My 300 Level Siwes
My 300 Level Siwes
My 300 Level Siwes
COVER PAGE................................................................................................................................1
TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………………………………...1
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………………2
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………………3
1.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 7
1.5 Conclusion - - - - - - - - - 11
2.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 12
3.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 15
4.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - 16
5.1 INTRODUCTION - - - - - - - - 19
5.2 conclusion - - - - - - - - - 19
5.3 recommendation - - - - - - - - - 19
I dedicated this study to the people of my country . In life three matters most, first God
Almighty, second parent and thirdly friends, I dedicate this report to God Almighty for His
unlimited grace, consistent love, immeasurable faithfulness, and for sparing my life throughout
the period of my SIWES programme, secondly to my daring parents for their undiminished
support and unquantifiable assistance throughout the whole exercise and so my beloved friends
It is my pleasure to thank those who helped me in various aspects of academic journey. I wish to
register any profound gratitude to God Almighty for the guidance and grace throughout my life
I’m grateful to the entire Staff of NIGERIA MINING CADASTRE for making my industrial
training interesting, educative and worthwhile My special gratitude goes to my HOD. Prof DR
ILYASU GARBA for his effort to see that this work saw the light of the day. I appreciate all my
amazing lecturers in the department, my wonderful supervisor, Prof Dr. Ilyasu garba, Dr
educational pursuit, I say, remain blessed by God Almighty and to my beloved siblings, I love
The introduction of students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) into the normal
schools’ curriculum has opened up an avenue for students to acquire a lot of experience, skills,
information and knowledge during the period of attachment to the company/ industry in order to
supplement the theoretical background of their chosen course of study and also to prepare them
for the challenges the future holds. This report is centered on my six months industrial training
program with Nigerian mining cadastre. In mining cadastre The system allows mineral
rights ‘holders and small and large enterprises to consult and apply for these
mineral rights
the scheme during its formative years. However, due to fnancial constraints,
the fund withdrew from the scheme in 1978. The Federal Government,
noting the signifcance of the skills training handed the management of the
scheme to both the National Universities Commission (N.U.C) and the
National Board for Technical Education (N.B.T.E) in 1979. The management
and implementation of the scheme was however reverted to the I.T.F by the
Federal Government in November, 1984 and the administration was
efectively taken over by the Industrial Training Fund in uuly 198,, with the
funding solely borne by the Federal Government
Prepare the students for the industrial work situation they’re likely to
meet after graduation.
Expose students to work method and techniques in handling
equipment and machinery that may not be available in their
Make the transition from school to the world of work easier and
enhance students contact for later job placement.
Provides students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge in real
work situations thereby bridging the gap between theory and practice.
Enlist and strengthens employers involvement in the entire educational
process and prepare students for employment after graduation.
The bodies involved are: Federal Government, Industrial Training Fund (ITF), Other Supervising
Agencies are: National University Cormmission (NUC), National Board for Technical Education
(NBTE) & National Council for Colleges of Education (NCCE). The functions of these
1.5 Conclusion
Therefore the success or otherwise of the SIWES depends on the efciency of the Ministries,
ITF, Institutions, Employers of labour and the general public involved in articulation and
management of the programme. Thus the evaluation of SIWES in tertiary institutions in meeting
up with the needs for the establishment of the programme is necessary
The Nigeria Mining Cadastre Ofce was established in 2007 with the responsibility
Administration and Management of Mineral Titles in Nigeria in accordance with section 5 of
the Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act, 2007. The Mining Cadastre Ofce shall in addition to
any other functions prescribed by or under the Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act, 2007,
consider applications for mineral titles and permits, issue, suspend and upon writen
approval of the Minister, revoke any mineral titlen
Receive and dispose of applications for modifcations: Renewal, transfer, relinquishment,
consolidation etc. of mineral titles or extension of areasn
Maintain a chronological record of all applications for mineral titles in a Priority Register
which is to be specifcally used to ascertain the priority and registration of Applications for
exclusive rights or free areasn
Maintain a general register which is to be used for all other types of applications Where
registration of the priority is not required
Undertake such other activities reasonably necessary for the purpose of carrying out its
duties and responsibilities under the provisions of the Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act,
2007 and the Nigerian Minerals and Mining Regulations, 2011.
.2.3 Structure of the Organization
The agency has a Director-General/CEO as its head with for departments headed by Directors
i. Registry
ii. Concession
iii. Monitoring and Coordination
iv. Human Resource and Finance
v. Legal services.
Legal services: This units all litigations arising from mineral titles administration of the offices
on its day to day activities.
Human Resource and Finance: This Department Takes the Administration of the office
Monitoring and Coordination: This department coordinates all the zonal offices on the following;
i. Conflict resolution on consent letters as issued by communities.
ii. Site verification claims.
During my six month of the SIWES training, I was able to acquire much experiences
in the geosciences software in documentation, recording of files and evaluation.
Throughout my siwes I work under the concession department. This department
deals the following
Firstly I learned the recording of concent (i.e. this is the approval that the
miner seeks from the head for mining search). The departments where I
served have the responsibility for this process. Through this a consent is
made, so if the consent is approved our department will verify the approval
and records it’s indicating that you are allowed to start the mining process
I also learn refusal of a file. The refusal of a file is an act which is done by the
concession departments when the documents are not complete. The refusal by the
concession department deals with lawyers (i.e. Barristers) that ensure the legal
backing of contract and ensure that they are there when there exist a conflict or
misunderstanding. In this consent if the contract is accepted or rejected, the lawyers
ensure legal backings are protected.
During the programme, I had difculties understanding a lot of terms and terminologies that
were used at the ofce because a lot of them were very new to me. This made it hard for me to
follow the procedures easily.
Here it consists of the recommendations and refusal rooms. This is under the registry and
concession departments. Thus, there are some miners that may fail to meet the requirements for
mining. Miners are profiles are recording to keep their data, if they fail to meet up supply the
necessary documents they are recorded in the refusal documents or stored in the refusal
documents before the supply all documents required from them. So their documents are recorded
and stored in the refusal room.
The concession rooms also stored documented files. If for example the miners submitted his
files, resulting from a total overlap or mis-understanding from payments for approval, issuance
of small scale license, issuance of quarry licenses. If it is found that al this documents are not
available, the concession departments will take the documents to the refuse room. Any time the
miner issues all documents his file will be taken to the recommendation room indicating the
approval of the miners. All this are the work done under the concession departments where I
undertake my training.
The six (6) months student industrial work experience scheme with NIGERIAN MINING
CADASTRE OFFICE (NMCO) expose me to the practical aspect of mining documentation,
Student Industrial working experience Scheme (SIWES) was organized by federal government
of Nigeria to give much experience and exposing of higher institution in various fields of life.
This programme is mainly organized for higher institution students in much department to
acquire the students with practical experience on the field, to prepare students towards the
possible challenges after graduation, and also to be exposed to some equipment or instruments
that may not be available in the school which develop our practical form of learning.
The student industry work experience scheme (SIWES) is a very important program which has
provided a means for student in higher education to acquire good knowledge, skills, and
experience in their various courses of study. I recommend the SIWES, especially that SKYLINE
UNIVERSITY and the supervisors who endeavored to visit the students in their various place of
attachment to check on their welfare and the Company should be willing to accept and encourage
student that are seeking for SIWES placement in their company
The students should be taught and shown the proper ways to:
2. Firms/Employers Support
The I.T Students shouldn’t be treated as servants all because they came for
training. They should be supported – no matter how small, with money
probably daily, weekly or monthly for their transportation and service.
Ekpenyong, L.E. (2011). Foundations of Technical and Vocational Education: Evolution and
Practice for Nigerian Students in TVE and Adult Education, Policy Makers & Practitioners.
Ekwue, K.C. & Eluro, D.C. (2002). Business Education for industry. The SIWES Experience.
Business Education Journal, 11(5), 9
Craig, R. L. (1987). Training and development handbook: A guide to human resource
development (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.