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Gramatica de Inglés para Principiantes

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Lecciones de ESL para Principiantes

Lecciones mas Avanzadas

Ejercicios para Principiantes

Mas Lecciones en Ingles

ESL Quick Review Lesson Page

A, B, C
1. Alfabeto en Inglés
Vocales / Consonantes

am, is, are

2. Verbo Ser/Estar (Presente)
Verbo Ser/Estar
I am, You are, He is

Ordinal: One, Two

3. Numeros
Numeros en Inglés
Cardinal: First, Second

Monday, Tuesday...
4. Dias y Meses
Dias Meses y Temporadas
January, February...

Excuse me. How can I get to the

5.Preguntar y Dar library? Preguntar y Dar

Direcciones Could you tell me the nearest way Direcciones


11:30 - It is half past eleven

6. Dar la Hora
Dar la Hora
10:15 - It is a quarter past ten

I, You, He, She, It

7. Pronombres sujeto
Pronombres sujeto
We, You, They

He likes
8. Sujeto y Verbo
Sujeto y Verbo
She flies

A and An
9. Articulos Indefinidos
Articulos Indefinidos
a lesson, an ant

My, Your, His, Her, Its

10. Adjetivos Posesivos
Adjetivos Posesivos
Our, Their
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11. Singular y Plural book - books Singular y Plural

foot - feet

There is an animal
12. Ahi Hay & Ahi Estan
Ahi Hay & Ahi Estan
There are animals

This ring
13. This That These Those
This That These Those
those rings

Which, What
14. WH Preguntas
Question Words
Who, Where

I've got brown eyes

15. Have Got & Has Got
Have Got & Has Got
Judy has got friends.

I want some water.

16. Algunos & Algo
Algunos & Algo
Is there any water?

17. Mucho & Muchos & There are many cars. Mucho & Muchos &

Mucho de There isn't much water Mucho de

How many fingers?

18. Cuanto & Cuantos
Cuanto & Cuantos
How much time?

Countable Nouns: Many cars Countable Uncountable

19. Sustantivos

Uncountable Nouns: Little butter Nouns

Mine, Yours, His

20. Pronombres Posesivos
Pronombres Posesivos
Ours, Theirs...

Direction, Position, Time, Place...

21. Preposiciones
opposite, in front of, during, above...

22. Tambien & Ademas & Negative Sentences: Either Tambien & Ademas &

Ambos Affirmative Sentences: Too / Also Ambos

Listen to me
23. Imperativos
Open the door

possibility, ability, inability, request

24. Puede / No Puede
Puede / No Puede
inappropriateness, permission

25. Solicitudes de Cortesia Could you help me, please? Solicitudes de Cortesia
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26. Tiempo Presente I am studying English right now. Tiempo Presente

Continuo They are waiting for my sister. Progresivo

me, you, him / her / it

27. Pronombres de Objeto
Pronombre de Objeto
us, you, them

He goes to school.
28. Presente Simple
Presente Simple
Do you play chess?

I wake up at 7 o'clock.
29. Rutina Diaria de Ingles
Rutina Diaria de Ingles
I go to work.

30. Be Going to Tiempo I am going to visit my uncle tomorrow.

Be Going to Tiempo futuro
futuro He is going to come later.

Mother: You must come home early.

31. Must & Have to / Has to Friend: You have to wear uniform at Must & Have To / Has To

I came home and did homework.

32. Acuerdo en los Tiempos
Acuerdo en los Tiempos
I come home and do homework

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