Emergency Department Bronchiolitis Care Guideline: Inclusion Criteria
Emergency Department Bronchiolitis Care Guideline: Inclusion Criteria
Emergency Department Bronchiolitis Care Guideline: Inclusion Criteria
Care Guideline
At Risk for Severe Disease
Premature ( <32 weeks)
Inclusion Criteria: Age < 12 weeks
Age less than 2 years
Mild rhinorrhea or nasal congestion for 1-3 days, followed by:
- Persistent cough
- Wheezing with or without rales
- Tachypnea or retractions NOT Indicated:
- Afebrile or T<39C CXR
Exclusion Criteria: RSV/VRP
Prior wheezing episode, concern for asthma, Asthma, Chronic Lung Disease, Routine Labs (consider only
Anatomical defects of the airways, Hemodynamically significant congenital heart if fever >39C)
disease, Immunodeficiency, Neuromuscular disease, Signs of pneumonia (T >39C with Antibiotics
focal findings on lung exam) Bronchodilators
Chest Physiotherapy
Vital Signs with O2 saturation; Respiratory status
The mainstay of Bronchiolitis care is
Oxygen to keep O2 saturations >/= 92%
supportive with adequate hydration,
Assure adequate hydration PO or IV
oxygenation and maintaining an
Frequent Suctioning
open airway by nasal bulb suctioning
High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC)
should be considered for patients
presenting with increased respiratory
distress. Refer to protocol for
Suction and Score to Determine
initiation, titration and transfer to ICU
Clinical Severity criteria includes starting at 4-8 LPM
*Refer to HFNC Respiratory Assessment Scoring Tool with Fio2 of 0.4 and titrating
Cardiorespiratory monitoring during
acute phase for prematurity, chronic
underlying conditions and for infants
< 3 months of age.
See page 2
Criteria Page
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Reassess the appropriateness of Care Guidelines as condition changes and 24 hrs after
Approved Evidence Based Medicine
admission. This guideline is a tool to aid clinical decision making. It is not a standard of care.
Committee 10/18/17 © 2017 Children’s Hospital of Orange County
The physician should deviate from the guideline when clinical judgment so indicates.
Emergency Department Bronchiolitis
Care Guideline
from Page
Admission Criteria
Clinical Indications for Admission to Inpatient Care
Admission is indicated for 1 or more of the following:
Hypotension (SBP less than 70mmHG)
Respiratory fatigue( elevated pCO2)
Hypoxemia (SPO2 less than 92% on RA)
Central cyanosis
Inpatient admission required because of 1 or more of the following:
Tachypnea, wheeze, or retractions that are severe or persistent after observation care
Inability to maintain oral hydration
Feeding difficulties
Other condition, treatment , or monitoring requiring inpatient admission per physician
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Emergency Department Bronchiolitis Care Guideline
10/18/17 Page
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