Grua Liebherr LTM 1060 - 2

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Training Documentation

LTM 1060/2
Outline of components with
identification (BMK)

• max. lifting capacity at 2,5m radius: 60 t
• max. height under hook with biparted swing-away jib: 60 m
• max. radius with biparted swing-away jib: 48 m
• Length of telescopic boom: 10.9 - 42 m
• Counterweight variants: (at road travel, axle load 12t, compl. carriable) (0,7; 3,2; 2,4; 2,7; 3,0 = 12 t)
• Displacement engine and crane drive on carrier:
• Liebherr: D 926 TI-E, A4, P=270/367 (kW,h.p.) at 2100 1/min, LH-ECU 1
• Automatic transmission
• ZF: 6WG-260
• New data bus technique LSB (LSB master switches)


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Training Documentation
LTM 1060/2
Outline of components with
identification (BMK)

BMK components

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LTM 1060/2 Outline of components BMK 1 / 32
Carrier 04/2000


BMK-Tabelle (-A bis -E3): ...........................................................................................................2

BMK-Tabelle (-E3U bis -E76): ....................................................................................................3
BMK-Tabelle (-E77 bis -MSP10): ...............................................................................................4
BMK-Tabelle (-MSP11 bis -S146): ..............................................................................................5
BMK-Tabelle (-S148 bis -X103): ................................................................................................. 6
BMK-Tabelle (-X104 bis -X622): .................................................................................................7
BMK-Tabelle (-X623 bis -XM103): ..............................................................................................8
BMK-Tabelle (-Y bis -Y872): .......................................................................................................9

Outline of components: .........................................................................................................10

Carrier: ....................................................................................................................................10
Front view, lighting ....................................................................................................................10
Rear view, lighting .................................................................................................................... 11
View from the right, lighting and outrigger control panels ........................................................12
View from the left, lighting and outrigger control panels ..........................................................13

Driver’s cab:............................................................................................................................14
Control elements ......................................................................................................................14
Doors and mirrors ....................................................................................................................15
Swinging up the instrument board ............................................................................................16
Centre console, batteries .........................................................................................................16
Wind-screen washing device, heater .......................................................................................17
Centre console, components and modules ..............................................................................18
Centre console, fuses, diagnostic connector ...........................................................................19
Bottom, additional heater .........................................................................................................20
Pneumatic system ....................................................................................................................21

Drive: .......................................................................................................................................22
Diesel engine D 926 TI-E A4 .................................................................................................... 22
Intake air-flow ...........................................................................................................................23

Cooling system: ........................................................................................................................24

Rotary slip-ring unit: .................................................................................................................25

Autom. transmission ZF, 6WG-260: ......................................................................................26

View from the left ......................................................................................................................26
View from the right ...................................................................................................................27

Cardan shafts, transv. differential locks, Telma: .......................................................................28

Suspension: ..............................................................................................................................29
Outriggers and supporting rams, rear axle steering: ................................................................30
Pneumatic valves, main control block: .....................................................................................31

Index ........................................................................................................................................33

The BMK-Table has been drawn from:

Circuit diagram-ID: 9829 641 08 from series 04, from crane no.: 0025 426 08
from project no.: 057 032
The entire BMK list has been drawn from the circuit diagram. Certain components, not illustrated, have also
been included. In such a case, the respective page is marked with „-“.
The indication „sheet“ refers to the sheet of the electric circuit diagram.
For the sake of completeness, all columns have been drawn from the BMK list , i.e. also the device „Dev“ and
the location „Loc“ of the component.
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2 / 32 LTM 1060/2
UW-13 04/2000
Outline of components BMK Carrier

BMK-Tabelle (-A bis -E3):

BMK: Dev. Loc. Sh. Designation Page R em ark
-A Sub-assem blies, partial sub-assem blies
-A8 =P2 +P20 29.1 D isplay unit driver's cab 14
-A9 =P2 +P20 27.1 Keyb oard unit driver's cab 14
-A10 =P2 +P20 22.1 EA m odule 1 centre console 18
-A11 =P2 +P20 23.1 EA m odule2 centre console 18
-A12 =P2 +P20 24.1 EA m odule 3 outrigger control panel right 12
-A13 =P2 +P20 25.1 EA m odule 4 outrigger control panel left 13
-A14 =P2 +P20 26.1 EA m odule 5 centre console 14
-A17 =P2 +P20 34.1 C ontrol unit LH engine ECU 1 18
-A20 =Z25 +H0 105.7 Battery charger 230 VAC /24VDC - (Option)
-A23 =P2 +P20 35.1 C ontrol unit transm ission ZF -EST 37 18
-A24 =F +F3 65.1 H ydraulic control unit H SG - 94 26
-A26 =P2 +P20 78.5 Interval relay for front wiper 18
-A29 =Z2 +H0 59.2 R elay b ox for eddy current b rak e 20 (Option) Telm a Focal 250
-A31 =F +F3 57.4 Flam e starting device (Beru relay m odule 18
-A32 =Z10 +P20 36.1 C ontrol electronics ABV - (Option)
-A33 =P2 +P20 87.1 Tim ing relay, interior lighting door opener 18
-A50 =Z1 +H0 91.2 C ontrol unit static heater SG 1577 20 (Option)
-A51 =Z1 +H0 91.6 H eater Therm o 90 S 20 (Option)
-A62 =Z25 +F4 105.1 C ontrol b ox, preheating devices - (Option)
-A63 =Z25 +F4 105.3 C urrent distrib utor, preheating devices - (Option)
-A64 =P2 +P20 51.1 C AN star point 18
-A73 =P2 +P32 31.2 Outrigger control panel, right 12
-A74 =P2 +P31 32.2 Outrigger control panel, left 13
-A75 =F +F3 54.4 ED C actuator 22
-A81 =Z12 +P20 99.4 H ead lam p washing device - (Option)
-A90 =P2 +P20 107.1 Board with series resistance 18
-B Converters, electric - non electric
-B2 =F +F3 56.1 Engine, oil pressure sensor 22
-B5 =H +H0 66.3 Pressure sensor,supply b rak e circuit 1 21
-B6 =H +H0 66.5 Pressure sensor, supply b rak e circuit 2 21
-B7 =H +H0 66.7 Pressure sensor, suppl. Sec. C ons. C ircuit 3 21
-B8 =H +H0 67.3 Pressure sensor, service b rak e circuit 1 21
-B9 =F +F4 67.2 Pressure sensor, service b rak e circuit 2 21
-B10 =H +H0 54.1 Gas pedal, speed sensor 14
-B11 =Z11 +F4 100.8 Pressure sensor 4, rear left - option, supp
-B12 =Z11 +F4 100.6 Pressure sensor 3, front left - option, supp.
-B13 =Z11 +F4 100.2 Pressure sensor 1, rear right - option, supp
-B14 =Z11 +F4 100.4 Pressure sensor 2, front right - option, supp
-B15 =F +F3 65.3 Tem perature sensor at converter output 26 m ax. oil tem p
-B16 =Z22 +H0 90.2 Therm ostatic switch add. Heater - (Opiton)
-B19 =Z11 +F4 101.4 Inclination sensor carrier 25
-B21 =Z11 +F4 102.2 Length sensor 1, rear right - option, outrigger control
-B22 =Z11 +F4 102.3 Length sensor 2, front right - option, outrigger control
-B23 =Z11 +F4 102.4 Length sensor 3, front left - option, outrigger control
-B24 =Z11 +F4 102.5 Length sensor 4, rear left - option, outrigger control
-B31 =F +F3 64.2 Induct. Sensor, transm .,engine/pum p speed 26 1050 Ohm
-B32 =F +F3 64.3 Induct. Sensor, transm ., intern. Mean speed 26 1050 Ohm
-B33 =F +F3 64.3 Induct. Sensor, transm ., intern. Mean speed 26 1050 Ohm
-B34 =F +F3 64.5 H all sensor, transm . Output speed 27
-B35 =F +F3 55.1 Engine, inductive sensor, speed 1 22
-B36 =F +F3 55.3 Engine, inductive sensor, speed 2 22
-B37 =F +F3 55.6 C harge pressure sensor 22 N TC
-B38 =F +F4 57.1 Air filter negative pressure sensor 23 N TC
-E Lighting devices
-E1 =B2 +F13 82.4 Blink er rear right 11
-E1U =B2 +F13 84.2 Blink er right - (USA, Option)
-E2 =B2 +F12 82.2 Blink er rear left 11
-E2U =B2 +F12 84.6 Blink er left - (USA, Option)
-E3 =B2 +F12 82.7 Stop light left 11
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LTM 1060/2 Outline of components BMK 3 / 32
Carrier 04/2000

BMK-Tabelle (-E3U bis -E76):

BM K: De v. Loc . Sh. De signa tion Pa ge R em ark
-E3 U =B2 +F1 2 8 4.7 Sto p lig ht le ft - (U SA, Optio n)
-E4 =B2 +F1 3 8 2.8 Sto p lig ht righ t 11
-E4 U =B2 +F1 3 8 4.3 Sto p lig ht righ t - (U SA, Optio n)
-E5 =B2 +F1 1 7 9.7 Pa rk in g lig ht le ft 10
-E6 =B2 +F1 2 8 0.6 Tail lig ht le ft 11
-E6 U =B2 +F1 2 8 4.5 Teil lig ht le ft - (U SA, Optio n)
-E7 =B2 +F1 3 7 9.8 R eg istra tio n p late ligh t left righ t - (Op tio n)
-E7 U =B2 +F1 3 8 4.1 R eg istra tio n p late ligh t rig ht - (U SA, Optio n)
-E9 =B2 +F1 1 8 0.6 Pa rk in g lig ht righ t 10
-E1 0 =B2 +F1 3 7 9.7 Tail lig ht righ t 11
-E1 0U =B2 +F1 3 8 4.1 Tail lig ht righ t - (U SA, Optio n)
-E1 1 =B2 +F1 2 8 0.8 R eg istra tio n p late ligh t re ar le ft 11
-E1 1U =B2 +F1 2 8 4.5 R eg istra tio n p late ligh t left righ t - (U SA, Optio n)
-E1 3 =B2 +F1 2 8 1.7 Ba ck in g lig ht le ft 11
-E1 3U =B2 +F1 2 8 4.6 Ba ck in g lig ht le ft - (U SA, Optio n)
-E1 4 =B2 +F1 1 8 2.2 Blin k e r fro nt le ft 10
-E1 5 =B2 +F1 1 8 1.3 H igh b e am le ft 10
-E1 6 =B2 +F1 1 8 1.4 L ow b ea m left 10
-E1 7 =B2 +F1 1 8 1.5 L ow b ea m rig h t 10
-E1 8 =B2 +F1 1 8 1.6 H igh b e am rig ht 10
-E1 9 =B2 +F1 1 8 2.3 Blin k e r fro nt righ t 10
-E2 0 =B2 +F1 4 7 9.4 Sid e m a rk in g lig ht le ft 10
-E2 1 =B2 +F1 4 8 0.3 Sid e m a rk in g lig ht righ t 10
-E2 2 =B2 +F1 1 8 3.4 Fog lam p left - (Op tio n)
-E2 3 =B2 +F1 1 8 3.4 Fog lam p righ t - (Op tio n)
-E2 4 =B2 +F1 2 8 3.6 Fog tail la m p le ft 11
-E2 4U =B2 +F1 2 8 4.7 Fog tail la m p le ft - (U SA, Optio n)
-E2 5 =B2 +F1 3 8 1.8 Ba ck in g lig ht le ft 11
-E2 5U =B2 +F1 3 8 4.2 Ba ck in g lig ht righ t - (U SA, Optio n)
-E2 7 =B2 +H 0 8 7.7 Wa rn ing b e aco n le ft 10
-E2 7A =B2 +H 0 8 7.8 Wa rn ing b e aco n le ft - (Op tio n)
-E2 8 =B2 +H 0 8 7.6 Wa rn ing b e aco n rig ht 10
-E2 8A =B2 +H 0 8 7.8 Wa rn ing b e aco n rig ht - (Op tio n)
-E2 9 =B2 +F1 3 7 9.8 C on to ur ligh t re ar righ t 11
-E3 0 =B2 +F1 2 8 0.7 C on to ur ligh t re ar le ft 11
-E3 1 =B2 +H 0 7 9.4 C on to ur ligh t fro nt le ft 10
-E3 2 =B2 +H 0 8 0.2 C on to ur ligh t fro nt righ t 10
-E3 3 =B2 +F1 3 8 3.7 Fog tail la m p righ t 11
-E3 3U =B2 +F1 3 8 4.3 Fog tail la m p righ t - (U SA, Optio n)
-E3 6 =H +H 0 8 7.2 I nte rio r lig h tin g driver's cab left 19
-E3 7 =H +H 0 8 7.4 I nte rio r lig h tin g driver's cab cen tre 19
-E3 8 =H +H 0 8 7.5 I nte rio r lig h tin g driver's cab rig ht 19
-E3 9 =P2 +P26 8 7.4 C iga rette ligh ter 14
-E4 0 =H +H 0 8 5.3 Mirro r h ea ting left 4 0 W 15
-E4 1 =H +H 0 8 5.6 Mirro r h ea ting righ t 40 W 15
-E4 2 =H +H 0 8 5.7 R am p m irror he atin g 1 5 W 15
-E4 3 =B2 +F1 4 8 0.3 Sid e m a rk in g lig ht le ft 13
-E4 4 =B2 +F1 4 7 9.5 Sid e m a rk in g lig ht righ t 12
-E4 5 =B2 +F1 4 8 0.5 Tra ck k ee p in g lig h t left 11
-E4 6 =B2 +F1 4 7 9.6 Tra ck k ee p in g lig h t rig ht 11
-E5 1 =B2 +F1 5 8 2.1 Blin k e r le ft side 10
-E5 2 =B2 +F1 5 8 2.3 Blin k e r rig ht sid e 10
-E5 7 =B2 +F1 4 7 9.5 Sid e m a rk in g lig ht le ft 13
-E5 8 =B2 +F1 4 8 0.4 Sid e m a rk in g lig ht righ t 12
-E6 5.1 =B2 +H 0 7 9.1 C on to ur ligh t (roo f) - (Op tio n, U SA, Korea )
-E6 5.2 =B2 +H 0 7 9.1 C on to ur ligh t (roo f) - (Op tio n, U SA, Korea )
-E6 5.3 =B2 +H 0 7 9.2 C on to ur ligh t (roo f) - (Op tio n, U SA, Korea )
-E6 5.4 =B2 +H 0 7 9.2 C on to ur ligh t (roo f) - (Op tio n, Ko re a )
-E6 5.5 =B2 +H 0 7 9.3 C on to ur ligh t (roo f) - (Op tio n, Ko re a )
-E6 5.6 =B2 +H 0 7 9.3 C on to ur ligh t (roo f) - (Op tio n, Ko re a )
-E7 6 =B2 +F1 4 8 0.4 Sid e m a rk in g lig ht le ft 13
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4 / 32 LTM 1060/2
UW-13 04/2000
Outline of components BMK Carrier

BMK-Tabelle (-E77 bis -MSP10):

BMK: Dev. Loc. Sh. Designation Page Remark
-E77 =B2 +F14 79.5 Side marking light right 12
-E78 =B2 +F14 79.6 Side marking light left 13
-E79 =B2 +F14 80.5 Side marking light right 12
-E91 =B2 +F12 80.7 Tail light left 11
-E92 =B2 +F13 79.7 Tail light right 11
-E93 =Z29 +F11 81.2 Additional lamp left - (Option)
-E94 =Z29 +F11 81.2 Additional lamp right - (Option)
-E95 =H +H0 85.6 Wide-angle mirror heating -
-F Fuses
-F79 =F +F2 37.7 Battery fuse carrier 16 80 A
-F80 =F +F2 37.5 Battry fuse, heating,LICCON 16 50 A
-F87 =F +F2 52.3 Charge control light generator -
-F101 =Z25 +F4 105.1 Autom circuit-b reaker, external supply 230V - (Option)
-F102 =Z25 +F4 105.3 Autom circuit-b r., engine oil pre-heat. 16A - (Option)
-F103 =Z25 +F4 105.4 Autom circuit-b r., coolant pre-heat. 16A - (Option)
-F104 =Z25 +F4 105.5 Autom circuit-b r., coolant pre-heat. 16A - (Option)
-F105 =Z25 +F4 105.6 Autom circuit-b r., hydraulic oil pre-heat. 16A - (Option)
-F106 =Z25 +F4 105.7 Autom circuit-b r., b attery charger 16A - (Option)
-F107 =Z25 +F4 105.8 Autom circuit-b r., socket, ventilator driver's cab - (Option)
-G Generators
-G1 =F +F2 37.5 Battery 1 16
-G2 =F +F2 37.5 Battery 2 16
-G3 =F +F3 52.3 Generator 22
-G4 =F +F3 63.4 Pulser transmission, tachygraph 27
-H Optic and acoustic signalling devices
-H101 =F +F4 78.8 Horn 30
-H102 =F +F4 78.8 Horn 30
-H105 =Z +F12 81.6 Warning signal at backing - (Option)
-H107 =H +H0 88.5 Loudspeaker left - (Option)
-H108 =H +H0 88.6 Loudspeaker right - (Option)
-H109 =Z4 +H0 88.5 Radio - (Option)
-K Relays, contactors
-K51 =Z38 +P20 53.4 Aux relay, closing air flap engine at 18 engine OFF (option)
-K52 =Z29 +P20 81.3 Return signal for pilot lamp, main beam on display unit
-L Inductivities
-L1 =Z2 +F4 59.3 Coil package eddy current brake 28 (Option) Telma Focal 250
-L1 =Z10 +F4 94.1 Axle 1 left, sensor ABV, wheel A - (Option)
-L2 =Z10 +F4 94.3 Axle 1 right, sensor ABV, wheel B - (Option)
-L3 =Z10 +F4 94.5 Axle 3 left, sensor ABV, wheel C - (Option)
-L4 =Z10 +F4 94.6 Axle 3 right, sensor ABV, wheel C - (Option)
-M Electric motors
-M1 =F +F3 52.2 Starter 23
-M2 =H +H0 78.5 Drive wind-screen wiper 17
-M4 =H +H0 89.1 Ventilator heat exchanger 17
-M5 =Z12 +H0 99.5 Wash pump (180W) - (option, lamp washing dev.)
-M10 =P2 +P20 78.7 Wind-screen wash pump 17
-M11 =H +H0 86.2 Drive window lifter, left 15
-M12 =H +H0 86.6 Drive window lifter, right 15
-M19 =H +H0 89.3 Actuator ventilating air 17
-M20 =H +H0 89.5 Actuator air foot space/wind-screen 17
-M21 =H +H0 89.6 Actuator water circulation engine 17
-M22 =F +F4 61.3 Drive, steering from OW 20
-M23 =H +H0 85.2 Motor actuator for mirror left, vertical 15
-M24 =H +H0 85.2 Motor actuator for mirror left, horizontal 15
-M25 =H +H0 85.4 Motor actuator for mirror right, vertical 15
-M26 =H +H0 85.5 Motor actuator for mirror right, horizontal 15
-MSP Frame basic points
-MSP7 =P2 +P20 107.7 -
-MSP8 =P2 +P20 107.7 -
-MSP9 =P2 +P20 107.5 -
-MSP10 =P2 +P20 107.4 -

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LTM 1060/2 Outline of components BMK 5 / 32
Carrier 04/2000

BMK-Tabelle (-MSP11 bis -S146):

BMK: Dev. Loc. Sh. Designation Page Remark
-MSP11 =H +H0 108.1 -
-MSP12 =P2 +P20 108.1 -
-MSP13 =F +F4 108.2 -
-MSP14 =P3 +P31 108.5 -
-MSP15 =P3 +P32 108.5 -
-MSP16 =F +F4 108.4 -
-MSP17 =F +F4 108.7 -
-MSP18 =F +F4 108.5 -
-N Slipring transmitters
-N1 =F +F1 106.1 Rotary slipring unit 25
-P Measuring instruments, test devices
-P11 =P2 +P20 63.4 Tachygraph 14
-P14 =P2 +P26 52.6 Working hour meter 14
-P260 =Z1 +P26 90.4 Pre-selector dial 7 days - (Option)
-R Resistances
-R9 =F +F3 57.4 Flame glow plug 1 22
-R11 =F +F3 55.4 Charge temperature sensor 22
-R14 =F +F3 56.6 Cooling water temperature sensor 22
-R16 =Z25 +F3 105.3 Heating resistor engine oil pre-heating - (Option)
-R17 =Z25 +F3 105.4 Heating resistor engine coolant pre-heating - (Option)
-R18 =F +F3 56.3 Oil temperature sensor 22
-R18 =Z25 +F3 105.5 Heating resistor engine coolant pre-heating - (Option)
-R20 =F +F4 53.5 Outside temperature sensor - (not employed)
-R22 =P2 +P20 46.1 Series resistance 18 (100W (see -A90)
-R25 =P2 +P27 61.3 Power resistance OW steering 16
-R26 =P2 +P20 71.6 Voltage divider resistance input EAM 18
-R30 =H +H0 53.7 Inside temperature sensor - (not employed)
-R31 =Z16 +H1 98.3 Heating driver's seat - (Option)
-R32 =Z16 +H1 98.4 Heating driver's seat b ackrest - (Option)
-R33 =Z16 +H1 98.5 Heating co-driver's seat - (Option)
-R34 =Z16 +H1 98.6 Heating co-driver's seat b ackrest - (Option)
-R38 =P2 +P20 63.6 Series resistance, tachygraph, input EAM 18 R=22,1kOhm, 0,5W
-R39 =Z25 +F4 105.6 Heating resistor, hydraulic oil pre-heating - (Option)
-S Switches, push-buttons, limit switches
-S17 =P2 +P26 38.2 Ignition switch 14
-S19 =P2 +P26 85.3 Mirror adjustment (L/R), left 14
-S65 =H +H0 86.2 Window adjustm. Left (up,0,down) driver's side 15
-S66 =H +H0 86.4 Window adjustm. Right (up,0,down driver's side 15
-S69 =H +H0 86.7 Window adjustm R (up, 0,down)co-driv. Side 15
-S82 =P2 +P27 64.7 EMERG operation switch transm. (R,N,V) 19
-S103 =H +H0 78.2 Steering column switch, left 14
-S104 =P2 +P26 107.1 Selector (UW-OW mode) 14
-S105 =H +H0 58.3 Steering column switch, right, speed controller 14
-S106 =F +F2 37.4 Battery main switch 16
-S110 =F +F4 69.4 Return signal off-road gear ON 27
-S114 =H +H0 67.7 Press. Switch off-road gear, reserve MISSING 21 p>5,5b ar
-S116 =F +F4 67.6 Press. Switch service b rake, stop light ON 21 p>0,5b ar
-S118 =F +F4 61.6 Flow switch, steering oil circuit 2 31
-S119 =F +F4 61.7 Flow switch, emergency steering circuit 31
-S121 =F +F3 60.4 Return signal crane hydraulic 1=ON, 0= OFF 26
-S122 =F +F4 70.6 Ret. Sign.transv. Differ. Lock, axle 1, 0=OFF,1=ON 28
-S124 =F +F4 70.7 Ret. Sign.transv. Differ. Lock, axle 3, 0=OFF,1=ON 28
-S131 =F +F4 73.3 Ret. Sign. Rear axle lock, 1=UNL. 0=LOCKED 30
-S134 =P2 +P20 87.1 Door switch left, 1=OPEN, 0=CLOSED 14
-S135 =P2 +P20 87.2 Door switch right, 1=OPEN, 0=CLOSED 14
-S137 =F +F4 71.4 Ret. Sign.axles 3+4 1=BLOCKED,0=ACTIV. 29
-S138 =Z6 +F4 103.5 Switch on supporting b lade - (Option)
-S139 =F +F4 70.4 Ret. Sign., activation axle 1, 1=ON,0=OFF 28
-S142 =F +F4 72.2 Ret.sign. Level, axle 1, left 29
-S144 =F +F4 72.4 Ret. Sign. Level, axle 1right 29
-S146 =F +F4 72.5 Ret. Sign. Level, axle 4, left 29
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6 / 32 LTM 1060/2
UW-13 04/2000
Outline of components BMK Carrier

BMK-Tabelle (-S148 bis -X103):

BMK: Dev. Loc. Sh. Designation Page Remark
-S148 =F +F4 72.7 Ret. Sign.level, axle 4, right 29
-S151 =F +F4 73.4 Ret. Sign. Rear-axle lock, 1=LOCKED,0=UNL. 30
-S160 =F +F4 70.8 Ret.sign. Transv.differ. Lock, axel 4,0=OFF,1=ON 28
-S199 =F +F3 65.5 Differ. Press. Switch, gear oil filter, b ypass 27
-S313 =F +F4 56.4 Coolant defficiency, 1=deff.,0=o.k. 23
-S354 =F +F4 71.5 Ret. Sign.axles 1+2, 0=BLOCK, 1= ACTIV. 29
-S367 =Z40 +F4 104.5 Boom on supporting frame - (Option)
-S388 =Z25 +F3 105.3 Temper. Switch, engine pre-heating - (Option)
-S871 =Z17 +F3 93.4 Press. Switch, air-conditioning - (Option)
-S875 =Z17 +H0 93.4 Temper. Switch, air-coditioning - (Option)
-U Modulators/converters
-U50 =P2 +P20 88.5 Voltage converter 4 A - standard
-U51 =Z26 +P20 88.3 Voltage converter 10 A - (Option)
-X Terminals, connectors, sockets
-X1 =P2 +P20 109.1 -
-X4 =P2 +P20 109.1 -
-X5 =P2 +P20 109.1 -
-X6 =P2 +P20 109.1 -
-X7 =P2 +P20 109.1 -
-X8 =P2 +P20 109.1 -
-X9 =P2 +P20 109.1 -
-X10 =P2 +P20 109.1 -
-X11 =P2 +P20 109.1 -
-X12 =P2 +P20 109.1 -
-X13 =P2 +P20 109.3 -
-X14 =P2 +P20 109.3 -
-X15 =P2 +P20 109.3 -
-X15 =Z1 +P20 109.3 -
-X16 =P2 +P20 109.3 -
-X17 =P2 +P20 109.3 -
-X18 =P2 +P20 109.3 -
-X19 =P2 +P20 107.6 -
-X21 =P2 +P20 109.3 -
-X22 =P2 +P20 109.3 -
-X23 =P2 +P20 109.3 -
-X45 =P2 +P20 35.1 -
-X47 =P2 +P20 110.1 Diagnostic connector gear control unit 19
-X49 =P2 +P20 110.2 18
-X50 =P2 +P20 107.1 18
-X51 =P2 +P20 110.1 -
-X52 =P2 +P20 110.1 -
-X55 =Z1 +H0 110.1 -
-X57 =P2 +P20 110.1 -
-X59 =P2 +P20 110.2 -
-X71 =P2 +P20 110.1 -
-X74 =F +F3 110.1 -
-X75 =F +F3 110.2 -
-X76 =F +F3 110.3 -
-X78 =H +H0 110.1 -
-X79 =H +H0 110.1 -
-X81 =P2 +P26 110.1 Socket driver's cab 14
-X84 =Z16 +H0 110.2 -
-X85 =Z16 +H0 110.3 -
-X94 =Z10 +P20 36.1 Diagnostic connector ABV control unit 19
-X95 =Z10 +P20 36.7 -
-X96 =Z10 +P20 36.1 -
-X97 =Z10 +P20 36.5 -
-X99 =F +F3 110.1 -
-X100 =F +F3 110.2 -
-X102 =F +F4 110.1 Engine, connector air filter negat. Press. Sensor 23 (-B38, sheet 57.1)
-X103 =P2 +P20 110.2 -

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BMK-Tabelle (-X104 bis -X622):

BMK: Dev. Loc. Sh. Designation Page Remark
-X104 =F +F3 110.1 -
-X121 =H +H0 110.3 -
-X123 =H +H0 110.4 -
-X125 =Z1 +P26 110.3 -
-X127 =P2 +P20 110.3 -
-X161 =Z10 +F4 110.5 -
-X165 =H +H0 110.3 -
-X166 =H +H0 110.4 -
-X190 =Z22 +H0 110.5 -
-X205 =Z26 +P26 110.4 -
-X207 =P2 +P20 110.3 18
-X209 =P2 +P20 110.3 Connector for programming 19 (sheet 46.2)
-X215 =H +H0 110.5 -
-X216 =H +H0 110.3 -
-X217 =H +H0 110.5 -
-X218 =H +H0 110.3 -
-X219 =H +H0 110.5 -
-X220 =H +H0 110.3 -
-X221 =Z11 +F4 110.4 -
-X222 =Z11 +F4 110.5 -
-X223 =Z11 +F4 110.3 -
-X224 =Z11 +F4 110.4 -
-X226 =H +H0 110.5 -
-X261 =B2 +F11 110.6 -
-X262 =B2 +F11 110.7 -
-X265 =Z26 +H0 110.8 -
-X269 =P2 +P20 110.6 -
-X270 =H +H0 110.6 -
-X271 =P2 +P20 34.5 -
-X272 =P2 +P20 34.1 -
-X273 =P2 +P20 34.1 -
-X274 =P2 +P20 34.2 -
-X275 =P2 +P20 34.5 -
-X277 =F +F3 110.6 Connector engine inductive sensor speed 1 22 (-B35, sheet 55.1)
-X278 =F +F3 110.6 Connector engine inductive sensor speed 2 22 (-B36, sheet 55.1)
-X279 =F +F3 110.7 Connector engine charge temperature sensor 22 (-R11, sheet 55.4)
-X280 =F +F3 110.7 Connector engine charge pressure sensor 22 (-B37, sheet 55.6)
-X281 =F +F3 110.6 Connector engine oil pressure sensor 22 (-B2, sheet 56.1)
-X283 =F +F3 110.7 Connector engine coolant temperature sensor 22 (-R14, sheet 56.6)
-X284 =F +F3 110.7 Connector engine actuator 22 (-A75, sheet 54.4)
-X285 =P2 +P20 110.6 -
-X286 =H +H0 110.7 -
-X287 =F +F3 110.7 -
-X288 =H +H0 110.8 -
-X289 =H +H0 110.6 -
-X290 =H +H0 110.7 -
-X292 =P2 +P20 110.7 Diagnostic connector engine control unit 19
-X293 =F +F4 110.6 -
-X294 =P2 +P26 110.7 -
-X295 =F +F3 110.7 Connector engine oil temperature sensor 22 (-R18, sheet 56.3)
-X308 =P3 +P32 110.6 -
-X336 =B2 +F13 110.6 -
-X337 =B2 +F12 110.7 -
-X350 =P2 +P20 107.1 -
-X611 =P2 +P20 22.2 -
-X612 =P2 +P20 22.3 -
-X613 =P2 +P20 22.1 -
-X614 =P2 +P20 22.1 -
-X615 =P2 +P20 22.1 -
-X621 =P2 +P20 23.2 -
-X622 =P2 +P20 23.3 -

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Outline of components BMK Carrier

BMK-Tabelle (-X623 bis -XM103):

BMK: Dev. Loc. Sh. Designation Page Remark
-X623 =P2 +P20 23.1 -
-X624 =P2 +P20 23.1 -
-X625 =P2 +P20 23.1 -
-X631 =P3 +P32 24.2 -
-X632 =P3 +P32 24.3 -
-X633 =P3 +P32 24.1 -
-X634 =P3 +P32 24.1 -
-X635 =P3 +P32 24.1 -
-X641 =P3 +P31 25.2 -
-X642 =P3 +P31 25.3 -
-X643 =P3 +P31 25.1 -
-X644 =P3 +P31 25.1 -
-X645 =P3 +P31 25.1 -
-X651 =P2 +P20 26.2 -
-X652 =P2 +P20 26.3 -
-X653 =P2 +P20 26.1 -
-X654 =P2 +P20 26.1 -
-X655 =P2 +P20 26.1 -
-X711 =P2 +P20 27.1 -
-X712 =P2 +P20 27.1 -
-X713 =P2 +P20 27.1 -
-X714 =P2 +P20 27.1 -
-X721 =P2 +P20 29.2 -
-X724 =P2 +P20 29.1 -
-X734 =P3 +P32 31.1 -
-X744 =P3 +P31 32.1 -
-X871 =Z17 +P20 110.6 -
-X875 =Z17 +F3 110.7 -
-X877 =Z17 +F3 110.6 -
-XA =P2 +P20 109.6 -
-XB =P2 +P20 109.7 -
-XM Frame connector
-XM1 =P2 +P20 107.4 -
-XM2 =P2 +P20 107.4 -
-XM3 =P2 +P20 107.4 -
-XM4 =P2 +P20 107.7 -
-XM5 =P2 +P20 107.7 -
-XM6 =P2 +P20 107.7 -
-XM6.1 =F +F 108.1 -
-XM6.2 =F +F 108.1 -
-XM6.3 =F +F 108.1 -
-XM6.4 =F +F 108.1 -
-XM6.5 =F +F 108.1 -
-XM6.6 =F +F 108.3 -
-XM6.7 =F +F 108.3 -
-XM6.8 =F +F 108.3 -
-XM6.9 =F +F 108.3 -
-XM6.10 =F +F 108.3 -
-XM6.11 =F +F 108.5 -
-XM6.12 =F +F 108.5 -
-XM6.13 =F +F 108.5 -
-XM6.14 =F +F 108.5 -
-XM6.15 =F +F 108.5 -
-XM102. 1 =F +F 108.6 -
-XM103. 1 =F +F 108.6 -

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BMK-Tabelle (-Y bis -Y872):

BMK: Dev. Loc. Sh. Designation Page Remark
-Y Electric-operated mechan. Devices
-Y1 =Z38 +F4 53.5 Air flap 31 (Option)
-Y2a =H +H0 60.1 Transfer OW mode 21
-Y2b =H +H0 60.2 Transfer OW mode 21
-Y3 =F +F4 60.3 Crane hydraulic, 1=ON, 0=OFF 31
-Y4 =F +F3 64.6 Converter bypass clutch 26 (60 -80 Ohm)
-Y4 =F +F4 52.7 Heater cartridge in single chamber air dessicc 23
-Y5 =F +F4 70.1 Drive axle 1, ON 31
-Y7 =F +F4 70.3 Transv. differ. lock axles 1+3+4, ON 31
-Y8 =F +F3 56.8 Prop. Control drive radiator 22 pulse-width modulated
-Y9a =F +F4 71.2 Suspension, 1=BLOCK, 0=ACTIVATED 31
-Y9b =F +F4 71.3 Suspension, 1=BLOCK, 0=ACTIVATED 31
-Y10 =F +F4 72.2 Axles 1+2, filling front left 29
-Y11 =F +F4 72.3 Axles 1+2, evacuating front left 29
-Y12 =F +F4 72.4 Axles 1+2,filling front right 29
-Y13 =F +F4 72.5 Axles 1+2, evacuating front right 29
-Y16 =F +F4 72.6 Axles 3+4, filling rear left 29
-Y17 =F +F4 72.6 Axles 3+4, evacuating rear left 29
-Y18 =F +F4 72.7 Axles 3+4, filling rear right 29
-Y19 =F +F4 72.8 Axles 3+4, evacuating rear right 29
-Y20 =F +F4 73.6 Rear axle release floating position 30
-Y21 =F +F4 73.5 Rear axle release, 1=ON 31
-Y22a =F +F4 73.7 Rear-axle steering, wheel cramp left 30
-Y22b =F +F4 73.7 Rear-axle steering, wheel cramp right 30
-Y24 =P3 +P30 76.4 Circulation valve main control block 31
-Y26a =P3 +P30 75.5 Outrigger rear right, EXTENDING 30
-Y26b =P3 +P30 75.5 Outrigger rear right, RETRACTING 30
-Y27a =P3 +P30 75.2 Outrigger front right,EXTENDING 30
-Y27b =P3 +P30 75.2 Outrigger front right, RETRACTING 30
-Y28a =P3 +P30 74.5 Outrigger rear left, EXTENDING 30
-Y28b =P3 +P30 74.5 Outrigger rear left, RETRACTING 30
-Y29a =P3 +P30 74.2 Outrigger front left , EXTENDING 30
-Y29b =P3 +P30 74.2 Outrigger front left, RETRACTING 30
-Y30a =P3 +P30 74.3 Supp ram front left, DOWN 30
-Y30b =P3 +P30 74.4 Supp ram front left UP 30
-Y31a =P3 +P30 74.7 Supp ram rear left DOWN 30
-Y31b =P3 +P30 74.7 Supp ram rear left, UP 30
-Y32a =P3 +P30 75.3 Supp ram front right, DOWN 30
-Y32b =P3 +P30 75.4 Supp ram front right, UP 30
-Y33a =P3 +P30 75.7 Supp ram rear right, DOWN 30
-Y33b =P3 +P30 75.7 Supp ram rear left, UP 30
-Y34 =Z21 +F4 90.6 Dosing pump, additional heater 31 (40 ohm at 20°C)
-Y35 =F +F4 58.5 Exhaust retarder, 1=ON, 0=OFF 31
-Y41 =Z10 +F4 95.1 Axles 1+2 left, ABV control, wheel A, ON,OFF - (Option, ABV)
-Y42 =Z10 +F4 95.3 Axles 1+2, r, ABV contr., wheel B, ON,OFF - (Option, ABV)
-Y43 =Z10 +F4 95.4 Axles 3+4, l, ABV contr., wheel C, ON,OFF - (Option, ABV)
-Y44 =Z10 +F4 95.6 Axles 3+4, r, ABV contr. Wheel D, ON,OFF - (Option, ABV)
-Y48 =F +F3 57.7 Release fuel, flame glow plug 22
-Y50 =Z1 +H0 90.4 Heating engine, runn=0=open, stop=1=clos 20
-Y63a =F +F4 69.5 Activation off-road gear 31
-Y63b =F +F4 69.5 Activation on-road gear 31
-Y105 =F +F3 60.6 Activation regul magnet crane hydraulics 27
-Y148 =H +H0 62.5 Park. Brake OW, 1=released, 0=engaged 21
-Y149 =Z10 +P20 95.8 Differential, b rake valve - (Option, ABV)
-Y872 =Z17 +F3 93.6 Magnetic clutch air-conditioner - (option, air-cond.)

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Outline of components BMK Carrier
Outline of components:
Front view, lighting

-E28 -E27
warning warning beam,
beam, FR/R FR/L

-E32 -E31
contour light, contour light,

low high high

blinker, beam, low blinker,
beam, beam,
FR/R FR/R beam, FR/L
-E19 FR/L -E14
-E17 -E18 -E15 -E16

-E52 -E21 -E9 -E5 -E20 -E51

blinker, R side marking parking parking side marking light, blinker, L
light, R light, FR/R light, FR/L L
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Rear view, lighting

registration plate
light, R/L

track tail tail track keeping,

keeping light, L light , R light, L
light, R -E91 -E92 -E45

-E30 -E2 -E6 -E13 -E25 -E10 -E1 -E29

contour contour
blinker, tail backing backing tail blinker,
light, light,
R/L light, L lamp, L lamp, R light, R R/R

-E3 -E24 -E33 -E4

stop fog tail fog tail stop
light, L lamp, L lamp, R light, R

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Outline of components BMK Carrier

View from the right, lighting and outrigger control panels

-E79 -E77 -E58 -E44

side marking side marking side marking side marking light R
light R light R light R

control panel,

E/A module 3

control panel, R

outrigger control panel
withouot E/A module
and control unit

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View from the left, lighting and outrigger control panels

-E57 -E43 -E76 -E78

side marking light L side marking side marking side marking
light L light L light L

outrigger control
panel, L

E/A module 4

outrigger control
panel, L

outrigger control panel
without E/A module
and control unit

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Outline of components BMK Carrier

Driver’s cab:
Control elements

door switch

tachygraph display unit -S135

door switch
-P11 -A8

steering column
switch, R
speed controller

-S103 -A9
steering keyboard
column unit

gas pedal

-E39 working hour


-S17 -S104
ignition selector
switch UW-OW

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Driver’s cab: -E41

-M25 mirror
Doors and mirrors -M26 heating
mirror -E42
adjustment mirror


-S65 -S66 -S69

window window adjustm. window adjustm.
adjustment f. f. right window, right window
left window, driver’s side co-driver’s side
driver’s side

Door left Door right

-M11 -M12
drive, drive,
window lifter L window lifter R

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Outline of components BMK Carrier

Driver’s cab:
Swinging up the instrument board
Centre console, batteries

-S106 Indications on swinging up the
3 2 1
instrument board:
1 Release the clamp at
the partition to the
battery box.

2 Dismount the recessed

head screw at the cover
box ot the heat

3 Take off the three Allan

screws at the ventilation
grooves at the wind-
by an Allan key SW4.
4 Lift instrument board
and attach it with the
holding belt in the
power resistance hole provided in the
OW steering roof plate.

-F80 -F79 -G1 -G2

battery fuse battery fuse battery battery
carrier heating/LICCON
(80A) (50A)
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Driver’s cab:
Wind-screen washing device, heater

wind-screen washer

foot space/wind-screen
ventilator/heat exchanger

water circulation
engine/driver’s cab

circulated air/fresh air

washer pump

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Outline of components BMK Carrier

Driver’s cab:
Centre console, components and modules

-A64 -X207 -A90 -R22

CAN CAN connector resistance -R26
star point board -R38

timing relay,
interior lighting
door opener

air flap

-A26 -X49
interval relay connector
front wiper interval relay

-A31 -A17 -A14 -A11 -A10

Beru LH-ECU 1 E/A module 5 E/A module 2 E/A module 1

-A23 -X50.1-6
control unit
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Driver’s cab: -E38

Centre console, fuses, diagnostic connector

-F55 to -F60
-F49 to -F54
-F43 to -F48
-F37 to -F42
mode -F31 to -F36
transmission -F25 to -F30
-F19 to -F24
-F13 to -F18
-F7 to -F12
-F1 to -F6

ABV control unit

engine control unit

control unit

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Outline of components BMK Carrier

Driver’s cab:
Bottom, additional heater
relay box
drive for eddy current brake
steering from OW Telma Focal 250
-M22 -A29

Version with additional heater:

control unit
static heater
SG 1577

-Y50 Thermo 90 S
ionversion valve heating
engine running 0=open,
engine stopped 1=closed

Version without additional heater:

inversion valve heating
engine running 0=open,
engine stopped 1=closed
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Driver’s cab:
Pneumatic system
pressure sensor pressure sensor
supply brake circuit 1 supply brake circuit 2
-B5 -B6

pressure sensor
service brake circuit 1

UW mode

releasing parking
brake from OW
1=released, 0=applied
pressure switch
parking brake
reserve missing 1

OW mode

-B7 1
pressure sensor
secondary consumers

pressure sensor
service brake
circuit 2 3

-S116 4
pressure switch
service brake,
stop light ON

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Outline of components BMK Carrier

Diesel engine D 926 TI-E A4

oil pressure inductive sensor
sensor speed 2
-X281 -X278
-B2 -B36
charge to air cooler
pressure from
sensor turbo-
charger from air
-X280 cooler
flame glow

speed 1

pressure filter
(fuel fine filter)
-X295 suction filter
oil -A75 (fuel initial filter+
temperature -X284 water separator)
sensor fuel release EDC actuator
flame glow plug
-Y48 temperature

cooling water

ventilator wheel
directly driven,
gear pump
without clutch
for drive
ventilator motor -G3
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Diesel engine D 926 TI-E A4
Intake air-flow


to air cooler
from turbo-charger
cooling water cooler engine oil oil check
filter filler opening

exhaust gas
intake air
from air

compressor exhaust turbo-charger -M1

retarder starter

air filter
negative -Y4
pressure heater
sensor cartridge,

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Outline of components BMK Carrier

Cooling system:

oil cooler heat exchanger engine coolant

charge cooler

prop. control
drive radiator
(signal pulse

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Rotary slip-ring unit:


rotary slip-
ring unit


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Outline of components BMK Carrier

Autom. transmission ZF, 6WG-260:

View from the left


sensor, electr.-hydr.
converter control unit,
output HSG94
-B15 -A24

solenoid valve,
converter clutch

inductive sensor
(engine/pump speed)

inductive sensor
crane hydraulics,

inductive sensor
internal mean -S121
speed crane hydraulics

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Autom. transmission ZF, 6WG-260:

View from the right

transm. oil
steering steering
pump, pump, oil filler/
circuit 2 circuit 1 oil check

gripper and
tele release,
control oil

mounting slewing
gear and swing-
away jib

supply -Y105
OW hydraulics control valve,
crane hydraulics -B34
Hall sensor,

-G4 -S110 inversion -S139 axle 1

pulser, off-road gear off-road gear/ drive axle 1, ON/OFF
tachygraph 1=ON on-road gear 1=ON, 0=OFF
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Outline of components BMK Carrier

Cardan shafts, transv. differential locks, Telma:

-L1 1
coil package

axle 1 -S122
1 diff. lock axle 1
ON/OFF return signal

axle 3 4
diff. lock axle 3
1=ON/ diff. lock axle 2 -S124
0=OFF ON/OFF diff.lock axle 2, return signal
-S160 ON/OFF diff.lock

coil package Telma
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-S142 -S144
axle 1
axle 1
R, level
L, level

axles 1+2 axles 1+2 axles 1+2 axles 1+2

L, filling L, evacuating R, evacuat. R, filling
-Y10 -Y11 -Y13 -Y12

axles 1+2
0=activ. 3

-S146 axle 4
axle 4 R, level
L, level

axles 3+4 axles 3+4 axles 3+4

axles 3+4 1=block, axles 3+4
L, filling L, evacuating R, evacuat. 0=activ. R, filling
-Y16 -Y17 -Y19 -Y18

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Outline of components BMK Carrier

Outriggers and supporting rams, rear axle steering:

outrigger, supp. ram,
-Y27a -Y32a supp. ram, outrigger,
-Y30b -Y29b

-H101 -Y27b -Y32b

outrigger, supp. ram,
-H102 F/R, IN F/R, UP
rear axle release., rear axle release.,
1=rel., 0=locked. 1=locked., 0=rel..
-S131 -S151
-Y30a -Y29a
supp. ram, outrigger,

supp. ram, outrigger,
R/R, UP R/R, IN rear-axle rear-axle rear-axle
-Y33b -Y26b steering steering release
wheel wheel floating
cramp. cramp left position
4 right -Y22a -Y20

-Y33a -Y26a -Y28b -Y31b -Y31a -Y28a

supp. ram, outrigger, outrigger, supp. ram, supp. ram, outrigger,
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LTM 1060/2 Outline of components BMK 31 / 32
Carrier 04/2000

Pneumatic valves, main control block:

crane hydraulics retarder brake. dosing pump, drive,

1=ON, 0=OFF 1=ON, 0=OFF add. heater axle 1, ON
-Y3 -Y35 -Y34 -Y5

air flap
(non connected)

rear-axle release.

transv. differ. lock
A1,A3,A4 ON

-Y63b -Y63a
on-road off-road
gear -Y9b -Y9a gear
3 suspension suspension
0=block, 1=activ. 1=block,0=activ.

-S119 -Y24 -S118

flow switch circulation valve flow switch
emergency steering main control steering circuit 2
circuit block

After-sales service / Training LWE (VMS) D:\1060-2\UWT-00 BMK\BMK-Bauteile UW.p65

32 / 32 LTM 1060/2
UW-13 04/2000
Outline of components BMK Carrier


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LTM 1060/2 Outline of components BMK 33 / 32
Carrier 04/2000


-A 8 14 -E20 10 -M 4 17 -S354 29 -Y32a 30

-A 9 14 -E21 10 -M10 17 -X47 19 -Y32b 30
-A10 18 -E24 11 -M11 15 -X49 18 -Y33a 30
-A11 18 -E25 11 -M12 15 -X50.1-6 18 -Y33b 30
-A12 12 -E27 10 -M19 17 -X81 14 -Y34 31
-A13 13 -E28 10 -M20 17 -X94 19 -Y35 31
-A14 18 -E29 11 -M21 17 -X102 23 -Y48 22
-A17 18 -E30 11 -M22 20 -X207 18 -Y50 20
-A23 18 -E31 10 -M23 15 -X209 19 -Y63a 31
-A24 26 -E32 10 -M24 15 -X277 22 -Y63b 31
-A26 18 -E33 11 -M25 15 -X278 22 -Y105 27
-A29 20 -E36 19 -M26 15 -X279 22 -Y148 21
-A31 18 -E37 19 -N1 25 -X280 22
-A33 18 -E38 19 -P11 14 -X281 22
-A50 20 -E39 14 -P14 14 -X283 22
-A51 20 -E40 15 -R 9 22 -X284 22
-A64 18 -E41 15 -R11 22 -X292 19
-A73 12 -E42 15 -R14 22 -X295 22
-A74 13 -E43 13 -R18 22 -Y 1 31
-A75 22 -E44 12 -R22 18 -Y 2A 21
-A90 18 -E45 11 -R25 16 -Y 2B 21
-B 2 22 -E46 11 -R26 18 -Y 3 31
-B 5 21 -E51 10 -R38 18 -Y 4 23
-B 6 21 -E52 10 -S17 14 -Y 4 (=F,+F3) 26
-B 7 21 -E57 13 -S19 14 -Y 5 31
-B 8 21 -E58 12 -S65 15 -Y 7 31
-B 9 21 -E76 13 -S66 15 -Y 8 24
-B10 14 -E77 12 -S69 15 -Y 9a 31
-B15 26 -E78 13 -S82 19 -Y 9b 31
-B19 25 -E79 12 -S103 14 -Y10 29
-B31 26 -E91 11 -S104 14 -Y11 29
-B32 26 -E92 11 -S105 14 -Y12 29
-B33 26 -F 1 to -F6 19 -S106 16 -Y13 29
-B34 27 -F 7 to -F12 19 -S110 27 -Y16 29
-B35 22 -F13 to -F18 19 -S114 21 -Y17 29
-B36 22 -F19 to -F24 19 -S116 21 -Y18 29
-B37 22 -F25 to -F30 19 -S118 31 -Y19 29
-B38 23 -F31 to -F36 19 -S119 31 -Y20 30
-E 1 11 -F37 to -F42 19 -S121 26 -Y21 31
-E 2 11 -F43 to -F48 19 -S122 28 -Y22a 30
-E 3 11 -F49 to -F54 19 -S124 28 -Y22b 30
-E 4 11 -F55 to -F60 19 -S131 30 -Y24 31
-E 5 10 -F79 16 -S134 14 -Y26a 30
-E 6 11 -F80 16 -S135 14 -Y26b 30
-E 9 10 -G1 16 -S137 29 -Y27a 30
-E10 11 -G2 16 -S139 27 -Y27b 30
-E11 11 -G3 22 -S142 29 -Y28a 30
-E13 11 -G4 27 -S144 29 -Y28b 30
-E14 10 -H101 30 -S146 29 -Y29a 30
-E15 10 -H102 30 -S148 29 -Y29b 30
-E16 10 -K51 18 -S151 30 -Y30a 30
-E17 10 -L1 28 -S160 28 -Y30b 30
-E18 10 -M 1 23 -S199 27 -Y31a 30
-E19 10 -M 2 17 -S313 23 -Y31b 30

After-sales service / Training LWE (VMS) D:\1060-2\UWT-00 BMK\BMK-Bauteile UW.p65

Training Documentation
LTM 1060/2
Outline of components with
identification (BMK)

BMK components

After-sales service / Training LWE (VMS) D:\LTM1060-2\BMK1060-2_GB\Trennblätter_1060-2.p65
LTM 1060/2 Outline of components BMK 1 / 26
Superstructure 02/2000


BMK-Table (-A to -H614): ............................................................................................................ 2

BMK-Table (-H627 to -N1): .......................................................................................................... 3
BMK-Table (-N2 to -S622): .......................................................................................................... 4
BMK-Table (-S626 to -X32): ........................................................................................................ 5
BMK-Table (-X33 to -X204): ........................................................................................................ 6
BMK-Table (-X205 to -XM5): ....................................................................................................... 7
BMK-Table (-XM6 to -Y142): ....................................................................................................... 8


Crane cab:
Liccon monitor, pedal, master switches ..................................................................................... 9
Instruments, roof console ......................................................................................................... 10
Wish-water pumps, heater, ventilator ....................................................................................... 11
Wind-screen wipers, radio, footboard valves ........................................................................... 12

Superstructure general:
Rotary slipring unit, crane cab, LMB bell .................................................................................. 13

Control cabinet:
Fuses, relays, connectors ........................................................................................................ 14
Central units, input boards, relays ............................................................................................ 15

Hydraulic equipment superstructure:

View from the left superstructure, main control block............................................................... 17
Control secondary consumers, oil cooler ................................................................................. 18
Restrained slewing gear (control)............................................................................................. 19
Restrained slewing gear ........................................................................................................... 20
Released slewing gear (control) ............................................................................................... 21
Ballasting rams, centralized lubricating system ....................................................................... 22

Boom head left and right ........................................................................................................... 24
Working projectors, cable drums ............................................................................................. 25
Interlocking system gripper and tele ......................................................................................... 26

Index ........................................................................................................................................ 27

The BMK-Table has been drawn from:

Circuit diagram ID: 9829 638 08 from series 04, from crane no.: 0025 426 08
from project no.: 057 032

The entire BMK list has been drawn from the circuit diagram. Certain components, not illustrated, have also
been included. In such a case, the respective page is marked with „-“.
The indication „sheet“ refers to the sheet of the electric circuit diagram.
For the sake of completeness, all columns have been drawn from the BMK list,i.e. also the device „dev“ and
the location „Loc“.

Kundendienst-Schulung LWE (VMS) C:\1060-2\BMK-Bauteile\BMK-Bauteile.p65

2 / 26 LTM 1060/2
OW-11 02/2000
Outline of components BMK Superstructure

BMK-Table (-A to -H614):

BMK: Dev.: Loc: Sh.: Designation: Page Remark:

-A Sub-assemblies, partial sub-assemblies

-A1 =Z37 +K3 102.4 Add. heater control unit SG 1577 11
-A2 =Z37 +K3 102.7 Add.heater Thermo 90 S 11
-B Converters, electric – non-electric
-B1 =Z84 +A4 60.4 Wind sensor at boom head - (Opiton)
-B2 =D +D2 53.5 Pressure sensor, KF, luffing ram 13 4-20mA
-B4 =A +A 118.6 Angle sensor, tele, base section 25 ADR:29, ZE1, LSB 2
-B6 =A +A4 118.7 Angle sensor, pulley head 24 ADR:23, ZE2, LSB 3
-B7 =A +A 118.8 Length sensor, tele ram 25 ADR:30, ZE1, LSB 2
B11 =D +D2 73.3 Pressure sensor, pump pressure (P), 400 bar 18 4-20mA
-B12 =D +D2 73.5 Pressure sensor, LS-pressure (LS), 400 bar 18 4-20mA
-B17 =F +F1 114.8 Slewing sensor 13 ADR:25, ZE0,LSB1
-B25 =Z36 +K1 100.3 Loudspeaker crane cab right 12 -
-B26 =Z36 +K1 100.1 Loudspeaker crane cab left 12 -
-B30 =K +K2 76.6 Foot brake pedal slewing gear 9 100-800mA
-B86 =Z59 +K1 102.2 In-door thermostatic switch, Thermo 90S - (Option)
-C Condensators
-C1 =S20 +S20 44.6 15
-E Lighting devices
-E1 =A +A4 97.6 Boom head lighting left 24
-E2 =A +A4 97.6 Boom head lighting right 24
-E6 =D +D2 97.4 Contour light rear left 23
-E7 =D +D2 97.5 Contour light rear right 23
-E8 =Z38 +K1 108.2 Projector cab, roof front - 70W
-E9 =Z38 +A 109.1 Working projector base section - 70W (Option)
-E9A =Z38 +A 109.4 Working projector base section - 70W (Option)
-E10 =Z56 +A4 110.2 Flashing light boom head - (Option)
-E11 =D +D2 97.2 Warning beam left 23
-E12 =D +D2 97.2 Warning beam rear right 23
-E14 =D +D2 107.4 Projector for winch - 70W
-E15 =Z38 +A 109.2 Working projector base section - 2x70W bei A-Demontage
-E16 =Z66 +A4 109.8 Working projector boom head - 150W
-E17 =Z66 +A 109.6 Working projector base section 25 150W (Option)
-E18 =Z66 +A 109.7 Working projector base section 25 150W (Option)
-E19 =Z67 +K1 108.3 Projector cab, roof rear - 70W
-E20 =P1 +P1 50.3 Reading lamp - (Option)
-E49 =S20 +S20 50.6 Lighting control cabinet - (Option)
-E60 =D +D 98.4 Lighting superstructure - (Option)
-E96 =K +K1 98.3 Projector cab right -
-E600 =P2 +P6 98.5 Interior lighting cab -
-F Fuses 14
-F101 =Z25 +S29 111.2 Socket supply 220V -
-F102 =Z25 +S29 111.5 Socket 220V - 16A (Option)
-H Optic and acoustic signalling devices
-H80 =D D2 77.3 Acoustic warning warning bell LMB 13 0,34A
-H94 =K +K1 98.8 Signal horn, hooter 12
-H95 =Z36 +K1 100.2 Radio 12 (Option)
-H101 =P1 +P1 49.3 Charge control lamp 9
-H102 =P1 +P1 43.3 Pre-heating indicator 9
-H613 =P2 +P6 79.5 Pilot lamp gripper in tele 10
-H614 =P2 +P6 85.3 Kontrolleuchte Zentralschmieranlage arbeitet 10

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LTM 1060/2 Outline of components BMK 3 / 26
Superstructure 02/2000

BMK-Table (-H627 to -N1):

BMK: Dev.: Loc: Sh.: Designation: Page Remark:
-H627 =Z39 +P6 105.6 Pilot lamp, air-conditioner in operation 10
-H628 =Z37 +P6 102.3 Pilot lamp, add. heater in operation 10
-H658 =P2 +P6 82.4 Pilot lamp, ballasting rams up or down 10
-K Relays, contactors
-K1 =S20 +S20 49.6 15
-K11 =S20 +S20 67.4 14
-K12 =S20 +S20 69.3 14
-K13 =S20 +S20 49.4 14
-K14 =S20 +S20 49.5 14
-K15 =S20 +S20 49.3 14
-K16 =S20 +S20 49.3 14
-K17 =S20 +S20 85.1 14
-K18 =S20 +S20 64.7 14
-K19 =S20 +S20 102.2 14
-K20 =S20 +S20 72.3 14
-K22 =S20 +S20 78.6 14
-K23 =S20 +S20 80.2 14
-K24 =S20 +S20 84.4 14
-K31 =S20 +S20 109.4 -
-K32 =S20 +S20 109.3 14
-K33 =S20 +S20 109.3 14
-K34 =S20 +S20 105.5 14
-K35 =S20 +S20 105.7 14
-K36 =S20 +S20 106.1 14
-K38 =S20 +S20 79.7 14
-K51 =S20 +S22 65.5 15
-K52 =S20 +S22 66.4 15
-K53 =S20 +S22 65.3 15
-K54 =S20 +S22 65.3 15
-K56 =S20 +S22 65.4 15
-K57 =S20 +S22 66.3 15
-K58 =S20 +S22 72.4 15
-K59 =S20 +S22 72.5 15
-K60 =S20 +S22 76.5 15
-K651 =P2 +P6 99.3 Timing relay for front wiper motor during washing 10
-K652 =P2 +P6 99.7 Timing relay for roof wiper motor during washing 10
-M Electric motors
-M2 =D +D2 84.5 Hydraulic oil cooler 17
-M3 =K +K1 99.1 Drive wiper motor front screen 12
-M4 =K +K1 99.5 Drive wiper motor roof screen 12
-M5 =K +K3 101.2 Drive blower heat exchanger 11
-M6 =K +K1 99.3 Drive wipe-water pump front screen 11
-M7 =K +K1 99.7 Ddrive wipe-water pump roof screen 11
-M10 =K +K1 106.5 Drive seat supension -
-M11 =S20 +S20 46.6 Drive ventilator Liccon console -
-M14 =K +K1 98.6 Drive ventilator cab - (Option)
-M18 =Z39 +D2 105.2 Drive condensator blower - 10A (Option)
-M19 =Z39 +D2 105.3 Drive condensator blower - 10A (Option)
-M23 =Z66 +A 109.5 Actuator working projector base section 25 (Option)
-N Slip-ring transmitters
-N1 =A +A 114.1 Rotary slip-ring unit energy cable tele ram 25
-N1 =F +F1 114.1 Rotary slip-ring unit carrier-superstructure 13

Kundendienst-Schulung LWE (VMS) C:\1060-2\BMK-Bauteile\BMK-Bauteile.p65

4 / 26 LTM 1060/2
OW-11 02/2000
Outline of components BMK Superstructure

BMK-Table (-N2 to -S622):

BMK: Dev.: Loc: Sh.: Designation: Page Remark:

-N2 =A +A 114.1 Cable drum boom head and hoist limit switch 25
-N3 =A +A 114.4 Cable drum boom head working projector - (Option)
-P Measuring instruments, test devices
-P2 =D +D5 67.2 Adjusting switch, incremental counter HW1 22
-P654 =Z59 +P6 101.6 Control unit preselector dial add.heater 10 (Option)
-P655 =P2 +P6 49.1 Working hour meter superstructure 10
-R Resistances
-R1 =D +D2 107.4 Heater resistance outside mirror driver’s side - (Option)
-R2 =Z55 +K1 106.3 Heater resistance driver’s seat - (Option)
-R3 =Z55 +K1 106.4 Heater resistance backrest - (Option)
-R4 =D +D2 43.4 Reservoir sensor (ONLY SUPERSTRUCTURE) 13 4-20mA,2-7.8V
-R11 =S20 +S20 80.7 Resistance X-emergency pump 17 47 Ohm
-R12 =S20 +S20 80.3 Resistance X-emergency hoist gear 17 47 Ohm
-R13 =S20 +S20 80.4 Resistance X-emergency telescoping, slewing 17 56 Ohm
-R14 =S20 +S20 80.3 Resistance X-emergency luffing 17 30 Ohm
-S Switches, push-buttons, limit switches
-S26 =D +D2 118.6 Cam-operated limit switch ballasting ram l extended 22
-S27 =D +D2 118.7 Cam-operated limit switch ballasting ram r extended 22
-S28 =D +D2 82.6 Pressure switch ballasting ram l retracted 22 p>200bar
-S29 =D +D2 82.6 Pressure switch ballasting ram r retracted 22 p>200bar
-S30 =D +D2 118.8 Cam-operated limit switch superstructure locked 17
-S31 =D +D2 84.4 Thermostatic switch (breaker) hydr. oil cooler 17 1=50°+3°-2°C,0=45°+3°-2°C
-S32 =D +D2 118.6 Cam-operated limit switch superstructure released 17
-S34 =D +D2 118.7 Induct. sensor, incremental counter slewing gear 20
-S35 =D +D2 118.8 Induct. sensor, incremental counter slewing gear 20
-S49 =D +D2 67.1 Pressure switch HW1 lowering released 18 p>15bar
-S77 =Z39 +D2 105.7 Pressure switch, air-conditioner (contactor) - 1=18±1,5bar, 0=25±1,5bar
-S78 =Z39 +K1 105.7 Thermostatic switch air-conditioner - (Option)
-S81 =S20 +S20 78.6 Emergency mode switch (breaker) for Liccon 14
-S82 =S20 +S20 49.4 Control ON without motor (bush-button, ON) 14
-S84 =Z48 +K1 43.2 Emergency-OFF switch crane cab - (Option)
-S89 =K +K3 101.2 4-step switch (0,1,2,3) blower heat exchanger 11
-S90 =K +K3 102.1 Thermostatic switch cab warm/cold 11
-S92 =K +K2 76.7 Return signal breaker slewing gear 9
-S99 =K +K1 63.6 Seat contact switch 11
-S103 =P1 +P1 38.3 Ignition switch 9
-S320 =P5 +P3 92.2 Tumbler switch, 3-step, displacement mode (V,N,R) 9
-S324 =P5 +P3 93.2 Tumbler switch, 3-step, blinker (L,0,R) 9
-S326 =P5 +P3 94.2 Tumbler switch, 3-step, steering (L,0,R) 9
-S420 =P5 +P4 83.3 Push-button crane cab tilting up/down 9
-S422 =P5 +P4 76.8 Slewing brake (applied, released) 9 at released slewing gear
-S424 =P5 +P4 70.7 LMB-bypass for luffing up (push-button, ON) 9
-S426 =P5 +P4 95.2 Rear-axle steering (L, 0, R) 9
-S602 =P2 +P6 99.5 Roof wiper, (off, interval, continuous) 10
-S604 =P2 +P6 99.7 Roof wash water (push-button, ON) 10 with pilot-lamp
-S606 =P2 +P6 99.1 Front wiper, (OFF, interval, continuous) 10
-S608 =P2 +P6 99.3 Push-button, (contactor) for front wash water ON 10
-S610 =P2 +P6 96.4 Tumbler switch, (park. light, park. light+low beam) 10
-S612 =P2 +P6 90.3 Tumbler switch, static brake applied 10
-S618 =P2 +P6 79.4 Tumbler switch, 3-step, (tele rel., 0, gripper rel.) 10
-S620 =P2 +P6 80.5 Manual pressure admission to tele ram 10 (see -Y11a, -Y11b)
-S622 =P2 +P6 80.4 Inversion of motion at emergency mode 10

C:\1060-2\BMK-Bauteile\BMK-Bauteile.p65 Kundendienst-Schulung LWE (VMS)

LTM 1060/2 Outline of components BMK 5 / 26
Superstructure 02/2000

BMK-Table (-S626 to -X32):

BMK: Dev.: Loc: Sh.: Designation: Page Remark:

-S626 =Z37 +P6 102.1 Tumbler switch, 2-step, add. heater ON 10

-S630 =Z39 +P2 105.5 Tumbler switch, 2-step, air-conditioner ON 10
-S632 =P2 +P2 98.3 Lighting cab r (-E96) and superstr..(ON, OFF) 10 -E96= Serie, (-E60=Option)
-S634 =Z71 +P2 107.4 Mirror heating and winch lighting (ON, OFF) 10 (Option)
-S636 =Z67 +P2 108.2 Working projector cab roof (ON, OFF) 10 (Option)
-S638 =Z65 +P2 109.1 Working projector pulley head (ON,OFF) 10 (Option)
-S640 =Z66 +P2 109.3 Working projector base section (ON, OFF) 10 (at tele erection)
-S642 =Z66 +P2 109.5 Working projector actuator base sect.(UP, 0, DOWN) 10 (Option)(-M23,-E16,-E17)
-S644 =Z49 +P2 110.1 Warning beacon (ON, OFF) 10
-S646 =Z55 +P2 106.3 Seat and backrest heating driver’s seat (ON, OFF) 10 (Option)
-S648 =P2 +P2 83.6 Footboard crane cab (ON, 0, OFF) 10
-S650 =P2 +P2 98.1 Instrument lighting (ON, OFF) 10
-S656 =P2 +P2 82.3 Ballasting ram (UP, 0, DOWN) 10
-S660 =P2 +P2 81.1 Push-button superstructure locking/releasing 10
-S901 =A +A 118.6 Induct. sensor, gripper in tele 1 26 ADR: 10, ZE1, LSB2
-S902 =A +A 118.7 Induct. sensor, gripper in tele 2 26 ADR: 11, ZE1, LSB2
-S903 =A +A 118.8 Induct. sensor, gripper in tele 3 26 ADR: 12, ZE1, LSB2
-S904 =A +A 118.6 Induct. sensor, gripper in tele 4 26 ADR: 13, ZE1, LSB2
-S908 =A +A 118.8 Induct. sensor, gripper in tele (no bus sensor) 26 (4-20mA)
-S912 =A +A 118.6 Induct. sensor, gripper left locked 26 ADR:18, ZE1, LSB2
-S913 =A +A 118.7 Induct. sensor, gripper right locked 26 ADR:20, ZE1, LSB2
-S914 =A +A 118.8 Induct. sensor., gripper left released 26 ADR:19, ZE1, LSB2
-S915 =A +A 118.6 Induct. sensor, gripper right released 26 ADR:21, ZE1, LSB2
-S918 =A +A 118.7 Induct. sensor, tele locked 26 ADR:16, ZE1, LSB2
-S919 =A +A 118.8 Induct. sensor, tele released 26 ADR:17, ZE1, LSB2
-S930 =A +A4 60.1 Hoist limit switch boom head 24 ADR:28, ZE2, LSB3
-S940 =A +A8 61.3 Hoist limit switch single swing-away jib - ADR:27, ZE2, LSB3
-S945 =A +A9 61.6 Hoist limit switch biparted swing-away jib - ADR:26, ZE2, LSB3
-T Transformers
-T50 =S20 +S20 100.1 Voltage converter 24V to 12V, 4A, radio 15
-T51 =S20 +S20 100.3 Voltage converter 10 A, radio preparation - (Option)
-X Terminals, connectors, socket
-X1 =S20 +S20 115.1 14
-X2 =S20 +S20 115.1 14
-X4 =S20 +S20 115.1 14
-X5 =S20 +S20 115.1 14
-X6 =S20 +S20 115.1 14
-X7 =S20 +S20 115.1 14
-X8 =S20 +S20 115.1 14
-X12 =S20 +S20 115.1 14
-X14 =S20 +S20 115.4 14
-X20 =S20 +S20 115.4 14
-X21 =S20 +S20 115.4 14
-X22 =S20 +S20 115.4 14
-X23 =S20 +S20 115.4 14
-X24 =S20 +S20 115.4 14
-X25 =S20 +S20 115.4 14
-X26 =S20 +S20 115.4 14
-X29 =S20 +S20 115.6 14
-X30 =S20 +S20 115.6 14
-X31 =S20 +S20 115.6 14
-X32 =S20 +S20 115.6 14

Kundendienst-Schulung LWE (VMS) C:\1060-2\BMK-Bauteile\BMK-Bauteile.p65

6 / 26 LTM 1060/2
OW-11 02/2000
Outline of components BMK Superstructure

BMK-Table (-X33 to -X204):

BMK: Dev.: Loc: Sh.: Designation: Page Remark:

-X33 =S20 +S20 115.6 14

-X34 =S20 +S20 115.6 14
-X35 =S20 +S20 115.6 14
-X36 =S20 +S20 115.6 14
-X37 =S20 +S20 115.6 14
-X38 =S20 +S20 115.6 14
-X39 =S20 +S20 115.6 14
-X40 =S20 +S20 115.6 14
-X45 =S20 +S20 114.6 -
-X48 =S20 +S20 100.8 -
-X49 =S20 +S20 50.5 Socket control cabinet (24V) 14
-X50 =S20 +S22 116.4 Emergency mode connector X-EMERGENCY 15
-X51 =S20 +S22 116.4 Emergency mode connector hoist gear 1 15
-X52 =S20 +S22 116.4 Emergrncy mode connector hoist gear 2 15
-X53 =S20 +S22 116.4 Emergency mode connector luffing gear 15
-X54 =S20 +S22 116.4 Emergency mode connector telescoping 15
-X55 =S20 +S22 116.4 Emergency mode connector slewing gear 15
-X56 =S20 +S22 116.4 15
-X57 =S20 +S22 116.4 15
-X70 =S20 +S20 27.1 Output connector ZE0 15
-X71 =S20 +S20 28.1 Output connector ZE1 15
-X72 =S20 +S20 29.1 Output connector ZE2 15
-X77 =S20 +S20 26.3 Connector power pack 15
-X96 =S20 +S20 116.1 -
-X103 =P1 +P1 118.1 -
-X109 =P1 +P1 118.2 -
-X111 =P5 +P3 118.1 -
-X115 =P5 +P3 118.3 -
-X121 =P5 +P4 118.1 -
-X124 =P5 +P4 118.1 -
-X126 =P5 +P4 118.2 -
-X134 =Z36 +K1 118.1 Connector loudspeaker crane cab 12
-X136 =K +K1 118.2 Connector water pump front 11 (see -M6)
-X137 =K +K1 118.1 Connector on Radio -
-X138 =K +K1 118.2 Connector water pump roof 11 (see -M7)
-X139 =K +K1 118.3 -
-X142 =K +K1 118.1 -
-X143 =K +K1 118.2 -
-X144 =P2 +P6 118.1 -
-X146 =P2 +P6 118.2 -
-X148 =P2 +P6 118.3 -
-X150 =P2 +P6 118.3 -
-X182 =K +K3 118.1 -
-X183 =K +K3 118.2 -
-X185 =K +K1 118.1 -
-X186 =A +A4 118.2 -
-X190 =K +K2 118.1 -
-X192 =K +K2 118.2 -
-X201 =Z39 +D2 118.4 -
-X202 =D +D2 118.5 -
-X203 =D +D2 118.4 Socket for mirror heating winch 23 (see -R1=option)
-X204 =D +D2 118.5 Socket+E37 for winch lighting 23 (see -E14=option)

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BMK-Table (-X205 to -XM5):

BMK: Dev.: Loc: Sh.: Designation: Page Remark:

-X205 =D +D2 118.4 Connector for temperature switch hydraulic oil - see -S31
-X208 =Z39 +D2 118.5 -
-X209 =Z39 +D2 118.4 -
-X238 =Z39 +D2 118.4 Connector reservoir sensor - (see -R4)
-X247 =D +D2 118.5 -
-X451 =A +A4 118.6 -
-X456 =A +A 118.6 -
-X456B =A +A 118.7 -
-X519 =P2 +P5 50.4 Socket crane cab (24V) 12
-X551 =A +A4 118.7 -
-X621 =D +D2 118.4 -
-X622 =D +D2 118.5 -
-X630 =A +A 118.6 -
-X631 =P1 +P2 118.1 -
-X633 =Z66 +A 118.6 -
-X635 =S20 +S20 27.1 -
-X635A =S20 +S20 28.1 -
-X635B =S20 +S20 29.1 -
-X636 =D +D2 118.4 -
-X900 =S20 +S20 117.1 -
-X901 =S20 +S20 117.1 -
-X902 =S20 +S20 117.1 -
-X903 =S20 +S20 117.1 -
-X904 =S20 +S20 117.1 -
-X905 =S20 +S20 117.1 -
-X906 =S20 +S20 117.1 -
-X907 =S20 +S20 117.1 -
-X908 =S20 +S20 117.1 -
-X909 =S20 +S20 117.1 -
-X910 =S20 +S20 117.4 -
-X913 =S20 +S20 117.4 -
-X914 =S20 +S20 117.4 -
-X916 =S20 +S20 117.4 -
-X917 =S20 +S20 117.4 -
-X918 =S20 +S20 117.4 -
-X919 =S20 +S20 117.4 -
-X920 =S20 +S20 117.6 -
-X921 =S20 +S20 117.6 -
-X922 =S20 +S20 117.6 -
-X923 =S20 +S20 117.6 -
-X924 =S20 +S20 117.6 -
-X925 =S20 +S20 117.6 -
-X926 =S20 +S20 117.6 -
-X927 =S20 +S20 117.6 -
-X928 =S20 +S20 117.6 -
-X929 =S20 +S20 117.6 -
-XE49 =S20 +S20 116.1 -
-XM1 =S20 +S20 42.1 Frame collective point -
-XM2 =S20 +S20 42.1 Frame collective point -
-XM3 =S20 +S20 42.1 Frame collective point -
-XM4 =S20 +S20 42.4 Frame collective point -
-XM5 =S20 +S20 42.4 Frame collective point -

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Outline of components BMK Superstructure

BMK-Table (-XM6 to -Y142):

BMK: Dev.: Loc: Sh.: Designation: Page Remark:
-XM6 =S20 +S20 42.4 Frame collective point -
-XM304.1 =D +D2 118.4 Frame collective connector -
-XM304.2 =D +D2 118.4 Frame collective connector -
-XM304.3 =D +D2 118.4 Frame collective connector -
-Y Electric-operated mechan. devices
-Y1 =D +D2 68.2 HW1 lifting 17 <0,75A, prop.V.
-Y2 =D +D2 68.3 HW1 lowering 17 <0,75A, prop.V.
-Y3 =D +D2 68.5 Multi-disk brake HW1, releasing 18 1,3A, s/w-V.
-Y4 =D +D2 70.2 Boom, luffing up 17
-Y5 =D +D2 70.3 Boom, luffing down 18
-Y6 =D +D2 71.4 Tele ram, extending 17
-Y7 =D +D2 71.5 Tele ram, retracting 17
-Y10 =D +D2 70.5 Inversion control release luffing gear 18 1,2A, s/w-V.
-Y11a =D +D2 71.7 Pressure steps, extending with tele 18 1,2A, 135bar, KF,s/w-V.
-Y11b =D +D2 71.7 Pressure steps, retracting with tele 18 1,2A, 315bar, RF,s/w-V.
-Y19a =D +D2 82.3 Counterweight up 19 1,4A, s/w-V.
-Y19b =D +D2 82.3 Counterweight down 19 1,4A, s/w-V.
-Y20 =D +D2 76.4 Multi-disk brake SlG, releasing 19 1,3A, s/w-V.
-Y21 =D +D2 76.6 Multi-disk brake SlG control, (released SlG) 21 <0,8A, prop.V., (Option)
-Y22a =D +D2 81.1 Superstructure interlocking 19 1,4A, s/w-V.
-Y22b =D +D2 81.1 Superstructure releasing 19 1,4A, s/w-V.
-Y24 =D +D2 70.4 Control at luffing down 17 1,2A, s/w-V.
-Y38 =D +D2 72.3 Tele ram, releasing 17 1,8A, s/w-V.
-Y40 =A +A 72.6 Inversion tele/gripper release 26 1,2A, s/w-V.
-Y44 =D +D2 76.5 Slewing gear circulation (restraint SlG) 20 1,3A, s/w-V. (standard)
-Y66a =D +D2 76.2 Slewing left 19 <0,7A, prop.V
-Y66b =D +D2 76.2 Slewing right 19 <0,7A, prop.V
-Y69 =D +D2 85.2 Activation central lubricating system 22
-Y103a =D +D2 83.3 Cab, tilting down 18 1,4A, s/w-V.
-Y103b =D +D2 83.3 Cab, tilting up 18 1,4A, s/w-V.
-Y109 =D +D2 76.6 Slewing gear released (released SlG) 21 (Option)
-Y137 =Z39 +D2 105.4 Clutch compressor air-conditioner -
-Y138 =Z39 +D2 105.3 Air-conditioner ON -
-Y139 =Z37 +D2 102.3 Activation dosing pump add. heater 13 0,6A, s/w-V.
-Y141 =D +D2 83.6 Footboard cab, extending 12 0,48A, s/w-V.
-Y142 =D +D2 83.6 Footboard cab, retracting 12 0,48A, s/w-V.

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Crane cab:
Liccon monitor, pedal, master switches



only at
slewing gear

-S92 -H101
only at
at restrained
slewing gear -S103

brake -H102



-S401 -S301

only at released
slewing gear

-S424 -S324
O-03 O-04

-S420 -S426 -S326 -S320

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Outline of components BMK Superstructure

Crane cab:

Instruments, roof console

-H627 -H613


-P655 -S648 -S644 -S640 -S636 -S632 -H628 -S622 -S618 -H614
-S650 -S646 -S642 -S638 -S634 -S630 -S626 -S620
* Option (customer’s request)

timing relay for timing relay for

front wiper motor roof wiper motor
at washing mode at washing mode


-S612 -S608 -S604 -S660 -S656 -P654 -K651 -K652

-S610 -S606 -S602 -H658

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Crane cab

Wish-water pumps, heater, ventilator

O-07 -S90

circulated air/
fresh air
-X138 -X136


-M7 -M6


-A1 -A2
(SG 1577) (heater
Thermo 90S)

(-XST3) exchanger)
(dosing pump)

(-XST2) mechanical
sensor adjustment
circulated air/
(-XST1) fresh air
(to heater)

heat exchanger -M5 circulation pump

(blower heat exchanger) water
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Outline of components BMK Superstructure

Crane cab:
Wind-screen wipers, radio, footboard





O-13 -B25






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Superstructure general:

Rotary slipring unit, crane cab, LMB bell








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Outline of components BMK Superstructure

Control cabinet:
Fuses, relays, connectors

-S81 -X49 -S82









































-F1 -F7 -F13 -F19 -F25 -F31 -F37

to to to to to to to
-F6 -F12 -F18 -F24 -F30 -F36 -F42

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Control cabinet:

Central units, input boards, relays

(EP1) (EP2) (EP3) -T50 -K1



diode board

-X77 -X71 -C1

-X70 -X72

-K52 -R13
-K56 -K57 -R11

-K59 -K60 O-22






-X50 X-emergency connect.

-X51: hoist gear 1


-X52 hoist gear 2


-X53 luffing gear



-X54 telescoping
-X55 slewing gear

Multi-contact relays, emergency mode connector
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Outline of components BMK Superstructure

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Hydraulic equipment superstructure:

View from the left superstructure, main control


- S32 -Y38


- S30 -S31 - M2

O-24 O-25




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Outline of components BMK Superstructure

Hydraulic equipment superstructure

Control secondary consumers, oil cooler

O-26 pressure filter

-Y38 after pump 3
supply of feeding
and gripper/tele
-Y3 prop. control
control (release) SBV luffing gear
of multi-disk brake
hoist gear 1 -Y10
release control
luffing gear

-B11 MS
pressure sensor „P“ monitoring pressure in
lowering circuit

tilting cab, up
pressure sensor „LS“

tilting cab,down

pressure switch
hoist gear 1
monitoring SBV
DBV tele ext.
pressure = 135bar

DBV tele retr.
pressue = 310bar

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Hydraulic equipment superstructure

Restrained slewing gear (control)

slew. gear L/R (200 bar)
counterw. lifting (210bar)
counterw. lowering (80bar)
slew. gear lock on (210bar)

twin check valve

superstructure lock
O-28 releasing
superstructure lock
superstructure lock
(80bar) -Y19a
counterweight up
DBV (80bar)
superstr. locking
-Y66b locking superstructure
control lock
slewing gear
slewing right -Y19b
MS down
supply of
multi-disk brake flow dividing valve
and slew. gear pilot- counterw. left/right
contr. with contr.
pressure MS
(45bar) of tele block supply pressure (45bar)
multi-disk brake
control -Y20
slewing gear control
slewing left multi-disk brake,

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Outline of components BMK Superstructure

Hydraulic equipment superstructure:

Restrained slewing gear

slewing gear

slewing gear motor

type: Dension
M5B 024 3N01A1M4

overflow oil pipe -S35

slewing gear motor incremental sensor
(display of superstr. or
boom direction without
multi-disk brake -S34
release incremental sensor
(display of superstr.
or boom direction
slewing gear without ABB)

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Superstructure 02/2000

Hydraulic equipment superstructure:

Released slewing gear (control)


at released
slewing gear

slewing gear

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Outline of components BMK Superstructure

Hydraulic equipment superstructure:

Ballasting rams, centralized lubricating









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Superstructure lighting

-E6 -E7





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Outline of components BMK Superstructure


Boom head left and right








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Working projectors, cable drums





O-38 -N2


O-39 -B7

- N1

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Outline of components BMK Superstructure


Interlocking system gripper and tele

- S901
- S902
- Y40
- S903

- S918

- S919
- S915

- S913

- S904

- S908

- S914

- S912

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Superstructure 02/2000


-A1 11 -K24 14 -S320 9, 24 -X12 14 -Y 5 18

-A2 11 -K32 14 -S324 9 -X13 14 -Y 6 17
-A50 15 -K33 14 -S326 9 -X14 14 -Y 7 17
-B 2 13 -K34 14 -S401 9 -X20 14 -Y10 18
-B 4 25 -K35 14 -S420 9 -X21 14 -Y11a 18
-B 6 24 -K36 14 -S422 9 -X22 14 -Y11b 18
-B 7 25 -K37 14 -S424 9 -X23 14 -Y19a 19
-B11 18 -K38 14 -S426 9 -X24 14 -Y19b 19
-B12 18 -K51 15 -S602 10 -X25 14 -Y20 19
-B17 13 -K52 15 -S604 10 -X26 14 -Y21 21
-B19 9 -K53 15 -S606 10 -X27 14 -Y22a 19
-B25 12 -K54 15 -S608 10 -X28 14 -Y22b 19
-B26 12 -K56 15 -S610 10 -X29 14 -Y24 17
-B30 9 -K57 15 -S612 10 -X30 14 -Y38 17
-C 1 15 -K58 15 -S618 10 -X31 14 -Y40 26
-E 1 24 -K59 15 -S620 10 -X32 14 -Y44 20
-E 2 24 -K60 15 -S622 10 -X33 14 -Y66a 19
-E 6 23 -K651 10 -S626 10 -X34 14 -Y66b 19
-E 7 23 -K652 10 -S630 10 -X35 14 -Y69 22
-E11 23 -M2 17 -S632 10 -X36 14 -Y103a 18
-E12 23 -M3 12 -S634 10 -X37 14 -Y103b 18
-E17 25 -M4 12 -S636 10 -X38 14 -Y109 21
-E18 25 -M5 11 -S638 10 -X39 14 -Y139 13
-E96 23 -M6 11 -S640 10 -X40 14 -Y141 12
-F 1 to-F6 14 -M7 11 -S642 10 -X49 14 -Y142 12
-F 7 to-F12 14 -M23 25 -S644 10 -X50 15
-F13 to-F18 14 -N1 13, 25 -S646 10 -X51 15
-F19 to-F24 14 -N2 25 -S648 10 -X52 15
-F25 to-F30 14 -P1 9 -S650 10 -X53 15
-F31 to-F36 14 -P2 22 -S656 10 -X54 15
-F37 to-F42 14 -P654 10 -S660 10 -X55 15
-H 80 13 -P655 10 -S901 26 -X56 15
-H 94 12 -R 4 13 -S902 26 -X57 15
-H 95 12 -R11 15 -S903 26 -X58 15
-H101 9 -R12 15 -S904 26 -X59 15
-H102 9 -R13 15 -S908 26 -X70 15
-H613 10 -R14 15 -S912 26 -X71 15
-H614 10 -S 26 22 -S913 26 -X72 15
-H627 10 -S 27 22 -S914 26 -X77 15
-H628 10 -S 28 22 -S915 26 -X134 12
-H658 10 -S 29 22 -S918 26 -X136 11
-K1 15 -S 30 17 -S919 26 -X138 11
-K11 14 -S 31 17 -S930 24 -X182 11
-K12 14 -S 32 17 -T50 15 -X183 11
-K13 14 -S 34 20 -X 1 14 -X203 23
-K14 14 -S 35 20 -X 2 14 -X204 23
-K15 14 -S 49 18 -X 3 14 -X320 24
-K16 14 -S 81 14 -X 4 14 -X519 12
-K17 14 -S 82 14 -X 5 14 -XST1 11
-K18 14 -S 89 11 -X 6 14 -XST2 11
-K19 14 -S 90 11 -X 7 14 -XST3 11
-K20 14 -S 92 9 -X 8 14 -Y 1 17
-K21 14 -S 99 11 -X 9 14 -Y 2 17
-K22 14 -S103 9 -X10 14 -Y 3 18
-K23 14 -S301 9 -X11 14 -Y 4 17

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