The Problem and Its Background: Health Impacts of Vices To The Youth
The Problem and Its Background: Health Impacts of Vices To The Youth
The Problem and Its Background: Health Impacts of Vices To The Youth
Chapter I
Youth are considered as the catalyst agent for societal change for the
future generation. They are being educated and trained for their self-
advance their knowledge and to sort them in to those who have bad habits. They
the individual for self-reliance and affords him the opportunity to bend himself
toward a meaningful and productive life. Thus the curriculum must be designed
to develop not only skilled and knowledgeable individual but also to orient them
in vice-free future for their improvement of the quality of living. Generations today
are being widely affected by peer pressure and social vices. Ogena in her article
“Human Capital Projections for the Philippines: Issues and challenges for the 21 st
Century” asserts of this task vested upon by the Health Agency. She states and
to wit:
that they are present in all educational centers- Primary, Secondary and Tertiary.
a bad habit or immoral activities. Vices are common among young males and
found that current drug use, drinking alcohol and smoking among young Filipinos
aged 15-24 have dropped. The survey showed that young Filipinos who are
“current smoker” declined from 20.9% in 2002 to 19.7% in 2013. The same
survey also found that young Filipinos who engaged in alcohol and drug use
Though there are published surveys and data showing the number of
youth having vices some researches do not believe with the representation of it,
which are being unidentified by the researchers greatly affects the results.
youth having vices has been their major contribution to combat down the
population of it.
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth Page |4
1.1 Name
1.2 Age
1.3 Vice/s
Prior to the possible health impact of different vices among teenagers this
can serve as basis for different local problems and problems in nature in
City Health Office. City Health Officers may infer to our data to probe
their study with regards to teen abuse and teenagers’ vices which may be used
Law enforcers. This research will help them solve different crime with
Parents. This will help for them to realize their full responsibility in their
children and to further educate them to reduce the number of youth with vices in
Youth. This study will aid them and educate them on the possible health
impact of vices and its negative effects to their future. This will also hinder them
for having vices, because of the possible impacts of that may threaten them.
serve as guide for their study and to further conduct researches in line with
the out-growing numbers of youth having vices, lastly to add more details in
The nature of the study would take three (3) months in conducting and scanning
in reviewing the studies and related literature that will sought to answer by the
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth Page |6
studies and research that will focused on the relation of Language Needs
Definition of Terms
Cigarette. Is defined as a small roll of paper that is filled with cut tobacco
online social networks to bully other or sending sexually explicit digital photos
public health services through the provision of quality healthcare and the
Information (FOI) act aims to mandate the disclosure of public documents. The
proposed bill also outlines the exception for public disclosure and the procedures
Sin tax Bill. (House Bill 5272 and Senate Bill 3249) The Philippines bill
which aims to restructure the existing taxes imposed on alcohol and tobacco
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth Page |8
Merriam-Webster, Inc.)
Chapter II
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth Page |9
and foreign countries that are related to the present study. It also deals on review
of literatures from book and other printed materials that are related with the
present study.
Introductory Statement
Different foreign and local published data which we consider as the pillar
of our research determines the scope of it. Youth are being defined by our
sources as the key for progress, their knowledge would greatly affect the next
on the possible hindrance that would deteriorate the future of the youth. If any
Nicotine, liquors, radiations and many more are one of the many factors
that youths could encounter as they grow and strive to achieve for their future. A
country who focuses to the future would tend to grow in the future, which is the
youth. Different sectors in the society should be the primary concern in their
growth. Before everything would be too late, they should start addressing the
Local studies found out that, even though we see the youth as more highly
active in different vices such as; gambling, sex, and many more, they have been
seen as to be more behave than the past studies. Filipino youths are bound to
have vices due to their curiosity and wide-spread influence by others. Proper
guidance and correct orientation could be the best way to reduce the instance of
Foreign studies shows that, youths in world are still hyper in terms of
vices. The World Health Organization (WHO) are having different plans to reduce
the instance of youth having vices, especially countries like; USA, Canada and
Related Studies
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 11
I. Alcohol Drinking
time of the Code of Hammurabi (2380 BC). In the Philippines, the use of alcohol
(Guevara, 2013).
in 300 cc of beer of 100 cc of a glass of the table wine. The safe consumption for
males is around 21 units and 14 units for female drinkers. Distillation is a method
(Guevara, 2013)
al. (2005). According to results of an annual survey of students in 8th, 10th, and
percent of 12th graders reported drinking alcohol within the past month
(University of Michigan, 1996). Binge drinking at least once during the 2 weeks
before the survey was reported by 16 percent of 8th graders, 25 percent of 10th
graders, and 30 percent of 12th graders. Males report higher rates of daily
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 12
drinking and binge drinking than females, but these differences are diminishing
(Johnston, et al., 2005). White students report the highest levels of drinking,
blacks report the lowest, and Hispanics fall between the two (Johnston et al.,
high school seniors and dropouts found that within the preceding year,
drinking and driving. More than half said that drinking had caused them to feel
sick, miss school or work, get arrested, or have a car crash (Ellickson et al.,
Some adolescents who drink later abuse alcohol and may develop
alcoholism. Although these conditions are defined for adults in the DSM,
research suggests that separate diagnostic criteria may be needed for youth
that includes other problem behaviors and that these behaviors are linked to
Binge drinking, often beginning around age 13, tends to increase during
a 1994 national survey, binge drinking was reported by 28 percent of high school
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 13
olds (Johnston, et al., 2005). Individuals who increase their binge drinking from
age 18 to 24 and those who consistently binge drink at least once a week during
this period may have problems attaining the goals typical of the transition from
Genetic Risk Factors, animal studies (McKinzie et al., 2014) and studies of
adolescence (Chassin et al., 1991) and to develop alcoholism (Cotton, 2003), but
the relative influences of environment and genetics have not been determined
with risky sexual behavior and increased vulnerability to coercive sexual activity.
Massachusetts teenagers said they were more likely to have sexual intercourse if
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 14
they had been drinking, and 17 percent said they were less likely to use condoms
Alcohol, the most widely used and abused drug among youth, causes
alcohol is sometimes referred to as a "gateway drug" for youth because its use
what it leads to but because of the extensive human and economic impact of
For some youth, alcohol use alone is the primary problem. For others,
specific youth drinking patterns will permit the design of more potent
treatment needs of youth. Future questions for scientific attention include, what
than in general population programs; and, irrespective of the setting, what types
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 15
effectiveness of treatment.
Smoking is the act of inhaling the fumes from a burning substance, usually
70,000 times a year. It is therefore not surprising that, with such abuse, a number
of diseases, many of them fatal, are associated with smoking. These include
One of the first micro level studies on the economics of youth smoking
17 years old) in years 2011-2015. His demand equation tested retail prices of
cigarettes while controlling for various socioeconomic factors such as age, sex,
race, family size, income, labor force status of mother, and for smuggling. The
the same estimates from the previous macro data studies. The author
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 16
hypothesized that young consumers might be more price responsive than adults
because of lower disposable income. He also found that price has more effect on
but it did not change the number of cigarettes consumed by smokers. In 2014,
He concluded that smuggling can bias results and that the smuggling
incentives should be controlled for. Dividing the sample into three age groups (20
responsiveness confirmed the hypothesis about the higher price elasticity among
youth, perhaps also due to shorter smoking history (the addiction to nicotine did
not have a chance to fully develop), higher discount rate for future consumption,
and the multiplying effect of peer pressure which is stronger for young adults
than for older consumers. As in the 2014 study, price had a larger effect on a
cigarette prices and state smoking policies and argued that the results of
previous studies are biased upwards since they ignored this correlation (an
omitted variable bias). They also estimated price elasticity’s by years and found
that they differ. For example the results for 2013-2015, and 2016 were 0.06, -
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 17
0.017, and –0.23 respectively, which led them to hypothesize that the elasticity’s
harm. However, the results were supported by a relatively small sample with only
applied his rational addiction model on longitudinal data from the Second
National Health and Nutrition Examination. While controlling for age, race,
price sensitivity of young adults because he also found them less responsive
compared with older age groups. This result cast serious doubt on the hypothesis
larger respondents' sample. Because of the Dewey (2014) and Chaloupka (2014)
further investigation.
the risk of complications from the disease— including poor blood flow to
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 18
legs and feet. This can lead to infection and result in the need to amputate
those that supply blood to the penis. Good news is that quitting will make
a big difference.
fertilized egg implants somewhere other than the uterus. The egg can’t
smokers which puts you at risk for breaking body parts like your hip.
Putting down the cigarettes can help slow down this process and keep you
disease more common in women that affects the joints in your hands and
feet. It causes painful swelling that can eventually result in bone loss and
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 19
joint deformity. Smoking is one of the causes, and is also associated with
8. Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate- These birth defects, commonly called or facial
clefts, occur when a baby’s lip or mouth doesn't develop properly during
pregnancy. Women who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to have
10. Gum Disease- As if potentially losing a limb isn’t enough you also risk
gum infection that destroys the bone that supports the teeth. It is a major
only pertains to drug, alcohol, and smoking cigarettes but there are still many
other things that one person can be addicted to and being addicted to computers
societies and they target a variety of people in different ages. The addiction to
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 20
the rivalry and excitements of the games make them the most common
higher level of the game, they immerse in the game so much that they completely
separate from their surroundings. Challenging with the obstacles and reaching a
higher level in the game, make the players excited and losing the game make
them anxious.
Computer games started in 1972 with Pang, a computer tennis game, and
visual learning. Especially because these games are more active compared to
watching TV, they are considered more effective. Since these games are known
their negative effects such as stimulating anger and violence, costing a lot of
money and having negative effects of physical and mental health, which are
much higher than the positive effects of the games such as increasing the
games include being excited and easily accessible while authorities and families
do not have any proper plan for students' leisure time and there is not many
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 21
options for their entertainments. Playing computer games to some extent can be
useful, but long-term playing leads to various physical and mental complications.
Long term involvement with these games means the players long term tension,
restlessness and worrisome and during the game, physical tensions and real
stimulation, this can gradually make this system sensitive and ready for response
investigating the reasons for playing video and computer games by adolescents
and their game priorities on 535 adolescents in age 15-20 in the West USA found
that 68% of adolescents had these games as their weekly entertainment. The
reasons for playing these games among boys were excitements and challenges
and they insisted to win. Moreover, sport and violent games were more attractive
youth and adolescents and can lead to psychological disorders and depression in
these groups. In previous times, kids were involved playing with other children,
but children of today spend most of their time on computer games as soon as
they understand and acquainted with them, while these games cannot create any
many mental, physical and social problems for them. These effects are
stimulating anger and violence, obesity, epilepsy due to games, social isolation,
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 22
and other physical and mental damages. Many psychologists and mental health
games on players. In Iran, there are few and limited studies on the effects of
addiction to computer games among Iranian adolescents and youth, the present
on physical and mental health including physical health, anxiety, and depression
Students spend more time with their friends in school or at home. Due to
their weak nature and tender age, they can easily be influenced. Children have
high level of curiosity to learn, to have fun and practice new things thus making
them smoke, drink, have sexual intercourse and so on. The proverb that says
"show me you friends, and I will tell you who you are" shows the significance of
friends and how they influence lives. A child tends to behave like his or her
moves with children with poor academic performance can be like them in no time
and will be lured to the short - cuts to success such as examination malpractice.
Being a virgin, which was once a thing of pride has now turned to object of
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 23
ridicule among students now. An innocent girl will want to experiment what her
friends do discuss and may be pushed into sexual activities in tender age.
parental care, supervision and attention can make a child engage in social vices.
Children from the permissive and uninvolved parenting styles fall mostly into
these traps. They move with wrong people, their movements are not queried;
their academic progress is not being followed up. Freedom to do anything without
been probe affect children negatively. Negligence of parents can make the wards
turn to their friends for love, emotions, care, advice who can lure them into
deadly acts. An abandoned girl can look up to an opposite sex for love and
affection. Some maids, house helps, family members who are always around
children in the absent of parents can introduce these vices to them. Some may
even violate the children sexually, warn and threatened them not to tell anyone.
Even if the bold ones are determined to confide in their parents, they may be too
busy or occupied to listen and see through things. Many parents have spoilt the
There are also instances in which the children’s parents tolerate them in
doing their vices. Most of the parents usually do their vices publicly and being
behavior. It could either imitate their vices or even worst. Some also stated that,
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 24
there are parents who share their vices to their children, which serve as their
In other cases, even public servants who combat against the increasing
government employee and even health employee are the usual people being
seen to do it.
Researchers even concluded that the society where the youth live has a
then that child would tend to grow away from vices, while a child who grows in a
society filled with people doing there vices publicly would tend to grow with
different vices.
Celebrities who are considered as the best influencer for everyone are
luring the children in alcohol drinking. Television adds which promotes a specific
alcoholic products tends to corrupt the minds of their viewers specially children to
Chapter III
This chapter presents the method and procedures used in conducting the
a. Research Design
b. Research Locale
c. Research Instruments
Research Design
In conducting this study, the case study approach was used. This method
the present status of the subject of the study. A case study approach determines
Research Locale
The study was conducted in the city of Santiago. It involved students and
out-of school youth with thirty two (32) respondents. The location was set at all
nearby agents who offer different leisure, such as; malls, computer shops, small
cigarettes. On the other hand, the place was also surrounded by people who
The respondents of the study were participated by different youth, with the
minimum age respondent of fifteen (15) and age limit of twenty three (23). Most
of the respondents were students and are currently enrolled to a private school.
The total students’ respondents are twenty three (23), which are randomly
included as participants.
The other ten (10) respondents were out of school youths, randomly
interviewed those out of school youths who have different vices within the three
Research Instruments
To come with the needed data, the researcher availed of two data
documentary analysis.
was the questionnaire. It was used to assess the background information of the
The study was focused only to the youth, whether currently studying or
conduct the study. After having the questionnaires, the team was divided into two
(2). The first group conducted their surveys by foot within the nearby vicinity of
reach-out different location within the city of Santiago. The survey started and
ended on the 7th of March 2017. The researchers also use different documentary
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 28
materials such as; papers, bullpens, camera phone, voice recorder, video
recorder and etc. Other informations needed were asked orally by the
were used:
data will be treated. The number of the responses in each item will be divided by
The formula:
P = f X 100
P = Percentage
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 29
f = Number of Responses
N = Total Population
100 = Constant
Chapter IV
Respondents’ Profile
Table 1
15-17 18 54.55
18-20 10 30.30
21-23 5 15.15
TOTAL 33 100
As presented in Table 1, the age bracket ranging from15-17 years old has
18 with 54.55 percent and they are the youngest with most numbered
respondents among all the youths. 18-20 years old have 10 with 30.30 percent,
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 31
and the oldest of them all with age bracket of 21-23 with 5 percent and least
The age profile however, does not mean that the younger the youth is the
Table 2
Students 23 69.70
As shown in Table 2, there ten (10) out-of-school youths who joined the
study and twenty three (23) respondents were currently studying, with total
respondents of thirty three (33). In short, all the youths are involved in the study
as subjects
Table 3
Male 23 69.70
Female 10 30.30
TOTAL 33 100
As shown in the table 3, more males were indulged in doing different kinds
of vices compare to female. This signifies that the society generally accepts male
Table 4
SMOKERS 26 78.79
TOTAL 33 100
currently smokes and 7 or 21.21 percent of youths who not smoking at all. The
table also shows that majority of the youth respondents were smokers.
Table 5
Alcohol Drinkers
TOTAL 33 100
drinkers and 13 or 39.40 percent none alcohol drinkers. It shows that majority of
Table 6
GAMERS 25 75.76
NON-GAMERS 8 24.24
TOTAL 33 100
Table 6 shows that there are 25 or 75.76 percent youths who are
computer gamers and 8 or 24.24 percent of them are none gamers. Majority of
have 1, 2, or 3 vices.
Table 7
of Vices
1 15 45.46
2 8 24.24
3 10 30.30
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 36
TOTAL 33 100
Table 7 shows that there are 15 or 45.46 percent of youth who have 1 vice
which also shows that it has the most numbered responses. 8 or 24.24 percent
shows that there are youths who have 2 vices and 10 or 30.30 percent of the
Table 8
of Aware Youths
AWARE 22 66.67
UNAWARE 11 33.33
TOTAL 33 100
Table 8 presents that there are 22 or 66.67 percent of the youths who are
aware about the possible effects of vices and there are 11 or 33.33 percent of the
Table 9
of Addicted Youths
TOTAL 33 100
As indicated above, table 9 clearly shows that there are 9 or 27.27 percent
of the youths who considers themselves as addicted to their current vice/s and
Chapter V
In this part of the study, it summarizes the foregoing chapters, states the
1.4 Name
1.5 Age
1.6 Vice/s
In conducting this study, the case study approach was used. This method
vices to the youth. It involves the collection of data in order to answer questions
concerning the present status of the subject of the study. A case study approach
with the minimum age respondent of fifteen (15) and age limit of twenty
three (23). Most of the respondents were students and are currently
Summary Findings
Based from the data gathered, the following findings were derived at;
There were more male youths who are currently engaged in different
vices, usually with 1-3 vices. While female youths are less to be expected
connection, 72.73 percent of the total population considers that they are not
addicted to their vices instead they took it moderately. While the rest of the
population considers that they are addicted to their vices and they cannot
health impacts of the said vices and yet they take no action into it. While the
Though there are still youths who are engaged in different vices,
local studies states that, youths today are more behave than the past data.
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 40
The dropped count on the population of youth having vices, are being
population of youth having vices’, is still on the line of their platforms and
goals to lessen the population of it. Although the government is trying its
best to reduce, there are some parents who wishes to tolerate their
children’s vices for they also have such. Parental guidance should be the
basic agent and most simple step in the world wide view of vice-free youth.
affecting the data being gathered by different health institutions. Which give
them the top conclusion that the data gathered are not that reliable, unless
they would set in a undercover mission to found the root of all vices,
Based from the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn
or formulated.
1. Most of the teenagers are into different vices specially students in this
2. Majority of the respondents who are trying to get rid of their vices find
theirs effort to get rid of the habit. However, making an effort to give up
3. Most of the youths are bound to have their vices due to their curiosity
and as leisure. They believe that through their vices, they can be what
4. Majority of the youths has only (1) one vice, for they find too much
5. Majority of the populations state that they usually do their vices publicly.
6. Almost all of the youths cannot do at least a day to last without even
7. Some parents of the youths involve where actually aware about their
children’s vices.
9. Among the (23) twenty three students who participated the research
majority of the said population actually skip class just to do their vices
10. The numbers of respondents who are aware about any existing law that
prohibits their vices was actually tied up with number of those are not
11. Most of youths involved in the study pick-pockets to their parents just to
12. Majority of response of the respondents tells that they actually know
that their vices would not benefit them, but they still continue to do them
their vices.
13. Majority of the respondents give much time and efforts in doing their
vices find difficulties in trying to remove their vices. They admitted that
they are being bound of the addictive features of their currents vices
and trying to remove it would be hard and would take much time.
15. Most of the student involves clearly state that, they are not well
educated about their current vices. They are not being guided by their
parents instead their parents had their vices similar to and continue to
be tolerated.
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 43
The researchers have conducted various surveys to know the partial result
of youth having vices in the City of Santiago. Part of the research is to seek for
population of it.
3. For those youth who are still studying. Department of Education, different
students in the reduction of youths having vices. They play a major role in
They should educate them more and guide them for their progress.
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 44
5. For all the youths. Parents are the primary catalyst agent for their change,
either the parents stop their vices first or to educate their children’s not to
6. That youths has also the key for their total change, either they stop it
cigarettes for them reduce the population of youth having vices. They
8. The youths must swear not to do their vices anymore, if necessary should
10. For cigarettes smokers. There are other artificial smoking materials such
monoxide. Though it has a little nicotine content, but the point is, this could
11. For computer gamers. They must take it moderately and take some limits
on it.
12. All vices are considered bad and cannot be easily remove. Take it
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 45
15. Abstain from any vice being promoted to you by your fellow peers.
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 46
Barnes, G.M et al. Family influence on alcohol abuse and other problem
behaviors among black and white adolescent in a general population sample. In:
Boyd, G.M et al,. eds. Alcohol Problems among Adolescents: Current Directions
in Prevention Research. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002. Pp.
School personnel, smoking, school level policies, and adolescent smoking in law
and middle income countries. (Oct 30, 2015) Pp. 265
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Felts, W.M et al. Drug use and suicide ideation and behavior among North
Carolina public school students. American Journal of Public Health 82(6):870-
872, 2001.
Fergusson, D.M & Lynskey, M.T. Alcohol misuse and adolescent sexual
behaviors and risk taking. Pediatrics 98(1):91-96, 1998.
Hawkins, J.D et al. Exploring the effects of age of alcohol use initiation and
psychosocial risk factors on subsequent alcohol misuse. Journal of Studies on
Alcohol 58(5):280-290, 2005.
Jesso, R., & Jessor S.L. Problem behavior and psychosocial development: A
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Johnston, L.D et al. National Survey Results in Drug Use from the Monitoring the
Future Study, 1975-1994: Volume Secondary School Students Rockville, MD:
National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2005.
Human Capital Projection for the Philippines: Issues and Challenges for the 21 st
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Schulenberg, J., et al. Getting drunk and growing up: Trajectories of frequent
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adolescents. Journal of Research on Adolescence 2(4): 317-330, 2001.
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 49
Dear Respondents,
Respectfully Yours,
1. Do you smoke cigarettes?
2. Do you play computer games?
3. Do you drink alcohols?
4. Do you consider any of the first (3) three questions as your
5. Do you give much time and money just to sustain those?
6. Do you often do it?
7. Are you aware of any law prohibiting such vice/s?
8. Do you think vice/s can cause ailments or even death?
9. Do you think it benefits you?
10. Does it improve you as a learner?
11. Can you at least make a day last without doing it?
12. Do you skip class just to do it?
13. Do you pick-pockets to your parents just to do it?
14. Do your parents know about your vice/s?
15. Could your parents stop you from doing it?
16. From your answers, do you consider yourself addicted to it?
Other comments with regards to alcohol drinking, cigarette smoking & computer
Signature of Respondent
Health Impacts of Vices to the Youth P a g e | 50
Curriculum Vitae
2x2 picture
I. Personal Background
Age : 16
Sex : Female
Weight : 40 kgs
Height : 5’2
Curriculum Vitae
2x2 picture
I. Personal Background
Age : 17
Sex : Female
Weight : 39 kgs
Height : 4’8
Curriculum Vitae
2x2 picture
I. Personal Background
Age : 17
Sex : Male
Weight : 48 kgs.
Height : 5’5
Curriculum Vitae
2x2 picture
I. Personal Background
Age : 16
Sex : Male
Weight : 55 kgs.
Height : 5’2
Curriculum Vitae
2x2 picture
I. Personal Background
Age : 17
Sex : Female
Weight : 49 kgs.
Height : 4’9
Curriculum Vitae
2x2 picture
I. Personal Background
Age : 16
Sex : Female
Weight : 50
Height : 5’3
Curriculum Vitae
2x2 picture
I. Personal Background
Age : 17
Sex : Female
Weight : 49 kgs.
Height : 5’3
Curriculum Vitae
2x2 picture
I. Personal Background
Age : 17
Sex : Female
Weight : 52 kgs.
Height : 5’4
Curriculum Vitae
2x2 picture
I. Personal Background
Age : 16
Sex : Male
Weight : 49 kgs.
Height : 5’3
Curriculum Vitae
2x2 picture
I. Personal Background
Age : 17
Sex : Female
Weight : 41 kgs.
Height : 5’2
Curriculum Vitae
2x2 picture
I. Personal Background
Age : 17
Sex : Male
Weight : 56 kgs.
Height : 5’5
Curriculum Vitae
2x2 picture
I. Personal Background
Age : 16
Sex : Female
Weight : 40 kgs.
Height : 4’9