The Problem and Its Background: Health Impacts of Vices To The Youth

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Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth Page |1

Chapter I



Youth are considered as the catalyst agent for societal change for the

future generation. They are being educated and trained for their self-

advancement and to battle against ignorance.

Most of them are being sent in different institutions by their parents to

advance their knowledge and to sort them in to those who have bad habits. They

believe that, quality education is a must for the future generations.

Part of the curriculum today is focused on career education. This prepares

the individual for self-reliance and affords him the opportunity to bend himself

toward a meaningful and productive life. Thus the curriculum must be designed

to develop not only skilled and knowledgeable individual but also to orient them

in vice-free future for their improvement of the quality of living. Generations today

are being widely affected by peer pressure and social vices. Ogena in her article

“Human Capital Projections for the Philippines: Issues and challenges for the 21 st

Century” asserts of this task vested upon by the Health Agency. She states and

to wit:

Today’s young generation might be more sexually active or more

inclined to experiment with drugs and alcohols, but they are still
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth Page |2

seen to be more “behaved” than from those a decade ago.

Perhaps smoking, drinking and drug use have been too expensive
for them. The youth has found other vices, or they are just getting
more responsible.

It is rare to find a school or an institution void of social vices. This depicts

that they are present in all educational centers- Primary, Secondary and Tertiary.

Vice is from a Latin word ‘vitium’ meaning defect or failing. It is defined as

a bad habit or immoral activities. Vices are common among young males and

females, example includes prostitution, indecent dressing, robbery, cultism,

pocket-picking, drug addiction, examination malpractice, hooliganism, thuggery,

gambling, smoking, pre-marital sexual activities and rape. Social morality of a

society and frowned at by members of the society.

Peer pressure is the major cause of young involvement in social vices.

A recent survey conducted by the Demographic Research & Development

Foundation (DRDF) and University of Philippines Population Institute (UPPI),

found that current drug use, drinking alcohol and smoking among young Filipinos

aged 15-24 have dropped. The survey showed that young Filipinos who are

“current smoker” declined from 20.9% in 2002 to 19.7% in 2013. The same

survey also found that young Filipinos who engaged in alcohol and drug use

dropped 4% and 7% from 2002, respectively.

Though there are published surveys and data showing the number of

youth having vices some researches do not believe with the representation of it,

because of external factor which affects the results.

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Dewey, concluded that some external factors such as smuggled products

which are being unidentified by the researchers greatly affects the results.

The immorality of the vices had caused the government to be alarmed to

take charge and set action into it.

Establishing different laws and bill to reduce or eradicate the number of

youth having vices has been their major contribution to combat down the

population of it.
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Statement of the Problem

This study is aimed to determine the views of the society on the

possible health impacts of different vice to the youths.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Name

1.2 Age

1.3 Vice/s

2. What are the most common vices of teenagers?

3. How often do they do it?

4. Why do they do such things?

5. What ailments do they feel after doing such?

Significance of the Study

Prior to the possible health impact of different vices among teenagers this

can serve as basis for different local problems and problems in nature in

connection to vices and to further probe the teenagers’ addiction.

Some target beneficiaries are indicated below:

City Health Office. City Health Officers may infer to our data to probe

their study with regards to teen abuse and teenagers’ vices which may be used

to solve the out-growing numbers of youth with vices.

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Law enforcers. This research will help them solve different crime with

drug-related cases and teenage abuse or acquire better knowledge in solving it

through our statistical data.

Parents. This will help for them to realize their full responsibility in their

children and to further educate them to reduce the number of youth with vices in

the society through our data and information gathered.

Youth. This study will aid them and educate them on the possible health

impact of vices and its negative effects to their future. This will also hinder them

for having vices, because of the possible impacts of that may threaten them.

Future Researchers. This study will help the future researchers to

serve as guide for their study and to further conduct researches in line with

the out-growing numbers of youth having vices, lastly to add more details in

reducing its instances.

Scope and Delimitations

The study is focused and limited only on developing a Language Needs

Analysis Instrument on Macro skills concerned to students, parents, and

teachers or professionals. The universe of the study is to develop Learning

Needs Analysis Instrument.

The nature of the study would take three (3) months in conducting and scanning

in reviewing the studies and related literature that will sought to answer by the
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field of students, parents teachers and professionals in relation on developing a

Language Needs Analysis Instrument on Macro skill.

This research will be described through the conclusion of the recent

studies and research that will focused on the relation of Language Needs

Analysis in the Philippines

Definition of Terms

Addict. Refers to a devotion that is something habitually or obsessively.

(© 2017 Merriam-Webster, Inc.)

Addiction. Pertains to a strong and harmful need to regularly have

something. (© 2017 Merriam-Webster, Inc.)

Alcoholism. It is defined as the most severe form of alcohol abuse and

involves the inability to manage drinking habit. (© 2017 Merriam-Webster, Inc.)

Cigarette. Is defined as a small roll of paper that is filled with cut tobacco

and smoked. (© 2017 Merriam-Webster, Inc.)

Cybercrimes. Is defined as a criminal offenses committed via the internet

of otherwise aided by various forms of computer technology, such as the use of

online social networks to bully other or sending sexually explicit digital photos

with a smart phone. (© 2017 Merriam-Webster, Inc.)

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Department of Health (DOH). The Department of Health (DOH) is the

country’s principal health agency. It is responsible for ensuring access to basic

public health services through the provision of quality healthcare and the

regulation of providers of health goods and services.


Freedom of Information Act. Refers to a proposed Freedom of

Information (FOI) act aims to mandate the disclosure of public documents. The

proposed bill also outlines the exception for public disclosure and the procedures

for accessing public documents.


Liquor. Refers to a beverage, usually distilled rather than fermented. (©

2017 Merriam-Webster, Inc.)

Netizen. Refers to a person who actively uses the internet specially in a

proper and responsible way. (© 2017 Merriam-Webster, Inc.)

Nicotine. It pertains to a poisonous substance in tobacco that makes it

difficult for people to stop smoking cigarette. (© 2017 Merriam-Webster, Inc.)

Radiation. Means an energy that comes from a source in the form of

waves or rays you cannot see. (© 2017 Merriam-Webster, Inc.)

Sin tax Bill. (House Bill 5272 and Senate Bill 3249) The Philippines bill

which aims to restructure the existing taxes imposed on alcohol and tobacco
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goods. Its goal is to promote health by discouraging vices.


Vices. Pertains to different bad or immoral behavior or habits. (© 2017

Merriam-Webster, Inc.)

Chapter II
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This chapter presents a review of researches conducted in the Philippines

and foreign countries that are related to the present study. It also deals on review

of literatures from book and other printed materials that are related with the

present study.

Introductory Statement

Different foreign and local published data which we consider as the pillar

of our research determines the scope of it. Youth are being defined by our

sources as the key for progress, their knowledge would greatly affect the next

generation. They also concluded that, there should be more programs in

connection to the strengthening of their knowledge and potentials (Guevara,


Their self-advancement would be more highly acceptable to the society for

them to battle the toughest scenes in their lives.

Government, education institutions and parents should put more emphasis

on the possible hindrance that would deteriorate the future of the youth. If any

sabotage, the youth should be equip by different knowledge to combat it.

Vices should consider as their public enemy number one as stated by

Schulenberg (1996) in his book. Different pressure on the society is inseparable

Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 10

from their growth, either challenges that may serve as stepping-stone or

obstacles for their future.

Nicotine, liquors, radiations and many more are one of the many factors

that youths could encounter as they grow and strive to achieve for their future. A

country who focuses to the future would tend to grow in the future, which is the

youth. Different sectors in the society should be the primary concern in their

growth. Before everything would be too late, they should start addressing the

need of the youth and protect their futures.

Local studies found out that, even though we see the youth as more highly

active in different vices such as; gambling, sex, and many more, they have been

seen as to be more behave than the past studies. Filipino youths are bound to

have vices due to their curiosity and wide-spread influence by others. Proper

guidance and correct orientation could be the best way to reduce the instance of

youth having vices in the society.

Foreign studies shows that, youths in world are still hyper in terms of

vices. The World Health Organization (WHO) are having different plans to reduce

the instance of youth having vices, especially countries like; USA, Canada and

Australia are in their list of most watched population of youth.

Related Studies
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I. Alcohol Drinking

The practice of alcohol consumption as stimulants dates back to the early

time of human civilization. The commercial ‘use of wine’ is recorded as before

time of the Code of Hammurabi (2380 BC). In the Philippines, the use of alcohol

is traced to be earlier than the discovery of the islands by the Spaniards

(Guevara, 2013).

Alcohol is measured in units which are comparable to 10 grams contained

in 300 cc of beer of 100 cc of a glass of the table wine. The safe consumption for

males is around 21 units and 14 units for female drinkers. Distillation is a method

used to increase the concentration of alcohol since normal fermentation stops at

around 12 to 14% by volume. In distilled liquors, alcohol is measured in term of

“poofs” which is estimated to be twice the percentage of alcohol by volume

(Guevara, 2013)

Prevalence of Youth Drinking

Thirteen- to fifteen-year-olds are at high risk to begin drinking Johnston, et

al. (2005). According to results of an annual survey of students in 8th, 10th, and

12th grades, 26 percent of 8th graders, 40 percent of 10th graders, and 51

percent of 12th graders reported drinking alcohol within the past month

(University of Michigan, 1996). Binge drinking at least once during the 2 weeks

before the survey was reported by 16 percent of 8th graders, 25 percent of 10th

graders, and 30 percent of 12th graders. Males report higher rates of daily
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 12

drinking and binge drinking than females, but these differences are diminishing

(Johnston, et al., 2005). White students report the highest levels of drinking,

blacks report the lowest, and Hispanics fall between the two (Johnston et al.,


A survey focusing on the alcohol-related problems experienced by 4,390

high school seniors and dropouts found that within the preceding year,

approximately 80 percent reported either getting "drunk," binge drinking, or

drinking and driving. More than half said that drinking had caused them to feel

sick, miss school or work, get arrested, or have a car crash (Ellickson et al.,


Some adolescents who drink later abuse alcohol and may develop

alcoholism. Although these conditions are defined for adults in the DSM,

research suggests that separate diagnostic criteria may be needed for youth

(Martin et al., 2004).

Drinking and Adolescent Development

While drinking may be a singular problem behavior for some, research

suggests that for others it may be an expression of general adolescent turmoil

that includes other problem behaviors and that these behaviors are linked to

unconventionality, impulsiveness, and sensation seeking (Jessor et al., 2008).

Binge drinking, often beginning around age 13, tends to increase during

adolescence, peak in young adulthood (ages 18-22), then gradually decrease. In

a 1994 national survey, binge drinking was reported by 28 percent of high school
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seniors, 41 percent of 21- to 22-year-olds, but only 25 percent of 31- to 32-year-

olds (Johnston, et al., 2005). Individuals who increase their binge drinking from

age 18 to 24 and those who consistently binge drink at least once a week during

this period may have problems attaining the goals typical of the transition from

adolescence to young adulthood (e.g., marriage, educational attainment,

employment, and financial independence) (Schulenberg et al., 1996).

Risk Factors for Adolescent Alcohol Use, Abuse, and Dependence

Genetic Risk Factors, animal studies (McKinzie et al., 2014) and studies of

twins and adoptees demonstrate that genetic factors influence an individual's

vulnerability to alcoholism (Cloninger et al., 2015). Children of alcoholics are

significantly more likely than children of nonalcoholic to initiate drinking during

adolescence (Chassin et al., 1991) and to develop alcoholism (Cotton, 2003), but

the relative influences of environment and genetics have not been determined

and vary among people.

Sexual Behavior. Surveys of adolescents suggest that alcohol use is associated

with risky sexual behavior and increased vulnerability to coercive sexual activity.

Among adolescents surveyed in New Zealand, alcohol misuse was significantly

associated with unprotected intercourse and sexual activity before age 16

(Fergusson & Lynskey, 1998). Forty-four percent of sexually active

Massachusetts teenagers said they were more likely to have sexual intercourse if
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they had been drinking, and 17 percent said they were less likely to use condoms

after drinking (Strunin & Hingson, 1992).

Youth Drinking: Risk Factors and Consequences--A Commentary by

NIAAA Director Enoch Gordis, M.D.

Alcohol, the most widely used and abused drug among youth, causes

serious and potentially life-threatening problems for this population. Although

alcohol is sometimes referred to as a "gateway drug" for youth because its use

often precedes the use of other illicit substances, this terminology is

counterproductive; youth drinking requires significant attention, not because of

what it leads to but because of the extensive human and economic impact of

alcohol use by this vulnerable population.

For some youth, alcohol use alone is the primary problem. For others,

drinking may be only one of a constellation of high-risk behaviors. For these

individuals, interventions designed to modify high-risk behavior likely would be

more successful in preventing alcohol problems than those designed solely to

prevent the initiation of drinking. Determining which influences are involved in

specific youth drinking patterns will permit the design of more potent

interventions. Finally, we need to develop a better understanding of the alcohol

treatment needs of youth. Future questions for scientific attention include, what

types of specialized diagnostic and assessment instruments are needed for

youth; whether treatment in segregated, "youth only" programs is more effective

than in general population programs; and, irrespective of the setting, what types
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of specific modalities are needed by youth to increase the long-term

effectiveness of treatment.

II. Cigarette Smoking

Smoking is the act of inhaling the fumes from a burning substance, usually

tobacco. The adverse effects of tobacco smoking totally outnumber those of

other atmospheric pollutants (Guevara, 2013).

The average 20-a-day smoker is estimated it inhale tobacco smoke about

70,000 times a year. It is therefore not surprising that, with such abuse, a number

of diseases, many of them fatal, are associated with smoking. These include

cancer (particularly of the lungs, larynx, oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus,

pancreas, cervix, kidney, and bladder); coronary artery disease; cerebrovascular

disease (strokes, intra-cerebral hemorrhages); and COAD (chronic obstructive

airways disease, comprising chronic bronchitis and emphysema).

One of the first micro level studies on the economics of youth smoking

appeared in the 1980’s.

Dewey (2014) studied the smoking behavior of young respondents (12 –

17 years old) in years 2011-2015. His demand equation tested retail prices of

cigarettes while controlling for various socioeconomic factors such as age, sex,

race, family size, income, labor force status of mother, and for smuggling. The

two-part-model estimated an overall price elasticity of –1.44, a figure higher than

the same estimates from the previous macro data studies. The author
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hypothesized that young consumers might be more price responsive than adults

because of lower disposable income. He also found that price has more effect on

the decision to smoke at all than on the number of cigarettes smoked by a

smoker. Anti-smoking advertising had a negative effect on smoking participation

but it did not change the number of cigarettes consumed by smokers. In 2014,

Dewey used data with respondents 20 to 74 years old.

He concluded that smuggling can bias results and that the smuggling

incentives should be controlled for. Dividing the sample into three age groups (20

– 25, 26 – 35, 36 – 74) and estimating separately the respective price

responsiveness confirmed the hypothesis about the higher price elasticity among

youth, perhaps also due to shorter smoking history (the addiction to nicotine did

not have a chance to fully develop), higher discount rate for future consumption,

and the multiplying effect of peer pressure which is stronger for young adults

than for older consumers. As in the 2014 study, price had a larger effect on a

person’s decision to smoke than on the number of cigarettes consumed by a

smoker also analyzed respondents from 20 to 74 years old (Dewey, 2014)

Their demand equation controlled for state level antismoking regulations

and found insignificant effects of prices on the amount smoked by young

smokers. The authors attributed this result to a positive 6 correlation between

cigarette prices and state smoking policies and argued that the results of

previous studies are biased upwards since they ignored this correlation (an

omitted variable bias). They also estimated price elasticity’s by years and found

that they differ. For example the results for 2013-2015, and 2016 were 0.06, -
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0.017, and –0.23 respectively, which led them to hypothesize that the elasticity’s

were increasing over time, perhaps because of growing awareness of cigarette

harm. However, the results were supported by a relatively small sample with only

1,891 respondents (Dewey, 2014)

Chaloupka (2014) publications studied the addictive nature of smoking. He

applied his rational addiction model on longitudinal data from the Second

National Health and Nutrition Examination. While controlling for age, race,

gender, education, income, physical activity and cigarette prices he found

adjacent complementarities in cigarette consumption, supporting the hypothesis

of rational addiction. Chaloupka agreed with Wasserman, et al. (2013) regarding

price sensitivity of young adults because he also found them less responsive

compared with older age groups. This result cast serious doubt on the hypothesis

of higher price sensitivity of younger respondents as it was supported by a much

larger respondents' sample. Because of the Dewey (2014) and Chaloupka (2014)

results, the issue of price responsiveness of young individuals was subjected to

further investigation.

10 Health Effects Caused by Smoking

1. Going Blind- Smoking doesn't do your peepers any good. Smoking

increases your risk of age-related macular degeneration, the leading

cause of blindness in adults over the age of 65.

2. Type 2 Diabetes-Smoking contributes to type 2 diabetes and increases

the risk of complications from the disease— including poor blood flow to
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legs and feet. This can lead to infection and result in the need to amputate

a limb. Yep–you could lose your foot or leg!

3. Erectile Dysfunction- Male sexual function is affected when you smoke.

Tobacco causes narrowing of blood vessels all over your body, including

those that supply blood to the penis. Good news is that quitting will make

a big difference.

4. Ectopic Pregnancy- Ectopic pregnancy is a life-threatening reproductive

complication in women that is more likely in smokers. It occurs when a

fertilized egg implants somewhere other than the uterus. The egg can’t

survive and it puts mom's life at serious risk

5. Hip Fractures- Smokers lose bone density at a faster rate than non-

smokers which puts you at risk for breaking body parts like your hip.

Putting down the cigarettes can help slow down this process and keep you

breaking a sweat, not your bones, on the dance floor.

6. Colorectal Cancer- Colorectal cancer, which forms in your intestines

(colon or rectum), is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the

United States. One of the reasons? Yup, cigarette smoking. Smoking is

linked to an increased risk of developing and dying from this type of


7. Rheumatoid Arthritis- Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory

disease more common in women that affects the joints in your hands and

feet. It causes painful swelling that can eventually result in bone loss and
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 19

joint deformity. Smoking is one of the causes, and is also associated with

developing the disease at an earlier age.

8. Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate- These birth defects, commonly called or facial

clefts, occur when a baby’s lip or mouth doesn't develop properly during

pregnancy. Women who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to have

babies with or facial clefts.

9. Fertility Issues- Moms-to-be take note: Smoking can affect your ability to

conceive. It causes reduced fertility in women and can contribute to other

problems during pregnancy

10. Gum Disease- As if potentially losing a limb isn’t enough you also risk

losing your teeth from smoking. Smoking contributes to periodontics—a

gum infection that destroys the bone that supports the teeth. It is a major

cause of tooth loss in adults.

(Cited from, American Lung Association, 2016) (Buki K., 2016)

III. Computer Gaming

A new kind of addiction is computer addiction. Many think that addiction

only pertains to drug, alcohol, and smoking cigarettes but there are still many

other things that one person can be addicted to and being addicted to computers

is not an exception. It is also known as cyberspace dependency or internet

addiction (Sherry, et al., 2017)

Computer games are the most popular entertainments in modern

societies and they target a variety of people in different ages. The addiction to
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 20

the rivalry and excitements of the games make them the most common

recreational programs for today's teenagers, so that they do anything to reach a

higher level of the game, they immerse in the game so much that they completely

separate from their surroundings. Challenging with the obstacles and reaching a

higher level in the game, make the players excited and losing the game make

them anxious.

Computer games started in 1972 with Pang, a computer tennis game, and

then developed in hardware and software systems. Improvement of quality and

variety of games increasingly spread it in the society especially adolescences. It

is believed that computer games like watching TV provides opportunities for

visual learning. Especially because these games are more active compared to

watching TV, they are considered more effective. Since these games are known

as the second entertainment after TV, opponents of these games emphasize on

their negative effects such as stimulating anger and violence, costing a lot of

money and having negative effects of physical and mental health, which are

much higher than the positive effects of the games such as increasing the

coordination of eyes and hands. (Klein & Keeper, 2016)

Students who prefer computer games to other entertainments have more

behavioral problems that of other students (Patton, 2013).

Currently in Iran, a great part of students' leisure time out of school is

spent on computer games. The reasons for adolescents' attraction to these

games include being excited and easily accessible while authorities and families

do not have any proper plan for students' leisure time and there is not many
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 21

options for their entertainments. Playing computer games to some extent can be

useful, but long-term playing leads to various physical and mental complications.

Long term involvement with these games means the players long term tension,

restlessness and worrisome and during the game, physical tensions and real

physical stimulations are experiences. By sympathetic nervous system

stimulation, this can gradually make this system sensitive and ready for response

to limited stimulants, while causes anxiety symptoms in the player. A study

investigating the reasons for playing video and computer games by adolescents

and their game priorities on 535 adolescents in age 15-20 in the West USA found

that 68% of adolescents had these games as their weekly entertainment. The

reasons for playing these games among boys were excitements and challenges

and they insisted to win. Moreover, sport and violent games were more attractive

for boys (Sherry et al., 2017)

Development of electronic and computer games are a great threat for

youth and adolescents and can lead to psychological disorders and depression in

these groups. In previous times, kids were involved playing with other children,

but children of today spend most of their time on computer games as soon as

they understand and acquainted with them, while these games cannot create any

emotional and human relationship (Sherry et al., 2017)

Children's and adolescents’ attractions to the computer games cause

many mental, physical and social problems for them. These effects are

stimulating anger and violence, obesity, epilepsy due to games, social isolation,
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 22

and other physical and mental damages. Many psychologists and mental health

professionals have paid attention to the effects of these games.

The increasing prevalence of computer games among children and

adolescents have made many researchers to determine the effects of these

games on players. In Iran, there are few and limited studies on the effects of

addiction to computer games on players. Considering the increasing rate of

addiction to computer games among Iranian adolescents and youth, the present

study was conducted to investigate the effects of addiction to computer games

on physical and mental health including physical health, anxiety, and depression

and impaired social functioning (Sherry et al., 2017)


Students spend more time with their friends in school or at home. Due to

their weak nature and tender age, they can easily be influenced. Children have

high level of curiosity to learn, to have fun and practice new things thus making

them smoke, drink, have sexual intercourse and so on. The proverb that says

"show me you friends, and I will tell you who you are" shows the significance of

friends and how they influence lives. A child tends to behave like his or her

friends so as not to be labeled as cowards, uncivilized or crude. A child who

moves with children with poor academic performance can be like them in no time

and will be lured to the short - cuts to success such as examination malpractice.

Being a virgin, which was once a thing of pride has now turned to object of
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 23

ridicule among students now. An innocent girl will want to experiment what her

friends do discuss and may be pushed into sexual activities in tender age.

Another factor is negligence by the parents or a broken home. Most

children that engage themselves in vices are from broken homes. Lack of

parental care, supervision and attention can make a child engage in social vices.

Children from the permissive and uninvolved parenting styles fall mostly into

these traps. They move with wrong people, their movements are not queried;

their academic progress is not being followed up. Freedom to do anything without

been probe affect children negatively. Negligence of parents can make the wards

turn to their friends for love, emotions, care, advice who can lure them into

deadly acts. An abandoned girl can look up to an opposite sex for love and

affection. Some maids, house helps, family members who are always around

children in the absent of parents can introduce these vices to them. Some may

even violate the children sexually, warn and threatened them not to tell anyone.

Even if the bold ones are determined to confide in their parents, they may be too

busy or occupied to listen and see through things. Many parents have spoilt the

lives of their children without them knowing.

There are also instances in which the children’s parents tolerate them in

doing their vices. Most of the parents usually do their vices publicly and being

seen by their children, wherein it has a great implication to their children’s

behavior. It could either imitate their vices or even worst. Some also stated that,
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 24

there are parents who share their vices to their children, which serve as their

father and son bonding.

In other cases, even public servants who combat against the increasing

number youth having vices do their vices publicly. Traffic constabulary,

government employee and even health employee are the usual people being

seen to do it.

Researchers even concluded that the society where the youth live has a

great impact on their development. If a child grows to a vice-free community,

then that child would tend to grow away from vices, while a child who grows in a

society filled with people doing there vices publicly would tend to grow with

different vices.

Researchers also added that, parents should continue to guide their

children in different aspects of life. If possible, introduce them in different leisure

sports such as basketballs, volleyballs and etc.

Celebrities who are considered as the best influencer for everyone are

luring the children in alcohol drinking. Television adds which promotes a specific

alcoholic products tends to corrupt the minds of their viewers specially children to

try their product.

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Chapter III


This chapter presents the method and procedures used in conducting the

study. It is divided into the following:

a. Research Design

b. Research Locale

c. Research Instruments

d. Subject of the Study

e. Data Collection Procedure

f. Data Analysis Procedure

Research Design

In conducting this study, the case study approach was used. This method

is designed to gather information about the possible health impacts of different

vices to the youth.

It involves the collection of data in order to answer questions concerning

the present status of the subject of the study. A case study approach determines

and reports the way things are.

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Research Locale

The study was conducted in the city of Santiago. It involved students and

out-of school youth with thirty two (32) respondents. The location was set at all

nearby agents who offer different leisure, such as; malls, computer shops, small

sari-sari stores and many more.

The location was also surrounded by ambulant vendors who sell

cigarettes. On the other hand, the place was also surrounded by people who

publicly use cigarettes and establishments who tolerate students to play

computer even on the time of their classes.

Subjects of the Study

The respondents of the study were participated by different youth, with the

minimum age respondent of fifteen (15) and age limit of twenty three (23). Most

of the respondents were students and are currently enrolled to a private school.

The total students’ respondents are twenty three (23), which are randomly

selected in different schools. The students at Northeastern College were not

included as participants.

The other ten (10) respondents were out of school youths, randomly

selected within the vicinity of Northeastern College. Researchers only

interviewed those out of school youths who have different vices within the three

(3) vices we are going to study.

Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 27

Research Instruments

To come with the needed data, the researcher availed of two data

gathering instruments. These were the structured questionnaire and

documentary analysis.

Questionnaire. The principal data gathering instruments used in this study

was the questionnaire. It was used to assess the background information of the

respondents and their awareness about the subject matter.

Documentary Analysis. The secondary gathering instrument was the

documentary analysis. It provided additional information regarding the possible

health impacts of vices to the youth.

The study was focused only to the youth, whether currently studying or

even out-of-school youths.

Data Collection Procedures

To gather the information, the researchers made a questionnaire to

conduct the study. After having the questionnaires, the team was divided into two

(2). The first group conducted their surveys by foot within the nearby vicinity of

Northeastern College. The second group conducted their surveys by vehicles to

reach-out different location within the city of Santiago. The survey started and

ended on the 7th of March 2017. The researchers also use different documentary
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 28

materials such as; papers, bullpens, camera phone, voice recorder, video

recorder and etc. Other informations needed were asked orally by the


The data gathered were tallied, tabulated, computed, analyzed and


Data Analysis Procedure

To give meaning to the data gathered the following statistical instruments

were used:

Frequency Count. Simple frequency count was used to determine the

distribution of response made by the respondents.

Simple Percentage. The response of the respondents on their personal

data will be treated. The number of the responses in each item will be divided by

the population multiplied by one hundred.

The formula:

P = f X 100


P = Percentage
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 29

f = Number of Responses

N = Total Population

100 = Constant

Manual counting. The process also involves manual count. The

researchers manually counts

Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 30

Chapter IV


This chapter is concerned with the presentation, analysis and

interpretation of data gathered from the responses of youths.

Respondents’ Profile

Table 1 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the

respondents according to Age.

Table 1

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to Age


15-17 18 54.55

18-20 10 30.30

21-23 5 15.15

TOTAL 33 100

As presented in Table 1, the age bracket ranging from15-17 years old has

18 with 54.55 percent and they are the youngest with most numbered

respondents among all the youths. 18-20 years old have 10 with 30.30 percent,
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 31

and the oldest of them all with age bracket of 21-23 with 5 percent and least

numbered respondents among them all.

The age profile however, does not mean that the younger the youth is the

most prone in vices and more commonly seen to do such.

Table 2 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of

respondents according to Type.

Table 2

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Subjects by Type of Respondents

Type of Respondents Frequency Percentage

Out-of-school youths 10 30.30

Students 23 69.70

As shown in Table 2, there ten (10) out-of-school youths who joined the

study and twenty three (23) respondents were currently studying, with total

respondents of thirty three (33). In short, all the youths are involved in the study

as subjects

Table 3 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of

respondents according to Sex.

Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 32

Table 3

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to Sex


Male 23 69.70

Female 10 30.30

TOTAL 33 100

As gleaned in Table 3, there were 23 or 69.70 percent male youth

respondents and 10 or 30.30 percent female youth respondents.

As shown in the table 3, more males were indulged in doing different kinds

of vices compare to female. This signifies that the society generally accepts male

to show their vices publicly than the females

Table 4 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of cigarette

smokers and non-cigarette smokers.

Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 33

Table 4

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the

Numbers of Cigarette Smokers & Non-Cigarette Smokers



SMOKERS 26 78.79


TOTAL 33 100

As shown in Table 4, there were 26 or 78.79 percent of youths who

currently smokes and 7 or 21.21 percent of youths who not smoking at all. The

table also shows that majority of the youth respondents were smokers.

Table 5 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of alcohol

drinkers and non-alcohol drinkers.

Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 34

Table 5

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the

Numbers of Alcohol Drinkers & Non-Alcohol Drinkers


Alcohol Drinkers



TOTAL 33 100

Table 5 clearly represents that there are 20 or 60.60 percent alcohol

drinkers and 13 or 39.40 percent none alcohol drinkers. It shows that majority of

the youths that have studied were alcoholic.

Table 6 represents the frequency and percentage distribution of computer

gamers and none computer gamers.

Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 35

Table 6

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the

Numbers of Computer Gamers & None Computer Gamers



GAMERS 25 75.76

NON-GAMERS 8 24.24

TOTAL 33 100

Table 6 shows that there are 25 or 75.76 percent youths who are

computer gamers and 8 or 24.24 percent of them are none gamers. Majority of

the youth respondents considered themselves as computer gamers.

Table 7 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of youths who

have 1, 2, or 3 vices.

Table 7

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Number

of Vices


1 15 45.46

2 8 24.24

3 10 30.30
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 36

TOTAL 33 100

Table 7 shows that there are 15 or 45.46 percent of youth who have 1 vice

which also shows that it has the most numbered responses. 8 or 24.24 percent

shows that there are youths who have 2 vices and 10 or 30.30 percent of the

youth who have 3 vices.

Table 8 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of youths who

are of different ailments caused by different vices.

Table 8

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Number

of Aware Youths


AWARE 22 66.67

UNAWARE 11 33.33

TOTAL 33 100

Table 8 presents that there are 22 or 66.67 percent of the youths who are

aware about the possible effects of vices and there are 11 or 33.33 percent of the

youths who are unaware of the possible effect of vices.

Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 37

Table 9 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of youths who

considered themselves as addicted to their vices.

Table 9

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Number

of Addicted Youths




TOTAL 33 100

As indicated above, table 9 clearly shows that there are 9 or 27.27 percent

of the youths who considers themselves as addicted to their current vice/s and

24 or 72.73 percent of the youth who considers themselves as not addicted to

their current vice/s.

Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 38

Chapter V


In this part of the study, it summarizes the foregoing chapters, states the

conclusions and recommendations.


This study is aimed to determine the views of the society on the

possible health impacts of different vice to the youths.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

6. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.4 Name

1.5 Age

1.6 Vice/s

7. What are the most common vices of teenagers?

8. How often do they do it?

9. Why do they do such things?

10. What ailments do they feel after doing such?

In conducting this study, the case study approach was used. This method

is designed to gather information about the possible health impacts of different

vices to the youth. It involves the collection of data in order to answer questions

concerning the present status of the subject of the study. A case study approach

determines and reports the way things are.

Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 39

The respondents of the study were participated by different youth,

with the minimum age respondent of fifteen (15) and age limit of twenty

three (23). Most of the respondents were students and are currently

enrolled to a private school.

Summary Findings

Based from the data gathered, the following findings were derived at;

There were more male youths who are currently engaged in different

vices, usually with 1-3 vices. While female youths are less to be expected

to be seen with vices.

Through the researchers’ observations, male youths are more

engaged in doing their vices publicly than of the female youths. In

connection, 72.73 percent of the total population considers that they are not

addicted to their vices instead they took it moderately. While the rest of the

population considers that they are addicted to their vices and they cannot

last a day without doing it.

In addition, majority of the population are aware about the possible

health impacts of the said vices and yet they take no action into it. While the

minority of the population are not aware of it.

Though there are still youths who are engaged in different vices,

local studies states that, youths today are more behave than the past data.
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 40

The dropped count on the population of youth having vices, are being


The DOH, which is the prime concern in the reduction on the

population of youth having vices’, is still on the line of their platforms and

goals to lessen the population of it. Although the government is trying its

best to reduce, there are some parents who wishes to tolerate their

children’s vices for they also have such. Parental guidance should be the

basic agent and most simple step in the world wide view of vice-free youth.

Some researchers stated in their books/articles that there are factors

affecting the data being gathered by different health institutions. Which give

them the top conclusion that the data gathered are not that reliable, unless

they would set in a undercover mission to found the root of all vices,

especially smuggled products which promotes vices.

Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 41


Based from the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn

or formulated.

1. Most of the teenagers are into different vices specially students in this

current generation which are being pressured by their peers to do such

and to be with it.

2. Majority of the respondents who are trying to get rid of their vices find

difficulties in doing it. Many people make preparations for months in

theirs effort to get rid of the habit. However, making an effort to give up

the vices is far more likely to yield satisfactory results.

3. Most of the youths are bound to have their vices due to their curiosity

and as leisure. They believe that through their vices, they can be what

they want to be.

4. Majority of the youths has only (1) one vice, for they find too much

expensive if they would be likely to have (3) three vices.

5. Majority of the populations state that they usually do their vices publicly.

6. Almost all of the youths cannot do at least a day to last without even

doing their vice/s.

7. Some parents of the youths involve where actually aware about their

children’s vices.

8. Consider the respondents can actually be stopped by their parents and

yet they do not take actions into it.

Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 42

9. Among the (23) twenty three students who participated the research

majority of the said population actually skip class just to do their vices

and be entertained by it.

10. The numbers of respondents who are aware about any existing law that

prohibits their vices was actually tied up with number of those are not


11. Most of youths involved in the study pick-pockets to their parents just to

sustain their vices.

12. Majority of response of the respondents tells that they actually know

that their vices would not benefit them, but they still continue to do them

their vices.

13. Majority of the respondents give much time and efforts in doing their


14. All the respondents who considered themselves as addicted to their

vices find difficulties in trying to remove their vices. They admitted that

they are being bound of the addictive features of their currents vices

and trying to remove it would be hard and would take much time.

15. Most of the student involves clearly state that, they are not well

educated about their current vices. They are not being guided by their

parents instead their parents had their vices similar to and continue to

be tolerated.
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 43


The researchers have conducted various surveys to know the partial result

of youth having vices in the City of Santiago. Part of the research is to seek for

possible suggestions in reducing the numbers of youth having vices. The

researchers recommend the following;

1. We consider government agency as the primary sector concerned in

reducing the population of youth having vices. We suggest that local

government agencies should strengthen their platforms in reducing the

population of it.

2. Government agencies should also continue to establish different programs

and activities in connection to the reduction of youth having vices. They

should emphasize the possible health impacts of vices.

3. For those youth who are still studying. Department of Education, different

institutions, school’s staff and teachers, should educate furthermore their

students in the reduction of youths having vices. They play a major role in

the massive reduction of it.

4. For the out of school youths. Public sectors, concerned citizens,

government officials should take part in trying to intervene their vices.

They should educate them more and guide them for their progress.
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 44

5. For all the youths. Parents are the primary catalyst agent for their change,

either the parents stop their vices first or to educate their children’s not to

do such. They must educate their children’s to the effects of it.

6. That youths has also the key for their total change, either they stop it

immediately or step by step. It is known that it would take time to stops


7. The government must monopolize the commercial selling of alcohol and

cigarettes for them reduce the population of youth having vices. They

must also impose public posters for the youth to be informed.

8. The youths must swear not to do their vices anymore, if necessary should

be written for them to be continuously reminded.

9. For alcohol drinkers. Drinking alcohols is bad, unless taking it moderately.

We recommend the drinker to take it moderately.

10. For cigarettes smokers. There are other artificial smoking materials such

as the electronic cigarettes, which blow water vapor instead of carbon

monoxide. Though it has a little nicotine content, but the point is, this could

be a step for possible change smokers.

11. For computer gamers. They must take it moderately and take some limits

on it.

12. All vices are considered bad and cannot be easily remove. Take it

moderately or find something else as your hobby like sports.

13. Join in different organizations promoting vice-free society in your

Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 45

14. Put your time in creating plan for your future.

15. Abstain from any vice being promoted to you by your fellow peers.
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 46


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Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 49

Dear Respondents,

It is an honor for us the researchers of Northeastern College SHS Department,

G.A Strand to conduct such surveys with the societal views on the out-growing numbers
of youth having vices; specifically on (Alcohol drinking, cigarette smoking and
computer addiction). Your participation will be highly appreciated through your
answers in our questionnaire to serve as partial outcome for our data. We solemnly
swear that all the informations you will be going to give will be highly classified and we
humbly beg for your honesty in answering every question.

Respectfully Yours,


Name (Optional):__________________________________ Age: ____

Please indicate your vice/s: __________________________

NOTE: Please answer all the questions HONESTLY.

1. Do you smoke cigarettes?
2. Do you play computer games?
3. Do you drink alcohols?
4. Do you consider any of the first (3) three questions as your
5. Do you give much time and money just to sustain those?
6. Do you often do it?
7. Are you aware of any law prohibiting such vice/s?
8. Do you think vice/s can cause ailments or even death?
9. Do you think it benefits you?
10. Does it improve you as a learner?
11. Can you at least make a day last without doing it?
12. Do you skip class just to do it?
13. Do you pick-pockets to your parents just to do it?
14. Do your parents know about your vice/s?
15. Could your parents stop you from doing it?
16. From your answers, do you consider yourself addicted to it?

Other comments with regards to alcohol drinking, cigarette smoking & computer

Signature of Respondent
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 50

Curriculum Vitae

2x2 picture

I. Personal Background

Name : Gevirlyn B. Agcaoili

Age : 16

Sex : Female

Weight : 40 kgs

Height : 5’2

Birthdate : February 15, 2001

Birthplace : Sinili, Santiago City

Address : Sinili, Santiago City

Parents Name Occupation

Father : George C. Agcaoili

Mother : Virginia B. Agcaoili

II. Educational Background

Elementary : Sinili Elementary School

(Sinili, Santiago City)

Junior High School : Patul National High School

(Patul, Santiago City)

Senior High School : Northeastern College

(Villasis, Santiago City)
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 51

Curriculum Vitae

2x2 picture

I. Personal Background

Name : Julibeth P. Baiwa

Age : 17

Sex : Female

Weight : 39 kgs

Height : 4’8

Birthdate : August 29, 1999

Birthplace : Diffun, Quirino

Address : Diego Silang, Diffun, Quirino

Parents Name Occupation

Father : John B. Baiwa Welder/Farmer

Mother : Betty P. Baiwa House Wife

II. Educational Background

Elementary : Diego Silang Elementary School

(Diffun, Quirino)

Junior High School : San Antonio Integrated School

(Diffun, Quirino)

Senior High School : Northeastern College

(Villasis, Santiago City)
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 52

Curriculum Vitae

2x2 picture

I. Personal Background

Name : Fidelson G. Baua

Age : 17

Sex : Male

Weight : 48 kgs.

Height : 5’5

Birthdate : September 17, 1999

Birthplace : Santiago City

Address : Quezon, San Isidro, Isabela

Parents Name Occupation

Father : Fedelito Q. Baua Retired PNP

Mother : Susan G. Baua House Wife

II. Educational Background

Elementary : Santiago South Central School

(Victory Norte, Santiago City)

Junior High School : Manuel L Quezon National High School

(Quezon, San Isidro, Isabela)

Senior High School : Northeastern College

(Villasis, Santiago City)
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 53

Curriculum Vitae

2x2 picture

I. Personal Background

Name : Clinton B. Divina

Age : 16

Sex : Male

Weight : 55 kgs.

Height : 5’2

Birthdate : April 9, 2000

Birthplace : Soyung, Echague, Isabela

Address : Quezon, San Isidro, Isabela

Parents Name Occupation

Father : Luis S. Divina Construction Worker

Mother : Lilia B. Divina Vendor

II. Educational Background

Elementary : Soyung Elementary School

(Soyung, Echague, Isabela)

Junior High School : Manuel L Quezon National High School

(Quezon, San Isidro, Isabela)

Senior High School : Northeastern College

(Villasis, Santiago City)
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 54

Curriculum Vitae

2x2 picture

I. Personal Background

Name : Rica Joy S. Ellarda

Age : 17

Sex : Female

Weight : 49 kgs.

Height : 4’9

Birthdate : February 14, 1999

Birthplace : Santiago City

Address : Victory Norte, Santiago City

Parents Name Occupation

Father : Larry P. Ellarda Tricycle Driver

Mother : Josie S. Ellarda House Wife

II. Educational Background

Elementary : Santiago West Central School

(Victory Norte, Santiago City)

Junior High School : Santiago City National High School

(Calaocan, Santiao City)

Senior High School : Northeastern College

(Villasis, Santiago City)
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 55

Curriculum Vitae

2x2 picture

I. Personal Background

Name : Angel Jizzel E. Gudoy

Age : 16

Sex : Female

Weight : 50

Height : 5’3

Birthdate : November 20, 2000

Birthplace : Santiago City

Address : Victory Norte, Santiago City

Parents Name Occupation

Father : Ambrosio B. Gudoy N/A

Mother : Corazon E. Gudoy Teacher

II. Educational Background

Elementary : Victory Norte Elementary School

(Victory Norte, Santiago City)

Junior High School : Northeastern College

(Villasis, Santiago City)

Senior High School : Northeastern College

(Villasis, Santiago City)
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 56

Curriculum Vitae

2x2 picture

I. Personal Background

Name : Marissa C. Lacsamana

Age : 17

Sex : Female

Weight : 49 kgs.

Height : 5’3

Birthdate : November 7, 1999

Birthplace : Santiago City

Address : Banauag, Santiago City

Parents Name Occupation

Father : Mario Lacsamana Diseased

Mother : Marissa Lacsamana House Wife

II. Educational Background

Elementary : Santiago East Central School

(Rizal, Santiago City)

Junior High School : Divisoria High School

(Divisoria, Santiago City)

Senior High School : Northeastern College

(Villasis, Santiago City
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 57

Curriculum Vitae

2x2 picture

I. Personal Background

Name : Kieth B. Macaranas

Age : 17

Sex : Female

Weight : 52 kgs.

Height : 5’4

Birthdate : March 24, 2000

Birthplace : Santiago City

Address : Patul, Santiago City

Parents Name Occupation

Father : Angelito Macaranas Farmer

Mother : Violeta Macaranas House Wife

II. Educational Background

Elementary : Villa Gonzaga Elementary School

(Villa Gonzaga, Santiago City)

Junior High School : Patul National High School

(Patul, Santiago City)

Senior High School : Northeastern College

(Villasis, Santiago City)
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 58

Curriculum Vitae

2x2 picture

I. Personal Background

Name : John Paolo M. Pasion

Age : 16

Sex : Male

Weight : 49 kgs.

Height : 5’3

Birthdate : September 1, 2000

Birthplace : Santiago City

Address : Villa Gonzaga, Santiago City

Parents Name Occupation

Father : Danilo Pasion N/A

Mother : Maribelle M. Pasion N/A

II. Educational Background

Elementary : Santiago South Central School

(Victory Nort, Santiago City)

Junior High School : Northeastern College

(Villasis, Santiago City)

Senior High School : Northeastern College

(Villasis, Santiago City)
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 59

Curriculum Vitae

2x2 picture

I. Personal Background

Name : Vanessa A. Retotal

Age : 17

Sex : Female

Weight : 41 kgs.

Height : 5’2

Birthdate : February 14, 2000

Birthplace : Cordon, Isabela

Address : Rizaluna, Cordon, Isabela

Parents Name Occupation

Father : Vergilio N. Retotal Jr. Farmer

Mother : Marilou A. Retotal House Wife

II. Educational Background

Elementary : Rizaluna Elementary School

(Rizaluna, Cordon, Isabela)

Junior High School : Saint John Berchmans High School

(Magsaysay, Cordon, Isabela)

Senior High School : Northeastern Collge

(Villasis, Santiago City)
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 60

Curriculum Vitae

2x2 picture

I. Personal Background

Name : Arnel Tintero

Age : 17

Sex : Male

Weight : 56 kgs.

Height : 5’5

Birthdate : August 20, 1999

Birthplace : Nueva Vizcaya

Address : Patul, Santiago City

Parents Name Occupation

Father : Alexander Tintero Vendor

Mother : Alicia Tintero Vendor

II. Educational Background

Elementary : Santiago South Central School

(Victory Norte, Santiago City)

Junior High School : Northeastern College

(Villasis, Santiago City)

Senior High School : Northeastern College

(Villasis, Santiago City)
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 61

Curriculum Vitae

2x2 picture

I. Personal Background

Name : Joyce M. Ulep

Age : 16

Sex : Female

Weight : 40 kgs.

Height : 4’9

Birthdate : August 21, 2000

Birthplace : Santiago City

Address : Sinili, Santiago City

Parents Name Occupation

Father : Marcelino R. Ulep Foreman

Mother : Lorna M. Ulep House Wife

II. Educational Background

Elementary : Sinili Elementary School

(Sinili, Santiago City)

Junior High School : Patul National High School

(Patul, Santiago City)

Senior High School : Northeastern College

(Villasis, Santiago City)

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