FactSheetAD 101 Adults FINAL Edited
FactSheetAD 101 Adults FINAL Edited
FactSheetAD 101 Adults FINAL Edited
Research also shows that some people with HOW DO I CONTROL AD FLARES?
atopic dermatitis have a mutation in the gene For most types of eczema, managing the
responsible for filaggrin. Filaggrin helps our condition comes down to these basics: 1. Know
bodies maintain a healthy protective barrier on your triggers; 2. Implement a regular bathing and
the very top layer of the skin. Without enough moisturizing routine; 3. Use OTC and/or
filaggrin, moisture can escape and bacteria, prescription medication consistently and as
viruses and more can enter. This is why many prescribed.
people with AD have very dry and infection-prone
However, some people find that even when they
do all the "right" things, their AD still flares. AD
IS AD RELATED TO OTHER CONDITIONS? can be an unpredictable disease. Having an
Atopic dermatitis is part of a group of allergic eczema flare "out of the blue" is common and can
conditions. In fact, "atopic" means allergy. These happen despite your best efforts.
include asthma, hay fever and food allergies.
People who come from families with a history of ABOUT NEA
AD, asthma or hay fever are more likely to National Eczema Association (NEA) is the leading
develop AD. advocacy organization serving people with
eczema and those who love them. Go to
Research also suggests that people with AD have
nationaleczema.org to find out more.
higher rates of food allergy and depression/