Registration Form and Contract of Enrolment: Certificate Level 5
Registration Form and Contract of Enrolment: Certificate Level 5
Registration Form and Contract of Enrolment: Certificate Level 5
Banking details
Exercise Teachers Academy PTY Limited Bank Name: Nedbank Limited Branch Name: Sea Point Branch Code: 106909 Account No: 1069 336 599
Registered with the Department of Education as a Private Higher Education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997 Certificate No. 2001/HE07/006
Certificate Studies
IMPORTANT POINTS FOR COMPLETING THE FORM (tick the check boxes to ensure you have completed and submitted according to instructions) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Use a black pen and mark with a (tick) where required (unless you are asked to circle) Please read the conditions of registration before you complete in the form (page 7) Only one form should be submitted. Ensure that you complete all the personal details required and you do so accurately. Omission or errors will delay the processing of your registration. This document must be completed and signed by the student or legal guardian of the student as well as the person responsible for paying tuition fees With this registration form, you must pay the non-refundable registration fee (refer to course fees) You must submit the following with the registration form: 8. One ID photo with the registration form A copy of the National Senior Certificate or Matriculation results (this is required for the enrolment to be confirmed). Midterm results or end of grade 11 results can be submitted in the interim A copy of your ID document (if a foreign student, a copy of the passport is required) A motivation letter indicating reasons for wanting to complete the eta course Tick
If applying as a foreign student, a copy of a valid RSA visa and study permit must be submitted with the form. The permit should state clearly that the applicant intends to enrol with eta. The duration of the permit must exceed or be the same duration as the course.
DECLARATION BY eta The eta does not discriminate against any person based on their race or ethnicity. You are required to complete questions related to gender and ethnicity for statistical purposes only as well as records for the Department of Education. ADMISSION CRITERIA The requirement for admission to an eta qualification at level 5 is a Level 4 National Senior Certificate (NSC) (or a similar qualification e.g. Matriculation, GCSE) with an achievement rating of 3 (Moderate Achievement, 40-49%) or better in four recognised NSC 20-credit subjects. Applicants who have completed Life Science subjects are likely to cope with the sport and exercise science subjects of the fitness and coaching science courses. The following subjects are recommended: Biology or other science subjects Consumer Science (previously Home Economics); this subject includes nutrition and elements of biology Life Orientation (whilst this is not examined, students must have achieved a minimum of 50% in their overall mark for this subject) Math Literacy is acceptable i.e. students do not have to have completed mathematics English is essential and a comprehensive understanding of English language and English literacy is important. Written assignments are required for assessment so the ability to read and write English is vital. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED (for applicants who do not meet the admission criteria) Applicants who do not meet the admission criteria may be considered for admission to an eta course. The following information is required: A reference or testimonial from the applicants school or employer A letter from the applicant motivating for admission to eta and explaining (1) how they will apply themselves and (2) why they wish to be admitted to the course Should the applicant not meet the minimum admission criteria; they may be referred for tests, at their own expense. These could include tests for aptitude, literacy, numeracy, reasoning skills and or studying skills. GUARANTOR DETAILS 1. The person responsible for the payment of course fees (student or guarantor) must complete all the required information, sign the relevant section and initial all pages of the form. 2. The eta holds the right to disqualify the application should the information on the application form is found to be illegal or incorrect. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and DECLARATION 1. If over the age of eighteen, the applicant must sign the acknowledgement and declaration section of the form or the parent / legal guardian if the applicant is under 18. 2. Unsigned applications will not be accepted. TUITION FEES DUE AND STUDENT LOANS Once the registration form is submitted and registration fee paid, successful applicants will receive a letter of confirmation. On receipt of the letter of confirmation, the learning resource pack fee is due. On receipt of this, applicants will receive a letter of acceptance to their eta learning programme. If the applicant is applying for a student loan, the application must be completed and the loan approved before commencement of the eta course. Fees are due by the commencement date of the course and late loan applications will jeopardise a confirmed place on the course. Once the applicant has been accepted for the eta course, the student code of conduct must be completed, signed and submitted with the tuition fees or course deposit Exercise Teachers Academy PTY Limited 2
Certificate Studies
1. Course type (select the type of course you are enrolling for by circling your preference below)
Full time studies Part time studies
Biographical information
Email address Preferred method of communication (circle preference below) Email Physical address Postal Code Postal address Postal Code Preferred address for mailing (circle preference) physical/street address postal address Fax Mobile Post SMS Phone
4. Additional personal information ( fill in your details in each of the spaces provided)
RSA ID or alternative ID Ethnicity (this information is required by the Department of Education for statistical purposes) circle one below African Gender (circle) Date of birth Citizenship/ Residence circle one below South African Home language Do you have a disability, special needs or a special health condition that we need to know about? Please explain: Please tell us your specific requirements for your special needs (if relevant): Yes No Permanent Resident Dual citizenship Foreigner Coloured Male Female Indian/Asian Nationality Current age White Other
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Socio-economic status: (this information is required by the THETA) circle one below Employed Current occupation Have you worked in fitness or sport sector before? (circle choice) How many years of experience in this sector Yes No Unemployed Student Learner( learnership)
What job did you do? What is your work experience in other areas?
Can you operate a computer? (circle choice) Which computer software can you operate?
Emergency contact details (the name of the person we call in case of an emergency) Phone number of emergency contact person Medical aid (name of Medical Aid company) Med aid No.
6. How did you hear about the eta? Tick one or more of the options below _ word of mouth _ referral from virgin active/planet fitness/other gym _ referral from teacher/guidance counselor _ referral from eta student _ school presentation _ school expo/career day _ school fitness testing _ rocking future road show _ brochure in a gym _ Google/eta website _ directory/ies _ advert in the media
Have you used Google or a similar search engine to find the eta website to find out more about the eta? (circle) Yes no
Highest education achieved Name of the school last attended Province/City of the school Name of Guidance Counsellor (insert LO or principals details if no Guidance Counsellor School telephone Have you enclosed your NSC or Matric exam results (please circle) If NO please explain reason School email YES NO
Certificate Studies
8. Details of parent/guarantor or person responsible for payment of the tuition fees
Parent/Guarantor details (indicate nature of relationship to the student) Title First name Surname ID number Home phone Email address Street address Postal code Postal Address Postal code Name of Employer Mobile Home Contact details of employer Work Fax Mobile Work phone Fax
Choice of qualification; place a tick in one of the three tables below, to indicate the qualification of your choice
Certificate in coaching Science (1-year)
Circle your choice of two sport coaching specialisations (included in the course fee)
Tick here
Tick here
Tick here
Certificate Studies
Choice of specialization module/s; if you wish to do additional specializations, we need to book these for you; they are NOT included in course fees. Tick your choice below the prices are included here as well
Specialization modules Aerobics, Step and Tone (group fitness classes to music) Coaching cricket (beginner to intermediate level) Coaching football (beginner to intermediate level) Coaching hockey (beginner to intermediate level) Coaching netball (beginner to intermediate level) Coaching rugby (beginner to intermediate level) Indoor stationary cycle classes to music (spinning) Lifestyle Coaching Massage for sport and fitness Nutrition for performance Pilates Basic Mat (level 1) Sport psychology Vinyasa Yoga
Cost R2500 R1500 R1500 R1500 R1500 R1500 R2600 R3500 R3500 R2500 R3000 R3500 R3500
Tick here
11. eta clothing, please circle your preferred size; you are required to wear eta uniform for campus and
field work. Please indicate your size by circling your choice below for each item.
Certificate Studies
Exercise Teachers Academy (Pty) Ltd Registration No. 2005/021935/07
These Conditions of Registration ("Conditions") apply as between the applicant ("Student") registering for their chosen course and Exercise Teachers Academy (Pty) Ltd ("eta"). These Conditions must be read with the Guidelines to Completing the eta Registration Form ("Guidelines") to which these Conditions are attached. 1. 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 FEES PAYABLE: The fees payable to eta in respect of the study of the courses comprise the following: The non-refundable registration fee, payable immediately on submission of the application form annexed hereto; The non-refundable learning resource pack fee, payable before or on the first day of the orientation week which will be stated on the Confirmation of Registration Letter sent by the eta. The course deposit, payable prior to the date of commencement of the course (hereinafter, "Commencement Date"), which Commencement Date shall be set out in the Official Acceptance Letter issued to the Student by eta once it has confirmed that the application is successful; and 1.1.4 1.2 Subject to clause 4 below, the full tuition fee in respect of the course chosen, is payable within thirty days of the course Commencement Date. The fee mentioned in clause 1.1 may not be transferred to another person or to another eta region. For avoidance of any doubt, the Student must at all times ensure that that they fill in the registration form specific to the region (namely: Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Stellenbosch or Distance Learning or eta Special Projects) in which they intend to study and must use the correct bank account number for payment. Failure to do so will result in the Student being liable for the costs of transferring the money to the correct bank account. 1.3 1.4 The fees referred to in clause 1.1 do not include any external institute membership fees, university fees, supplementary assessment fees, stationery, transport costs, or any costs in respect of meals and/or refreshments. It is specifically recorded that the registration of the Student for the chosen eta course is only confirmed once the fee referred to in clause 1.1.1 has been received by eta and all the relevant Signatories (that is, the Student and/or Parent/Guardian, where appropriate) have signed the registration form annexed hereto. 2. 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2 eta's RIGHTS: In terms of these Conditions, eta reserves the right to: combine classes of a similar academic level and content and to change the syllabus at any time should the requirements by accreditation or registration bodies so demand; apply rules and performance requirements and the Student hereby agrees to be bound by such rules as may be amended by eta from time to time without notice to the Student; and right to exclude the Student from lectures and assessment, to withhold results or dismiss a Student for failure to comply with eta rules and Student code of conduct or a failure by the Student to meet the performance requirements. It is recorded that a minimum of 15 (fifteen) registered Students is required for any course to be run by eta. In this regard, eta reserves the right to cancel the teaching of any course offered on the basis of insufficient demand therefore. 3. 3.1 3.2 STUDENT'S CURRICULAR OBLIGATIONS: Students have a period of 12 (twelve) months within which to complete a certificate qualification and have 24 (twenty four) months within which to complete a diploma qualification. The Students failure to attend lectures for whatever reason shall in no way entitle him/her to a refund of tuition fees. Furthermore, the right to attend lectures and take assessments is not transferable by the Student to another person. 4. 4.1 COOLING-OFF PERIOD Refunds for campus Students: Campus Students are granted a 7-day cooling-off period, reckoned from the Commencement Date, during which time they may inform eta in writing that they wish to cancel their enrolment. In such event, the tuition fees, less the deposit will be refunded to the Student. Exercise Teachers Academy PTY Limited 7
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4.2 5. 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.1.7 5.2 Registration fees and resource pack fees are not refundable VIS MAJOR: For the purposes of this clause 4, a "vis major event" means an event or circumstance that, despite its reasonable effort, and without its fault or negligence, eta is unable to control and includes the following: any act of God; civil commotion, riot, invasion, war threat or preparation for war and other hostilities; fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural physical disaster; strikes, lock-outs and other industrial action; impossibility of the use of railways, shipping, aircraft, motor transport or other means of public or private transport; political interference with the normal operations of any party; and embargo, restrictions or requirements or other acts by any government or other lawful authority. In the event of a vis major event occurring, eta reserves the right to cease lectures and close the college temporarily. Whilst eta undertakes to make every effort to resume lectures as soon as possible, no warranties are made in this regard and no refund of tuition fees will be made. 6. NON-DELIVERY BY eta In the event of the eta being unable to deliver learning at a venue operated by the eta or due to its (eta's) failure to meet its obligations to its students, the directors undertake to deliver the balance of any learning due to the Student (in good financial standing with the eta) through the medium of Distance Learning. The Student acknowledges that the provision of this alternative teaching by eta will fulfil all its obligations in terms of these Conditions. 7. 7.1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS BY STUDENT: The Student acknowledges that he or she may be exposed to risks to life, bodily injury, health, illness, damage to property or personal liability and, in the full knowledge of the risks, agrees to indemnify eta against all claims arising from any of the abovementioned or in the attendance at lectures or training in any workshop, laboratory or other place or any excursion, event or sporting activity with or without eta; 7.2 the course provided by eta is vocational in nature and as such includes lectures and fieldwork components. The fieldwork includes practical work experience at workplace sites prescribed by the eta from time to time. It is agreed that any such fieldwork is not paid employment but may result in offers of employment for the Student. The Student agrees to implement their fieldwork hours at times and venues stipulated by the eta this could be evenings, early mornings, weekends, public holidays or during term holidays; 7.3 7.4 the information given in the registration form is accurate and correct in all respects; and he or she has read and understood the Conditions and agrees to be bound thereby and by the Policies and Procedures of eta in force for the time being and for any period during which the Student is registered. 8. 8.1 8.2 8.3 TRANSFERS BETWEEN eta REGIONS: Transfer of a student from one eta campus to another or between an eta campus and distance learning is possible. If the mode of study changes as a result of transfer and a higher course fee is due, the difference in course fee is paid to the region the student is moving to. If, with the transfer, there is a change in the mode of study for example changing from full time to part time study and the new course fees are less, no refund of course fees is considered. 9. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: All intellectual property rights in the course materials provided by eta to the Student shall remain eta or its licensors' property.
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10. CONFIDENTIALITY: Any information and materials relating to eta or its business disclosed to the Student by or on behalf of eta prior to or after the entering into by eta of any contract with the Student, shall be the confidential information of eta and shall not be used or disclosed by the Student to any third party. 11. NOTICES AND DOMICILIUM: The Student nominates as its domicilium citandi et executandi the address reflected in the application form annexed hereto for service upon it of all notices and process in connection with any claim or any action arising between eta and the Student in terms of these Conditions. 12. 12.1 12.2 APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION: These Conditions, the annexes hereto and the registration forms will in all respects be governed by and construed under the laws of the Republic of South Africa. The Student consents to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Magistrate's Court in terms of Section 45 of the Magistrate's Court Act No.32 of 1944 (as amended) having jurisdiction under Section 28 of the said Act, notwithstanding that the claim by eta exceeds the normal jurisdiction of the Magistrate's Court as to amount. The Company shall, in its discretion, be entitled to proceed against the Student in any other court of competent jurisdiction, notwithstanding the aforegoing. 13. SOLE AGREEMENT: The Student acknowledges that these Conditions, together with the annexes and registration forms hereto, constitutes the sole record of the agreement between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof, and supersedes and overrides all previous agreements between the parties, whether written or oral. The Signatories, by affixing their signatures hereto in the space provided below, also agree to be bound by these Conditions. 14. WAIVER: No relaxation or indulgence granted to the Student by eta, at any time, shall be deemed to be a waiver of any of eta's rights in terms hereof, and such relaxation or indulgence shall not be deemed a novation of any of the terms and conditions set out herein, or create any estoppel against eta. No waiver of these Conditions will be binding or effectual for any purpose unless in writing and signed by or on behalf of the party giving the same. Any such waiver will be effective only in the specific instance and for the purpose given. 15. VARIATION: No variation, addition, deletion, or agreed cancellation of these Conditions, the annexes or registration forms hereto, will be of any force or effect unless in writing and signed by or on behalf of the parties hereto. 16. ASSIGNMENT: The Student shall not at any time cede or assign any of its rights or obligations under these Conditions without the prior written consent of eta. 17. SEVERABILITY: If any of these Conditions shall be found to be invalid by any competent court, the remaining Conditions shall remain valid and enforceable.
Certificate Studies
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT & DECLARATION (Applies to both Student & Parent / Guardian) I have read and understood the conditions of registration at eta. I therefore admit that I will comply. I declare that the information I have supplied is complete and true. I understand that if any of it is found to be incomplete, false or misleading eta has a right not to approve my application. Neither eta nor any eta official employee shall be liable for any loss or damage incurred by me or any other person arising out of death, bodily harm, loss of health or illness howsoever caused and the destruction or loss to any property belonging to me or any other person, howsoever caused. I hereby indemnify eta against any claims by any person arising in any way as stated above or in respect of my own negligence or wilful act. Student over 18: I hold myself responsible for the payment of all fees and other charges due and payable by me as a student at eta. If I am in arrears, I will be liable to pay interest at the rate of interest charged by eta. Should my account be handed over to attorneys for collection, I will be liable for all costs and fees charged by their services.
The signatories acknowledge that they have read the Conditions of Registration and that they agree to be bound thereby.
Signed at Date of signature Signature of student Name of eta representative Signature of parent /legal guardian
Parent / Legal Guardian: I agree that I am the parent/legal guardian of the applicant mentioned above. I further give consent to the applicant signing the registration forms if admitted. I hold myself jointly and severally liable with the applicant as co-debtor for all amounts due by the applicant to the eta, unless I inform eta in writing to the contrary, in which event such notification shall take effect only from the beginning of the following academic year. I certainly confirm and accept that I shall not, in any capacity, hold eta liable for any damage or loss, which the applicant or any other person may suffer under any of the circumstances set out in the applicants declaration. I authorise eta to conduct a credit check and I have furnished the necessary details for that. PLEASE COMPLETE IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD: I declare that all the particulars pertaining to me on this form are true and correct. Please deduct the following amount from my credit card, in payment of the fees indicated.
Full Name ID NO. Total amount Type of transaction Type of Credit Card: Visa/MasterCard Credit Card No. Last 3 Digits: Signature of card holder Date of signature Expiry Date R Straight Budget Months:
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Receipt no. Receipt no. Receipt no. Receipt no. Receipt no.
credit card credit card credit card credit card credit card
direct deposit direct deposit direct deposit direct deposit direct deposit
Date Date
cash cash
cheque cheque