Role of Tamilnadu in Freedom Struggle

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Government of Tamilnadu

Department of Employment and Training

Course : TNPSC Group I, II & IIA Prelims Exam

Subject : History, Culture, Heritage and Socio-Political Movements in Tamil Nadu
Topic : Role of Tamil Nadu in freedom struggle

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History, Culture, Heritage and Socio-Political Movements in Tamil Nadu

Role of Tamil Nadu in

freedom struggle

Early Agitations Aganist Bristish princes and the poligars lost their dignity and
Rule respectable status in the society. The oppressive
policy in administration, the rude means of
The Poligars Revolt (A.D.1799) collection of taxes and the superiority complex
After the decline of the Vijayanagar of the British severely affected the people. By
Empire, the Mughals established their following the mercantile policy of gain, they
supremacy in the south. The Nawab of Arcot increased taxes and collected it in a high-
acted as their representative in the Carnatic. handed manner. Katabomman was humiliated
He acquired the right to collect taxes from the and hanged. Their relatives were subjected to
poligars. He could not collect taxes properly. severe punishments. These factors made the
Moreover the borrowed money from the revolt inevitable.
East India company. In 1792 the company Marudhu Pandiar and the Southern
made a treaty with Nawab and acquired the League
right to collect taxes from the poligars and Marudhu Pandiar was one
appointed English collectors of tax collection. of the heroes of south Indian
They followed Rough and ruthless methods rebellion. He served loyally
to collect taxes. The poligars opposed the under Muthu Vadukanath
British. Kattabomman was the first man who Deva of Sivaganga. When
raised his voice against the British. Kattabomman was hanged to
The South Indian Rebellion death, he gave protection to
(1800-1801) Umathurai and others. This was not liked by
The South Indian Rebellion was the outburst the merchants of Sivaganga. Anticipating a
of the accumulated hatred and anger against struggle with British, Marudhu Pandiar
the company’s rule. prepared himself to face any attack from the
Causes British. This greatly alarmed the British. The
The interference of the company in the British sent their force under Col. Agnew
matters of local principalities reduced the against Marudhu Pandiar. Realising the
power and prestige of the local rulers. The seriousness, Marudhu Pandiar issued a

History, Culture, Heritage and Socio-Political Movements in Tamil Nadu

proclamation to call the Indians to unite against force in the political system of south India.
the British. A copy of it was pasted on the walls They regarded themselves as independent,
of the gate-way of the Nawab’s Palace in the sovereign authorities within their respective
fort at Trichy. Another copy was pasted on the Palayams, arguing that their lands had been
walls of the great Vaishnava Temple at handed down to them across a span of sixty
Srirangam. He invited people of all castes and generations. Such claims were brushed aside
religions to join in the struggle against the by the East India Company.
British. Marudu Brothers
The conflict started on 29th May 1801. Despite the exemplary
The rebels were defeated at various places. repression of Palayakkarars
Dindigul, Ramanad and Madurai came under in 1799, rebellion broke out
the control of the British. Marudhu Pandiar again in 1800, this time in a
hid himself in the Singampunari forest. But more cohesive and united
Thondaiman of Padukottai captured Marudhu manner. Although the
Pandiar and handed over to the British. 1800-1801 rebellion was to be categorized in the
Marudhu Pandiar and others were hanged British records as the Second Palayakkarar
to death on Oct 24, 1801 A.D and Umaithurai War, it assumed a much broader character than
was impaled at Panchalamkuruchi on 16th its predecessor. It was directed by a confederacy
November 1801 A.D. Thus the south Indian consisting of Marudu Pandian of Sivaganga,
rebellion came to an end. Gopala Nayak of Dindugal, Kerala Verma of
In Tamil Nadu, as in other parts of India, Malabar and Krishnappa Nayak and Dhoondaji
the earliest expressions of opposition to British of Mysore.
rule took the form of localized rebellions and The insurrection, which broke out in
uprisings. Chief among these was the revolt of Coimbatore in June 1800, soon spread to
the Palayakkarars (Poligars) against the East Ramanathapuram and Madurai. By May 1801,
India Company. it had reached the northern provinces, where
The Palayakkarar system had evolved with Marudu Pandian and Melappan provided
the extension of Vijayanagar rule into Tamil the leadership. Oomathurai, the brother of
Nadu. Each Palayakkarar was the holder of Kattabomman emerged as a key leader. In
a territory or Palayam (usually consisting of February 1801, Oomathurai and two hundred
a few villages), granted to him in return for men by a cleverly move took control of
military service and tribute. In most cases, Panchalamkuruchi Fort.
the Palayakkarars gave little attention to The fort now re-occupied and reconstructed
perform their duties and were interested by rebel forces, Panchalamkuruchi became the
in increasing their own powers. With their centre of the uprising. Three thousand armed
numerical strength, extensive resources, men of Madurai and Ramanathapuram,
local influence and independent attitude, the despatched by Marudu Pandian, joined up with
Palayakkarars came to constitute a powerful the Panchalamkuruchi forces. However, British

History, Culture, Heritage and Socio-Political Movements in Tamil Nadu

forces quickly asserted itself. The Palayakkarar tribute. Mahfuz Khan, with the assistance of the
forces based at Panchalamkuruchi were British army under Col. Heron undertook an
crushed. By the orders of the government, the expedition to suppress the revolt in March 1755.
site of the captured fort was ploughed up and Puli Thevar and the Marava Palayakkarars of
sowed with castor oil and salt so that it should the Western bloc stood firm against the British.
never again be inhabited. Col. Heron decided to deal with the Maravas
The British forces quickly overpowered firmly.
the remaining insurgents. The Marudu Col. Heron tried to change the mind of Puli
brothers and their sons were put to death. Thevar by diplomatic moves and by show of
Oomathurai and Sevatiah were beheaded at force. But he failed in his attempts. Puli Thevar
Panchalamkuruchi on 16 November, 1801. proceeded to consolidate his position by
Seventy-three of the principal rebels were organising the Marava Palayakkarars of the West
sentenced to transportation. So savage and into a strong confederacy. He also attempted
extensive was the death and destruction to get the support of Haider Ali of Mysore
wrought by the English that the entire region and the French against the British. The British
was left in a state of terror. approached Ramnad, Pudukottai and the Dutch
The suppression of the Palayakkarar for help. Haider Ali couldn’t help Puli Thevar
rebellions of 1799 and 1800-1801 resulted in the due to a Mysore - Maratha struggle. Yusuf Khan
liquidation of the influence of the chieftains. (Khan Sahib) was entrusted by the British with
Under the terms of the Karnatac Treaty (31 July, the duty of tackling Puli Thevar and his allies.
1801), the British assumed direct control over Puli Thevar attacked Madurai and captured
Tamil Nadu. The Palayakkararr system came it from Mahfuz Khan. Puli Thevar’s military
to a violent end and the Company introduced success had no parallel. The native ruler
the Zamindari settlement in its place. triumphed against the British. It is a clear
Puli Thevar demonstration of the Marava might and
Among the Palayakkarars, the heroism of the patriots. But Yusuf Khan
there were two blocs, namely recaptured Madurai. With the help of the
the Western and the Eastern Palayakkarars of the Eastern bloc and the king
blocs. The Western bloc had of Travancore, Yusuf Khan had many victories.
Marava Palayakkarars and After fierce battles, Nerkkattumseval was
the Eastern bloc had Telugu attacked in 1759. In 1767, this city was captured
Palayakkarars. Puli Thevar of by Col. Campbell. Puli Thevar escaped and died
Nerkkattumseval headed the former and in exile without finally fulfilling his purpose of
Kattabomman of Panchalamkuruchi led the checking the growth of the British influence.
latter. These two Palayakkarars refused to pay Although his attempt ended in failure, he leaves
the kist (tribute) to the Nawab and rebelled. a valiant trail of a struggle for independence in
Many of the neighbouring Palayakkarars the history of South India.
put up certain pretexts and did not pay the

History, Culture, Heritage and Socio-Political Movements in Tamil Nadu

Vira Pandya Kattabomman An interview was granted by Jackson and

Vira Pandya Kattabomman became the Kattabomman cleared most of the arrears
Palayakkarar of Panchalamkuruchi at the age of leaving only 1090 pagodas as balance. During
thirty on the death of his father, Jagavira Pandya this interview Kattabomman and his Minister,
Kattabomman. Yet, several events led to the Sivasubramania Pillai, had to stand before the
conflict between Kattabomman and East India arrogant collector for three hours together.
Company. During this period the collection of Still he did not permit them to leave the
tribute served as a cause of friction. The Nawab place, but directed them to stay inside the
of Arcot who had this right surrendered it fort. Kattabomman suspected the intensions
to the English under the provisions of the of Jackson. Hence, he tried to escape with his
Karnatc Treaty of 1792. Therefore, the chief of minister and brother Oomathurai. At the gate
Panchalamkuruchi, Kattabomman had to pay of the fort there followed a clash, in which some
tribute to the English. In September 1798, the people including Lieutenant Clarke were killed.
tribute from Kattabomman fell into arrears. Sivasubramania Pillai was taken prisoner. But
Collector Jackson in his characteristic Kattabomman escaped. After his return to
arrogance and rashness wrote letters to Panchalamkuruchi, Kattabomman appealed to
Kattabomman in a threatening language. There the Madras Council submitting the facts. The
is a tradition to indicate that Kattabomman Madras Government directed Kattabomman
declared : “ It rains, the land yields, why should to appear before a Committee. Meanwhile, the
we pay tax to the English?” By the 31 May 1789, government released Sivasubramania Pillai
the total arrears of tribute from Kattabomman and suspended the Collector, Jackson. He
amounted to 3310 pagodas. Though Jackson appeared before the Committee, with William
wanted to send an army against Kattabomman, Brown, William Oram and John Casmayor as
the Madras Government did not give permission. members. The Committee found Kattabomman
Hence, on the 18 August 1798 Jackson sent an order not guilty. S. R. Lushington was now appointed
to Kattabomman to meet him at Ramanathapuram Collector in the place of Jackson, latter was
within two weeks. In the meantime, Kattabomman eventually dismissed from service.
went with arrears of tribute to meet Jackson. League of the Palayakkarars
Kattabomman was humiliated twice by Jackson Thus the English removed the source of
when the former wanted to meet him at grievance to Kattabomman. Yet, the humiliation
Tirukutralam and Srivilliputttur. suffered by Kattabomman affected his self-
Kattabomman respect. During this time, Marudu Pandyan
But he was told that he could meet the of Sivaganga organized the South Indian
collector only at Ramanathapuram. Despite Confederacy of rebels against the British.
this humiliation, Kattabomman followed The Tiruchirappalli Proclamation was made.
Jackson for twenty three days in a journey of He sent missions Panchalamkuruchi. Thus a
400 miles through the latter’s route and reached close association between Kattabomman and
Ramanathapuram on the 19 September. Marudu Pandyan established. The events now

History, Culture, Heritage and Socio-Political Movements in Tamil Nadu

moved to a crisis. In August 1798 the son of the death. Sivasubramania Pillai was executed at
Palayakkarar of Sivagiri and his adviser visited Nagalapuram on the 13th of September. On
Panchalamkuruchi and held consultations. the 16th of October Vira Pandyan was tried
Kattabomman decided to establish his before an assembly of Palayakkarars,
influence in Sivagiri with the aid of the son summoned at Kayattar. Thereupon, Bennerman
of the Palayakkarar. As the Palayakkarar of announced death penalty. On the 16th of
Sivagiri was a tributary to the Company, the October Kattabomman was hanged to death at
Madras Council considered this move as a a conspicuous spot near the old fort of Kayattar.
challenge to its own authority and ordered war Vira Pandyan faced the last moments of his life
against Kattabomman. with the pride of a hero.
Expedition to Panchalamkuruchi Vellore Mutiny
In May 1799, Lord Wellesley issued orders Vellore was the
from Madras for the advance of forces from capital of erstwhile
Tiruchirappalli, Thanjavur and Madurai to North Arcot
Tirunelveli. Major Bannerman, armed with district in Tamil
extensive powers, assumed the command of the Nadu. At present,
expedition. On the 1 September, 1799 the Major this district is
served an ultimatum directing Kattabomman to named after its
surrender and attend on him at Palayamkottai capital Vellore. It is a well fortified and
on the 4th. Kattabomman replied that he would beautiful city.
submit on a lucky day. With the expansion of the East India
Bannerman considered this reply as evasive Company’s rule in India, the native rulers and
and decided on military action. On 5 September their dependents suffered. The native rulers
Kattabomman’s fort was attacked. On the 16th either submitted or rebelled. These rebellions
reinforcements reached from Palayamkottai. In had no clear vision or ideal but purely
a clash at Kolarpatti the Palayakkarar troops motivated by the territorial interest of the
suffered heavy casualty and Sivasubramania native rulers and their ambition to preserve
Pillai was taken prisoner. Kattabomman escaped the old feudal order. The heroism and sacrifice
to Pudukkottai. The ruler of Pudukkottai of individuals like Puli Thevar, Kattabomman
captured Kattabomman from the jungles of and Marudu Brothers had no parallel. But all
Kalapore and handed him over to the British. these leaders never organised the common
Fall of Kattabomman people for a unified and meaningful cause. The
Bannerman brought ideas of nationalism, political consciousness
the prisoners to an and organized struggle came much later.
assembly of the Pal 31 In Vellore the native sepoys rose in revolt
May 1789 Ayakkarars in 1806. This incident differs from other
and after a mockery of previous rebellions in. The earlier rebellions
trial sentenced them to were those of the native rulers. The Vellore

History, Culture, Heritage and Socio-Political Movements in Tamil Nadu

Mutiny was organized by the sepoys. The mutinies in India during the Company’s rule.
earlier rebellions had only a regional interest. The sepoys once served the local chieftains
Every prince wanted to safeguard his own (either Hindu or Muslim). The chieftains were
kingdom at any cost. their own kinsmen but now they served under
But Vellore Mutiny was the result of the foreigners. They can never forget their
spontaneous outflow of the feelings of the original loyalties.
sepoys who served under the Company. It was The Vellore uprising was preceded by a
a protest by the sepoys against the Company. series of protests by the Indian troops. In May
This protest showed the future possibilities. 1806, the 4th Regiment rose in revolt against
Causes the new turban. The Commander-in-Chief
Several causes are attributed to the Vellore took severe action the sepoys who were found
Mutiny. Indian sepoys had to experience guilty were punished with 500 to 900 lashes.
numerous difficulties when they went to serve Before the mutiny secret associations were
in the Company’s army. The sepoys were formed and meetings held in which Tipu’s
forced to serve under the Company since family took part.
their earlier patrons (the native chieftains) On June 17th 1806 a sepoy of the 1st Regiment
were all disappearing from the scene. The named Mustapha Beg, secretly informed his
strict discipline, practice, new weapons, new commanding officer, Colonel Forbes, that a
methods and uniforms were all new to the plot had been planned for the extermination of
sepoys. Anything new appears to be difficult the European officers and troops. But this was
and wrong for a man who is well-settled in the not taken seriously .
old way of life for a long-time. On the eve of the Mutiny at Vellore Fettah
Sir John Cradock, the commander-in-chief, Hyder, the first son of Tipu, tried to form an
with the -approval of Lord- William Bentinck, alliance against the English and sought the
the Governor of Madras, introduced a new help of the Marathas and the French.
from of turban, resembling a European hat. Fettah Hyder received secret information
Wearing ear rings and caste marks were also through one Mohommed Malick. Besides,
prohibited. princes Fettah Hyder and Moiz-ud-Deen
The sepoys were asked to shave the chin in particular were active in planning the
and to trim the moustache. The sepoys felt that execution of the Mutiny.
these were designed to insult them and their Thus, there was the desire to revive the old
religious and social traditions. There was also Muslim rule in this region. The sepoys were
a popular belief that this was the beginning aware of the tragic end of Puli Thevar, Khan
of a process by which all of them would be Sahib, Kattabomman, Marudu Brothers, Tipu
converted to Christianity. Sultan and others. Hence there were ill-feelings
The English treated the Indian sepoys as about the British in the minds of the sepoys.
their inferior. There was the racial prejudice. All these led to the rebellion.
This was the psychological base for the sepoy

History, Culture, Heritage and Socio-Political Movements in Tamil Nadu

Course of the Mutiny and hoisted tiger-striped flag of Tipu Sultan.

On July 10th in the early morning the native But the uprising was swiftly crushed by Col.
sepoys of the 1st and 23rd Regiments started Gillespie. 800 Indian soldiers were found
the revolt . Colonel Fancourt, who commanded dead in the fort alone. Six hundred soldiers
the garrison, was their first victim. Colonel Me were imprisoned in Tiruchi and Vellore.
Kerras of the 23rd Regiment, was shot down Some rebels were hung, some shot dead.
on the parade-ground. Major Armstrong was The uprising was thus brought to a bloody
the next officer to be killed during the mutiny. end. Tipu’s son was sent to Calcutta. The
About a dozen other officers were also killed. commander-in-chief and the governor were
Major Cootes who was outside the fort recalled. Vellore Mutiny failed. There was no
dashed to Ranipet, 14 miles away, and proper leadership. The rebellion was also not
informed Colonel Gillespie at 7 am . Col. well organized. But it is the starting point of a
Gillespie reached the Vellore fort at 9 a.m. new era of the resistance of the sepoys to the
Meantime, the rebels proclaimed Futteh British rule. The 18th century was marked by
Hyder, Tipu’s first son, as their new ruler the resistance of the local chieftains. The first
and hoisted tiger-striped flag of Tipu Sultan. six decades of 19th century was marked by
But the uprising was swiftly crushed by Col. the resistance of sepoys.
Gillespie. 800 Indian soldiers were found K.K. Pillai rejects the thesis that Vellore
dead in the fort alone. Six hundred soldiers Mutiny led to the 1857 revolt. V.D.Savarkar
were imprisoned in Tiruchi and Vellore. calls the Vellore Mutiny of 1806 as the prelude
Some rebels were hung, some shot dead. to the first War of Indian Independence in
The uprising was thus brought to a bloody 1857. N. Sanjivi proclaims that the Tamils
end. Tipu’s son was sent to Calcutta. The had taken the real lead in the Indian freedom
commander-in-chief and the governor were struggle. K. Rajayyan argues that this mutiny
recalled. Vellore Mutiny failed. There was no was a continuation of the Marudu Brothers’
proper leadership. The rebellion was also not resistance movement against the colonial rule.
well organized. But it is the starting point of a The south Indian rebellion was over
new era of the resistance of the sepoys to the by A.D.1801. But the rude shock was not
British rule. The 18th century was marked by erased from the minds of the people. The
the resistance of the local chieftains. The first English East India Company emerged as
six decades of 19th century was marked by the Unopposed ruler of Madras Presidency
the resistance of sepoys. and John Cradock was commander-in-
Major Cootes who was outside the fort chief. His army reforms invited a mutiny at
dashed to Ranipet, 14 miles away, and Vellore. The Vellore Mutiny of 1806 was the
informed Colonel Gillespie at 7 am . Col. first Instance of a mutiny by Indian sepoys
Gillespie reached the Vellore fort at 9 a.m. against the East India Company. it is one of
Meantime, the rebels proclaimed Futteh the significant event snot only in the history
Hyder, Tipu’s first son, as their new ruler of Tamil Country but also India. It took place

History, Culture, Heritage and Socio-Political Movements in Tamil Nadu

in the south Indian town Vellore. As it was It was established by Harley, Lakshmi
led by the sepoys of Vellore. As it was led by narasu Chetty and Srinivasa Pillai in 1852. The
the sepoys of Vellore fort, it was called as the Association criticized the policies of the East
Vellore Mutiny. It was presumed as a prelude India company. In 1884, the Madras Native
to the Great Revolt of 1857. Association was merged with the Madras
Causes for the Failure of the Mutiny Mahajana Sabha established by S.Ramaswami
There was no proper leadership. The Mudhaliar, P.Anandacharlu and P.Rangaiah
revolt was not well organised. Tipus’s Naidu. The Sabha functioned at the office
sons did not have proper training in of ‘The Hindu’, Ellis Road Junction, Mount
warfare as they spent most of their life Road.
time in prison. The sepoys could not get P.Rangaiah Naidu was elected first
the support and supplies on time from President of the Sabha. The Sabha adopted a
the native rulers. moderate policy in its early days. However,
Results its aims and the objectives were considered
Many Indian soldiers were arrested and seditious. In Dec 1895, on his visit to Madras,
imprisoned. Tipu’s family was taken to Calcutta the Viceroy of India, Lord Elgin refused to
and kept in prison for more than six years. The receive the welcome address from the Madras
Mutiny revealed the patriotic and the revengeful Mahajana Sabha.
attitude of the Indians toward the British. Madras Mahajana Sabha was considered
Through the mutiny failed, it became a prelude to be a unique one that paved the way for our
to the First War of Indian Independence of 1857. national freedom. The Sabha voiced out the
fundamental rights of our countrymen. It had
Role of Tamil Nadu in the developed very close relationship with the
Indian National Congress since 1920 onwards.
Freedom Movement
Consequently in 1930, the Sabha organized
the Salt Satyagraha movement on April 22nd
Madras Mahajana Sabha
in Madras George town, Esplanade, the High
court and beach areas. The members were
attacked savagely by the British police. As
the Sabha insisted on a legal enquiry about
the injustice done towards the participants of
the enquired thirty people and submitted its
report to the government.
When the British Government banned
the Congress party, Madras Mahajana Sabha
conducted numerous exhibitions to instigate
the partriotic feelings in the hearts of our

History, Culture, Heritage and Socio-Political Movements in Tamil Nadu

countrymen such as All India Khadi Exhibition Subramania Iyer performed the remarriage of
and Swadeshi Exhibition. his widowed daughter in December 1889. He
The father of our nation-Mahatma Gandhiji moved the first resolution in the first session
had delivered a speech at the meeting of of the Indian National Congress in 1885. He
Mahajana Sabha on Oct 24th 1896. Pandit started the nationalist papers like The Hindu
Jawaharlal Nehru also had participated in the in English and Swadeshamitran in Tamil. In
golden Jubilee celebrations of the Sabha. 1892, the Madras Provincial Conference was
Tamil Nadu in the Indian National started to mobilize people in the rural areas
Movement of Tamil Nadu. The third session of the Indian
Tamil Nadu played an important role in the National Congress was held in Madras in 1887
Indian National Movement. Even prior to the under the presidentship of Fakruddin Thyabji.
Great Revolt of 1857, the rebellion in Panchalam Later a number of such annual sessions were
Kuruchi, the 1801 “South Indian Rebellion” of also held in the city of Madras.
the Marudu brothers and the Vellore Mutiny Swadeshi Movement in Tamil Nadu
of 1806 were the early anti-colonial struggles in The Partition of Bengal in 1905 led to the
Tamil Nadu. During the nationalist era Tamil beginning of Swadeshi Movement in Tamil
Nadu provided the leaders like G. Subramania Nadu. During this period the important
Iyer, V.O.C. Chidambaram Pillai, Subramania leaders of the National Movement were –
Bharathi, C. Rajagopalachari and K. Kamaraj V.O.Chidambaram Pillai, Subramania Siva and
to the National Movement. Besides, the Subramania Bharathi. In May 1907 Bharathi
nationalist movement in Tamil Nadu was as brought Bipin Chandra Pal one of the leaders
active as elsewhere. of extremists in the Congress to Madras city.
Beginning of the National Movement After the Surat split in 1907, V.O.C and fellow
in Tamil Nadu nationalists started the Chennai Jana Sangam.
The earliest political organisation, the Subramania Bharathi was a non-conformist,
Madras Native Association was started in July unorthodox and a revolutionary in social and
1852. Lakshminarasu Chetty and Srinivasa political ideas. He edited the Tamil Weekly
Pillai were the founders of this organization. India. He wrote nationalist songs called the
The Madras Native Association was sharply Swadesa Geethangal. V.O.Chidambaram
critical of the policies of the East India Pillai was a lawyer by professionand he joined
Company’s rule. Subsequently in 1884, the the nationalist movement in 1905. He was a
Madras Mahajana Sabha was established by follower of Bal Ganghadar Tilak. He led the
P. Anandacharlu and P. Rangaiya Naidu. The Coral Mill Strike in February 1908 in Tuticorin.
Madras Native Association was ultimately In 1906 he launched the Swadeshi Steam
merged with this organization. Navigation Company in Tuticorin. Hence
The Madras Mahajana Sabha strongly he was called Kappalottiya Tamilan. There
supported the activities of the Indian National was competition between Swadeshi Steam
Congress. It had also initiated social reform. G. Navigation Company and British India Steam

History, Culture, Heritage and Socio-Political Movements in Tamil Nadu

Navigation Company. V.O.C advocated the campaigns against the consumption of liquor
boycott of the British India Steam Navigation in many parts of the province. Temperance
Company and this had resulted in the campaign was particularly prominent in
Tirunelveli uprising in March 1908. He was Madurai. Non- Cooperation had been a
ably assisted by Subramania Siva. Both were success in Tamil Nadu. C. Rajagopalachari, S.
arrested and imprisoned. They served six Satyamurthi and E. V. Ramaswami Naicker
years rigorous imprisonment. They were given were the important leaders of the Non-
harsh punishment inside the prison. V.O.C Cooperation Movement in Tamil Nadu.
was asked to draw an oil press and hence he is At that time E.V.Ramaswami Naicker was
known as Chekkilutta Chemmal. the President of the Tamil Nadu Congress
The arrest of the nationalist leaders, harsh Committee. C. Rajagopalachari stressed that
punishment for the nationalist leaders inside the the council boycott was a central part of the
prison and the collapse of the Swadeshi Steam Gandhian Programme. However, this view
Navigation Company led to the formation was not shared by Kasturi Ranga Iyengar,
of a revolutionary organization in Tamil Srinivasa Iyengar, Varadarajulu Naidu and
Nadu called the Bharathamatha Association. Vijayaraghavachari. In the meantime, Periyar
Nilakanta Bramachari played a vital role in it. E.V.R launched the Vaikom Satyagraha in Kerala
One of the followers of this association Vanchi against the practice of social segregation. Later
Nathan shot dead the notorious British official he resigned from the Congress and came out
Robert William Ashe at Maniyatchi junction in on the social segregation issue at Seramandevi
June 1911. Guru Kulam of V.V.S. Iyer. S. Satyamurthi of
Home Rule Movement in Tamil Nadu Pudukkottai was one of the important freedom
The Home rule Movement in Madras was fighters. He led the anti-Simon Campaign in
organized by Mrs. Annie Besant between 1916 1929 when the Simon Commission visited
and 1918. The first indication of Annie Besant’s Tamil Nadu. The other important nationalist
decision to launch a Home Rule Movement leader was K.Kamaraj from Virudhunagar.
appeared in New India in September 1915. He participated in the Vaikom Satyagraha in
Besant sought the support of the Indian National 1924 and thus entered nationalist movement.
Congress at its annual meeting at Bombay in He was the vice-president and treasurer of the
December, 1915. She was supported in her Ramnad District Congress Committee in 1929.
movement by Tilak. Home Rule Movement From the beginning, Kamaraj was the man
was vigorous during the First World War. of the masses. He spoke in simple and direct
Non-co-operation Movement language. He had a sound common sense and
In Tamil Nadu the Non-co-operation practical wisdom. He was fully aware of the
Movement was strong during the years rural Tamil Nadu. He visited each and every
1921—23. Beginning in March 1921 there were village and understood the different problems
campaigns of Non-Cooperation against the of the masses. He always identified himself
foreign regulations. In 1921 and 1922 there were with the common man of Tamil Nadu. Thus,

History, Culture, Heritage and Socio-Political Movements in Tamil Nadu

he really brought the Congress movement to without knife and blood”. This highlighted
the villages in Tamil Nadu. the Gandhian principle of non-violent struggle
Salt Satyagraha against the British.
As part of the Civil Disobedience Movement, Quit India Movement
Gandhi launched the Salt Satyagraha. Later, in 1937 when elections were held in
He undertook the Dandi March in 1930. accordance with the 1935 Act, Congress won
C.Rajagopalachari became the TNCC president the elections and formed the ministry in Madras
in April 1930. Authorized by TNCC and AICC headed by C. Rajagopalachari. There were nine
to direct the Salt Satyagraha in Tamil Nadu other ministers in his cabinet. The ministry
Rajaji undertook the famous Vedaranyam was in power from July 1937 to October 1939.
Salt Satyagraha March. He selected the The ministry had resigned along with other
route from Tiruchirappalli to Vedaranyam Congress ministries in the different provinces
in Thanjauvr district. The March began on over the issue of the Indian involvement in the
Tamil New Year’s Day (13th April). The Second World War. During Second War, after
March reached Vedaranyam on 28 April 1930. the failure of the Cripps’s Proposals Gandhi
Two days later Rajagopalachari was arrested had launched the Quit India Movement. In
for breaking the salt laws. Some of the other Tamil Nadu Quit India Movement drew the
important leaders who participated in the factory workers, students and common people.
Vedaranyam Salt Satyagraha were T.S.S.Rajan, It was a wide spread movement.
Mrs. Lakshmipathi Sardar Vedaratnam Pillai, The Buckingham & Carnatic Mills, Port Trust
C. Swaminatha Chetty and K.Santhanam. and the Tramway workers joined the movement
Tiruppur Kumaran who led the flag march was in large numbers. Quit India Movement was
fatally beaten. Since he guarded the national launched in places like North Arcot, Madurai
flag in his hands he was called Kodi Kaththa and Coimbatore. There was police firing at
Kumaran. Commemorating his sacrifice the Rajapalayam, Karaikudi and Devakottai.
Government of India issued a postal stamp in Besides, Subhash Bose’s INA had many men
his honour. and women soldiers from Tamil Nadu. Finally,
Similarly, the National Movement was when India attained independence on 15th
encouraged by songs composed by Namakkal August, 1947 the Madras Government under
Kavinjar Ramalingam Pillai. In his songs he O.P. Ramaswami Reddiar passed a resolution
praised the Gandhian methods in the struggle appreciating the Indian Independence Act.
for freedom. He sang that “a war is coming


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