Lession Planning and It'S Practices in Private School
Lession Planning and It'S Practices in Private School
Lession Planning and It'S Practices in Private School
Submitted by
Karuna Limbu
B.Ed. 4th year
T.U. Reg no:9-2-201-102-2017
Exam Roll no: 902010006
Faculty Of Education
Erivhuwan University
Pathivara Multiple Campus
The research proposal has been approved by the following Research Guidance committee.
Chairperson Member
Mr. Mohan Singh Rai Mr. Prem K. Gurung
Head of English department Teaching Assistant
pathivara multiple campus department of English
pathivara multiple campus
I am karuna limbu here by declare that the content of fulfilment of the research proposal on
"lesson planning and lt's practices in private schools" It is my own study and findings and it was
submitted for the bachelor 4th Year student :
First of all, I would like to thank to my research proposal supervisor respected teacher Mr. prem
Gurung teaching assistant department of English education faculty of education . His best
thought, guidance encouragement inspirations and insightful suggestion throughout the study . I
would like to acknowledge his valuable instructions , guidance and co-operation would like to
thank to all my campus English teachers for their direct and valuable academic support.
I would like to thank Mr.kiran paudel for his kind help in library support . Moreover I'd like to
thank all campus members and friends for helping my proposal work.
This study consists of five chapters . Chapter one consists of brief introduction . In this
introduction includes under different headings . Chapter two deals with review of the related
literature and conceptual framework with different heading . chapter three deals with methods
and procedure of the study with different sub headings . And chapter four deals with analysis and
interpretation result with summary , recommendation and conclusion and so on.
Chapter-one 9
1.1 Background of the study 9
1.2 statement of the problem 10
1.3 objectives of the study 10
1.4 Research Questions 10
1.5 Significance Of The Study 10
1.6 Delimitation Of The Study 11
1.7 Operational Definition Of The Key Terms 11
2.1 Review of theoretical literature: 12
2.1.1 what is lesson plan : 12
2.1.2 how to prepare lesson plan 13
2.1.3 Steps for preparing lesson plan 14
2.2 Review of empirical literature 16
2.3 implication of the related literature 18
2.4 conceptual framework 18
3.1 design and method of the study 19
3.2 population and sample 19
3.3 study area/field 19
3.4 data collection tools and techniques 19
3.5 data collection procedure 19
3.6 Data analysis and interpretation procedure 20
4.1 Analysis and interpretation of results 21
4.2 discussion of findings 21
Appendices 24
Appendix: II 25
Appendix B : lesson plans 26
List of Appendices
Appendix A = Questionnaire for interview
Appendix B = lesson plans
This is the study entitled " Lesson planning and its practices in private school". This chapter
begins with the background of the study, statement of the problem followed by a brief discussion
on lesson planning. It also includes the components of lesson planning. Steps of planning lesson
format of lesson planning and importance of lesson planning.
1.2 statement of the problem
Teaching is the challenging phenomenon. It has been always associated with social
advancement and economic prosperity and self-dependence. Education is prerequisite for any
activities. Teaching is complex activity and teachers are the focal point of teaching. Regular base
education, expertise. Experiences are needed for teaching. Language teachers need special
knowledge skill for teaching. Which is known as teaching profession.
Due to rapid development in science and technology education and teaching fields are
facing challenges. Modern science and technology also helps in education. But challenge is faced
in every step. Thus to handle these situation, teachers should be well equipped with the
knowledge to handle the modern needs. They should be professionally fit in their job carious
activities are conducted for teacher professional development, workshops, seminar, conference,
observation, peer teaching, teacher support groups, reflective teaching, lesson planning is one of
Training on lesson planning is one compulsory part i.e. giving due focus on lesson
planning while giving training to the teachers. This study examines the importance role and use
of lesson planning for effective teaching leaning and academic progress of the students. How
lesson planning help the teachers to develop their professional and is there ant change occur in
students achievement, purposeful instruction teaching following lesson plan.
the area of teacher training lesson planning. The study will specially focus on lesson planning as
one of the important tools for effective teaching and learning. It will be significant for the teacher
willing to use different techniques to develop themselves professionally. This study will equally
beneficial for the teacher trainers and the teacher training organizations. Moreover all the persons
who are directly and indirectly involved in the teaching profession will be benefited form this
2.1.2 how to prepare lesson plan
Preparing an effective lesson plan takes time diligence and understanding of the student's
goals as with the all teaching is to motivate the students to take in what is one teaching and to
retain as much as possible.
1) Know your objectives= At the beginning of every lesson write your lesson goals at
the top. It should be incredibly simple. If the teacher want to do a bit extra, add how
they might do this (through video,games,flash cards) . In case of every young students
aims like "improving reading or writing skids" It can be skill-based or conceptual.
2) Write your overview: Use board strokes to outline the big ideas for the class . For
example, If your class in about Shakespeare's Hamlet' resides: how factual the history
described might be; and how themes of desire might relate to current events. This
depends on the length of your class.
3) Plan your timeline = if there is a lot to cover in afixed amount of time break your
time into section that you can speed up or slow down to accommodate changes as the
4) Get to know your students Identify clearly who you are going to education what is
their learning style,what might they already know and where might they be deficient
focus your plan to fit the overall group of students you have in class, and then make
modification as necessary to account for students with disabilities those who are
struggling or unmotivate and those who are gifted.
5) Use multiple student interaction patterns = Some students do well on their own ,
others in pairs and get others in big groups. So long as you ar letting them interact and
build off each other, You are doing your job.
6) Address a variety of learning styles: You have some students that can't sit through a
twenty five minute video and others who can't be bothered to read a two page except
from a book. Neither is different than other so do them a service by switching up your
activities to utilize every student's learns differently. Some need o see the into, some
need to hear it, and others need to literally get their hands on it.
2.1.3 Steps for preparing lesson plan
1.outline learning objectives
The first step is to determine what you want students to learn and be able to do at the end of
class. To help specify your objective for studens learning.
Following questions should be answered;
What is the topic of the lesson ?
Wha do I want students to learn?
What do I want them understand be able to do at the end of class?
What do I want them them to take away from this particular lesson?
5) Develop a conclusion and a preview
Go over the materials covered in class by summarizing the main points of the lesson you can do
this in a number of ways; you can ask a student to help you summarize them or you can ever ask
all students to write down on a piece of paper what the think were the main points of the lesson.
6) Create a realistic timeline
A list of the learning objectvis is not realistic so narrow down your list to the two or three key
concepts , ideas or skills you want students to the two or three key concepts ideas or skills you
want students to learn. Instruction also agree that they often need to adjust yheir lesson plan
during class depending on what the students need.
Your list of prioriotized learning objectives will help you make decisions on the spot and adjust
your lesson plan as needed. A realistic timeline will reflect your flexibility and readiness to adapt
to the specific classroom environment. Some strategies for creating a realistic timelinw.
Estimate how much time each of the activities will take then plan some extra time for
When you prepare your lesson plan, next to each activity indicate how much time you
expect it will take.
Plan a few minutes at the end of the class to answer any remaining questions and to sum
up key points .
Plan an extre activity or discussion question in case you have time left .
2.2 Review of empirical literature
Students learning is correlated with to teacher planning. When a plan is ready teachers
can focus on its implementation. When researchers do not have to think so much about what they
need to do next, they are able to focus on other parts of the lesson. This is especially important in
second language and foreign language teaching where a teacher not only has to concerntrate on
the content but also on the use of the second language as well . This concept relates to the idea of
cognitive capacity and cognitive load. In short when a plan is prepared can pay more attention to
there aspects of the learning process.
The structures of a lesson will not be exactly the same every time. But instead will very
according to multiple factors .
The factors include:
Age and abiliy of the students
The time of day
Duration of the class
The gender distribution in the class
The class or group interest in the subject
Where the lesson falls in the large unit.
Although the structure will be influenced by these various factors, there is one thing that can be
done in every case developing a routine by creating a routine, the students known what to expect
and therefore feel comfortable taking risks and making mistakes once a routine is established
lesson plans can be more easily developed for each day. This is where more detail may come in
useful especially for beginning teachers. The more experienced teacher becomes the less. They
may need to include in a lesson plan. What may take a beginner teacher to passes to explain
might be covered in a post. It may not for an experienced teacher. Although time consuming, it is
important for beginner, teachers use detail in their lessons at in can help to see the lesson in it's
entirely detail might include.
What is being thought and how it will be pretended
What the students will be doing (getting and using it)
How the lesson meets the broader goals( planning background)
How activities will be choose and sequences to help support learning(scaffolding)
Bhatta (1997) has carried out a research entitled" language planning in the education sector of
Nepal and status of English in it". The main objective of this research was to find the attitudes of
different groups of people towards the suitability necessity and feasibility of educational
planning. He found that the present language policy and planning in the education sector is not
clear consistent flexcible and widely accepted. It cannot meet the psychological and sociological,
wants and interest of all groups of people.
Accordingly, chapagain (1999) has carried out a research entitled "use of teaching materials and
its impact in English language learning" the main objectives of the research was to find the
impact of teaching material in language learning. It was found that teaching materials are an
integral part of English language teaching and learning and they have positive impact in
language learning but he did not discuss the impact of lesson plan in English language teaching
which is essential in english language.
Similary phyak(2006) has an article which aims to find out the strategies used by teachers to
interact with their students in the classroom for effective classroom management which is also
related to planning lesson. He found out that one of the real problems in teaching of english in
lack of the interaction strategies from both teacher and interaction strategies from both teacher
and students side similarly,sharma(2002).
2.3 implication of the related literature
Through the intensive study if the aforementioned and other related literature, the
researcher pinpointed the fact that the previous researcher missed the investigation on the lesson
planning and its practices in private school. Which after all, was a very important actor of second
language teaching learning process. The review of the related literature made the researcher fell
the need to carry out this study. They also helped the research to lubricate his courage and
curiously logical and psychological factors. For instance, Karm Acharya (2001) carried out his
M.Phil. thesis entitled "democracy in classroom practices in the primary school of Nepal". This
is the study related to the way of the life children in the classroom.
Hence, this research work is different from the after mentioned researcher in a sense of that it
will uncover lesson planning and its practice in private school.
3. The data will be recorded on electronic devices.
4. Lastly, the obtained data will be compare an analyze to determine to what extent is lesson
planning effective for teaching and learning.
The following work schedule will be followed to complete the research work systematically.
S.N. Activities Time in work
1 Preliminary studies 2
2 Development of research tools 1
3 Data collection 3
4 Data analysis and interpretation 2
5 Preparation of the first data 2
6 Revising, editing and completion of thesis 2
Total 12
Best, j.w. and khan, J.V. (2007). Research in education. New delhi : prentic hall.
Bhandari, B.M. (2009). ELT materials and practices. Kathamandu: Vidyarthi prakasan
Bhatt, S.P.(1986). Language planning in the education sector
Bhattrai, GR(1986). Use of teaching English. Kathmandu: Bhattrai Bhandu prakasan
25. Is the lesson plan useful for students?
Appendix: II
Name of the teacher:
Name of the school:
Address of the school:
Appendix B : lesson plans
4. Evaluation: the teacher will show the incomplete sentence cards to the students and ask
them to fill appropriately.
5.Homework: write the correct forms of the adjectives.
Positive comparative superlative
Tall ………………….. …………………
High ………………….. …………………
Slow ………………….. …………………
Long ………………….. …………………