TJX Companies Inc (Sabel Notice of Removal)
TJX Companies Inc (Sabel Notice of Removal)
TJX Companies Inc (Sabel Notice of Removal)
) DOCKET NO: 2022-CV-269
Plaintiff, )
v. )
Defendant. )
The TJX Companies, Inc. d/b/a Homegoods, by and through counsel, pursuant to 28 USC
section §§1332, 1441(b), 1446, hereby files this Notice of the Removal of this action from the
Circuit Court of Wilson County, State of Tennessee, to the United States District Court for the
Catherine Sabel (Plaintiff) was struck from above by a heavy metal object on the head. (Complaint,
¶7). Plaintiff alleges she “suffered serious personal injuries as a result of the fallen metal object
including but not limited toa fractured right wrist that required two surgeries (Complaint, ¶ 8). At
this time, Plaintiff has not sought a dollar amount judgment but based on Plaintiff allegedly
requiring multiple surgeries, said judgment sought will exceed $75,000. Id.
3. The Defendant, TJX Companies Inc., is a Delaware Corporation with its principal
5. This case is an action over which the court has original jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C.
§1333 and is one of which may be removed to this Court by the Defendant TJX Companies,
pursuant to the provisions of 28 U.S.C. §1441 and that it is a civil action brought in a State Court
of which the District Court of the United States has original jurisdiction.
6. While additionally, TJX was served on June 23, 2022. Therefore thirty (30) days
have not expired since service of process and this Notice of Removal is timely filed as set forth in
28 U.S.C. §1446(b)
Exhibit A.
8. TJX will provide notice to the Plaintiff of this removal, through delivery of a copy
of this Notice of Removal to their counsel of record, and to the clerk of the Circuit Court for
Davidson County, through filing into the record therein a Notice of Filing a Notice of Removal,
9. Therefore, TJX respectfully requests this Court take jurisdiction of this action, and
that this case be removed from the Circuit Court of Davidson County, State of Tennessee to this
I hereby certify that on July 15, 2022, a copy of the foregoing pleading was filed
electronically. Notice of this filing will be sent by operation of the Court’s electronic filing system
to all parties indicated on the electronic filing receipt. All other parties will be served by regular
U.S. Mail. Parties may access this filing through the Clerk’s electronic filing system.