ordered from a
a. Efficiency
b. Density
c. frequency
d. threshold
Answer: a
Q1. Which among these are the key stages for managing organizational
a) Break with the past
b) Manage the future
c) Both
d) Accept current
Ans: a
Q2. _______ represent how you increase the ability of individuals within
the organization to influence others with the knowledge.
a) People
b) Processes
c) Technology
d) Culture
Ans: a
Q3. It addresses how you choose, configure and utilise tools and
automation to enable knowledge management.
a) People
b) Processes
c) Technology
d) Culture
Ans: c
Q4. It directs how you transform organizational structures to facilitate and
encourage cross discipline awareness and expertise.
a) Binding
b) Context
c) Structure
d) Association
Ans: c

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Q5. Characteristics of expert systems

a)High Performance
Ans: a
Q6. Capabilities of expert systems.
a) Reliable
b) Demonstrating
c) High Responsive
d) Understandable
Ans: b
Q7. In-capabilities of expert systems.
a) Advising
b) Diagnosing
c) Interpreting input
d) Refining their own knowledge
Ans: d
Q8. Strategy followed for finding cause or reasons.
a) Backward Chaining
b) Forward Chaining
c) Facts
d) Decisions
Ans: a
Q9. Strategy followed for working on conclusion, results or effects.
e) Backward Chaining
f) Forward Chaining
g) Facts
h) Decisions
Ans: b
Q.10 Levels in ES technology
a) Shells
b) Design
c) Both
d) None
Q.11 Knowledge Management Activity aims at
a) Total turning test
b) The rational agent approach
c) To build knowledge infrastructure
d) Thinking humanly

Answer: c

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Q.12 Knowledge is ___________ resource.

A. Replaceable
B. Draining
C. Exhaustible
D. Depleting
Correct answer A

Q.13 Who is the person who is responsible for making knowledge

management effort in
an organization .
Correct answer C

Q.14 Human use content memory and thinking whereas, robots are using
the _______,
designed by scientists.
A. Knowledge
B. Data
C. built-in instruction
D. High Level Information
Correct answer C

Q.15 Which of the following is not a component of ES .

A. Knowledge Base
B. Inference Engine
C. User Interface
D. High-level Data
Correct answer D

Q.16 ______________ is required to exhibit intelligence.

A. Data
B. Knowledge
C. Information
D. High-quality data
Correct answer B

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Q.17 Forward Chaining Strategy is used by ________ to recommend a

A. Inference Engine
B. Knowledge Engine
C. Expert Engine
D. Forward Engine
Correct answer A

Q.18 In which of the following steps of expert system development, the

knowledge should
be represented in IF-THEN-ELSE rules form?
A. System Design
B. Expert System Development and Completion
C. Prototype Development
D. Problem Domain Identification
Correct answer C

Q.19 Who introduced the term “Artificial Intelligence”

A. Arthur Samule
B. Marvin Lee Minsky
C. Jhon McCarthy
D. E. F. Codd
Correct answer C

Q.20 KDD Stands for :

A. Knowledge Discovery Data
B. Knowledge Discovery in Database
C. Knowledge Database Discovery
D. Knowledge Data Discovery
Answer D

Q.21 which one of the following is not a type of Knowledge

A. Declarative Knowledge
B. Procedural Knowledge
C. Tactic Knowledge
D. Collective Knowledge
Correct answer D

Q.22 What kind of signal is used in speech recognition?

a)Electromagnetic signal
b) Electric signal
c) Acoustic signal

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d) Radar
Answer: c

Q.23 A ______ is nothing but an expert system without knowledge base.

b)Expert System
c) shell
d) knowledge
Answer: c

Q.24 Data, information, and past experience combined together are termed
as __________.
a) Inference
b) Acquisition
c) vision
d) knowledge
Answer: d

Q.25 The advantage of AI over Natural Intelligence are

a) Fabulous speed
b) Less baised
c) Error prone
d) a & b
Answer: d

Q.26 Which is the key area in which Knowledge Management is applied

a) Technological Advances
b) Inference Engine
c) Globalization of Business
d) a & c
Answer: d

Q.27 Which is the key area in which Knowledge Management is applied

a) Technological Advances
b) Inference Engine
c) Globalization of Business
d) a & c
Answer: d

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Q.28 Which of the following is not a benefits of Expert Systems?

a) Availability
b) Speed
c) Time
d) Less Error Rate
Answer: c

Q.29 What is the form of Knowledge representation?

Answer: b

Q.30 Which of the following is not a Capabilities of Expert Systems?

a) Advising
b) Demonstrating
c) Explaining
d) Expanding
Answer : d

Q.31 The challenges faced by Knowledge Management System

a) Psychology
b) Communication and Collaboration
c) Control theory and cybernetics
d) Computer Engineering
Answer: b

Q.32 Knowledge Management Activity aims at

a) Total turning test
b) The rational agent approach
c) To build knowledge infrastructure
d) Thinking humanly
Answer: c

Q.33 Lengthy information is presented in _______ or graphical format and

stored in appropriate form in summarizing step of knowledge management
(a) Unorganised
(b) Tabular

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(c) Sequential
(d) unstructured
Answer: b

Q.34 In decision making step of Knowledge Management process the

_____ is used for decision making.
(b) Knowledge
(c) Information
(d) Metadata
Answer: B

Q.35 People are ultimately the ______ of knowledge.

(a) Storage
(b) Gainer
(c) Holders
(d) Acquire
Answer: C

Q.36 Learning organisation is an organisation characterised by a deep

commitment to learning and ______ with the intention of continuous
(a) Education
(b) Understanding
(c) Training
(d) Improving
Answer: A
Q.37 _______ is a way of making a computer, a computer-controlled
robot, or a software think intelligently, in the similar manner the
intelligent humans think.
(a) Machine Intelligence
(b) Artificial Intelligence
(c) Linguistic Intelligence
(d) Naturalistic Intelligence
Answer: B
Q.38 Data, information and past experience combined together are termed
as _______.
(a) Intelligence
(b) Knowledge
(c) Expert systems
(d) Data driven systems
Answer: b

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Q.39 First basic step for knowledge management process is____________

A. summarizing information
B. Data collection
C. Data analysis
D. Data classification
Q.40 Expert systems are capable of ____________.
A. assisting human in decision making
B. refining their own knowledge
C. possessing human capabilities
D. substituting human
Answer: A

Q.41 Knowledge Management process has basically six steps, they are
collecting, organizing, summarizing, analysing, synthesizing and
_________ of data.
(a) Decision making
(b) Knowledge processing
(c) Planning
(d) Arranging
Answer: A
Q.42 The three key stages for managing organisational transformation for
critical success factor are break with the past, managing the past and
(a) Invest in present
(b) Invest in the future
(c) Managing the present
(d) Outlining the future
Answer: B

Q.43 ______ are one of the prominent research domains of Artificial

(a) Knowledge Management Systems
(b) Data driven Systems
(c) Expert Systems
(d) Cognitive Systems

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Q.44 ______ is a strategy of an expert system to answer the question,

“What can happen next?”
(a) Forward Chaining
(b) Backward Chaining
(c) Total Task Chaining
(d) Backward Reasoning
Answer: A
Q.45 Following step is not involved in knowledge management process.
A. Decision making
B. Information Analyzing
C. Application Development
D. Synthesizing
Answer: C
Q.46 In data collection procedure of knowledge management process,
certain data collection points define the ______ of certain routine reports.
A. Idea
B. Knowledge
C. Data
D. Summary
Answer: D
Q.47 knowledge management process has ______ basic steps.
A. 4
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
Answer: B
Q.48 The components of Expert system includes__________
A. knowledge expert,inferenceengine,user interface
B. knowledge base,inferenceengine,end interface
C. knowledge base,interfaceengine,user interface
D. knowledge base,inferenceengine,user interface
Answer: D
Q.49 Forward and Backward channing are the strategies of _______
A. Inference Engine
B. Knowledge management process
C. Data mining process
D. Effective communication process
Answer: A
Q.50 Knowledge engineers acquire information from subject expert
A. Recording,observing his/her work,Interviewing
B. Recording,observing his/her communication,Interviewing
C. Recording,observing his/her work,observation

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D. Reading,observing his/her work,Interviewing

Answer: A

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MCQs Business Intelligence

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1. _________ is the outcome of extraction and processing activities carried out on


A. Knowledge

B. Information

C. Data

D. Raw Data

Ans: 2

2. The objective of Business Intelligence is

A. To support decision-making and complex problem solving.

B. To support information gathering.

C. To support data collection.

D. To support data analysis.

Ans: A

3. Which of the following is not a component of business intelligence analysis cycle?

A. Analysis

B. Insight

C. Decision

D. Design

Ans: D

4. In BI Architecture, It is used to gather and integrate the data stored in various

primary and secondary sources.

A. Data Warehouse
B. Data mart
C. Data Sources
D. None of the above.

Ans: C

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5. Following are the phases of Development of a business intelligence system.

A. Analysis and Design

B. Planning

C. Implementation and Control

D. All of the above

Ans: D

6. Decision making process is of ____________ phases.

A. Three

B. Five

C. Two

D. Six

Ans: B

7. Well defined and recurring decision making procedure is called

A. Structured

B. Semi-structured

C. Operational

D. Unstructured

Ans: A

8. In ____________ approach, a decision maker considers economic, tactical legal,

ethical, procedural and political factors.

A. Absolute rationality approach

B. Bounded rationality approach
C. Rational approach
D. None of the above.

Ans: C

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Q9. a) Data mart is a subset of data warehouse.

b) Data marts contain repositories of summarized data collected for analysis on a

specific section or unit within an organization.

a) Only a is correct

b) Only b is correct

c)Both are correct

d)Both are wrong.

Ans: c

Q10 ________is the outcome of extraction and processing activities carried out on

a) Data

b) Information

c) Knowledge

d) Wisdom

Ans: b

11. Extraction of information and knowledge from data is known as

A. Data mining

B. Optimisation

C. Data exploration

D. Data mart

Ans: A

Q. 12 What is a model ?

A. a selective abstraction of real world

B. a selective imagination of 1st world
C. a selective proposal of real world
D. a selective example of second word

Correct answer: A

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Q. 13 A material representation of a real system, whose behaviour is imitated for the

the purpose of the analysis is called as ?

A. Analogical Model
B. Iconic Model
C. Symbolic Model
D. Static Model

Correct answer: B

Q. 14 In which model some input information represents random events characterized

by a probability distribution?

A. Stochastic
B. Iconic
C. Symbolic
D. Static

Correct answer: A

Q.15 What is allowed by Sensitivity and Scenario analyses be assessed ?

A. the robustness of optimal decisions from variations in the input parameters.

B. the robustness of optimal decisions to variations into input parameters.
C. the robustness of optimal decisions to variations in the input data.
D. the robustness of optimal decisions to variations in the input parameters.
Correct answer: D

Q. 16 Which model observes the status of a system only at the beginning or at the end
of discrete intervals ?

A. Discrete-time dynamic models

B. Static-time dynamic models
C. Symbolic -time dynamic models
D. Iconic-time dynamic models
Correct answer: A

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Q. 17 The purpose of explanatory models is to functionally identify a possible

relationship between a dependent variable and ___________________ ?
A. a set of positive attributes
B. a set of negative attributes
C. a set of neutral attributes
D. a set of independent attributes

Correct answer: D

Q. 18 Which is one of the primary objective of mathematical models ?

A. to identify regular patterns in the data

B. to identify irregular patterns in the data
C. to identify negative patterns in the data
D. to identify neutral patterns in the data

Correct answer: A

Q.19 The conceptual paradigm outlined determines a wide and popular class of
mathematical models for decision making, represented by _________models

A. optimization models
B. stochastic models
C. supervised models
D. iconic models
Correct answer: A

Q.20 What is the aim of Data Mining?

A. extracting information and knowledge

B. useful for knowledge workers in decision making
C. extracting raw data
D. Both A & B

Correct answer: D

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21. Which of the following is finally produced by Hierarchical Clustering?

a) final estimate of cluster centroids

b) tree showing how close things are to each other

c) assignment of each point to clusters

d) all of the mentioned

Answer: b

22. Which of the following is required by K-means clustering?

a) defined distance metric

b) number of clusters

c) initial guess as to cluster centroids

d) all of the mentioned

Answer: d

23. Point out the wrong statement.

a) k-means clustering is a method of vector quantization

b) k-means clustering aims to partition n observations into k clusters

c) k-nearest neighbor is same as k-means

d) none of the mentioned

Answer: c

24. Which of the following function is used for k-means clustering?

a) k-means

b) k-mean

c) heatmap

d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a

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25. Which of the following clustering requires merging approach?

a) Partitional

b) Hierarchical

c) Naive Bayes

d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b

26. Which of the following gave rise to need of graphs in data analysis?

a) Data visualization

b) Communicating results

c) Decision making

d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d

27. Which of the following is characteristic of exploratory graph?

a) Made slowly

b) Axes are not cleaned up

c) Color is used for personal information

d) All of the mentioned

Answer: c

28. Which of the following information is not given by five-number summary?

a) Mean

b) Median

c) Mode

d) All of the mentioned

Answer: c

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29. Which of the following graph can be used for simple summarization of data?

a) Scatterplot

b) Overlaying

c) Barplot

d) All of the mentioned

Answer: c

30. Which of the following problem is solved by reproducibility?

a) Scalability

b) Data availability

c) Improved data analysis

d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b

31. The aim of _______________ strategy is to preserve over time the relationships
between a company and its stakeholders and represented primarily by its customer.
a) Mathematical Marketing c) Sales Marketing
b) Relational Marketing d) Network Marketing

32 ___________ represents a powerful and versatile conceptual paradigm for

analysing and solving problems arising within integrated supply chain planning
and for developing the necessary software.
a) Chain model c) Supply chain optimization model
b) Supplying plants model d) None of these

33 The __________ is to determine the production volumes for each product over the
periods included in medium-term horizon.
a) Tactical Planning c) Revenue Management
b) Decision Processing d) Resource Planning

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34 The term ______ refers to possibility that a portion of demand due in period may
be satisfied in a sequent period, incurring an additional penalty cost.
a) Multiple Resource c) Multiple Plants
b) Tactical Planning d) Backlogging

35 ________________ is a managerial policy whose purpose is to maximize profits

through an optimal balance between demand and supply.
a) Revenue Management c) Decision Making
b) Process Management d) None of these

36 In data envelopment analysis is the units being compared are called __________,
since they involve certain decisional autonomy.
a) CCR Model c) Processing Units
b) Efficient Frontier d) Decision Making Units

37 The _____________ also known as production function, expresses the relationship

between the inputs utilized and the outputs produced.
a) Efficiency Measures c) Data Envelopment Analysis
b) Efficient Frontier d) DMU

38 The ____________ , made up of DMUs which are characterized by operating

a) Peer Group c) Target Objectives
b) Priority Order d) Data envelop

39 The ______________ contains as many rows and columns as there are units being
a) Peer Groups c) Virtual Inputs
b) Square Efficiency matrix d) Virtual Output

40 ____________ are defined as the product of the inputs used by the unit and
corresponding optimal weights.
a) Virtual inputs c) Priority order for output
b) Virtual output d) None of these

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41. Knowledge Management Activity aims at

A) Total turning test
B) The rational agent approach
C) To build knowledge infrastructure
D) Thinking humanly

42. The challenges faced by Knowledge Management System are

A) Psychology
B) Communication and Collaboration
C) Control theory and cybernetics
D) Computer Engineering


43. Which of the following is not a Capabilities of Expert Systems?

A) Advising
B) Demonstrating
C) Explaining
D) Expanding

44. What is the form of Knowledge representation?

45. Which of the following is not a benefits of Expert Systems?
A) Availability
B) Speed
C) Time
D) Less Error Rate
46. Which is the key area in which Knowledge Management is applied
A) Technological Advances
B) Inference Engine
C) Globalization of Business
D) a & c

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47. The advantage of AI over Natural Intelligence are

A) Fabulous speed
B) Less baised
C) Error prone
D) a & b

48. Data, information, and past experience combined together are termed as __________.
A) Inference
B) Acquisition
C) vision
D) knowledge
49.Which among these are the key stages for managing organisational transformation
A) Break with the past
B) Manage the future
C) Both
D) None of the above

50. which one of the following is not a type of Knowledge

A) Declarative Knowledge
B) Procedural Knowledge
C) Tactic Knowledge
D) Collective Knowledge

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T.Y.B.Sc. IT SEM VI BI MCQ-Unit - 1
Q 1. Business intelligence system provides tools and methodologies to knowledge workers to help them to take
_______ .

A. Effective decision.
B. Timely decision
C. Both 1 and 2.
D. Efficient Decision.

Ans: C

Q 2. ________ is the outcome of extraction and processing activities carried out on data.

A. Knowledge
B. Information
C. Data
D. Raw Data

Ans: B

Q 3. The objective of B.I is _________.

A. To support decision-making and complex problem solving.

B. To support information gathering.
C. To support data collection.
D. To support data analysis.

Ans: A

Q 4. Which of the following is not a component of business intelligence analysis cycle?

A. Analysis
B. Insight
C. Decision
D. Design

Ans: D

Q 5. In BI Architecture, It is used to gather and integrate the data stored in variousprimary and secondary

A. Data Warehouse
B. Data mart
C. Data Sources
D. None of the above.

Ans: C

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T.Y.B.Sc. IT SEM VI BI MCQ-Unit - 1
Q 6. Extraction of information and knowledge from data is known as

A. Data mining
B. Optimization
C. Data exploration
D. Data mart

Ans: A

Q 7. Following are the phases of Development of a business intelligence system.

A. Analysis and Design

B. Planning
C. Implementation and Control
D. All of the above

Ans: D

Q 8. Decision making process is of phases.

A. Three
B. Five
C. Two
D. Six

Ans: B

Q 9. Well defined and recurring decision making procedure is called

A. Structured
B. Semi-structured
C. Operational
D. Unstructured

Ans: A

Q 10. In approach, a decision maker considers economic, tactical legal, ethical, procedural and political

A. Absolute rationality approach

B. Bounded rationality approach
C. Rational approach
D. None of the above.

Ans: C

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T.Y.B.Sc. IT SEM VI BI MCQ-Unit - 1
Q 11. Which of the following matches the output?
a) Data mart is a subset of data warehouse.
b) Data marts contain repositories of summarized data collected for analysis on a specific section or unit within
an organization.

A. Only a is correct
B. Only b is correct
C. Both are correct
D. Both are wrong.

Ans: C

Q 12. ___________ is the outcome of extraction and processing activities carried out on data.

A. Data
B. Information
C. Knowledge
D. Wisdom

Ans: B

Q 13. In ETL ‘E’ stands for

A. External
B. Extraction
C. Extreme
D. None of the above

Ans: B

Q 14. DSS stands for:

A. Decision Support System.

B. Definition support System.
C. Data sub system
D. Data storage system.

Ans: A

Q 15. _______ represent the real problem situations.

A. Data
B. Models
C. Tools
D. Information

Ans: A

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T.Y.B.Sc. IT SEM VI BI MCQ-Unit - 1
Q 16. During the _______ phase, additional data conversion occurs toperformed to obtain the summaries that
will reduce the response time.

A. Loading.
B. Extraction.
C. Transformation
D. Performance Evaluation.

Ans: C

Q 17. Optimization is ________________.

A. Determine the best solution.

B. Successful marketing approaches to achieve the optimum outcome.
C. Getting the greatest return for the least expenditure of time, effort, manpower.
D. All the above.

Ans: D

Q 18. Which of the following matches the output?

(a) A decision support system helps in decision making but does not necessarily give a decision itself.
(b) Decision support system is a computer-based application that collects organizes and analyses business data
to facilitate quality business decisionmaking for management, operations, and planning.

A. Only a is correct.
B. only b is correct
C. Both are correct.
D. Both are wrong.

Ans: C

Q 19. Measurements express the level of conformity of a givensystem to the objectives for which it was

A. Effectiveness
B. Efficiency
C. Evaluation
D. Feedback

Ans: A

Q 20. __________ is the first stage in developing in decision support system.

A. Analysis
B. Design
C. Knowledge Acquisition
D. Planning

Ans: C

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Q 21. Data by itself is not useful unless

A. It is massive
B. It is processed to obtain information
C. It is collected from diverse sources
D. It is properly stated

Ans: B

Q 22. Decision support systems are used for

A. Management decision making

B. Providing tactical information to management
C. Providing strategic information to management
D. Better operation of an organization

Ans: C

Q 23. Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs which includes :

A. Decision support
B. Data mining
D. All of the mentioned

Ans: D

Q 24. Decision support systems are used by

A. Line managers.
B. Top-level managers.
C. Middle level managers.
D. System users

Ans: B

Q 25. Which of following is not phase of decision making process

A. Design
B. Analysis
C. Intelligence
D. Choice

Ans: B

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Q 26. _________ is a broad category of applications and technologies forgathering, storing, analyzing, and
providing access to data to help enterprise users make better business decisions.

A. best practice
B. data mart
C. business information warehouse
D. business intelligence

Ans: D

Q 27. Organizations have hierarchical structures because

A. it is convenient to do so
B. it is done by every organization
C. specific responsibilities can be assigned for each level
D. it provides opportunities for promotions

Ans: C

Q 28. Strategic information is needed for

A. Day to day operations

B. Meet government requirements
C. Long range planning
D. Short range planning

Ans: C

Q 29. Decision support systems are essential for

A. Day–to-day operation of an organization.

B. Providing statutory information.
C. Top level strategic decision making.
D. Ensuring that organizations are profitable.

Ans: C

Q 30. Computer information system are most successful in providing information for:

A. Control decisions
B. Planning decision
C. Strategic decision
D. None of the above

Ans: A

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T.Y.B.Sc. IT SEM VI SE MCQ-Unit – 2
Q 1. What is a model?

a. a selective abstraction of real world

b. a selective imagination of 1st world
c. a selective proposal of real world
d. a selective example of second word

Ans: A

Q 2. A material representation of a real system, whose behavior is imitated for the purpose of the analysis, is
called as?

a. Analogical Model
b. Iconic Model
c. Symbolic Model
d. Static Model

Ans: B

Q 3. In which model some input information represents random events characterizedby a probability

a. Stochastic
b. Iconic
c. Symbolic
d. Static

Ans: A

Q 4. What is allowed by Sensitivity and Scenario analyses is assessed?

a. The robustness of optimal decisions from variations in the input parameters.

b. The robustness of optimal decisions to variations into input parameters.
c. The robustness of optimal decisions to variations in the input data.
d. The robustness of optimal decisions to variations in the input parameters.

Ans: D

Q 5. Which model observes the status of a system only at the beginning or at the endof discrete intervals?

a. Discrete-time dynamic models

b. Static-time dynamic models
c. Symbolic -time dynamic models
d. Iconic-time dynamic models

Ans: A

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Q 6. The purpose of explanatory models is to functionally identify a possible relationship between a
dependent variable and ?

a. a set of positive attributes

b. a set of negative attributes
c. a set of neutral attributes
d. a set of independent attributes

Ans: D

Q 7. Which is one of the primary objectives of mathematical models?

a. to identify regular patterns in the data

b. to identify irregular patterns in the data
c. to identify negative patterns in the data
d. to identify neutral patterns in the data

Ans: A

Q 8. The conceptual paradigm outlined determines a wide and popular class of mathematical models for
decision making, represented by models

a. optimization models
b. stochastic models
c. Supervised models
d. iconic models

Ans: A

Q 9. What is the aim of Data Mining?

a. extracting information and knowledge

b. useful for knowledge workers in decision making
c. Extracting raw data
d. Both A & B

Ans: D

Q 10. On which learning methods the Data Mining method is based?

a. inductive learning methods

b. deductive learning methods
c. basic learning methods
d. comprehensive learning methods

Ans: A

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Q 11. What is the purpose of Interpretation?

a. to identify regular patterns in the data

b. to express the rules and criteria for easy understanding
c. to identify irregular patterns in the data
d. Both A & B

Correct answer: D

Q 12. Classification Trees or Association Rules are also called as?

a. machine learning
b. knowledge discovery in databases
c. deep learning
d. A&B

Correct answer: D

Q 13. Which are the last Phases of mathematical models for decision making

a. Problem Identification
b. Implementation and Testing
c. Model Formation
d. Development of Algorithm

Answer b

Q 14. Which mathematical model aims at understand the mechanisms that regulate the development of
intelligence, ability to extract knowledge from past experience in order to apply it in the future.

a. Risk analysis models

b. Optimization models
c. Pattern recognition Models
d. Waiting line models

Answer C

Q 15. In which Mathematical mode the decision maker is required to choose among a number of available

a. Risk analysis models

b. Optimization models
c. Pattern recognition Models
d. Waiting line models

Answer A

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Q 16. Which of the statement is not true about Data Mining?

a. The term data mining refer to the overall process consisting of data gathering and analysis, development
of inductive learning models and adoption of practical decisions and consequent actions based on the
knowledge acquired.
b. Data mining analysis is to draw a fresh conclusion without investigating the past data, observations and
c. Data mining activities can be subdivided into two major investigation streams, interpretation and
d. The data mining process is based on inductive learning methods

Ans: B

Q 17. Which is not the Phase of data Mining Process

a. Data Gathering
b. Selection of Attributes
c. Prediction and interpretation
d. Data Discarding

Ans: D

Q 18. Data Inception Means

a. inspection of each missing value

b. identify missing values
c. replacement of missing Data
d. discard all records

Ans: A

Q 19. Data Elimination Means

a. inspection of each missing value

b. identify missing values
c. replacement of missing Data
d. discard all records

Ans: D

Q 20. Data mining activities can be subdivided into two major investigation streams, which are

a. Interpretation and Sampling

b. Interpretation and Prediction.
c. Forecast and Prediction
d. Forecast and Interpretation

Ans: B

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Q 21. Which is the Application of Data Miming

a. Fraud Detection
b. Risk Analysis
c. Both a & b
d. Only b

Ans: C

Q 22. Learning analyses are not guided by a target attribute.

a. Supervised
b. Guided
c. Unguided
d. Unsupervised

Ans: D

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T.Y.B.Sc. IT SEM VI SE MCQ-Unit - 3
Q 1. Business intelligence system provides tools and methodologies to knowledge workers to help them to
take .

a. Effective decision.
b. Timely decision
c. Both 1 and 2.
d. Efficient Decision.

Ans: A

Q 2. Is the outcome of extraction and processing activities carried out on data?

a. Knowledge
b. Information
c. Data
d. Raw Data

Ans: B

Q 3. The objective of B.I is

a. To support decision-making and complex problem solving.

b. To support information gathering.
c. To support data collection.
d. To support data analysis.

Ans: A

Q 4. Which of the following is not a component of business intelligence analysis cycle?

a. Analysis
b. Insight
c. Decision
d. Design

Ans: D

Q 5. In BI Architecture, It is used to gather and integrate the data stored in various primary andsecondary

a. Data Warehouse
b. Data mart
c. Data Sources
d. None of the above.

Ans: C

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Q 6. Extraction of information and knowledge from data is known as

a. Data mining
b. Optimization
c. Data exploration
d. Data mart

Ans: A

Q 7. Following are the phases of Development of a business intelligence system.

a. Analysis and Design

b. Planning
c. Implementation and Control
d. All of the above

Ans: D

Q 8. Decision making process is ofphases.

a. Three
b. Five
c. Two
d. Six

Ans: B

Q 9. Well defined and recurring decision making procedure is called

a. Structured
b. Semi-structured
c. Operational
d. Unstructured

Ans: A

Q 10. In approach, a decision maker considers economic, tactical legal, ethical, procedural and political

a. Absolute rationality approach

b. Bounded rationality approach
c. Rational approach
d. None of the above.

Ans: C

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Q 11. Which of the following is finally produced by Hierarchical Clustering?

a. final estimate of cluster centroids

b. tree showing how close things are to each other
c. assignment of each point to clusters
d. all of the mentioned

Ans: B

Explanation: Hierarchical clustering is an agglomerative approach.

Q 12. Which of the following is required by K-means clustering?

a. defined distance metric

b. number of clusters
c. initial guess as to cluster centroids
d. all of the mentioned

Ans: D

Explanation: K-means clustering follows partitioning approach.

Q 13. Point out the wrong statement.

a. k-means clustering is a method of vector quantization

b. k-means clustering aims to partition n observations into k clusters
c. k-nearest neighbor is same as k-means
d. none of the mentioned

Ans: C

Explanation: k-nearest neighbor has nothing to do with k-means.

Q 14. Which of the following function is used for k-means clustering?

a. k-means
b. k-mean
c. heatmap
d. none of the mentioned

Answer: A

Explanation: K-means requires a number of clusters.

Q 15. Which of the following clustering requires merging approach?

a. Partitional
b. Hierarchical
c. Naive Bayes
d. None of the mentioned

Ans: B
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Explanation: Hierarchical clustering requires a defined distance as well.

Q 16. Which of the following gave rise to need of graphs in data analysis?

a. Data visualization
b. Communicating results
c. Decision making
d. All of the mentioned

Ans: D

Explanation: A picture can tell better story than data.

Q 17. Which of the following is characteristic of exploratory graph?

a. Made slowly
b. Axes are not cleaned up
c. Color is used for personal information
d. All of the mentioned

Ans: C

Explanation: A large number of exploratory graphs are made.

Q 18. Which of the following information is not given by five-number summary?

a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode
d. All of the mentioned

Ans: C

Explanation: The mode is the value that appears most often in a set of data.

Q 19. Which of the following graph can be used for simple summarization of data?

a. Scatterplot
b. Overlaying
c. Barplot
d. All of the mentioned

Ans: C

Explanation: A bar chart or bar graph is a chart that presents Grouped data with rectangular bars with lengths
proportional to the values that they represent.

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Q 20. Which of the following problem is solved by reproducibility?

a. Scalability
b. Data availability
c. Improved data analysis
d. None of the mentioned

Ans: B

Explanation: More transparency is achieved with reproducibility.

Q 21. Classify variable which is not continuous.

a. age
b. height
c. gender
d. revenue of medical shop

Ans: C

Q 22. Are supervised learning methods for predicting the value of a categorical target attributing.

a. Classification
b. Clustering
c. Regression
d. Customization

Ans: A

Q 23. Neural Networks are methods of?

a. Regression
b. Clustering
c. Classification
d. Customization

Ans: C

Q 24. The development of classification model consists of main phases: Training phase, Prediction phase.

a. Dividing Phase
b. Combining Phase
c. Testing Phase
d. Sorting Phase

Ans: C

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Q 25. Methods make use of classification methods based on simple and intuitive algorithms.

a. Separation
b. Regression
c. Probabilistic
d. Heuristic

Ans: D

Q 26. Model is used for prediction of continuous target variables

a. Probabilistic
b. Regression
c. Separation
d. Heuristic

Ans: B

Q 27. The method involves subdividing the m observations available into two disjoint subsets.

a. Holdout
b. Repeated random sampling
c. Cross validation
d. Confusion matrix

Ans: A

Q 28. Decision tree initially starts with?

a. Root
b. Leaf
c. Terminal
d. Branch

Ans: A

Q 29. The purpose of clustering is the identification of homogenous groups called .

a. Records
b. Pairs
c. Clusters
d. Observations

Ans: C

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Q 30. Develops a subdivision of given dataset into pre-determined number ofnon-empty subsets.

a. Partition methods
b. Hierarchical methods
c. Density Based methods
d. Grid methods

Ans: A

Q 31. Is also called as single linkage criterion.

a. Minimum Distance
b. Maximum Distance
c. Mean Distance
d. Distance between centroids

Ans: A

Q 32. Is also called as complete linkage criterion.

a. Minimum Distance
b. Maximum Distance
c. Mean Distance
d. Distance between centroids

Ans: B

Q 33. Agglomerative methods are techniques.

a. Top-Down
b. Left-Right
c. Right-Left
d. Bottom-Up

Ans: D

Q 34. Divisive methods are techniques.

a. Top-Down
b. Left-Right
c. Right-Left
d. Bottom-Up

Ans: A

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Q 35. Which of the following clustering type has characteristic shown in the below figure?

a. Partitional
b. Hierarchical
c. Naive Bayes
d. None of the mentioned

Ans: b

Q 36. Which of the following is required by K-means clustering?

a. defined distance metric

b. number of clusters
c. initial guess as to cluster centroids
d. all of the mentioned

Answer: d

Q 37. k-means clustering is also referred to as

a. Non-hierarchical clustering
b. Optimizing partitioning
c. Divisive clustering
d. Agglomerative clustering

Ans: A

Q 38. Which statement is not true about cluster analysis?

a. Objects in one cluster are similar to each other and dissimilar to objects in the other clusters.
b. Cluster analysis is also called classification analysis or numerical taxonomy.
c. Groups or clusters are suggested by the data, not defined a priori.
d. Cluster analysis is a technique for analyzing data when the criterion or dependent variable is categorical
and the independent variables are interval in nature.

Ans: D

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Q 39. Clustering is what type of learning?

a. Supervised
b. Unsupervised
c. Semi-supervised
d. None of the above

Ans: b

Q 40. Which method of analysis does not classify variables as dependent or independent?

a. regression analysis
b. discriminant analysis
c. analysis of variance
d. cluster analysis

Ans: D

Q 41. In the K-means clustering algorithm the distance between cluster centroid to each object is calculated
using method.

a. Cluster distance
b. Euclidean distance
c. Cluster width
d. None of above

Ans: B

Q 42. Which of the following clustering algorithms suffers from the problem of convergence at local optima?

a. K- Means clustering
b. Hierarchical clustering
c. Diverse clustering
d. All of the above

Ans: D

Q 43. A perceptron is:

a. a single layer feed-forward neural network with pre-processing

b. an auto-associative neural network
c. a double layer auto-associative neural network
d. a neural network that contains feedback

Ans: A

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Q 44. Automated vehicle is an example of

a. Supervised learning
b. Unsupervised learning
c. Active learning
d. Reinforcement learning

Ans: A

Q 45. Classify variable which is not continuous.

a. age
b. height
c. gender
d. revenue of medical shop

Ans: C

Q 46. Are supervised learning methods for predicting the value of a categorical target attributing.

a. Classification
b. Clustering
c. Regression
d. Customization

Answer A

Q 47. Neural Networks are methods of?

a. Regression
b. Clustering
c. Classification
d. Customization

Ans: C

Q 48. The development of classification model consists of main phases: Training phase, Prediction phase.

a. Dividing Phase
b. Combining Phase
c. Testing Phase
d. Sorting Phase

Ans: C

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Q 49. Methods make use of classification methods based on simple and intuitive algorithms.

a. Separation
b. Regression
c. Probabilistic
d. Heuristic

Ans: D

Q 50. Model is used for prediction of continuous target variables

a. Probabilistic
b. Regression
c. Separation
d. Heuristic

Ans: B

Q 51. The method involves subdividing the m observations available into two disjoint subsets.

a. Holdout
b. Repeated random sampling
c. Cross validation
d. Confusion matrix

Ans: A

Q 52. Decision tree initially starts with?

a. Root
b. Leaf
c. Terminal
d. Branch

Ans: A

Q 53. The purpose of clustering is the identification of homogenous groups called .

a. Records
b. Pairs
c. Clusters
d. Observations

Ans: C

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Q 54. Develops a subdivision of given dataset into pre-determined number ofnon-empty subsets.

a. Partition methods
b. Hierarchical methods
c. Density Based methods
d. Grid methods

Ans: A

Q 55. Is also called as single linkage criterion.

a. Minimum Distance
b. Maximum Distance
c. Mean Distance
d. Distance between centroids

Ans: A

Q 56. Is also called as complete linkage criterion.

a. Minimum Distance
b. Maximum Distance
c. Mean Distance
d. Distance between centroids

Ans: B

Q 57. Agglomerative methods are techniques.

a. Top-Down
b. Left-Right
c. Right-Left
d. Bottom-Up

Ans: D

Q 58. Divisive methods are techniques.

a. Top-Down
b. Left-Right
c. Right-Left
d. Bottom-Up

Ans: A

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Q 59. When data are classified according to a single characteristic, it is called:

a. Quantitative classification
b. Qualitative classification
c. Area classification
d. Simple classification

Ans: D

Q 60. Cluster is

a. Group of similar objects that differ significantly from other objects

b. Operations on a database to transform or simplify data in order to prepare it for amachine-learning
c. Symbolic representation of facts or ideas from which information can potentially be extracted
d. None of these

Ans: A

Q 61. Which of the following statements about Naive Bayes is incorrect?

a. Attributes are equally important.

b. Attributes are statistically dependent of one another given the class value.
c. Attributes are statistically independent of one another given the class value.
d. Attributes can be nominal or numeric

Ans: B

Q 62. Suppose we would like to perform clustering on spatial data such as the geometrical locations of houses.
We wish to produce clusters of many different sizes and shapes. Which of the following methods is the most

a. Decision Trees
b. Density-based clustering
c. Model-based clustering
d. K-means clustering

Ans: B

Q 63. Bayesian classifiers is

a. A class of learning algorithm that tries to find an optimum classification of a set of examples using the
probabilistic theory.
b. Any mechanism employed by a learning system to constrain the search space of ahypothesis
c. An approach to the design of learning algorithms that is inspired by the fact that when people encounter
new situations, they often explain them by reference to familiar experiences, adapting the explanations
to fit the new situation.
d. None of these

Ans: A

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Q 64. Classification is

a. A subdivision of a set of examples into a number of classes

b. A measure of the accuracy, of the classification of a concept that is given by a certain theory
c. The task of assigning a classification to a set of examples
d. None of these

Ans: A

Q 65. Classification of data according to location or areas is called:

a. Qualitative classification
b. Quantitative classification
c. Geographical classification
d. Chronological classification

Ans: C

Q 66. In classification, the data are arranged according to:

a. Similarities
b. Differences
c. Percentages
d. Ratios

Ans: A

Q 67. Which of the following curve analysis is conducted on each predictor for classification?

a. NOC
b. ROC
c. COC
d. All of the mentioned

Ans: B

Q 68. What is formed by K-means Algorithm?

a. Line
b. cluster
c. patches
d. Systems

Ans: C

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T.Y.B.Sc. IT SEM VI BI MCQ - Unit - 4
Q 1. Which of the following is not a component of Relational Marketing

a. Organization
b. BI and Data Mining
c. Technology
d. Fund

Ans: D

Q 2. Which of the following is true:

a. Intensity of Relation is low for B2C

b. Intensity of Relation is low for B2B
c. Intensity of Relation is high for B2C
d. Does not depend on whether it is B2B or B2C.

Ans: A

Q 3. Which of the following is not included in Cycle of Relational Marketing Analysis?

a. Collecting information on Customers

b. Identifying their needs
c. Paying them
d. Planning based on knowledge

Ans: C

Q 4. Which of the following is not a stage in “Lifetime of a Customer”

a. Acquisition
b. Cross/Up Selling
c. Retention
d. Bargaining

Ans: D

Q 5. Which of the following is not part of Web Mining:

a. Content Mining
b. Structure Mining
c. Database Mining
d. Usage Mining

Ans: C

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Q 6. Which of the following is False for Supply Chain

a. It is network of connected and interdependent organizational units

b. Strong Coordination is required
c. It improves flow of materials if it is effective
d. Suppliers are given priority

Answer: d

Q 7. Which of the following is not an optimization model?

a. Extra Capacity
b. Maximum Fixed Cost
c. Backlogging
d. Multiple Plants

Ans: B

Q 8. It is a managerial Policy whose purpose is to maximize profit through an optimal balance between
demand and supply.

a. Management insight
b. Economic System
c. Sales System
d. Revenue Management System

Ans: D

Q 9. CCR Model stands for:

a. Charnes-Cooper-Rhodes
b. Charley-Common-Rules
c. Challenging-Common-Rules
d. Cooper-Common-Rules

Ans: A

Q 10. The expresses relationship between the Inputs utilized and Outputs Produced:

a. Efficiency Function
b. Effective Frontier
c. Efficient Frontier
d. Effective Fact

Ans: C

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Q 11. The Relationship Marketing is all about

a. Creating database value

b. Travelling programs
c. Maintaining relationship with customer
d. Loyalty based on behavior

Ans: C

Q 12. The goal of an organization should be to

a. Maintaining existing customers only

b. Get more customers and also get more return customers
c. Get more potential customers
d. Just selling the product

Ans: B

Q 13. Select the correct statements from the following (Multiple-Answer Question)

a. The aim of relational marketing is to initiate and strengthen the relationship between a company and its
b. The aim of relational marketing is to only maintain the relationship between a company and its
c. The aim of relational marketing is to intensify the relationship between a company and its stakeholders.
d. The aim of relational marketing is to preserve the relationship between a company and its stakeholders.

Ans: A, C and D

Q 14. Which of the following reasons motivates relational marketing? (Multiple-Answer Question)

a. Increased flow of information and the introduction of e-commerce

b. Customers certain loyalty
c. Systematic/Automatic gathering of sales transactions
d. Increase in advanced analysis techniques

Ans: A, C and D

Q 15. Which of the following is not a component of relational marketing strategy?

a. Strategy
b. Data Mining
c. Technology
d. Customers

Ans: D

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Q 16. Which of the following is not a decision-making option for a relational marketing strategy?

a. Prices
b. Distribution Channels
c. Product
d. Sales Processes

Ans: C

Q 17. Which of the following statements is true?

a. Relationship marketing is a collection of software applications.

b. A relationship marketing is a coherent project where the various company departments are called upon
to cooperate and integrate the managerial culture and human resources
c. A relationship marketing is a coherent project where the various companydepartments are called upon to
work using CRM tools
d. A relational marketing creates a true data culture in an organization.

Ans: B

Q 18. Which of the following is not an actor of an enterprise relationship system?

a. Employees
b. Customers
c. Suppliers
d. Competitors

Ans: D

Q 19. Which of the following are the customers of high value?

a. B2B
b. B2C
c. B2C2B
d. B2B2C

Ans: A

Q 20. The implementation of actions gives rise to low revenue per unit transactions.

a. Low-cost
b. High-cost
c. Min-cost
d. Max-cost

Ans: A

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Q 21. The companies well acquainted with fast delivery at must involve in the direction of increased
customization, by introducing more options and variants of products and services offered.

a. High-cost
b. Low-cost
c. Zero-cost
d. Min-cost

Ans: B

Q 22. Analyses for relational marketing purposes are a powerful tool for identifying the segments to be
targeted with customized products.

a. Data
b. Data-mining
c. Sales
d. Market

Ans: B

Q 23. Which of the following are decision-making processes? (Multiple-Answer Question)

a. ETL Process
b. Staging Process
c. Data Mining
d. Marketing Campaigns

Answer: C and D

Q 24. Which of the following databases is not used to store the data into the data mart for relational marketing

a. Sales force database

b. Data Warehouse
c. OLTP database
d. Marketing database

Ans: C

Q 25. Which of the following are the indirect methods that are used to acquire customer’sdata?

a. Telephonic Conversations
b. Display Advertisement Boards
c. Sending email to customers
d. Talk with Sales Agents

Ans: B

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T.Y.B.Sc. IT SEM VI BI MCQ-Unit - 5
Q 1. Which among these are the key stages for managing organizational transformation

a. Break with the past

b. Manage the future
c. Both
d. None of the above

Ans: A

Q 2. _________ represent how you increase the ability of individuals within the organizations to influence
others with the knowledge.

a. People
b. Processes
c. Technology
d. Culture

Ans: A

Q 3. It addresses how you choose, configure and utilize tools and automation to enable knowledge

a. People
b. Processes
c. Technology
d. Culture

Ans: C

Q 4. It directs how you transform organizational structures to facilitate and encourage cross discipline
awareness and expertise.

a. Binding
b. Context
c. Structure
d. Association

Ans: C

Q 5. Characteristics of expert systems

a. High Performance
b. Demonstrating
c. Advising
d. Diagnosing

Ans: A

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Q 6. Capabilities of expert systems.

a. Reliable
b. Demonstrating
c. High Responsive
d. Understandable

Ans: b

Q 7. In-capabilities of expert systems.

a. Advising
b. Diagnosing
c. Interpreting input
d. Refining their own knowledge

Ans: D

Q 8. Strategy followed for finding cause or reasons.

a. Backward Chaining
b. Forward Chaining
c. Facts
d. Decisions

Ans: A

Q 9. Strategy followed for working on conclusion, results or effects.

a. Backward Chaining
b. Forward Chaining
c. Facts
d. Decisions

Ans: B

Q 10. Levels in ES technology

a. Shells
b. Design
c. Both
d. None

Ans: A

Q 11. Knowledge Management Activity aims at

a. Total turing test

b. The rational agent approach
c. To build knowledge infrastructure
d. Thinking humanly
Ans: C
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Q 12. The challenges faced by Knowledge Management System are

a. Psychology
b. Communication and Collaboration
c. Control theory and cybernetics
d. Computer Engineering

Ans: B

Q 13. Which of the following is not a Capabilities of Expert Systems?

a. Advising
b. Demonstrating
c. Explaining
d. Expanding

Ans: D

Q 14. What is the form of Knowledge representation?


Ans: B

Q 15. Which of the following is not a benefit of Expert Systems?

a. Availability
b. Speed
c. Time
d. Less Error Rate

Ans: C

Q 16. Which is the key area in which Knowledge Management is applied

a. Technological Advances
b. Inference Engine
c. Globalization of Business
d. a&c

Ans: D

Q 17. The advantage of AI over Natural Intelligence is

a. Fabulous speed
b. Less biased
c. Error prone
d. a & b
Ans: D
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Q 18. Data, information, and past experience combined together are termed as .

a. Inference
b. Acquisition
c. vision
d. knowledge

Ans: D

Q 19. A is nothing but an expert system without knowledge base.

a. Tools
b. Expert System
c. shell
d. knowledge

Ans: C

Q 20. What kind of signal is used in speech recognition?

a. Electromagnetic signal
b. Electric signal
c. Acoustic signal
d. Radar

Ans: C

Q 21. which one of the following is not a type of Knowledge

a. Declarative Knowledge
b. Procedural Knowledge
c. Tactic Knowledge
d. Collective Knowledge

Ans D

Q 22. KDD Stands for :

a. Knowledge Discovery Data

b. Knowledge Discovery in Database
c. Knowledge Database Discovery
d. Knowledge Data Discovery

Ans: D

Q 23. Who introduced the term “Artificial Intelligence”

a. Arthur Samule
b. Marvin Lee Minsky
c. Jhon McCarthy
d. E. F. Codd
Ans C
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Q 24. In which of the following steps of expert system development, the knowledge should be represented in
IF-THEN-ELSE rules form?

a. System Design
b. Expert System Development and Completion
c. Prototype Development
d. Problem Domain Identification
Ans C

Q 25. Forward Chaining Strategy is used by to recommend a solution.

a. Inference Engine
b. Knowledge Engine
c. Expert Engine
d. Forward Engine

Answer A

Q 26. _________ is required to exhibit intelligence.

a. Data
b. Knowledge
c. Information
d. High-quality data

Ans B

Q 27. Which of the following is not a component of ES?

a. Knowledge Base
b. Inference Engine
c. User Interface
d. High-level Data

Ans: D

Q 28. Human use content memory and thinking whereas, robots are using the ,designed by scientists.

a. Knowledge
b. Data
c. built-in instruction
d. High Level Information

Ans: C

Q 29. Knowledge is resource.

a. Replaceable
b. Draining
c. Exhaustible
d. Depleting
Answer A
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Q 30. Who is the person who is responsible for making knowledge management effort in an organization?

a. CIO
b. CEO
c. CKO
d. CKE

Correct answer C

Q 31. Gathered information in knowledge management is organized, stored, shared and _______ using
defined techniques.

a. Collected
b. Analyzed
c. Planned
d. Minimized

Ans: B

Q 32. Knowledge Management process has basically six steps, they are collecting, organizing, summarizing,
analyzing, synthesizing and of data.

a. Decision making
b. Knowledge processing
c. Planning
d. Arranging

Ans: A

Q 33. In data collection procedure of knowledge management process, certain data collection points define the
______ of certain routine reports.

a. Idea
b. Knowledge
c. Data
d. Summary

Ans: D

Q 34. Lengthy information is presented in or graphical format and stored inappropriate form in summarizing
step of knowledge management process.

a. unorganized
b. tabular
c. sequential
d. unstructured

Ans: B

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Q 35. In decision making step of Knowledge Management process the is used for decision making.

a. Data
b. Knowledge
c. Information
d. Metadata

Ans: B

Q 36. People are ultimately the _______ of knowledge.

a. Storage
b. Gainer
c. Holders
d. Acquire

Ans: C

Q 37. Learning organisation is an organization characterized by a deep commitment to learning and with
the intention of continuous improvement.

a. Education
b. Understanding
c. Training
d. Improving

Ans: A

Q 38. The three key stages for managing organizational transformation for critical success factor are break with
the past, managing the past and .

a. Invest in present
b. Invest in the future
c. Managing the present
d. Outlining the future

Ans: B

Q 39. Is a way of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or a softwarethink intelligently, in

the similar manner the intelligent humans think?

a. Machine Intelligence
b. Artificial Intelligence
c. Linguistic Intelligence
d. Naturalistic Intelligence

Ans: B

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Q 40. ________ are one of the prominent research domains of Artificial Intelligence.

a. Knowledge Management Systems

b. Data driven Systems
c. Expert Systems
d. Cognitive Systems

Ans: C

Q 41. Data, information and past experience combined together are termed as .

a. Intelligence
b. Knowledge
c. Expert systems
d. Data driven systems

Ans: B

Q 42. Is a strategy of an expert system to answer the question, “What can happen next?”

a. Forward Chaining
b. Backward Chaining
c. Total Task Chaining
d. Backward Reasoning

Ans: A

Q 43. JESS is an abbreviation for .

a. Java Enhanced System Sell

b. Java Expert System Sell
c. Java Expert Sub System
d. Java Enhanced Sub System

Ans: B

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