Assignment 1 Front Sheet
Assignment 1 Front Sheet
Assignment 1 Front Sheet
Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand
that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Grading grid
P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 M3 M4 D1 D2
❒ Summative Feedback: ❒ Resubmission Feedback:
Internal Verifier’s Comments:
Table of Contents
I. Introduction............................................................................................................................................... 7
II. Analyse what aspects of IoT are necessary and appropriate when designing software applications.... 7
1. Explore various forms of IoT functionality(P1).................................................................................................... 7
a. What is IOT ? ...................................................................................................................................................................7
b. History of IOT...................................................................................................................................................................8
c. Characteristics of IOT .......................................................................................................................................................8
d. Why is it important ..........................................................................................................................................................9
e. Applications.....................................................................................................................................................................9
2. Review standard architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware and APIs available for use in IoT development(P2)
a. Architecture...................................................................................................................................................................15
b. Framework ....................................................................................................................................................................16
c. Tools..............................................................................................................................................................................18
d. Hardwares .....................................................................................................................................................................21
e. APIS...............................................................................................................................................................................25
III. Outline a plan for an appropriate IoT application using common architecture, frameworks, tools,
hardware and APIs.................................................................................................................................... 26
1. Investigate architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware and API techniques available to develop IoT
applications(P3).................................................................................................................................................... 26
a. Architecture .......................................................................................................................................................................... 26
b. Framwork (Ewings Framework)............................................................................................................................................. 27
c. Tools ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
d. Hardware .............................................................................................................................................................................. 32
3. Apply your selected techniques to create an IoT application development plan (M4) .......................................34
a. Scope..................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
b. Resources .............................................................................................................................................................................. 35
c. Risk ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 37
d. Comunication ........................................................................................................................................................................ 37
e. Project chapter .............................................................................................................................................................................. 38
f. Schedule......................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
List of Figures
Figure 1 IOT illustrative example ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 2 Smart home aplications ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 3 Smart city aplications............................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 4 Wearable aplications ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 5 Aplications of IOT in health care .............................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 6 IOT architecture ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 7 Eclipse framework ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 8 Calvin framework .................................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 9 Eclipse ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 10 Arduino IDE............................................................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 11 ThingsBoard platform ............................................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 12 Blynk platform ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 13 Tinkercad simulator ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 14 Arduino Uno R3 ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 15 Wifi esp8266 NodeMcu ......................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 16 The sensors ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 17 Wearable electronics ................................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 18 Architecture ........................................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 19 Ewings Esp8266 Stack ............................................................................................................................................ 27
Figure 20 Arduino IDE............................................................................................................................................................ 28
Figure 21 Arduino Libraly ...................................................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 22 Blynk app ............................................................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 23 Blynk platform ....................................................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 24 IFTTT web service .................................................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 25 Google assistant app.............................................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 26 Esp8266 NodeMcu................................................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 27 Pinout of Esp8266.................................................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 28 Grant chart for project........................................................................................................................................... 42
List of Tables
Table 1 Deliverales ................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Table 2 Stackholders.............................................................................................................................................................. 35
Table 3 Human ...................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Table 4 Hardware cost.................................................................................................................................................................. 37
Table 5 Risk............................................................................................................................................................................ 37
Table 6 Comunicatios ............................................................................................................................................................ 38
I. Introduction
As we all know today, technology contributes a lot to people's lives in fields such as industry,
agriculture, transportation, ... IOT or the internet of things is also contributing a lot to it. Here I
am in this assignment I will give the basics of internet of things and explore various forms of IoT
functionality. Then I'll go over the standard architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware and APIs
available for use in IoT development. Next I will pick out the things needed to develop IoT
applications. Finally I eetermine a specific problem to solve using IoT and give a blueprint for that
Figure 1 IOT illustrative example
b. History of IOT
1968: The Internet of Things in manufacturing began to build in 1968, when engineer
Dick Morley built one of the most important breakthroughs in manufacturing history:
the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). . Until now, this device is still an
irreplaceable part of automation lines and industrial robots in factories.
1999: This is an important milestone in the development of IoT. Kevin Ashton, Director
of the Automated Identification Laboratory at the University of Massachusetts - USA
introduced the concept of Internet of things (IoT) in his lecture to describe the next
generation of innovation in RFID tracking technology. (The set of radio object
recognition equipment is often used in supermarkets to prevent theft).
2016: The concept of IIoT – IoT in production appeared. As the concept of IoT is used
more in manufacturing, another related concept is also born – Industry Internet of
Things (IIoT) – Industrial Internet of Things.
c. Characteristics of IOT
The IoT system will include the following features:
d. Why is it important
IoT helps people live and work smarter, can control their time in the best way.
IoT gives businesses a view of how long their systems are actually up and running,
providing insights into everything from machine performance to supply chain and
IoT helps companies automate processes and reduce labor costs. Help reduce waste
and improve service, make production and delivery less expensive, and provide
transparency in customer transactions.
e. Applications
Smart home
A smart home is a house in which electrical and electronic equipment is installed that
can be controlled or automated or semi-automatically. Replace humans in performing
one or several management and control operations. This electronic system
communicates with the user through an indoor electronic board, a mobile phone app,
a tablet or a web interface.
Figure 2 Smart home aplications
How a smart home works or automates specific tasks for the following benefits:
o Smart homes give you greater control over your energy use, while automating
everything like adjusting the temperature, turning lights on and off, opening and
closing treatment windows and adjusting irrigation systems. based on weather.
o Smart homes provide insights into energy usage that can help you become more
energy efficient and eco-conscious.
o Smart homes can identify areas where you're using more energy than necessary,
allowing you to cut back on those areas and save money.
o Using smart locks and garage door openers, users can allow or deny opening the
door for guests to enter the house. Moreover, the smart lock can also detect when
the homeowner is nearby and unlock it for them.
o With smart CCTV, users can monitor their home while on the go or on vacation.
Smart motion sensors can also identify the difference between homeowners,
guests, pets and thieves to notify authorities if suspicious behavior is detected.
o Smart TV - Smart TVs that connect to the Internet, accessing content through apps,
such as video and music on demand. Some smart TVs include voice or gesture
o smart lighting systems like Hue from Philips Lighting Holding,... can detect when
someone is in the room and adjust the light if needed. Smart bulbs can also adjust
themselves based on daylight.
o Smart thermostats such as Nest Labs Inc.'s Nest, have built-in Wi-Fi, allowing users
to schedule, monitor, and control indoor temperatures remotely. These devices
also learn the host's behavior and automatically modify settings to provide users
with maximum comfort and efficiency. Smart thermostats can also report energy
usage and remind users to change filters.
Smart city
Smart City is a city model that applies the latest technology to improve the quality of
life in all aspects. In the city, there is the application of information technology and
artificial intelligence to manage and improve urban living standards. At the same time,
it is possible to effectively use energy and natural resources.
o As populations grow rapidly, urban areas need to respond by making efficient use
of infrastructure and assets. Smart city applications can enable the enhancement
of city operations and improve the quality of life of residents.
o Smart city apps enable cities to find and create new value from their existing
infrastructure, generate new revenue streams, improve operational efficiency,
and help governments and citizens save money. cost.
o Use sensors to monitor water pipes that leak clean water or monitor air quality to
measure pollution levels to promptly provide warning information to people,
especially those who are susceptible to diseases. respiratory tract promptly cope..
o Police use video sensors for crowd management, facial recognition of public
transit riders to reduce management, ticketing, labor costs and user convenience.
o Police use video sensors to track suspects in crowds to detect crimes
o The sensor is capable of determining the number of vehicles in the parking lot,
linking the parking lots in the area to coordinate parking, traffic as well as driver
assistance, whether the parking space is enough or not, then activate the signal to
direct direct the driver to other parking spots.
o A custom infrared sensor system is added to the street lights to record the
shadows of pedestrians. The shadow is then replayed through the street lights for
those behind to see.
o A high-tech outdoor luminaire supplier, installs LED lights equipped with sensors
that can automatically adjust brightness according to actual conditions.
Wearable technology can be described as the design of smart devices developed from
Internet of Things technology. Wearable technology is widely used by people today.
The most important part of wearable technology products developed with Internet of
Things technology is the part where the sensors are located. Sensors are devices that
can detect the information needed for these smart devices from the environment.
Smart glasses will be replaced by smart contact lenses. Smart wearable technology
products developed with Internet of Things technology can often find their place in
this area.
Internet of Things wearable technology is one of the technological innovations that
adapt to the digital age. Wearable technology is the choice of many people towards a
healthy life. Wearable technology thanks to the high-tech designs of Internet of Things
technology. Measurement mechanism of wearable technology products provided by
Internet of Things technology.
o One of the lesser-known wearables includes the Guardian blood glucose monitor.
The device was developed to assist people with diabetes. It detects glucose levels
in the body, using a small electrode called a glucose sensor placed under the skin,
and relays the information via radio frequency to a monitoring device.
o Athletes want to know at the end of the day whether their daily workouts are
working. This naive desire of athletes combined Internet of Things technology and
wearable technology. Athletes often want to learn about the values of body
balance, heart rate, etc. And people want the process to be short. This is what
people want today with smartwatches.
o We can shoot high definition video with wearable tech clothes. Internet of Things
technology works with many clothing brands while producing wearable
technology products.
Health Care
IoT has opened up a world of potential when it comes to healthcare. Conventional
medical devices can now collect additional and extremely valuable data that can
provide more insight into symptoms and trends and enable telemedicine.
Figure 5 Aplications of IOT in health care
o Simultaneous reporting and monitoring
Real-time monitoring through connected devices can save lives in emergencies
such as heart failure, diabetes, asthma attacks, and more. With real-time disease
monitoring by device smart medical device connected to a smartphone app,
connected devices can collect medical and other essential health data and use the
phone's data connection smart to pass the collected information to the doctor.
o Categorize and analyze data
A lot of data healthcare devices send in very short time due to their real-time
application is difficult to store and manage without access to the cloud. Even for
service providers healthcare services to collect data sourced from multiple devices
and sources and analyze it manually is a hard bet. IoT devices can collect, report,
and analyze data in real time and cut down on the need to store raw data.
o Monitor and alert
Timely warning is very important in case of danger to life. Medical IoT devices
collect vital data and pass it on to doctors for real-time monitoring and inform
people about vital organs through mobile apps and devices. other linked device.
o Remote medical support
In the event of an emergency, patients can contact a doctor from miles away using
a smart mobile app. With mobile solutions in healthcare, doctors can instantly
check on patients and identify diseases on the go.
o Monitor activity during cancer treatment
Their lifestyle and fitness level also play a huge role in coming up with the right
treatment plan for them. The activity monitor monitors the patient's movement,
fatigue level, appetite, etc. In addition, the data collected from the monitor before
treatment and after starting treatment will give health care professionals know
what adjustments to make to the proposed treatment plan.
o Heart monitor with report
Patients can wear a device that monitors their heart rate and that can determine
if they have high blood pressure. Healthcare providers will have access to
reporting patient heart monitoring data when they need to obtain it during exams
and exams. Wearable devices can even alert healthcare professionals when a
patient has an arrhythmia, palpitations, stroke or full-blown heart attack.
o Wireless sensor
Wireless sensors are being used in labs and hospital refrigerators to ensure blood
samples, chilled drugs and other biomedical materials are always kept at the right
Besides the above applications, we can also see that the applications of IoT in the world
are many such as in factories, in farms, in smart cars, in the military, ...
connected things and analytics, gateways and data collection systems provide the
necessary connection point that links the rest of the layers together.
o Advanced gateways primarily open the connection between the Sensor network
and the Internet also perform many basic gateway functions such as malware
protection and filtering some decision-making based on entered data and
services. data management,...
Edge analytics
o While not an essential component of every IoT architecture, edge devices can
offer significant benefits, especially for large-scale IoT projects.
o In light of the limited accessibility and data transfer speeds of IoT cloud platforms,
edge systems can provide faster response times and more flexibility in processing
and analyzing IoT data.
o Since edge infrastructure can be physically located closer to the data source, it will
be easier and faster for it to work on IoT material in real time and provide output
in the form of intelligence. can act immediately.
Cloud platform
This is the final layer of the 4 phases of the IoT architecture. A data center or cloud is
a data management stage where data is managed and used by end-user applications.
b. Framework
Eclipse Smarthome Framework
The Eclipse Smart Home (ESH) framework is designed for ease of resolution of IoT
system and problems by developers who benefits from its interfaces, automation
rules, persistence mechanism, and its SOA implementation. The ESH is a connection
and integration framework for IoT smart home domain and it is independent of the
connectivity features of the hardware but rather, makes emphasis on the
implementation of a connector to the framework. The ESH has become largely famous
as it is open sourced and thus, widely implemented as a smart home solution by a
large market. This has contributed to its extensive number of shared API available for
a range of commercial products.
The ESH is explicitly fixated on home automation and it is built on five major stacks.
These are:
o Operating System
o The Application Container
o Communication and Connectivity
o Data Management and Messaging
o Remote Management
Calvin Framework
The Calvin framework is a hybrid framework of both the IoT and Cloud programming
models to explicate the complexity of distributed computing, diverse programming
languages and communication protocols. The framework is developed by
consolidating theories from Actor model and Flow Based Computing.
Figure 8 Calvin framework
The Calvin framework combines both IoT and Cloud models by designing the IoT
system to leverage on the Cloud system to perform complex calculations and
computations which are rarely possible with resource constrained actors. The
framework thus prescribes a runtime API for connection and communication between
runtimes and actors. The Calvin framework model propounds a distributed runtime
environment and exhibits multi-tenancy as actors can share runtimes with actors from
other applications. It also supports restrictions of high resource consuming actors at
the “manage” aspect.
c. Tools
Here I would like to introduce some popular IOT development tools today
Eclipse IoT
o Eclipse IoT is one of the most useful IoT development tools. Many industries and
organizations have worked together to develop this tool. With this tool, IOT
developers can create frameworks, deploy Open Source code, provide services
that will help in using IOT solutions, and also develop new tools. Tools for IoT
o It has a reputation for providing high quality services in responsible and
predictable fashion. Many people have benefited from this tool, and you will be
amazed how great this IoT development tool is.
Figure 9 Eclipse
Adruino is one of the popular IoT development tools. It is easy to use and we can
control according to our preferences. The microcontroller included on it is designed
to fulfill different purposes. Users can input information and with the information
provided for input, devices can be controlled and data can be saved or displayed with
the help of output. Multiple devices can be connected to each other and can be
adjusted from anywhere.
ThingsBoard is an IoT platform for data collection and processing, device
management, and visualization for projects. Hundreds of millions of devices can be
measured and it facilitates connectivity by providing IoT protocols such as HTTP,
MQTT,.. We can monitor the technology system and can freely choose any home
What cloud services do you provide? It helps to model the content, the device and
generate the necessary information from the data, thus making it more feasible.
Figure 12 Blynk platform
Tinkercad is an online collection of software tools from Autodesk that enables
complete beginners to create 3D models. This CAD software is based on solid
construction geometry, allowing users to create complex models by combining
simpler objects together. Therefore, this 3D modeling software is user-friendly and is
now loved by many people, especially teachers, children, hobbyists and designers, and
it is also free.
d. Hardwares
Microcontroller development board
A microcontroller provides data processing and storage capabilities. A microcontroller
contains a processor core, memory, and erasable programmable read-only memory
to store custom programs that run on the microcontroller. The microcontroller
development board has extra circuitry to support the microcontroller for more
convenient prototyping and programming of the chip.
Following are two popular microcontroller development boards
Arduino is a popular name in the DIY prototyping space. The company offers a
wide range of open source development kits, microcontrollers, and software
tools for building connected products.
The main advantage that Arduino has over other vendors is a well-established
name in the electronics development space. They also have software tools,
support for third-party libraries, a variety of sensors, resources, and a
community that can help answer questions.
o ESP8266
It has a community of active adopters. Notable development boards based on the
ESP8266 include AdaFruit's NodeMCU, WeMos D1, and Feather Huzzah. Several
alternative firmware options for the ESP8266-based boards have been developed
by the open source community and manufacturers, allowing IoT developers to
program these boards using Lua, Python, and JavaScript, It also supports over-the-
air (OTA) updates.
Figure 15 Wifi esp8266 NodeMcu
The sensors
The most important hardware in IoT may be its sensors. These devices include power
module, power management module, RF module and sensor module. The RF module
manages communication through signal processing, WiFi, ZigBee, Bluetooth, radio
transceiver, duplexer and BAW. The sensor module manages sensors through active
and passive gauge types.
o Below are some of the sensors used in the IOT system:
Sound sensor
Acceleration sensor
Flame sensor
Gas sensor
Wearable electronics
Wearable electronics are small devices that are worn on the head, neck, arms, torso,
and feet.
Current smart wearable devices include:
o Head - Helmet, glasses
o Neck - Jewelry, necklace
o Arm - Watch, bracelet, ring
o Torso - Clothes, backpacks
o Feet - Socks, shoes
Standard equipment
o Desktops, tablets, and mobile phones remain integral parts of IoT as command
and remote control centers.
o The desktop provides the user with the highest degree of control over the system
and its settings.
o Tablets provide access to key system features in a similar way to desktop
computers and also act as a remote control.
o Mobile phones allow modification of some necessary settings and also provide
remote functionality.
An application program interface (API) is a set of processes, protocols, and tools for
building software applications; it specifies how the software components will interact.
APIs are closely linked to IoT because they allow us to securely expose customer-
connected devices, go-to-market channels, and other applications in IT infrastructure,
and connected APIs connect important things like cars, medical equipment, energy grids.
Google Assistant can be embedded into devices to enable voice control, hot word
detection, natural language understanding and other smart services. These Google
Assistant tracking APIs provide a way to manage and chat with devices. Google
Assistant enables voice control of apps for phones, speakers, smart displays, cars,
watches, laptops, TVs, and other Google Home devices.
Apple HomeKit
Apple's HomeKit provides a platform for devices, apps, and services to communicate
with each other. Using Siri, iPhone users can control supported devices in their home.
Lights, thermostats, garage doors, etc. All can be controlled by voice.
REST allows data to travel over internet protocols and authorize and manage
REST plays an important role and you can use REST on the entire stack. REST has
become a de facto protocol for the web. It is understood by almost every web server
and endpoint on the internet. IoT leverages a lot of REST endpoints. Many services
are REST-based, allowing you to quickly assemble an IoT infrastructure.
One thing for sure about IoT is the Internet. Applications and devices in a near-global
way of communicating over the Internet is through RESTful services. REST APIs
provide the simplest way for connected applications and things to interact in a
standard, easy-to-understand way.
III. Outline a plan for an appropriate IoT
application using common architecture,
frameworks, tools, hardware and APIs
1. Investigate architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware and
API techniques available to develop IoT applications (P3)
Here are the architectures, frameworks, hardware and tools to use for an IoT project:
a. Architecture
While there are countless ways to build a complete IoT architecture from start to finish,
this architecture simplifies it into three basic building blocks:
o Sensing Layer : Sensors, actuators, and edge devices interacting with the
o Network Layer :
Discover, connect, and translate devices over the network and coordinate with
the application layer
The IoT gateway is an important intermediary that acts as a messenger and
interpreter between the cloud and clusters of smart devices.
o Application Layer:
Processing and storing data with specialized services and functions for users
It communicates with the gateway, usually over wired or cellular internet. The
cloud can be anything from services like AWS or Google Cloud, server farms,
or even a company's on-premises remote server. It provides powerful servers
and databases that enable powerful IoT applications and integrates services
such as data storage, big data processing, filtering, analytics, 3rd party APIs,
business logic, alarms, monitoring, and user interfaces.
Figure 18 Architecture
The ESP8266EX integrates an enhanced version of Tensilica's L106 Diamond series 32-
bit processor, with on-chip SRAM, in addition to its Wi-Fi functions.
Arduino has provided user-friendly libraries using the SDK APIs. Since arduino has
made its iot development environment easy to influence developers, it is easy for us
to develop applications with Arduino Ide. The Ewings framework sits on top of the
Arduino libraries.
c. Tools
Arduino IDE
o Arduino IDE is an open source software mainly used to write and compile code
into Arduino modules or other modules
o It makes compiling code so easy that even an average person with no technical
knowledge can do it.
o It has versions for operating systems such as MAC, Windows, Linux and runs on
Java platform with built-in functions and commands that are important for
debugging, editing and compiling code in the environment. .
o This environment supports both C and C++ languages.
o The Arduino IDE integrates with over 700 libraries, written and shared by the
publisher Arduino Software and members of the Arduino community. We can
utilize them for our own project without spending any money.
Figure 21 Arduino Libraly
o Blynk is an open source software designed for IoT (Internet of Things) applications.
The application helps us to use remote hardware control, can display sensor data,
store data, transform data or do many other things.
o Currently, Blynk supports 2 platforms, Android and iOS. You can search on Blynk
on AppStore and GooglePlay.
Blynk Server: Responsible for two-way back-and-forth communication
between the phone and the hardware. We can use Blynk's server but will be
limited to Enegry points.
Blynk Library: A library containing popular platforms, making it easier to
communicate hardware with the Server
o IFTTT is an intermediary web service that stands between two services to perform
a task when a condition occurs, IFTTT stands for If This Then That. In which, If This
(if this happens) will lead to Then That (then do that), this is considered the
operating principle of the statement. That is, when there is any change on this
application, through IFTTT the other application will also work and change the
o The operation of IFTTT is based on the "condition" and "enforcement"
mechanism. That is, when a certain condition is satisfied, the command will be
o It has popular services such as google assistant, webhok, .... helps in developing
iot applications especially smart home.
o For example, when we execute the command to turn off the lights, the blynk
server immediately changes the state of the lights to the off state
Figure 24 IFTTT web service
Google assistant
Virtual assistant can be understood as a complex programmed software. Accordingly,
it is possible to proceed with the execution of various control commands. As well as
carry out the implementation of user requests. Such as conducting information
search, following orders, etc.
Google Assistant was first introduced at the Google I/O conference in May 2016
exclusively for the Pixel, Pixel XL, Google Home and Android Wear 2.0 series. Then
became popular on most Android phones, and also iOS.
We only with the command "Oke Google" that we can control all the devices in the
house. Users no longer have to physically adjust devices with switches like before.
Which can completely control any device with voice.
2. Determine a specific problem to solve using IoT(P4)
a. Problem definition
As technology develops, smart homes will also appear more. A smart home is a house in
which electrical and electronic equipment is installed that can be controlled or automated
or semi-automatically. Replace humans in performing one or several management and
control operations. This electronic system communicates with the user through an indoor
electronic board, a mobile phone application, a tablet computer or a web interface.
In this project, I will do a project "Turn on and off lights and adjust lights through smart
phone devices". This is a very convenient project for users, with high applicability in life,
especially in the era of industrialization.
Our project can also make it possible for families to set the time the lights turn on and off
through the timer mode. That makes it possible to set the time for the light system, a
modern and smarter function than previous generations of lights.
The third is that the project also allows us to control the RBG Led lights so that we can
change the color of the lights according to our desired color, as well as turn it off if we
don't want to use it anymore.
Finally, users can control the lights on and off through the google virtual assistant
application. The user just needs to say the commands set and the light will change state
as the user wants. Its benefit to users is that when users are busy with their hands, we
can control it via voice.
3. Apply your selected techniques to create an IoT application
development plan (M4)
a. Scope
Project name: Control lights via phone, tablet with blynk app and google assistant
Report scope
Table 1 Deliverales
Project team Contains the management of the project builder and manager, and
inspects and evaluates the project
Table 2 Stackholders
b. Resources
The cost for the project funded by the company budget is $ 1000
Nguyen Van F Interface design Design the interface for the program
Hardware cost
LED 4 4$
RGB LED 1 3$
Breadboard 1 2$
40 Yarn File 1 2$
Test Board
Cap 1 4$
c. Risk
Risk Priority Suggestions/Actions
Schedules can Hight Report the progress of the project daily using a Gantt
be slow chart.
d. Comunication
Inside (in project) and outside (customer, team).
Formal (reports, minutes, briefings) and informal (emails, memos, discussions).
Vertical (top and bottom within organization) and horizontally (with peers).
Text, oral, verbal and non-verbal (body language).
Sponsor and team Communicated by email, each week on Saturday the
leader group manager will send a message to the sponsor's
project manager on the progress of the project.
Each week the project party will have a meeting of all
stakeholders to discuss the progress of the project.
Team leader and Every weekend the team leader must prepare a report on
company director, the progress and progress of everyone on the project to
management the director.
If there is a serious problem urgently, the team leader
must meet directly at the director's office.
Each month the project party will have a meeting of all
stakeholders to discuss the progress of the project.
If the director is on a business trip, the team leader will
email project completion progress reports.
Directly call if in case of emergency.
Team members Team members each day before work must report what to
do for today and the progress of completing it for the day
via email of the team leader.
In case the members work together, the direct work
report must be before everyone and at the end of each
session must report on their completion progress.
The team members will meet on weekends with company
management and monthly with project sponsors.
Members have any conflict, then meet with the leader to
resolve and do not arbitrarily follow their opinion.
Table 6 Comunicatios
e. Project chapter
Project Name: Turn on and off lights and adjust lights through smart phone devices
Executive Sponsors: A Company
Department Sponsor: B Company
Impact of project: Start date: 12-16-2021
End Date: 17-07-2021
Budget: 1000 $
2. Project Team
3. Stakeholders
Team project
An IoT product that allows users to turn on and off lights and control lights through their phones
In this project, I will develop an IoT product that helps users control home lighting devices with
Project Milestones
Major Known Risks (including significant Assumptions)
5. Communication Strategy
6. Sign-off
7. Notes
f. Schedule
IV. Conclusion
To summarize through the above, I have analyzed what aspects of IoT are necessary and
appropriate when designing software applications and Outline a plan for an appropriate IoT
application using common architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware and APIs. I also applied my
selected techniques to create an IoT application development plan.
V. Slide
During the assignment process, I presented my assignment to my teacher and classmates,
below is my presentation:
VI. References
1. Ranger, S., 2021. What is the IoT? Everything you need to know about the Internet of Things
right now | ZDNet. [online] ZDNet. Available at: <
the-internet-of-things-everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-iot-right-now/> [Accessed
19 June 2021].
2. Investopedia. 2021. Smart Home. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 19 June 2021].
3. 2021. What is a Smart City? – Definition and Examples. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 19
June 2021].
4. 2021. What is IoT architecture?. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 19 June 2021].
5. Reed, T., 2021. 7Real Benefits that IoT Brings. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 19 June 2021].
6. Framework, I., 2021. IoT Framework | Check Out List of different Iot Framework. [online]
EDUCBA. Available at: <> [Accessed 19 June 2021].