Ichendorf 2020

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The World of Ichendorf


Ichendorf company history began back in the early years of the twentieth cen-
tury in a small town near Cologne, named Quadrath-Ichendorf.
There, many master-glaziers used a mix of substances, among which was silica,
to give shape to objects able to meet the refined taste of that period. A stylistic
code defined by precious ornaments, which had the undiscussed leading role
of the collections proposed up until the fifties of the past century, when a very
important change is established: to favor clean shape and purity of material.
Old form and adornment were abolished, in an endless search for new, popular
and no longer exclusive appearances. That leads us to the creation of modern
designed objects. In 1990 Ichendorf style center is established in Milan, creative
point of convergence of artists and designers.
La storia aziendale Ichendorf ha inizio nei primi anni del Novecento, in una loca-
lità vicino Colonia, dal nome Quadrath-Ichendorf.
Qui, i maestri vetrai, da una miscela di sostanze tra cui la silice, davano forma ad
oggetti capaci di andare incontro al raffinato gusto dell’epoca. Una cifra stilistica
delineata da preziosi ornamenti, indiscussi protagonisti delle collezioni proposte
sino agli anni Cinquanta del secolo scorso, quando si compie una decisiva tra-
sformazione: prediligere l’essenzialità della forma e la purezza del materiale. Si
eliminano i vecchi tagli e gli antichi decori, nella ricerca di un rinnovato linguag-
gio di forme accessibili a tutti e non più di carattere esclusivo. Si arriva così alla
creazione di oggetti dal design contemporaneo. Dal 1990 il centro stile Ichendorf
si stabilisce a Milano, polo creativo di artisti e designer.

Roemer 1921 Tiberius Orion

Factory 1945 Regulus 1959

The strength of the brand is also linked to the longevity of its collections, some
of which has been on the market for over 50 years. Every single object is a new
story, a new adventure through which designers and artists come in contact with
the very heart of the material, to get its unlimited possibilities. Every creation
combines different signs in a single poetic shape, able to encolses a continuous
search for details, always respecting history and expertise. It’s a challenge that
takes its start from curiosity towards the material and its manufacturing to create
a synergy between modern decoration and a very traditional material. It’s a very
long meticulous collaboration work, which guarantees the longevity of Ichendorf
objects in time.

La forza del marchio si lega anche alla longevità delle sue collezioni, alcune delle
quali in vendita da oltre cinquant’anni. Ogni oggetto è una nuova storia, un’av-
ventura in cui designer ed artisti entrano nell’anima del materiale, per cogliere e
declinarne tutte le infinite possibilità. Ogni creazione combina segni differenti in
un’univoca poetica della forma, capace di racchiudere la continua ricerca di det-
tagli con il rispetto della storia e del mestiere. È una sfida che parte dalla curio-
sità per la materia e per le sue lavorazioni per fondere il decoro contemporaneo
ad un materiale di indiscussa tradizione. È un lungo, appassionato, meticoloso
lavoro di scambio e collaborazione, che garantisce ad ogni oggetto Ichendorf di
vivere nel tempo.
Ichendorf Designers

Marco Sironi Jenkins&Uhnger Mist-o Studio Klass Pietro Russo

Maddalena Casadei Keiji Takeuchi Chiara Andreatti Federico Angi Tsukasa Goto
Naoko Shintani Anna Perugini
Ichendorf Designers

Corrado Dotti Cristina Celestino Denis Guidone Simone Fanciullacci Forti e di Loreto
Sottovoce (a+b) dominoni, quaquaro Alessandra Baldereschi Fabiana Mastropaolo Alba Gallizia
Quaglio Simonelli Emanuele Pizzolorusso urge
Bianca Scarfati

335.303 335.326 335.302 335.307 335.342 335.360

wine glass tasting glass water glass flute jug Aix/Arles bottle Aix/Arles
H 16 ø 7 H 18 ø 8,5 H 18 ø 7 H 21,2 ø 5,5 H 30,5 ø 8 H 31 ø 4,5
Design Corrado Dotti Alchemy


359.547 359.546 359.545 359.544

decanter decanter decanter decanter
clear/amber with lid clear/smoke with lid
H 19 ø 18 H 19 ø 18 H 25 ø 17 H 25 ø 17
Amalfi Design Marco Sironi

312.503 312.507 312.502

wine glass flute water glass
H 16 ø7 H 20 ø 5,2 H 16 ø 7,8


335.203 335.202 335.226 335.207 335.342 335.360

wine glass water glass wine tasting flute jug Aix/Arles bottle Aix/Arles
H 21,1 ø 6,6 H 23,3 ø 7,5 H 24,5 ø 9 H 29 ø 5,5 H 30,5 ø 8 H 31 ø 4,5

Design Alba Gallizia Aurora


312.024 312.022R 312.025 312.026

orange water orange wine violet wine smoke flute
glass glass glass H 17,5 ø 5,5
H 10 ø 7,6 H 13 ø 7 H 13 ø 7

312.028 312.027 312.021 312.022 312.023

violet wine smoke water water glass wine glass flute
tumbler tumbler H 10 ø 7,6 H 13 ø 7 H 17,5 ø 5,5
H8ø8 H 8,3 ø 8,5
Bambus Party

wine glass water glasses longdrink glass

H 6 ø 8,5 H 7,5 ø 9 H 11 ø 9

3.520.112 amber wine 3.520.111 light blue wine 3520110 blue wine
3.520.118 amber water 3.520.117 light blue water 3520.116 blue water
3.520.124 amber longdrink 3.520.123 light blue longdrink 3520122 blue longdrink

352.127 3.520.115 green wine 3.520.114 white wine 3.520.113 violet wine
6 pcs set water glasses 3.520.121 green water 3.520.120 white water 3.520.119 violet water
assorted colours 3.520.127 green longdrink 3.520.126 white longdrink 3.520.125 violet longdrink
Design Sottovoce Bambus Party


352.133 352.132 352.131 352.130 352.129 352.128

green small white small violet small amber small light blue small blue small
bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl
H 5 ø 12 H 5 ø 12 H 5 ø 12 H 5 ø 12 H 5 ø 12 H 5 ø 12
Design Alba Gallizia Bianca


312.044 312.045 312.041 312.042 312.043

water tumbler wine tumbler water glass wine glass flute
H9ø8 H 10,5 ø 7 H 11.5 ø 8 H 13 ø 7 H 17,5 ø 8
Bouquet Design Cristina Celestino

round jug
ø 22
Design urge Cactus


312.091 312.092 312.093 312.094

Jug 1 Jug 2 Jug 3 Jug 4
H 18 ø 9,5 H 20,5 ø 8,5 H 26,5 ø 7,5 H 24 ø 8
Design Mist-o Caipirinha



3.598.613 3.598.614 3.598.612 3.598.611

high jug pink/ jug blue/white/ jug amber/ low jug amber/
smoke/clear smoke smoke/white pink
H 28 ø 11 H 28 ø 12 H 28 ø 12 H 17 ø 13
Cilindro Design Marco Sironi

350.523 350.503 350.502 350.525

tumbler wine tumbler water tumbler longdrink
H 7,5 ø 7,3 H 8,5 ø 7,2 H 9,4 ø 7,7 tumbler
H 13,5 ø 6,2
Design Marco Sironi Cilindro Extra Light


350.486 350.484 350.483 350.482 350.485 350.487 350.488

shot tumbler wine tumbler water tumbler longdrink large longdrink large
H 7,2 ø 4,5 H 7,5 ø 7,3 H 8,5 ø 7,5 H 9,3 ø 7,8 tumbler tumbler tumbler
H 13,5 ø 6,3 H 15 ø 7 H 9 ø 8,5
Days is a project about daily and
universal glassware to use in the
everyday routine, for water, juice, soft
drinks… or a scoop of ice-cream after

Days è un bicchiere universale,

impilabile e da utilizzare nella quoti-
dianità, per l’acqua, succo di frutta,
bibite... o una pallina di gelato dopo
Design Mist-o Days


312.067 312.068 312.069

tumbler clear tumbler green tumbler smoke
H 7 ø 8,5 H 7 ø 8,5 H 7 ø 8,5

6 pcs shot assorted
H 7,1 ø 4,8

352.021 352.022 352.007

all white jug jug 6 pcs water assorted
H 20 ø 10,2 H 20 ø 10,2 H 9,2 ø 7,1
Design Forti e di Loreto Decò Blu


6 pcs shot assorted
H 7,1 ø 4,8

6 pcs water assorted
H 9,2 ø 7,1
Design Forti e di Loreto Decò Arlecchino


6 pcs water assorted
H 9,2 ø 7,1
Desig Fabiana Mastropaolo Fonte


362.670 362.671
glass bottle white porcelaine lid
H 26 ø 7,5
Design Studio Klass Gap


312.061 312.065 312.063 312.062 312.064 312.066

tumbler clear tumbler smoke tumbler blue tumbler purple tumbler amber tumbler green
H 9,5 ø 8 H 9,5 ø 8 H 9,5 ø 8 H 9,5 ø 8 H 9,5 ø 8 H 9,5 ø 8


359.703 359.704 359.702

4 pcs set of 4 pcs set of 4 pcs set of
bowls wine tumbler water tumbler
H6ø8 H 7 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5
High Rise

312.114 312.113 312.111 312.112 312.110

pitcher clear pitcher smoke pitcher green ml pitcher pink
500 ml 500 ml 500 ml H 20,5 ø 9 500 ml
H 20,5 ø 9 H 20,5 ø 9 H 20,5 ø 9 H 20,5 ø 9
Design Keiji Takeuchi High Rise


312.119 312.118 312.116 312.117 312.115

pitcher clear pitcher smoke pitcher green pitcher amber pitcher pink
750 ml 750 ml 750 ml 750 ml 750 ml
H 22 ø 9,2 H 22 ø 9,2 H 22 ø 9,2 H 22 ø 9,2 H 22 ø 9,2
Two elements in one, the shape of a pitcher and the one of a
glass. They are two conical volumes united in an evocation of
the heights of buildings of a big city. Today High Rise is known
as an iconic form, the result of an in-depth study to merge the
two precious glass elements and find the right connection point,
allowing us to judge the contents volume.

Due elementi in uno, la forma di una caraffa e quella di un

bicchiere. Sono due volumi conici uniti in un’evocazione delle
altezze degli edifici in una grande città. High Rise è oggi ormai
una forma iconica, frutto di uno studio approfondito per fondere
i due elementi in vetro pregiato e trovare il giusto punto di con-
nessione, permettendo così di giudicare il volume dei contenuti.
High Rise


312.126 312.122 312.124 312.121 312.120 312.123

tumbler clear tumbler smoke tumbler amber tumbler blue tumbler pink tumbler green
H 7,8 ø 8 H 7,8 ø 8 H 7,8 ø 8 H 7,8 ø 8 H 7,8 ø 8 H 7,8 ø 8


350.480 350.479
jug tumbler
H 20 ø 9 H 9,5 ø 7,5

312.018 312.016 312.015 312.017 312.020 312.019

bowl wine tumbler water tumbler flute small bottle big bottle
H 10 ø 11 H 11,5 ø 8,5 H 13,5 ø 8,5 H 16,5 ø 5,5 H 31 ø 10 H 34 ø 10
Design Denis Guidone Kokeshi


Design Marco Sironi Laguna


352.395 352.396 352.397

water tumbler wine tumbler jug w/out handle
H 8,5 ø 7,5 H8ø7 H 23 ø 7,5

3.598.603 3.598.602 3.598.605 3.598.604 3.598.423 3.598.422 3.598.425 3.598.424

bottle bottle bottle bottle jug jug jug jug
amber/pink black/amber black/green black/clear amber/pink black/amber black/green black/clear
H 27 ø 7 H 27 ø 7 H 27 ø 7 H 27 ø 7 H 24 ø 7 H 24 ø 7 H 24 ø 7 H 24 ø 7

3.598.027 3.598.037 3.598.026 3.598.036 3.598.029 3.598.039 3.598.021 3.598.028

water tumbler wine tumbler water tumbler wine tumbler water tumbler wine tumbler water tumbler water tumbler
smoke/clear clear/smoke white/clear clear/white white/smoke smoke/white black/clear black/white
H8ø8 H 8 ø 7,5 H8ø8 H 8 ø 7,5 H8ø8 H 8 ø 7,5 H8ø8 H8ø8
Design Alba Gallizia Light


3.598.024 3.598.032 3.598.025

water tumbler wine tumbler water tumbler
black/amber clear/amber amber/clear
H8ø8 H 8 ø 7,5 H8ø8

3.598.025 3.598.020 3.598.019 3.598.033 3.598.023 3.598.031

water tumbler water tumbler water tumbler wine tumbler water tumbler wine tumbler
amber/pink pink/clear green/clear clear/blue blue/clear clear/black
H8ø8 H8ø8 H8ø8 H 8 ø 7,5 H8ø8 H 8 ø 7,5

3.518.865 3.518.842 3.518.860

ice bucket jug rolling decanter
H 15 ø 8,4 H 18,5 ø 8 H 27 ø 16,5


313.207 313.202 313.203 3.518.803 3.518.823 3.518.825 3.518.802 3.518.818

flute water glass wine glass wine tumbler longdrink whisky tumbler water tumbler rolling cognac tumbler
H 27 ø 5,5 H 22,5 ø 7 H 21 ø 6,2 H 9,1 ø 5,9 H 17,5 ø 4,3 H 8,5 ø 7,4 H 9,7 ø 6,5 H 10,5 ø 6,3
Design Marco Sironi Mobi


3.599.023 3.599.005 3.401.203 3.401.202 3.401.207

tumbler shot glass wine glass water glass flute
H 7,1 H7 H 16,5 H 18 H 21
Moment / Wallpaper* Handmade

312.055 312.059 312.060

tumbler coffee cup saucer coffee
H 9 ø 7,8 H 5,5 ø 4,5-7,5 ø 11
Design Jenkins & Uhnger Moment / Wallpaper* Handmade


312.052 312.053 312.051 312.056

small creamer jug/teapot jug/coffeepot jug/large creamer
H 8,8 ø 5,3 H 21 ø 8,5 H 14 ø 10-12,5 H 10,5 ø 8,7-12,5

350.905 350.903 350.902 350.923 350.901 350.913 350.925

shot tumbler wine tumbler water tumbler tumbler monsieur vodka tumbler longdrink tumbler
H 5 ø 5,4 H 8,5 ø 7,2 H 9 ø 7,6 H 9 ø 8,2 H 9,1 ø 8,9 H 12 ø 3,5 H 14,5 ø 6


312.807 312.802 312.803

flute water glass wine glass
H 17 H 15 H 14
Design Mist-o Penguin


359.529 359.528 359.527

medium jug high jug low jug with handle
H 20 ø 8 H 25 ø 8 H 13 ø 11,5

Design Mist-o Poseidon


350.082 350.075 350.079 350.080

tumbler clear tumbler smoke tumbler amber tumbler green
H 7,5 ø 8,5 H 7,5 ø 8,5 H 7,5 ø 8,5 H 7,5 ø 8,5

350.087 350.086 350.078 350.083 350.076

tumbler tumbler pink tumbler orange tumbler tumbler
light blue H 7,5 ø 8,5 H 7,5 ø 8,5 caribbean blue dark blue
H 7,5 ø 8,5 H 7,5 ø 8,5 H 7,5 ø 8,5


326.701 326.702 326.703 326.704 326.706 326.707 326.725 326.727

water tumbler water glass red wine glass wine glass porto glass flute brunello barolo
H 9,5 ø 7,5 H 20,6 ø 8 H 26 ø 8,4 H 23,9 ø 6,7 H 22,5 ø 5,1 H 30,3 ø 5,3 H 29,5 ø 8,5 H 28,6 ø 10,7
cl 30 cl 33 cl 53 cl 28 cl 16 cl 31 cl 70 cl 98


set of 6 tumblers

352.134 352.135 352.136 352.143 352.144 352.145

water tumbler wine tumbler longdrink water tumbler wine tumbler longdrink
clear clear tumbler clear blue blue tumbler clear
H 7,8 ø 8,8 H 9 ø 7,5 H 12 ø 9 H 7,8 ø 8,8 H 9 ø 7,5 H 12 ø 9
Design Federico Angi Sorsi


352.137 352.138 352.139 352.140 352.141 352.142

water tumbler wine tumbler longdrink water tumbler wine tumbler longdrink
amber amber tumbler amber green green tumbler green
H 7,8 ø 8,8 H 9 ø 7,5 H 12 ø 9 H 7,8 ø 8,8 H 9 ø 7,5 H 12 ø 9
Tequila Sunrise
Design Mist-o Tequila Sunrise

In Tequila Sunrise the color becomes the protagonist, it is no
longer a simple shade.
Thanks to industrial tubes made of handmade and blown boro-
silicate glass, each piece comes to life in its colors and in the
juxtaposition of elements, creating the optical illusion that the
product already has liquid in it.

In Tequila Sunrise il colore diventa protagonista, non è più una

semplice sfumatura.
Grazie ai tubi industriali realizzati in vetro borosilicato soffiato a
bocca e lavorato a mano, ogni pezzo prende vita nei suoi colori
e nella giustapposizione di elementi, creando l’illusione ottica
che il prodotto abbia già del liquido al suo interno.
Tequila Sunrise


3.598.610 3.598.608 3.598.616 3.598.607 3.598.615 3.598.609 3.598.606

bottle clear/ bottle smoke/ jug green/ jug smoke/ jug blue/clear jug green/ jug amber/
smoke/green clear/amber smoke/clear white/clear H 29 ø 11 smoke smoke
H 31 ø 8,2 H 28 ø 8 H 27 ø 9 H 27 ø 9 H 29 ø 11 H 29 ø 11

Design Mist-o Tokyo


358.160 358.142 358.102 358.103

bottle jug low tumbler high tumbler
H 31 ø 8 H 27 ø 8,5 H9ø8 H 11 ø 7
Design Carolina Doni Torre


set night bottle + tumbler
H 29 ø 9,3
Transit Design Tsukasa Goto

312.084 312.086 312.087 312.088 312.083 312.090

shot bowl tumbler water tumbler flute tall bottle
H5ø5 H 5 ø 10 H5ø8 H 9,5 ø 7 H 18,5 ø 4 H 29,5 ø 8


359.541 359.540 359.556 359.557 359.555

jug no handle jug clear jug green jug yellow jug blue
H 20,5 ø 8 H 23 ø 11 H 23 ø 11 H 23 ø 11 H 23 ø 11
Design Mist-o Tutù Clear e Colore


312.038-C 312.037-C 312.036-C 312.039 312.038 312.037 312.036

bowl/water flute pink red wines white wines bowl/water flute red wines
amber H 20 ø 5,5 smoke H 16,5 ø 9,5 H 10 ø 9,5 H 20 ø 5,5 H 17,5 ø 7,5
H 10 ø 9,5 H 17,5 ø 7,5
Venezia Design Marco Sironi

312.726 312.707 312.703 312.702

wine tasting flute wine glass water glass
H 15 ø 9 H 17 ø 6 H 12,8 ø 7,5 H 13,8 ø 8,2
Design Corrado Dotti Venezia Ottico


359.548 359.552 359.551

bottle with lid wine tumbler water tumbler
H 25 ø 8 H 8 ø 7,5 H 8,5 ø 8

Design Emanuele Pizzolorusso Vesi


312.078 312.077 312.076 312.081 312.080 312.079 312.082

wine tumbler wine tumbler wine tumbler water tumbler water tumbler water tumbler jug
clear smoke blue clear smoke blue clear
H 6,5 ø 6,5 H 6,5 ø 6,5 H 6,5 ø 6,5 H 9 ø 6,5 H 9 ø 6,5 H 9 ø 6,5 H 22 ø 7,5
Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting

345.028 345.029
decanter n. 3 decanter n. 2
H 26 ø 24 H 28,5 ø 19
cl 220 cl 180
Design Fabiana Mastropaolo e Bianca Scarfati Inbottiglia

Wine Tasting

3.598.426 3.598.427 3.598.429

water decanter wine decanter wine decanter
H 27 ø 11 small large
cl 100 H 21,5 ø 9,5 H 27 ø 11
cl 70 cl 85
Wine Tasting


Wine Tasting

326.701 326.702 326.703 326.704 326.706 326.707 326.725 326.727

water tumbler water glass red wine glass wine glass porto glass flute brunello barolo
H 9,5 ø 7,5 H 20,6 ø 8 H 26 ø 8,4 H 23,9 ø 6,7 H 22,5 ø 5,1 H 30,3 ø 5,3 H 29,5 ø 8,5 H 28,6 ø 10,7
cl 30 cl 33 cl 53 cl 28 cl 16 cl 31 cl 70 cl 98
Wine Tasting


Wine Tasting

348.101 345.018 348.115 348.118 345.005 348.110 348.109 348.103

water tumbler cognac champagne S cognac champagne L martini prosecco red wines
H 10 ø 8,5 H 13,5 ø 9,5 H 16 ø 11 H 16,6 ø 11,2 H 16,5 ø 11,5 H 18,3 ø 11,2 H 21,5 ø 7,2 H 22 ø 8
cl 36 cl 54 cl 35 cl 66 cl 35 cl 21 cl 23 cl 34

Wine Tasting

348.123 348.106 348.128 348.107 348.125 348.127 09.348.121

pinot noir classic red nebbiolo flute grand crus merlot burgunder
H 22 ø 10 wines H 23 ø 11 H 24 ø 5,5 H 25 ø 8,5 H 25 ø 9,2 magnum
cl 61 H 23 ø 8,3 cl 70 cl 20 cl 9 cl 58 H 24 ø 12
cl 45 cl 97
Wine Tasting

348.210 348.209 348.208 char- 348.207 348.206 348.205 348.204

riesling perlage donnay cabernet syrah pinot noir sangiovese
H 23,8 cl 40 H 23,6 cl 40 H 22 cl 65 H 23,6 cl 67 H 23,8 cl 57 H 24 cl 75 H 24 cl 75
Design Marco Sironi Solisti

Wine Tasting

348.200 348.201 348.202

nebbiolo merlot trebbiano
H 11,3 cl 68 H 12 cl 60 H 10,5 cl 35

Wine Tasting

348.300 348.301 348.302

nebbiolo optic merlot optic trebbiano optic
H 11,3 cl 68 H 12 cl 60 H 10,5 cl 35

348.304 348.305 348.306 348.307 348.308 348.309 348.310

sangiovese pinot noir syrah cabernet chardonnay perlage riesling
optic optic optic optic optic optic optic
H 24 cl 75 H 24 cl 75 H 23,8 cl 57 H 23,6 cl 67 H 22 cl 65 H 23,6 cl 40 H 23,8 cl 40
Tea and Coffee
Bangkok / Osaka / Sahara Stefania Vasques

Tea and Coffee

359.525 359.526 359.524

bangkok sahara osaka
teapot 3 cups teapot 3 cups teapot 3 cups
H 17 ø 17 H 20 ø 12 H 20 ø 19
Design Denis Guidone Cha No Yu

Tea and Coffee

359.479 359.478 359.475 359.477 359.477F 359477S

tea filter saucer tea cup teapot teapot filter teapot with filter
H 10,5 ø 6,2 H 2 ø 12 H 6,5 ø 10 H 23 ø 14,5 H 23 ø 14,5
Decò Design Forti e di Loreto
Tea and Coffee

359.521 3.595.152 3.595.210

6 pcs set coffee cups glass saucer porcelain saucer
H6 ø 10 ø 11
Design Corrado Dotti Emma

Tea and Coffee

359.416 359.418 359.418F 359.419 359.419F

thermic coffee thermic 2 cups thermic 2 cups thermic 3 cups thermic 3 cups
cup teapot teapot filter teapot teapot filter
H 6 ø 7,5 H 14 ø 10 H 19,3 ø 10

Tea and Coffee

359.480 359.481 359.482

teapot grey/ teapot pink/ mug w/pink lid
green (1 cup) grey (1 cup) H 11 ø 7
H 7 ø 11-17 H 7 ø 11-17
Moment / Wallpaper* Handmade
Tea and Coffee

312.060 312.059 312.058 312.057 312.056 312.052 312.053 312.051

saucer coffee coffee cup saucer tea tea cup jug/creamer L creamer S jug/teapot jug/coffeepot
ø 11 H 5,5 ø 4,5-7,5 ø 13,4 H 7,5 ø 7,3-10 H 10,5 H 8,8 ø 5,3 H 21 ø 8,5 H 14 ø 10-12,5
ø 8,7-12,5
Design Jenkins & Uhnger Moment / Wallpaper* Handmade

Tea and Coffee

Tea and Coffee

coffee set n1
Design Mist-o Penguin

Tea and Coffee

Tea and Coffee

359.519R 359.518R
small teapot big teapot
pink pink
H 10 ø 11 H 12 ø 10
Design Marco Sironi Piuma

Tea and Coffee

359.519 359.518 3.595.151 3.595.152 3.595.161 3.595.162 359.520 359.517

small teapot big teapot coffee cup saucer for tea cup only saucer for creamer sugarpot with
with filter with filter only coffee cup H 6,4 ø 8 tea cup H 8 ø 5,7 glass spoon
H 10 ø 11 H 12 ø 10 H6 ø 4,6 ø 10 ø 12 H 8,2 ø 8

Tea and Coffee

359.520S 359.504 359.518S

mini creamer mug single dose
H 5,5 ø 4 H 9,5 ø 7,5 teapot
H 11,5 ø 8,5
Design Marco Sironi Piuma

Tea and Coffee

359.501 359.502 359.503

double walled double walled double walled
espresso cup cappuccino cup latte macchiato glass
H 6,6 ø 6,4 H7ø9 H 12 ø 9
Design Tsukasa Goto Transit

Tea and Coffee

312.085 312.086
coffee cup bowl
H5ø6 H 5 ø 10
Design Pietro Russo Wabi Sabi

Tea and Coffee

352.114 352.115 352.116 352.117 352.114M 352.117M 352.115M

low tea cup high tea cup infusion pot teapot silver-plated silver-plated silver-plated brass
H8 ø 8 H 10,5 ø 7,8 H 22,5 ø 10,5 H 27 ø 11 brass spoon brass tea filter tea caddy
H 11,5 H 7,2 ø 8 H 10 ø 8
Wabi Sabi

Tea and Coffee

352.114G 352.115G 352.116G 352.1176G 352.1176F

short cup tall cup jug teapot smoke tea filter
smoke base smoke base smoke base base smoke
H8ø8 H 10 ø 8 H 23 ø 9 H 25 ø 9 H 7,5 ø 8

370.036 370.035 37.000.101

oil bottle vinegar bottle spout
H 16 H 16
Design Corrado Dotti Cilindro


370.003 370.014 370.015 37.000.101 370.010 370.006 370.009 3.700.022

salt & pepper bottle clear bottle clear spout mini bottle bottle clear bottle clear spout
H5 H 10,5 H 14,5 clear H 19 H 13,5
H 13

09370066 09370067 09370068 09370069 09370070 09370071 09370072 09370073

bottle pink bottle green bottle amber bottle smoke bottle pink bottle green bottle amber bottle smoke
H 14,5 H 14,5 H 14,5 H 14,5 H 10,5 H 10,5 H 10,5 H 10,5
Design Corrado Dotti Cube


370.032 37.003.201
square spout
H 9x9


370.051 370.052
white tray black tray
H 22 H 22
Quanto Basta
Design Anna Perugini Quanto Basta


370.076 370.077 370.078 370.079

vinegar oil cruet vinegar cruet oil cruet
cruet clear clear amber green
H 16,5 H 16,5 H 16,5 H 16,5
Rings Design Corrado Dotti

37.000.101 370.022 370.021

spout olive oil bottle olive oil bottle
small large
H 12 H 15
Design Corrado Dotti Sfera


370.016 37.000.101
doublewalled spout
olive oil bottle

Design Mist-o Tokyo


370.050 370.041 37.000.102

balsamic oil bottle spout
vinegar bottle H 23
H 17
Design Tsukasa Goto Transit


370.074 370.075
slick oil bottle optic oil bottle
H 27 H 27


361.411 361.416 361.424

footed plate footed plate footed plate
H 11 ø 24,3 H 16 ø 18,5 H 25 ø 35,1

Design Federico Angi Bollo


312.073 312.074 312.075 312.070 312.071 312.072

green plate clear plate smoke plate tray green tray clear tray smoke
H 3 ø 12 H 3 ø 12 H 3 ø 12 H 3 ø 26-13 H 3 ø 26-13 H 3 ø 26-13


Cilindro Pots Design Marco Sironi

367.188 367.189 367.190 367.191 367.192

Pasta jar Coffee jar Salt jar 2 pcs set 2 pcs set
H 20 ø 9,5 H 15 ø 9,5 H 7,5 ø 12 tea leaves jar herbs and spices jar
H 5 ø 12 H5ø7
Design Marco Sironi Corall


360.325 360.313
bowl small bowl
ø 26 H 8 ø 13,2

360.022 360.012
bowl small bowl
H 17 ø 22 H 7,6 ø 12



365.055 365.010 365.121

charger clear charger clear charger clear
ø 32 silver rim 10mm silver rim 5mm
ø 32 ø 32

365.395 365.396
tealight small tealight big
H 10 ø 11-6 H 15 ø 12-7


367.163 367.164 367.165

pink vase grey vase green vase
optic optic optic
H20 ø 9 H 28 ø 7,5 H 28 ø 7,5
Design Denis Guidone Attesa


370.348 370.349 370.350

vase big vase medium vase small
H 28 ø 8 H 20 ø 11 H 17 ø 7
Bamboo Design Anna Perugini

370.375 370.374 370.373 370.372

big & large vase big & thin vase medium vase small vase
H 36 ø 9 H 35 ø 8 H 30 ø 8 H 27 ø 8
Design Sottovoce Bell


365.151 365.152 365.153

perfume perfume perfume
container clear container gold container optic
H 23 ø 14 H 23 ø 14 H 23 ø 14
Boboli Design Simone Fanciullacci

370.370 370.371
vase pitcher
H 12 watering can
H 20
Design Simone Cagnazzo Bon Bon - Mini Irid


386.054 386.055 386.056 386.057

torre re pedone regina
H 10 H 7,6 H7 H7
Design Simone Cagnazzo Bon Bon - Pirottini


386.050 386.051 386.052 386.053

tealight small bowl videpoche candleholder
H 4 ø 10 H 4 ø 10 H 2 ø 12 H 7 ø 5,6
Bouquet Clear

367.160 367.162 367.159 367.161

vase vase optic vase optic vase
H 27 ø 9,5 H 37 ø 9 H 27 ø 9,5 H 40 ø 9,5
Design Mist-o Bouquet Colore


367.166 367.167 367.168 367.169 367.170

vase vase vase vase vase
amber/smoke blue/white smoke/pink clear/green green/optic
H 27 ø 9 H 32 ø 9 H 42 ø 9-6 H 27 ø 9 H 42 ø 9-6
Design Mist-o Bubble


H 6 ø 14
Cha No Yu Design Denis Guidone

H 16 ø 11,5


365.424 365.425 365.426 365.427

1 tealight 1 tealight 3 tealight 3 tealight
frosted clear frosted clear
H 15 ø 9 H 15 ø 9 H 15 ø 12 H 15 ø 12
Design Mist-o Drop


367.156 367.157
tealight candleholder
ø 11 ø 11
Endicot Design Corrado Dotti

370.312 370.313
vase vase
H 20 ø 15,5 H 27 ø 15,5
Design Naoko Shintani Firefly


370.351 370.352 370.353 370.354 370.355 370.356

candleholder candleholder candleholder candleholder candleholder candleholder
H 12,5 ø 12 H 10,5 ø 12 H 8,5 ø 12 H 10,5 ø 12 H 12,5 ø 12 H 8,5 ø 12
Design Quaglio Simonelli Greta


367.173 367.175 367.174 367.176

slick tealight slick tealight optic tealight optic tealight
holder small holder large holder small holder large
H 7 ø 12,5 H 9 ø 14 H 7 ø 12,5 H 9 ø 14
Design Quaglio Simonelli Ghost


367.171 367.172 367.178 367.177 367.179

frosted short optic short optic tall slick tall frosted tall
H 6 ø 8,5 H 6 ø 8,5 H 20 ø 8,5 H 20 ø 8,5 H 20 ø 8,5
Hanami Design Denis Guidone

370.305 370.306 370.307

small perfumer medium perfu- large perfumer
200ml mer 400ml 1000ml
H 12 ø 7 H 15 ø 9 H 18 ø 11
Helios Design Alba Gallizia


370.360 370.361 370.362 370.363 370,365 370.366 370.367

candleholder candleholder base single base double connector candleholder candleholder
clear high clear short clear clear clear pink high pink short
H 23,3 H 18,3 H6 H6 H5 H 23,3 H 18,3
Design Emanuele Pizzolorusso Kielo


370.341 370.344 370.347

vase clear big vase clear vase clear small
H 35 medium H 16
H 27

370.339 370.342 370.345 370.340 370.343 370.346

vase grey big vase grey vase grey small vase violet big vase violet vase violet small
H 35 medium H 16 H 35 medium H 16
H 27 H 27
Narciso & Amaryllis
Design Chiara Andreatti Narciso & Amaryllis


370.369 370.368
Amaryllys Narciso
flower vase optic vase
H 27 ø 12,5 H 24 ø 13
Design Cristina Celestino Profumo


370.303 370.304 370.308 370.309

optical slick perfume optical slick perfume
perfume bottle bottle perfume bottle bottle small
H 28,5 ø 11 H 28,5 ø 11 small H 23 ø 9
H 23 ø 9

Design Mist-o Rainbow


369.592 369.593 369.594 369.590 369.591

candlehol. candlehol. candlehol. candlehol. candlehol.
PM pink/clear/ MM grey/pink/ PM grey/pink/ GM grey/pink/ MM white/black/
grey amber amber amber white
H 14 ø 12 H 24 ø 12 H 14 ø 12 H 29 ø 12 H 24 ø 12

Design Corrado Dotti Rings


372.901 372.902 372.900 372.898 372.896 372.899 372.897 372.895

doublewalled doublewalled white frosted vase smoke vase smoke vase white vase white pink vase
vase clear vase clear vase H 20 ø 10 H 28 ø 10 H 20 ø 10 H 28 ø 10 H 30 ø 10
H 30 ø 10 H 37 ø 10 H 30 ø 11


386.058 386.059
candleholder tealight holder
H 3,5 ø 9 H 3,5 ø 9
Design Maddalena Casadei Tea With Me


372.234 372.235 372.236

tealight clear tealight green tealight blue
H7ø6 H7ø6 H7ø6

Design Denis Guidone Times


367.180 367.181 367.182 367.183 367.184 367.185 367.186 367.187

hourglass 15 hourglass hourglass hourglass hourglass hourglass hourglass hourglass
min black sand 5 min sand smoke/pink smoke/pink amber/smoke amber/smoke green/amber green/amber
H 25 ø 6,5 H 16 ø 4 H 25 ø 6,5 H 16 ø 4 H 25 ø 6,5 H 16 ø 4 H 25 ø 6,5 H 16 ø 4

Design Mist-o Tokyo


370.331 370.334 370.333 370.332

greenhouse greenhouse greenhouse greenhouse
candleh. high candleh. M candleh. S candleh. mini
H 30 ø 9 H 24 ø 12 H 19 ø 12 H 15 ø 12
Waterlife Ball


waterlife ball
H 35
Design Alessandra Baldereschi Animal Farm


352.373 352.377 352.376 352.372 352.374 352.375 352.383

tumbler tumbler tumbler tumbler tumbler duck tumbler rabbit tumbler
squirrel hedgehog snail turtle H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 coloured fish
H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5
Animal Farm

352.118 352.119 352.120 352.121 352.122

pitcher pitcher pitcher pitcher pitcher
white fish white owl fish turtle duck
H 16,5 ø 17 H 18 ø 17,3 H 16,5 ø 17 H 18 ø 13 H 18 ø 14,5
Animal Farm


352.379 352.382 352.380 352.381 352.378

pitcher pitcher pitcher pitcher pitcher
snail squirrel hedgehog turtle rabbit
H 16,5 ø 17 H 18 ø 17,3 H 18 ø 13 H 18 ø 13 H 18,5 ø 14,5
Animal Farm

352.150 352.149 352.148

jug jug jug
in&out fish fish with alga turtle and flower
H 18 ø 10,8 H 18 ø 10,8 H 18 ø 10,8
Animal Farm


352.146 352.147 352.151

jug jug jug
owl on tree bird squirrel tailed
H 18 ø 10,8 H 18 ø 10,8 H 18 ø 10,8
Desert Plants
Design Alessandra Baldereschi Desert Plants


352.111 352.112 352.113 352.091 352.092 352.093 352.094 352.095

paperweight paperweight paperweight paperweight paperweight paperweight paperweight paperweight
cactus blue cactus green cactus pink cactus w/ snail coloured fish duck squirrel
H 10 H 10 flwer yellow flower 10X6,5X7,8 10X7X4 10X7X5 10X6,5X6,5
H 10 H 12 ø 5,5
Desert Plants

352.100 352.101 352.102 352.103 352.104 352.105

tumbler tumbler tumbler cactus tumbler tumbler cactus tumbler cactus
cactus blue cactus amber pink flower cactus green amber flower green-amber
H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5
Design Alessandra Baldereschi Desert Plants


352.109 352.099 352.110

jug cactus jug cactus jug cactus
green-amber green blue
H 18 ø 13 H 18 ø 13 H 16,5 ø 17
Design Alessandra Baldereschi Desert Plants


352.106 352.107 352.108

mug cactus mug cactus pink mug cactus green
blue flower H 9,5 ø 7,5
H 9,5 ø 7,5 H 9,5 ø 7,5

3.520.141 3.520.134 3.520.142 3.520.128 3.520.140

teapot sugarpot creamer spoon jug
H 16 ø 14-23,5 H 12 ø 10 H 15 ø 9,5 H 12,5 H 19 ø 13-21
Design Alessandra Baldereschi Greenwood


3.520.129 3.520.130 3.520.131 3.520.132 3.520.133

coffee w/saucer coffee w/saucer coffee w/saucer coffee w/saucer coffee w/saucer
leaves green grass amber grass red berries blue flower
H 5,5 ø 6-8 H 5,5 ø 6-8 H 5,5 ø 6-8 H 5,5 ø 6-8 H 5,5 ø 6-8

3.520.135 3.520.136 3.520.137 3.520.138 3.520.139

tea w/saucer tea w/saucer tea w/saucer tea w/saucer tea w/saucer
leaves green grass amber grass red berries blue flower
h 7,3 ø 8-11 h 7,3 ø 8-11 h 7,3 ø 8-11 h 7,3 ø 8-11 h 7,3 ø 8-11

3.520.100 3.520.101 3.520.102 3.520.103 3.520.104 3.520.105

tumbler amber tumbler green tumbler green tumbler amber tumbler white tumbler blue
branches grass branches grass branches branches
H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5

3.520.143 3.520.144 3.520.145 3.520.146 3.520.147 3.520.148

longdrink longdrink longdrink longdrink longdrink longdrink
amber branches green grass amber grass white branches green branches blue branches
H 11.5 ø 9 H 11.5 ø 9 H 11.5 ø 9 H 11.5 ø 9 H 11.5 ø 9 H 11.5 ø 9


3.520.091 3.520.092 3.520.093 3.520.094 3.520.095 3.520.096

tumbler tumbler tumbler tumbler tumbler tumbler
leafs butterfly mushroom berries dew moon
H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5

352.009.2E 352.009.1E 352.009.4E 352.009.5E 352.009.6E 352.009.3E

tumbler tumbler tumbler tumbler tumbler tumbler
leaves butterflies red berries dew moon white berries
H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5 H 8 ø 8,5

09390033 09390034 09390035

tray round tray round tray round
21x4 21x4 21x4
ivory/sand sand/blue light blue/red

09390036 09390037 09390038 09390030 09390031 09390032

soup soup soup dinner dinner dinner
22x4 22x4 22x4 26x2 26x2 26x2
ivory/sand sand/light blue ivory/red ivory/sand blue/red light blue/blue
Design (a+b) dominioni, quaquaro Arcipelago


09390039 09390040 09390041 09390053 09390054 09390055

dessert dessert dessert tray round tray round tray round
21x1,5 21x1,5 21x1,5 10x3 10x3 10x3
ivory/sand red/amber pink/light blue ivory/sand amber/blue blue/light blue
Colourful atolls floating on the sea.
This epiphany generated a high-tech
gres collection which is adaptable
by shape and function and could be
used into the oven or on the table.

Atolli colorati che galleggiano nel

mare. È la suggestione che ha
generato una collezione di gres
tecnicamente avanzata, che consente
l’utilizzo nel forno o sulla tavola.


09390050 09390051 09390052 09390048 09390049

tray tray tray tray tray
15x10x3 15x10x3 15x10x3 21x15x3 21x15x3
ivory/sand red/pink sand/light blue ivory/sand light blue/amber

09390046 09390047 09390044 09390045 09390042 09390043

tray tray forno forno forno forno
32x24x3 32x24x3 32x24x6 32x24x6 24x24x6 24x24x6
ivory/sand blue/red ivory/sand pink/blue ivory/sand amber/red



390.072 390.073 390.074

aluminium tray aluminium tray aluminium tray
H 3 ø 27 H 4 ø 14 H 6 ø 10
light brown pink red
Design Maddalena Casadei Trino


390.069 390.070 390.071

aluminium tray aluminium tray aluminium tray
H 3 ø 27 H 4 ø 14 H 6 ø 10
blue light blue night blue

390.060 390.065 390.066 390.067 390.068

aluminium tray aluminium tray aluminium tray aluminium tray aluminium tray
41X25X2.8H 34X22X2.8H 28X19X2.8H 21,2X17X2.8H 12X11,5X2.8H
white white white white white
Design Denis Guidone Endless


390.064 390.063 390.062 390.061

aluminium tray aluminium tray aluminium tray aluminium tray
12X11,5X2.8H 21,2X17X2.8H 28X19X2.8H 34X22X2.8H
pink light green light grey brown
Corrado Corradi S.r.l Via Medici del Vascello, 8
20138 Milano, Italia
Tel: +39025099421
Fax: +390258013160


Press Office
Energie Sociali Jesurum Lab

Photo: Alberto Strada

Concept and Graphic: Mist-o

Stampa: Press Grafica

Year 2020

The colours and finishes, the dimensions, illustrations and descriptions in this catalogue
are provided solely by way of example.
Corrado Corradi S.r.l. reserves the right to make technical and design changes without
prior notice.

I colori e finiture, le dimensioni, le illustrazioni, le descrizioni del presente catalogo sono

a titolo indicativo e non vincolante.
Corrado Corradi S.r.l. si riserva il diritto di apportare, anche senza preavviso, modifiche
di carattere tecnico e produttivo.

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