New Generation Korean Beginner Level
New Generation Korean Beginner Level
New Generation Korean Beginner Level
Kyoungrok Ko
Daehee Kim
Yujeong Choi
Ahrong Lee
Beginner Level
Mihyon Jeon
Kyoungrok Ko
Daehee Kim
Yujeong Choi
Ahrong Lee
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University of Toronto Press acknowledges the financial assistance to its publishing program of the
Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario.
This work was supported by Core University Program for Korean Studies through the Ministry of Education
of the Republic of Korea and Korean Studies Promotion Service of the Academy of Korean Studies
Funded by the
of Canada Canada
Preface 7 Lesson 8 A?tlOIE 'M * ~01.H? 119
Components 8 CH.2.~ 1
Characters 10 CH.2.~ 2
CH .2.~ 1 CH.2.~ 2
CH.2.~ 2
Lesson 3 qgEtgOtl ~Ot.H. 43
Vocabulary List 1: by lesson 166
CH .2.~ 1
CH.2.~ 2 Vocabulary List 2:
in alphabetical order 182
Lesson 4 l:fl~W ~ 0 2.1 7t.H. 57
Answer Key 198
CH .2.~ 1
Listening Script 204
CH.2.~ 2
English Translation 212
Lesson 5 ~2t~.2.7t ¥-1011.H? 73
Conjugation Table 220
CH .2.~ 1
CH.2.~ 2
NEW GENERATION KOREAN 1 presents learn ing goals and best practices
lessons developed by professors with extensive KSL/KFL teaching experience
in Canadian and Korean universities. The collaborative authors brought their
expertise from the fields of Korean Education as a Second La nguage (KSL),
Korean Education as a Foreign Language (KFL), and Educational Li nguistics to
the development of lessons that reflect a realistic use of the language relevant
to both high school students and adults.
NEW GENERATION KOREAN 1 is comprised of ten Lessons. It is recommended
that 8-10 hours be devoted to each Lesson for a total of approximately 80-
100 hours. Lesson 1 introduces the fundamentals of t he Korean alphabet. The
remaining Lessons contain the following components:
✓ Introduction
✓ Conversation 1
✓ Grammar Points
✓ Grammar Points
• Listening and Speaking Each Lesson contains two sets of listening and
speaking sections. Each section presents one to three listening passages
followed by comprehension questions. The subsequent speaking section offers
learners an opportunity to apply their listening and speaking skills to a va riety
of communicative settings.
• Reading and Writing Each Lesson contains two sets of reading and w riting
sections. Each section has a reading passage through which learners develop
skills to comprehend the passage and discover how t he new vocabulary,
expression and grammar points previously learn ed are used in t he context.
Each reading text is accompanied by compreh en sion questions. This section
also includes a task to help learners develop writing ski ll s.
Korean Culture At the end of each Lesson, students are provided w ith t he
opportunity to learn about Korean cultu re and to make a com parison to t heir
own culture. Topics are relevant to each Lesson so that learners can expand
their cultural knowledge in relation to what they learn during class.
Just for Fun introduces fun activities related to Korean language and cultu re.
IXI o:i
0 Xi A~ O~'a°A 1::111::11<2!- 1!!
(Jiyeong Kim) (Justin Adams) {Vivian Chen)
Korean teacher, Korean 1st year in university, Canadian 2nd year in university, Chinese
Similar Sound I
Sound* Hangul Letter With silent o
in English
a arm r 0~
0 saw ~ Oi
0 mQW __L 2.
LI moon T T
u p_!Jt - 0
i bee I 01
ae -~_pple H OH
e gvery ~I OJI
Les9Jn 1 ~ 15
Practice reading and writing simple vowels while keeping the basic stroke
order: left to right and top to bottom.
a ~ 't~r rz;
0 ~ c-i T w
0 ...L 1L(t--~
u T
lr y T
Li -
- (~;-----➔ -
i I 11 I
ae H J J
e ~I 1r ~I
c-- t
By combining a simple vowel with a semivowel that has a y or w sound,
diphthongs can be made. There are a total of 13 diphthongs in Korean. Six of the
eight simple vowels can be combined with the semivowel y to create six diphthongs.
The diphthong letters are graphically created by adding one additional short stroke
to the simple vowels } , -l , B, and 1]._i.., , ,
r a F ya
1 0 ~ yo
...L 0 .il yo
y + ➔
T LI TT yu
H ae ~ yae
ii e ~I ye
Five of the eight simple vowels can be combined with the semivowel w to create
six diphthongs. The diphthong letters are graphically created by combining the
semivowel w with the simple vowels } , -l, l, B, and 11. The semivowel w sound
is represented as when it is combined with the bright vowels } and B. It is
represented as , when it is combined with the dark vowel -l and 11. When the
semivowel w sound is combined with the neutral vowel l, two different diphthongs
can be created using each of the semivowel w graphic representations, or,. _i..
r a ...L + r
=.i..f wa
1 0 ,+, =-r-l WO
w + I ➔ ...1../, + I = ..1.-I/TI we/wi
H ae ...L + H = .J..H woe
ii e T + ii = T~I we
Les9Jn1 ~ 17
1 Practice reading and writing diphthongs while keeping the basic stroke order:
left to right and top to bottom.
IC ~
: --➔
ya ~ 'i'
yo ~ "'~~T
(t- ~
yo .1l 'ii IT
•t- ------►
yu lT
yae ~
•,'l 'f
~ ~ J
-3 M
ye ~I ,:"-◄!IT
(t--➔ i i
,, ~
wa .L~ .1L ~-~
(t -----➔ ',!
WO n ,~ l -r=
wi Tl rr-IT T
,J ¥
.~. ,;;;,
~ Di
• 2)
4) D
D .L
5) D .ll. D 1T 6) D ~ D.L
7) Di D-r 8) D -r D-
9) D ~ D ~ 10) Di D~
11) D ...1.. D.ll. 12) DT DTI"
13) D ...1.. Di
Lesson 1 ~ 19
When King Sejong and his royal scholars designed the consonant letters, they
considered the shape of the speech organs, that is, the tongue, gum-ridge, lips,
tooth, and throat. These are represented as the basic consonants 7, L, o, A, and o,
from which the remaining fourteen consonants are derived by adding extra strokes.
As demonstrated in the table below, each letter is designed according to the speech
organ involved in articulation of the sound of the letter.
14 derived consonant
5 Basic Consonants
Speech letters and sounds
Organs Pictures of
Sound Letter Plain Aspirated Tensed
Speech Organs
Back of the (
tongue/ k 7 (k') (kk)
=i 11
soft palate -~ \
Tongue tip/
) C (t) E (t') [[ (tt)
n L
gum-ridge 2 ( r, I)
Lips m \ ~~ ) ~
□ tJ (p) Il (p') tltl (pp)
) M (ss)
Teeth s
)S1\-~ \ \
x (ch) :t (ch') AA (tch)
Throat ng 0 (h)
The names of the consonant letters contain two syllables. The first one consists
of the consonant plus the vowel 1 (e.g., El) and the second syllable the vowel
- followed by the consonant (e.g., ~). Putting the two syllables together forms
the name of the letter E (El~). Since the second syllable does not begin with a
consonant, it is necessary to insert the silent o before the vowel -· While the names
of '7,' 'c,' and 'A' in Korean do not follow the regular pattern (7]Q:j, q ~-, and J.1*),
the regularized names of the letters can alternatively be used (71 ~, 9 ,g, J.j J).
1 Practice reading and writing consonants while keeping the basic stroke order:
left to right and top to bottom.
Sound Letter Name Writing Practice
k 7 71<?:1 71
n L LI~
• ---,.
m □ □ I~ i□l
'-~-~ ->
s A ,q~ ~
0,ng 0 01~ ·O
''•i 7
ch .X :XI~ ~""
-10 ~7
ch' ~ A -=-
Les9Jn 1 ~ 21
Sound Letter Name Writing Practice
k' =1 71~
' ":il
p' II Ill~ ~
-, ((~
,,~ ,·~·
h 0 05 (0
kk T7 Mf
7 IO:t
-, fll
tt [[ Mf[l.:::I.
0 c:::
,g :
ff~ (:(~
pp 1±1 Mfl::!12
0 cl 't'8.8'i'"
(:';.;_,. (f..;_,..
ss M Mf,\j.2
0 A a ,,¥ . ~
1) □ q
3) □ Jt
□ ct
□ :Jt
2.t • 2) □
4) □ ~
2.t □
Ot □ xt
5) □ ~ D -W □~ 6) □ ~ □~ □~
7) □ J;:t □ xt O lq 8) □ ~ □~ □~
In either type of structure, if the syllable does not have an initial consonant, the
letter o becomes the initial letter. But the letter o in that position is silent. It is a
place holder for consistency of syllable structure (e.g., ~).
Les9Jn1 ~ 23
:q;; ~ F ~ ~ ...1... .il T TT - I
7 - - -
7 Ji 7 l T -
Lesson 1 ~ 25
Pronunciation rules
When a syllable with a final consonant is followed by a syllable that begins with a
vowel, such as tl-o], the sound of the final consonant becomes the initial consonant
sound of the following syllable. Therefore, tl-o] would be pronounced as q followed by ~-
E.g., ?J".Q."'il.£.[~7- 1-i].Rl, ~oj Y-"'il.£.[ 0 1i=4Y-"'il.£.l, 0 1;; 0 1[0 12 ul]
E,A..MX.7-o [c:]
When a plain consonant (7, c, B , .::z.) comes before or after the consonant ti,
they combine and form a consonant that has a sound made by an exhaling breath (=i,
E, II, 3:.).
2) ~.2.
-,2 CD [t H~l @ [~~]
7) 01.2.
n:2 CD [OI ~] @ [OI~]
8) ot CD [~ l @ [~]
3) 01q
i!.1 CD [~[[r] @ [<21 [[[]
4) op:.-l
i!H CD [o:j '§] @ [o:j EJ]
5) L10j0
i!II ..... CD ['a Oi.9-l @ ['@tlj.9-]
6) DiOjO
11A ..... CD [~.Uj.9-] @ [~Oi.9-]
7) ttH,2.p~-1
-, Cl CD [i!tlof~l @ [tJH:i!f~l
Les9Jn 1 ~ 27
Essential Expressions
<2!"'aol l-ll,1.1IB..
Good-bye. (to the person who is staying)
Classroom Expressions
t'J 0 ,i.ilB..
Good job!
■ !¥1;,11,J;i·lUtWMti
~ Greeting
0 Self-introduction
□ X1 (q) I D Ol-gOI ¥-IOU.B.? What is your name?
□ J.q Mr., Ms. 0 3~China
□ .A.~EJ person □ ~~Korea
❖ Practice the dialogue with the cue words. @: □ ~2.10~ @: 1gj 2.l it!
<2.t'ao~tilR Ai~ @ ~Liq. Ai~ @ NEJOIOJIR 2.0~11J1c 01~
Lesson 2 '2.!1aofA1l.9.? 31
• Ai~ ±JIIO~OllR
• AfA·\::I::'. .1Hqq Ar'ENIOJIR D ~ -? Australia
• □~2.10~ ,1,,q ~ ~2.I~ Ar'E:J"O IOJIR □ ~B Hong Kong
□ ~{lj student
1 Match the questions in the left column with the answers in the right.
A: -~Pl Ml:= ~ g ,!__faOIOJI£?
B: L:JI. #71Ml:= ~ g Afa OIOJIR
Lesmn 2 'r/\allofJ.119.? 33
1 Listen to the narration and choose the correct answer.
1) ~.2.:: ~~ .,qiaOlotlR? • □ \:1.5:. India
□ ~~ Ge1111any
(1) Lll, '21~ .,q~OIOllR □ .!!%/~ France
<;2) Lll, ~~ .,q~OIOJIR □ llil.§. 'a Vietnam
□ E/1~ Thailand
(3) Lll, ~~ .,q~OIOJIR □ 'i1!~ England
3) t:1lt:1l'2.!"::'. 5~ A.iaOlotlR? •
0) Lll, EH~ ,Af~OIOJIR
(2) OrLIH, ~~ ,Af~OIOllR
(3) 011, 3~ Af~OIOJIR
2 Ask your classmates their names (Ol~OI ¥-!OHR?) and nationalities using a yes/no
question (e.g., 1HLfCf AfEl"OIOIIR?).
D OjOjLI mother
2) t:1lt:1l'l!"
4) '2..!.2.
Lesson 2 '2!~of..l.11.9.? 35
The picture below is a famous painting from Korea. Have an open
discussion about the painting, the figures, their costumes, the time and place
it is set in. The title of the painting is "The Seodang," which is the term for a
traditional Korean village school.
D rt!"lrA1 'r.!°f:t"EfLlq. I' m glad to meet you .
D 1Q{i;:! first-year (student) D 2Q{i;:! second-year (student)
Lesson 2 '2J1aofA11.9.? 37
1) A: □ ~2.10~~ 3~'.:!0lotlR?
B: . 2~'.:!0lotlR.
2) A: Alq~ ~~ ,qEf"OlotlR?
. :1Hqq .A.~Ef"OIOIIR.
1) A: Ai:: ~~ "'-PaOIOIIR.
2) A: Ai:: CH~~OIOIIR.
2 Talk with your classmates using 'J:i£' when finding something in common or 'J:ie'
when in contrast.
I A: Ai ~ 1Hqq NaOIOJIR
B: Ai~ 1Hqq "ra OI OJIR
A: Ai ~ 1~1c\OIOJIR
B: Ai ~ 2~1c\OIOJIR
Lesmn 2 'r/\allofJ.119.? 39
1 Listen to the narration and choose True or False.
• f'l'f'f'l'l'I'
□ ~gOj the Japanese
D Oj;q female
1) t:llt:11~~ I ~-~
0) ,Hqq
Lesson 2 lliWfl.Q? 41
Greetings in Korea
When people meet for the first time in Canada, they introduce themselves
by giving their names and sometimes shaking hands. Handshaking happens in
Korea as well. Usually a senior person or a person in a higher position initiates
a handshake. Handshakes are done using the right hand. Grasping the other
person's right hand with the left hand while shaking hands is considered
respectful. A younger person or a person in a lower position tends to bend
his/her upper body slightly during the handshake to be respectful.
In Korea, bowing is common, although the degree of the bow varies from
45 degrees for the highest level of politeness to 15 degrees with the face down
for common courtesy. Koreans rarely wave their hands to greet older people,
while hand-waving is common among friends.
When Korean people meet for the first time, they introduce their names
first then commonly ask each other's age and occupation. Knowing such
information is important to communicate politely in the Korean language.
The Korean language reflects the importance of hierarchy in Korean society
with several honorific speech levels, which are used according to age, status or
l!iihi 1U~(•Jnf#i1('lii
g Making basic sentences in informal settings
□ 5:.A1t!" library
□ ~.!j,.ofq to study
D i!.71 meat
□ ~'.llq to be delicious
■ The structure of a verb or an adjective is composed of a stem
D 2.1;q chair
and an ending. A stem is the part of a verb/adjective that
□ 1?,tqtosit
does not change in conjugation. Endings change according to D ~Jq to be many
the style of the sentences and provide additional meanings
regarding the context of the speech. to do horn ework
1) 2) 3)
• ~~ □~EOjlAl ~ !tfR
• .2.+0f is contracted into 2f as in 2fH. (.2.+0fH.) and !i!fH. (!2.+0fH.). D 5!LH q to send
• ~+Oi is contracted into .5f~ as in 9~H. (4-+0iH.) and ~H.5f~H. M~+OiH.). D Lf!!!.q to be bad
□ Si?--\f milk
• Ol+Oi is contracted into 01 as in □ f.A.~H. (□f.A.l+OiH.).
o ~qto write
■ If the two vowels cannot make a diphthong, one vowel drops
and the other one remains as in the following three rules.
• When two identical vowels meet, only one remains as in 7fH. (7f+OfH.).
• When the stem ends in the vowel -OH, -Oi drops as in .XILHH. (.XILH+OiH.).
• When the stem ends in the vowel -2., it drops before another vowel as in SliH. (.:i+OiH.).
1) A~q
2) !i!LHq CD s!LHOi£ (J) s!LHO~B_
3) qtuq CD q 1±1 Oi £ (?) qt!lfB_
2 Match the words on the left with the corresponding verbs on the right.
• J.l.ifl.
1) ~.JICI=
'-" L.. 7tR.
2) □ tOI~~ jl
OT t::lc5HO
3) *~t::: ,C-iAI
c::::I IC
-, ..LL.
D 1:r;q male
□ .lJl.~ classroom
D >'ill.I§ coffee shcp
(2) ~~ □ rE
(4_) '2.)~ □ rE
Ai:: Ol~2-01IR Ai:: 4'~ ~~ ~~ 9:10,R .:::lcHAi Al~ ~~
□ .::J.2Jl,!,i therefore
□ rE{)jl 7rR c11c11'2.!~ 3~ .A.rgol{)jlH. c11c11'2.!~ .xro1qErg{}j1
□ ;i;;fOILfE(g Chinatown
~□ tR 4'~ 3~ □ rE{)jlA-J "2t !iJ.rR c11c11'2.!~ Al~ ~Aft.f{)jl 7rR D ~ New York
□ ~book
t:!lt:!1'2.!~ 4'~ ~Ai£f{)j1Ai ~!¥oHR
□ 'ii'{ct to read
3) t:1lt:1I~~ ~~ AtEJ"OIOIIR?
;,::: 1 -
□ ~2.:Jr~·Ljq Excuse me D t!~ '=!,f~-E_I- Shoe Museum
□ ~beside □ 1lof~ subway
10 M .LL.
~ 07'Wlg
B: ~g~ 71~..A.~ Oil ~OJR.
..a&,&&. •
Q,1-~~I~ 3) A: J.1~01 OJCI ~OJR?
II 8 l:l ~
4) A: 11n1,eo1 OJCI ~OJR?
B"• 11n1.:n.
t::::IL.. 5.AH2,l:?-I-
,o L.: Oil ~OJR.
01 0
Ai~ AiA'c!OIOjlR cH~.iiI 1~'c::!OIOjlR Ai~ orWEOjf ~orR
0 O(IIrs apartment
OrWE7~ ~.iiI gt{)j[ '.llOiR {!!IliA7~ Of~ tiR ~~~~ ~JOfR □ ~Ili:::':: cam~s
::12-1.:il ~Af@~ Of~ tiH. Ai~ ~~ ~Af@Oj[Ai ~!¥!-o~H. D -~ plural maker
~Af@~ ~~.2.ltf g!Ojl '.llOiH. ~Aitf <2_1-0j[ tiil[g.OI '.llOiH. D .=12j~ and
□ 0(9- very
~~~OI tiil[g.Oj[Ai till[ □ rA1R tiI1[7~ '11"'.llOiR □ "!q to be small
2 Write a paragraph about your campus. Describe the location of each building or
--- r
•~:;:i~o AIC.r Orf'IJ[ Oln.l O
= A lc...:c_ ,o rr v 1 .M.vl.Ll...
• My home is in Montreal.
-9--21 ~ ~ .g E cl%°il 91 ~.R.
• My family has four people.
--9--2-1 7}~ ~ 4~ 0 l°il.R.
• My/ our class has many Chinese students.
--9--21 lfl-°il ~ %~ QfAJ ~ O l W-0 } .R.
• My sister is a graduate student.
--9--cl <?111 ~ rBQf-%!AJ 0 l°il.R.
• My/ our teacher is Korean.
--9--cl 11J-J1d ~ ~R J-}~0 l°il.R.
o ~l?
T'-1 •
10 Ordering food
10 Making polite commands
10 Making negative statements
□ llH.:il.!!q to be hungry □ 2~~ nearby
D ~ water
□ Etli:!.5:. Taekwondo
□ AHnew
□ ~ cbtres
■ The ending -.:il {j!q is attached to a verb stem and expresses
□ ,1101,g K-pop
speaker's desire in a statement or listener's desire in a
□ ;;;;.~weekend
question. D ~F?- friend
■ -.:il 'i'i!Oi ofq is used to express the desire of the 3rd person. □ ~q to listen
D ~qqtomeet
□ ;..fq to buy
D § money
□ ['JO I a lot
□ ~)..1§. concert
1 Match the phrases on the left with the corresponding verbs on the right.
1) AH :i: • .E.jl
J:E .LL.
5) ~~Oil • Oi.Jl
-, AIOjO
J:E .LL.
2 Ask your classmates what they would like to do if they were rich.
1 Match the phrases on the left with the corresponding verbs on the right.
1) 2)
Lesson4 ~l'E:l~"1S2.2.Pf.9.. 61
• .2_4-7 ~ 3;q9_?
• ~-Ul7~ ~AIH? □ ';t.UI weather
• 2.iJ,IO~OJI ~:5_? D ~q to be cold
D Oj~q to be difficult
□ IH(§_q to be fast
■ The ending -:X:12? is used like an English tag question to invite
D ~ \:l London
the listener to agree with the speaker. It is attached to a verb or □ 1::tl~tg bibimbap
an adjective stem. It can be contracted into -fr such as =!fr,~ □ q Llq to attend
fr, and '@!"fr. □ ~q to be spicy
□ .:i1.E~.ii1. high school
1) ~f:!Oll .A.~is"OI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2) ~~Oj7~
3) Alo~~o1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 Match the phrases on the left column with those on the right.
3) 2~~.i:i!Oll
( T / F) • l'l'Pl'l'l'P
□ -of.:i:l and, with
□ 2-f~ ramyem
□ ~*01
spicy rice cake dish
□ ~2{ school break
to go travelling
D -lil?!c Jeju Island
□ l/'O I together
D AfI! ~q
to take a photo
3 Talk with your classmates about who you want to meet and why.
Lesson4 ~l\!dtg,)"12:122.PI-£. 63
1 Read the following text and answer the questions. •
□ DJl.\cr menu
□ ~~ gimbap
2.t\:'.J ........................... 4~ D * dollar
-f:JigJ- ........................... 4~ □ OJ~ fish cake
□ 'Mct to sell
(}j~ ........................... 3~
□ '2)717f ~iq
to be popular
~*01 ························ 3~
□ ~;:: Korean rice
cake soup
□ ~~dumpling
A 1-,o"'I
~L=L .2..AI □i o 2,~ o ul
L.!-; Cl-, 1 - ·I ..:LAJ..u... □ [H during
Oct r, 2.L□~
711:lf-'5l:i!_ nJ¥ cc•L!i!.ol.s.
IL..:,l,JI-,,-,,, i:2 n~oLo cci..!i!.Ol7\- 01717)-
l..u...-,,, L..:
Ls I..LL.
□ ~211 song
(2) -f:l'gj
□ ~ ofq to work
D OfE.q to be sick
D OH~~
femae younger sii]ing
□ filq not to have
2 Match the sentences on the left column with those on the right.
2) §OI filOlR.
2 Talk with your classmates about what you usually do during the weekend using
2 2 •
Lesson 4 ~l~ig,t '!j.2.2.PfR 67
□ ~-§! rospital
□ ~H umbrella
■ -( 0 )J..ilfl can be used as a polite request or command. □ ~q to put up
D LH'€,l tomorrow
■ -( 0 )J..ilfl is formed by combining the honorific marker - (0 ) ..>,.j
D Oj2.I read
and the polite ending -Oi.Q/O~R D 71~ mood
■ - 0 is attached to a consonant-ending verb stem, while
.Q is attached to a vowel-ending stem.
2) A: Di 2.llt OtIItR.
B: .:::12.-1
I A: 71~ 01 8 ~ OfR
B: ~ ~ . {.F?-~ ~ qtilR j
1 Listen to the conversation at a restaurant and choose True or False.
( T / F)
• l'l'Pl'l'l'P
□ -'tl~JJ;PH
bean paste stew
□ ~tfct to on:Jer
0 .2~Al9'~
orange juice
□ -,i?' I cookies
□ llj~EI bubble tea
O -'f,1~~7JI£?
What can Iget for you 7
2 You are at a Korean coffee shop with your f riends. Make an order using the
following menu.
A:~ c '§mH?
B: :ti III orq, cfi~EI orq ~t1IR
~LI::~~ iO~o~R 2;'; ~~~~ ~.:i]_ 1,!0i o~R ::l2HA1 2~
□ ~O(tfq to like
_r:_;;_;_it.f{)jl ~~~~ ~2-12-1 7~R ::l~C:11 ~{!J~OI l:I~ 'it'OiR ~Oji □£ g recently
~OiR ::I2HA1 ~~ ~ ~2-1R ~LI:: 71~01 <2_!- iO~R □ .:J.~ Cil by the w-ay
□ 2f~8 student ID
□ 2.H why
□ ,\.l:U time
□ ~~theater
1) £LI:: Ol CIOII nR?
D ~~fmovie
l"'LI= OU
3) .::C. L- ~ ,
-,2 ~ 2
5!. 1::112'~0?
~ ~ 'i1 jl}
~li!~ .!t~'lt .... . ! ~ '-t~l.lf-3 . . . . . . . q ~
· ·!~ ~-,lf.lf-3 .. . .. ! ~
· '1~
Lesson4 1::il'E:J~i::!12.2.Pf.8.. 71
There are many idioms in Korean that use body parts. Let's
guess the meaning of the following idioms.
• to be untalkative
to be t enacious
• to be fearless
to be generous
• to be gullible
·- •
~ ® @?v WXYZ
0 ®0
Counting numbers
Making an appointment
10 Buying goods
□ Ol'r:J this time □ A11~ sale D -t:!2'-'r:l.2. phone number
D -t:!2.f'r:j.2.7f ~OIi£.? What's your phone number? D ~Ell to (someone)
D £.~ days of the week □ ~£.~Monday □ 2.f£.~ Tuesday
16 17 IS 19 21 21
11 1~ V 2, 21 2a
2 Ask your classmates for their phone numbers using "~2f~.2.7f ¥~OIIR?".
■ -OJI is used after time expressions such as time of day, day of D ~ \:! last year
2 01 12 'GJ 01 40 J.f'GJ
3 Af
D 13 A IH
eel □ 50 2-GJ
4 J.f 14 'GJJ.f 60 OA I
7 eel
5 2 15 'GJ2 70 Jc:IA I
0 A IO I IfA I
6 7 16 eel7 80 2eel
7 Jc:I
2 17 A IJc:I
eel2 90 .:;=t'GJ
IIf A I IIf l::IH
8 2 18 eel 2 100 ---,
9 .:;:i 19 'GJ .:;:i 1,000 ~
10 Al
eel 20 0l'GJ 10,000 12_1-
D .2.{! a.m
2~2 ££~OIOJIR 1::Jl1::Jl<2_l- Ml~ Al5 ~2-f~Oll 7fR '2.1.2. Ml~ □ 'i§l~ ,1..111 o'clock
□ 2.;q hat/cap
~OI 7fR 1::Jl1::Jl<2_l- Ml~ 2~ ~~ .A.I {J"{:J ~OJI Alof~Q:10ll.A.i '2.1.2.
□ ~~(!iel) what
Ml~ [rqR 1::Jl1::Jl<2_l- Ml~ ~2-f~Oll.A.i 7f~~ .A.fR 7f~2 .A.f{:J.2
~OIOJIR '2.1.2. Ml~ 2Af~ .A.fR 2Af~ {J"{:J~ ~OIOJIR
G) (1) ®
• 54~
• 45~
• 37~
• 39~
11 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
~o~q - 2 A-j ~ □~~ ~ Oll e O l 15"
2~ ():j :=:: o~~ l:IH
0 ~i! ~ 7H
- H
- ----
A-JI ~
•• .A
e_~ .(
The following Korean numbers that precede a counting unit are written in slightly
different forms: if}4- becomes~ (~ ~ -'i!l), % becomes.:,;. (,'}.:i!} .:,;. 7~). J}J becomes A~
(%al A~ AJ), 1;ll becomes "11(7.}%7-} "11i::H), and~% becomes ~f (~;,~ ~f ~),
~ +7H
.. ~PH
~ 7H
A-ti 7H
A -§+7H
.. ~~ ;,H
Afil. 7H
■ Time
~ Al ~ Al
(9 (9 '
A-ti Al L-JI Al
Q) 0
: . ~-
Al {:12. .¥
Oj ~
1' ·_
G) C)
: 1·
Al ~{:I,¥
. ·_
_. .
= Oj~ Al ~ (half)
□ ~~ clerk □ .iil:i!.1-Ai textbook □ -=?~~ ~q to take a class
□ ~~-g-LJq_I see. □ r:l counting unit for books □ -OU per
D qAJ "§"711£.. I' II be back. D 7i1IJ coffee D -B counting unit for beverage
□ r2.IOr~ ~Q:j ~
I A: J:11<2.! .UI,
~ ~ OIOJIB_?
• A: J-r'6fOI ~ 7HS:,lOjB_?
• ~ J-11 ~ ~J-1JR □ ,!.f~ candy
D ~,rw::i:1puppy
■ Different counting units are used, depe nding on what you D ~fear
□ 61,1-fami~
• ~ for people • □ ~2.I for animals
• 7H for small things • i':! for books
• ~ for bottles • cH for large electronics and appliances
• g for papers • ~ for clothes
• B for beverage
■ g! plus a counting unit makes a question word as in g! ~ (how
many people), g! '@!" (how old), and g! Al (what time).
■ Numbers 1 to 4 change before co unting units: o~q to ~ ' ~ to .!:j=-,
11 to J.:11, ~ to Lil, and A~ to A~.
MVI..L.L. •
• 1.:11 CH
2 Talk with your classmates about how many [£IX~, ~-¥f-Ei, ~,1, f.tO~XI, etc.] they (you)
I A: 9PP ~~ 7HS:,l0j£?
B: 2.1;:~7~q-:'.."! 7HS:,lOjR
1 What time is it?
1) ( .2.~ / .2.~)
2) ( .2.~ / .2.~ )
•• D Al~JH eraser
D 2.-";c altogether
D clfJ;:I pants
3) ( .2.~ / .2.~ )
4) ( .2.~ / .2.~ )
2 Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.
3) Al~7H ~ 7H A.R?
G) 17~ (1) 27~ ® 37~
4) £~ ~ □ .OIIR?
G) 37~ (1) 38~ ®39~
- - - - - -
OIi - - - - - -
G) ®
• 67~
• 52~
20 I I {:JOI ~OIOJl.9_ I I ~-----~
l!iihi 1U~(•Jnf#i1('lii
g Expressing past events
□ "§01~~ amusement park □ ~-=?- who □ "§01 71-=?- ride
B: @ OJIJ-.i @
D 'i?:l □ f mom
□ Jil~ofq to be tired
B: f-1-=jl§.
L..: a ( □tqo
L.:. ..L&.
/ □tLtOj
L.:M O
) •
3 Talk with your classmates about where they went yesterday and what they did
I A: OlJ:11OiCIOll ?,!:Oj.8_7
B: _c:;:_;_i~Oll ?1:0iR
□ il:j\::t past
□ Ej!:!.01 TV
□ OJ'ROJ£? Howwas-7
D ~E.q to be sad
□ ~!:!. YouTube
2) L..tALL.
□ ['C
Xlq 01001011
L..: 2,..1.1.2,
5Hn.l O?
2 Talk with your classmates about the past events as in the example.
(TI F)
(TI F)
°lilll ;Qo-].R?
D ~Al taxi
□ ).j~ Seoul
□ 1::tl~P I airplane
D ~ hand
□ ~ 1til ball- point pen
■ -( 0 )£ specifies the means by which an action is done. This
D §.~ truck
marker is used to refer to the means of transpo r tation,
□ "i'-H Busan
communication, an instrument and a body part. D 71t f train
2 Match the phrases on the left column with those on the right.
• 1::1 2. Di
l:lt.!2. -, t\J 0
_,, .......
• AL)Cj~ »;lt\J 0
(L..;- -,v(-LL.
Lesson 6 0,J:1101CIOII::'.fC>j.9.? 97
■ AOllAi (from A) B77fJ;:I (to B) expresses the starting point (A) an d D Of~ morning
□ 7~ fall
the ending point (B).
■ For a time reference, A$Ei (from) and B77fJ;:I (to) is used.
1) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
50~~ ~2.~.9..
2) Ai~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~
3) ----------------------
( T / F)
( T / F)
• l'l'Pl'l'l'P
D Oj~ summer
□ *spring
□ !\'-~very
D ~q to be short
□ !;clr who
3 How do you come to school? How long does it take? Tai k with your classmates.
OiJ.:il ~LI~ □ r2-1oror::i1 0'2.1 Erg()j1 ~DiH. 2~ ~0 .,q
~~ ~Oji f?.Llg Q:10j1Ai '2.!~0iR f?.Llg Q:10j1Ai 0'2.1 Erg77p;:1 Union Station
Alar~~ ~~ ~~ ~~DiH. Alor~o1 1:1:JA2q e:i ~2.rH. □ di:'2Jofct to shcp
□ ~~Bangkok
~Llor::il □ r2-1or~ 0'2.1 Erg()jlAi 0~ ;;~~ ~2t0iH. 0~
(2) 30.¥
1. This game is to get your opponent to make the same hand as you to win.
2. Each person starts with a regular rock-paper-scissors game.
3. Yo u have to shout your next hand, while changing your hand to the
corresponding one.
4. If your opponent's hand matches with yours, you win. If not, your
opponent takes tum to call the next hand.
-=,- Muk rock
Jji scissors
A c::1
.I t:::1-0- L-;J Oln.l 0
c, 1 r........ ~v1 11 •
■ !ii;111u;1,JPt#i!Nii
Describing progressive events
-Oi.A.i/0~.A.i: Because
-j}_: And
How to address people in Korean
D □H'§! everyday □ ~ well □ to teach
□ ~~ofq to be kind D q-§- next □ 2j-7j semester
D -§-Q,f music
1) -Ho
T-1.!::::. AOl.!2. ;,ct-
AIL.. 1 0 2 2 0 .u.. -
u1u1 L..
1) 2)
D !i!.q to take /
write (a test)
□ Ojf_lclcl_ CKOl_lclcl_q)
to be pretty
■ -:X:1'2.!- is a clausal connective that connects two contrastive □ ~{q to be clear
clauses with the meaning of 'but' or 'although' in English. □ fl~IMIJHKimchi stew
D ~~ ear~
■ The tense should be marked in both clauses.
□ ccf~ ofq to be warm
□ 3":q to be late
□ 7'1height
D ~ OI 2-q to snow
D !;=-L.f older sister for
-, NI
• cS'•Jl!-;;i A 0-1
u1 .!:::. .M. f\J 0
□ 7~ family
□ ?:J~tfq to be healthy
D q2j legs
□ tlH stomach
□ ~~(~)a little
□ ~i"-tct to be okay
□ ~OtJf,qq
to pass away
~DJ LI:: □W~ gsortil H. .:J.2.HJ--J of~ ?.:! srortilH. ~of cfJ Al:: ~'.::! Oji
~ 2-I
AiAt:12 Al'd~Oll ~~OJI %fOiR £~£0ll.A.i %fOiR qoI~
D J;:18~ last month
A~ ~ ~OIOll£. AiAt:12 ~ '8 ~<21 £~£0ll.A.i ~~Oi ~ □ s8during
1) 2)
OiDiLI::: - - - - - - - -
□ ~-F □ ~gt:! Blue Mountain
2 Talk with your classmates about what you will do in the future.
• O~.s!.
-, 2
-,v, 0
f\.l ........
(3) ~Xii~ 7i0JIR D ;q2f often
□ ~tJltfq to prepare
A: ~~ ~g,1-()jl ~ ~ 7iOllH?
M®t1Mi6iN Hobbies
Mriti11i116iM -( 0 )2 * ~q/~q: Can/cannot
-0-ifO~ ~q: To do something for someone
-l.:Jl.9.: Surprise or admiration
-( 0 )2 ~ ~q12 2 q: To know/not know how to do
-( )277~.8.?: Asking someone's opinion
-Oi0~/0~0~ !ilq: Obligation/necessity
•;M¥ukiti1Mi Popular hobbies in Korea
D .::'.'.::}-!IOI§. skate □ .:'.'.::}-1101§.-§ skate rink
□ ~~Lil.B.. That's great. □ ~!;!~snowboard
□ J;R!7i bicycle
@: E~q
B: 1.:JI, @ @ -"? CUOiR 00 ,ul~B.?
A: Ai~ @ 2
A. @
~ * filOiB. = ~ 7fB.
® w~ * 9JOi.9_ ® -g * 9]0j.9_
I ..u.. 0~.&::.0I
0lnJ ...
□ tL.t A OlnJO
L.:2"T" 11.1.v1..u..
2 Connect the questions on the left to the correct answers on the right .
□ !::'.2.( □ t drama
□ OJl/'1 what kind of
O .e;s~tfq
to rerommend
□ ~\et cld days
□ ~2.(!::'. ballad
D ~ tune, melody
□ 81~ dance
D l_l-~ soy sauce
D ~J-lli~ sesame cil
□ 1,;!§ sugar
□ □ ~garlic
□ QJol q to cook
D ~q to put in
D \<lq to open
D ~q to close
□ ~~window
□ ~ door
2 Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer. D ~;:!,.2j voice
• □ .::l)il loudly
2) ~OI ~ EJL1IR. ~~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
New Email - □ x
Subject : ~~Oj *~
AiA'cl Ml, <2J"'aofAil£-7 Ai JilLIIIiOll.9.. 2.~ ~PIOll ~2.v,i ~~Oi *~Oll ~
* ~~Oi.9.. 2.~ 2 ~JOI Of~Al[r LH~ 2 ~.iil.Oll ~ * 91~ 7i0ll£. . .:J.t:i [JI
~~Oi ~Jil7f 910i£.7 Ai~Eil ~2-f ;; oH ~AilR Jil ~2-f~.2.~ -&AfAf -=?-Af.2.
{J"-=?-~WOIOJIR .:J.'EJ LH~ ~.iil.Oll.A.i !ifR <2J"'aol 7~1AilR
2 Send a text message to see whether your friend can see a movie together this
Friday with you. Leave your name and the reason you texted.
□ g~ofq to drive
□ QJ-7 1
musical instrument
□ '212f-ofq to play
■ -(0)2 ~ '§tq/22q expresses the ability t o do something with D ~ language
the meaning of 'know/not know how to do.' □ gs sports
■ When the verb stem ends in a consonant,-~ ~ '§tq/2 2 q is
used. When the verb stem ends in a vowel, -2 ~ '§tq/2 2 q is
■ Unlike -( 0 )2 ~ '§tq/2 2 q, -( 0 )2 * ~q/ filq may express the capabi lit y as
well as possibility of doing something in a certain situation.
e.g., J:i:: ~~ .r2-H~ ~ ~ '§tJ:I~ J:IE~ &0I 0fIIfAi *
.r2-H~ ~ filOiR (0)
J:i:: ~~ .r2-H~ ~ ~ '§tJ:I~ J:IEg &0I 0fIIfAi .r2-H~ ~ ~ ~2.fR (X)
• ~01 ~~lJfH?
• ~~OJI ~01 ~£f ~7JfH 7 □ -f!q to \Naik
• LH~ ~JJl7f {,-~7Jf.8_7 D ~ road
2) A: .!i!~ ?
B: 01 :ll:10
1:::1 ' - :nt:1l7t
2 .AM ...... 7•01
□~OIOjO E 7•t:11
2 DiOjO
-, ......
to do the laundry
□ ~~ofq to major in
■ -Ojo~/ofo~ £1Cf expresses obligation or necessity.
■ The alternative form -OiO~/ofo~ ofef sounds slightly more
formal than -OiO~/ofo~ £1Cf.
G) {PiAloHO~ oHR
(1) _9_2.loHO~ oHR
(1) ~OllA1 ~ 7WUR □ "§Ull.9. well
□ ~5;1 scenery
<;1) LrOIOr7r2-r &.!lOll .Y 7WUR □ Ot~'Bct
to be beautiful
□ -=?-~i'itct to take a look
□ -?-let to take a rest
□ Lf010t7f21 Niagara
0 -1?;.!lfalls
□ tiH~ Etct
to get on a ship
.Y7Jf.8_ ~~7Jf.8_
1::111::11'2.!- .2.=-
2. X-iAI Dt02.i
7 0 ?
I O [[~.!i!.Ol7~
Ail LI Ili Lil ,. 0A tL~IC.~ -, , , Ot~ Dt~OjO
A ..&.1.,
~CHoHAi ~~~ '2.!~0i ~R _g_~ Ai~ ~~ ~~~ '2.!~0i □ .9.2j rooking
□ 7f~ sometimes
y.:iJ. {i!OiAi -if-*~~ ;q-'? !tfR Ai~ ~~f.:i1. ~.:iJ.71~ '2.!~ ~
D .HHtfq to invite
<yO(R □ ~£
;i:11 ~1 □ 1~ g sol{)jlR Ai~ -'?W□~q ~ .:;:i-of.:i1. Eil LIA~ t ~R .::J.2.l.:i1. -'?3{)jl -9-~~
A~-'? oHR
* You can download "rCril tj-7] apps to play the game in your device.
□ ffEI Europe
D lll.g! plan
■ -( O)2-~.=il ofq is used to express speaker's intention or fu ture
plan to do something.
■ - O2-~.=il is attached to the verb stem that ends in a consonan t
except 2, while -2-~.=il is attached to the verb stem that ends in
a vowel or the consonant 2.
Dictionary form
tJH-9-q (tJH-9-+q) tJH-9-c~.=il ofq
9:1q (9:j+q) 9:102-~.=il ofq
12._1-~q (12._1-~+q) 12._1-~2-~.=il ofq
■ -(O)c~.=il and -(0)2-~ have similar meanings, but -(o)c~.=il can be used w ith any
verbs while -(0 )2-~ can only be used with the verbs 7fq, 2.q, q Llq , and '§[Oj qq_
~~lofc~jl 7fR = ~Xilofc~ 7fR (0) ~Xilofc~jl oHR (0) ~~lofc~oHR (X)
2 Talk with your classmates about your plans for the weekend, using -(.~)2.G!. 5HR.
• ~~t~E~.:il{tOjR
• <2.IEN! ~~~OJI~ Jtk§?:01 ~JO~R □ 7f~q to be light
• J.::i~ ~~OJI 01~ 7f2.1.:il =1..:il 7fttjg 7f~ ~ {1:0jR □ ~ ~ ofq to be quiet
~ ofq to be clean
• 28 A~ □ I~~ ~2f ~Oj2 7
D 'a~q to be spacious
D 9:!~ q to be stylish
■ The noun modifier-( 0 )L is added to adject ive stems to mod ify D ~~ glasses
following nouns. □ ~2-ofq to neec
□ ~ ofq to be close
■ -~ is attached to the adjective stems t hat end in consonants,
□ ~~gift
while-Lis attached to adjective stems that end in vowels. □ 9:!Xlq to be stylish
■ Two or more adjectives are connected with -.=il. □ ,110l.3. cake
■ -~q/filq takes-~-
■ For tJ irregular adjectives, stem fina l tJ changes to vowel -9-.
2 Ask and answer the questions with your classmates as in the example.
7f c:J:101
1) A: 13;!~~ 2:q011R.
B: ~~ !i!.A1IR.
2) A: OIJll ~p:~'a'OIOUR?
B: Lil ■
.u... iS.t:li
~L.: !i!.A1IR.
(TI F) to be comfortable
2 Listen to the narration and match the family member with the present they
bought . •
2) q
1 Read the following text and answer the questions. •
l:lll:ll<2_!-~ Alt:!" ~~~I Alo~~ Er.:il 01~ ~Ei~I ~OiR 01~
□ 01~ AjlE_j
~Ei~ ~~.s~mAi i?-\?3~ ~:~p~-Ol~IR :;E: 7r7il~IAi ~g ~I□~~ Eaton Centre
Ar.:il, Oji~ 2,;q~ -=;i~~OiR tl~ 7r7il~IAi J7fl2._I- ffs-2.f7r WAi □ .fl.'ilofct to be famous
□ l/f%t[t to be black
:}IOiR l:lll:ll<2_!-~ ~~~ ~~ ~OroHR =12HAi q;; ~~~I~ 01~ □ ~~f sports shoes
~Ei~I 7r2-1.:il oHR □ ~~really
to be expensive
2 Write about your plan for next year using -(.2)2,tjl 5".fL
2) :Xii~~ .5c.AH
tH.Q. [:j ~H~l .LL.
2 Match the phrases on the left column with those on the right.
• .:, • .5c.~-t
oI0-1 (\J
• A: ~ □~.A.1.'r. Ql.8.7
B: Lil, □ ~.A.7.'r. QIR D Ol[Cr7f later
• A: OPI.A.P,f:U ¥]0j!r. Ql.8.7 D ~q to use
□ ~~ washroom
B: O~Ll.8., ~ QJR
• oIcq7 f ~£foH!r. Ql.8.7
■ -Oi/Of~ !clef is used when asking for or giving a permission to do somet hi ng.
■ It has the same meaning as 'May I do (something)?' or 'You may do (something).'
■ -of~ !clef is attached to a verb stem whose last vowel is either Of or .2. and -Oi
~ £1 ef is used elsewhere.
1) Ol71 _ _ _ _ _ _ ~.9.?
2) .35. ;;.:010
;uc .35.
T'T..f.u.. OE CJ
cu ......
2 What are you allowed to do in your Korean class? Talk with your classmates.
an item, these verbs are typically used in the past tense. D ~~OI necklace
D ,1-l~OI earrings
Item Verb Past tense form D 'M:UI bracelet
~ (l::l~AI, A=j;;!;:, ~~~IEL.) ~q ~~OjB. □ '1!!~belt
Mq D ~~ contact lens
2;;:~, 0~, □ ~~=i ~OjB.
D l;!JEfOI necktie
~7~II, ~~01, ii-1~01, WMI, ~~ o~q ~OjB.
D {gcifJ.:I jeans
't!AI, &ft, illi~, 0~ 77lq ~OjB.
-- - - --
All-ll, WMI, ~~ :;t~q ~OjB.
7~'2t aJlq ~OjB.
l:!jE~OI, ~7~II, ~ E □ Hq ~OjB.
1) • mn.10
2) • ».in.I 0
3) • 010-lnJO
2 Choose a classmate and describe his/her clothing (with colour) to the class so
that they can guess who he/she is.
e Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii
~~/a~~~ ~.g~;m~~ 21~ ~n~ A£~AH
---, C>---, ~t:!-~ ~~~/~~
Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii
II~tJ--Yj L~AH
o---, !:i:!_2.~-Yj l:::j.2_.A.H
L_---, n.A.H
1 Read the following text and choose True or False.
J;:1:: :i:ilLIIIi011R ¥21a~ ~~IA1 0112.J 2~::[:JI ;;:,:: :lHLfq011Ai
EHOi';:;tOiR ¥21a~ ~-=f-l-t:!-JOjl ArAl::[:JI ;;:1:: Q:j§~or.:il ~~~011
□ 01\lJ immigratiCfl
□ E/101 qq to be bcm
~Or.R. .J2HAi S?-2.I:: ~~ [[H □ rq ~-=f-l-t:!-JOjl 7r.R. Al8 ~~ D ~"t! more
□ ~q to be easy
[CH011~ ~-=f-l-t:!-J011 L':::[:JI ~-=f-l-t:!-J:: ~~~q ~-'tl [q~~OiR 7~~1
□ 'ii'FI reading
~JJ-jg *~ '21" ~Oi~ ~HR .J2HAi ;;:1:: [q~~ ~-=f-l-t:!-J7r iorR □ ~of71 speaking
2 Rearrange the words given in each question below in order to make a complete
sentence that is the same as the English translation.
The following is a children's song in Korea. What do you think the song is
about? How would you label the title of the song?
o] -e o]- ~ oJ]
o] n)- *
l!iihi 1U~(•Jnf#i1('lii
g Talking about experiences
1) A:
2) A: qo1op~2.~ ~~OII..A.i UH - - - - - - -
3) A: ~~I - - - - - - - ¥!0JR?
2 Talk to your classmates about unique experiences you have had, using -ot/Of
■ -.:il LfA.i
is used when one event or activity has been comp let ed □ -2j
possessive marker
and another is forthcoming.
■ While -.:il does not necessarily express sequential events, to take a show er
-.:il LfA.i indicates that the first action has definitely comp let ed
before the following action.
■ Note that the past tense is not att ached to -.:il LfA.i.
■ -.:il LfA.i is attached only to a verb stem, not to an adject ive.
_..., vi
,:-!Al Dlt\JO
CJ Cl -,v1J.L.
- - - - - - - - --
2 Match the phrases on the left column with those in the right.
• .2.Al2 □ ~=f\JO
CJ-, 2 L.: 2 VIJ.L.
• Ol
,2.L.§. .!i!J,f\J 0
r2 """"'v1J.L.
2 Match the most appropriate answers on the right for sentences in the left.
1) A: ~:J:11~ q ~~Ol.H..
2) A: q~ ~~Ei ~7fotl.H.. • 8 -'02L..CrM·I...._,
~~ □• AILL-'11L~ o
to brush teeth
□ Dj2j~ f]"q
<2) ~B~ 7i0UR to wash hair
@ d:l:~~ 7i0UR
A: Ai:: ~~ ~~
LfJ,i ~~~ t!OiR
B: Ai::~~~ ti~ LfJ,i ~~ ~OiR
x1:: Ot~otl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4) O~Clt.!2.
.2~ ~~OJ Wor71 cH£17r 21210JR J::-J~ ~ ~ ~¥Ei ~{:Joi
□ CH2.I rontest
frcll~OJR ~OjlAi ~J::r (a) OjJ:il ~~OJ ~ tF?-~ Y()jlAi WoH □ ~ befcre
%fD-JR cqOj .2~ Wor71 CH£10j1Ai ~H~OiR Arg~OI ~JOrAi □ \ll~ol hard
□ \!!class
r~~OjR ::l~J::I~ ~q.Jl qAi □ r;;o1 7rc:lli',lOlR q;:: ~7~01 □ ~C-IOJ finally
o~~ ifoHAi J::i~ {;)"~ ~ 'hfD-JR ::I2H~ ~~ ~~012;'.0lR □ ~.R ofq to present
□ ~2j q to be nervous
□ {;f~ Efq
to win a prize
□ .::12115: nevertheess
□ ~~ experience
1) Choose the most appropriate word in (a). □ $,i.~ competition
□ Lf7fq to enter
0) 9:1 ::il LrAi D ~71 sports match
GD ~J:ilor::il LrAi
2 Have you ever participated in a contest? Write about your contest experience,
using -01/0~ !!O!R.
2) 7110lfI(K-pop) .2.CI~
□ {l{lofq to be bo1Bd
□ otlOJc! air conditioner
□ ;>jq to turn on
□ ig-~ ~2.1q to sw eat
■ [[H is a noun that expresses the time when an actio n or state
occurs or its duration.
■ -( 0 )2 [[H is attached to a verb or adjective stem. When the
stem ends in a consonant,-~ [[His used. When the stem ends
in a vowel or 2, -2 [[His used.
■ [[H is attached to certain nouns, which indicate a set time, such
as ::i:::i'=g[[H, ~-~M, ff7~ [[H, and '2,1"£,f nH.
1) ~~OllAi 7~.9..
2) 20~.!2.
Cl -, 2
2 .LL,
2 Match the phrases on the left column with those in the right.
• 2,Li;:s:I~ Din.JO
(L.;-. -,v1.&.1..
c:: L....
1) Ol7PP~117~ - - - - - - - - ~L1IOIIR.
2) l!!l~~~OllAi - - - - - - - - ~LI~ '2.!"l;!OlR.
3) :J:117~ A~~ - - - - - - - - ~Qt~ ~1011:0IOJIR.
-- H5 ~~ Oh~ g §-
~.,i 01~1: ~.,i 01~2:
H5 A~~ ~ E g.Q,r
<2.!" ~e g.~
::q~ £E TV E.~ .:J.'el
2 Listen to the narration and choose the incorrect statement about Mohammed. • l'PPPPPP
□ ():j2.i various
□ 7~AI kind
□ ~~ Korean traditional
2~ ~ 21~~ 4-~ ~ ~ ~ ~-=?-~or~ B5-I ~~-e-Ojl {l~R ~ □ ~fjq to be enjoyable
fl¥E1 21 fl77r::ZI -=?-?3~~R ~27 7r::ZI B5-I ~ ~ 4- ~51~R □ o~-9- a day
D ~6.j Korean food
-=:121~ B5-I ~ l2J-C ~ 4-~0jl~ {l~£. B5-I ~ l2J-~~ Lrf1
□ ~7~~ chopsticks
q gOI ~~ ~~£. B5-I ~ ~ ~ [[~ L:j~ □ ~~Al ~~ 2lOI
□ H1~£. -=:12~~ ~~51~£! B5-I ~ l2J-~~ Lrf1 21~~ ~~
fr~~ ~51~R ~7-i-g or~~ y;J~R
( T / F)
( T / F)
3) 71~1
,c=L.: •I
i;h!i!.2 0ln.l .s!
L,,;-,2 t::::1VI 2
0ln.l 0
~v1..u... ( T / F)
1.11-2 1..u...
80l X 8-?:! 0101
0-, IljiDIXI
J::i(Lf) I 2 [jj.2.f1 31
01~01 ~011£? What is your name7 2 [jj.2.f1 31
-U-I Mr. , Ms . 2 CH.2.f1 31
3~ China 2 CH.2.f1 31
.A.f'Et person 2 CH.2.f1 31
~~ Korea 2 CH.2.f1 31
.,Hqq Canada 2 CH.2.f1 31
11~q to be glad (to meet) 2 CH.2.f1 31
~ 2.1~ the Philippines 2 CH.2.f1 31
DI~ Iran 2 [jj.2.f1 31
.2., Australia 2 g~1 32
~.:a Hong Kong 2 g~1 32
-,o student 2 ~'f11 32
-, 0 university student 2 g~2 33
□ 1~ the United States 2 g~2 33
Dis! 2 g~2 33
2L- Japan
2.i.A.IOf Russia 2 g~2 33
_j]§-2{~ high school student 2 g~2 33
12.J~ India 2 ~J I WofJ 11 34
- o - France 2 ~J I Wof7I1 34
l!JI_E=_'a Vietnam 2 ~J I WofJl1 34
EH~ Thailand 2 ~J I Wof7I1 34
~~ England 2 ~J I Wof7I1 34
~~Di the Korean language 2 W l·).).Jl1 35
-tli!l'a teacher 2 W l·).).Jl1 35
>?-2.I my 2 ~Pl-).).Jl1 35
Of~J::I father 2 ~Pl-).).Jl1 35
't)"c1IDI.A.IOf Malaysia 2 '~Pl-).).Jl1 35
Oi □j LI mother 2 ~J l·).).Jl1 35
~Lf.A.i \1~8' LI q I'm glad to meet you 2 CH.2.f2 37
1~~ first-year (student) 2 CH.2.f2 37
2~~ second-year (student) 2 CH.2.f2 37
3~~ third-year (student) 2 CH.2.f2 37
4~~ fourth-year (student) 2 CH.2.f2 37
Qj.A.f doctor 2 g~3 38
3 EfAH
-, 0 middle school student 2 g~3 38
~~Di the Japanese language 2 ~ Jl·Wof7 I2 40
o, Bangkok 6 Wl·~Jl2 100
o, school break 4 ~J l·WofJl1 63
~H pear 6 gigJ2 92
~H stomach 7 ~Jl•WofJl1 109
~H.:il!!.q to be hungry 4 CH2.f1 59
~H~'2Jt1 badminton 10 gigJ5 162
~H~ qq to get on a ship 8 ~J I WofJl2 131
~H~q to learn 3 gigJ2 47
ic!!!2.f~ department store 3 gigJ3 48
~-yl:lj Vancouver 3 CH2.f1 45
l:lj~E.I bubble tea 4 ~ JI WofJl2 69
l:lj!:, bus 6 CH£l-2 95
IJfl§.'a Vietnam 2 ~J l·WofJl1 34
2 - belt 9 ~~6 146
~~ hospital 4 gigj6 68
!i!LHq to send 3 gigJ2 47
!i!q to see 3 gigJ2 47
!:;!q to take/write (a test) 7 gigJ3 108
!i!~ usually 6 gigJ1 91
5'_2.I bowling 10 gigJ1 154
2 0
-$2.I my 2 ~Pl-~7I1 35
-$~ umbrella 4 @tg:j6 68
TTT milk 3 ~~2 47
$-t11~ post office 3 CH£f2 51
i!:o sports 8 @tg:j4 128
gsafct to exercise 3 ~'f13 48
~5£~ sports shoes 9 ~Pl-~7I1 142
g~afct to drive 8 @tg:j4 128
2 ~ 2 Monday 5 CH.£f1 75
5fl above 3 @tg:j4 52
*LlgQ1 Union Station 6 W l~7I2 100
TT l=j Europe 9 ~'f11 138
*~afct to be famous 9 '~Pl-~7 I1 142
0 E t:t
TTTT~ YouTube 6 ~7 1Wof7I1 93
-(.S:.)2 7iOIIB. will 5 W l ~7 I2 85
'-- 0 bank 6 @tg:j2 92
07 food 3 [jj.£f1 45
.9.0f music 7 [jj.£f1 105
1. 1) DI 2) 01 3)7f
2. 1} r 2}, 3} I 4} F 5}TT
2. 1) OfLIR 32{'clOI OfLIOllf?.
6} ..L 7H 8}, 9}F 10} ~
11} ..L 12} TT 13H
2) OfLIR ~~ .,q~-0I OfLIOllf?.
3) OfLIR g2{~0I OfLIOllf?.
2. 1} Lf 2} Of 3}7f 4} ~ 5} ~
6}~ 7}tf 8}~
2. ~ I) A: J::-11= ~ ~ Oi ~$oHf?__
B: J::-j5= ~~Oi ~$oHR
[pronunciation rules]
A: J::-11= g~ .A.FctOIOIIR
1. 1}@ 2)(1) 3}@ 4) (1) 5)(1)
6)(1) 7}@ 8)(1) 9)(2)
B: J::-11= tJil§.'a .A.FctOIOIIR
10} @
2. 1) (1) 2}@ 3}@ 4) (1) 5) (2)
6)(1) 7}(2_) 8)(2) 9)(1) [~7I-~af7I2l
10) (2)
1. 1) F 2)T 3)T 4}F
2. G□'2Jc:Jo"f).ilR J::-11= .J:il~DIOIIR J::-11= 2{~0IOIIR J::-11=
2~0IOIIR J::-11= ~5=l:II.A.IDf .A.f'is'OIOIIR
[~~1] 1. (3)
1. 1} 1= 2} 1= 3)g 4)g 2. (4)
2. 1} OIOllf?. 2) OIOllf?. 3)011f?. 4) OIOllf?. 3. 1) J::-11= 2{~01 OfLIOllf?.
2) J::-11= 1HLfCf .A.f~~IOllf?.
[~~2] 3) J::-j5= 3~01OfLIOllf?.
1. ><
2. 1} A: '§l"~HC:J .Ull= 2-i.A.IOf .A.f'is'QIOllf?.7
B: l:1I, '§l"~HC:J .Ull= 2-i.A.IOf .A.FctOIOIIR
2} A: ~4' .Ull= ~152{~0IOllf?.7
B: l:1I, ~4' .Ull= ~152{~0IOIIR
1. 1) ~Oif?. 2) fiO ff?_
2. 1) ~XiloHf?. 2) ~Oif?. 3HJDff?.
[~7I-~f7l 1]
1. 1}@ 2) (1) 3)(3)
2. (::]i ~)..ii - ~.A.I2, ~12! - g~
1. 1)(3) 2) (3) 3) @
2. ~
(~71•!:91 1)
1. 1) CD 2)(2) 3) (2) 4) C2)
(~7l·Wof7l 1]
1. 1)T 2) F 3) T
2. CD
2) ~I 3. ~ ~CljLJ~ 12_1-Lf:il 1i'OiR Ai~ ~JOI .Af~~OiR
(~7l•Wof7l 2] (~tg;j4]
1. l)CD 2)(2) 1. 1) ~ 2) ~
2. 1) ~l0jl :UOi£. 2) ~Oji :UOi£.
3) ~Oji :UOi£.
4) =?Al 'fi:IOil :UOi£. / 2af[]jl~ ~IDjl :UOi£. /
*~ ~Oji :UOi£. / ),l~\:I ~Oji :UOi£.
(~7l·Waf7l 2]
1. 1)T 2) F 3) F
2. :il A: ~ ~~J7f£.?
B: ~ :;i:;, JofLf, tJJ \!Jig,t" ofLf ~).iJR
1. 1)@ 2)@
[~~ 1]
2. Cll ~Of: 293-574-9595
1. 1) ~!¥%!0l2. 2} '2_1-Lf2.
3) ~Ol2. 4) ~ Ol'.tl0l2.
2. 1) ~~Ol~Ol2. 2} Df{i0j2. 3) ~~Oj2.
1. 1) LH~Dll 2) -'?~Dll
3. 1:.!1 A: OJJil OJ CIOil L'.Ol2.?
B: OJJil li!j2~0il LtOJR
(g7l•Wof7l 1]
A: li!j2~0ilAi ~ %!0l2.?
1. 1) @ 2) @
B: :i'i::~%!0lR
2. 1) @ 2)(j)
3. fTl A: ,J,.fq ,v.1, ~~01 \~:ml011.9.7
[~~ 2]
B: J;II ~~g 121e125~010llR
1. 1) with 2) and 3) and 4) with
2. 1) ~of:il l2:1WOI ~Oj2.
[~71-~,9 11]
2) OJDi Llaf:il ~fOI 01?:!J§ ~f0-J2.
1. 1) @ 2)(j)
3) 7ftg-45~, 2.J:f-37~
[g7l•Wof7I 1]
1. 1) (i) 2) (i) 3) (2_)
2. ~ A: J::I8" 'zte,IOjl ~ %!0l2.?
1. 1)(2) 2)(3)
B: 7f~of:il 01?:!J%!0lR
2. ~ A: □ ~3. .UI, ~
B: ~~~ ~DIOilR
[~ 71-~711]
1. 1) F 2)T 3)F
2. 1) sl-OfJ::lof:il ~OilAi {J~oH2.
2) OjJ;f ~ -=jl-of:il ~"2)-0ilAi ';§2~ sl.f2.
2. 1) ~OIIJ..i e:J-.ii!77fJ:I 1. 1) (3) 2)(2) 3)CD
2) ~ 1OJ..1-~-E:I Ot~ 7J..177fJ:I 2. 1) ~±at.:il lllJ-1I£. 2) 1PiJ:lot.:il lllJ-1I£.
3) 9~$ E:l 11~77fJ:I
(@7 I-~of7I 2] 1. 1) ~$~Pi0ll£.
1. 1) F 2)T 3) F 2) ~ 7i0jl£. / ~~ 7i0jl£.
2. 1) (2) 2)(3) 3) ~~ 7i0jl£.
3. ~ A: e:J-.ii!OII Ol~7il 2.ffU 2. :n A: 2~ J:NOII ~ ~ 7i0jl£.1
B: J:lo~~ 2.fR B: ~ OIIJ..i TV~ 7iOjlR
A: ~OIIJ..i e:J-.ii!77fJ:I ~□ tLt ~2cl.9.? JJ A: Ollrj ~£.~OIi ~ ~ 7i0jl.9.?
B: ~-=?-~ '2Af 7iOjlR
(~71·!:912] [~tg;j5]
1. 1)(3) 2)CD 3)(2) 1. 1) (2) 2)CD 3)(2)
3) ~Ofof.:il
(~ tg;j 1] 2. :I! A: B~Ol .::;,~ glf.:il ~ 0H£.1
1. 1) ~ OlLtJ-il£. 2) ~.S?.J-1I£. B: B~Ol .::;,~ glf.:il qe "?'~OIi 7fR
~ A: Ollrj "?-~OIi ~ ~ 7i 0jl£.1
2. 1) ~fJ-1I£. 2) ~afJ-1I£. 3) ~.S?.J-1I£.
B: £.7~ of.:il _3'_~~ ~ 7i OjlR
1. 1) ~$oH£. 2) ~Oj£. 3) ~~Oj£. (@7l·Wof7I 2]
1. 1) (2) 2) (3) 3)(3)
2. l) E .:il ~om 2) □tJ..l.:il ~Ol£.
2. 1) (D 2)(2) 3)(D
(~tg;j3] 3. lid! A: ig,t-~IOjl ~ ~ 7i0jl£.1
1. 1) 0jl.i:1:!.J:l'2._I- 1i£. B: Of~i:JfOI§.~ of.:il D:1~5=. ~ 7iOjlR
[~tg;j 1]
1. 1) (1) 2)@
1. 1)(1) 2)@
2. 1) QjQiOf 2) ~oHDf
2. 1} ~-'? ~Oi.9. 2) '21~-'? :UOi.9.
3) ~OiOf 4) ~$oHOf
3}~-'? ~Oi.9.
1. 1)@ 2) (1) 3) (3)
1. 1} 2.f-9-;.112. 2)7f~Jj -9-;.112.
2. 1) ~77f2. 2} '2}~77f2. 3} i~77f2. 4) :U~77f2.
3) ~Oi -9-;.112.
2. 1} '2.t~Oi 2} ~2.j 3) 7f~Jj
[~ 71-~712]
1. 1)@ 2) @ 3) (1)
2. ~ .J:11~ □ le ():j~OIOilR ~~ [lH~Jg Lf2.f~ ():j~
1. 1)~l:ll2 2) Oi~l:112. 3)2l:ll2
of.:il t)-:;i-'r. '2JLfR
4}~l:ll2 5) Oll!!!.l:112.
[@71-~ fl l 1]
1. 1)(2) 2)(1) [~~ 1)
2.@ 1. 1) 7fc'cl.:il 2) ~S2.c'cl.:il 3) '2}~2.j_:;:l_
3. 1) 'E!"Of -9-).112. 2. ED A: ~2.I .UI, Ol;!:j -9-~0il ljj~OI :UOi2.7
3} ~oH -9-;.112. B: -9-~0il ~~~Oil 7f2.j_:;:i oHR
[~71-~711] [~~ 2)
1. 1) @ 2) @ 3)@ 1. 1) ~§~ 2) 7JH:?tof.:il ~g
2. 01 ~ LI ,u1, ~of;.11m ;;:i °'?AIOIIR ~2.~ 0il ~01 3) □Hg 4) S:!:Ue 5) 1t2~
~2.f !i!.2:1 ~-'? :UOi.9.? g;;:f 5!.LH -9-).11R 2. 1) OIi~ 2) 9-t:Ue
1. 1}~ ~~Of.9. 2) QjOi
3} '§ ~ ~Of2. 2. ~ A: ~P IOii V~2.l.:il {,!OiR Oi~7il oHOf £H2.7
2. Ln A: ~eQ/"71~ -9-~ ~ifQf2.1 B: t:!IEf'2J C~ QjOi 5!).11R
B: IllOf_Lr_ ~ ~ ~OfR
f'lJ A: Di'= Lf2.f ~~ ~ ~ ~ Of2.7 [@71-~f7l 1]
1. 1)T 2)T 3)F
(~7l·tt:71 1]
1. 1}T /T / F / F 2) !:ctl-/ llfOJ [~~3]
2. r.:JJ LH'c!OII ~~Oi~ ~HSf-cl~ oHR 1. 1}@ 2) (1)
1. 1)(2) 2)(1) 3}@
1. 1} F 2}T 3) F
2. 1) (2) 2} @
[~~5] 3. ij igj"§ Qj~ qJ.i DI~ ~DIR
1. 1) &-of~ 2) '20 I~ 3) .Ui~
2. \'JI ~~Oi 4'-'?J J.l:c_!Oil ~goH~ xHR
2. 1) F 2) F 3}T
3. :II g§~7IOII q1f ~OiR
2. ~ 01 ).fgg 11f'2._I- t1fx1~ '?J~OiR ::::i.2.1~ 01<21 g§
1. 1}of~[[H 2) ~~~ [[H
3) [:j§ [lH 4) !,:!_~ {,!§ [lH
1. 1) (1) 2}@ 2. ~
2. (3)
3. rJJ ~~ rr~ J.t~_of~ 11f'2._I- t1fx1~ '?J~OiR 01<21
g 5 ~~ -tJ~OiR 77f'2._I- {:jg2.f~~ :?10iR 77f'2._I- 2
1. 1} .A.fl= 2) 011= 3} @1= 4) ~Oiq1=
X~ ~ 77f'2._r □ 1~3.~ ~OiR
2. :n ~ .:;i:
□ IH g§: $.:;i, §-QJ-: 1,101 :g,i-, V Qje §-~:
□Hg§-~ . TV ~::::i.~: ~~ !::.2.f□ I
1. 1) F 2}T 3) F
(~7l·~of7 l 2l
2. Xfc 11101!:i::.~ ~ tPcr:JI J;:11 'a§~g ~ti£. /
1. 1}T 2) F
Wof714'-'?J§ ,;,.1g r:i1 (~·Pl 9-'?;jg Oj2.rn2. I
2. @
Xie ~~ ~OIi J.fe r:JI ~Cle =r~l~OII ~012.
3. ]I ~~~ rcH §-QJ-§ ~OiR / :go1 V §- rcH ~§ ~
OiR / 71~01 q~ [lH :g§ XfR
1. 1) F 2) F 3}T
[Wl-~ 711]
[Essential Expressions]
V'3of).ilH.7 Ail= Ai~\=:-IOIOJIR 1HL1q AfgOIOJIH..
Greetings & Courtesies
,::rn.11 ,>..•AH
5LJ"7v L..! o LI.Q
□ L- 71Al°'
□ o1 J..7AHLIOIOJIR tJltJIVg 8 ~
V'3of).ilR L..: O 0
3j!J- Q~Ol~0tli.
[Cf1~f 1]
[t.H~f 1]
Jl-"-t:I: '2t\§afJ..ilR J:iE J:i,-:'--:'~:l~Llq 01~01-'i'IOll.9.7
tJltJIV: 12_!2. ,u1, DiCIOJI ~DfH.?
(~ 7l•Wof71 1]
1. 'aAf: DiCI ~Of£.?
D=Pl AiE 'W-'?-t:tiOjl ~DfR
'aAf: DiCIAi ~ Sl.f.9.7
D:Pl 9-~ g~ Df~Ojl 7fR Ai :::':: H 2.afOII~ .UI, ~H::iJ..gAl.9.7~ Qji!. ~Di£.?
2.afOII~: ~;;- g~ Qji!. ~DiR OI 2fi0jl ~~ ~'aOI
2. 'aJl DiCIOjl 7f.9.? ~J::I£.7
Oj;;q: !r.AftfOll 7fR
Ai :::':: H l: 11. 2fi0jl ~;;- ~'aOI ~JDfR
'aJl 9-~ !r.Ait:.fOIIAi ~!j!.oH.9.?
2.afOII~: Di-'= ~'aOI '3J-~Di.9.?
Wl l::1I, Ail= 9-~ !r.Ait':fOjlAi ~!j!.oHR □ fol~
Ai:::':: H ;_i~~'aDiClH£.7gcf~~7I7f ~ DfR
2.ofOII~: .:J.~, 2.~g Ai~~'aOjl ~ ;;- g~
'aJ::f: AiE 9-~ ~OjlAi ~ !j!.oHR
1. AiE Ol\:.12.0IIR AiE 9-~ ~;;- g~ QjDiR .:J.2HAi 1. 'aJ::f: tJltJI~ .UI, ~Hi!.~Al.9.7~OI ~{J 7fR
Al5 ~;;- Df~ Ojl 7fR i:JIi:JI~§ g;;- AfgOIOjlR
OjJ::f: ~ DfR ~ Qji!. ~ Di.9.7
i:Jli:JI~§ ;i:fOILfEffE-Ojl ~OfR 9-~ g;;- Df~OjlAi
'aJ::f: Ai~~'aOjl cf~ofi!_ ~*OI QjQcj 7fR
~ Sl.fR tJltJI~§ Al5 !r.Ait:_fOjl 7fR tJltJI~§ 9-~
OjJ::f: l: 1I, .:J.2.H.9..
!r.Ait:.fOIIAi ~!j!.oHR
2. 'aJ::f: ~2j- ccH ~ afi!. ~Di.9.7
([jj~f 2]
01J::f: 01~ 7fi1. ~DiR ~;;-Oji 7fi1. ~DiR
Ai:::'::t:!: ~c1I~Llq . ~;;- □ f~7f OiCI ~Di.9.7
'aJ::f: ~~IAi ~ afi!. ~Di.9.7
□ fclD f: ~;;- □ r~l= -tl~ ~~B ';§Oji ~DiR
01J::f: J:il9-!r.Ojl ~ci 7fi1. ~DiR
Ai:::'::t:!: -tl~ ~~B§ Di CI ~Di.9.7
□ fclD f: Ala~~ 'frl(}JI ~DiR
Ai:::'::H l: 11, :YAf~ Llq, '3J-Lf~'a0jl ~;;- g~ 2.Ail.9.! ~igj"ofi!. cf~,
Di~. ~*OI~ ~DfR ~*Ol7f ~ 7I7f ~JDf-9..
(~7 l•Wof71 2]
1. 'aJ::f: Ai, ~c1l~ Llq. S?-til;;-0I DiCI ~Di.9.7 ([jj~f2]
01J::f: S?-til;;-Ol.9.? S?-til;;-§ '2._rOjl ~DiR
~ ~ ~: Di;_i 2.).ilR
'aJ::f: Ai~§ DiCI ~Di£.?
Ai :::':: H J::fcl ~Dim
OjJ::f: ;_mg !r.Aif ';§Oji ~DiR
~ ~ ~: l: 1I, 01~~ 0ilR
'aJ::f: l: 1 1, :YAf~ Llq,
Ai :::':: H J::il= ~i!.7I~ Qji!_ ~DiR 2.ofOII~ .uI1=m
[~Pl-~ 7I2]
AiE Ai:::'::t:!OIOjlR CH2j-.iil. 12j-'clOIOjlR AiE OfIIf~Ojl
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q LI~ : AilLIIIi ,UI, Ai"~ ~Lf.::il LfA-j ~ ~ 7-JOll.9.?
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AiE AilLIIIiOIIR $2.tag ~;;-OIIAi 011:J 2111=E:JI AiE
1HLfq01IJ.i EHOJ ~OJ-9.. $ 2.tag ~ -=?-1::ljOII J.rJ.le E:ll
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Df2.IOf: l:11. ;:H□l~~l:IIR
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Df2.IOf: l:11, £2.'§)0jl !t/-2.!
[Reading/Writing 1] [Listening/Speaking 1]
1. Hello. I'm Justin. I'm Canadian. Our Korean 1. Man: W here do you live 7
teacher is Jiyeong Kim. Vivian is Chinese. Woman: I live in Vancouver.
Mohammed is Iranian. Min ho is Korean. Man: W here you do get groceries?
2. My father is Malaysian. My mothe r is Woman: I u sua ll y go to a C h inese
Australian. supermarket.
[Reading/Writing 2) [Conversation 2)
1. Hello. I'm Vivian. I'm Chinese . I' m a student. Justin: Excuse me, w here is the Ko re an
ErglishTranslation 213
Customer: Then, please give me some soybean Tuesday.
paste stew. Man: Ok, fine.
Employee: Okay.
[Reading/Writing 1]
[Reading/Writing 2] Today is Saturday. Vivian is going to the
Tony likes books. He wants to read novels these department store now . Minho is going w it h
days. So he is going to borrow a novel at the her. Vivian meets Minho at the subway station
library today. But he does not have a student at 11 :30. Vivian buys a bag at the department
ID right now. He left it at home. So he cannot store. The bag is forty-five dollars Minho buys
borrow books. Tony is not happy a hat. The hat is $37.
[Conversation 2]
Clerk: Hi. May I help you?
Lesson 5
Daniel: Do you have Korean textbooks?
[Conversation 1] Clerk: What course level do you take 7
Minho: Vivian, what are you doing this weekend? Daniel: I am taking the first grade class.
Vivian: I'm going to the department store on Clerk: We don't have the first grade textbooks
Saturday. There is a sale this weekend. now. They w ill arrive on Thursday.
Min ho: Is that right? Then let's go together. Daniel: I see. By the way, how much is it per
Vivian: Okay, great. What is your phone number? book?
Min ho: It is 259-736-1582. What is your phone Clerk: It's $45.
number, Vivian? Daniel: Okay, I w ill come back on Thursday.
Vivian: I'm calling you now. Clerk: Okay, goodbye
Min ho: My phone is ringing. Thank you. Then I'll
see you on Saturday. [Listening/Speaking 2]
Vivian: Okay, I got it. 1. 1)8:40a.m.
2) 1:15 p.m.
[Listening/Speaking 1] 3) 7:30 p.m.
1. Man: What is your phone number? 4)11:1 1a.m.
Woman: My phone number is 647-5454-
9878. 2. Clerk: Hi May I help you?
Man: Jennifer, when do you come to Customer: How much is a Korean textbook?
school? Clerk: It's $35.
Woman: I come to school on Tuesdays. Customer: How much for an eraser?
When do you come to school? Clerk: $2.
Man: I come to school on Thursdays. Customer: Please give me one Kore an
textbook and two erasers.
2 . Woman: What do you do on Monday? Clerk: Here you are.
Man: I will work part-time. Customer: Thank you.
Woman: Then wha t do you do on Tuesday?
Man: I will be at home. [Reading/Writing 2]
Woman: Then, let's have lunch together on Justin and Mohammed go to the ice hockey
ErglishTranslation 217
the photos and text on my blog. People see my have light sports shoes?
pictures and press 'Like'. Because people like Clerk: I have a lot of light and comfortable
my photos. I feel great. sports shoes. Come over here.
Jennifer: How much are the black ones?
Cleark: They are $150.
Jennifer: I like them. but they are a li t t le
Lesson 9
expensive. Then. how about these
[Conversation 1] white ones?
Clerk: Hi. What are you looking for'? Clerk: They are $100.
Vivian: I am planing to buy a skirt. Jennifer: Can I try them on?
Clerk: Okay. How about this skirt? Clerk: Of course. what is your size?
Vivien: Do you have shorter ones? Jennifer: It is 7.
Clerk: How about this? Clerk: Wait a moment.
Vivian: I like it. But do you have other colours
than red? [Listening/Speaking 2]
Clerk: Yes. we do. How about this yellow one? 1. James and Vivian are meeting in t he park
Vivian: It is beautiful. Can I try it on? right now. James is wearing a nice watch.
Clerk: Yes. come over here and try it on. And he is wearing red pants. Vivian is
wearing a yellow scarf. And she is wearing
[Listening/Speaking 1] pretty earrings.
1. I went to the school bookstore. I bought a
interesting novel. I went to the department 2. Student: Teacher! Can I drink water in class?
store nearby. I bought red pants. Teacher: Yes, of course. You can drink it.
Student: Teacher! I did not even have lunch.
2. This Saturday is my mom's birthday. So I Can I eat apples?
went to the mall to buy my mom's present. Teacher: Yes, you can.
My father bought a white hat. I bought a blue Student: Teacher. can I listen to music now?
handbag. My younger sibling bought her Teacher: No. you cannot.
comfortable shoes.
[Reading/Writing 2]
[Reading/Writing 1] I am Jennifer. My parent s came from Korea
Vivian went to the Eaton Centre by subway and I was born in Canada. My parents live in
last weekend. The Eaton Centre is a famous Vancouver and I live in Toronto with my sister.
shopping mall in Toronto. She bought a yellow So we go to Vancouver every school break. We
skirt at a clothing store. and saw a pretty hat. also went to Vancouver during my last break,
She bought black sports shoes at a shoe store and it was much warmer than Toronto. Thick
because they were cheap. Vivian really likes clothes are not needed in the winter. So I like
shopping . So she is going to the Eaton Centre warm Vancouver. I will go to Vancouver with my
again next weekend. sister during the next break.
[Conversation 2]
Jennifer: I came to buy sports shoes. Do you
ErglishTranslation 219
1. 1::::1 irregular: The stem final 1::::1 becomes ~ when followed by a vowel.
2. c: irregular: The stem fin al c: becomes 2 when followed by a vowel.
3. 2 irregular: The stem final 2 disappears when followed by L , 1::::1 , J.-..
4. S2. irregular: The stem final S2. is dropped when followed by a vowel.
5. ~ irregular: When the stem final syllable~ is followed by Oj/OL 2 is doubled and S2. is dropped.