BS 132 Compedium For Road Over Bridges On Indian Railways

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Road Over Bridges (ROBs) are key components of any Road network.
Ambitious expansion of road network in the Country requires construction
of ROBs on a large scale. Indian Railways has also embarked on a mission
to eliminate manned level crossings to improve mobility and safety in train
operations. Thus, fast track and cost-effective construction of ROBs across
the Indian Railway network is need of the hour.
The above objectives can be achieved only through meticulous planning and
adoption of cost effective design and construction methodologies. In a step
forward, RDSO has prepared this Compendium for Road Over Bridges on
Indian Railways with an aim to disseminate good practices in planning of
ROBs, launching operations and to create a repository of drawings in use
over Indian Railways. It will not only save precious time but also avoid the
duplicity of efforts in developing designs for each ROB. The fact that 188
drawings included in the Compendium have been approved by Zonal
Railways should obviate the need for approval if they are to be used. Apart
from this, 30 RDSO standard drawings have also been included in this
Compendium. All these drawings are to be adopted for Railway portion
spans only.

The Compendium is being issued in the form of RDSO Report No. BS-132
for use over Indian Railways. It is hoped that Zonal railways, NHAI, State
Governments, etc. will get benefitted from the Compendium for expeditious
execution of ROB Projects.

Bridge & Structures Directorate



Sl. Description Page No.


1 Foreword i

2 Contents ii

3 Chapter I Introduction 1-5

4 Chapter II Planning of Road Over Bridges (ROBs) 6-21

5 Chapter III List of Drawings suitable for Special 22-88

Vehicle Loading

6 Chapter IV List of drawings for other than Special 89-143

Vehicle Loading

7 Chapter V Instructions regarding approval of non- 144-145

RDSO drawings

8 Chapter VI Summary of technical publications 146-152

issued by RDSO for execution of ROBs

9 Chapter VII Instructions regarding launching of 153-174


10 Annexures 1- Railway Board’s instruction regarding 175-177

layout of piers and selection of span
for ROBs.
2- Railway Board’s instruction regarding
Skew angles to be adopted in the
Road Over Bridges (ROBs).

While every care has been taken to ensure accurate compilation, users are advised to refer to original drawings,
latest letters and instructions on these technical matters. The Compendium is a referral document and should not be
a basis for deciding contractual & financial matters. Nothing in this Compendium supersedes any instructions on the
subject matter issued by Railway Board, RDSO and IRC. Examples and illustrations contained in the Compendium
are indicative only. Please give feedback to RDSO if there are any issues/ errors with respect to these
Chapter I


1.1 Level crossings (LCs) over Indian Railways network have always
remained a safety concern for road users as well as railway
passengers. All unmanned level crossings have been successfully
eliminated from Indian Railways network in a mission mode. However,
on manned level crossings, Road Over Bridges (ROBs) in lieu of these
level crossings are generally constructed, if traffic density is more than
one lakh Train Vehicle Units (TVUs) subject to consent of State
Government for closure of the LC and sharing of cost.

1.2 Proposals for construction of ROBs in lieu of level crossings are

received at various levels in Zonal Railways from State Government/
Road Authorities. After completing various formalities these works are
sanctioned, normally on cost sharing basis.

1.3 Faster execution of these ROB works not only increases safety of Road
and Railway Passengers but also reduces disruption to train
operations. It is important that time taken in planning, designing and
execution of ROB works is reduced to the maximum possible extent.
In order to achieve this objective, RDSO has standardized ROB girder
designs for various span configurations. This standardization has
helped field Engineers a lot in adopting standard spans for repetitive
use instead of wastage of time and money spent in designing these
girders for each use case.

1.4 Railway Board has issued instructions time and again to adopt
standard design of ROB girders issued by RDSO for ROBs from safety
consideration as-well-as to expedite execution of work. However in
unavoidable circumstances non-RDSO spans can be used due to site
constraints. Many such non-standard ROB spans have been designed
and used by various Zonal Railways. This compendium is an effort to
compile all such RDSO standard as-well-as non RDSO drawings and
make them available for all stake holders involved in ROB planning
and execution works. These drawings are to be adopted for Railway
portion spans only.

1.5 Typically, ROB girders can be classified into following types:
a) Bow String Arch Steel Girders,
b) Composite Steel Plate Girders,
c) Truss type (Open Web) Steel Girders,
d) Pre-stressed Concrete (PSC) I-section Girders,
e) Pre-stressed Concrete (PSC) Box Girders.
f) Pre-stressed Concrete (PSC) Segmented Box Girder

Fig. a): Composite Steel Plate Girder Fig. b): Truss type (Open Web) Steel

Fig. c): Bow String Arch Steel Girder

Figure 1: Types of Steel ROB Girders

1.6 For developing design and drawings following Codes and Special
Publications are helpful-

IRC SP:73-2018 Manual of Specifications and Standards for

Two Laning of Highways with Paved Shoulder.

IRC SP:84-2019 Manual of Specifications and Standards for

Four Laning of Highways.

IRC SP:87-2019 Manual of Specifications and Standards for

Six Laning of Highways.

IRC 5-2015 Standard Specifications and Code Of Practice

for Road Bridges, Section -I General Features
of Design.

IRC 6-2017 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice

for Road Bridges, Section-II – Loads and

IS 800-2007 General Construction in Steel — Code of


IRC SP:69-2011 Guidelines and Specifications for Expansion


IRC 22-2015 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice

for Road Bridges, Section-VI – Composite

IRC 24-2010 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice

for Road Bridges, Section-V – Steel Road

IRC 83 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice

for Road Bridges, Bearings.

IRC 112-2020 Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges.

IS 2062-2011 Hot Rolled Medium and High Tensile

Structural Steel – Specification.

IS 816-1969 Code of Practice for use of Metal Arc Welding

for General Construction in Mild Steel.

IS 1786-2008 High Strength Deformed Steel Bars and Wires

for Concrete Reinforcement – Specification.

IS 9595-1996 Metal-Arch Welding of Carbon and Carbon
Manganese Steel – Recommendations.

IRC:78 - IRC 78-2014 Road Bridges Foundation and Substructure

IRC SP:105 Explanatory Handbook to IRC:112 Code of

Practice for Concrete Road Bridges

IS 2911 - Design and Construction of Pile Foundations

-Code of Practice (all parts)

Note: Readers are advised to always refer latest version of

Code/Specification for making references.

1.7 For guidance of field engineers involved in Steel Girder Fabrication,

RDSO has published many Technical Guidelines covering structural
as-well-as Quality Control related aspects. Chapter VI contains a list
of these Technical Publications along with brief description of the
contents therein. A thorough understanding of these aspects will
result in quality manufacturing of steel girders.

Chapter II

Planning of Road Over Bridges (ROBs)

2.1 Planning of Road Over Bridges (ROBs): General

2.1.1 Road Over Bridges are being planned at a large number of places on
Indian Railways to eliminate the level crossings. These assets are
going to be over the railway system for a long time and proper
planning of these will not only ensure proper facility to the road users
but also reduce problems to railway operations/ maintenance in
future. As far as possible it is recommended to use RDSO standard
drawings to avoid the time and cost involved in development of design
and drawings repeatedly.

2.1.2 Railway Board has also issued instructions regarding this, time and
again. Still there are site conditions where it is not possible to always
adopt RDSO standard span for a ROB. In such situations thorough
understanding of ROB planning is necessary to plan a suitable girder
for that case especially in cases of skew crossings. The following
content will help in understanding these planning aspects which are
necessary for Engineers and Executives involved in ROB planning and

2.2 Planning Layout of piers and planning span lengths:

2.2.1 Deciding the layout of piers and planning of span lengths is one of the
most important exercises for any ROB construction. Railway desires
that the pier/ abutment should be located just outside or at the
railway boundaries to the extent possible. But in doing so, the span
length may sometimes become too high resulting into higher depth of
girders and more expenditure. Road Authorities may not agree to this
kind of arrangement. Under these circumstances it becomes difficult
to decide the matter.

2.2.2 The matter was well deliberated in the Railway Board and clear
instructions had been issued regarding this. The same is being
reproduced for the ready reference as Annexure – I of this

2.3 Planning of foundations: Deep foundations are, in general, costlier
as compared to the open foundations. The ROBs don’t have water
flowing around them, so scour is not a concern and the depth of
foundation can be kept smaller also. If the soil conditions dictate or
there is some other advantages like ease of construction, reduction in
duration of speed restriction, we may go in for deep foundations like
piles. If such constraints are not there open foundations shall be
adopted, if feasible from bearing capacity considerations.

2.4 Planning of sub structure: Normal construction methodology

followed in majority of ROBs involves providing RCC sub structure in
the ROBs. At locations where space available is less, lots of extra care
is required at site during concrete casting to ensure safety of train
operations. This problem can be tackled by imposing suitable speed
restrictions and/or working in blocks. At such locations, it would,
therefore, be worth considering the option of providing precast
concrete or steel sub structure. Steel sub structure can be clad in
precast concrete to give it a better look. It can expedite the pace of
construction. Innovative methods can be explored around these
methods in order to save the construction time as well as time of
imposition of Speed Restriction.

2.5 Planning of girders:

2.5.1 As far as possible, girders as per RDSO design shall be adopted for
spans above railway tracks. Time and again Railway Board has issued
instructions to adopt standard designs of ROB girders from safety
consideration as well as to expedite execution of work. However in
unavoidable circumstances non-RDSO spans can be used due to site

2.5.2 For shorter spans, it is preferable to adopt Composite Steel Plate type
Girders as these are comparatively easier to fabricate and erect. But
the limitation with the use of Composite Steel Plate Girder type spans
is, as the span becomes longer, the depth of the girder keeps on
increasing. This results in higher level of deck slabs over Railway

portion. To ramp out these higher levels in Railway portion, the
approaches become longer. In densely populated areas, urban
settlements and in other site conditions, it is not only undesirable but
also the overall cost may go up as the length of ROB is getting
increased. Therefore for longer spans, Bow String Arch type or Truss
type Open Web Girders may be adopted as they offer lesser increase in
deck level in comparison to Composite Steel Plate type girders.

2.6 Skew arrangement:

2.6.1 The term ‘angle of skew’ or ‘skew angle’ is the angle between the axis
of support (pier) and a line normal to the longitudinal axis of a bridge.

Axis of ROB ROB

Support Girder

axis of the
Pi Bridge
Line normal to er
longitudinal axis
of bridge Pi

Angle α

Figure 1 Defining Skew Angle α

2.6.2 Lots of demands for design of skew girder Road Over Bridges are faced
by the railways, especially for national highways where owing to
higher speeds; road authorities are reluctant to introduce any curves
in the road alignment. Sometimes skew arrangement is required at
congested sites where change of alignment is not possible. Demands
for skew angles as high as 700 have been noticed. It must be noticed
that skew girders have the supports quite away from the natural line
of transfer of loads and as a result the girders are subjected to high
torsional loads as well as extra bending moments on the obtuse
corner. The acute corners are subjected to uplift as a result of the
asymmetry of the load due to the skew girders.

C.L. of Land
road boundary


Figure 2 Normal method of providing skew spans

2.6.3 Larger skew angles are not desirable as capturing the proper
behaviour of girder at larger skew angles is not easy. Providing
sufficient torsional restraint is also difficult. Therefore, efforts shall be
made to get to square alignment, if possible, or to reduce skew angles
to within limits. Latest instructions regarding skew angles to be
adopted in the Road Over Bridges (ROBs) issued by Railway Board is
being attached as Annexure -II for ready reference.

2.6.4 Advantages of reducing skew angles:

a) It is easier to provide the square alignment girders and

chances of mistakes in fabrication as well as assembly are

b) Behaviour of skew girders under seismic loads is inferior to

the square arrangement. The skew arrangements are under
“not desirable” arrangement, in the various codes.

c) The behavior of square spans and skew girders with less than
200 skew angle is more preferable and easily understood.
Errors of design are likely to be lesser.

d) Square girders can be adopted for lower skew angles upto 200
and the fabrication is easier in such cases.

2.6.5 Methods for reducing skew angles (Providing square girders, if

feasible) in Road Over Bridges: Various strategies can be tried
individually or in combinations to reduce the skew angle as much as

possible. Choice of strategy/ combination thereof will depend on site
conditions. The strategies and constraints in adopting the same are
discussed below:

A. Providing longer spans: If space constraint is not there,

providing longer span can help in reducing or eliminating skew
angle. In such a case, the sub structure is skew to railway
alignment but the ROB girders are square or at lesser skew angle.

C.L. of Land
road boundary


Figure 3 Skew alignment made square by providing longer span.

a) The span is longer, so the depth of girder might go up
theoretically. (Does not happen practically as some margin is
kept to take care of the extra bending moments and torsion
due to skew).

b) The piers are not parallel to railway land boundary. So if the

piers are being built in railway land, the width of land
rendered unusable for future is increased.

c) Standard design of longer span required, if not available, the

design will have to be done afresh.

B. Constructing sub structure in skew to railway land boundary: It

is not mandatory that the sub structure shall be parallel to
railway land boundary even though it is desirable to reduce the
railway land permanently rendered unusable. If the space
constraint is not there, the sub structure can be constructed in

skew to the railway land boundary, thus reducing the skew angle
of the girders to within 20 degrees.

Railway Railway
C.L. of Land Land
road boundary boundary


Skew angle is more if piers made Skew angle reduced by making

parallel to track alignment piers skew to track alignment

Figure 4 On left: Normally provided skew girder; On right: Skew sub

structure constructed to reduce skew angle (without change in span)

a) The piers are not parallel to railway land boundary. So if the
piers are being built in railway land, the width of land
rendered unusable for future is increased.

b) The skew piers can violate the Schedule of Dimensions of

existing or future tracks. This needs to be checked.

C. Constructing Skew bed block: Land is a precious resource and

at lots of locations, railways might require the entire railway land
boundary for its current and future operations and the land on
approaches might also not be available. In this situation, both the
options a) and b) discussed above will not be feasible. Option b)
might not be desirable if the standard girder design is not
available for the longer length contemplated. In such situations,
an option can be to construct the foundation and the sub
structure parallel to railway land boundary occupying minimum
width, but to reduce the skew angle of the girder, the bed block
can be made in skew. In this approach, the land is not wasted
and the extra width in bed block is provided above the Schedule
of Dimensions so that maximum space is useable, without
affecting the train operations.



Pier Cap

Pier and

Figure 5 Arrangement with pier cap in skew

a) The cantilever length of pier cap is increased. The depth of pier
cap can increase.
b) The skew piers can violate the Schedule of Dimensions of
existing or future tracks. This needs to be checked.
D. Altering shape of Pier Cap: The lateral clearance requirement as
per Schedule Of Dimensions (SOD) is lesser at more height above
the rail level compared to lesser heights. Therefore, the pier
wall/columns can be built at lesser distance from center line of
track as compared to the bed block. In order to reduce this lateral
distance, few steps can be taken.
a) The most obvious step is to construct a tapered pier cap, to
suit the requirement of the section modulus as per shape of
bending moment diagram. Due to the tapered shape, pier cap
can be constructed closer to the running line than a
rectangular one.
b) One innovation suggested by Northern Railway construction
organization is to construct the pier cap at a level higher than
the conventional height without changing the road level. For
this, the girders shall be provided in pockets made in the pier
cap rather than at the top of the pier on a pedestal. The

bearings can be provided in this pocket and thus the height
from rail level to the bottom of the pier cap can be more than
that in conventional pier caps without affecting the clearance
below the girders or the road level. The height of the end
diaphragms shall be reduced so that jacking can be done from
outside the pockets. The schematic arrangement is shown

Section View of the pier cap Plan View of the pier cap
with pockets with pockets

Figure 6 Arrangement with pockets to accommodate girders

E. Providing fish bellied girders: Another method for increasing

the height of pier cap from ground is to construct fish bellied
girders as shown below.


Fish Bellied girder

Figure 7: Cross sectional view of a fish bellied girder

Disadvantage: Fish bellied girders are slightly difficult to

fabricate and require splice in bottom flange as well as web.
F. Providing portal across the track: A very good method to
reduce the skew angle is to rest the girders on portal provided
across the track rather than on the piers directly. This method is
used by Metros to cross the roads and other obstructions.
Casting the beam of the portal over running track is very difficult
and shall be avoided. To solve this issue and also to ensure that
the road level is not increased un-necessarily, beam of the portal
can be a steel beam and the girders of the road over bridge shall
be connected to the web of this beam. This arrangement can
utilize the standard RDSO girders by eliminating the bearing
stiffener and the bearings under the girders. The bearings in this
case shall be provided under the cross girder of the portal. The
arrangement of the piers for the portal shall be as shown in figure
8 below:


Pier and

Figure 8 Layout of piers for the portal construction

The portal beam shall be provided over the piers such that the beam
is normal to the road alignment. Bearings (POT-PTFE) shall be
provided under the portal beam as shown in figure 9.


Portal Beam

Pier and


Figure 9 Beams for portal

The beams for the ROB shall be supported on bearing stiffener in

the web of the portal beam. The layout is as shown in figure 10


View of girders supported

Piers for
on web of portal beam
girders Girder over

o Girder
Cross section
o view of girder
connection with portal beam

Figure 10 Provision of girders on the portal

This arrangement can be used as per site conditions and if the
skew angle is too much, then multiple spans can be provided over
the railway track, with suitably designed portal beams/ piers.

2.7 Conclusion: Good planning of Road Over Bridges (ROBs) is an

important activity and all efforts shall be made for arriving at a plan
wherein interests of Railways as well as State Government/ Road
Authority are protected. A thoughtful consideration on above
discussed points can help in arriving at a plan which does not put
unwanted constraints on designers as well as execution team.

2.8 Summary:

2.8.1 The pages ahead contain list of various approved ROB drawings.
These include RDSO standard drawings as well as other drawings.
The purpose is to eliminate time required in designing and developing
detailed drawings of ROB girder in each use case. This compendium is
basically a repository of available drawings, catalogued properly to
easily find the best suitable girder for a specific use case. A summary
of these drawings is as follows-

RDSO Drawings Non-RDSO Drawings

CG BSG & Total CG BSG & Total
Truss Truss
With SV 4 11 15 83 23 106
Other 4 11 15 63 19 82
than SV

2.8.2 All these drawings have been made available to all Railway officials on
RDSO Railnet website i.e.
This compendium and these drawings may also be accessed at IR-
RRCAS (Rail-Road Crossing GAD Approval System) after login.

2.8.3 Users are requested to take help of index given in following pages for
easy identification of drawing for their specific use case depending
upon loading, span, skew angle and carriage way width.

Index of Drawings for Special Vehicle (SV) Loading
(In Chapter III, Page 22 to 88, S. No. 1 to 121)
Carriage Way Width (m)
Span Skew 5.3 to 13.1 to
9.6 to 13.1 16.6 to 20.1 > 20.1
(m) (degree) 9.6 16.6
Serial number of the drawings in Chapter III
0 79
1, 2, 33,
Upto >0 & ≤ 30 1, 2 80
90, 91
>30 & ≤ 45
> 45 45 46
0 32 34
>24 & >0 & ≤ 30 3 35, 3, 81
<30 >30 & ≤ 45
> 45 47 48, 49, 93
0 95
4, 36, 37,
>0 & ≤ 30 4 86 73, 85
>30 & 74, 82
<36 84, 94,
>30 & ≤ 45 50
> 45 51, 52, 83 118
38, 99,
0 5, 97 6
>36 & 39, 98,
>0 & ≤ 30 76
<42 120
>30 & ≤ 45 75 96
> 45 53
7, 17,
20, 16, 40, 41,
0 29, 56, 57, 58, 8
21, 59. 88,116
>42 &
44, 104,
44, 102, 109,
>0 & ≤ 30 105, 108,
106, 111
>30 & ≤ 45
> 45 54 55 87
9, 22,
23, 42, 77,
0 89 60, 61
24, 112
>48 & 26, 28
>0 & ≤ 30 25 27, 92
>30 & ≤ 45 121
> 45
>54 & 11, 10, 13,
0 12, 29, 64 62, 63, 65
<60 114 115
Carriage Way Width (m)
Span Skew 5.3 to 13.1 to
9.6 to 13.1 16.6 to 20.1 > 20.1
(m) (degree) 9.6 16.6
Serial number of the drawings in Chapter III
>0 & ≤ 30 31, 113
>30 & ≤ 45 30
> 45
43, 66, 69,
0 67, 68
>60 &
>0 & ≤ 30
>30 & ≤ 45
> 45 70
0 14 117 15
>66 & >0 & ≤ 30
<72 >30 & ≤ 45
> 45 71
>72 & >0 & ≤ 30
<78 >30 & ≤ 45
> 45
0 72
>78 & >0 & ≤ 30
<84 >30 & ≤ 45
> 45

Index of Drawings for other than Special Vehicle Loading
(In Chapter IV, Page 89 to 143, S. No. 1 to 97)
Carriage Way Width (m)
Span Skew 5.3 to 13.1 to 16.6 to
9.6 to 13.1 > 20.1
(m) (degree) 9.6 16.6 20.1
Serial number of the drawings in Chapter IV
0 22, 49
1, 2, 1, 2, 50,
Upto >0 & ≤ 30
51, 53 55
>30 & ≤ 45 52, 54
> 45
0 5, 26
3, 16,
24, 25,
>0 & ≤ 30 3
>24 & 58, 61,
<30 62
23, 57,
>30 & ≤ 45
59, 60
> 45 56 86
0 6, 64 40
>0 & ≤ 30 4 4, 84
27, 28,
>30 & >30 & ≤ 45 45, 66, 80 87
<36 68
29, 63,
> 45 65, 67, 85
0 7, 69 82, 88
>0 & ≤ 30 17, 75, 89
>36 & >30 & ≤ 45 41, 73
<42 30, 42,
> 45 70, 71,
72, 74
0 8,9
>42 & >0 & ≤ 30 31 46
<48 >30 & ≤ 45 76 47 90
> 45
10, 11,
0 33, 34, 78
>48 & 91, 92
<54 >0 & ≤ 30
>30 & ≤ 45
> 45 32, 77 35
0 12, 13 20
>54 & >0 & ≤ 30
<60 >30 & ≤ 45
> 45
>60 & 43, 79,
0 36, 44
<66 93
Carriage Way Width (m)
Span Skew 5.3 to 13.1 to 16.6 to
9.6 to 13.1 > 20.1
(m) (degree) 9.6 16.6 20.1
Serial number of the drawings in Chapter IV
>0 & ≤ 30
>30 & ≤ 45
> 45
14, 15,
0 94
18, 95
>66 &
>0 & ≤ 30
>30 & ≤ 45
> 45
0 38 19, 37
>72 & >0 & ≤ 30
<78 >30 & ≤ 45
> 45
0 83
>78 & >0 & ≤ 30
<84 >30 & ≤ 45
> 45
>84 & >0 & ≤ 30
<90 >30 & ≤ 45
> 45 96
0 97
>90 & >0 & ≤ 30
<96 >30 & ≤ 45
> 45
>96 & >0 & ≤ 30
<102 >30 & ≤ 45
> 45 48
0 21
>102 & >0 & ≤ 30
<108 >30 & ≤ 45
> 45
0 39
>108& >0 & ≤ 30
<114 >30 & ≤ 45
> 45

Chapter III
List of Drawings suitable for
Special Vehicle Loading

List of RDSO drawings for Special Vehicle Loading

List of RDSO Standard Drawings of Composite Plate Girder
Sl.No. 1 2
Sub Sl.No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code RDSO/B-11772 RDSO/B-11773

Whether Fit for SV Loading Yes Yes

Designed with Congestion Factor Yes Yes
Month/ Year of Design (MM/YYYY) 10/2016 12/2016

Month/ Year of Approval 10/2016 12/2016

Span (m) 18 24

Depth of Girder (mm) 865 1220

Seismic Zone designed for V V

Angle of Skew designed for Upto 20 Upto 20

Degree of curvature designed for Upto 10 Upto 10

Number of Girders in one span 5 6 6 5 6 6

Carriageway Width (mm) 8500 10500 11000 8500 10500 11000

Number of lanes 2 3 2 2 3 2
Direction of road traffic One One Two One One Two
way way way way way way
Deck Width (mm) 12300 15300 15600 12300 15300 15600

Deck As per which IRC SP:84- SP:87- SP:73- SP:84 SP:87- SP:73-
Configuration Special Publication 2014 2013 2015 -2014 2013 2015
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One One Both One One Both
side/Two-side) side side side side side side

Kerb (Nil/One- Two Two Nil Two Two Nil

side/Two-side) side side side side
Crash Barrier Two Two Two Two Two Two
{Number- Type side side side side side side
Railing One One Two One One Two
(RCC/Steel/Others) side side side side side side
Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel

List of RDSO Standard Drawings of Composite Plate Girder
Sl.No. 3 4
Sub Sl.No. 3 4
Drawing Identification Code RDSO/B-11774 RDSO/B-11775

Whether Fit for SV Loading Yes Yes

Designed with Congestion Factor Yes Yes
Month/ Year of Design (MM/YYYY) 12/2016 12/2016

Month/ Year of Approval 12/2016 12/2016

Span (m) 30 36

Depth of Girder (mm) 1325 1581

Seismic Zone designed for V V

Angle of Skew designed for Upto 20 Upto 20

Degree of curvature designed for Upto 10 Upto 10

Number of Girders in one span 5 6 6 5 6 6

Carriageway Width (mm) 8500 10500 11000 8500 10500 11000

Number of lanes 2 3 2 2 3 2
Direction of road traffic One One Two One One Two
way way way way way way
Deck Width (mm) 12300 15300 15600 12300 15300 15600

Deck As per which IRC SP:84- SP:87- SP:73- SP:84- SP:87- SP:73-
Configuration Special Publication 2014 2013 2015 2014 2013 2015
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One One Both One One Both
side/Two-side) side side side side side side

Kerb (Nil/One- Two Two Nil Two Two Nil

side/Two-side) side side side side
Crash Barrier Two Two Two Two Two Two
{Number- Type side side side side side side
Railing One One Two One One Two
(RCC/Steel/Others) side side side side side side
Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel

List of RDSO Standard Drawings of Bow String Arch Girder
Sl.No. 5 6
Sub Sl.No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code RDSO/B-10414/R RDSO/B-10430

Whether Fit for SV Loading Yes Yes

Designed with Congestion Factor (Y/N) Yes Yes

Month/ Year of Design (MM/YYYY) Oct-19 Jan-22

Month/ Year of Approval (MM/YYYY) - Feb-22

Span (m) 42 42
Depth of Girder (mm) 1210 1558
Seismic Zone designed for 1 1

Angle of Skew designed for V V

0 0
Degree of curvature designed for
Number of Girders in one span 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9500 14000
Number of lanes 2 3

Direction of road traffic One way One way

Deck Width (mm) 12200 17000
Deck As per which IRC - SP 87:2019
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- RCC RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing Steel W-Beam

List of RDSO Standard Drawings of Bow String Arch Girder
Sl.No. 7 8
Sub Sl.No. 3 4
Drawing Identification Code RDSO/B-10416/R RDSO/B-10429
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading Yes Yes
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Dec-19 Dec-21
Month Year of Approval of Design - Dec-21
Span (m) 48 48
Depth of Girder from bottom of girder 1210 1558
to top of deck slab (mm)
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for V V
Angle of Skew designed for 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9500 14000
Number of lanes 2 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12200 17000
Deck As per which IRC - SP 87:2019
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One-side/ One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/ Nil Nil
Crash Barrier RCC RCC
{Numbers- Type
Railing (RCC/Steel/ Steel W-Beam

List of RDSO Standard Drawings of Bow String Arch Girder
Sl.No. 9 10
Sub Sl.No. 5 6
Drawing Identification Code RDSO/B-10417/R RDSO/B-10428
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading Yes Yes
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Feb-20 Nov-21
Month Year of Approval of Design - Nov-21
Span (m) 54 56
Depth of Girder from bottom of girder 1210 1595
to top of deck slab (mm)
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for V V
Angle of Skew designed for 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9500 14000
Number of lanes 2 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12200 17000
Deck As per which IRC - SP 87:2019
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One-side/ One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/ Nil Nil
Crash Barrier RCC RCC
{Numbers- Type
Railing (RCC/Steel/ Steel W-Beam

List of RDSO Standard Drawings of Bow String Arch Girder
Sl.No. 11 12
Sub Sl.No. 7 8
Drawing Identification Code RDSO/B-10415/R RDSO/B-10423/1R
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading Yes Yes
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Feb-20 Jun-20
Month Year of Approval of Design - -
Span (m) 60 60
Depth of Girder from bottom of girder 1210 1505
to top of deck slab (mm)
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for V IV
Angle of Skew designed for 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9500 10500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 12200 14700
Deck As per which IRC - SP 73: 2015
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One-side/ One side Both side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/ Nil Nil
Crash Barrier RCC RCC
{Numbers- Type
Railing (RCC/Steel/ Steel Steel

List of RDSO Standard Drawings of Bow String Arch Girder
Sl.No. 13 14
Sub Sl.No. 9 10
Drawing Identification Code RDSO/B-10427 RDSO/B-10418/R
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading Yes Yes
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Sep-21 Oct-19
Month Year of Approval of Design Sep-21 -
Span (m) 60 72
Depth of Girder from bottom of girder 1595 1210
to top of deck slab (mm)
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for V V
Angle of Skew designed for 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 14000 9500
Number of lanes 3 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 17000 12200
Deck As per which IRC SP 87:2019 -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One-side/ One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/ Nil Nil
Crash Barrier RCC RCC
{Numbers- Type
Railing (RCC/Steel/ W-Beam Steel

List of RDSO Standard Drawings of Bow String Arch Girder
Sl.No. 15
Sub Sl.No. 11
Drawing Identification Code RDSO/B-10425
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading of IRC-6:2017 Yes
Whether Designed with Congestion Factor Yes
Month/Year of Design Jun-21
Month Year of Approval of Design Jun-21
Span (m) 72
Depth of Girder from bottom of girder to top of deck slab 1758
Number of Girders in one span 1
Seismic Zone designed for V
Angle of Skew designed for 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 14000
Number of lanes 3
Direction of road traffic One way
Deck Width (mm) 17000
Deck Configuration SP 87:2019
As per which IRC Special
Publication No. & Year

Footpath (Nil/One-side/ Two-side) One side

Kerb (Nil/One-side/ Two-side) Nil
Crash Barrier {Numbers- Type RCC
Railing (RCC/Steel/ Others) W-Beam

List of Non-RDSO drawings for Special Vehicle

Sl. No. 16 17
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code SV-CR-CG-01 SV-CR-CG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) - -
Name of Design Consultant MRIDCL MRIDCL
Consultant, if Proof Consultant IIT Mumbai IIT Mumbai
Drawing Number MRIDC/CSMT/ROB/S -

Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading Yes Yes

of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Feb.20 Feb-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Mar.20 Apr-20
Stations/Locations where used Turbhe-Mumbai LC No. 39AB at km
between TADLI-
MOORSA station
Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder Composite steel girder
Span (m) 43 43
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2650 2650
Number of Girders in one span 6 5
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 11000 8500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way One way
Deck Width (mm) 14000 12300
Deck As per which IRC Special - SP 84-2014
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ One side One side

Sl. No. 18 19
Sub Sl. No. 3 4
Drawing Identification Code SV-CR-CG-03 SV-CR-CG-04
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) - -
Name of Design Consultant MRIDCL MRIDCL
Consultant, if Proof Consultant IIT Mumbai IIT Mumbai
105/SS /43 /LC-290B/SS/43

Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading Yes Yes

of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Feb-20 Mar-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Mar.-20 Apr-20
Stations/Locations where used LC 105 of Kalmeshwar-
Dondhaiche-Vikhran Bharatwada station
Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder Composite steel girder
Span (m) 43 43
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2650 2650
Number of Girders in one span 5 5
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 6
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 8500 8500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12300 12300
Deck As per which IRC Special SP 84-2014 SP 84-2014
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ One side Both side

Sl. No. 20 21
Sub Sl. No. 5 6
Drawing Identification Code SV-CR-CG-05 SV-CR-CG-06
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) - -
Name of Design Consultant MRIDCL MRIDCL
Consultant, if Proof Consultant IIT Mumbai IIT Mumbai
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading Yes Yes
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Feb-20 Jul-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Mar.-20 Sep-21
Stations/Locations where used Mankhurd-Mumbai Shiroli- Jalgaon
Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder Composite steel girder
Span (m) 43.6 45
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2650 2650
Number of Girders in one span 4 5
Seismic Zone designed for III II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 8500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 10000 12300
Deck As per which IRC Special - SP 84-2014
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ Nil One side

Sl. No. 22 23
Sub Sl. No. 7 8
Drawing Identification Code SV-CR-CG-07 SV-CR-CG-08
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) - -
Name of Design Consultant MRIDCL MRIDCL
Consultant, if Proof Consultant IIT Mumbai IIT Mumbai
/LC-1/GN/51 /LC-95/SS/51
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading Yes Yes
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Mar-20 Mar-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Apr-20 Mar-20
Stations/Locations where used LC S1 At Km 664/11- Igatpuri-Bhusawal
12 Of Badnera- Section of CR
Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder Composite steel girder
Span (m) 51 51
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2750 2750
Number of Girders in one span 4 6
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 7500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 10000 12300
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side Two side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ Nil Both side

Sl. No. 24 25
Sub Sl. No. 9 10
Drawing Identification Code SV-CR-CG-09 SV-CR-CG-10
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) - -
Name of Design Consultant MRIDCL MRIDCL
Consultant, if Proof Consultant IIT Mumbai IIT Mumbai
/LC-282/SS/51 /SS/51
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading Yes Yes
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Mar-20 Mar-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Mar-20 Apr-20
Stations/Locations where used Kalambha Katol LC 117 of Bhilavadi
Station Jalkheda and Nadre
Road, Nagpur
Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder Composite steel girder
Span (m) 51 51
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2750 2750
Number of Girders in one span 5 5
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 20
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 8500 8500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12300 12300
Deck As per which IRC Special IRC SP-84 2014 IRC SP-84 2014
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ One side One side

Sl. No. 26 27
Sub Sl. No. 11 12
Drawing Identification Code SV-CR-CG-11 SV-CR-CG-12
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) - -
Name of Design Consultant MRIDCL MRIDCL
Consultant, if Proof Consultant IIT Mumbai IIT Mumbai
/LC-282A /SS/51.0 /LC-171/SS/53
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading Yes Yes
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Mar-20 Mar-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Mar-20 April-20
Stations/Locations where used LC 282A of Kalambha- Bhusawal- Itarsi
Katol station Section
Type of Superstructure Composite plate girder Composite steel girder
Span (m) 51 53
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2750 3050
Number of Girders in one span 5 6
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 19
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 8500 11000
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 12300 15600
Deck As per which IRC Special IRC SP-84: 2014 IRC SP-73: 2015
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side Both side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ One side Both side

Sl. No. 28 29
Sub Sl. No. 13 14
Drawing Identification Code SV-CR-CG-13 SV-CR-CG-14
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) - -
Name of Design Consultant MRIDCL MRIDCL
Consultant, if Proof Consultant IIT Mumbai IIT Mumbai
/LC-27/SS/53 URBHE/54.5
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading Yes Yes
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Mar-20 Nov-19
Month Year of Approval of Design April-20 Jan-20
Stations/Locations where used Wardha Station, Sion-Panvel (Turbhe)
Ballarshah, Nagpur
Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder Composite steel girder
Span (m) 53 54.5
Depth of Girder including deck slab 3050 3200
Number of Girders in one span 5 6
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 8500 11000
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12300 14000
Deck As per which IRC Special IRC SP-84: 2014 -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both Side RCC Both Side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ One side One side

Sl. No. 30 31
Sub Sl. No. 15 16
Drawing Identification Code SV-CR-CG-15 SV-CR-CG-16
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) DY. CE DY. CE
Name of Design Consultant Accerete Consulting HCC Infra Consultants
Consultant, if Engineers Pvt Ltd
any Proof Consultant VJTI Mumbai IIT Mumbai
Drawing Number 1066/TAR-FAG/NH- CIPL/D1036/ROB/ST
6/ST/ROB/426+781/ R/GAD/DWG/401
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading Yes Yes
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Dec-20 Jun-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Jul-21 Dec-20
Stations/Locations where used Tarsod-Fagne Warora-Wani
Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder Composite steel girder
Span (m) 58 58
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2815 3577
Number of Girders in one span 7 7
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 33.3 15.537
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9000 12000
Number of lanes 2 3
Direction of road traffic One Way One Way
Deck Width (mm) 12000 16500
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One Side One Side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both Side RCC Both Side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ RCC RCC

Sl. No. 32
Sub Sl. No. 1
Drawing Identification Code SV-ER-CG-01
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE
Name of Design Consultant L & T Infrastructure Engineering Ltd.
Consultant, if
Proof Consultant IIT Madras
Drawing Number GAD-Drg.No-B-216-2020
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading of IRC- Yes
Whether Designed with Congestion Factor Yes
Month/Year of Design Sep-21
Month Year of Approval of Design Sep-21
Stations/Locations where used Tala Rly Station
Type of Superstructure Composite girder
Span (m) 25.17
Depth of Girder including deck slab (mm) 1575
Number of Girders in one span 5
Seismic Zone designed for IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9500
Number of lanes 2
Direction of road traffic One way
Deck Width (mm) 12200
Deck As per which IRC Special -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One-side/Two- One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two-side) Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Type Both side
(RCC/ W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/Steel/Others) One side

Sl. No. 33 34
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code SV-ECR-CG-01 SV-ECR-CG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CE/CON/ECR DY. CE/BR/D/ECR
PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant Sparsh Engineering Samarth Infra Engg
Consultant, if Company (P) Limited, Technocrats Private
any Ranchi Limited

Proof Consultant IIT,BHU,Varanasi IIT Madras

Drawing Number CAO/CON/MHX DRG. CE'S/ECR/DRG. NO.-
No.7019/ ROB- ECR/SPJ/2017-
DHN/18 18/ROB/231
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading Yes Yes
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Dec-17 Feb-17
Month Year of Approval of Design Jan-18 Dec-17
Stations/Locations where used Matari-Gomoh DMH-BDMA on
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 19.99 25
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1504 1914
Number of Girders in one span 4 6
Seismic Zone designed for V V
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 20 0
Degree of curvature designed for 10 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 10500 10500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 11400 14800
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil Both side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ Nil Both side

Sl. No. 35 36
Sub Sl. No. 3 4
Drawing Identification Code SV-ECR-CG-03 SV-ECR-CG-04
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CE/Con/ECR DY. CE/BR/D /ECR
PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant Sparsh Engineering Samarth Infra Engg
Consultant, if Company (P) Limited, Technocrats Private
any Ranchi Limited

Proof Consultant IIT- BHU, Varanasi IIT Madras

Drawing Number CAO/CON/MHX, CE'S/ECR/DRG. NO.-
DRG. No. 7017/ ROB- ECR/SPJ/2017-
DHN/18 18/ROB/230
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading Yes Yes
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Dec-17 Dec-17
Month Year of Approval of Design Jan-18 Jan-17
Stations/Locations where used Matari-Gomoh Birpur -Bihpur
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 29.702 31.25
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2063 2850
Number of Girders in one span 5 6
Seismic Zone designed for V V
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 20 20
Degree of curvature designed for 10 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 10500 10500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 14800 14800
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Both Side Both sides
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ Both side Both sides

Sl. No. 37 38
Sub Sl. No. 5 6
Drawing Identification Code SV-ECR-CG-05 SV-ECR-BSG-01
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CE/Con/ECR CE/Con/ECR
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant Sparsh Engineering Sparsh Engineering
Consultant, if Company (P) Limited, Company (P) Limited,
any Ranchi Ranchi-834 002
Proof Consultant IIT,BHU,Varanasi IIT,BHU,Varanasi
No. 7018/ROB- No. 7023/ROB-
DHN/18 DHN/18
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading Yes Yes
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Dec-17 Dec-17
Month Year of Approval of Design Jan-18 Jan-18
Stations/Locations where used Matari-Gomoh Matari-Gomoh
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Bow String Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 32.08 36.98
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2063 2284
Number of Girders in one span 4 2
Seismic Zone designed for V III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 20 0
Degree of curvature designed for 10 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 10500 10500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 11400 14800
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil Both sides
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ Nil Both side

Sl. No. 39 40
Sub Sl. No. 7 8
Drawing Identification Code SV-ECR-CG-06 SV-ECR-BSG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CE/Con/ECR CE/Con/ECR
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant Sparsh Engineering Sparsh Engineering
Consultant, if Company (P) Limited, Company (P) Limited,
any Ranchi-834 002 Ranchi-834 002
Proof Consultant IIT,BHU,Varanasi IIT,BHU,Varanasi
Drawing Number CAO/CON/MHX DRG. NGB-LE-ROB-NU-011-
No. 7021/ ROB- 14
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading Yes Yes
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Dec-17 Mar-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Jan-18 Mar-20
Stations/Locations where used Matari-Gomoh Patna Sahib-Banka
Type of Superstructure Composite Girder Bow String Steel
Span (m) 36.98 44
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2445 1075
Number of Girders in one span 5 2
Seismic Zone designed for V IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 20 0
Degree of curvature designed for 10 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 10500 10500
Number of lanes 2 3
Direction of road traffic Two way One way
Deck Width (mm) 11400 15300
Deck As per which IRC Special - IRC SP-87:2013
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil Both sides
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ Nil Both side

Sl. No. 41 42
Sub Sl. No. 9 10
Drawing Identification Code SV-ECR-BSG-03 SV-ECR-BSG-04
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CE/Con/ECR CE/Con/ECR
PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant Sparsh Engineering Sparsh Engineering
Consultant, if Company (P) Limited, Company (P) Limited,
any Ranchi-834 002 Ranchi-834 002
Proof Consultant IIT,BHU,Varanasi IIT,BHU,Varanasi
No. 7020/ ROB- No. 7022/ROB-
DHN/2018 DHN/2018
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading Yes Yes
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Dec-17 Dec-17
Month Year of Approval of Design Jan-18 Jan-18
Stations/Locations where used Matari-Gomoh Matari-Gomoh
Type of Superstructure Bowstring Steel Girder Bowstring Steel Girder
Span (m) 47.42 51.199
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1520 1520
Number of Girders in one span 2 2
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 10500 10500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 14800 14800
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Both sides Both sides
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ Both side Both side

Sl. No. 43
Sub Sl. No. 11
Drawing Identification Code SV-ECR-BSG-05
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) -
Name of Design Consultant L&T Infrastructure
Consultant, if any Engineering Ltd.
Proof Consultant IIT Madras
Drawing Number NGB-LE-ROB-NU-21-29

Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading of IRC-6:2017 Yes

Whether Designed with Congestion Factor No
Month/Year of Design Mar-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Mar-20
Stations/Locations where used Chaksikander-Desari
Type of Superstructure Bow String Steel Girder
Span (m) 62
Depth of Girder including deck slab (mm) 1050
Number of Girders in one span 2
Seismic Zone designed for IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 10500
Number of lanes 3
Direction of road traffic One Way
Deck Width (mm) 15300
Deck Configuration As per which IRC Special IRC SP-87:2013
Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One-side/Two-side) One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two-side) Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Type Both side RCC
(RCC/ W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/ Steel/Others) Steel - One Side

Sl. No. 44
Sub Sl. No. 1
Drawing Identification Code SV-ECoR-CG-01
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) -
Name of Design Consultant M/s Dilip Buildcon Limited, Bhopal
Consultant, if Proof Consultant NIT, Bhopal
Drawing Number CE’s Drg. No. 3099/17
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading of Yes
Whether Designed with Congestion Factor No
Month/Year of Design 07/2020.
Month Year of Approval of Design 07/2020.
Stations/Locations where used At Km: 860.505 between stations PDT-
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Girder
Span (m) 44.8
Depth of Girder including deck slab (mm) 3157
Number of Girders in one span 6 (Main) & 5 (Service)
Seismic Zone designed for II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 12º 22’ 25”
Degree of curvature designed for 0
Carriageway Width (mm) (10500 + 2000) & 7000
Number of lanes 3 lanes & 2 lanes
Direction of road traffic One way
Deck Width (mm) 14500 mm & 10800 mm
Deck As per which IRC Special -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side in two lane ROB
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing RCC

Sl. No. 45 46
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code SV-NR-CG-01 SV-NR-CG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO CAO
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant B&S Engineering B&S Engineering
Consultant, if Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
any Proof Consultant IIT Delhi IIT Delhi
Drawing Number P-1540-RB/2018 P-1540-RB/2018
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading Yes Yes
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Jun-20 Jun-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Jun-20 Jun-20
Stations/Locations where used Between Rly Stn Between Rly Stn
Maripat and Maripat and
Ghaziabad Ghaziabad
Type of Superstructure Steel Composite Steel Composite
Girder Girder
Span (m) 16.998 17.524
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1895 1895
Number of Girders in one span 4 12
Seismic Zone designed for IV IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 61.574° 60.559°
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9000 9m+15m+2.5m(Cyclin
g Track)
Number of lanes 3 2+4=6
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 10000 30300
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier 2 Nos RCC Crash 3 Nos RCC Crash
{Number- Type Barrier Barrier
(RCC/ W-Beam
Railing Nil Steel

Sl. No. 47 48
Sub Sl. No. 3 4
Drawing Identification Code SV-NR-CG-03 SV-NR-CG-04
Designed Railway (CBE/CAO) - -
by whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant L&T Infrastructure L&T Infrastructure
Consultant, Engineering Limited Engineering Limited
if any Chennai Chennai
Proof Consultant IIT Madras IIT Madras
Drawing Number NRHQE Plan :ROB- NRHQE Plan :ROB-
107/DLI( SH.7) Series 107/DLI( SH.7) Series
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Dec-20 Dec-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Jan-21 Jan-21
Stations/Locations where used Basai Dhankot Section Basai Dhankot Section
LC No 29 &30 at Rly LC No 29 & 30 at Rly
KM 37/3-4 & Delhi KM 37/3-4 & Delhi
Rewari Sec. Rewari Sec.
Type of Superstructure Steel Composite Steel Composite
Girder Girder
Span (m) 26.392 to 26.718 26.392 to 26.719
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1695 1695
Number of Girders in one span 4 6
Seismic Zone designed for IV IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 52.056 to 52.406 52.204 to 52.51
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9000 11000
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 11000 14000
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side Both side
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing Nil One side

Sl. No. 49 50
Sub Sl. No. 5 6
Drawing Identification Code SV-NR-CG-05 SV-NR-CG-06
Designed Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO -
by whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant RICE Pvt. Ltd. ASC Infratech Pvt Ltd
if any Proof Consultant NIT Kurukshetra IIT Delhi
Drawing Number P-1705-RB/ 2019 NRHQE Plan No.
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes No
Month/Year of Design Feb-21 Nov-21
Month Year of Approval of Design Feb-21 Nov-21
Stations/Locations where used Between Rly Stn Nangala SH on Sutlaj
Kaithal and Nirwana River

Type of Superstructure Steel Composite Steel Composite

Girder Girder
Span (m) 28.36 31.2
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1640 2085
Number of Girders in one span 6 5
Seismic Zone designed for IV IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 58° 43.93
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 11000 9500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way One way
Deck Width (mm) 15600 12500
Deck As per which IRC IRC SP 73-2015 -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Both Side One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil One side
Crash Barrier {Number- 2 Nos RCC Crash One side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam Barrier
Railing One side Steel One side

Sl. No. 51 52
Sub Sl. No. 7 8
Drawing Identification Code SV-NR-CG-07 SV-NR-CG-08
Designed Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO -
by whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant RICE Pvt. Ltd. L&T Infrastructure
if any Proof Consultant NIT Kurukshetra IIT Madras
Drawing Number P-1705-RB/2019 NRHQE Plan:ROB-
107/DLI/ SH.01
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes No
Month/Year of Design Nov-20 Dec-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Nov-20 Jan-21
Stations/Locations where used Between Rly Stn Basai Dhankot Section
Kaithal and Nirwana LC NO 29 and 30 at
Railway Km 37/3-4
Type of Superstructure Steel Composite Steel Composite
Girder Girder
Span (m) 34.36 35.685 to 37.215
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1945 2085
Number of Girders in one span 6 6
Seismic Zone designed for IV IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 58° 52.065 to 53.009
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 11000 11000
Number of lanes 2 3
Direction of road traffic Two Way One way
Deck Width (mm) 15600 14000
Deck As per which IRC IRC SP 73-2015 -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Both side One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- 2 Nos RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing One side Steel One side

Sl. No. 53 54
Sub Sl. No. 9 10
Drawing Identification Code SV-NR-CG-09 SV-NR-CG-10
Designed Railway (CBE/CAO) - -
by whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant L&T Infrastructure L&T Infrastructure
if any Proof Consultant IIT Madras IIT Madras
Drawing Number NRHQE Plan:ROB- NRHQE Plan/ROB-
107/DLI / SH.01 107/DLI (SH.11)
Series Series
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Dec-20 Dec-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Jan-21 Jan-21
Stations/Locations where used Basai Dhankot Section Basai Dhankot Section
LC NO 29 and 30 at LC No 29 And 30 at
Rly KM 37/3-4 Rly KM 37/3-4
Type of Superstructure Steel Composite Steel Composite
Girder Girder
Span (m) 36.056 to 37.04 42.226 to 47.007
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2085 2125
Number of Girders in one span 4 4
Seismic Zone designed for IV IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 51.342 to 52.513 52.51/52.406
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9000 9000
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 10000 11000
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing Nil Nil

Sl. No. 55 56
Sub Sl. No. 11 12
Drawing Identification Code SV-NR-CG-11 SV-NR-CG-12
Designed Railway (CBE/CAO) - CAO
by whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant L&T Infrastructure G.R. Infra Project Ltd.
Consultant, Proof Consultant IIT Madras IIT BHU
if any
Drawing Number NRHQE Plan/ROB- P-1828-RB/2020
107/DLI (SH.11)
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No Yes
Month/Year of Design Dec-20 Aug-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Jan-21 Aug-20
Stations/Locations where used Basai Dhankot Section Between Rly Stn Lohta
LC No 29 and 30 at and Choukhandi
Railway KM 37/3-4
Type of Superstructure Steel Composite Steel Composite
Girder Girder
Span (m) 42.226 to 47.007 43.8
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2125 2507
Number of Girders in one span 6 6
Seismic Zone designed for IV IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 52.51/52.406 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 11000 11500
Number of lanes 3 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 14000 14500
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side 2 Nos RCC Crash
Type (RCC/ W-Beam Barrier
Railing One side One side Steel

Sl. No. 57 58
Sub Sl. No. 13 14
Drawing Identification Code SV-NR-BSG-01 SV-NR-CG-13
Designed Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO CAO
by whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant Rice Pvt.Ltd Almond Global Infra
Consultant, Consultant Ltd.
if any Proof Consultant IIT BHU IIT Kanpur
Drawing Number P-1959-RB/2020 P-1799-RB/2019
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Sep-21 Dec-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Sep-21 Dec-20
Stations/Locations where used Jalandhar-Pathankot Between Rly Stn
Kakori and Lucknow

Type of Superstructure Bow String Girder Steel Composite

Span (m) 44.5 46.4
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1397 2415
Number of Girders in one span 1 6
Seismic Zone designed for IV III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 10500 11500
Number of lanes 2 3
Direction of road traffic Two way One way
Deck Width (mm) 15200 14500
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Both side One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing Both side One side Steel

Sl. No. 59 60
Sub Sl. No. 15 16
Drawing Identification Code SV-NR-BSG-02 SV-NR-BSG-03
Designed Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE SPL CAO
by whom PSU PWD Bhatinda UPEIDA
Name of Design Consultant - B&S Engg
Consultant, Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
if any Proof Consultant MNAIT Bhopal -
Drawing Number P-1435-RB/2017 BSEC/1910/ROB-
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No Yes
Month/Year of Design Mar-18 -
Month Year of Approval of Design Jul-18 Jun-20
Stations/Locations where used Maur-Talwandi Lko-Sln Section

Type of Superstructure Bow String Girder Bowstring Girder

Span (m) 48 50
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1235 1638
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 11000 16650
Number of lanes 3 4
Direction of road traffic Two way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12000 21250
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Both side Both Side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both Side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing Both side Both Side

Sl. No. 61 62
Sub Sl. No. 17 18
Drawing Identification Code SV-NR-BSG-04 SV-NR-BSG-05
Designed Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO CAO
by whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant B&S Engineering ASC Infra Pvt Ltd
Consultant, Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
if any Proof Consultant Dr. Dipti Ranjan IIT Delhi
Sahoo, IIT Delhi
Drawing Number P-1655-RB/2018 P-1656-RB/2018
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Oct-19 May-19
Month Year of Approval of Design Oct-19 May-19
Stations/Locations where used Lucknow Sultanpur Tulsinagrar -Malipur
Section at Anoopganj
Type of Superstructure Bowstring Girder Bowstring Girder

Span (m) 50 56
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1790 1745
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for III IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 16650 16650
Number of lanes 4 4
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 21250 21250
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Both Side Both side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing Both side Steel One side

Sl. No. 63 64
Sub Sl. No. 19 20
Drawing Identification Code SV-NR-BSG-06 SV-NR-BSG-07
Designed Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO CAO
by whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant B&S Engg Asc Infratech Pvt Ltd
Consultant, Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
if any Proof Consultant IIT Delhi Asccrte Consulting Pvt
.Ltd. Gurgaon
Drawing Number P-1658- RB/2018 P-1910-RB/2020
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes
Month/Year of Design Dec-19 Sep-21
Month Year of Approval of Design Dec-19 Sep-21
Stations/Locations where used Triveniganj And Piparsand- Lucknow
Type of Superstructure Bowstring Girder Bowstring Girder
Span (m) 56 56
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1573 1714
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for IV III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 16650 11500
Number of lanes 4 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 21550 14800
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Both side One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both Side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing Both side One side

Sl. No. 65 66
Sub Sl. No. 21 22
Drawing Identification Code SV-NR-BSG-08 SV-NR-BSG-09
Designed Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO CBE
by whom PSU UPEIDA -
Name of Design Consultant ASC Infratech Pvt Ltd Structure Consultants
Consultant, Pvt Ltd
if any Proof Consultant Transys Consultants Jamia Milia Islamia
Pvt Ltd
Drawing Number B011 P-1609-RB/2018
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes
Month/Year of Design Nov-19 -
Month Year of Approval of Design Jan-20 Feb-19
Stations/Locations where used Faizabad-Jaunpur SNL-ASR Section
Type of Superstructure Bowstring Girder Bow String Girder
Span (m) 56 62
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1335
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 18450 10500
Number of lanes 5 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 20750 13000
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing One side Steel One side Steel

Sl. No. 67 68
Sub Sl. No. 23 24
Drawing Identification Code SV-NR-BSG-10 SV-NR-BSG-11
Designed Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO CAO
by whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant B&S Engineering B&S Engineering
Consultant, Consultant Pvt Ltd Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
if any Proof Consultant IIT Delhi IIT Delhi
Drawing Number P-1657- RB/2018 P-1657-RB/2018
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Nov-19 Nov-19
Month Year of Approval of Design Nov-19 Nov-19
Stations/Locations where used Kurebhar And Between Rly Stn
Dwarika Ganj Kurebhar and
Type of Superstructure Bowstring Girder Bowstring Girder
Span (m) 62 62
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1836 1836
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 16650 16650
Number of lanes 4 4
Direction of road traffic One way One Way
Deck Width (mm) 21550 21550
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Both side Both side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing One side Steel One side Steel

Sl. No. 69 70
Sub Sl. No. 25 26
Drawing Identification Code SV-NR-BSG-12 SV-NR-CG-14
Designed Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO CAO
by whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant ASC Infratech Pvt Ltd B&S Engineering
Consultant, Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
if any Proof Consultant IIT Bombay IIT Delhi
Drawing Number P-1911- RB/2020 P-1540-RB/2018
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Sep-21 Jun-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Sep-21 Jul-20
Stations/Locations where used Anoopganj And Between Rly Stn
Bakkas Maripat and
Type of Superstructure Bowstring Girder Steel Composite
Span (m) 62.01 62.373
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1727 3355
Number of Girders in one span 1 12
Seismic Zone designed for III IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 58.352°
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 11500 9m+15m+2.5m
Number of lanes 3 2+4=6
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 14800 30300
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One Side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC 3 Nos RCC Crash
Type (RCC/ W-Beam Barrier
Railing One side Steel

Sl. No. 71 72
Sub Sl. No. 27 28
Drawing Identification Code SV-NR-CG-15 SV-NR-BSG-13
Designed Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO CAO
by whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant B&S Engineering AECOM India Pvt Ltd
Consultant, Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
if any Proof Consultant IIT Delhi IIT Delhi
Drawing Number P-1540-RB/2018 P-1682-RB/2019
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Jun-20 May-19
Month Year of Approval of Design Jun-20 May-19
Stations/Locations where used Between Rly Stn Sampla and Kharawar
Maripat and
Type of Superstructure Steel Composite Bowstring Girder
Span (m) 69.998 80
Depth of Girder including deck slab 3550 1947
Number of Girders in one span 4 1
Seismic Zone designed for IV IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 61.574° 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9000 13000
Number of lanes 2 3
Direction of road traffic One Way One way
Deck Width (mm) 10000 16000
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- 2 Nos RCC Crash 2 Nos RCC Crash
Type (RCC/ W-Beam Barrier Barrier
Railing Nil One side

Sl. No. 73 74
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code SV-NCR-CG-01 SV-NCR-CG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) - -
Name of Design Consultant KCC Buildcon Pvt Transys Consulting
Consultant, Limited Pvt Ltd
if any Proof Consultant IIT BHU IIT Delhi
Drawing Number KCCB/DV- BE-II-74+966, 807-
5/STR/ROB/149+937 ROB-306
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion - -
Month/Year of Design Jan-20 Feb-21
Month Year of Approval of Design Mar-21 Feb-21
Stations/Locations where used Near Junction of SH44 Mahokhar To Kaohari
to Delhi Vadodra Uttat Pradesh
Greenfield Alignment
Type of Superstructure Steel Composite Steel Composite
Girder Girder
Span (m) 36 36
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1831 1831
Number of Girders in one span 9 7
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 30 20
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 20250 12650
Number of lanes 4 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 21250 17400
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil One side
Crash Barrier Both side RCC Both side RCC
{Number- Type (RCC/
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing Nil One side

Sl. No. 75 76
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code SV-NFR-CG-01 SV-NFR-CG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
whom PSU NHAI -
Name of Design Consultant Asabz Infra Sollutions Credence Imagineering
if any Proof Consultant IIT BHU IIT Delhi
Drawing Number ROB/B/49/2017 ROB/B/6/1/2019
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Feb-21 Mar-19
Month Year of Approval of Design Apr-21 Mar-19
Stations/Locations where used Katihar-Jogabani Oodlabari-Damdim
Type of Superstructure Composite steel Composite steel
girder girder
Span (m) 37.2 41.0
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2250 2297
Number of Girders in one span 5 5
Seismic Zone designed for IV IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 32.49 8.2
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9500 9500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12500 12500
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Both side One side
Crash Barrier Both Side RCC Both Side RCC
{Number- Type (RCC/
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/Steel/ Nil One side RCC

Sl. No. 77 78
Sub Sl. No. 3 4
Drawing Identification Code SV-NFR-BSG-01 SV-NFR-BSG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Transys Cunsultants EIS Planners &
Consultant, Pvt Ltd Engineers
if any Proof Consultant IIT Mumbai IIT Guwahati
Drawing Number ROB/B/14/1/2020 ROB/B/03/2020
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design - Jan-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Nov-20 Jun-20
Stations/Locations where used Raiganj-Dalkhola Jorhat Town
section of NH-34
Type of Superstructure Bow String Girder Bow String Girder
Span (m) 49.2 62.0
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1353 1231
Number of Girders in one span One One
Seismic Zone designed for V IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 13000 10500
Number of lanes 3 2
Direction of road traffic One way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 15800 11400
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side Both side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier Both side RCC Both side RCC
{Number- Type (RCC/
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/Steel/ Steel Both side Steel

Sl. No. 79 80
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code SV-NWR-CG-01 SV-NWR-CG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant G Eng.Advisory AECOM India
Consultant, Services
if any Proof Consultant IIT Delhi IIT Delhi
Drawing Number CBE-1182/BKN/ CBE-
ROB/2020 1171/BKN/ROB/2020
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Aug.2020 Jul-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Nov. 2020 Oct.2020
Stations/Locations where used Kalanpur kalan- Guru kalan-
Khrak Bhojiyawas
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 24 24
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1520 1881
Number of Girders in one span 6 6
Seismic Zone designed for IV IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 20
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 13500 13500
Number of lanes 3 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 14500 14500
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier Both side RCC Both side RCC
{Number- Type (RCC/
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/ Nil Nil

Sl. No. 81 82
Sub Sl. No. 3 4
Drawing Identification Code SV-NWR-CG-03 SV-NWR-CG-04
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CAO
whom PSU NHAI -
Name of Design Consultant Tech Tangant Solution Jindal Consortium
Consultant, Proof Consultant MNIT Jaipur IIT Roorkee
if any
Drawing Number CBE- CAO/C/JP 8025 TO
1154/JU/ROB/2020 8030/D-ROB
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Mar-20 Jul-21
Month Year of Approval of Design Aug.2020 Jul-21
Stations/Locations where used Osian-Bhimkor Rewari-Ringas
Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder Composite steel girder
Span (m) 30 30.533
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1625 1775
Number of Girders in one span 7 12
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 14.24 5.57
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 13500 13000
Number of lanes 3 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 16500 15700
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil One side
Crash Barrier Both side RCC Both side RCC
{Number- Type (RCC/
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/ One side One side

Sl. No. 83 84
Sub Sl. No. 5 6
Drawing Identification Code SV-NWR-CG-05 SV-NWR-CG-06
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO CAO
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant Multi Media Multi Media
Consultant, Construction Pvt.Ltd Construction Pvt.Ltd
if any Proof Consultant SVNIT Surat SVNIT Surat
Drawing Number CAO/C/JP/811& CAO/C/JP/8101 TO
8112/8141/D-UDZ- 8103/D-UDZ-HMT
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Aug-21 Aug-21
Month Year of Approval of Design Aug-21 Sep-21
Stations/Locations where used Raighadh Road & Shamla JI Road &
Viravada Raighadh Road
Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder Composite steel girder
Span (m) 32.25 36
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2435 1840
Number of Girders in one span 6 6
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 55 35
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 10500 10500
Number of lanes 3 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 15300 15300
Deck As per which IRC IRC 87-2013 IRC 87-2013
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Both side Both side
Crash Barrier Both side RCC Both side RCC
{Number- Type (RCC/
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/ One side One side

Sl. No. 85 86
Sub Sl. No. 7 8
Drawing Identification Code SV-NWR-CG-07 SV-NWR-CG-08
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Force Structural Tech Tangent Solution
Consultant, Engineers Mumbai Pvt Ltd
if any Proof Consultant IIT Mumbai MNIT Jaipur
Drawing Number CBE- CBE-
1241/JP/ROB/2021 1234/JU/ROB/2021
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Jan. 2021 Sep.2020
Month Year of Approval of Design Aug. 2021 July. 2021
Stations/Locations where used Sawaimadhopur- Jamiyana- Balotra
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 36 36
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1881 1881
Number of Girders in one span 8 7
Seismic Zone designed for II III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 16.9 17.76
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 20250 13500
Number of lanes 4 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 21250 16500
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil nil
Crash Barrier Both side RCC Both side RCC
{Number- Type (RCC/
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/ Nil One side

Sl. No. 87 88
Sub Sl. No. 9 10
Drawing Identification Code SV-NWR-CG-09 SV-NWR-CG-10
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO CAO
whom PSU - --
Name of Design Consultant BPS Enginering Dhabai Construction,
Consultant, Siker
if any Proof Consultant TTL Enginering -
Drawing Number CAO/C/JP/7895 TO CAO/C/JP/7971 TO
7901/D-ROB/DO- 7974/DFL-SBR-ROB-
GGC 01
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Apr-21 Apr-21
Month Year of Approval of Design Apr-21 Jun-21
Stations/Locations where used DAUSA (NH 11A) FL-SBR(CH:1/3-4)
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 43.3 43.72
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2750 2250
Number of Girders in one span 9 5
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 50.138 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 20250 10000
Number of lanes 4 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 21250 12500
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier Both side RCC Both side RCC
{Number- Type (RCC/
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/ Nil One side

Sl. No. 89
Sub Sl. No. 11
Drawing Identification Code SV-NWR-BSG-01
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE
Name of Design Consultant Accrete Consulting Eng.
Consultant, if any Proof Consultant IIT-BHU
Drawing Number CBE-1233/JU/ROB/2021
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading of IRC-6:2017 Yes
Whether Designed with Congestion Factor No
Month/Year of Design Jun-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Jul-21
Stations/Locations where used Dehmok- Surpura
Type of Superstructure Bow String Girder
Span (m) 50
Depth of Girder including deck slab (mm) 1545
Number of Girders in one span 6
Seismic Zone designed for III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 13500
Number of lanes 3
Direction of road traffic One way
Deck Width (mm) 16300
Deck As per which IRC Special -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One-side/Two-side) One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two-side) One
Crash Barrier {Number- Type Both side RCC
(RCC/ W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/ Steel/Others) One side

Sl. No. 90 91
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code SV-SR-CG-01 SV-SR-CG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Force Structural Force Structural
Consultant, if Engineers Pvt Ltd Engineers Pvt Ltd
any Proof Consultant IIT Mumbai IIT Mumbai

Drawing Number CBE/GV2/141/2017 CBE/GV2/141/2017

Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Nov-17 Nov-17
Month Year of Approval of Design Aug-18 Aug-18
Stations/Locations where used Nagercoil- Tovalai Nagercoil- Tovalai
Station Station
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel Girder
Span (m) 15.58 18.471
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1469 1469
Number of Girders in one span 5 5
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 13 13
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 11000 11000
Number of lanes 3 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 13750 13750
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier Both side / RCC Both side / RCC
{Number- Type
(RCC/ W-Beam
Railing RCC RCC

Sl. No. 92
Sub Sl. No. 3
Drawing Identification Code SV-SR-CG-03
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE
Name of Design Consultant Louis Berger
Consultant, if any Proof Consultant IIT Delhi
Drawing Number CBE/GT2/207/2017
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading of IRC-6:2017 Yes
Whether Designed with Congestion Factor No
Month/Year of Design Dec-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Oct-21
Stations/Locations where used Sillakkudi- Kallagam
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Girder
Span (m) 53
Depth of Girder including deck slab (mm) 2850
Number of Girders in one span 6
Seismic Zone designed for II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 15
Degree of curvature designed for 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 12000
Number of lanes 3
Direction of road traffic One way
Deck Width (mm) 16000
Deck As per which IRC Special -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One-side/Two- One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two-side) Both side
Crash Barrier {Number- Type Both side / RCC
(RCC/ W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/Steel/Others) RCC

Sl. No. 93 94
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code SV-SCR-CG-01 SV-SCR-CG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant L&T Infrastructure Sheladia Associates
Consultant, Engineering Ltd INC,USA
if any Proof Consultant IIT Madras IIT Madras
Drawing Number GM(W)SC/Br/R- GM(W)SC/Br/R-
207/2018 to 57/2014 to
216/2018 63/2014
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Aug-17 Aug-2014
Month Year of Approval of Design Dec-18 Dec.-2014
Stations/Locations where used Allur Road - Narasaraopet-
Bitragunta Vinukonda
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel girder Composite steel girder
Span (m) 28.646 35.008
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2375 2600
Number of Girders in one span 7 6
Seismic Zone designed for III II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 51.66 44.37o
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 12175 10750
Number of lanes 3 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 15000 13750
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier Both side / RCC Both side
{Number- Type
(RCC/ W-Beam
Railing One side RCC Parapet One side RCC Parapet

Sl. No. 95 96
Sub Sl. No. 3 4
Drawing Identification Code SV-SCR-CG-03 SV-SCR-CG-04
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant B&S Engineering Sheladia Associates
Consultant, Consultants Pvt. Ltd. INC, USA
if any Proof Consultant IIT Delhi IIT Madras
Drawing Number GM(W)SC/BR/R-157 GM(W)SC/Br/R-
to 166/2021 12/2014 to
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Oct-20 Aug-2014
Month Year of Approval of Design Sep-21 Oct-2014
Stations/Locations where used Amanwadi - Jaulka Bellamkonda-
Type of Superstructure Composite steel Girder Composite Steel Girder
Span (m) 36 36.69
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1831 2600
Number of Girders in one span 7 6
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 41o
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 14750 10750
Number of lanes 3 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 17550 13750
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier Two RCC Two RCC
{Number- Type
(RCC/ W-Beam
Railing One side RCC Parapet Two side RCC Parapet

Sl. No. 97 98
Sub Sl. No. 5 6
Drawing Identification Code SV-SCR-CG-05 SV-SCR-CG-06
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO CBE
whom PSU - Aurangabad Industrial
Township Ltd.
Name of Design Consultant - ACME Structural
Consultant, Consultants, Pune
if any Proof Consultant - IIT Bombay
Drawing Number CAO/C/D/ST/552- GM(W)SC/Br/R-3/2018
2019 to CAO/C/ to
D/ST/559-2019 GM(W)SC/Br/R-
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No Yes
Month/Year of Design Apr-19 Nov.-2017
Month Year of Approval of Design Nov-19 Jan.-2018
Stations/Locations where used Bayyavaram and Karmad-Chikalthana
Anakapalli Stations
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite steel Girder
Span (m) 38.47 40.3
Depth of Girder including deck slab - 2722
Number of Girders in one span 5 6
Seismic Zone designed for 3 II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 11o
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 7750 11500
Number of lanes 2 3
Direction of road traffic Two way One way
Deck Width (mm) 13000 14450
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Two sided One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier Two RCC Two RCC
{Number- Type
(RCC/ W-Beam
Railing Two side RCC Parapet One side RCC Parapet

Sl. No. 99 100
Sub Sl. No. 7 8
Drawing Identification Code SV-SCR-CG-07 SV-SCR-BSG-01
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CAO
whom PSU R&B Dept, Telangana -
Name of Design Consultant Pragathi Consultants, Spera Infra Consultant
Consultant, Hyderabad
if any
Proof Consultant - IIT Hyderabad
Drawing Number GM(W)SC/Br/R-50 to CAO/C/D/ST/391-
54, 64, 66 & 69/2018 2021 series

Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes

Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes No
Month/Year of Design 11-2016 Feb-21
Month Year of Approval of Design 04-2018 Aug-21
Stations/Locations where used Ramgundam - Manoharabad and
Raghavapuram Gajwvel station
Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder Bow String Girder

Span (m) 42 42
Depth of Girder including deck slab 3164 1010
Number of Girders in one span 6 1
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 11000 11000
Number of lanes 3 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 13750 12050
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side Nil
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier Two RCC Two RCC
{Number- Type
(RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ Steel One side RCC Parapet Nil

Sl. No. 101 102
Sub Sl. No. 9 10
Drawing Identification Code SV-SCR-CG-08 SV-SCR-CG-09
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO CBE
whom PSU - MSRDC
Name of Design Consultant Srinivasa Gravitas Infrastructures
Consultant, Constructions Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow
if any
Proof Consultant JNTU Hyderabad IIT Bombay
Drawing Number CAO/C/D/ST/75- GRA/DWG/101 to 106
2020 to CAO/C AND
/D/ST/77-2020 and GRA/DWG/108 to 112
RDSO /B-11758/5R
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Aug-19 Feb-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Jan-20 Mar-20
Stations/Locations where used Hafizpeta and Lasur-Karanjgaon
Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder Composite steel girder

Span (m) 44.5 44.5

Depth of Girder including deck slab 4350 2559
Number of Girders in one span 5 8
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 19.97
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 16500
Number of lanes 2 4
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 10055 19500
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier Two RCC Two RCC
{Number- Type
(RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ Steel RCC Parapet One side RCC Parapet

Sl. No. 103 104
Sub Sl. No. 11 12
Drawing Identification Code SV-SCR-CG-10 SV-SCR-CG-11
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CAO
whom PSU Prime Rail Infra -
Name of Design Consultant IIT Mumbai SMR Consultants
if any
Proof Consultant IIT Mumbai NIT Warangal
Drawing Number PRI-STR-DWG-2081 CAO/C/D/RC/124-
2020 to
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes No
Month/Year of Design Feb-19 Sep-19
Month Year of Approval of Design Feb-19 Feb-20
Stations/Locations where used Chittor & RVS Nagar Mellacheruvu and
Revuru Ramapuram
Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder Composite steel girder

Span (m) 44.5 44.5

Depth of Girder including deck slab 2511 2770
Number of Girders in one span 6 6
Seismic Zone designed for III 2
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 20
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 8500 10500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 12500 14800
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side Two sided
Kerb (Nil/One- Both side Nil
Crash Barrier Both side Two-RCC
{Number- Type
(RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ Steel One side RCC Parapet Two side RCC Parapet

Sl. No. 105 106
Sub Sl. No. 13 14
Drawing Identification Code SV-SCR-CG-12 SV-SCR-CG-13
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Neel Construction Primerail Infralabs Pvt
Consultant, Links Pvt. Ltd., Ltd
if any Gurgram
Proof Consultant IIT Delhi IIT Madras
Drawing Number GM(W)SC/Br/R- GM(W)SC/Br/R-
32/2021 to 77/2020 to
42/2021 88/2020
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Jan-20 01-2020
Month Year of Approval of Design Feb-21 08-2020
Stations/Locations where used Cherukuwada - Undi Akiveedu - Pallevada
Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder Composite steel girder

Span (m) 44.5 44.5

Depth of Girder including deck slab 2557 2519
Number of Girders in one span 6 6
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 20 20o
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 11000 8500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way One way
Deck Width (mm) 16000 12500
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Two sided One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Both side
Crash Barrier Two-RCC Two-RCC
{Number- Type
(RCC/ W-Beam
Railing Both side Steel One side RCC Parapet

Sl. No. 107 108
Sub Sl. No. 15 16
Drawing Identification Code SV-SCR-CG-14 SV-SCR-CG-15
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant L&T Infrasructure Accrete Consulting
Consultant, Engineering Ltd. Engineers
if any
Proof Consultant IIT Madras IIT-BHU
Drawing Number GM(W)SC/Br/R- 1099/GUN-KOV/NH-
12/2015 to 16/ST/ROB/
GM(W)SC/Br/R- 18+677.385/312 to 322
20/2015 & 402
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design 01-2015 Aug-19
Month Year of Approval of Design 02-2015 Sep-19
Stations/Locations where used Muddanur- Denduluru-Bhimadolu
Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder Composite steel girder

Span (m) 44.5 45.79

Depth of Girder including deck slab 3157 2519
Number of Girders in one span 6 8
Seismic Zone designed for II III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 20o 20
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9500 13000
Number of lanes 2 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12900 16000
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier Two-RCC Two-RCC
{Number- Type
(RCC/ W-Beam
Railing Nil RCC Parapet

Sl. No. 109 110
Sub Sl. No. 17 18
Drawing Identification Code SV-SCR-CG-16 SV-SCR-CG-17
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Dilip Buildcon Limited HBS Infra Engineers
Consultant, India
if any
Proof Consultant IIT BHU IIT BHU
Drawing Number 18130-RB-PS-GA- HBS/GI-IV/SE/ROB-
7311 Series 246.572/SUPC/004

Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes

Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Sep-19 Oct-19
Month Year of Approval of Design Jun-19 Jan-20
Stations/Locations where used Anakapalli - Giddalur - Vinukonda
Anandapuram Section Section of NH-544D
in NH -16 in A.P.
Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder Composite steel girder

Span (m) 46 46
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2722 2511
Number of Girders in one span 6 6
Seismic Zone designed for II III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 18.704 20
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 13500 11500
Number of lanes 4 2
Direction of road traffic One way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 14500 12500
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier Both side Both side
{Number- Type
(RCC/ W-Beam
Railing Nil Nil
Sl. No. 111 112
Sub Sl. No. 19 20
Drawing Identification Code SV-SCR-CG-18 SV-SCR-CG-19
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Accrete Consulting MRIDCL
Consultant, Engineers
if any Proof Consultant IIT BHU IIT, Bombay
Drawing Number 1099/GUN-KOV/NH- GM(W)SC/Br/R-139 to
16/ST/ROB/18+677.38 147&
5 Series 156 to 164/2020
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No Yes
Month/Year of Design Mar-19 12-2019
Month Year of Approval of Design Sep-19 11-2020
Stations/Locations where used Gundugolanu - Chawda-Purna-Marsul
Section of NH-16 In A.P.
Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder Composite steel girder

Span (m) 47.092 51.15

Depth of Girder including deck slab 2511 2750
Number of Girders in one span 8 8
Seismic Zone designed for III II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 20 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 15000 13000
Number of lanes 4 3
Direction of road traffic One way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 16000 18000
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil Two side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier Both side Two RCC
{Number- Type
(RCC/ W-Beam
Railing Nil Two side steel

Sl. No. 113 114
Sub Sl. No. 21 22
Drawing Identification Code SV-SCR-CG-20 SV-SCR-CG-21
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CAO
whom PSU PWD, Govt of -
Name of Design Consultant L&T Construction SMR Consultants
Consultant, Infrastructure
if any Proof Consultant IIT Bombay -
Drawing Number GM(W)SC/Br/R- CAO/C/D/RC/008-
87/2018 to 93/2018 & 2018 to
103/2018 CAO/C/D/RC/13-2018
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes No
Month/Year of Design 05-2018 Jun-17
Month Year of Approval of Design 01-2018 Jan-18
Stations/Locations where used Manwath (Tadborgaon) Kurnool city and
section Dhupadu stations
Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder Composite steel girder

Span (m) 56.16 57.8

Depth of Girder including deck slab 3395 2730
Number of Girders in one span 7 6
Seismic Zone designed for II 2
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 20o 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 10500 7500
Number of lanes 3 2
Direction of road traffic One way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 14800 12000
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Two side Two side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier Two RCC Two RCC
{Number- Type
(RCC/ W-Beam
Railing Two side steel Both side RCC Parapet

Sl. No. 115
Sub Sl. No. 23
Drawing Identification Code SV-SCR-CG-22
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE
whom PSU Tirupati Smart City
Corporation Ltd.
Name of Design Consultant Force Structural Engineers Pvt
Consultant, if Ltd
any Proof Consultant IIT Bombay
Drawing Number GM(W)SC/Br/R-63/2021 to
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading of IRC- Yes
Whether Designed with Congestion Factor Yes
Month/Year of Design 09-2020
Month Year of Approval of Design 04-2021
Stations/Locations where used Tiruchanur-Tirpuati

Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder

Span (m) 58
Depth of Girder including deck slab (mm) 3613
Number of Girders in one span 6
Seismic Zone designed for II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 15600
Number of lanes 4
Direction of road traffic Two way
Deck Width (mm) 16600
Deck Configuration As per which IRC Special -
Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two-side) Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Type Two RCC
(RCC/ W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/Steel/Others) Nil

Sl. No. 116 117
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code SV-SWR-BSG-01 SV-SWR-BSG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Samarth Infraengg. Pvt LEA Associates
Consultant, Ltd
if any Proof Consultant IIT Madras IIT Madras
Drawing Number SWR/2019/STR- SWR/2020/STR-
15/ROB 28/ROB-65.0/CHKE-
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design - -
Month Year of Approval of Design May-19 2020
Stations/Locations where used Arsikere(Ask)-Birur(Rrb) Chkebahi To Bahi
Type of Superstructure Bow string girder Bow string girder
Span (m) 48.0 72.0
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1505 1445
Number of Girders in one span One One
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 12000 13000
Number of lanes 3 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 16000 16000
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier Two RCC Two RCC
{Number- Type
(RCC/ W-Beam
Railing One Steel One Steel

Sl. No. 118 119
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code SV-WR-CG-01 SV-WR-CG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant GR Infraprojects STUP Consultants Pvt.
Consultant, Ltd Mumbai
if any Proof Consultant IIT BHU IIT Mumbai
Drawing Number GR/KAKA/STR/ROB/3 7618/E/DD-552
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Dec-20 Dec-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Dec-20 Dec-20
Stations/Locations where used BRLA-NLI/KM.351-4-8 NARODA-DABHODA
/KM.399/5-6 (LC-9)
Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder Composite steel girder
Span (m) 32.6 36
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1677 2095
Number of Girders in one span 7 6
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 58 45
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 20250 11250
Number of lanes 6 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 21250 14300
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configura- Special Publication
tion No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- 0 One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil One
Crash Barrier Both side RCC Both side RCC
{Number- Type
(RCC/ W-Beam
Railing Nil One side

Sl. No. 120 121
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code SV-WCR-CG-01 SV-WCR-CG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant Tranzroad Consulting L&T Infrastructre
Consultant, Engineering Pvt Ltd. Engineering Ltd
if any Proof Consultant Jain Narayan Vyas IIT Chennai
Drawing Number HQ DRG No. GM(W) HQ DRG No. GM(W)
5569-5576 & 5585- 5528-5543
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Yes Yes
Loading of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design 11/2021. 12/2020.
Month Year of Approval of Design 12/2021. 11/2021.
Stations/Locations where used LC-18 Sagar-Bina Km 997/9-11 Nagda-
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Girder Composite Steel Girder
Span (m) 36.79 51
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1581 2250
Number of Girders in one span 6 8
Seismic Zone designed for III II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 22.8 45
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 11000 20250
Number of lanes 2 6
Direction of road traffic Two way One way
Deck Width (mm) 15600 21250
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Yes - Both side No
Kerb (Nil/One- No No
Crash Barrier RCC-Both side RCC-Both side
{Number- Type
(RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ RCC-Both side No

Chapter IV
List of Drawings for other than Special Vehicle

List of RDSO Drawings for other than Special Vehicle

List of RDSO Standard Drawings of Composite Plate Girders
Sl. No. 1
Sub Sl. No. 1
Drawing Identification Code RDSO/B-11756
Whether Fit for SV Loading No
Designed with Congestion No
Month/ Year of Design 04/2013
Month/ Year of Approval 04/2013
Span (m) 18
Depth of Girder (mm) 1154
Seismic Zone designed for V
Angle of Skew designed for Upto 20
Degree of curvature designed Upto 10
Number of Girders in one span 4 4 5 5 6 6
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 7500 7500 10500 10500 10500
Number of lanes 2 2 2 3 3 2
Direction of road traffic One One One One One Two
way way way way way way
Deck Width (mm) 9900 10100 11800 12900 13400 14800
Deck As per which Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Configuration IRC Special
Publication No.
& Year
Footpath Nil One Both Nil One Both
(Nil/One- side side side side
Kerb (Nil/One- Both Nil Nil Both Nil Nil
side/Two-side) side side
Crash Barrier Both Both Both Both Both Both
{Number- Type side side side side side side
Railing Nil One Both Nil One Both
(RCC/Steel/ side side side side
Others) Steel Steel Steel Steel

List of RDSO Standard Drawings of Composite Plate Girders
Sl. No. 2
Sub Sl. No. 2
Drawing Identification Code RDSO/B-11757
Whether Fit for SV Loading No
Designed with Congestion No
Month/ Year of Design 03/2013
Month/ Year of Approval 03/2013
Span (m) 24
Depth of Girder (mm) 1564
Seismic Zone designed for V
Angle of Skew designed for Upto 20
Degree of curvature designed Upto 10
Number of Girders in one span 4 4 5 5 6 6
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 7500 7500 10500 10500 10500
Number of lanes 2 2 2 3 3 2
Direction of road traffic One One One One One Two
way way way way way way
Deck Width (mm) 9900 10100 11800 12900 13400 14800
Deck As per which Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Configuration IRC Special
No. & Year
Footpath Nil One Both Nil One Both
(Nil/One- side side side side
Kerb (Nil/One- Both Nil Nil Both Nil Nil
side/Two-side) side side
Crash Barrier Both Both Both Both Both Both
{Number- Type side side side side side side
Railing Nil One Both Nil One Both
(RCC/Steel/ side side side side
Others) Steel Steel Steel Steel

List of RDSO Standard Drawings of Composite Plate Girders

Sl. No. 3
Sub Sl. No. 3
Drawing Identification Code RDSO/B-11755
Whether Fit for SV Loading No
Designed with Congestion No
Month/ Year of Design 04/2013

Month/ Year of Approval 04/2013

Span (m) 30
Depth of Girder (mm) 1705
Seismic Zone designed for V
Angle of Skew designed for Upto 20
Degree of curvature designed Upto 10
Number of Girders in one span 4 4 5 5 6 6
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 7500 7500 10500 10500 10500
Number of lanes 2 2 2 3 3 2
Direction of road traffic One One One One One Two
way way way way way way
Deck Width (mm) 9900 10100 11800 12900 13400 14800
Deck As per which Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Configuration IRC Special
Publication No.
& Year
Footpath Nil One Both Nil One Both
(Nil/One- side side side side
Kerb (Nil/One- Both Nil Nil Both Nil Nil
side/Two-side) side side
Crash Barrier Both Both Both Both Both Both
{Number- Type side side side side side side
Railing Nil One Both Nil One Both
(RCC/Steel/ side side side side
Others) Steel Steel Steel

List of RDSO Standard Drawings of Composite Plate Girders

Sl. No. 4
Sub Sl. No. 4
Drawing Identification Code RDSO/B-11758
Whether Fit for SV Loading No
Designed with Congestion No
Month/ Year of Design 04/2013
Month/ Year of Approval 04/2013
Span (m) 36
Depth of Girder (mm) 2095
Seismic Zone designed for V
Angle of Skew designed for Upto 20
Degree of curvature designed Upto 10
Number of Girders in one span 4 4 5 5 6 6
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 7500 7500 10500 10500 10500
Number of lanes 2 2 2 3 3 2
Direction of road traffic One One One One One Two
way way way way way way
Deck Width (mm) 9900 10100 11800 12900 13400 14800
Deck As per which Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Configuration IRC Special
Publication No.
& Year
Footpath Nil One Both Nil One Both
(Nil/One- side side side side
Kerb (Nil/One- Both Nil Nil Both Nil Nil
side/Two-side) side side
Crash Barrier Both Both Both Both Both Both
{Number- Type side side side side side side
Railing Nil One Both Nil One Both
(RCC/Steel/ side side side side
Others) Steel Steel Steel

List of RDSO Standard Drawings of Bow String Arch Girders

Sl. No. 5 6
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code RDSO/B-10409/R1 RDSO/B-10407/R1
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Oct-19 Nov-19
Month Year of Approval of Design - -
Span (m) 30.0 36.0
Depth of Girder from bottom of girder 1210 1210
to top of deck slab (mm)
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for V V
Angle of Skew designed for 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 7500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 11700 11700
Deck Configuration As per which IRC - -
Publication No. &
Footpath Both side Both side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
side/ Two-side)
Crash Barrier RCC RCC
{Numbers- Type
Railing Steel Steel

List of RDSO Standard Drawings of Bow String Arch Girders

Sl. No. 7 8
Sub Sl. No. 3 4
Drawing Identification Code RDSO/B-10408/R1 RDSO/B-10406/R
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Nov-19 May-15
Month Year of Approval of Design - -
Span (m) 42.0 48.0
Depth of Girder from bottom of girder 1210 1210
to top of deck slab (mm)
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for V IV
Angle of Skew designed for 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 7500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 11700 11700
Deck Configuration As per which IRC - -
Publication No. &
Footpath Both side Both side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
side/ Two-side)
Crash Barrier RCC RCC
{Numbers- Type
Railing Steel Steel

List of RDSO Standard Drawings of Bow String Arch Girders

Sl. No. 9 10
Sub Sl. No. 5 6
Drawing Identification Code RDSO/B-10419/R RDSO/B-10410/R1
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Sep-20 Nov-20
Month Year of Approval of Design - -
Span (m) 48.0 54.0
Depth of Girder from bottom of girder 1210 1210
to top of deck slab (mm)
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for V IV
Angle of Skew designed for 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 7500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 11700 11700
Deck Configuration As per which IRC - -
Publication No. &
Footpath Both side Both side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
side/ Two-side)
Crash Barrier RCC RCC
{Numbers- Type
Railing Steel Steel

List of RDSO Standard Drawings of Bow String Arch Girders
Sl. No. 11 12
Sub Sl. No. 7 8
Drawing Identification Code RDSO/B-10422/R RDSO/B-10411/R1
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Jun-20 Dec-19
Month Year of Approval of Design - -
Span (m) 54 60
Depth of Girder from bottom of girder 1210 1210
to top of deck slab (mm)
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for V IV
Angle of Skew designed for 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 7500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 11700 11700
Deck Configuration As per which IRC - -
Publication No. &
Footpath Both side Both side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
side/ Two-side)
Crash Barrier RCC RCC
{Numbers- Type
Railing Steel Steel

List of RDSO Standard Drawings of Bow String Arch Girders
Sl. No. 13 14
Sub Sl. No. 9 10
Drawing Identification Code RDSO/B-10420/R RDSO/B-10412/R
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Jul-20 Jul-20
Month Year of Approval of Design -
Span (m) 60.0 72.0
Depth of Girder from bottom of girder 1210 1210
to top of deck slab (mm)
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for V IV
Angle of Skew designed for 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 7500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 11700 11700
Deck Configuration As per which IRC - -
Publication No. &
Footpath Both side Both side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
side/ Two-side)
Crash Barrier RCC RCC
{Numbers- Type
Railing Steel Steel

List of RDSO Standard Drawings of Bow String Arch Girders
Sl. No. 15
Sub Sl. No. 11
Drawing Identification Code RDSO/B-10421/R
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading of IRC- No
Whether Designed with Congestion Factor No
Month/Year of Design Aug-20
Month Year of Approval of Design
Span (m) 72.0
Depth of Girder from bottom of girder to top of deck 1210
slab (mm)
Number of Girders in one span 1
Seismic Zone designed for V
Angle of Skew designed for 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500
Number of lanes 2
Direction of road traffic Two way
Deck Width (mm) 11700
Deck Configuration -
As per which IRC Special
Publication No. & Year

Footpath (Nil/One-side/ Both side

Kerb (Nil/One-side/ Two- Nil
Crash Barrier {Numbers- RCC
Type (RCC/W-Beam/Others)}
Railing (RCC/Steel/ Others) Steel

List of Non-RDSO drawings for other than Special
Vehicle Loading

Sl. No. 16 17
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code NSV-CR-CG-01 NSV-CR-CG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) DY. CE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Druta Designs GR Infra Projects
Consultant, if Limited
any Proof Consultant VNIT Nagpur VJTI Mumbai

Drawing Number RP-ACP1-DD-P040- GR/WA-

ROB 206+483-105 MA/STR/ROB/294
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Aug-21 Dec-19
Month Year of Approval of Design Nov-21 May-20
Stations/Locations where used Amravati-Chikhli Watambare-
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 25 37.2
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2226 1931
Number of Girders in one span 5 7
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 9 7.2
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9000 13000
Number of lanes 2 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12000 16000
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier Both side / RCC Both side / RCC
{Number- Type (RCC/
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing RCC RCC

Sl. No. 18 19
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code NSV-ER-BSG-01 NSV-ER-BSG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant RITES (through RITES
Consultant, L & T Ramboll)
if any Proof Consultant IIT Guwahati IIT Guwahati

Drawing Number CE's drg nos.B-399- GAD No.B-31-2014,

2014 to B-444-2014. Detailed Drawing nos
B-332-2015 (SH-1 to
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Jun-14 Feb-15
Month Year of Approval of Design 2014 Aug-15
Stations/Locations where used Park Circus Mogra

Type of Superstructure Bow String Girder Bow String Girder

Span (m) 68.5 75

Depth of Girder including deck slab - 1719
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 11000
Number of lanes 2 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 8400 12000
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing Nil Nil

Sl. No. 20 21
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code NSV-ECR-BSG-01 NSV-ECR-OWG-01
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) Dy.CE/BR/D/ECR DY. CE/BR/D/ECR
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant IRCON International Aecom Asia Company
Consultant, if Limited Ltd.
any Proof Consultant IIT Madras IIT BOMBAY
Drawing Number CE Drg No. CE'S DRG. NO.-
ECR/MGS/2016- ECR/DNR/2018-
17/ROB/180 19/ROB/237
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Dec-16 Aug-18
Month Year of Approval of Design Mar-17 Jul-17
Stations/Locations where used Manpur Bypass DNR - Phulwari Sarif.
Type of Superstructure Bowstring Girder Truss Girder
Span (m) 58 104.3

Depth of Girder including deck slab 1380 1150

Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for III IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 10600 9100
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way One way
Deck Width (mm) 15200 12000
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Both sides One Side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier Both side RCC Both side RCC
{Number- Type (RCC/
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing Steel RCC

Sl. No. 22 23
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code NSV-NR-CG-01 NSV-NR-CG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO CAO
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant B&S Engineering Structure
Consultant, if Consultant Pvt Ltd Consultants Pvt Ltd
Proof Consultant IIT Roorkee -
Drawing Number P-1723-RB/2019 P-1395-RB/2017
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Dec-20 May-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Dec-20 May-20
Stations/Locations where used Delhi-Amritsar section On MTC-KRJ Section
near Bhandari
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 20.8 27.716
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1514 2000
Number of Girders in one span 5 5
Seismic Zone designed for IV IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 40.571°
Degree of curvature designed for 0 14.5°
Carriageway Width (mm) 9500 7500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 12200 12200
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side Both Side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier 2 Nos RCC 2 Nos RCC
{Number- Type (RCC/
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/ Steel RCC

Sl. No. 24 25
Sub Sl. No. 3 4
Drawing Identification Code NSV-NR-CG-03 NSV-NR-CG-04
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) - CAO
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant CS Engineers and Structure Consultants
Consultant, if Consultant Pvt Ltd
Proof Consultant IIT BHU -
Drawing Number CSE&C/NR/LKO- P-1395-RB/2017
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No Yes
Month/Year of Design Feb-21 May-19
Month Year of Approval of Design Feb-21 May-19
Stations/Locations where used UTR-SLN Section UP On MTC-KRJ Section

Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel

Girder Girder
Span (m) 25.24 28.277
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1570 2000
Number of Girders in one span 8 5
Seismic Zone designed for III IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 8 7.88°
Degree of curvature designed for 0 14.5°
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 7500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way Two Way
Deck Width (mm) 8500 12600
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil Both Side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier Both side RCC Both side RCC
{Number- Type (RCC/
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/ RCC
Steel/Others) Nil

Sl. No. 26 27
Sub Sl. No. 5 6
Drawing Identification Code NSV-NR-CG-05 NSV-NR-CG-06
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO CAO
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant Via Pontium B&S Engineering
Consultant, if Engineering Services Consultants Pvt Ltd
Proof Consultant IIT BHU M.A.N.I.T. Bhopal
Drawing Number P-1960-RB/2020 P-1492-RB/2018
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Oct-21 Mar-19
Month Year of Approval of Design Oct-21 Mar-19
Stations/Locations where used Prayagraj Section Between Bhagtawala
near rly stn Prayag & Sangrana Rly Stn
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 30 33.48
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2055 1831
Number of Girders in one span 5 7
Seismic Zone designed for III IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 37.02°
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 7500 x 2
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way Two Way
Deck Width (mm) 12000 17200
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Both side Nil
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier 2 Nos RCC 3 Nos RCC
{Number- Type (RCC/
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/ Steel Nil

Sl. No. 28 29
Sub Sl. No. 7 8
Drawing Identification Code NSV-NR-CG-07 NSV-NR-CG-08
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) - CAO
PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant Stru tech Consultant RICE Pvt Ltd
Consultant, if Service Pvt Ltd
Proof Consultant Jamia Millia Islamia IIT,BHU Varanasi
Drawing Number 2019/NR/ROB- P-1638-RB/2018
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes Yes
Month/Year of Design Nov-19 Sep-21
Month Year of Approval of Design Nov-19 Sep-21
Stations/Locations where used MB-LKO Section Between Rly Stn
Ghaggar and
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 35.163 Varying from 35.382
to 38.085
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2200 2097
Number of Girders in one span 4 6
Seismic Zone designed for III IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 36 65°
Degree of curvature designed for 0 53.62°
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 8500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way One way
Deck Width (mm) 10100 13350
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Both side Nil
Crash Barrier 2 Nos RCC 2 Nos RCC
{Number- Type (RCC/
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/ Nil Steel

Sl. No. 30 31
Sub Sl. No. 9 10
Drawing Identification Code NSV-NR-CG-09 NSV-NR-CG-10
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO -
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant Structure Setu Consulting
Consultant, if Consultants Pvt Ltd Engineers Faridabad
Proof Consultant - IIT BHU
Drawing Number P-1395-RB/2017 SCE/2015001/ROB/S
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes No
Month/Year of Design Jul-19 May-15
Month Year of Approval of Design Jul-19 May-15
Stations/Locations where used On MTC-KRJ Section Near Noli Railway
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 38.3 43.75
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2400 2675
Number of Girders in one span 5 4
Seismic Zone designed for IV IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 49.440° 23
Degree of curvature designed for 0 Straight
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 7500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two Way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12000 10350
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Both Side One side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil One side
Crash Barrier 2 Nos RCC 2 Nos RCC
{Number- Type (RCC/
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/ RCC One side

Sl. No. 32 33
Sub Sl. No. 11 12
Drawing Identification Code NSV-NR-CG-11 NSV-NR-CG-12
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO CAO
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant Structure Via Pontium
Consultant, if Consultants Pvt Ltd Engineering Services
any Proof Consultant - IIT BHU
Drawing Number P-1395-RB/2017 P-1960-RB/2020
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes No
Month/Year of Design Jul-19 Sep-21
Month Year of Approval of Design Jul-19 Sep-21
Stations/Locations where used On MTC-KRJ Section Allahabad-Prayagraj
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 48.3 48.8
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2850 2690
Number of Girders in one span 5 5
Seismic Zone designed for IV III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 49.440° 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 7500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 12000 12000
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Both Side Both side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier 2 Nos RCC 2 Nos RCC
{Number- Type (RCC/
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/ RCC RCC

Sl. No. 34 35
Sub Sl. No. 13 14
Drawing Identification Code NSV-NR-CG-13 NSV-NR-CG-14
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) - CAO
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant Rockwin India RICE Pvt. Ltd.
Consultant, if Consulting Engineers
any Pvt Ltd
Proof Consultant IIT BHU IIT, BHU
Drawing Number ROB-119/DL1 P-1743-RB/2019
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No Yes
Month/Year of Design Aug-21 Mar-21
Month Year of Approval of Design Aug-21 Mar-21
Stations/Locations where used Merut City Rohtak-Meham Line
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 51.51 52.194
Depth of Girder including deck slab 3150 3155
Number of Girders in one span 6 6
Seismic Zone designed for III IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 65.20°
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 10000
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 14500 14500
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Both side Both Side
Kerb (Nil/One- Both side Nil
Crash Barrier 2 Nos RCC 2 Nos RCC
{Number- Type (RCC/
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/ - Steel

Sl. No. 36 37
Sub Sl. No. 15 16
Drawing Identification Code NSV-NR-BSG-01 NSV-NR-BSG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO CAO
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant Structure Structure Consultants
Consultant, if Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. Ltd.
any Proof Consultant Jamia Millia Islamia NIT Kurukshetra
Drawing Number P-1609-RB/2018 P-1722-RB/2019
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Feb-19 Feb-19
Month Year of Approval of Design Feb-19 Feb-19
Stations/Locations where used Jagraon Pul at Jind-Panipat Section
Ludhiana on SNL- at Jind City Stn
Type of Superstructure Bowstring Girder Bowstring Girder
Span (m) 62 74
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1401 1401
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for IV III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 10500 11000
Number of lanes 3 2
Direction of road traffic One way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 13500 16000
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side Two side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier 2 Nos 2 Nos
{Number- Type (RCC/ Type- RCC Type- RCC
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/ Steel Steel

Sl. No. 38 39
Sub Sl. No. 17 18
Drawing Identification Code NSV-NR-BSG-03 NSV-NR-OWG-01
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO CAO
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant Structure B&S Engineering
Consultant, if Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
any Proof Consultant Prof. Alok Goyal, IIT Dr. Dipti Ranjan
Bombay Sahoo, IIT Delhi
Drawing Number P-1125-RB/2016 P-1540-RB/2018
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Jun-18 Jun-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Jun-18 Jun-20
Stations/Locations where used GZB-SRE section Between Rly Stn
near GZB Rly station Ghaziabad and
Type of Superstructure Bowstring Girder Truss Girder
Span (m) 74.76 113
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1371 2218
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for IV IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9500 15000
Number of lanes 2 4
Direction of road traffic Two way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12000 16000
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication
No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil One Side
Kerb (Nil/One- Both side Nil
Crash Barrier 2 Nos. RCC 2 Nos. RCC
{Number- Type (RCC/
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/ Others Steel

Sl. No. 40 41
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code NSV-NER-CG-01 NSV-NER-CG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) - -
Name of Design Consultant Lea Associate South Monte Carlo Ltd
Consultant, Asia Pvt. Ltd
if any Proof Consultant IIT BHU Civil Baba Infra
Consultant Pvt Ltd
Drawing Number 76359/LASA/STR/R CICPL/D1008/
OB-01/GA-01 HW/DEG/ROB/01-08
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Feb-19 Mar-17
Month Year of Approval of Design Feb-19 Mar-17
Stations/Locations where used Karimuddinpur- Domingarh to
Dhunadih Jagatbela Gorakhpur
Type of Superstructure Composite steel Composite steel girder
Span (m) 36 42
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1631 2857
Number of Girders in one span 9 5
Seismic Zone designed for IV IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 36
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 20250 9500
Number of lanes 5 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 21250 12500
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil One Side
Kerb (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ Nil One Side

Sl. No. 42
Sub Sl. No. 3
Drawing Identification Code NSV-NER-CG-03
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) -
Name of Design Consultant Civil Baba Infra Consultant
Consultant, if Pvt Ltd
Proof Consultant NIT Krukshetra
Drawing Number CICPL/D1008/HB/002
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading of IRC-6:2017 No
Whether Designed with Congestion Factor No
Month/Year of Design Apr. 2017
Month Year of Approval of Design Apr. 2017
Stations/Locations where used Gorakhpur Bypas Uttar
Type of Superstructure Composite steel girder
Span (m) 42
Depth of Girder including deck slab (mm) 2287
Number of Girders in one span 5
Seismic Zone designed for IV
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 60
Degree of curvature designed for 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9500
Number of lanes 2
Direction of road traffic One way
Deck Width (mm) 12500
Deck As per which IRC Special Publication -
Configuration No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One-side/Two-side) One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two-side) One side
Crash Barrier {Number- Type (RCC/ Both side RCC
W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/ Steel/Others) One side

Sl. No. 43 44
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code NSV-NFR-OWG-01 NSV-NFR-BSG-01
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) - Dy. CE
Name of Design Consultant PNG Planning & STUP Consultant Pvt.
Consultant, Structural Ltd.
if any Consultants
Proof Consultant IIT Guwahati IIT Bhuwaneshwar
Drawing Number SRIKONA/ROB/NH ROB/B/21/2018
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No Yes
Month/Year of Design Nov-19 Sep-12
Month Year of Approval of Design May-20 Jan-18
Stations/Locations where used Srikona (Silchar) Harishchandrapur
Type of Superstructure Truss girder Bow string girder
Span (m) 62 66
Depth of Girder including deck slab 956 1160
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for V V
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 11000
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 8500 16000
Deck As per which IRC Special IRC: SP 73- 2018 -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Both Side Both side
side/Two-side) (Cantilever)
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ Steel Steel

Sl. No. 45 46
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code NSV-NWR-CG-01 NSV-NWR-BSG-01
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CAO
whom PSU NHAI -
Name of Design Consultant Strength Engg Spacechem
Consultant, Service Pvt Ltd. Enterprises
if any Proof Consultant - IIT Krurukshetra
Drawing Number SSE/DFCIL/JP/RO CAO/C/JP/6142 TO
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Jun-14 Jun-18
Month Year of Approval of Design Jun-14 Jun-18
Stations/Locations where used Bhagega-Kanwat Shivdaspura-Sananer
Type of Superstructure Composite steel Bow string girder
Span (m) 36 44
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2095 1265
Number of Girders in one span 4 1
Seismic Zone designed for - II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 36 16.43
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 12500
Number of lanes 2 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 8500 13400
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ Nil Nil

Sl. No. 47 48
Sub Sl. No. 3 4
Drawing Identification Code NSV-NWR-CG-02 NSV-NWR-BSG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO CAO
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant C.V.Kand Spacechem
Consultant, Consultant Enterprises
if any Proof Consultant MANIT Bhopal IIT Krurukshetra
Drawing Number CAO/C/JP/7063 CAO/C/JP/6155 TO
TO 7068 /D-ROB 6170/D-ROB/RING
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Sep-19 Jun-18
Month Year of Approval of Design Sep-19 Jun-18
Stations/Locations where used Dahar Ka Balaji Kanota (CH:220/8-
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Bow string girder
Span (m) 47.78 100
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2750 1765
Number of Girders in one span 5 2
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 42.3 56
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 10500 12500
Number of lanes 3 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 11500 13400
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil Nil
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ Nil Nil

Sl. No. 49 50
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code NSV-SR-CG-01 NSV-SR-CG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Ruki Projects Pvt Force Structural
Consultant, Ltd Engineers
if any Proof Consultant IIT Madras IIT Mumbai
Drawing Number CBE/GU1/180/201 CBE/GV2/142/2017
5 Sheet 8 to 13, 21
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Dec-15 Nov-17
Month Year of Approval of Design Dec-15 May-18
Stations/Locations where used Maha Madurai - Nagercoil-Tovalai
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 15 16.72
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1504 1504
Number of Girders in one span 5 5
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 28
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9250 11000
Number of lanes 2 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12000 13750
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side / RCC Both side / RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ RCC RCC

Sl. No. 51 52
Sub Sl. No. 3 4
Drawing Identification Code NSV-SR-CG-03 NSV-SR-CG-04
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Samarth Infra Engg Rucky Projects Ltd
Consultant, Proof Consultant IIT Madras IIT Chennai
if any
Drawing Number CBE/GU1/142/201 CBE/GU1/161/2012
0 Sheet 18 to 23,30,32
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Jul-15 Mar-17
Month Year of Approval of Design Aug-15 Sep-17
Stations/Locations where used Pudukottai- Sudiyur-Paramakudi
Vellanur Station
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 17.453 18.66
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1914 1680
Number of Girders in one span 5 5
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 24 45
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 8400 9000
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12900 12000
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Both side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side / RCC Both side / RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ RCC RCC

Sl. No. 53 54
Sub Sl. No. 5 6
Drawing Identification Code NSV-SR-CG-05 NSV-SR-CG-06
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Ruki Projects Pvt Ruki Projects Pvt Ltd
Consultant, Ltd
if any Proof Consultant IIT Madras IIT Madras
Drawing Number CBE/GU1/165/201 CBE/GU1/162/2012
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Feb-16 May-16
Month Year of Approval of Design Mar-16 May-16
Stations/Locations where used Sediyar - Parmakkudi-
Paramakkudi Sattrakkudi Station
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 19.566 20.056
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1504 1680
Number of Girders in one span 5 5
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 18 41
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9000 9000
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12000 12000
Deck As per which IRC Special -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side / RCC Both side / RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ RCC RCC

Sl. No. 55 56
Sub Sl. No. 7 8
Drawing Identification Code NSV-SR-CG-07 NSV-SR-CG-08
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Force Structural Ruki Projects Pvt Ltd
Consultant, Engineers
if any
Proof Consultant IIT Mumbai IIT/Chennai
Drawing Number CBE/GV2/142/201 CBE/GU1/174/2014
7 Sheet 14 to 21
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Nov-17 Sep-14
Month Year of Approval of Design May-18 Sep-14
Stations/Locations where used Nagercoil-Tovalai Madurai-Silaiman Jn
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 20.32 24.905
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1504 2039
Number of Girders in one span 5 5
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 28 52° 58'
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 11000 9000
Number of lanes 3 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 13750 12000
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side / RCC Both side / RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ RCC RCC

Sl. No. 57 58
Sub Sl. No. 9 10
Drawing Identification Code NSV-SR-CG-09 NSV-SR-CG-10
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Rucky projects Ltd Samarth Infra Engg
if any
Proof Consultant IIT/Chennai IIT Madras
Drawing Number CBE/GU1/164/201 CBE/GU1/142/2010
2 Sheet 20 to 26,
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Jan-17 Jul-15
Month Year of Approval of Design May-17 Aug-15
Stations/Locations where used Tirupachetti- Pudukottai- Vellanur
Manamadurai Station
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 25.17 26.7
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2039 2276
Number of Girders in one span 5 5
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 42° 33' 24
Degree of curvature designed for - 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9000 8400
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 12000 12900
Deck As per which IRC Special -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side Both side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side/ RCC Both side / RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ RCC RCC

Sl. No. 59 60
Sub Sl. No. 11 12
Drawing Identification Code NSV-SR-CG-11 NSV-SR-CG-12
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Ruki Projects Pvt Ruki Projects Pvt Ltd
Consultant, Ltd
if any
Proof Consultant IIT Madras IIT Chennai
Drawing Number CBE/GU1/162/201 CBE/GU1/175/2014
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design May-16 Sep-14
Month Year of Approval of Design May-16 Sep-14
Stations/Locations where used Parmakkudi- Silaiman -
Sattrakkudi Station Tiruppuvanam Jn
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 26.74 27.826
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2055 2039
Number of Girders in one span 5 5
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 41 44
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9000 9000
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12000 12000
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side / RCC Both side / RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ RCC RCC

Sl. No. 61 62
Sub Sl. No. 13 14
Drawing Identification Code NSV-SR-CG-13 NSV-SR-CG-14
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Ruki Projects Pvt Raj Infra Engineers
Consultant, Ltd
if any Proof Consultant IIT Madras IIT Mumbai
Drawing Number CBE/GU1/165/201 CBE/GT3/183/2013
2 Sheet 7 to 17
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Feb-16 Dec-18
Month Year of Approval of Design Mar-16 Feb-19
Stations/Locations where used Sediyar - Kurunjipadi-Vadalur

Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel

Girder Girder
Span (m) 29.45 29.745
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2055 1575
Number of Girders in one span 5 5
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 18 8
Degree of curvature designed for 0 -
Carriageway Width (mm) 9000 9000
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12000 12000
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side / RCC Both side / RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ RCC RCC

Sl. No. 63 64
Sub Sl. No. 15 16
Drawing Identification Code NSV-SR-CG-15 NSV-SR-CG-16
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Rucky Projects Ltd Ruki Projects Pvt Ltd
Consultant, Proof Consultant IIT Chennai IIT Madras
if any
Drawing Number CBE/GU1/159/201 CBE/GU1/180/2015
2 Sheet 62 to 68 &
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Jun-17 Dec-15
Month Year of Approval of Design Feb-18 Dec-15
Stations/Locations where used Silaiman- Maha Madurai -
Tirupavanam Aruppukottai Station

Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel

Girder Girder
Span (m) 31.12 32
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2130 2055
Number of Girders in one span 5 5
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 54°15' 0
Degree of curvature designed for Radius of 400m 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9000 9250
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12000 12000
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side / RCC Both side / RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ RCC RCC

Sl. No. 65 66
Sub Sl. No. 17 18
Drawing Identification Code NSV-SR-CG-17 NSV-SR-CG-18
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Rucky Projects Ltd Rucky Projects Ltd
Consultant, Proof Consultant IIT Chennai IIT Chennai
if any
Drawing Number CBE/GU1/159/201 CBE/GU1/164/2012
2 Sheet 84 to 90, 96 Sheet 27 to 33, 35
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Jun-17 Jan-17
Month Year of Approval of Design Feb-18 May-17
Stations/Locations where used Silaiman- Tirupachetti-
Tirupavanam Manamadurai

Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel

Girder Girder
Span (m) 33.1 34.2
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2285 2340
Number of Girders in one span 5 5
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 57 42° 33'
Degree of curvature designed for Radius of 400m -
Carriageway Width (mm) 9000 9000
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12000 12000
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side / RCC Both side / RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ RCC RCC

Sl. No. 67 68
Sub Sl. No. 19 20
Drawing Identification Code NSV-SR-CG-19 NSV-SR-CG-20
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Rucky Projects Ltd Rucky Projects Ltd
Consultant, Proof Consultant IIT Chennai IIT Chennai
if any
Drawing Number CBE/GU1/159/201 CBE/GU1/161/2012
2 Sheet 24 to 29,31
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Jun-17 Mar-17
Month Year of Approval of Design Feb-18 Sep-17
Stations/Locations where used Silaiman- Sudiyur-Paramakudi
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 34.675 35.35
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2390 2445
Number of Girders in one span 5 5
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 58° 43' 45°
Degree of curvature designed for Radius of 400m -
Carriageway Width (mm) 9000 9000
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12000 12000
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side / RCC Both side / RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ RCC RCC

Sl. No. 69 70
Sub Sl. No. 21 22
Drawing Identification Code NSV-SR-CG-21 NSV-SR-CG-22
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Ruki Projects Pvt Rucky projects Ltd
Consultant, Ltd
if any Proof Consultant IIT Madras IIT Chennai
Drawing Number CBE/GU1/180/201 CBE/GU1/159/2012
5 Sheet 77 to 83,95
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Dec-15 Jun-17
Month Year of Approval of Design Dec-15 Feb-18
Stations/Locations where used Maha Madurai - Silaiman-Tirupavanam
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 37 38.74
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2445 2556
Number of Girders in one span 5 5
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 62°18'
Degree of curvature designed for 0 Radius of 400m
Carriageway Width (mm) 9250 9000
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12000 12000
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side / RCC Both side / RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ RCC RCC

Sl. No. 71 72
Sub Sl. No. 23 24
Drawing Identification Code NSV-SR-CG-23 NSV-SR-CG-24
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Ruki Projects Pvt Ltd Ruki Projects Pvt Ltd
Consultant, Proof Consultant IIT Madras IIT Chennai
if any
Drawing Number CBE/GU1/160/2012 CBE/GU1/174/2014

Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No

of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Apr-16 Sep-14
Month Year of Approval of Design Apr-16 Sep-14
Stations/Locations where used Tiruppuvanam- Madurai-Silaiman Jn
Tiruppavhetti Jn
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 38.97 41.508
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2550 2751
Number of Girders in one span 5 5
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 62 52° 58'
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9000 9000
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12000 12000
Deck As per which IRC - -
Configuration Special Publication No.
& Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side / RCC Both side / RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ RCC RCC

Sl. No. 73 74
Sub Sl. No. 25 26
Drawing Identification Code NSV-SR-CG-25 NSV-SR-CG-26
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Ruki Projects Pvt Rucky projects Ltd
Consultant, Ltd
if any Proof Consultant IIT Chennai IIT Chennai
Drawing Number CBE/GU1/175/201 CBE/GU1/159/2012
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Sep-14 Jun-17
Month Year of Approval of Design Sep-14 Feb-18
Stations/Locations where used Silaiman - Silaiman-Tirupavanam
Tiruppuvanam Jn
Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel
Girder Girder
Span (m) 41.739 41.95m
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2740 2763
Number of Girders in one span 5 6
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 44 64
Degree of curvature designed for 0 Radius of 400m
Carriageway Width (mm) 9000 9000
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 12000 12000
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side / RCC Both side / RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ RCC RCC

Sl. No. 75 76
Sub Sl. No. 27 28
Drawing Identification Code NSV-SR-CG-27 NSV-SR-CG-28
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Mukesh & Ruki Projects Pvt Ltd
Consultant, Associates
if any Proof Consultant IIT Chennai IIT Chennai
Drawing Number CBE/GU3/162/201 CBE/GV1/294/2016
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Aug-18 Dec-16
Month Year of Approval of Design Aug-18 Nov-17
Stations/Locations where used Dindigul- Pollachi Kochuveli-
Section Thiruvananthapuram

Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel

Girder Girder
Span (m) 42 45.5
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2300 2850
Number of Girders in one span 6 5
Seismic Zone designed for II III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 30 32
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 11000 9500
Number of lanes 3 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 13800 12500
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil One side
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side / RCC Both side / RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ Steel RCC

Sl. No. 77 78
Sub Sl. No. 29 30
Drawing Identification Code NSV-SR-CG-29 NSV-SR-CG-30
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
Name of Design Consultant Rucky Projects Ltd Nagesh Consultancy
if any Proof Consultant IIT Chennai IIT Chennai
Drawing Number CBE/GU1/159/201 CBE/GV2/143/2017
2 Sheet 69 to 76, 94
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Jun-17 Sep-17
Month Year of Approval of Design Feb-18 Sep-17
Stations/Locations where used Silaiman- Alappuzha -
Tirupavanam Kayamkulam

Type of Superstructure Composite Steel Composite Steel

Girder Girder
Span (m) 49.67 53
Depth of Girder including deck slab 3358 2890
Number of Girders in one span 5 5
Seismic Zone designed for II III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 68° 43' 0
Degree of curvature designed for Radius of 400m 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 9000 11000
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 12000 12000
Deck As per which IRC Special -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side Nil
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side / RCC Both side / RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing (RCC/ RCC Nil

Sl. No. 79
Sub Sl. No. 31
Drawing Identification Code NSV-SR-BSG-01
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE
Name of Design Consultant RCC Infra Consultants
Consultant, if Proof Consultant -
Drawing Number CBE/GJ3/128/2016 Sheet 10 to
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading of IRC- No
Whether Designed with Congestion Factor No
Month/Year of Design Jun-16
Month Year of Approval of Design Jun-16
Stations/Locations where used Pollachi-Kinathukadavau
Type of Superstructure Bow string girder
Span (m) 62
Depth of Girder including deck slab (mm) 1360
Number of Girders in one span 1
Seismic Zone designed for II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 8000
Number of lanes 2
Direction of road traffic One way
Deck Width (mm) 11000
Deck As per which IRC Special -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One-side/Two- One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two-side) Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Type Both side / RCC
(RCC/ W-Beam /Others)}
Railing (RCC/Steel/Others) RCC

Sl. No. 80 81
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code NSV-SECR-CG-01 NSV-SECR-CG-02
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant DECON/Bhopal L&T
Consultant, if Proof Consultant VNIT/NGP IIT Madras
Drawing Number AMANKA/ROB/MG O15107-C-RP-RB-RC-
BP/06 0011
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Apr-17 Jul-16
Month Year of Approval of Design Apr-17 Jul-16
Stations/Locations where used SZB-URK 831/25- BTC-JBH-1195/5-6

Type of Superstructure Composite steel Composite steel girder

Span (m) 36 36
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2095 2057
Number of Girders in one span 6 6
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 45 66
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 10500 8500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way One way
Deck Width (mm) 13400 12000
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil One side
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing One side RCC One side RCC

Sl. No. 82 83
Sub Sl. No. 3 4
Drawing Identification Code NSV-SECR-CG-03 NSV-SECR-OWG-01
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant L &T Unique Engineers
Consultant, if Proof Consultant IIT Mumbai NIT Kurukshetra
Drawing Number O14043-C-RP-RB- 1279/26
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Mar-16 Aug-18
Month Year of Approval of Design Apr-16 Aug-18
Stations/Locations where used BPH-BRJN 533/17- Bilaspur Katni Section

Type of Superstructure Composite steel Truss girder

Span (m) 41.6 81
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2295 -
Number of Girders in one span 6 1
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 10500 11000
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way Two Way
Deck Width (mm) 14800 12000
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Both side Nil
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing Both side Nil

Sl. No. 84 85
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code NSV-SWR-CG-01 NSV-SWR-CG-02

Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE

whom PSU - NHAI
Name of Design Consultant Feedback Infra Feedback Infra
Consultant, if
Proof Consultant IIT Madras IIT Madras
Drawing Number ROB/320 SWR/2018/STR-

Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No

of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design - -
Month Year of Approval of Design 2018 Jul-18
Stations/Locations where used CTA-BHAI Chitradurga-Harihar
Type of Superstructure Composite steel Composite steel girder
Span (m) 36 36
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2095 2510
Number of Girders in one span 7 7
Seismic Zone designed for II II
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 5° 6’ 50
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 12000 12000
Number of lanes 3 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 16000 16000
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Two side Two side
Crash Barrier {Number- Two side RCC Two side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing RCC RCC

Sl. No. 86 87
Sub Sl. No. 1 2
Drawing Identification Code NSV-WR-CG-01 NSV-WR-CG-02

Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CAO CAO

Name of Design Consultant Manthan Setu Path Manthan Setu Path
Consultant, if Engineering and Engineering and
any Consultant Consultant
Proof Consultant - -
Drawing Number CAO (C) CAO (C)
CCG/29748/D- CCG/29749/D-
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Oct-21 Nov-21
Month Year of Approval of Design Nov-21 Nov-21
Stations/Locations where used MALB-WDHR MALB-INDR
Ahmedabad Ahmedabad
Type of Superstructure Composite steel Composite steel girder
Span (m) 30 36
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1750 2000
Number of Girders in one span 7 7
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 45.51 32.42
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 14000 14000
Number of lanes 3 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 17000 17000
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing One side One side

Sl. No. 88 89
Sub Sl. No. 3 4
Drawing Identification Code NSV-WR-CG-03 NSV-WR-CG-04

Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CAO

whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant Casad Consultant Multimedia
Consultant, if Ahmedabad Consultant Pvt Ltd
any Proof Consultant SVNIT-Surat SV NIT Surat
Drawing Number SMC/ROB- CAO (C)/CCG/
445/SUP-40 29820/D- VG-G/M

Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No

of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Jun-21 Mar-21
Month Year of Approval of Design Jun-21 Mar-21
Stations/Locations where used Surat-Udhana Viramgam- Mandal-
(Culvert 445) Dasada
Type of Superstructure Composite steel Composite steel girder
Span (m) 40 41
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2400 2545
Number of Girders in one span 5 6
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 20
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 10350 11000
Number of lanes 3 3
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 11250 13800
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil One
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing Nil One side

Sl. No. 90 91
Sub Sl. No. 5 6
Drawing Identification Code NSV-WR-CG-05 NSV-WR-OWG-01

Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE

whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant Specialized Multi Media
Consultant, if Engineering Service Consultant,
any Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad.
Proof Consultant IIT BHU IIT Mumbai
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Jun-21 Jul-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Jun-21 Jul-20
Stations/Locations where used Manubar to Sanpa CIMS Hospital-
Section Vadodara Hebatpur Road ADI-
Mumbai VG Section KM.509/7-
Expressway 8
Type of Superstructure Composite steel Truss girder
Span (m) 44 52.8
Depth of Girder including deck slab 2556 1100
Number of Girders in one span 9 1
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 45 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 20250 7500
Number of lanes 6 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 21250 10300
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- Nil One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing Nil One side

Sl. No. 92 93
Sub Sl. No. 7 8
Drawing Identification Code NSV-WR-OWG-02 NSV-WR-CG-06

Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CAO

whom PSU
Name of Design Consultant Multi Media Multimedia
Consultant, if Consultant, Consultant Pvt Ltd
any Ahmedabad.
Proof Consultant IIT Mumbai
Drawing Number LC114_ROB_ ROB-SHILAJ-03
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion No No
Month/Year of Design Dec-20 Jan-16
Month Year of Approval of Design Dec-20 Feb-16
Stations/Locations where used Bagodara- Thaltej Shilaj
Dhandhuka Road Rancharda Road
KM.126/7 & 126/8 Ahmedabad
IN Lieu OF L.C. NO.
Type of Superstructure Truss girder Composite steel girder
Span (m) 52.8 64.8
Depth of Girder including deck slab - -
Number of Girders in one span 1 4
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 7500 7500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic One way One way
Deck Width (mm) 10300 10200
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Nil Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing One side One side

Sl. No. 94 95
Sub Sl. No. 9 10
Drawing Identification Code NSV-WR-OWG-03 NSV-WR-OWG-04

Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CBE

whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant STUP Consultants Prof.D.D.Desai-
Consultant, if Pvt Ltd Mumbai Mumbai & Spectrum
any Techno Consultants -
Proof Consultant IIT Mumbai IIT Roorkee
Drawing Number 8044/E/DD-170 WDFC/CPM/
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes No
Month/Year of Design Nov-20 Mar-21
Month Year of Approval of Design Nov-20 Mar-21
Stations/Locations where used Vasadva- Sayan-Gothangam at
Dhrangdra/KM.618- LC-150
13-14 (LC-41 SPL)
Type of Superstructure Truss girder Truss girder
Span (m) 71.11 71.11
Depth of Girder including deck slab 1140 1140
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for IV III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 0 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 11000 7500
Number of lanes 3 2
Direction of road traffic One way Two way
Deck Width (mm) 12900 8500
Deck As per which IRC Special - -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side Both side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- One Nil
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing One side Both side

Sl. No. 96 97
Sub Sl. No. 11 12
Drawing Identification Code NSV-WR-OWG-05 NSV-WR-OWG-06
Designed by Railway (CBE/CAO) CBE CAO
whom PSU - -
Name of Design Consultant TPF Engineering Pvt Casad Consultant Pvt
Consultant, if Ltd Ltd
any Proof Consultant IIT Mumbai IIT Mumbai
Drawing Number PCE/27676/DRM- AMC/KROB
Whether Fit for Special Vehicle Loading No No
of IRC-6:2017
Whether Designed with Congestion Yes No
Month/Year of Design Aug-19 Oct-20
Month Year of Approval of Design Aug-19 Nov-20
Stations/Locations where used Lower Parel Station Mani Nagar -
(Delisle) Ahmedabad
Type of Superstructure Truss girder Truss girder
Span (m) 85.09 92
Depth of Girder including deck slab - 1000
Number of Girders in one span 1 1
Seismic Zone designed for III III
Angle of Skew (Degrees) 64.405 0
Degree of curvature designed for 0 0
Carriageway Width (mm) 11000 7500
Number of lanes 2 2
Direction of road traffic Two way One way
Deck Width (mm) 13000 10025
Deck As per which IRC Special -
Configuration Publication No. & Year
Footpath (Nil/One- One side One side
Kerb (Nil/One-side/Two- Two side One
Crash Barrier {Number- Both side RCC Both side RCC
Type (RCC/ W-Beam
Railing One side One side

Chapter V

Instructions regarding approval of non-RDSO


The latest instructions issued by Railway Board regarding approval of
drawings are being reproduced below for the ready reference:

Chapter VI

Summary of technical publications issued by RDSO

for execution of ROBs

Welded Bridge Code- Indian Railway Standard Code of Practices for Metal Arc
Welding for Structural Steel Bridges carrying Rail Cum Road or Pedestrian
Traffic (Adopted 1972 Revised 2001).

This Code of Practice applies to the design, construction and

inspection of welds made by Manual, Automatic or Semi-automatic
metal arc process in new and existing structural steel bridges.

It broadly covers various types of welds, strengthening of existing

bridges, approval and testing of welding procedures, approval and
testing of welders,
elders, sequence of welding, inspection requirements of
welds, acceptable tolerances for welds, etc. This code of practice is
very useful for field engineers involved in fabrication of steel girders as
it can definitely help in their technical understanding
understanding of welding
processes and related technical concepts.

6.1 Indian Railway Standard Specification for fabrication and
erection of steel girder bridges and locomotive turn
tables (IRS
B1- Adopted 1934, revised 2001)

This Specification is intended mainly to cover technical provisions

relating to fabrication and erection of steel girder bridges, including
supply of the materials through contract or Railway Engineering
Workshops. The provisions cover a wide range of technical topics like
specifications covering
covering grade and quality of steel, fabrication related
technical specifications pertaining to various stages
stages, specification for
bolts, nuts, washers etc., instructions related with camber,
specifications for oiling, sand blasting, metallising, painting of steel
girders, instructions related to weight of steel work for payment,
manufacturing tolerances for girders, tolerances and specifications for
knuckle and roller bearings, specifications for metallising with
sprayed Aluminium for bridge girders and other impo important
instructions/specifications covering fabrication of girders. Apart from
this it also contains important proforma required for maintaining
records in connection with quality control and inspection.

6.2 Guidelines on Fabrication of Steel Girders for Construction/Field
Engineers BS –110
110 (R1) (December 2011 Revised 2017)

The fabrication of steel girder bridges is being done by various Railway

Workshops as well as through trade. The fabrication is governed by
the provisions of-

i) Indian Railway Standard specification for fabrication and

erection of steel girder bridges and locomotive turn
tables. (B1-

ii) Indian Railway Standard Code of Practices for metal arc welding
for structural steel bridges carrying rail cum road or pedestrian
traffic (Adopted
ted 1972 Revised 2001).

The officials associated with fabrication work should have thorough

understanding of both the codes i & ii. However, these guidelines have
been prepared for helping the field engineers associated with
execution of the fabrication work.
work. It has been tried to cover various
aspects which require close attention of the field engineers for
ensuring quality of the fabrication work. These guidelines are just to
facilitate and not to supersede the two codes.

6.3 Guidelines for Composite Construction
Construction Including Stud Shear
Connectors Report No BS 115 (Revision 1 April 2016)

These Guidelines offer a very good understanding on various technical

topics related with composite construction. It broadly covers basic
concepts of composite girders, diffe
rent types of Shear Connectors,
Automatic Stud Welding process, Stud Welding Equipments, Quality
Assurance Procedure to be adopted for Stud welding and other
important aspects related to above topics. Annexure
Annexure-II of these
guidelines also provides proforma ffor
or Quality Assurance for inspection
of Automatic Stud Welding.

Use of Shear Studs and Automatic Stud Welding are very common
these days. A thorough understanding of the associated technical
concepts and quality assurance aspect can be found in these

6.4 Guidelines for Fabrication Inspection of RDSO Standard spans-
Composite I-Section
Section Steel Girders for Road Over Bridges (ROBs)
130 June 2021)

These guidelines are specially made for fabrication inspection of

composite I-section
section steel Road Over
Over Bridge (ROB) girders of RDSO
standard spans. The guidelines aim to provide clear understanding of
fabrication as-well-as
as approval related aspects to the field executives.
he guidelines also contain standard QAP (Quality Assurance Plan) P
which can be used to avoid repetitive preparation and subsequent
approval in each case. It also contains standard proforma for WPSS
(Welding Procedure Specification Sheet) and WPQR (Welding
Procedure Qualification Record).

Off late many Railway PSUs like RVNL, DFCCIL, IRCIRCON

ON etc. and many
Non-Railway PSUs like NHAI, NHIDCL etc. have started
manufacturing steel girders. There was a lack of clarity regarding clear
understanding of roles to be performed by Railway and these PSUs at
various stages of fabrication. These guidelin
es contain a schedule for
inspection and approval of these girders in all such cases. It is
attached as Annexure-II
Annexure of this guideline.

6.5 Guidelines for use of High Strength Friction Grip (HSFG) Bolting
Assemblies on bridges on Indian Railways (BS-111
(BS 111 Ado
Adopted June
2012, 6th Revision May 2019)

Provision of High Strength Friction Grip (HSFG) bolts has been made
mandatory in Bridge Works of Railways. It helps in faster construction
and erection of bridges as compared to riveted girders. RDSO had
issued guideline
ine no. BS
111 to understand basic functioning and
basic technical concepts related with HSFG bolts. This guideline has
been revised 6 times to incorporate the latest provisions related to
HSFG bolts.

The latest revision of BS-111

BS 111 (R6) provides for HSFG bolting bo
assemblies aligned with best international practices. Mandatory
provision of Direct Tension Indicator (DTI) washer has been made to
avoid any subjectivity in achieving full designed tension in these bolts.
It also contains provisions for proper tight
ening procedures, checking
tightened bolts, corrosion protection measures etc.

Chapter VII

Instructions regarding launching of girders

7.1 Introduction:
7.1.1 Launching of ROB girders basically involves all the operations
involved in assembling, putting the assembled girders in position over
pier caps and lowering of girders to their final position over bearings.

7.1.2 As discussed earlier, ROBs are constructed in lieu of Level Crossings

where road traffic is very high. Generally space constraints are there
for assembling the full girder, erecting temporary supports and to
perform the related operations. Since neither track nor road can be
blocked for assembly of girders therefore it becomes very important to
follow all possible safety measures while preparing the girder for
launching and erecting temporary arrangements for launching. Any
mistake can be fatal from human safety point of view. Therefore
launching of girders over Railway Tracks is a very challenging and
complicated procedure involving many operations which are to be
performed with utmost precision so as to ensure full safety of Road
users as well as Railway passengers.

Fig 1 Photo: View of Bow String Arch Girder during construction stage (Park
Circus station of Eastern Railway)
Fig 2 Photo: View of Bow String Arch Girder from Railway Station during
construction stage (Park Circus station of Eastern Railway)

7.2 General requirements for launching of ROB girders over railway

i. CRS sanctions should be obtained for launching scheme of

ii. Traffic and power blocks are to be arranged for erection of steel
girder over Railway Track.

iii. Track is to be protected in accordance with relevant clauses of

Indian Railways P. Way Manual.

iv. Pulling/ launching of the girder shall be stopped in case wind

speed at site exceeds 15 kmph and it shall be made sure that
weather conditions are normal and visibility is clear.

v. Level & compact the ground as per requirement for assembly of
trestle, girder & movement of crane on launching end side.

vi. Arrange material, crane, cribs/ trestle, 2 pulling winches & 2

restraining winches of sufficient capacity, wire rope of suitable
grade etc. for execution of work.

vii. Safety net shall be provided under the girders while fixing the
bracing and shuttering work.

viii. Clearance from Railway Track to be maintained in accordance

with Indian Railway Schedule of Dimensions for Broad Gauge.

ix. Protect the site of work for any trespass of any living beings.

x. Ground at the location of trestle pedestal should be compacted

to attain safe bearing capacity of soil. Field engineer should
certify that SBC of soil is more than foundation pressure at
foundation level.

xi. Launching Track should be laid in correct alignment & level on

trestles for longitudinal slewing of girder.

xii. Speed restriction of 20 kmph is to be imposed before start of

work & will be continued up to completion of work.

xiii. Skid plate surface for skidding arrangement shall be

smoothened by lubrication. It shall be ensured by field engineer,
that there should be no gaps in skid plate, which should be
closed by welding & smoothened by grinding.

xiv. Before launching of girder, it must be ensured that fabrication

of girder and its inspection have been done as per approved QAP
(Quality Assurance Plan) & WPSS (Welding Procedure
Specification Sheets).

xv. All steel to steel member will be connected with tack weld to
avoid any longitudinal & transverse movement.

xvi. Pulling arrangement shall be trial tested with actual load well
before taking traffic and power block.

xvii. Fabrication of BSG shall be done after locking the skidding

arrangement with suitable method. Locking shall also be done
after each stage of pulling to prevent from skidding.

xviii. The condition of crane shall be strictly observed in the light of

Railway Board letter no. 2015/CE-IV/RUB/206 dated
15.02.2015 and other instructions issued from time to time.

xix. Any activity near or over existing railway track shall be

performed under traffic & power block.

7.3 Composite Steel Plate Girders:

7.3.1 Assembly of composite girder leaves at site General: Composite Plate girders are fabricated in convenient
lengths to suit transportation and availability of plate lengths. In
general, the length is restricted to about 12m to 13m so as to
facilitate transport in single lengths. Erection of composite plate girders: Normally a composite girder
ROB is comprised of multiple composite I-Girder placed at certain
spacing. Camber may or may not be provided in these girders.
Assembly of pieces of girders transported to site should be done
according to the camber provided in the drawing. Girders are
erected on a level ground over the platform made up of compacted
earth or concrete base. Over this, sleeper or timber pickings at
suitable intervals are laid for laying the main members for
assembly. After they are laid, levelled and aligned, splicing plates
are fixed. Joint holes are partially filled with drifts for bringing
them into proper alignment. Provision of HSFG bolts in the splice
joints of composite girder should be done in accordance with the
procedure given in IRS B1-2000 for this purpose. All girder leaves
of composite girder span should be assembled in field according to
the approved drawing as mentioned above.

157 Choice of a suitable method of girder erection
Several methods are available for girder erection. The following
factors generally influence the suitability of a particular erection
(a) Particulars of Bridge and spans:

i) Length, width, height, & weight of girder.

ii) Number and type of spans.

iii) Height and width of piers and abutments

iv) Skew or square span.

(b) Site conditions:

i) Height of gap.

ii) Condition of approaches- high or low banks or cuttings.

(c) Access to site

(d) Availability of bridging equipment/ launching equipments such as

cranes, etc.
7.3.2 Preliminary arrangements before girder erection: Site conditions
should be carefully studied by visiting the site and noting all the
relevant facts before preparing erection schemes. Cross sections of the
site and various important levels should be taken. Before embarking
on preparation of the scheme, a thorough knowledge of the site
conditions as mentioned above should be known.

The following arrangements should be made before actual

launching work is started:

a) Plan the sequence of erection work.

b) Move the girder materials to the site.

c) Assembly of girders as per approved drawings

d) Decision regarding capacity and number of cranes to be deployed

according to various site conditions.

e) Arrange the plant and equipment necessary to carry out the

work along with spares.
f) Preparation of ground for proper working of cranes being used in
launching of girders.
g) Test all the equipment to be used in the erection work.

h) First Aid and communication arrangement at site.

i) Arrange for consumable stores.

j) Arrange for necessary traffic blocks.

k) Arrange for a proper organisation with Supervisors, Skilled and

Unskilled Staff.

l) Provide facilities for the large labour force that will be employed at

7.3.3 Erection by use of cranes: This is the most popular method for
launching of the composite plate girders ROBs. Composite plate
girders can be placed in position with the help of cranes. Tentative
sequence of launching operations is given below:
a) The assembled girders of ROBs, to be brought near the crane as
near as possible.
b) Lifting hooks as per approved launching scheme to be placed in
leaves of girder prior to start of traffic block.
c) Infringements/ obstacles in launching of girder to be removed
before traffic block as far as possible e.g. overhead electrical wires
to be grounded or lowered during power block.
d) One or two cranes, as per approved launching scheme is used for
lifting the leaf of assembled composite girder at site. Girder lifted by
crane is then moved across the railway track and avoiding
infringement/ damage to overhead electrical wires. Lifted girder is
gradually lowered in position on blocks placed for this purpose.
e) The placed girder should be properly secured with adjacent girders
or with some other suitable arrangement as per approved
launching scheme. Securing of girder is one of the most important
operations to ensure safety of girder and to avoid its toppling/
falling. Crane should not be removed from the girder unless it is

properly secured.
f) Girders should be placed in sequence as per the approved
launching scheme. If launching of girder is planned from two places
then middlemost girder is launched first and thereafter launching
of girders from middle to end is done. If launching is done from one
place then farthest side girder from crane is launched first and
thereafter launching from farthest side girder to nearest side girder
is done. However, this might change as per other site condition and
sequence of launching should be decided beforehand in approved
launching scheme.
g) After completion of placing, lowering and securing of all girders
in position, the cranes should be removed to avoid any
infringement to track.
h) To restore the position of track, overhead electrical wires and any
other facility which were removed for launching of girder should
be restored before clearing block section for movement of traffic.

(a) Photo: Assembled girders to be (b) Photo: Lifting of girder with lifting
brought near the crane hook

(c) Photo: Lifting of girder (d) Photo: Crossing of girder across

(e) Photo: Placing of girder in (f) Photo: Placing of all girders in

position position, secured in place

Fig. 3: Sequence of operations in launching of composite plate girders by


7.4 Bow String Arch Steel Girders:

7.4.1 Girder assembly at site:
a) It shall be ensured that before starting launching of the BSG all
the steel components of the girder are well assembled and welded.
No launching is to start without ensuring that all the components
are properly welded.

b) Such assembly of BSG is typically done over temporary
arrangements like trestles, longitudinal beams, skidding
arrangements and cranes etc.

c) Normally this activity is planned in such a way that it does not

infringe the tracks and generally no traffic/ power blocks are
required to complete this activity.

(a) Photo: Erecting temporary (b) Photo : Start of assembly of

arrangements Bottom Beam, Top Chord, Hangers
and Cross Girders

(c) Photo: Completing the sequence (d) Photo: Completing the assembly
from one end to the other of Bow String Girder
Fig. 4: Sequence of operations in assembling a typical Bow String Arch

7.4.2 Launching:
a) Most preferred method of launching BSGs is End Launching
method with winch machines. In this method BSG is first

assembled over temporary arrangements like trestles and
longitudinal beams. Thereafter girder is pulled to its final location
with the help of pulling and restraining
restraining winches. Thereafter girder
is lowered gradually in steps over the bearings.

b) Bow String Girders are typically suitable for lifting also. Such
information is clearly mentioned in the approved drawings. The
lifting points are clearly mentioned.

c) The overhang
erhang for which design of BSG has been checked is
clearly mentioned in the drawings. Typically, the BSGs are
checked for 50% overhang. The launching scheme involving
overhang should be planned only after suitably confirming the
overhang length for which BSG
BSG had been designed and checked.

7.4.3 Explanatory notes on End Launching Sequence with a typical


Fig. 5: Typical launching of a Bow String Arch girder

a) This method is most popular and most widely used for launching
of Bow String Girders.

b) Once the
he girder is assembled over temporary structures, the
girder is ready for the next stage.

c) In following pages a typical launching and lowering scheme has

been shown for understanding and guidance purpose. It does not
dictate any instruction or obligation in
in any sense. Each BSG
launching case to have its own approved Temporary Arrangement

Drawings and Launching/ Lowering schemes. This launching
scheme needs to be approved by CRS in each case.

d) One typical case is being discussed in following paragraphs for

lustration purpose only. The arrangements shown in blue
represent temporary arrangements. The details below have been
taken from launching scheme of a BSG over Level crossing no.
67/C at Railway km 638/7-9
638/7 9 between stations Dhanaichha and
Durgauti on MGS-GAYA
MGS YA section and at Road km 88191 of Village
Road from GT Road to Karmnasha village.

a) Mark the centre line of girder on abutments, Pedestals & on ground.

b) Mark the position of trestle on the ground as per approved drawings.

c) Cast/place foundation pads for trestles at appropriate locations as per

approved structural drawings.

d) Erect trestles
restles on foundation pads as per approved structural drawings
of trestles. Place steel stools/packing beams on trestles & place
temporary longitudinal beam on trestle.

g 6: Elevation and Plan of Launching Stage

a) Assemble Bow String Steel Girder on longitudinal beams including X-
girders along with the skidding arrangement with suitable thickness
of wooden blocks under the bottom chord so that skidding
ent can properly rest on rails.

b) Provide hard wood packs & skid arrangement on nodal points at the
location of hangers.

c) Keep the girders in correct plumb & alignment, avoiding infringement

to IRSOD (Indian Railways Schedule Of Dimensions) of broad gauge.

d) Complete the welding work in all respect to assemble the Bow String
Steel Girder.

e) Fix pulling winches & restraining winches at their respective


Fig 7: Elevation and Plan of Launching Stage



a) Erect trestles
estles further, over which the temporary girder is to be laid
just above the railway track and place stool/packing beams on them.

b) Place temporary beam over these Trestles with the help of crane along
the direction of road over bridge.

c) Cross pulling wire ffrom

rom pulling end to another end and secure

d) Test check the temporary arrangement for its proper functioning &


a) Before pulling the BSG, it will be ensured that skidding arrangement

is under each vertical nodal point of longitudinal bottom chord of
b) Then, after ensuring stability of the arrangement pull the Bow String
Girder by 3.0m with the help of pulling winches & releasing the
restraining winches.

Fig 8: Elevation and Plan of Launching Stage

3, 3A


a) Pull
ull the BSG with the help of pulling winches & releasing the
restraining winches up to the last trestle in stages.

b) Utmost care needs to be taken to arrest any undesired skidding.

c) Proper securing arrangements should be in place at all times during

the performance
ormance of these operations.

Fig 9: Elevation and Plan of Launching Stage



a) Continue pulling the girders with the help of pulling winches and
releasing the restraining winches, up to the pier location.

b) Presently all
ll the temporary arrangements like longitudinal beams,
trestles and CC Cribs etc. are in place.

c) Now the girder is successfully placed at the final location over piers.
Now after supporting the girder over piers, next operations related to
lowering of girderr can be started.

Fig 10: Elevation and Plan of Launching Stage-5

Stage 5

Fig 11: Typical section of Skidding Arrangement

7.4.4 Illustration of launching through photographs:

(a) Photo: Erection of temporary (b) Photo: Erection of temporary

arrangements- Trestles arrangements- Longitudinal Beams

(c) Fixing longitudinal beams and (d) Photo: Completing Temporary

Trestles arrangements for launching

(e) Photo: Fixing Winch and rope (f) Photo: Launching of BSG over
assemblies temporary arrangements

(g) Photo: Bringing BSG to its final location over piers

Fig.12: Photos illustrating various steps involved in launching of Bow String

arch Girder (LC no. 67/Cat km. 638/7
638/7-99 between stations Dhanaichha and
Durgauti in MGS-GAYA
GAYA section)

7.4.5 Explanatory
natory notes on Lowering operations with a typical


a) Currently the girder is longitudinally in its final location.

b) Presently all the temporary arrangements like longitudinal beams,

trestles and CC Cribs etc. are in place.

Fig 13: E
Elevation and Plan of Lowering, Stage-1

a) Provide jacks below end cross girders.

b) Jacking points are shown in the drawings and stiffener plates are
provided inside of these End Cross Girder at these locations to
support the point loads of jacks.

Fig 14: Elevation and Plan of Lowering, Stage



a) Lift Bow String Girder using jacks below end cross girder.

b) Remove temporary beams & rolling arrangement with help of Jacks &

c) Remove trestle with help of Cranes.

d) Provide hard wood packs below

below bottom chords on piers in sequential
manner and equally at all bearing locations.

Fig 15: Elevation and Plan of Lowering, Stage

a) Lower the girders with the help of jacks sequentially. The lowering
needs to be done in steps say 25mm in one st
ep and then check the
level & alignment after each step on all four bearing locations. It will
help in arresting the twist.

b) Fix the bearing & grout the Anchor Bolts of bearing after ascertaining
correct position & level of bearing.

c) Final lowering of BSG on bearings.

d) Arrange to cast the deck slab as per approved drawings.

e) Correct alignment & level on bridge as well as in approaches.

f) Remove all the material provided for launching of girder and clear the

g) The BSG is now successfully placed at in its fina

final location.

Fig 16: Elevation and Plan of Lowering, Stage-4

Fig 17: Jacking arrangement at pier location

7.4.6 Typical Lowering arrangement photographs:

(a) BSG positioned over piers with (b) Supporting of BSG over piers
temporary arrangements in place and removal of beams

(c) Supporting of BSG over piers and (d) Clearing of site after removal
removal of beams continued of all ground arrangement

(a) Photo: Arrangement of temporary (b) Photo: Jacking arrangement

support for lowering below End Cross Girder

Fig 18: Photos illustrating lowering arrangements of Bow String Arch Girder
(LC no. 67/Cat km. 638/7-9 between stations Dhanaichha and Durgauti in
MGS-GAYA section)





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