Prayer Service 2022 SHS

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Preparation for the Prayer Service

1. Sacred Space – Make sure that they the students have their own space in the shrine
2. Altar – with two candles and a bible
3. A instrumental background music for the whole activity.
4. Provide colored papers and writing materials where they can write their prayer of
gratitude and thanksgiving


Opening Procession: w/ background music(from the back end of the shrine along the center

1. Two students carry the two candles towards the altar, then they put it on the altar
similar to that of the holy mass

2. A teacher brings a Bible to the altar and puts it in the middle facing the students.

Opening Hymn: One La Salle Prayer

Teacher: Let us begin our prayer by making the Sign of the Cross.
All: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Teacher: Let us pray together

God our Father we gather here today to thank you for all the work we have
accomplished during this academic year as well as the previous one. We thank you
for all the opportunities that you’ve given to all of us amidst the great difficulties,
struggles and success. We thank you for our classmates, friends, teachers and all
who have helped us thrive. May this prayer service be a moment of grace and
gratitude.. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Scripture Passage (can be read by an Admin)

A reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Colossians

“And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one
body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing
one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with
thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in
the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

The Word of the Lord

All: Thanks be to God

Leader: Please be seated

During this moment, we would like to ask you to write your prayer of gratefulness and
gratitude. Address it to God beginning with (Dear God, Dear Lord, Lord Jesus). It may not be
very formal, you may write to Him in your most comfortable way. Just remember that it’s a
prayer of thanksgiving. We shall give you 5 minutes to write your prayer. (5 minutes)

(During the prayer writing, there should be an instrumental music in the background)

Leader: The pandemic has paralyzed all of us and our homes have become our place of
study for the past two years. Yet in spite of this, we are all here today and are grateful to
see one another. That is why we are all so thankful!

This short activity would allow all of us to thank everyone here especially those who have
journeyed with us during these trying but fruitful times.

Using a “fist bump”, approach the people present here today that you are thankful for. Since
this is still the only safe way to express our gratitude, relish that “fist bump” moment, don’t
hurry up, do it as meaningful as possible. You may also thank your teachers and staff if you
would want to do so.

(During this activity, there should be a music in the background)

(when the activity is done, proceed with the special intentions)

Leader: As a SHS community, let us lift up to him all our prayer intentions as we say:

Lord, graciously hear us.

Student 1

God our Father, you know and love each one of us. You have called each of us by name. May
we continually become the persons that you’ve intended us all to be. We pray to you:

All: Lord, graciously hear us.

Student 2

God Our Father, we offer to you our accomplishments and life journeys. May you guide and
protect us unceasingly as we end and begin a new chapter in our life. We pray to you:

All: Lord, graciously hear us.

Student 3

God, Our Father, we ask you to bless our parents, teachers and mentors. May you grant
them the grace and strength to continue the mission that you have entrusted to them. We
pray to you:

All: Lord, graciously hear us.

Student 4

God our Father, bless each of us that as we move forward, may we always keep in our
hearts the Lasallian values and put them into action. We pray to you:

All: Lord, graciously hear us.

Leader: We pray with confidence to our loving Father. Our Father...

Leader: For our closing prayer, we shall all pray our prayer of thanksgiving in the silence of
our hearts.

We ask all of you to get the prayer of gratitude that you made a while ago. When you’re
ready, you may start offering that prayer to God in silence.

(During this activity, invite them to pray their prayer in silence. When you see that
everyone is done, end the activity with the Lasallian prayers, then the sign of the cross.)

Final Hymn: Live Jesus in our Hearts

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