Gramatica de Inglés para Principiantes
Gramatica de Inglés para Principiantes
Gramatica de Inglés para Principiantes
A, B, C
1. Alfabeto en Inglés
Vocales / Consonantes
Monday, Tuesday...
4. Dias y Meses
Dias Meses y Temporadas
January, February...
He likes
8. Sujeto y Verbo
Sujeto y Verbo
She flies
A and An
9. Articulos Indefinidos
Articulos Indefinidos
a lesson, an ant 1/3
11. Singular y Plural book - books Singular y Plural
foot - feet
There is an animal
12. Ahi Hay & Ahi Estan
Ahi Hay & Ahi Estan
There are animals
This ring
13. This That These Those
This That These Those
those rings
Which, What
14. WH Preguntas
Question Words
Who, Where
17. Mucho & Muchos & There are many cars. Mucho & Muchos &
22. Tambien & Ademas & Negative Sentences: Either Tambien & Ademas &
Listen to me
23. Imperativos
Open the door
25. Solicitudes de Cortesia Could you help me, please? Solicitudes de Cortesia
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26. Tiempo Presente I am studying English right now. Tiempo Presente
He goes to school.
28. Presente Simple
Presente Simple
Do you play chess?
I wake up at 7 o'clock.
29. Rutina Diaria de Ingles
Rutina Diaria de Ingles
I go to work.
31. Must & Have to / Has to Friend: You have to wear uniform at Must & Have To / Has To
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