New Generation Korean Beginner Level

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Mihyon Jeon

Kyoungrok Ko
Daehee Kim
Yujeong Choi
Ahrong Lee
Beginner Level

Mihyon Jeon
Kyoungrok Ko
Daehee Kim
Yujeong Choi
Ahrong Lee


Toronto Buffalo London
© University of Toronto Press 2020
Toronto Buffalo London
utorontopress. com
Printed in Canada

ISBN 978-1-4875-2605-4 (paper)

ISBN 978-1-4875-3876-7 (PDF)

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Preface 7 Lesson 8 A?tlOIE 'M * ~01.H? 119
Components 8 CH.2.~ 1
Characters 10 CH.2.~ 2

Lesson Table 11 Lesson 9 ~~ gs2Pt ~RoHR. 135

CH.2.~ 1
CH.2.~ 2
Lesson 1 ~~ 13 Lesson 10 ~il~.!c.OII 7t ¥101.H. 151
Lesson 2 'l!"~ otJ.11.H? 13 CH.2.~ 1

CH .2.~ 1 CH.2.~ 2

CH.2.~ 2
Lesson 3 qgEtgOtl ~Ot.H. 43
Vocabulary List 1: by lesson 166
CH .2.~ 1
CH.2.~ 2 Vocabulary List 2:
in alphabetical order 182
Lesson 4 l:fl~W ~ 0 2.1 7t.H. 57
Answer Key 198
CH .2.~ 1
Listening Script 204
CH.2.~ 2
English Translation 212
Lesson 5 ~2t~.2.7t ¥-1011.H? 73
Conjugation Table 220
CH .2.~ 1
CH.2.~ 2

Lesson 6 01~11 01CIOII ~01.H? 87

CH .2.~ 1
CH.2.~ 2

Lesson 7 XI~ a¥ot.:il ~01.H. 103

CH .2.~ 1
CH.2.~ 2
NEW GENERATION KOREAN 1 is designed for Korean language learn ers at
the secondary and post-secondary education levels and for independent self-
study adult learners. It is available in both paper and digital formats. The soft-
cover book version is for users who prefer the traditiona l printed page, whi le
the digital version accommodates the needs of tech-savvy learners and offers
the benefits of a lower price, easy portability and convenient access. I n addition,
the digital form includes automatic grading, integrated multimedia and diverse
online resources.

NEW GENERATION KOREAN 1 presents learn ing goals and best practices
lessons developed by professors with extensive KSL/KFL teaching experience
in Canadian and Korean universities. The collaborative authors brought their
expertise from the fields of Korean Education as a Second La nguage (KSL),
Korean Education as a Foreign Language (KFL), and Educational Li nguistics to
the development of lessons that reflect a realistic use of the language relevant
to both high school students and adults.

The classroom-tested lessons in NEW GENERATION KOREAN 1 will guide

students to effective and efficient learning of the Korean language and an
appreciation of the Korean culture. The book is presently availa ble in Canada
and North America. We hope that NEW GENERATION KOREAN 1 wi ll be widely
used to support the teaching and learning of the Korean language in a fun and
effective way.

NEW GENERATION KOREAN 1 is comprised of ten Lessons. It is recommended
that 8-10 hours be devoted to each Lesson for a total of approximately 80-
100 hours. Lesson 1 introduces the fundamentals of t he Korean alphabet. The
remaining Lessons contain the following components:

✓ Introduction

✓ Conversation 1

✓ Grammar Points

✓ Listening and Speaking 1

✓ Reading and Writing 1
✓ Conversation 2

✓ Grammar Points

✓ Listening and Speaking 2

✓ Reading and Writing 2

✓ Korean Culture

✓ Just for Fun

Introduction Each Lesson begins with an introductory illustration, warm-up

activities, and learning objectives.

Conversation Each Lesson includes two sets of conversations in real- life

settings. Each conversation provides a va riety of expressions, vocabulary,
and grammar that are necessary to communicate successfu lly in Korean.
The accompanied practice section allows learners to practice exchanging
experiences and ideas. Audio files are available to help learners practice
listening, speaking, and pronunciation.


Grammar Points Each Lesson covers five to six grammar points divided into
two sections. Each grammar point includes concise explanations followed by
two sets of practice questions. In the paper version, answer keys are provided
at the end of the book. In the e-book version, learners can check the answer
keys each time they answer a question.

• Listening and Speaking Each Lesson contains two sets of listening and
speaking sections. Each section presents one to three listening passages
followed by comprehension questions. The subsequent speaking section offers
learners an opportunity to apply their listening and speaking skills to a va riety
of communicative settings.

• Reading and Writing Each Lesson contains two sets of reading and w riting
sections. Each section has a reading passage through which learners develop
skills to comprehend the passage and discover how t he new vocabulary,
expression and grammar points previously learn ed are used in t he context.
Each reading text is accompanied by compreh en sion questions. This section
also includes a task to help learners develop writing ski ll s.

Korean Culture At the end of each Lesson, students are provided w ith t he
opportunity to learn about Korean cultu re and to make a com parison to t heir
own culture. Topics are relevant to each Lesson so that learners can expand
their cultural knowledge in relation to what they learn during class.

Just for Fun introduces fun activities related to Korean language and cultu re.


IXI o:i
0 Xi A~ O~'a°A 1::111::11<2!- 1!!
(Jiyeong Kim) (Justin Adams) {Vivian Chen)
Korean teacher, Korean 1st year in university, Canadian 2nd year in university, Chinese

XilLIIIi -fd 2o~DJI c: qAil2.I Ol'2.!2

(Jennifer Kim) (Mohammed Naseri) (Minho Lee)
2nd year in university,
3rd year in university, Iranian 3rd year in university, Korean

qLI~ =A: □ IE □ ~2.IO~-tJ-£A £Ll£'r!A

(Daniel Schmidt) {Maria Santos) (Tony Robbins)
4th year student, German Grade 11, Filipino Grade 12,Australian


Lesson Topic Function Vocabulary Grammar Cult ure
• Reading Korean vowe ls and
• Korean vowel sounds and letters
conson ants accurately
Korean • Korean consonant sounds and letter Essential
l ~~ • Building Korean syllables in
alp habet , Syllable block building expressions
accu rate order
• Basic pronunciation rules
• Reading Korean words
, Nl 2/e N20IOIIR/ClllR Nl =N2
• Greeting Count ry, • Yes/No question Greetings in
2 '2.f'aiJof-'i lR?
• Self-introduction occupation • Nl2/e N2Dlj7fOfLIOIIR Nl *N2 Korea
• -.'i:. vs. -2/e: Ma rkers for comparison
• -01.2/0fR Informal poUte end·1ng
• Making basic sentences in
• Vowel contractions in polite forms
cfgqgoi1 in formal settings Activities, Useof-'?-2.l in
3 • [Place]OII/OIIAi : Location markers
~OfR • Exp ressing location of an location Korean
• [Place]OII VOlR Expressing location
• -Dl/7f: Subject marker
• -:il ,:,Jcf: Expressing desire
• -(2)co1 7fcf: Go/come in order to
• Ordering food (do something)
1::11~~ ~ 2_2,~ Korean Dining
4 • Making polite commands Food, place • -J:IR?: Seeking agreement
7fR Etiquette
• Making negative statement s • '2!/Ef!:: Negation
• -£/~: Object makers
• -(2)-'i lR Polite req uest/command
• Numeric system I: Sino-Korean numbers
• Coun ting numbers
'2jQf\'j ,:,,7f Nu mbers, days • [time]OII: Time marker
5 • Making an appointment Korean Age
%1011.2? of the week • Numerk system II : Native Korean numbers
• Buying goods
• Counting un 'its
• -~01 R/VOlR Past events
• -of:il: With/and
Oj Xii Oj ClOIi Ethnic
• Expressing past events Transportatio n, • - (2).s:'.: By means of
6 ne·1 ghborhoods
:;:_tOjR? • Talki ng about t ransportation seasons • -!i'.cf (Ci) and Xii~ : Comparatives and
in Seou l
, AOIIA1 B7JfXI: from [place A] to [place BJ
• -(2)-'i lR Ho norific expression
• Describing progressive • -:il V cf:Action in progress
How t o address
AIE~.'=f-'5~.=i:! events Family, • -XI~: But/although
7 people ·1 n
VOlR • Using honorific forms weekend plan • -(2) 2 71ClllR Future events
• Describing cause and effect • -OlAi /OfAi: Because
• -:il: And
• -(2) 2 * '.(icf/'i;/Cf: Can/cannot
• -01/0f 9cf: To do someth ing for someone
• Asking hobbies
• -L1IR Surprise or admiration Pop ular
c:::;>IIOl!s. • Expressing ability
~ * 5j0i£:? • Expressing obligation and
Hobb·1es • -(2) 2 ~ ~ cf/ 2.~Cf: To know/not know how hobbies in
to do Korea
• -(2) 2 7/fR?: Asking someone's opinion
• -010(/0fof £Icf: Obligation/necessity
• -(2)co1:il ofcf: Intention or plan
• Descri bing items and
• -(2) L : Nou n-modifying form (Adjective)
Shopp·1ng, • -01/0f !i'.AilR Making suggest·1ons
~Bg§Qf7f • Making use of shopping- Shopping in
ll)RtHR colours, • -L/2/eCil: Background information
related expressions Korea
clothing it ems • -01.'i:./Of.'i:. £1cf: Seeking/giving permission
• Talking about future plans
• Making suggestions • ~cf/-::.!cf/""cf/ 0fcf/7il cf/;tfcf/ Dilcf/ □H cf:
To wea r
• Talki ng about experiences • -01/0f '&OlR Past experien ce
• Listing events in a temporal • -:il lfAi:Afterdoingsometh·1ng
Xil9 .'i:.OII Getting around
10 orde r Travel • ~OjRmLilR (You/It) must be
7f '&OlR in Korea
• Describing items/people • -(2) 2 ITII: When, while
with verbs • -e: Noun-modifying form (verbs)


Have you ever learned other languages before? Why do

you want to learn Korean? Discuss what you know about
the Korean language.

@" Reading Korean vowels and consonants

@" Building Korean syllables in the correct order
Reading Korean words

M!Zt®m)HIN Korean alphabet

M@l11i1161M Korean vowel sounds and letters
Korean consonant sounds and letters
Syllable block building
Basic pronunciation rules
&;M@l,Ciilliiihj Essential Expressions


Vowels ~
Simple Vowels
Hangul is the name of the Korean alphabet. It was created in 1443 by King
Sejong and his royal scholars. Like the English alphabet, Hangul consists of letters
that represent vowel sounds and consonant sounds.
A vowel is a necessary part of the Korean syllable structure. There are eight
simple vowels and thirteen diphthongs. The pronunciation, similar sound in English,
and graphical representation in Hangul of the eight simple vowels are shown in the
table below. When a syllable begins with a vowel, the silent consonant letter o is
written before the vowel.

Similar Sound I
Sound* Hangul Letter With silent o
in English

a arm r 0~

0 saw ~ Oi

0 mQW __L 2.

LI moon T T

u p_!Jt - 0

i bee I 01

ae -~_pple H OH

e gvery ~I OJI

* Using the McCune-Reischauer Romanization System

Les9Jn 1 ~ 15

Practice reading and writing simple vowels while keeping the basic stroke
order: left to right and top to bottom.

Vowel Vowel Stroke

Writing Practice
Sound Letter Order

a ~ 't~r rz;
0 ~ c-i T w
0 ...L 1L(t--~

u T
lr y T
Li -
- (~;-----➔ -
i I 11 I
ae H J J
e ~I 1r ~I
c-- t



By combining a simple vowel with a semivowel that has a y or w sound,
diphthongs can be made. There are a total of 13 diphthongs in Korean. Six of the
eight simple vowels can be combined with the semivowel y to create six diphthongs.
The diphthong letters are graphically created by adding one additional short stroke
to the simple vowels } , -l , B, and 1]._i.., , ,

Semivowely + Simple Vowels

r a F ya
1 0 ~ yo
...L 0 .il yo
y + ➔
T LI TT yu
H ae ~ yae
ii e ~I ye

Five of the eight simple vowels can be combined with the semivowel w to create
six diphthongs. The diphthong letters are graphically created by combining the
semivowel w with the simple vowels } , -l, l, B, and 11. The semivowel w sound
is represented as when it is combined with the bright vowels } and B. It is

represented as , when it is combined with the dark vowel -l and 11. When the
semivowel w sound is combined with the neutral vowel l, two different diphthongs
can be created using each of the semivowel w graphic representations, or,. _i..

Semivowel w + Simple Vowels

r a ...L + r
=.i..f wa
1 0 ,+, =-r-l WO
w + I ➔ ...1../, + I = ..1.-I/TI we/wi
H ae ...L + H = .J..H woe
ii e T + ii = T~I we

One more combination of vowels creates the final diphthong. Combining

the simple vowel - with the simple vowel l creates the diphthong ~' which is
pronounced as ui.

Les9Jn1 ~ 17

1 Practice reading and writing diphthongs while keeping the basic stroke order:
left to right and top to bottom.

Vowel Vowel Stroke

Writing Practice
Sound Letter Order

IC ~
: --➔

ya ~ 'i'

yo ~ "'~~T
(t- ~
yo .1l 'ii IT

•t- ------►
yu lT

yae ~
•,'l 'f
~ ~ J
-3 M
ye ~I ,:"-◄!IT
(t--➔ i i
,, ~
wa .L~ .1L ~-~
(t -----➔ ',!

WO n ,~ l -r=



Vowel Vowel Stroke

Writing Practice
Sound Letter Order

we ...1..I 1r· _._

-: -~~- ~

wi Tl rr-IT T
,J ¥

.~. ,;;;,

woe .1.H ,] I:;iH

-~i J..
~~,• •,~)

we T~I ·~ m111 ,._,_. TI

ui -I - -
I, _.., ----;;,.
1·1· ~

2 Choose the vowel that you hear.


~ Di
• 2)

4) D
D .L
5) D .ll. D 1T 6) D ~ D.L
7) Di D-r 8) D -r D-
9) D ~ D ~ 10) Di D~
11) D ...1.. D.ll. 12) DT DTI"
13) D ...1.. Di

Lesson 1 ~ 19
When King Sejong and his royal scholars designed the consonant letters, they
considered the shape of the speech organs, that is, the tongue, gum-ridge, lips,
tooth, and throat. These are represented as the basic consonants 7, L, o, A, and o,
from which the remaining fourteen consonants are derived by adding extra strokes.
As demonstrated in the table below, each letter is designed according to the speech
organ involved in articulation of the sound of the letter.

14 derived consonant
5 Basic Consonants
Speech letters and sounds
Organs Pictures of
Sound Letter Plain Aspirated Tensed
Speech Organs
Back of the (
tongue/ k 7 (k') (kk)
=i 11

soft palate -~ \
Tongue tip/
) C (t) E (t') [[ (tt)

n L
gum-ridge 2 ( r, I)

Lips m \ ~~ ) ~
□ tJ (p) Il (p') tltl (pp)

) M (ss)
Teeth s
)S1\-~ \ \
x (ch) :t (ch') AA (tch)

Throat ng 0 (h)

The names of the consonant letters contain two syllables. The first one consists
of the consonant plus the vowel 1 (e.g., El) and the second syllable the vowel
- followed by the consonant (e.g., ~). Putting the two syllables together forms
the name of the letter E (El~). Since the second syllable does not begin with a
consonant, it is necessary to insert the silent o before the vowel -· While the names
of '7,' 'c,' and 'A' in Korean do not follow the regular pattern (7]Q:j, q ~-, and J.1*),
the regularized names of the letters can alternatively be used (71 ~, 9 ,g, J.j J).



1 Practice reading and writing consonants while keeping the basic stroke order:
left to right and top to bottom.

Sound Letter Name Writing Practice

k 7 71<?:1 71
n L LI~

• ---,.

r, I 2 2.1~ ,a(• -il


m □ □ I~ i□l
'-~-~ ->

p l:::::t t!I:; 1.1., ➔1<.~

(~:- >

s A ,q~ ~
0,ng 0 01~ ·O
''•i 7
ch .X :XI~ ~""

-10 ~7
ch' ~ A -=-

Les9Jn 1 ~ 21

Sound Letter Name Writing Practice

k' =1 71~
' ":il

t' E El~ Tfiti

p' II Ill~ ~
-, ((~

,,~ ,·~·

h 0 05 (0

kk T7 Mf
7 IO:t
-, fll
tt [[ Mf[l.:::I.
0 c:::
,g :
ff~ (:(~

pp 1±1 Mfl::!12
0 cl 't'8.8'i'"
(:';.;_,. (f..;_,..

ss M Mf,\j.2
0 A a ,,¥ . ~

tch "J:J... MfJ:12.

0 :><:: D

2 Choose the syllable that you hear.

1) □ q
3) □ Jt
□ ct
□ :Jt

2.t • 2) □

4) □ ~
2.t □

Ot □ xt

5) □ ~ D -W □~ 6) □ ~ □~ □~
7) □ J;:t □ xt O lq 8) □ ~ □~ □~


Syllable Blocks -
Syllable Block Building
When writing in Korean, letters form a syllable block. There are two types of
syllable block structures in Korean writing. The first is the combination of an
initial consonant and a vowel (e.g., y-). The other is the combination of an initial
consonant, a vowel, and a final consonant (e.g., ig-). The position of the initial
consonant depends on the shape of the vowel in the syllable.

If the vowel contains a long vertical line such as ~, F, ~,

~ , I , and H, the consonant is located at the left side of
the vowel (e.g., II~).

If the vowel contains a long horizontal line such as ...1.., .ll,

, , and TT, the consonant is placed on top of the vowel
(e.g., :5:).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- -----

If the vowel is a diphthong with both a long vertical and

long horizontal lines such as 2~, %1, 21, and 2~, the consonant
is placed at the upper left corner of the syllable (e.g., it~). a
In the second type of structure, the position of the final consonant is below the
initial consonant and the vowel (e. g., ~, .;;-, :@).

In either type of structure, if the syllable does not have an initial consonant, the
letter o becomes the initial letter. But the letter o in that position is silent. It is a
place holder for consistency of syllable structure (e.g., ~).

Les9Jn1 ~ 23

1 Fill in each box with a syllable consisting of a consonant and a vowel.

:q;; ~ F ~ ~ ...1... .il T TT - I
7 - - -
7 Ji 7 l T -








2 Write down the following words in Hangul.








Lesson 1 ~ 25
Pronunciation rules
When a syllable with a final consonant is followed by a syllable that begins with a
vowel, such as tl-o], the sound of the final consonant becomes the initial consonant
sound of the following syllable. Therefore, tl-o] would be pronounced as q followed by ~-
E.g., ?J".Q."'il.£.[~7- 1-i].Rl, ~oj Y-"'il.£.[ 0 1i=4Y-"'il.£.l, 0 1;; 0 1[0 12 ul]

Syllable final closure

When a syllable with a final consonant is at the end of a word or is followed by a
syllable that begins with a consonant, such as or -3l]AJ, the speech organs should
be closed to make the sound for the final consonant. Only the consonants 7, L, c,
2, o, B, and o have closed sounds, so the pronunciation of the other consonants

is changed to one of the following closed sounds.

Syllable final consonant Pronunciation

=l 77


E,A..MX.7-o [c:]

Double consonant reduction

Consonant clusters, such as "fr" or "str" in English, do not exist in Korean speech.
So in a syllable where two consonant letters appear together in the final consonant
position, such as "'it, one of the two is not pronounced. Due to the complexity
of standard pronunciation rules, it is recommended to be familiarized with the
pronunciation of individual words.
E. g., "'it[~], o:Jil[o:J~l. ?J-q[~u:J-l. filq[~u:J-l. Slq[~u:J-l

When a plain consonant (7, c, B , .::z.) comes before or after the consonant ti,
they combine and form a consonant that has a sound made by an exhaling breath (=i,
E, II, 3:.).



1 Choose the correct pronunciation.

1) ~DI CD [igJOI] @ [l::lfl::IIJ

2) ~.2.
-,2 CD [t H~l @ [~~]

3) ~on CD [~OJI] @ [q111]

4) ~0 J.1IR CD [c:: 2 J..11.9-] @ [~ OJ..11.9-]

5) ~DI CD [11;:i::I] @ [11-"ll

t:I Di
6) "'T"=I CD [.!?-Q:j] @ [.!¥~ ]

7) 01.2.
n:2 CD [OI ~] @ [OI~]

8) ot CD [~ l @ [~]

9) El~ CD [El;;] @ [Elg ]

10) ~OlR CD [ftOi.9-] @ [7f.Uj_9_]

2 Choose the correct pronunciation.

1) ?4" 0 J.1IR CD ['2)-XJ..11.9-] @ ['2)-LJ..11.9-]

c.t @ [~]
2) i!l CD [~]

3) 01q
i!.1 CD [~[[r] @ [<21 [[[]

4) op:.-l
i!H CD [o:j '§] @ [o:j EJ]

5) L10j0
i!II ..... CD ['a Oi.9-l @ ['@tlj.9-]

6) DiOjO
11A ..... CD [~.Uj.9-] @ [~Oi.9-]

7) ttH,2.p~-1
-, Cl CD [i!tlof~l @ [tJH:i!f~l

8) ~AIR CD [~?t] @ [~;:i::l.9-]

9) cu go~J.1IR CD [CH q rrfJ..11.9-] @ [CHgrrfJ..11.9-]

10) Ol ~Jfl CD [Oi CfioH] @ [Oi [[jJ-Jll

Les9Jn 1 ~ 27
Essential Expressions

Greetings & Courtesies

<2!"'aol l-ll,1.1IB..

Good-bye. (to the person who is staying)

✓ <2!"'aol 7~,i.ilB.. Good-bye. (to the person who is leaving)

✓ ~2.jlg!-Llq. Excuse me.

✓ f:l",A_~gl"Llq. / .:il~~Llq. Thank you.

✓ □ 1<2)-gl-Llq. / ~l§gl"Llq. I am sorry.

✓ ~OjAi ~l§gl"Llq. I am sorry for being late .

Classroom Expressions

t'J 0 ,i.ilB..
Good job!

Please sit down.

✓ ~Ojq,1.1IB.. Please stand up.

✓ ~iOi !i!_,i.ilB.. Please read.

✓ [q2.~ o~AilB.. Repeat after me.

✓ ~ ~0 ,i.ilB.. Listen carefully.

✓ oH !i!_,i.ilB.. Please try it.

✓ q;_1 oH !i!_,i.ilB.. Please try it again.

✓ q.2_,1.1IB.. Please come out here.

✓ ~Oj7~,1.1IB.. Please go back to your seat.



"Good morning!", "Good afternoon!", and "Good evening!"

English speakers have different expressions for greeting
people depending on the time of the day. Do you know
how Korean people greet each other?

■ !¥1;,11,J;i·lUtWMti
~ Greeting

0 Self-introduction

M!Zlftjtfflfiii■ Country, occupation

Mrit\111,,6\M N1 ~/~ N20I0ll.9./0ll.9.: N1 =N2
Yes/No question
N1 ~/~ N20I/7~ 0~LIOll.9.: N1 =1=N2
-~ vs. - ~/~: Markers for comparison
1MMiikitiOIMI Greetings in Korea


Al~ 7~49- Al~~~
J-}i§-0loJl.R. J-}i§- 0loJl.R.

AP-t:! ~1-@~l-J-il.R. 7.7 ~ 7.7 A~~ 11 ct. 0 l ~ 0 l ¥-1011.R?

~ .2. ~1-@ ~l-J-il.R. 7.1 ~ 0 l ~-2.. ~ 11 ct.

AP• t:! ~-2.. »-1 ~ %~ 1-l-'¥:f0 lOil.R?

~ .2. 0 1-11.R, 7.7~ t.R 1-l-'¥:f0 l0il.R.

AiAt:! 7.7~ 7'flL}ctJ-l-'¥:f0 lOil.R. lfr{f~11ct.

□ X1 (q) I D Ol-gOI ¥-IOU.B.? What is your name?
□ J.q Mr., Ms. 0 3~China
□ .A.~EJ person □ ~~Korea

□ 1Hqq Canada □ ~ftq to be glad (to meet)

□ ~2.IJtl the Philippines □ OI~ Iran

❖ Practice the dialogue with the cue words. @: □ ~2.10~ @: 1gj 2.l it!
<2.t'ao~tilR Ai~ @ ~Liq. Ai~ @ NEJOIOJIR 2.0~11J1c 01~

Lesson 2 '2.!1aofA1l.9.? 31

• Ai~ ±JIIO~OllR
• AfA·\::I::'. .1Hqq Ar'ENIOJIR D ~ -? Australia
• □~2.10~ ,1,,q ~ ~2.I~ Ar'E:J"O IOJIR □ ~B Hong Kong
□ ~{lj student

■ The equational expression, where two no uns are involved, is

the most basic sentence structure in Korean. The first nou n
is followed by a topic marker-<;:_/~ and the second nou n is
followed by the copula -OIOll.1::?./():jlR The topic marker -<;:_ /e
indicates that the preceding noun is the t opic of the sentence.
■ -<;:_ is attached to a consonant-ending nou n and-~ to a vowel-ending no un.
■ The copula -OIOll.1::?./():jl.1::?. is equivalent to English 'to be' (am, are, and is). -010112 is
attached to a consonant-ending noun and -Oji.I::?. is att ached to a vowel-endin g noun.

1 Choose the correct answer.

2 Choose the correct answer.

2) Ai~ ttl ttl~( Olotl.9. / Oll.9. ).

3) Ai~ X11Lllli( 01011.e. / Oll.9. ).



• J:i,A-t:1 Ml:= 1Hqq ,1-riaOIO!IR

- J:iA\::I Ml:= 1Hqq AfiaO 10!12-7
university student
• ~2- Ml:= CH~~OIO!IR
□ □ I~ Ire United States
- ~2-MI:= CH~~O IO!l27 D ~g Japan
D ~j,"!Of Russia
■ A statement ending with a period is pronounced with a fa lling □ i!.E~~
high scrool student
■ Adding a question mark makes a statement a yes/ no question.
Yes/no questions end in a rising intonation.
■ To answer a yes/no question, if the statement is true, say Lil/Oji.
If not, say OfLIR

1 Match the questions in the left column with the answers in the right.

2 Talk with your classmates using the cues.

A: -~Pl Ml:= ~ g ,!__faOIOJI£?
B: L:JI. #71Ml:= ~ g Afa OIOJIR

Lesmn 2 'r/\allofJ.119.? 33
1 Listen to the narration and choose the correct answer.
1) ~.2.:: ~~ .,qiaOlotlR? • □ \:1.5:. India
□ ~~ Ge1111any
(1) Lll, '21~ .,q~OIOllR □ .!!%/~ France
<;2) Lll, ~~ .,q~OIOJIR □ llil.§. 'a Vietnam
□ E/1~ Thailand
(3) Lll, ~~ .,q~OIOJIR □ 'i1!~ England

2) 2.o.otl'=:: □I~ ,qiaOlotlR? •

(2) orLIH, II~A .,q~oI011R
(3) orLIH, lfjlE\::t ,Af~oI011R

3) t:1lt:1l'2.!"::'. 5~ A.iaOlotlR? •
0) Lll, EH~ ,Af~OIOJIR
(2) OrLIH, ~~ ,Af~OIOllR
(3) 011, 3~ Af~OIOJIR

2 Ask your classmates their names (Ol~OI ¥-!OHR?) and nationalities using a yes/no
question (e.g., 1HLfCf AfEl"OIOIIR?).

DI;; (name) ~~ (nationality)


1 Read the following text and connect each person with
the corresponding national flag. •
the Korean language
D {:!~ 'a teacher
<2.J-'aofAil£7 Ai~ AiAt:IOIOll£. 1HLfq AffilOIOll£. ~~Oi
D ~2.I my (our). we
-tl~'a2 fJAl<i!3 -tl~'aOIOll£. 1::Jl1::Jl<2.J-2 3~ f-ffilOIOll£. □ 0(tlp:1 father

2of0jl c ~ olt:r AffilO IOllR '2.1.2.~ ~~ AffilO IOllR □ ~NI0l}..10( Malaysia

D OjOjLI mother

2) t:1lt:1l'l!"

4) '2..!.2.

2 Write sentences about which country your parents are from.

~2.1 Ofl::JiAI~ W2.ilOlf-lOf AffilOIOllR

~2.1 OiDiLI~ .2.~AffilOIOllR

Lesson 2 '2!~of..l.11.9.? 35
The picture below is a famous painting from Korea. Have an open
discussion about the painting, the figures, their costumes, the time and place
it is set in. The title of the painting is "The Seodang," which is the term for a
traditional Korean village school.

Kim. Hong- do. (The Seodang). 1745.


~~oj 1:111:11'<l- 0 1°11.R..
~;_]~ 0 1°11.R.. 2"Q.}\:! 0 1°11.R..

f:!AI~ ~l@i>'l-J-il.R? Al~ 7tJA1~ 0 loJl.R. ~R~ ,tl-"J1a 0 loJl.R. 0 1~ 0 11f-1oj].R?

~1~1<21' Al~ tJltJl~0 loJ].R. ~y-1-7 ~:q~yq_
f:!AI~ tJltJl~ »-1~ l"Q:}\:! 0 loJ].R?

D rt!"lrA1 'r.!°f:t"EfLlq. I' m glad to meet you .
D 1Q{i;:! first-year (student) D 2Q{i;:! second-year (student)

D 3Q{i;:! third-year (student) D 4Q{i;:! fourth-year (student)

❖ Practice the dialogue with the cue words. @: 2.o~Djl c @: 3Qj-'.::!

@ ~ @ OIOJIR J:ilLIIIi 2Qj-'.::!

Lesson 2 '2J1aofA11.9.? 37

• ~;:I~ .u1:= ~~0 I 0~LIOJIR

• □~0 I~::'. 2-l>Vr 0~LIOJIR D 2j),.f doctor
□ ~°Q:/~
middle school student
■ -Ol/7r OrLIOllf?. is used for a negative equational expression,
which means 'not to be.'
■ -OI is attached to a consonant-ending nou n and -7r to a vowel-
ending noun.

1 Choose the correct answer.

2 Choose the most appropriate sentence.

1) A: □ ~2.10~~ 3~'.:!0lotlR?
B: . 2~'.:!0lotlR.

2) A: Alq~ ~~ ,qEf"OlotlR?

. :1Hqq .A.~Ef"OIOIIR.




• A: Ai~ t~ Ar'EtO IOllR

B: Ai~ t~ Ar'EtOIOJIR
C: Ai~ ~ Ar'EtO IOJIR

■ -~ means 'too/also/as well.' It may replace t he topic markers.

■ The topic marker-~/';::_ can be used for contrast or comparison.

1 Choose the correct answer.

1) A: Ai:: ~~ "'-PaOIOIIR.

B: (Ai:: / Ai5:.) ~~ .A.tiaOIOIIR.

2) A: Ai:: CH~~OIOIIR.

B: (Ai:: / Ai5:.) CH~~OI OtLIOIIR.

3) A: 2.atou c:: 3~'.:1 OIOIIR.

B: 'l!.2.5:. ( 3~'.:1 / 4~'.:1 )OIOIIR.

2 Talk with your classmates using 'J:i£' when finding something in common or 'J:ie'
when in contrast.

I A: Ai ~ 1Hqq NaOIOJIR
B: Ai~ 1Hqq "ra OI OJIR
A: Ai ~ 1~1c\OIOJIR
B: Ai ~ 2~1c\OIOJIR

Lesmn 2 'r/\allofJ.119.? 39
1 Listen to the narration and choose True or False.

• f'l'f'f'l'l'I'
□ ~gOj the Japanese
D Oj;q female

2 Introduce yourself tot he class.


1 Read the following text and answer the questions. •

<2..1-'aoV,ilR Ai~ t::11 t::11<2_1-0IOjlH. Ai~ 3~ Ar'EtOIOjlR Ai~ e.,1-~0IOjlR CHe.,1-iiI

2e,l-'c:lOIOjlR ~q;_i '2_1-g~ Liq.

1) t:llt:11~~ I ~-~
0) ,Hqq

0) OIL l::J Il::J 18::'. 1::1i.!!'a oIOJIR

GD OrLIB., 1::Jl1::Jl8::'. {:ji_!J'cJOIOllR
(3) Oll, 1::Jl1::Jl8::'. {:ji_!J'cJOI OrLIOJIR

·:4) OrLIB., 1::Jl1::Jl8::'. {:ji_!j'cJOI OrLIOJIR

2 Rearrange the words to make a complete sentence.

1) j e,i-i_!!□ I ] [ orLIOJIH ] [ Afc

------ ~ -----

Lesson 2 lliWfl.Q? 41
Greetings in Korea

When people meet for the first time in Canada, they introduce themselves
by giving their names and sometimes shaking hands. Handshaking happens in
Korea as well. Usually a senior person or a person in a higher position initiates
a handshake. Handshakes are done using the right hand. Grasping the other
person's right hand with the left hand while shaking hands is considered
respectful. A younger person or a person in a lower position tends to bend
his/her upper body slightly during the handshake to be respectful.
In Korea, bowing is common, although the degree of the bow varies from
45 degrees for the highest level of politeness to 15 degrees with the face down
for common courtesy. Koreans rarely wave their hands to greet older people,
while hand-waving is common among friends.
When Korean people meet for the first time, they introduce their names
first then commonly ask each other's age and occupation. Knowing such
information is important to communicate politely in the Korean language.
The Korean language reflects the importance of hierarchy in Korean society
with several honorific speech levels, which are used according to age, status or



Where do you live? Where do you go grocery shopping?

Have you ever been to a Korean supermarket in Korea or
in your country? What can you buy there? Let's talk about
your most interesting experiences at a Korean supermarket.

l!iihi 1U~(•Jnf#i1('lii
g Making basic sentences in informal settings

g Expressing the location of an entity

IIMttnm• Activities, locations

Mrihii11MM -Oi.9./0r.9.: Informal polite ending
Vowel contractions in polite forms
[Place]Oll/OllAi: Location markers
[Place]Oll s:J.Oi.9.: Expressing location
-0l/7r: Subject marker
■ 3,Wiii,1ifi1jljij Use of ~2.I in Korean



~1~1~ ~..2. »-l, °l90il ~l-ol-Jl?

~ .2. 7-1 ~ £~£ er-&El-¾Oil ~l-ol-Jl.
~l~I~ °l90i]J.7 ?;J- !2}Jl?
~ .2. ~Ru}EOi] 7}Jl. 7-7~ '?.£ ~R~ ~°lJl.
~l~I~ £~£Oil ~R u}E <;il°lJl?
~ .2. lo]], <:il°l Jl.

□ OJCIOH w here □ ~qto live □ qgErg dow ntow n

□ -§ !i!.q to do grocery shopping □ Dr§. supermarket □ 7fq to go

□ ~£ usually □ -§6.j food □ ~q to eat

D £-E£ Toronto D ~q to exist

□ 'm.,=!-l:li Vancouver □ g§.2.I~ Montreal □ .2.Er2f Ottaw a

❖ Practice the dialogue with the cue words.

A: OiCl(OJI) ~'"Or£? @: 'm-.,=it:fj @: %~ □ rE
B: J::i~ @ OJI ~OrR g_E2..1~ ~g □ rE
A: OiCl(OJl)J..i ~ !tf.9_?
@ OJI 7rR

Lesson 3 qgEfgojl ~t() f.fl.. 45


□ 5:.A1t!" library
□ ~.!j,.ofq to study

D i!.71 meat
□ ~'.llq to be delicious
■ The structure of a verb or an adjective is composed of a stem
D 2.1;q chair
and an ending. A stem is the part of a verb/adjective that
□ 1?,tqtosit
does not change in conjugation. Endings change according to D ~Jq to be many
the style of the sentences and provide additional meanings
regarding the context of the speech. to do horn ework

■ The informal polite ending -OiB./0~B. is the most common □ ~q to be good

ending used during conversations. When the last vowel in the
stem is either o~ or .2., -o~B. is used as in ~o~B. (~+o~B.). When
the last vowel in the stem is a different vowel from the previous
two vowels, -OiB. is used as in 9:10iB. (9:1+0iB.).
■ All verbs/adjectives that contain -o~q change to -oHB. for polite
forms as in ~!,:!oHB..

1 Choose the correct polite form for each word.

2 Choose the most appropriate word.

1) 2) 3)



• ~~ □~EOjlAl ~ !tfR

• J;:7-A~OI t~Oll 7fR D 2.q to come

D _1:,1_q to see
o .z;;q to give
D HHS?-q to learn
■ Vowel contractions occur when a stem ends with a vowel and
□ □ t,qq to drink
meets another vowel in the polite ending -Oi2/0f9..
D ;1:ILHq to spend time
■ The two vowels make a diphthong if they can, as in t he □ -=1_q to be big
following three rules. □ Xtq to sleep

• .2.+0f is contracted into 2f as in 2fH. (.2.+0fH.) and !i!fH. (!2.+0fH.). D 5!LH q to send
• ~+Oi is contracted into .5f~ as in 9~H. (4-+0iH.) and ~H.5f~H. M~+OiH.). D Lf!!!.q to be bad
□ Si?--\f milk
• Ol+Oi is contracted into 01 as in □ f.A.~H. (□f.A.l+OiH.).
o ~qto write
■ If the two vowels cannot make a diphthong, one vowel drops
and the other one remains as in the following three rules.
• When two identical vowels meet, only one remains as in 7fH. (7f+OfH.).
• When the stem ends in the vowel -OH, -Oi drops as in .XILHH. (.XILH+OiH.).
• When the stem ends in the vowel -2., it drops before another vowel as in SliH. (.:i+OiH.).

1 Choose the correct polite form for each word.

1) A~q
2) !i!LHq CD s!LHOi£ (J) s!LHO~B_
3) qtuq CD q 1±1 Oi £ (?) qt!lfB_

2 Match the words on the left with the corresponding verbs on the right.

• J.l.ifl.

Lesson 3 ct§lEtgojl ~'otR 47


• JW--\::! ;: .!r_AiBOll ~OiR

• ;J;;i ~ 4-~ ~~ □ ~§.OJI 7~R D ;liq not to exist
• 1:111:11~;: .!r_AiBOllAi ~1,!aHR D ~-§! park
□ g §ofq to exercise
□ ~.2.f~
■ [Place]Oll indicates a location where a perso n/object exists, department store
such as ~q and azq, □ ::i:tE} now
D ~ home, house
■ [Place]Oll also indicates a goal or desti nation for directiona l
D ~ olderbrotherfor male
verbs, such as 7~q and 2.q,
D ~ 'a 1Bstaurant
■ [Place]OllA.i indicates a location where an act ivity t akes place. □ ~{j lunch

1 Choose the correct answer.

2) 1!!1.2H;I( OIi / OIIAi ) 7tR.

4) 1:111:11~~ 8~ □ tE( OIi / OIIAi) ~ !il.tR.

5) ~~ @E2.I~( OIi / OIIAi) ~01.R.

2 Choose the most appropriate word .

.!r_.A.i BOJI.A.i ~~OJI.Ai. ~~OJI

1) ~.JICI=
'-" L.. 7tR.

2) □ tOI~~ jl
OT t::lc5HO

3) *~t::: ,C-iAI
c::::I IC
-, ..LL.


1 Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.

D 1:r;q male
□ .lJl.~ classroom
D >'ill.I§ coffee shcp

(2) ~~ □ rE

(4_) '2.)~ □ rE

2 Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer. •

3 Talk with your classmates where you usually study.

A: -'?~ Ol CIJ-i ~!¥oHH?

B: Ai:: -'?~ e.!".iiI{)jlJ-i ~!¥oHR
1 Read the following text and answer the questions. •

Ai:: Ol~2-01IR Ai:: 4'~ ~~ ~~ 9:10,R .:::lcHAi Al~ ~~
□ .::J.2Jl,!,i therefore
□ rE{)jl 7rR c11c11'2.!~ 3~ .A.rgol{)jlH. c11c11'2.!~ .xro1qErg{}j1
□ ;i;;fOILfE(g Chinatown

~□ tR 4'~ 3~ □ rE{)jlA-J "2t !iJ.rR c11c11'2.!~ Al~ ~Aft.f{)jl 7rR D ~ New York
□ ~book
t:!lt:!1'2.!~ 4'~ ~Ai£f{)j1Ai ~!¥oHR
□ 'ii'{ct to read

1) 12!.2 »-I:: OlCI ~OtR?

0)~~~ (2) ir~ G3) .2.Er2.r

2) 12!.2 »-I:: XIEf OlCIOII JH~.?

(i) 3~ □ rE (2) ~~ □ r E G3) ~.A.1~

3) t:1lt:1I~~ ~~ AtEJ"OIOIIR?

(i) Lll, ~~ .,qgOIOUR

@ orLI~ , ~~ ,qgo1 orLIOJIR

4) t:1lt:1I~~ ~£ OlCIAi ~.!:l!-oHR?

(i) ~ (2) ~ Al~ (3) 7-J III~

2 Write about things you can do in each place below.


;,::: 1 -


~oil '.il°l .R.

0~2.10~ Ali>l-~<2:1 ~a,] Si°lR.

:Xl"-~ t:11, ~ 1-l-wl-lt:f-.

□ ~2.:Jr~·Ljq Excuse me D t!~ '=!,f~-E_I- Shoe Museum
□ ~beside □ 1lof~ subway

D Ql (subway/train) station D '#front

□ ~~ii~ post office □ 71~.A.f dormitory
□ 7f~bag □ ~{,f desk

D .A.ll-11 clock, watch

❖ Practice the dialogue with the cue words.

A: @ Ol/7f OiCI ~Oj.9_? @: 5:.-"'i--E.f @: 5f~il~ ©: 71~-"f
B: @ ~OJI ~OiR AEI t::J ~□ I 1iA~
A: @ o;L Ojej 0IOjO?
L- L- M ...1...1... , 7f'6'" ,o
B: © ~OJI ~OiR

Lesson 3 qgEfgQII ~IQ ffl.. 51


• XilLIIIi~ ~.uLOll ~OjR

• ¥2-i=l:: -"-17'~.:i10ll 7W,ilR D -'¥2'a parBnts

• Jil~:: {:J~ "4~tf ~011 ~ OiR □ A.17'fil Chicag:i

□ 711.A.Iq to stay
• ~Jil;,1:: ~.ul Al~ VOJI ~ OiR (honorific form)
D gym
■ To express a location of a person or an object, t he sentence needs □ A.j~ bookstOIB
□ 'rt inside, in
a location, location particle -Oil, and verb of existen ce ~Cf.
□ -'i'-1 behind
■ The honorific form 7-ll,qq may replace ~q to show respect to D -\1-l above
the subject of the sentence. D Of2fl/~ below
■ Position-nouns such as~, ¥1, -9-1, 0~2.H/ ~ , 'E!, 8, and ~.f can be □ ~t outside
D Q/{JJ~ltl-
used after a relative location to specify t he exact location. student union building

1 Choose correct position-nouns based on the following picture.

1) A: ¥~il~OI OJCI ~OlR?

...~I ~1,I cI&f" ~ lJ,gj.
B: ¥~ii~~ 5:.J.H! Oil ~OJR.
1¥~1 I
, II :I
2) A: Alc:.~01 OJCI OIOJ07

10 M .LL.

~ 07'Wlg
B: ~g~ 71~..A.~ Oil ~OJR.
..a&,&&. •
Q,1-~~I~ 3) A: J.1~01 OJCI ~OJR?

B: J.1~~ £,A.ff! Oil ~OJR.

II ~ i'-I E

II 8 l:l ~
4) A: 11n1,eo1 OJCI ~OJR?
B"• 11n1.:n.
t::::IL.. 5.AH2,l:?-I-
,o L.: Oil ~OJR.



• ~~Oi "?-~01 XH □ l~OiR

• A: ~~ ,;;,-np~ OiCI ~OiB_?
□ *~ ssson
D XH□ l~ q to be f un
D ;;,11j supermarket

■ The marker -Ol/7~ indicates that the nou n at tached to it is t he

subject of the sentence.
■ When the subject noun ends in a consonan t, the particle -OI is
used. When the subject noun ends in a vowel, t he particle - 7 ~ is used.
■ The subject marker-Ol/7r is often replaced by the topic marker-<c../f:: w hen:
• the subject is the topic of the sentence. (topic)
• the status of the subject is in contrast with t hat of previous subject. (contrast)
• the subject noun is mentioned before in the same conversation. (shared information)
• the topic of the conversation changes. (signal of topic change)

1 Choose the correct answer.

1) 0I :;;( 0I / 7~) .!j!.~OIIR? 2) 1iill( 01 / 7~) 9.!'~0JR.

3) ~~OJ( ~ I ~ ) :XH □ l~OJR. 4) ~( ~ / ~ ) :1H qqo11 ~DtR.

2 Choose the most appropriate word.

01 0

B: Ai- - - - t:tl t:tl~DIOllR.

Lesson 3 ct§lEtgojl ~'otR 53

1 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. •

Ci) ~t1I~ <2.J-OU 9,!0iR

(2) ~Aft]- ~OU 9,!0iR
(3) ~Al~ <2.!-0ll 9,!0iR

2 Answer the questions based on the following picture.

2) A: □~.3.:: 01Clotl ~012?

3) A: 5!.olotlc:: 01Clotl ~012?

4) A: 71101:: 01Clotl ~012?



1 Read the following text and answer the questions. •

Ai~ AiA'c!OIOjlR cH~.iiI 1~'c::!OIOjlR Ai~ orWEOjf ~orR
0 O(IIrs apartment
OrWE7~ ~.iiI gt{)j[ '.llOiR {!!IliA7~ Of~ tiR ~~~~ ~JOfR □ ~Ili:::':: cam~s
::12-1.:il ~Af@~ Of~ tiH. Ai~ ~~ ~Af@Oj[Ai ~!¥!-o~H. D -~ plural maker
~Af@~ ~~.2.ltf g!Ojl '.llOiH. ~Aitf <2_1-0j[ tiil[g.OI '.llOiH. D .=12j~ and
□ 0(9- very
~~~OI tiil[g.Oj[Ai till[ □ rA1R tiI1[7~ '11"'.llOiR □ "!q to be small

0) ~ J-itf CZJ-Oll '.?10i2 .

GD ~-"i tf ~OJI '.?1Di R
(3) ofrrrE Cis[OJI '.?IOiR

2 Write a paragraph about your campus. Describe the location of each building or

--- r
•~:;:i~o AIC.r Orf'IJ[ Oln.l O
= A lc...:c_ ,o rr v 1 .M.vl.Ll...

Lesson 3 c.tgE.tgojl ~'WR 55

Use of ~i!l in Korean
Korean people often substitute the plural 1st person pronoun -9--cl and Al
:§:1 for the singular 1st person pronoun 4 and Al when they refer to honored
people or communities they belong to as in -9--cl4cl-, -9--cl 1f-.5!..1s, -9--cl 1!J-J1g,
-9--cl Qf.n!., and-9--cl ~-
This cultural practice reflects a traditional belief of collectivism.
Collectivism represents certain objects and people as belonging to a group of
people, not to individuals.

• My home is in Montreal.
-9--21 ~ ~ .g E cl%°il 91 ~.R.
• My family has four people.
--9--2-1 7}~ ~ 4~ 0 l°il.R.
• My/ our class has many Chinese students.
--9--21 lfl-°il ~ %~ QfAJ ~ O l W-0 } .R.
• My sister is a graduate student.
--9--cl <?111 ~ rBQf-%!AJ 0 l°il.R.
• My/ our teacher is Korean.
--9--cl 11J-J1d ~ ~R J-}~0 l°il.R.

o ~l?
T'-1 •



Have you ever been to a Korean restaurant or had Korean

food? What is your favorite Korean dish? Share your
experience with classmates.

10 Ordering food
10 Making polite commands
10 Making negative statements

il!Zlff1mjW• Food, place

Mriflui1161M -.::il {iq: Expressing desire
-( 0 )2.i 7fq/2.q: Go/come in order to (do something)
-J:1.9.?: Seeking agreement
<2.1/~: Negation
-~/~: Object makers
-( 0 )Ail.9.: Polite request/command
■ 3,Wiii,1ifi1jljij Korean dining etiquette


Xi A t:! .51..~l-Dll.!=.. »-1, l:lfl "j7 .U.7.lR? ¥-J ~.:il ~°lR?

£o~Dllc ~R ~ ~.:il ~°lR. 0 1-2-~1e>ll ~R ~~0 1<J17-lR?

Xi A t:! l:Jl. -2-~1e>ll ~R ~~0 1ikl-ol-R.
£o~Dllc °"1~ ~~0 1131-<Jl°lR?
Xi A t:! J-7%~~ °lrrJlR? .g_c}~ 4-717}-:f-0 1-R.

□ llH.:il.!!q to be hungry □ 2~~ nearby

□ 0I this □ OJ~ w hich

D Oj[[H.fl? How is it? D g2.~<2.) ~71 online review

D .::IE! then □ .2.~ today

□ 01'§2.I0~ Italy

❖ Practice the dialogue with the cue words.

@: ~~ g~
A: ~H.JJ.IIJ::1£? %1 ~.JJ. ~Oj.9.?
01'§2.I0~ g~
B: @

Lesson4 til~~i;!j.Q.2.j 7f£.. 59


D ~ water
□ Etli:!.5:. Taekwondo
□ AHnew
□ ~ cbtres
■ The ending -.:il {j!q is attached to a verb stem and expresses
□ ,1101,g K-pop
speaker's desire in a statement or listener's desire in a
□ ;;;;.~weekend
question. D ~F?- friend
■ -.:il 'i'i!Oi ofq is used to express the desire of the 3rd person. □ ~q to listen
D ~qqtomeet
□ ;..fq to buy
D § money
□ ['JO I a lot
□ ~)..1§. concert

1 Match the phrases on the left with the corresponding verbs on the right.

1) AH :i: • .E.jl
J:E .LL.

2) ~IOI~ • □ ~q.J! AIOjO

L..:. J:E .LL .

3) ~~on ~.,i • • A~.Jl 1i!OlR.

4) .Jl71 • 7~.Jl 1i!OlR.

5) ~~Oil • Oi.Jl
-, AIOjO
J:E .LL.

2 Ask your classmates what they would like to do if they were rich.

I A: §0I \:.!"0I 2JOjR -'f=j of.:il {lOj.B.?

B: r1101-e 2-"i E OJI 7f.:il {lOjB.. j

• ~~OJI ~{cl (!jQ2.i 7fR D ~ 2.I q to borrow

• ~WOll ~-'t!Oll ~2.i 7fR D ~q to hang out

□ tlqtoplay
D EilLI:::':: tennis
■ The ending -(2.)2.~ 7fef/.2.Cf expresses that the subject goes/
D AN dinner
comes somewhere to do something. D -9-'i5!:g swimming pool
■ The ending- 0 2.~ is used after a verb stem ending in a consonant □ -9-'i5lofq to swim

except 2. The ending -2.~ is used after a verb stem ending in a

vowel or the consonant 2.

1 Match the phrases on the left with the corresponding verbs on the right.

2 Talk with your classmates using the places given below.

A: *<i!3~0ll %1 ofci 7f£7 (*<i!3~)

B: *<i!3~0ll *<i!3of2.i 7fR

1) 2)

Lesson4 ~l'E:l~"1S2.2.Pf.9.. 61

• .2_4-7 ~ 3;q9_?
• ~-Ul7~ ~AIH? □ ';t.UI weather
• 2.iJ,IO~OJI ~:5_? D ~q to be cold
D Oj~q to be difficult
□ IH(§_q to be fast
■ The ending -:X:12? is used like an English tag question to invite
D ~ \:l London
the listener to agree with the speaker. It is attached to a verb or □ 1::tl~tg bibimbap
an adjective stem. It can be contracted into -fr such as =!fr,~ □ q Llq to attend
fr, and '@!"fr. □ ~q to be spicy
□ .:i1.E~.ii1. high school

1 Choose the most appropriate word.

1) ~f:!Oll .A.~is"OI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2) ~~Oj7~

3) Alo~~o1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 Match the phrases on the left column with those on the right.

3) 2~~.i:i!Oll


1 Listen to the conversation and choose True or False.

( T / F) • l'l'Pl'l'l'P
□ -of.:i:l and, with
□ 2-f~ ramyem
□ ~*01
spicy rice cake dish
□ ~2{ school break

to go travelling
D -lil?!c Jeju Island
□ l/'O I together
D AfI! ~q
to take a photo

2 Listen to the conversation and choose an incorrect statement. •

(i) op:r~ Alis ~ ~ Oll ~ OrR

(2) ~.;q~ ~~ II/l ~ ~ Oll 7 rR
(3) ~~q~ Ail~~Oll ~2-i 7r.Jl {:! Oj oHR

3 Talk with your classmates about who you want to meet and why.

Lesson4 ~l\!dtg,)"12:122.PI-£. 63
1 Read the following text and answer the questions. •

□ DJl.\cr menu
□ ~~ gimbap
2.t\:'.J ........................... 4~ D * dollar
-f:JigJ- ........................... 4~ □ OJ~ fish cake
□ 'Mct to sell
(}j~ ........................... 3~
□ '2)717f ~iq
to be popular
~*01 ························ 3~
□ ~;:: Korean rice
cake soup
□ ~~dumpling
A 1-,o"'I
~L=L .2..AI □i o 2,~ o ul
L.!-; Cl-, 1 - ·I ..:LAJ..u... □ [H during
Oct r, 2.L□~
711:lf-'5l:i!_ nJ¥ cc•L!i!.ol.s.
IL..:,l,JI-,,-,,, i:2 n~oLo cci..!i!.Ol7\- 01717)-
l..u...-,,, L..:
Ls I..LL.
□ ~211 song

(2) -f:l'gj

2 Write down your vacation plan as in the example.


~.:i!.7]~ 7.7~ .:i!.7] ~
~.:i!. ~o-]R. ~ ~o-]R.

~~~ 0 V,i .2),il_B_.

Ai A~ 7-l-cl CV. o-1 _B_?
$~~ l:JL 0 1~~ ..2..1-1l_B_.
Ai A~ 7--l ~ ~.:i:u1 ~ ~.:il ~°l_B_. .2.."6"l-tJ1l~ »-1 ~_B_?
£o~Dll c 7-7 ~ ~~~~~7-r°ll_B_, J~Ai .:i!.71 ~ ~ ~ °l_B_,
Ai A~ i~ Bl~1if,<?_ °lrrR_B_?
£o~Dllc ~or_B_.
Ai A~ Oi7l_B_! ~.:i!.71 "6"1-4, Bl~1if "6"1-4 ~Ail_B_,

□ -§-~i1:! employee □ OJ.,1.i 2.A1IR Welcome.
□ .::q2.1 seat □ Ol~Qii. 2.A1IR Come this way.
D ~.:i:!.71 Korean barbecued beef □ JH-6.1~2.l:q vegetarian
D OPI here □ o~Lr one
D ~1::11 ribs □ .g~~ pork belly

❖ Practice the dialogue with the cue words.

@: ~1::1 I @: lfj*O I
A: Ai~ - -@- - ~.:il ~Qi£. .A.f7~.A.f 7I1:H
Dt:::12 01::::1
B: Ai~ @

Lesson4 til~~i;!j.Q.2.j 7f£.. 65


□ ~ ofq to work
D OfE.q to be sick
D OH~~
femae younger sii]ing
□ filq not to have

■ To make a negation, the adverb <2_1- is used before a verb or an □ 'a§~

male younger sibling
adjective. D ~q to have
■ For the o~q verbs, <zJ- is placed right before o~q. D ~q to know

■ The adverb ~ expresses impossibility or in capability which □ 2.§.q not to know

D t117f 2-q to rain
means 'cannot.'
D Li.!¥ too much
■ Some verbs and adjectives have their negative counterparts. □ tlf.t!J_q to be busy
(~Ojf?. B fil(}jf?., ~O~f?_ B ~2.~f?.) □ .A.I~ test
D i!itl:J7i hamburger
□ IIfEI party
D ~~ Saturday
D E!-t}Ei computer

1 Choose the most appropriate word.

2 Match the sentences on the left column with those on the right.

2) §OI filOlR.



the Chinese language

□ ±~ ~novel
■ The object markers-~/~ signify that the noun attached to it is
D 2.fCl2. radio
the object of the verb.
■ -~ is attached to a consonant-ending noun and-~ to a vowel-
ending noun.

1 Choose the correct object marker.

2 Talk with your classmates about what you usually do during the weekend using
2 2 •

Lesson 4 ~l~ig,t '!j.2.2.PfR 67

□ ~-§! rospital
□ ~H umbrella
■ -( 0 )J..ilfl can be used as a polite request or command. □ ~q to put up
D LH'€,l tomorrow
■ -( 0 )J..ilfl is formed by combining the honorific marker - (0 ) ..>,.j
D Oj2.I read
and the polite ending -Oi.Q/O~R D 71~ mood
■ - 0 is attached to a consonant-ending verb stem, while
.Q is attached to a vowel-ending stem.

1 Choose the most appropriate expression.

1) A: LH~ J.l~OI CUOlR .

B: .:::12.-1

2) A: Di 2.llt OtIItR.

B: .:::12.-1

3) A: t:tllt ~OI .2.tR.

B: .:::12.-1

2 Your classmate is not in a good mood. Give him/her a piece of advice.

I A: 71~ 01 8 ~ OfR
B: ~ ~ . {.F?-~ ~ qtilR j
1 Listen to the conversation at a restaurant and choose True or False.

( T / F)
• l'l'Pl'l'l'P
□ -'tl~JJ;PH
bean paste stew
□ ~tfct to on:Jer

0 .2~Al9'~
orange juice
□ -,i?' I cookies
□ llj~EI bubble tea
O -'f,1~~7JI£?
What can Iget for you 7

2 You are at a Korean coffee shop with your f riends. Make an order using the
following menu.

:ti II.I ..................................................... 2~

.5?-# ····················································· 1~
2_i~j)}::I ~A ........................................... 2~
-='?-37 1 ····················································· 3 ~

cfi ~EI ·················································· 4~

A:~ c '§mH?
B: :ti III orq, cfi~EI orq ~t1IR

Lesson4 ~l\!dtg,)"'2:122.P lfl. 69

1 Read the following text and answer the questions. •

~LI::~~ iO~o~R 2;'; ~~~~ ~.:i]_ 1,!0i o~R ::l2HA1 2~
□ ~O(tfq to like
_r:_;;_;_it.f{)jl ~~~~ ~2-12-1 7~R ::l~C:11 ~{!J~OI l:I~ 'it'OiR ~Oji □£ g recently
~OiR ::I2HA1 ~~ ~ ~2-1R ~LI:: 71~01 <2_!- iO~R □ .:J.~ Cil by the w-ay
□ 2f~8 student ID
□ 2.H why
□ ,\.l:U time
□ ~~theater
1) £LI:: Ol CIOII nR?
D ~~fmovie

l"'LI= OU
3) .::C. L- ~ ,
-,2 ~ 2
5!. 1::112'~0?

2 Rearrange the words to complete the sentences.


Korean Dining Etiquette
Different cultures have their own table manners. What do you say before
your meal? In Korean culture, to express gratitude, people say~ ~~~yq (I
will eat well) before a meal and~ ~~~yq (I ate well) after the meal.
Koreans wait for the oldest person to lift their spoon or chopsticks first
before they start eating. Koreans use a spoon for soup and a pair of chopsticks
for rice and everything else. Using both a spoon and chopsticks at the same
time is not recommended. During the meal, holding one's bowl of soup or rice
is considered bad etiquette, although it is common in China and Japan. Bowls
and plates are left on the table while eating.
When an older person serves a drink to a younger person, the younger
person is supposed to hold the cup with two hands to show respect. Once the
meal is done, it is polite to wait for the oldest person to leave the table first.

~ ~ 'i1 jl}
~li!~ .!t~'lt .... . ! ~ '-t~l.lf-3 . . . . . . . q ~
· ·!~ ~-,lf.lf-3 .. . .. ! ~
· '1~

Lesson4 1::il'E:J~i::!12.2.Pf.8.. 71
There are many idioms in Korean that use body parts. Let's
guess the meaning of the following idioms.

• to eat like a bird

• to be untalkative

• to have a large circle of acquaintance

to be t enacious

• to be fearless

• to have high standards

to be generous

• to be gullible

O ~feet D \§ilqto be wide 0 i1-I ear

□ ~Jq to be thin □ ~hand □ .3.q to be big

□ t:-eyes 0 ~Cho be high O ~ mouth

O ¥fJ q to be heavy □ iJq to be short O ~'a0I buttocks
0 ll liver



·- •

~ ® @?v WXYZ

0 ®0


We use numbers when we talk about dates and times. We

also use numbers to talk about phone numbers and the
price of things. When is your birthday? What time should
we meet? What's your phone number? How much is it?
Let's learn how to say numbers in Korean.

Counting numbers

Making an appointment

10 Buying goods

11!®®611■ Numbers, days of the week

N@l11i116iM Numeric system I: Sino-Korean numbers
[time]Oll: Time marker
Numeric system II: Native Korean numbers
Counting units
i:i.Wiii,MhMii Korean age


1!:§:l-lfl.2..7} 259-736-
¥-loJl.R? 1582oJ].R.

£l_J .£ BlBl<d »-1, '?~oJl ~

1:111:11<2t sUl ~oJl ~9}1oJl 71-Jl. 01~ '?~1-oJl "'11~ 01~°lJl.
£l_j .£ .=1.c]iJl? .=z.~ ~cl ~01 7}Jl.
1:111:11<2t l;j1, ~ 01-Jl. 1il-2.. »-1 ~9}~-2..71- ~Ol]Jl?
£l_j .£ 259-736-1582<:il]Jl. tJltJl<d »-1 ~9}~-2..~ ~OllJl?
1:111:11<2t All7l- 7-l~ 1il-2.. »-l~Eil ~9}iiRJl.
£l_j .£ ~9}71- 2}Jl. j?_W~Yct. .=z.~ sUl ~oJl 1i!l-Jl.
1:1 I1:1 I<2t l;j1, ½0 1-Jl.

□ Ol'r:J this time □ A11~ sale D -t:!2'-'r:l.2. phone number
D -t:!2.f'r:j.2.7f ~OIi£.? What's your phone number? D ~Ell to (someone)
D £.~ days of the week □ ~£.~Monday □ 2.f£.~ Tuesday

□ "?£.~Wednesday □ ~£.~Thursday □ ~£.~Friday

□ ££.~Saturday □ ~£.~ Sunday □ g.::;i.~ stationery store

❖ Practice the dialogue with the cue words .

@: ~_g_ ~ @: Af~
A: ~WOll %1 oH.9.7
£.£~ g,i~
B: ® Oll @ Oll 7fR

• A: ~2.f~.2.7f %10ll2? B:259-7360-15820ll2. l'l'l'PPPP

• A: ~ □ f0ll2? B: 150~0IOllR
How much is it?
• A: .2~01 [lj~OIOll2? B: 9-g! 25~0IOllR
□ .2.~0I Oj~OIOJI£.?
What's the date today7
■ There are two numeral systems in Korean: Sino-Korean D 9-'g/ September
numbers and native Korean numbers. The first system is based □ ~day
on Chinese numerals and is used for dates, money, phone D .3.2.I:::':: □(:::':: Christmas

numbers, and minutes and seconds in time.

■ Sino-Korean numbers are pronounced [~/~ 0, ~ 1, 01 2, .g 3,
Af 4, .2. 5, ~ 6, ~ 7, W 8, -=jl- 9, {:J 10, ~ 100, ~ 1000, ~ 10000].
■ When you say the price or date, you add a counting unit to the number. For
example, 5 dollars is 5~ (.2. ~), and January is 1~ (~~). Some exceptions
exist, 6~ (June) has to be pronounced #~ not~~ and 10~ (October) should
be pronounced Al~ not {:J~.

1 Choose the correct answer.

16 17 IS 19 21 21

11 1~ V 2, 21 2a

G)-=?- -g! Ol{:J ~OIOllR G) 2{:J ~o IOllR

(1) {:J~ -g! Ol{:JAf ~OIOllR (1) ~{:J.2 ~OIOllR

® {:JOI -g! Ol{:J.2 ~OIOllR ® .2{:J~ ~OIOllR

2 Ask your classmates for their phone numbers using "~2f~.2.7f ¥~OIIR?".



• 11-gj 15~011 ~~ OJI 7fR D <2:!Xil when

D LH\:! next year

■ -OJI is used after time expressions such as time of day, day of D ~ \:! last year

the week, date, and year. D 9-fi.,1. gas station

D (}jXil yesterday
■ -OJI is also used after words related to places.
E.g., ~OJI 7fR ~.iilOJI ~O,R

1 Choose the correct answer.

1) A: ~}:11 n~AOJI 7~R?

B: ( LH~Oll / ~~Oll ) n~AOJI 7~R.

2) A: ~,:11 ~~±Oll 7~R?

B: ( Oj,:11 / ~~Oll ) ~~±Oll 7~R.

■ Sino-Korean Numbers and Counting Units

I Arabic
Ko rean
I Arabic
l Arabic
Si no-
01 A IO I
1 2 11 eel2 30 AfA I

2 01 12 'GJ 01 40 J.f'GJ
3 Af
D 13 A IH
eel □ 50 2-GJ
4 J.f 14 'GJJ.f 60 OA I
7 eel

5 2 15 'GJ2 70 Jc:IA I
0 A IO I IfA I
6 7 16 eel7 80 2eel

7 Jc:I
2 17 A IJc:I
eel2 90 .:;=t'GJ
IIf A I IIf l::IH
8 2 18 eel 2 100 ---,
9 .:;:i 19 'GJ .:;:i 1,000 ~
10 Al
eel 20 0l'GJ 10,000 12_1-

Some counting units are used only with Sino-Korean numbers:

t:1 (year),~ (m onth),~ (day), ~ (floor), ~t:1 (school year), :V.f (lesson), .5:. (degree),
~(minu tes),~ (won), '§2.ff~ (dollar), □ I Ei (meter), 7 ieJ (gram)
1 Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer. • f'/'/'f\f'/'/'
1) Oj.X. ~§:P~.2.7. ~OIIR? □ ~ cooked rice, meal

(1) 416-5454-9378 (2) 647-5445-9879 pirt-tim e job

□ 'i!J~ 1:irthday
(3) 647-5454-9878
□ X11 my (humUe fcrm)

2 Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer. •

(2) or 2 c1ro1 E~ oHR

@ £!".iilOll 7rR

3 Ask your classmates about their birthdays.

A: '9'~ ill, ~~01 '2:1J:il0ll.8)

B: J:i l ~~ ~ 6~ 10~0l(}jlR
1 Read the following text and answer the questions. •

D .2.{! a.m
2~2 ££~OIOJIR 1::Jl1::Jl<2_l- Ml~ Al5 ~2-f~Oll 7fR '2.1.2. Ml~ □ 'i§l~ ,1..111 o'clock

□ 2.;q hat/cap
~OI 7fR 1::Jl1::Jl<2_l- Ml~ 2~ ~~ .A.I {J"{:J ~OJI Alof~Q:10ll.A.i '2.1.2.
□ ~~(!iel) what
Ml~ [rqR 1::Jl1::Jl<2_l- Ml~ ~2-f~Oll.A.i 7f~~ .A.fR 7f~2 .A.f{:J.2
~OIOJIR '2.1.2. Ml~ 2Af~ .A.fR 2Af~ {J"{:J~ ~OIOJIR

G) (1) ®

• 54~

• 45~

• 37~

• 39~

Lesson 5 {!:2.f\Jj.2.7f ~Oll.9.? 79

Native Numbers and Counting Units
■ Native Korean Numbers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
o~q 2= 1! ~
(~) (~) (A-JI) (L-tl)
q~ ():j~ ~~ ():j ~ o ~~ ~

11 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
~o~q - 2 A-j ~ □~~ ~ Oll e O l 15"
2~ ():j :=:: o~~ l:IH

0 ~i! ~ 7H
- H
- ----

A-JI ~
•• .A
e_~ .(

The following Korean numbers that precede a counting unit are written in slightly
different forms: if}4- becomes~ (~ ~ -'i!l), % becomes.:,;. (,'}.:i!} .:,;. 7~). J}J becomes A~
(%al A~ AJ), 1;ll becomes "11(7.}%7-} "11i::H), and~% becomes ~f (~;,~ ~f ~),

~ +7H
.. ~PH
~ 7H

A-ti 7H
A -§+7H
.. ~~ ;,H

Afil. 7H

■ Time

~ Al ~ Al
(9 (9 '
A-ti Al L-JI Al

Q) 0
: . ~-



Al {:12. .¥

Oj ~
1' ·_
G) C)
: 1·

Al ~{:I,¥
. ·_

_. .


= Oj~ Al ~ (half)


.JJ2.Jil-J.i ~ =tloJl
~ 0 toJlR?

~ -31 ~J.i ..2..J.i1Jl.

qLj~ ~R~ .n1.I!}1-i CV. ~.B..?
~ -31 ~ ~\} 4~ ~ ~_S?_A-11.B..?
qLI~ l ol-1-1
A~_Q_ E-~Jl
2 2 ,

~ -31 1~\} .Ji1.I!}l-i ~ A1"6" fil~Jl . .Ji1.i!}l-i7}-&Jl ~oJ12}.£...

qLI~ ~3,1}~yq_ :Lrtlc-11 TI ~oJ1 ~ 0 }011.B..?
~ TI ~ oJ1 1-}{]..2.. ~ 0 1oJ1.B...
qLI~ 1;]1, -&.B.. ~ oJ1 ct1-1 %JJ1 Jl.
~ -31 1;]1, ~~ "61 7}Jsi1.B...

□ ~~ clerk □ .iil:i!.1-Ai textbook □ -=?~~ ~q to take a class
□ ~~-g-LJq_I see. □ r:l counting unit for books □ -OU per

D qAJ "§"711£.. I' II be back. D 7i1IJ coffee D -B counting unit for beverage

❖ Practice the dialogue with the cue words.

@: .iil.J!{):j @: ~ r:! @: ,1{j
7i1IJ ~B N

Lesson 5 t!~.2.7 f-\\10!1£.? 81


• 7-i~ ~01~ ~OIOJIR

• 7-i ~ 2 -tl ~ Al 2 ~o IOJIR □ 2.* p.m.
D 2.111( older brother for
■ The native numbers are used for counting age, t ime (hours),
D C-j more
things, and people in general.
■ Native numbers are pronounced [orq 1, ~ 2, ')"!! 3, ';;!! 4, q~ 5,
Oj~ 6, '§!~ 7, Oji~ 8, Or~ 9, ~ 10, A~ 20, Ai~ 30, ~ 100].
■ For time, both native and sino-Korean nu m bers are used:
native number for hours and sino-Korean number for minutes
(e.g., 12:15 p.m. ➔ 2.~ ~¥ Al ~2. .¥).

1 Choose the correct answer.

□ r2.IOr~ ~Q:j ~

2t!lf~ Jil ~ C:J ~OrR

~ OIOJIR □ r2.1or

1) Hoo old is Maria's brother? 2) What time is it noo?


@ A~~ ~ OIOJIR @ ~Al {J ~ OI OJIR
@ A~~ ~OIOJIR @ ~ Ai y ~OIOJIR

2 Ask your classmates about their age.

I A: J:11<2.! .UI,
~ ~ OIOJIB_?

• A: J-r'6fOI ~ 7HS:,lOjB_?
• ~ J-11 ~ ~J-1JR □ ,!.f~ candy
D ~,rw::i:1puppy
■ Different counting units are used, depe nding on what you D ~fear
□ 61,1-fami~
• ~ for people • □ ~2.I for animals
• 7H for small things • i':! for books
• ~ for bottles • cH for large electronics and appliances
• g for papers • ~ for clothes
• B for beverage
■ g! plus a counting unit makes a question word as in g! ~ (how
many people), g! '@!" (how old), and g! Al (what time).
■ Numbers 1 to 4 change before co unting units: o~q to ~ ' ~ to .!:j=-,
11 to J.:11, ~ to Lil, and A~ to A~.

1 Draw lines to find the correct answer.

MVI..L.L. •

• 1.:11 CH

2 Talk with your classmates about how many [£IX~, ~-¥f-Ei, ~,1, f.tO~XI, etc.] they (you)

I A: 9PP ~~ 7HS:,l0j£?
B: 2.1;:~7~q-:'.."! 7HS:,lOjR
1 What time is it?
1) ( .2.~ / .2.~)

2) ( .2.~ / .2.~ )


•• D Al~JH eraser
D 2.-";c altogether
D clfJ;:I pants

3) ( .2.~ / .2.~ )

4) ( .2.~ / .2.~ )


2 Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.

1) ~~Oi .ii!:i!..A1 ~ T:!OII ~ □ .OIIR?

G) 34~ (1)35~ ®36~

2) Al~7H ~ 7H OIi ~ □ •OIIR?
G) 2~ (1) 3~ ®4~

3) Al~7H ~ 7H A.R?
G) 17~ (1) 27~ ® 37~

4) £~ ~ □ .OIIR?
G) 37~ (1) 38~ ®39~

3 How much is the pair of pants in the picture?

- - - - - -
OIi - - - - - -


1 Read the following text and answer the questions. •

□ OfOl:::'::of7'1 ice hockey

Ai--"-t:lof.:il 2of0jlc~ ££~OJI OfOIAof7'1 ~Pl~OJI 7f£. D ~7j:g rink. stadium
□ El~ ticket
E.1~2 ~ ~OJI 2.-~0I ~OIOJIR ~ Affil2 ~~2 E.I.A-l~~ 'fJ~ D ~ :g one piece
7iOllR .:J.t:i[JI AiAt:12 E.I.A-l~7f ~Oi.£. AiAt:12 '2JEi~OJI.A.i □ -";c J,.fE! two people
D ~~gsame
E.I.A.l~~ ~goH.£. E.I.A.l~ ~ ~OJI -&{:J~ ~OIOJI.£. E.I.A.l~~ □ EIJ,.l~ T-shirt

5_9_~0Jl 2fR D ~Cf towear

□ -(S2.)2 7i0ll£.
will (see p.112)
D CZJEi'xi Internet
D 'il:!~ pencil case

G) ®

3) Draw lines to match the content.

• 67~

• 52~

2 Rearrange the words to make a complete sentence.

20 I I {:JOI ~OIOJl.9_ I I ~-----~

Lesson 5 {!:2.f\Jj.2.7f ~Oll.9.? 85

Importance of age in Korea
Age is very important for social interactions in Korea. Koreans act and
speak differently when talking to people of different ages. This is why often
the first question Koreans ask is "How old are you?" (~ {l-0 lOil.R?). Answering
this question in Korea might not be as simple as answering it in other cultures.
If you are 19 years old in Canada, you might be 20 or 21 years old in Korea.
There is a thing called 'Korean Age'(~R y-o l), which is calculated differently
than chronological age. According to ~R y- 0 l, because the time you spent in
the womb is counted as the first year of your life, you were already one year
old on the day you were born.
Also, your age does not change on your birthday. Every year on January 1,
everyone becomes one year older, even if your birthday is not until December
31. This formula can be used to calculate your ~R y- 0 l.

1 + Current year - Year of birth = ~R y-0 l

Your age in Canada is called 1i} y-ol (international age). Koreans use both
~R y-0 l for social interactions and 1i} y- 0 l for more official matters.

7--1 ~ 12-%1 31 ~Oil

~ °-1 ;J,-°-1 R.



There are many ethnic neighborhoods in many

metropolitan cities, such as Chinatown, Koreatown,
Greek town, Little Italy, and Little India. Please share your
experiences visiting these neighborhoods. How did you
get there? What kind of foods have you tried? How did you
like the ethnic neighborhoods that you have visited?

l!iihi 1U~(•Jnf#i1('lii
g Expressing past events

g Talking about transportation

IIMttnm• Transportation, seasons

Mrihii11MM -~Oi.9.J2t0i.9.: Past events
-ol:i:1: With/and
-( 0 )£: By means of
-!i=!q (C:l) and .:X:il~: Comparatives and superlatives
AOll-"i B77fl:j: From [place A] to [place B]
■ 3,Wiii,1ifi1jljij Ethnic neighborhoods in Seoul



□ ~2.I0~ ~..2.. ».l, °"1Ai1 ¥-J ~°iJl?

12_1 .2. °"1Ai1 ~oj.:g-%l_Oij n-°iJl.
□ ~2.10~ f--=?-"51-.::i!.. n-<>1.R?
12_1 .2. -2.()1-n11 ~()1-j!_ n-<>1.R.
□ ~2.I0~ ~oj.:g-%l_Oi1J·i ¥-1 ~<>1.R?
12_1 .2. ~o 1717 ~ lfr°i.R. .:icq.::i?.. g ~5:_ ~ ~ <>1.R.
□ ~2.10~ 1'~ g~~ ~~<>1.R?
12_1 .2. ~ Bi 71 ()1-j!_ Itj ~-1-~ ~ ~ <>1.R. u 1-cq O 1- »-1 ~ <>1 Ail ¥-1 ~ <>1.R?

□ ~2.I0~ 7.~ ~ ~~1-oij},i ~~ J;9:°i.R.

□ "§01~~ amusement park □ ~-=?- who □ "§01 71-=?- ride

□ E~q to ride, get on □ ~ What kind of - ? □ n:p:~ pizza

□ :6:~"§" shopping mall

❖ Practice the dialogue with the cue words.

A: OiJil %1 ~01£? @: til~-Et @: g~o~q
B: @ OJI ilOiR .:6:~-g .:6:~o~q
A: @ OJIJ-.i %1 ~01£? ~'2_1 E~g ~~ :; ~ Qj q

B: @ OJIJ-.i @

Lesson 6 op:11 OjqOJI ~!Oj.9.? 89


D 'i?:l □ f mom
□ Jil~ofq to be tired

■ To make the past tense, the endings -'.:(;!Oj.Q/~Oj.Q is attached

to a verb or an adjective stem.
■ The rules for the past tense conjugation are the same as for the
present tense. If the last vowel of a verb or an adjective stem
is Of or 2., -~Oj.Q is attached to the stem. Otherwise, -'.:(;!Oj.Q is
attached to the stem.

Dictionary form Present tense Past tense

.!i!_q(.!i!.+q) !ii.~ _g_ ¥1:0i _g_
~q (~+q) ~Oj.Q ~'.:(;!Oj.Q
g_t~q (9-t~+q)
- - 9-t~'.:(;!Oj.Q
■ For a -ofq ending verb or adjective, -~Oj.Q is used. For the
copula -01q, the past tense ending -Z!_Oj.Q is attached to a noun
ending in a vowel. -Ol'.:(;!Oi.Q is attached after a noun ending in a
consonant. For the past tense of the negative copula - Ol/7f Of LI
q, the past tense form is -Ol/7f OfLl'.:{;!OiR

Dictionary form Present tense Past tense




1 Choose the correct expression.

1) A: 01i11 .!i'-~ ~Oi.9.? D _l:;:I_~ usually
D ~Ojqq to get up
B: .s•~Oj
,_ ( Jll::jc5HO
OT / Jll::j5HOjO)
.LL .LL •

2) A: ~~ ~.9.~011 .!i'-~ aH.9.?

B: f-1-=jl§.
L..: a ( □tqo
L.:. ..L&.
/ □tLtOj
L.:M O
) •

3) A: AiA'c!OI AIE OiCIOll ~Oi.9.?

B: ~'t,! E~gOll ( ~Oj.9. / ~ci10i.9. ).

4) A: 01i11 , AIOll ~Oi'dOi.9.?

B: Ol~ AIOll ( ~Ojq_g_ / ~Oi'dOi.9. ).

2 Choose the most appropriate word.

3 Talk with your classmates about where they went yesterday and what they did

I A: OlJ:11OiCIOll ?,!:Oj.8_7
B: _c:;:_;_i~Oll ?1:0iR

Lesson 6 0,:.:11 01CIOII ;:10,2? 91


• :t.!~of.Jl (~OI) ~~Oll ;'.,tOiR (with)

• ~Di Ll7 r ~o rcfiAlof.Jl (~o I) *<i!3~0ll ;'.,tOiR (with) D gi@ bank
• Af~r 7Hof.Jl tJH ~ 7H ~J.ilR (and) D ~Oj LI grandmother
D ~Oftlp:1 grandfather
□ J,.f:i!f apple
■ If -of.::il is attached to a noun, it means 'with.' In that case, ~OI
D ~H pear
may be used after -of.::il. □ 7f7il shop
■ -of.::il is also used to connect two nouns, meaning 'and.' D ~~-\?-1~1 sandwich
□ 'i5!0j English
D '2'1~ pencil

1 Choose the meaning of -o~.:i!. in each sentence.

2 Rearrange the words to make a complete sentence.





1 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. •

□ il:j\::t past
□ Ej!:!.01 TV
□ OJ'ROJ£? Howwas-7
D ~E.q to be sad
□ ~!:!. YouTube

2) L..tALL.
□ ['C
Xlq 01001011
L..: 2,..1.1.2,
5Hn.l O?

0) ;;rn·OJIA7 Ci§-2.j- ¥tD7R

GD ~OllA1 ElcoOI ¥tD7R
(3) ~F?-o~~ 71III □ ~~07.8..

2 Talk with your classmates about the past events as in the example.

A: ;::18 ~ ~Oji ~ '.il'.07.9.?

B: f?..W c %tD7R

Lesson 6 OJAII OJCIOII 1.IOJ£7 93

1 Read the following text and choose True or False.

2of0jl c Ml~ ~_g_ ~ OJI ~.iil_OJI.A.i ~~Oi ~ ~l:j!~Oi.9-.

2-f.9-~0JI~ ~.A.i-tfOJI.A.i Of 2 t:JfOIE~OiR *£_~OJI~ *<i!3~0JI.A.i
D .::IE! painting
D g;qalone
*<i!3~0i.9-. ~£~OJI~ ~OJI 9l~Oi.9-. 5.9-~0JI~ B-=?-of~
to take a walk
~~-trOJI ;10iR ~~-trOJI.A.i ~ 'EJ ~ %fOiR
D ():j;q ~F?· girlfriend

(TI F)

(TI F)

2 Complete sentences describing the pictures.





~ l-%-%1 oil

°lilll ;Qo-].R?

~ 2. 0 }-YR. Hi~ il"°iR. tJiA7} Ali>l-~~q ri ~cli>RR.

□ r2.l0r ~o l"b' ?:i77}Al ~u}y- ~ a:lR?

~ 2. Bi~ 30~~ ~5.{DiR. 0 }21°} »-1~ ~~1-oil °i~Jll il"°iR?

□ r2.1or A~~ ~DiJ.i il"DiR. ~e>ilJ.i ~AJ-77}Al ~DiJ.i 1s~~ ~5.{DiR. 8

□ ~~bus D 12°:'!2.lorq to be convenient

□ ~ □ rq how long □ ~2.1q to take (tim e)
□ ~about D OJ~lll how
D ~OJA1 on foot D -OllA1 ~7JfXI from □ to ~

D ~Al taxi

❖ Practice the dialogue with the cue words.

A: @ OJI 01 ~7il ~01.fU -=:l~ Erif

B: (Greek tow n)

Lesson 6 op:11 OjqOJI ~!Oj.9.? 95


□ ).j~ Seoul

□ 1::tl~P I airplane
D ~ hand
□ ~ 1til ball- point pen
■ -( 0 )£ specifies the means by which an action is done. This
D §.~ truck
marker is used to refer to the means of transpo r tation,
□ "i'-H Busan
communication, an instrument and a body part. D 71t f train

■ - 0 £ is attached to a noun ending in a consonant, excluding 2 D Olllil~ e- mail

as in ~ll:"!! 0 £ and E~o£. -£ is attached to nouns ending in a D g 7f~ spoon
D ~□ (§.~ smartphone
vowel or the consonant 2 as in ;J;:lo~~£ and ~Oi£.

1 Choose the most appropriate word.

2 Match the phrases on the left column with those on the right.

• 1::1 2. Di
l:lt.!2. -, t\J 0
_,, .......

• AL)Cj~ »;lt\J 0
(L..;- -,v(-LL.



• J;:lof~OI HjA!i!_q (C:J) ~2.fR

• J;:iA~OI 2-ofDjl~q (C:J) 7'1-8-. D .:1q to be tall
• 1:Jl~717f J.11~ ~2.fR □ Xii~ tre most
□ -'=.2.lq to be slow
D 01111112.11.A.E H
■ The comparative marker -5:!q (Ci ) is use d to co m p are Mt. Everest
two entities. The noun before -Ol/7f is t he subje ct of t he D .A11~011A.1 in the world
sentence, while the noun before -5:!q is what the subject is □ iiq to be high
being compared with. Ci can be used after -5:!q to ma ke t he □ 7-11~ season

comparison stronger, although it is optional.

■ The superlative word Ail~ is used with adjectives or adverbs,
not with nouns or verbs. It is placed in front of the comparing
adjective or adverb.

1 Choose the most appropriate word.


2) ttJA7• Alo•~!i!q c-i - - - - - - - - - -

2 Answer the questions using Xii~.

A:~;::£~~ J.11~ ~OfoH£?

B: Ai '.::: £ £ ~ ~ J.11~ ~ OfoHR

Lesson 6 0,J:1101CIOII::'.fC>j.9.? 97

• ~ Ojl),7 Ji!~7Jf7'1 l:tj A~ 7 fR

• 75gl$E.i 85g!7Jf7'1 ~~OJI (J:j~ 7fR D 7:l~ winter
□ ~ night

■ AOllAi (from A) B77fJ;:I (to B) expresses the starting point (A) an d D Of~ morning
□ 7~ fall
the ending point (B).
■ For a time reference, A$Ei (from) and B77fJ;:I (to) is used.

1 Choose the most appropriate word.

OllAi 77fJ:.I $Ei

1) A: £E£ Ai~mAI ~□ •q ~2lH?

B: 1:11~71£ 12AI{!~ ~2.~.9..

2) A: g~~ ~x11 oH.9.?

B: Ai!4 7Al¥Ei 9AI -Ho
0 ......

3) A: ~~~ ~X11¥Ei ~X11mAI J.t~0IOll.9.?

B: 12~ 2~mA1 J.t~o1oi1.e..

2 Choose the most appropriate expression from the phrases below.

1) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
50~~ ~2.~.9..

2) Ai~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~

3) ----------------------


1 Listen to the narration and choose True or False.

( T / F)

( T / F)
• l'l'Pl'l'l'P
D Oj~ summer
□ *spring
□ !\'-~very
D ~q to be short
□ !;clr who

2 Listen to the narration and answer the questions.

1) ¥-llt J:11~ ~2lH? •

2) ~lt J:11~ 7'i.9.? •

0) □ 1q

3 How do you come to school? How long does it take? Tai k with your classmates.

A: Q{.iil{)jl Oi~7il 2rfl?

s: l:fiA~ 2rR
A: ~OjlJ-i Q{.iimp::1 ~□ ~q ~ ~fl?
B: 1Al=c.F
□ ~2-~R

Lesson 6 01AII OjCIOII 1_10j£7 99

1 Read the following text and answer the questions. •

OiJ.:il ~LI~ □ r2-1oror::i1 0'2.1 Erg()j1 ~DiH. 2~ ~0 .,q
~~ ~Oji f?.Llg Q:10j1Ai '2.!~0iR f?.Llg Q:10j1Ai 0'2.1 Erg77p;:1 Union Station
Alar~~ ~~ ~~ ~~DiH. Alor~o1 1:1:JA2q e:i ~2.rH. □ di:'2Jofct to shcp
□ ~~Bangkok
~Llor::il □ r2-1or~ 0'2.1 Erg()jlAi 0~ ;;~~ ~2t0iH. 0~

c:!lc:11<2_!-~ OiJ.:il ~.2.P2:j()jlAi d't~~OiR ~OjlAi ~.2.P2:j77fJ;:I ~OiAi

~2 ~ ~~OiR ~.2.P2:j()jl ArgOI \:1JS:1:0iR d't~OI J.:H □ l~2tOiR

(2) 30.¥

(2) ~OiAi :UOiR

@ Jlof~~ :UOiR

2 Rearrange the words to complete the sentence.

c:11~71~ 11 Ai~OilAi I [ ~2-1-8. I [ tg~lJfJ::1 11 4Al:U~



Ethnic neighborhoods in Seoul
As one of the most multicultural cities in the world, Toronto offers a chance
to explore the world in one city, featuring Chinatown, Little Tokyo, Greek
town, Little India, Koreatown, Little Portugal, and Little Italy. Similar to other
large metropolitan cities in the world like Toronto, there are also different
ethnic neighborhoods in Seoul.
Itaewon (0 1£B-%D is a multicultural hub in Korea well known for multiethnic
restaurants, shopping, and night life. The two most dominant cultural
influences are from the States and the Islamic nations. Seoul's only mosque
is located in Itaewon. Seorae Village (J,7 ~u}%) is the French neighborhood
located in Banpo-dong (~~%) where about 40% of the French residents in
Korea live. The French School of Seoul is located in Seorae Village. Little
Russia, located in Dongdaemun (%-cB~), is a Central Asian enclave where
authentic Russian, Mongolian, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan foods can be
Little Tokyo in Ichon (0 1~), an area south of Namsan (\t,8-), is a home for
over a thousand Japanese residents, offering authentic Japanese foods and
products. Hyewha (all:&) attracts a lot of
Filipino residents with the Filipino pop-
up market on Sundays that happens after
church services in Tagalog at the Hyewha-
dong Catholic Church. Chinatown,
located in the city of Incheon (west of
Seoul), is the largest Chinatown in Korea.
There are Chinese enclaves in Myeong-
dong (~%) and Yeonhui-dong (<a.~%)
in Seoul, featuring Chinese schools and
authentic Chinese cuisine.

Lesson 6 OfXil Oj[IOJI :;'.,tOj.B.? 101

*~1111J- Muk-jji-ppa
Kawi-Bawi-Bo (7}-'fll:l}~.!i:!.) is a Korean version of rock- pape1~scissors. There
is another game called ~~1tl:I} in Korea, whose rule is different from the rock-
paper-scissors that you are familiar with, as shown below:

1. This game is to get your opponent to make the same hand as you to win.
2. Each person starts with a regular rock-paper-scissors game.
3. Yo u have to shout your next hand, while changing your hand to the
corresponding one.
4. If your opponent's hand matches with yours, you win. If not, your
opponent takes tum to call the next hand.

-=,- Muk rock

Jji scissors

Ill~ Ppa paper



A c::1
.I t:::1-0- L-;J Oln.l 0
c, 1 r........ ~v1 11 •

One of the salient features of Korean is its rich honorific

forms to express politeness. How about in your mother
tongue? Are there special ways to address an older or
respected person? What kind of kinship terms does your
native language have? Let's talk about expressions of
politeness among diverse languages that you know.

■ !ii;111u;1,JPt#i!Nii
Describing progressive events

Using honorific forms

Describing cause and effect

■!Zfflffl®Mt4 Family, weekend plan

Mrihd11flM -( 0 )),il.9.: Honorific expression
_j]_ ~q: Action in progress
-Al'2..!": But/although
-( 0 )2 7i0ll.9.: Future events

-Oi.A.i/0~.A.i: Because
-j}_: And
How to address people in Korean


~~~ 9.r?jo] 0}9- ;s]u]<V_:;1;]1{]_-
°ln:J1.R? 4;-;s~]7} u]~ <V_~.R.

20~011 c Ail y 117 »-1, Al 'ii" ¥-1 i>R.R?

J:il LI Ili ~R°l -E--¥-"6"}.Jl <il°lil. ZJ-l°il 9~ 0 1<il°lil.
.2.o~OJIC ~R°l 9~ 0 1°luflil?
J:il LI Ili o}-? A~U]<il:Z.]~ 4;'-A7]7"f- u~~ <il°lJl.
_2.o~OJIC .=J..t!]iJl? ~R°l ~AJ\3 ~ "f-~J.i]Jl?
J:il LI Ili tjl, ~R°l ~ ~ 7} 2 ~1J.ilil. icl.Jl ~~"6"}J.ilil.
_2.o~OJIC i~, qg "&7l°il5:. ~R°l 9~~ ~°lil?
J:il LI Ili tj], ~°lJl.

D □H'§! everyday □ ~ well □ to teach
□ ~~ofq to be kind D q-§- next □ 2j-7j semester

D -§-Q,f music

❖ Practice the dialogue with the cue words.

@: g<lj"~ ~q
A: 00 .UI, ;;:1~ ~ oH.9.?
B: @ ~ '.llOiR

• ~Di LI~ ~ ~ 6j ~ ~ O~off11R

• O~t1p:1 ~ □H~ ~ ~ ~~01IR □ -?9-A.lq to sleep
(honorific form)
• ¥2-~ ~ ;,:1~ ~~l:fiOll 7~lf11R
□ s1q to eat (honorific
■ By using -( 0 )J-il.2, the speaker shows respect for t he subj ect □ q o1age
of the sentence. It is used when the subject of the sent ence is □ <ci).11age
(honorific form)
older in age, higher in social status, or just out of courtesy. It
□ ~ H birthcay (honorific
cannot be used when the subject is the first person because
that would be self-honoring.
□ ~ fq to do well
■ - 0 J-il.2 is used if the verb stem ends in a consonant, and -J-il.2 is
used if a verb stem ends in a vowel.
■ Some words, including verbs and nouns, have t hei r hono rific
counterparts such as ~Cf-.7-jlAICf, J::fCf--?~AICf, 9:jCf-CAICf, LfOl-
<2:\J-11, and {!J~-{!J-t:.!.

1 Choose the correct answer.

1) A: !i!.~ ~ AIOll ( ~OjqJ.11.8. / ~OJq 0 J.1IR )?

B: Ai~ 7AIOll ~Ojq.H..

2 Choose the most appropriate word.

1) -Ho
T-1.!::::. AOl.!2. ;,ct-
AIL.. 1 0 2 2 0 .u.. -
u1u1 L..

3) □ ~2.10~ ».I, .2.~ Al{!"OI ~OJR? t!~'a . .2.~ Al{!"OI - - - - - - - - - -



• ~F?-7~ 5~.J,if:!- 1~Oll.A.i 7lq2.1.JJ. ~Oi£.

• AEI c:j ~ OiAil Ai'=~Oll EilLIA~ j:I.JJ. ~S:t0i£. D 7lq2.1q to wait
D AN evening

■ To indicate the continuation or progress of an action, the □ O~~ (igJ) breakfast

ending -.=il ~Oi-9. is attached to a verb stem.

■ ~q is -.=il ~~OiR
The past tense of -.=il
■ The honorific form of -.=il ~Oi-9. is -.=il 7-llJ-ilR

1 Choose the correct expression.

1) A: !i!~ Xi'dlOtl ¥-I oH.9.?

B: ~~01 ( ~~oHR I ~~o~.J1. ~01.9. ).

2) A: XIE ¥-1 o~.J1. ~01.9.?

B: ~Ail~ o~.J1. ( ~01.9. / ~~01.9. ).

3) A: .2~ Ot~ 7Alotl ¥-I o~.J1. ~~01.9.?

B: Ot~ ~j]_ ( ~01.9. / ~~01.9. ).

2 Choose the most appropriate word.

1) 2)

Lesson 7 Al~ E¥f>f_:il ~Oj.8.. 107


D !i!.q to take /
write (a test)
□ Ojf_lclcl_ CKOl_lclcl_q)
to be pretty
■ -:X:1'2.!- is a clausal connective that connects two contrastive □ ~{q to be clear
clauses with the meaning of 'but' or 'although' in English. □ fl~IMIJHKimchi stew
D ~~ ear~
■ The tense should be marked in both clauses.
□ ccf~ ofq to be warm
□ 3":q to be late
□ 7'1height
D ~ OI 2-q to snow
D !;=-L.f older sister for

1 Choose the correct answer.

1) A: :£01 OJHHR? (01lt11ct, .3.ct)

B: ( 01lt11Al'2.!' 1iR / OIIHtlAl'2.!' 1iR ).

2 Match the clauses to complete the sentences.

1) 01»;1 01 f\J L.tAl □ t

2 , 2'-'I.M L..:
• • l,;!"Jll= trtSi;Hf\J
c:: 0

-, NI
• cS'•Jl!-;;i A 0-1
u1 .!:::. .M. f\J 0


1 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. •

□ 7~ family
□ ?:J~tfq to be healthy
D q2j legs
□ tlH stomach
□ ~~(~)a little
□ ~i"-tct to be okay
□ ~OtJf,qq
to pass away

2 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. •

1) EJ".Xf-e 211 ~jj!Ofl ~ :UOlR?

3 Talk about your family with your classmates.

~DJ LI:: □W~ gsortil H. .:J.2.HJ--J of~ ?.:! srortilH. ~of cfJ Al:: ~'.::! Oji
~ 2-I

gOf7~0iR OfcfJAI:: _jJ_~~iiI.OjlJ--J ~ortilR ~Oi~ 7r2 ~1tilR

1 Read the following text and answer the questions. •

AiAt:12 Al'd~Oll ~~OJI %fOiR £~£0ll.A.i %fOiR qoI~
D J;:18~ last month
A~ ~ ~OIOll£. AiAt:12 ~ '8 ~<21 £~£0ll.A.i ~~Oi ~ □ s8during

tJHuOiR AiAt:12 0I~ ~PIOJI ~~Oi *~~ ~OiR *~01 of~

to come out. leave
lH □ lsilOiR Al'd~Oll ~~Oi .A.I~~ %fOiR .A.I~2 11.A.lsiiOiR □ ~olq
to be oongested
~Oll.A.i 1O.A.IOll q%fAl[r ~f7f ~JOI ~~Oi£ ..:::UH.A.i 15~
□ ~Jil late
~~OiR AiAt:12 qg ~PIOll~ ~~Oi *~~ ~OiR D Of~ (not) yet
□ ~:1:.ofq to clean
□ {PiAlofq
to wash the dishes

2 Choose the most appropriate word.

1) 2)

OiDiLI::: - - - - - - - -


¥-1 ~ ~oj]R?

1:111:11<ci- ~WoJl ~ W7-l011R?

qLj~ 67'1 E}c7 ~~u}-&1BoJl ~ 7-l011R.
1:111:11<ci- 0 1-, AJW0 1R? 67'1 ~ ~ E}A~lR?
qLj~ 0 }yR, ~*El-Al~~0 }'5]Jl. 1:lll:ll«l»-1~ ~WoJl ~ W7-l011R?
1:111:ll<c!" <2.f-4r-0 l fil 0 1J,7 .=L1cf ~oJl <V,g 7-l011R. .g.A} El~0 l _lt__jl ~ 7-l011R.
qLI~ -=z.~ Ai~l-.Jl ~ 1 A;7l E}c7 7}R.

□ ~-F □ ~gt:! Blue Mountain

□ Qf~ plan, appointment □ -=:I'cf just

□ ~!!.golf □ ~ basketball

❖ Practice the dialogue with the cue words.

@: ~II @: tlq
A: @ ~~ @ ?
"$-=?- o~q

• LH~ 1'/~0 I ~Oi1'i t}i2-~ 7101/R

• 2 ~ ANOll A7A\::! ,U/~ '21~ 770j/R
• LH~::: ~.U/7~ ~~ 710llR

■ -(0)2 7-j():j/.Q expresses a probability or plan in the f uture.

■ If the stem ends in a vowel or 2 , -2 7-j():jj.Q is used. If the stem
ends in a consonant,-~ 7-j():jj.Q is used.

1 Choose the most appropriate word.

1) A: LH~ *~o~2.i ~ 7iOIIR?

B: O~LIR. Al~OI ~OlR.

2) A: Ol't! ~~Oil !j!~ W7iOIIR?

B: 01=~.s
o.2. 2 • .:I 2.1 .:i! .Q. 0 ~.2.
Cl-, ia!.

3) A: Ol't! ~~OIi ¥~ W7iOIIR?

B: x1:: .:I~ goi1

2 Talk with your classmates about what you will do in the future.

A: 2~ 2 ~ 0ll -'i'=j ~ 71011£ 7

B: ~Jil~ ~ 7WllR

1) .2.~ Xi~OII ¥~ W7iOIIR?

2) Ol't! £R~OII ¥~ W 7iOIIR?



• Oj}:il~ ~;x:il7f ~JOf-"i ~~ ~ ~OiR

• §OI filOi-"i Of 2 1::1fOIE~ oHR □ {! sseping
• 11101:ig~ ~OfoH-"i ~~Oi~ tJH!?,JR D ~q tobe hot
D ~q to be far
□ 7 1-'J q to be close
■ -Oi.A.i/Of.A.i is a clausal connective that expresses a cause and
D t: snovv
effect relationship. The first clause shows t he reason and t he D 'aXf ~q boyfriend
second clause shows the result of the first clause. □ Qf medication
■ When the last vowel of the stem ends in Of or .2., -Of.A.i is used.
When the last vowel of the stem ends in other vowels, -Oi.A.i is
■ Note that the second clause can be omitted when the context
is redundant to the listener. The polite suffix -2 is added to t he
first clause to maintain a sense of politeness.

1 Choose the most appropriate word.

2 Match the clauses to complete the sentences.

• O~.s!.
-, 2
-,v, 0
f\.l ........

• oI *:: W.:il OllllijR (and)

• OiJ:il :rs~ of.:il 7'i~~ ~~OiR (and then) □ JJ.fq to be craap
• '2:JLI:= ~~l:liOll ~.:il 7'i:= £~£OJI ~O~R (whereas) □ \'.:!LI
older sister for female
□ ~F?- soccer
■ -.:il is a clausal connective that combines two clauses, which □ ~Ltqtoend
means 'and' in English. It is used to list the multiple events or
states of being.
■ It can also indicate sequential events as shown in the second
example. Sometimes it indicates that two clauses are in
contrast to one another as shown in the third example.
■ -o~.:il combines two nouns and -.:il combines two clauses. 72.l.:il
combines two sentences.
■ Note that the tense is not marked in the first clause but marked
only in the second clause.

1 Choose the most appropriate word.

1) o~~~ - - - - - - - - - - ~jj]_Oll ~Ol.9..

2 Answer the following questions using - _jl_

1) ~~Ol *gj ~q.:il ¥~ oH.9.?

2) Ol'l! ~~Oil¥~ ~ 7iOll.9.?


1 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. •

(3) ~Xii~ 7i0JIR D ;q2f often
□ ~tJltfq to prepare

2 Listen to the narration and answer the questions. •

3 Ask your classmates about their holiday plans.

A: ~~ ~g,1-()jl ~ ~ 7iOllH?

B: ~~orJl tF?-~ ~JOI '21~ 7iOllR

1 Read the following text and answer the questions. •

Ai~ Df2.l0f0jl£. 2.~2 ££~OIOJI£. ££~OJI ~2.I 7f:;2 l'l'l'l'l'l'I'

!i!.~ ~{d~ E!1°2.i ~~OJI 7fR .:J.t:i[JI 2.~2 ~Ml7f 0 2.l.:il 1::Jl7f □ £2-lq to be cloudy
D '2:]"room
2f.A.i ~~OJI <2J- ;10iR .:J.c:H.A.i ~2.1 7f:;~ 2 2~ ~OJI silOiR
D ~~q to make
Oi □i LI~ ~-1: ~ of.:il 7~1AilR ~ □i LI~ ~OJI.A.i ~~.A.l.:il 7~1AilR □ 'EJ.::::f.Ei Jil~
computer game
Ofl::JiAI~ ~{d~ frl::Jlof.:il 7~1AilR ~2.I 7f:;OI 2~ ~~ g~~
□ ~2.fofq to call
~OfoH.A.i Ofl::JiAI~ 1::JltgdigJ~ [r~.:il 7~1AilR 1::JltgdigJ-2 ~6 ~Al[r D ~Of.2.q to return
SJ"silOiR 'a~~2 Al6 ~OJI.A.i fJif-Ei 7il~~ of.:il silOiR '2:jlj~
~lil~ of.:il 910i£. Ai~ Ai~OJI B-=?-of.:il {j2-f~ 7i0ll£. lil
B-=?-~ ~~OJI.A.i ~~Oi ~ ~!p.oHR B-=?-~ ~'8 1O~OJI ~~OJI
;10iR B-=?-~ OI~ Q:j~OJI 1HLfq0JI gOf~ 7iOllR Ai~ Q:j~OJI

2 Rearrange the words to make a complete sentence.


How to address people in Korean
Koreans say the family name first and then the given name, followed by a
title if there is any. The way to address someone in Korean depends on the
degree of intimacy between the speakers. The most commonly used terms
for an adult senior are an occupational title followed by the honorific suffix -
1a such as ~J.~\3 (teacher), .JJ?..4\3 (professor), J.f~J-\3 (business owner), and¥
AJ-\3 (manager). In this case the last name is obligatory, but the first name is
optional. So ~7-l~ ~J.~\3, ~ ~J.~\3, and ~J.~\3 are acceptable while 7-l~ ~J.~
1a is not common.
When the occupation of a person is unknown, the gender-neutral noun
»-1 can be attached to the name of the person. In this case the last name is
optional but the first name is obligatory. So ~%ul »-1, %Til »-1 are acceptable
while ~ »-1 is not allowed. »-1 can be used among young company colleagues
or to an adult junior.
When addressing a child or close friend, either a full name without any title
word or a first name alone is used with the particle 0} (after a consonant) or 0 ~
(after a vowel) such as %Aao} and ~u10~.

Lesson 7 ;q~ ~-'i'!of.:il ~OjB__ 117

Talk with your classmates about Korean films that you have watched. How
many Korean movies have you seen? Who are your favourite actors and what
movies have they been in? Why are they your favourite actors? If you have not
seen a Korean movie yet, watch ones that your classmates recommend.



What do you like to do in your free time? How much time

do you spend on your hobbies? How many people in your
class have the same hobby as you? Have you participated
in any clubs? What clubs are the most popular in your
country? Let's talk about your favourite hobbies.

Asking about hobbies

Expressing ability
Expressing obligation and necessity

M®t1Mi6iN Hobbies
Mriti11i116iM -( 0 )2 * ~q/~q: Can/cannot
-0-ifO~ ~q: To do something for someone
-l.:Jl.9.: Surprise or admiration
-( 0 )2 ~ ~q12 2 q: To know/not know how to do
-( )277~.8.?: Asking someone's opinion
-Oi0~/0~0~ !ilq: Obligation/necessity
•;M¥ukiti1Mi Popular hobbies in Korea


A?jlolE ~4- tjl, A?jlol E
'.V_~R? ~ 4- '.U°i.R.

□ ~2.10~ £Y~ A~lolE ~~ <V_ojJl?

£ LI tjl, ~~1 o1E ~ ~ en oJJl. u}2l o} ~Jl7
□ ~2.10~ 7-i ~ ~ E}Jl. ~~l O l E ~ l:lR-9-jl 1i oJ Jl.
£ LI :i\717} 7} 2 7.J ~~ <V_ojJl. ~ oJ21%1Jl.
□ ~2.10~ .:=L'titjl 7-i~ A~l 0 lE7} ~oJJl.
£ LI 3t!l?t,-l-o}Jl. A~l 0 lE7:Je>ilJ,i ~~ ~ <V_ojJl.
□ ~2.10~ o}, ~~tjlJl.

D .::'.'.::}-!IOI§. skate □ .:'.'.::}-1101§.-§ skate rink
□ ~~Lil.B.. That's great. □ ~!;!~snowboard

□ J;R!7i bicycle

❖ Practice the dialogue with the cue words.

A.S::_!i!_ c:
A: @ @ * <UOi.9.? @:

@: E~q
B: 1.:JI, @ @ -"? CUOiR 00 ,ul~B.?
A: Ai~ @ 2
A. @

• Ai'.::: IIIOr.S:_~ * 910iR

~ l'l'l'PPPP
• fJ,j:17f □ H-?,!Ai ~ ~~ * ~OiR □ fl~I Kimchi

• OiJ:il AiAt:1 »-1 ~~ nrE.IOll ~ * ~S:tOiR D .!j,.~qtosing

□ ~ofq to speak

■ -( 0 )2 * ~Cf/filef indicates an ability or a possibility of doing

D fl"7IOJI ~2.1q
to catch a cold
something in a given situation.
■ When the verb stem ends in a consonant, -~ * ~Cf/filef is
used. When the verb stem ends in a vowel, * ~Cf/filef is
■ Verb + -~ * filef can be replaced with ~ + verb.

~ * filOiB. = ~ 7fB.

1 Choose the correct answer.

1) ~~ .!:c.i!H ? 2) ~~I~ ?
G) ~~* 9]0j.9_ G) ~~ * 9]0j.9_
* 9]0j.9_
(1) ~~ * 9]0j.9_
(1) ~ ~

® w~ * 9JOi.9_ ® -g * 9]0j.9_

2 Choose the most appropriate word.

I ..u.. 0~.&::.0I
0lnJ ...
□ tL.t A OlnJO
L.:2"T" 11.1.v1..u..



• ~?~ ~ □ l~E11 ;11Ill~ ,q ?-~OiR

• 7'7~ §J-J~E11 ~~ ~~Oj ?-~OiR □ ;:9 1over there
D .A11~ q
to pull over, stop
D gq to help
■ ?-q means 'give,' but when it is used as an auxi liary verb, it D □1
"'1 ~ seaweed soup
means 'to do something for someone.'
■ When the verb stem ends in Of or 2., -Of ;;;;.q is used. When t he
verb stem ends in other than Of or 2., -0-j ;;;;.q is used.
■ -0-j/Of 9-;_ilf?. is used to ask someone to do so met hing for you.
;_11-9-q: Ail-9- + -0-j 9-Ail.2 ➔ Ail5f-~ 9-AilR
-gq: ~2. + -Of 9-Ail.2 ➔ ~2f 9-AilR

1 Make a polite request based on the given situations.

2 Choose the most appropriate word.


• 01 ~£f7f J;H □ IS:llilR

• WEIOJI ArEl"O I EN I ~LilR □ 0(7 1baby

• 0~7 17f +l'flLilR □ 'i'-l~q to be cute

D ~ dance
D ~q to dance
■ -Lilf?. expresses the speaker's spontaneo us reacti on to what he/
D ~ f lower
she has just realized. It often expresses the speaker's surprise □ ;t[□ f skirt
or admiration regarding unexpected events. D -~C11 see p.144

1 Choose the correct answer.

2 Connect the questions on the left to the correct answers on the right .

• L-1· ICl, DHL-110

t:::t ·I ......

3) Oj:Xil Il~EIOll A~~OI 50~ ~OJR. • • OUIHL:11.8..


1 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. •

□ !::'.2.( □ t drama
□ OJl/'1 what kind of
O .e;s~tfq
to rerommend
□ ~\et cld days
□ ~2.(!::'. ballad
D ~ tune, melody
□ 81~ dance
D l_l-~ soy sauce
D ~J-lli~ sesame cil
□ 1,;!§ sugar
□ □ ~garlic
□ QJol q to cook
D ~q to put in
D \<lq to open
D ~q to close
□ ~~window
□ ~ door
2 Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer. D ~;:!,.2j voice

• □ .::l)il loudly

3 Choose the most appropriate word.

2) ~OI ~ EJL1IR. ~~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lesson 8 ::'-ci'ilO Is 'M 4 '.U01.9.? 125


1 Read the following text and answer the questions. •

New Email - □ x

To: Cc Bee

Subject : ~~Oj *~
AiA'cl Ml, <2J"'aofAil£-7 Ai JilLIIIiOll.9.. 2.~ ~PIOll ~2.v,i ~~Oi *~Oll ~

* ~~Oi.9.. 2.~ 2 ~JOI Of~Al[r LH~ 2 ~.iil.Oll ~ * 91~ 7i0ll£. . .:J.t:i [JI
~~Oi ~Jil7f 910i£.7 Ai~Eil ~2-f ;; oH ~AilR Jil ~2-f~.2.~ -&AfAf -=?-Af.2.
{J"-=?-~WOIOJIR .:J.'EJ LH~ ~.iil.Oll.A.i !ifR <2J"'aol 7~1AilR


2) J:ilLIIli ~2.~'t!.2.~ ¥-IOIIR?

G) 644-945-4972 (1) 644-935-3972 ® 644-945-3978

2 Send a text message to see whether your friend can see a movie together this
Friday with you. Leave your name and the reason you texted.


JI]o}x ~ ½

1::111::11<21 ~..2.. »l ~Ul7} %loJ].B..?

~ 2. Al ::: JI1 0rX ~ -=!'-O}i>R.B... 1:q 1:1l ~ »-l ::: JI1 0rX ~ ½ ~l-or.B__?
1::111::11<2_!- 01-Y.B.., ~ ½%2-}.B.. . .=l~Al~~cl,~ g<2{g ½0}i>R.B...
~ 2. ~.B..~°il JI1otx ~'?~71- <V_~.B... ~017}.B...
1::111::11<21 ~~1.;Jl.B... A75:. 7} ~ ~~~.B... '8A1l ~lg"ll}.B..?
~ 2. Al~°il ~4.B... 1;;t°il::: A7l7} 0}2 1:1}01E ~ i>R 0} ~.B...
1::111::11<21 ½01-.B... .=i~ ~.B.. ~ .2..4 6J-l°il %1--1-i?:- <2:l°ilJ-1 ~4.B...

□ -~-1 □ 1 hobby □ 1Il0r~~ j:lq to play the piano
D -=:I~XI~ but, however D -g2ff6.j -§Qt classical music
□ <2:12?~ concert, recital □ 7r !:2.q to try to go
□ ~daytime □ l::lrOI~~~ 7'~q to play the violin
□ ~~.§.~ ~q to play the flute □ 71Er~ j:lq to play the guitar

❖ Practice the dialogue with the cue words. @: l::lrOl-g~~ 7'~q

A: 00 _1.,q~ @(Q)2 ~ WOr.fU
B: OrLl.9., Xi~ @(Q)2 ~ -g2}9..

□ g~ofq to drive
□ QJ-7 1
musical instrument
□ '212f-ofq to play
■ -(0)2 ~ '§tq/22q expresses the ability t o do something with D ~ language
the meaning of 'know/not know how to do.' □ gs sports
■ When the verb stem ends in a consonant,-~ ~ '§tq/2 2 q is
used. When the verb stem ends in a vowel, -2 ~ '§tq/2 2 q is
■ Unlike -( 0 )2 ~ '§tq/2 2 q, -( 0 )2 * ~q/ filq may express the capabi lit y as
well as possibility of doing something in a certain situation.
e.g., J:i:: ~~ .r2-H~ ~ ~ '§tJ:I~ J:IE~ &0I 0fIIfAi *
.r2-H~ ~ filOiR (0)
J:i:: ~~ .r2-H~ ~ ~ '§tJ:I~ J:IEg &0I 0fIIfAi .r2-H~ ~ ~ ~2.fR (X)

1 Choose the correct answer.

2 Interview your classmates with the following questions.



• ~01 ~~lJfH?
• ~~OJI ~01 ~£f ~7JfH 7 □ -f!q to \Naik
• LH~ ~JJl7f {,-~7Jf.8_7 D ~ road

■ -(.Q)277f.Q is used to suggest or offer something by asking t he

listener's opinion with the meaning of 'Shall I/we-.'
■ When the stem ends in a consonant, -~77f2? is used. When t he stem ends in a
vowel, -277f.Q is used.
■ If the subject of the sentence is 3rd person or an object, it means 'Do you think-:

1 Choose the correct answer.

2 Choose the most appropriate word.

1) A: ~0I 'rJ0I ~o:lft Alo~~~ ?

B: Lil ~ot 0
, c;:i, .LL.

2) A: .!i!~ ?
B: 01 :ll:10
1:::1 ' - :nt:1l7t
2 .AM ...... 7•01
□~OIOjO E 7•t:11
2 DiOjO
-, ......

3) A: 01 t:HO :!E [iO~O

O L - Cl ,= ......

B: 0t, :J.~HR? ,:117t ~§~ § ?


• ~<:1:il~ oHO~ 5:HR

□ H~ l'l'l'PPPP
• Al"5 tJl7f QfR ~-0~ 7fA~7fO~ 5:HR D 7fJ;:pfq to take away

to do the laundry
□ ~~ofq to major in
■ -Ojo~/ofo~ £1Cf expresses obligation or necessity.
■ The alternative form -OiO~/ofo~ ofef sounds slightly more
formal than -OiO~/ofo~ £1Cf.

1 Choose the correct answer.

G) {PiAloHO~ oHR
(1) _9_2.loHO~ oHR

2 Choose the most appropriate word.


1 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. •

(1) ~OllA1 ~ 7WUR □ "§Ull.9. well
□ ~5;1 scenery
<;1) LrOIOr7r2-r &.!lOll .Y 7WUR □ Ot~'Bct
to be beautiful
□ -=?-~i'itct to take a look
□ -?-let to take a rest
□ Lf010t7f21 Niagara
0 -1?;.!lfalls
□ tiH~ Etct
to get on a ship

2 Choose the most appropriate word and practice the conversation .

.Y7Jf.8_ ~~7Jf.8_

1::111::11'2.!- .2.=-
2. X-iAI Dt02.i
7 0 ?

Ail LIIli ~ OtR. ~ Alotl ?

1::111::11'2.!- .2.~ 2AI Ojl[HR? .:J.~[il Ol!::. ~go1 ?

Ail LI Ili ~Lt~-a OlHHR?

1::111::11'2.!- ~q.!:::. [[~.!i!.0 ,.,. Dt.:i!. A1
L- -, ,, 2. - , ::cE 01 o
A -, 0 1[[~.!i!.o,n
-, ,, ?

I O [[~.!i!.Ol7~
Ail LI Ili Lil ,. 0A tL~IC.~ -, , , Ot~ Dt~OjO
A ..&.1.,

Lesson 8 ::'-ci'ilO Is 'M 4 '.U01£? 131

1 Read the following text and answer the questions. •

~CHoHAi ~~~ '2.!~0i ~R _g_~ Ai~ ~~ ~~~ '2.!~0i □ .9.2j rooking
□ 7f~ sometimes
y.:iJ. {i!OiAi -if-*~~ ;q-'? !tfR Ai~ ~~f.:i1. ~.:iJ.71~ '2.!~ ~
D .HHtfq to invite
<yO(R □ ~£

Ai~ ~~~ '2.!~.:i1. Af[!~ ¥1012-. .::J.2.l.:i1. ~~.::J.{)jl Af[!of.:i1. □ ~text

□ §2j q to upload
~~ ~2.~R Afg~OI Jil Af[!~ y.:iJ. ';iD(H'~ ~2.iR Afg~OI
□ ·~o t.9.' 'Like" button
Jil Af[j~ ~O(oHAi Ai~ 71~01 0(-'? ~O(R D .!;,~q to press
D \;t,1-1 fishing
□ ~;,;1~,g,r
Kimchi Fried Rice
□ OIQPlofq(0~7lofq)
to tell a story / to talk
□ □ fq every
D ?% weekdays
□ Af? often

2 Write about your hobbies as in the example.

;i:11 ~1 □ 1~ g sol{)jlR Ai~ -'?W□~q ~ .:;:i-of.:i1. Eil LIA~ t ~R .::J.2.l.:i1. -'?3{)jl -9-~~
A~-'? oHR


Popular hobbies in Korea
A 2017 survey conducted by the Sejong University's Tourism Industry
Institute and Consumer Insight in Korea ranked fishing as the top hobby and
hiking as the 2nd favorite hobby for people who enjoy the outdoors. Many
Koreans join clubs to pursue their hobbies. These clubs are often affiliated
with organizations like schools, religious groups, volunteering activities, or
online communities, such as Daum Cafe and Naver Cafe. Online communities
are very popular among Koreans.
).}tj-cj Ef7] (literally "ladder sliding") is a method of lottery designed to
create random pairings between two sets of any number of things. This is
often used to make bets or to decide who gets the penalty or gift.
The order of the game is as follows.

1) Draw a vertical line for each person.

2) Write a name on one side and write a commodity or object on the other
3) Draw random horizontal lines between the vertical lines.
4) Each person follows his/her own line downwards.
5) When a horizontal line is encountered, follow it to get to another vertical
line and continue downwards.
6) Repeat this procedure until reaching the end of the vertical line. Then the
player is given the thing written at the bottom of the line.

* You can download "rCril tj-7] apps to play the game in your device.




w-=-L c:> .s:.-=-L,L n1 o-=-H o

L!~ LLc,.2.r-'I 2 ■■ 0 ••.

Where would you go to buy clothes and shoes? How about

electronics or groceries? What are the famous markets in
your town? How about in Korea? Where do you think Koreans
go to buy clothes, shoes, electronics, and groceries? Let's
talk about the places that you would like to recommend to
visitors for shopping!

@" Describing items and colours

@" Making use of shopping-related expressions
@" Talking about future plans
@" Making suggestions

IIMttnm• Shopping, colours, clothing items

Mrihii11MM -( 0 )2-1.:Jl orq: Intention or plan
-( 0 )L: Noun-modifying form (Adjective)
-Oj/0r .!i=!.Ail.9.: Making suggestions
-L/'.:/~C:11: Background information
-Oi~/0r~ ~Iq: Seeking/giving permission
~q1{:!qJAAq/orqmIq1Jrq/0jlq/ □ Hq: To wear
■ 3,Wiii,1ifi1jljij Shopping in Korea


if~ ?-lu} 0 l ~.££. 2r1--1
'.il°lR? <?J°l ~l-i]R.

~ ~ op,7 _2_1--]jJl. ¥-1 ~~-l1Jl?

l::lll::ll<z.!" 7-jU~ l-}3l.Jl f5~Jl.
~ ~ o}, t:J1. oj 7-ju} ojrrflJl?
l::lll::ll<z.!" ¾ 1=1 ~~ 7-jU} <V_ojJl?
~ ~ .:I~ oj{! ojrrflJl?
1::111::11<z1 utgoi1 ~oJJl. .:r~i;J1 ~Zl-~ W.:il q~ ~~~ ~oJJl?
~ ~ <UoJJl. o:J71 x~~ ~ oJrrflJl?
l::lll::ll<z! ojlill:jjJl. .:17, ~oj ~9 <UoJJl?
~ ~ l:]1, 0 1~~2}/-7 ~oj .!V--l1Jl.

□ ~q to look for □ iJq to be short □ 7i(3:!) thing
□ □ t-§Oll ~q to like □ ~lt~ red □ A ~.Jl B not A but B

□ q§.q to be different D ~('JD colour D .1:r:~~yellow

D ~ that (close to the listener) D 'r_!-1:lp:1 shorts D £!~ grey
D ~~q to be thick D ~~ gloves □ rrt~~ blue

❖ Practice the dialogue with the cue words.

@: W~ ~1::1t:x:1 @: :£1~
A: @ ~/~ At2.fil oH.R
~77+~ ~~ rrt~~
B: L:JI. O:PI @ ~ Qi[CH2?

□ ffEI Europe
D lll.g! plan
■ -( O)2-~.=il ofq is used to express speaker's intention or fu ture
plan to do something.
■ - O2-~.=il is attached to the verb stem that ends in a consonan t
except 2, while -2-~.=il is attached to the verb stem that ends in
a vowel or the consonant 2.

Dictionary form
tJH-9-q (tJH-9-+q) tJH-9-c~.=il ofq
9:1q (9:j+q) 9:102-~.=il ofq
12._1-~q (12._1-~+q) 12._1-~2-~.=il ofq

■ -(O)c~.=il and -(0)2-~ have similar meanings, but -(o)c~.=il can be used w ith any
verbs while -(0 )2-~ can only be used with the verbs 7fq, 2.q, q Llq , and '§[Oj qq_
~~lofc~jl 7fR = ~Xilofc~ 7fR (0) ~Xilofc~jl oHR (0) ~~lofc~oHR (X)

1 Choose the correct answer.

2 Talk with your classmates about your plans for the weekend, using -(.~)2.G!. 5HR.

I A: D(OI~ .UI, 01~ ~%/"OJI 7~1:gjOI ~Off£?

B: L:J I. ~%/"OJI :t.J~ of-"12 ~l-&-&OJl 7f2.1-"12 BHR j

• ~~t~E~.:il{tOjR
• <2.IEN! ~~~OJI~ Jtk§?:01 ~JO~R □ 7f~q to be light
• J.::i~ ~~OJI 01~ 7f2.1.:il =1..:il 7fttjg 7f~ ~ {1:0jR □ ~ ~ ofq to be quiet
~ ofq to be clean
• 28 A~ □ I~~ ~2f ~Oj2 7
D 'a~q to be spacious
D 9:!~ q to be stylish
■ The noun modifier-( 0 )L is added to adject ive stems to mod ify D ~~ glasses
following nouns. □ ~2-ofq to neec
□ ~ ofq to be close
■ -~ is attached to the adjective stems t hat end in consonants,
□ ~~gift
while-Lis attached to adjective stems that end in vowels. □ 9:!Xlq to be stylish
■ Two or more adjectives are connected with -.=il. □ ,110l.3. cake

■ -~q/filq takes-~-
■ For tJ irregular adjectives, stem fina l tJ changes to vowel -9-.

1 Choose the correct answer.

1) Als ( ~~~ / ~~o•~) :;Qt~ ~Ol.9..
2) ( ]]ff3:~ ~~ I ]]ff3:o•2 ~~ ) igo1 :x11 igo1011.e..
3) Ai~ ( ~~ / aHg) :;~ ~ ~ o~oH.9..
4) ( 5;!~~ / 5;!~~ ) 'lt~~ ~Ol.9..
rr,1=t /~=LL-) o.5:.=L7L n1o~Ho
5) ( t:!f! t:!Orc LCoS?.r t ~..u..o ..u...

2 Ask and answer the questions with your classmates as in the example.

A: ~~ ~ -=?- ~~OIOJIR ~ ~ {:1~ J.f ~ 7101127

B: J.::i ~ 9:!-t.1 ,A-IJ1I Af ~ 71011£. (9:!J.::lq)

• oI -tl~ ~~ -t!Oi !i!I1IR

• OI ~ ~~ ~~Oi !i!I1IR □ B~ once
• □H~ 5:§oH !i!I1IR □ Hq to wear (shoes)
D ~;q,g pork bone soup
D ~i~ for the first time
■ -Oj/Of !i!Cf expresses one's attempt or experience.
D 'ii~lfljj Quebec
Ail-?.!r.Oll 7f ¥1:0iR □ ~f lea
■ -Oj/Of !i!J..ilf?. is used to make a polite suggestion to try something
■ -of !i!kllf?. is attached to a verb stem whose last vowel is either
Of or 2.. Otherwise, -Oi !i!J..ilf?. is used.
■ The verb ofq is conjugated to oH !i!).ilR

1 Choose the most appropriate word.

7f c:J:101

1) A: 13;!~~ 2:q011R.
B: ~~ !i!.A1IR.

2) A: OIJll ~p:~'a'OIOUR?
B: Lil ■
.u... iS.t:li
~L.: !i!.A1IR.

2 Make appropriate suggestions using -Ol/Ot !i!.A11R.

I A: f:t710ll 8 ~ 2.I.:;} {±OiR Oi ~7JI oH0Hl8-7

B: cq~ ~ J;f~ Df-"'~ !i!A11R j
1 Listen to the narration and choose True or False. •

1) 01A!-E :XH □ I~::: ±~~~ 1.l:OiR. ( T / F) l'l'l'l'l'l'I'

□ of~q to be white
(TI F) D ~~ l;!!j handbag

(TI F) to be comfortable

2 Listen to the narration and match the family member with the present they
bought . •

2) q

3 Recommend nice restaurants, food, movies, TV programs, books, etc. to your

classmates using -OJ/Ot .!V.11R.

1 Read the following text and answer the questions. •

l:lll:ll<2_!-~ Alt:!" ~~~I Alo~~ Er.:il 01~ ~Ei~I ~OiR 01~
□ 01~ AjlE_j
~Ei~ ~~.s~mAi i?-\?3~ ~:~p~-Ol~IR :;E: 7r7il~IAi ~g ~I□~~ Eaton Centre

Ar.:il, Oji~ 2,;q~ -=;i~~OiR tl~ 7r7il~IAi J7fl2._I- ffs-2.f7r WAi □ .fl.'ilofct to be famous
□ l/f%t[t to be black
:}IOiR l:lll:ll<2_!-~ ~~~ ~~ ~OroHR =12HAi q;; ~~~I~ 01~ □ ~~f sports shoes
~Ei~I 7r2-1.:il oHR □ ~~really

to be expensive

1) Choose True or False.

2 Write about your plan for next year using -(.2)2,tjl 5".fL


0 lf lJl ~ -"il .R?

Ail LI Ili i'.?.§~J,}c-1 %~ril 7}1:3:1¾ i'.?.§~<V_~Jl?

~ ~ tjl, 7}~.Jl V:i~ ,'.?_ §~ W-0 1 <V,~Jl. 0 1~~ . 2J,-]1Jl.
Ail LI Ili 7-~ 77}~ ,'.?_ §:&~ ~u}ollJl?
~ ~ 15~0 lOilJl.
Ail LI Ili u}%0il c ~Ell¾ 1:lllA}tjlJl. .:L'E! 0 1~}~ i'.?. §~Jl?
~ ~ 10~0 lOilJ1.
Ail LI Ili ~~ ~..1r..~Jl?
~~ .:L'E!Jl. J,}OlA7} ~1~1 5:l-"ilJl?
Ail LI Ili 7°lOilJ1.
~~ ;g},1~ 719-cl'-ilJl.

□ .Xi that (over there) □ ArOI~ size □ g;_l'21 just a second
□ eeorq to be strong □ ~Jq to be thin D ~~~IEi sw eater

❖ Practice the dialogue with the cue words.

@: ~~~Prtgt @: ~~or.:il 7rt11g 7rtgt
[q~~ A~IE1 [[f~or.:il ~J~ A~IEi

• ~JJl7f {,.gCil ~~GJI q~ 7Wll.9_?

• ~F?-~E11 ~£:f~{==:Cil ~ ~OrR □ q;fq to go out
• AiA\::I 7ftg!;: 7fl:J:jg[il J:ilLI 7ftg!;: -'f-71-ilR
to answer. reoeive
• Al.VOi fil:::::[il 12jAI '@7Jf£? □ C-jEJq to be dirty
□ bf~~ o 1 q
to be touching
■ -L/:':/::-cil is used primarily to provide background info rmation
D 7fJj2.q to bring
a bout the situation for the following clause.
■ -( 0 )LCil is attached to an adjective stem , while -::-cil is
attached to a verb stem or a past tense marker -M/CJJ../'JJ.-.
■ -01q/ofL1q is conjugated to -'2.!CiJ/Of';:!CiJ.
■ The form is also used to contrast two facts/conditions or to justify a request/

1 Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.

1) ~~Oj~ :XH □ l<UOlR.

CD tiH g C:11 @ tiH-9-:::::C:II

2) :Xii~~ .5c.AH
tH.Q. [:j ~H~l .LL.

CD lJH~ ~C:11 @ lJH~of::::: Cil

3) ~'MOU All E~~i 1:117 ~ ¥:tOl R.

CD-VC:11 @ :;'.1:~C:11

2 Match the phrases on the left column with those on the right.

• .:, • .5c.~-t
oI0-1 (\J



• A: ~ □~.A.1.'r. Ql.8.7
B: Lil, □ ~.A.7.'r. QIR D Ol[Cr7f later
• A: OPI.A.P,f:U ¥]0j!r. Ql.8.7 D ~q to use
□ ~~ washroom
B: O~Ll.8., ~ QJR
• oIcq7 f ~£foH!r. Ql.8.7

■ -Oi/Of~ !clef is used when asking for or giving a permission to do somet hi ng.
■ It has the same meaning as 'May I do (something)?' or 'You may do (something).'
■ -of~ !clef is attached to a verb stem whose last vowel is either Of or .2. and -Oi
~ £1 ef is used elsewhere.

■ The verb ofef is conjugated to oH~ !clef.

1 Choose the most appropriate word.

1) Ol71 _ _ _ _ _ _ ~.9.?

2) .35. ;;.:010
;uc .35.
T'T..f.u.. OE CJ
cu ......

2 What are you allowed to do in your Korean class? Talk with your classmates.

• .S:_t:f~ A'f-llEi~ ~5:tOiR l'l'l'Pl'l'P

• 0~<21'~ 2_:;q~ ~OiR
D J-~~shirt
□ ~W socks
■ In Korean, different clothing items take different words for the D Df~.3. mask
verb 'to wear.' When describing the state of someone wearing □ ~:lf!! scarf

an item, these verbs are typically used in the past tense. D ~~OI necklace
D ,1-l~OI earrings
Item Verb Past tense form D 'M:UI bracelet
~ (l::l~AI, A=j;;!;:, ~~~IEL.) ~q ~~OjB. □ '1!!~belt

t.1~,g~1~, ~w t_!q t_!~OjB. D \!JJ.:I ring

Mq D ~~ contact lens
2;;:~, 0~, □ ~~=i ~OjB.
D l;!JEfOI necktie
~7~II, ~~01, ii-1~01, WMI, ~~ o~q ~OjB.
D {gcifJ.:I jeans
't!AI, &ft, illi~, 0~ 77lq ~OjB.
-- - - --
All-ll, WMI, ~~ :;t~q ~OjB.
7~'2t aJlq ~OjB.
l:!jE~OI, ~7~II, ~ E □ Hq ~OjB.

1 Choose the correct answer.

1) • mn.10

2) • ».in.I 0

3) • 010-lnJO

2 Choose a classmate and describe his/her clothing (with colour) to the class so
that they can guess who he/she is.


1 Listen to the narration and answer the questions. e
1) ~7~ Xil~AQ1IR?


2 Listen to the conversation and choose an action not allowed in class.

CD ~~ □~;_,~ iH.9..
w Ni!.~~ ~Oi~ iH.9..

3 A day before the final exam, ~XI~ t!~'a's

office was robbed. A thief took copies of the
exam and ran away. As you were leaving the
library, you witnessed the thief. Help the
police identify the thief by describing his
looks (e.g., blue T-shirt and white sneakers).

■ Colour terms in Korean

e Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii
~~/a~~~ ~.g~;m~~ 21~ ~n~ A£~AH
---, C>---, ~t:!-~ ~~~/~~

Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii
II~tJ--Yj L~AH
o---, !:i:!_2.~-Yj l:::j.2_.A.H
L_---, n.A.H
1 Read the following text and choose True or False.

J;:1:: :i:ilLIIIi011R ¥21a~ ~~IA1 0112.J 2~::[:JI ;;:,:: :lHLfq011Ai
EHOi';:;tOiR ¥21a~ ~-=f-l-t:!-JOjl ArAl::[:JI ;;:1:: Q:j§~or.:il ~~~011
□ 01\lJ immigratiCfl
□ E/101 qq to be bcm
~Or.R. .J2HAi S?-2.I:: ~~ [[H □ rq ~-=f-l-t:!-JOjl 7r.R. Al8 ~~ D ~"t! more
□ ~q to be easy
[CH011~ ~-=f-l-t:!-J011 L':::[:JI ~-=f-l-t:!-J:: ~~~q ~-'tl [q~~OiR 7~~1
□ 'ii'FI reading
~JJ-jg *~ '21" ~Oi~ ~HR .J2HAi ;;:1:: [q~~ ~-=f-l-t:!-J7r iorR □ ~of71 speaking

qg ~~f()jl~ §~or.:il gOI ~-=f-l-t:!-JOjl 7rc:4.:il oHR

2) X1ILIIIi::: ~~ UH 't!!-¥t1"iOII :UC>IR. ( T / F)

2 Rearrange the words given in each question below in order to make a complete
sentence that is the same as the English translation.

(I play the piano well while my younger brother does not.)

2) [ ?lff[:JI ][ ~Pl 9~g ] I ~or719~g ][

~----- ~ - - - - -~

(Speaking class is easy while reading class is hard.)

(I live in Toronto while Andy lives in Chicago.)


Shopping in Korea
Korea is famous for many different shopping items such as K-beauty
products (::§:}:~J%), K-Pop related goods, Korean ginseng (<?..1-{J-), dried seaweed
(~), Korean name stamps (5:.:m, and traditional dresses (~~). Famous
shopping spots in Seoul include Myeongdong (~%), Dongdaemun (%-cR
{t-) Market, Itaewon (ol~~), and Starfield COEX Mall (.:H.<2ilA), among many
Myeongdong is famous for fashion and K-beauty products. You can find
many shops on the street as well as several department stores in Myeongdong.
Dongdaemun Market is a large wholesale and retail shopping district with a
number of shopping malls and specialty shops with fashion items. Itaewon
is famous for exotic fashion items and custom-made apparels. Starfield
COEX Mall, with over 300 brands including fashion, beauty, and electronics,
is famous for its library with 13-metre-high bookshelves filled with 50,000

The following is a children's song in Korea. What do you think the song is
about? How would you label the title of the song?


o] -e o]- ~ oJ]

o] n)- *

In the early drizzly morning,

side by side three umbrellas are walking.
Blue umbrella, black umbrella, and ri pped umbrella.
In the narrow road to school,
side by side th1·ee umbrellas are walking.



What are famous tourist attractions in your country? Where

do you take your friends or relatives when they visit your
town? Have you ever been to Korea before? If so, which
place would you recommend? If not, where is the first
place you want to visit? Let's share your travel experiences.

l!iihi 1U~(•Jnf#i1('lii
g Talking about experiences

@" Listing events in a temporal order

@" Describing items/people with verbs

11M ttti m• Trave I

Mrihii11MM -Oj/Or ¥}0j.9.: Past experience
-.::il Lr..A.i: After doing something
-~Oi.fU~L:11.9.: (You/It) must be
-( 0 )2 cc~: When, while
-~: Noun-modifying form (verbs)
■ 3,Wiii,1ifi1jljij Getting around in Korea


l:]l, 7} 59:°l R.

qLj~ A1lYI11 »-1, 1s11 ~4.:iL y-J,7 ¥1 w~011.B..?

A11LII1i ~RoJl 7}.B... 97lAi7l 9iill)l-al.:iL f5~.B...

AilLIIli qy~ »-1~ ~RoJl 7}~°7.B..?

qLI~ l;]l, Al\:r 1::lJ~ rrR Ai%oJP-i Al~°l.B...
AilLIIli ~aW.B..? ~RoJlAi °7971- A1l~ Aflu]~~°l.B..?
qLI ~ 9- 3El.~ ~ c1l.B.., ~ '6"1 %91 '6"}JI. 'i}J-1%0 l 71 ~ oJl \:fO1-.B... •

□ O:PIXPI here and there D ~qq to be excited

o qa11 □ ~ol especially
D ~CH area around Hongik Univ. D q~ lnsa-dong district in Seoul
<2_! ..

□ 71'2:lOll 1:rq to be memorable □ :::"::Il11<2.! Spain

D :::"::Il11<2.!0i the Spanish language

❖ Practice the dialogue with the cue words.

@: B~ @: ~Oi~ 7~ 2 J:lq
A: 00 .1..q~
AII11<2.! AII11<2.!0i ~ t:IH~q
B: L:JI, ~'.:!OIi @ 2(il

Lesson 10 J:i~£0ll 7f%IOJR 153


• 5:=!_2.IOfEf.'f01IA7~ I'Ed igJ 9:101 %tOiR

• ~-?-Df.'f\::101IA7A7I Ef %tOiR □ ~~ towling
• OI ~ 2.HCJ!~Oll ~Oi %tOiR □ ~ ~:g towling alley
D ~~ very
D 61oil Korean rice
■ -Oi/Of !tl'Oi2 is the past tense form of -Oi/Of !;1.fR It is used to beverage
indicate one's past experience (have done/ tried something). □ ~7'fOlctOI~
■ -of !tl'Oi2 is attached to a verb or an adjective stem whose last
vowel is either Of or 2.. -Oi !tl'Oi2 is used elsewhere. The verb ofq
changes to oH !tl'OiR
■ The verb 5:!Cf, which means 'to see', is not used with this form.
Instead, !tl'Oi2 alone is used.
7 ~2f ~ .!¥- 'ti !;i_f !tl'OiR ( X) 7 ~2f ~ .!¥- 'ti !tl'OiR ( 0)

1 Choose the most appropriate word.

1) A:

2) A: qo1op~2.~ ~~OII..A.i UH - - - - - - -

3) A: ~~I - - - - - - - ¥!0JR?

2 Talk to your classmates about unique experiences you have had, using -ot/Of



• ~~of_ii_ q"'i -'f-1 of_ii_ {i0j27

• 'E:t ~_ii_ qA7 0 ~of2.i ~~OJI 7f2.i_il_ oH
R □ ~~ofq to graduate
□ ~ q towash

■ -.:il LfA.i
is used when one event or activity has been comp let ed □ -2j
possessive marker
and another is forthcoming.
■ While -.:il does not necessarily express sequential events, to take a show er

-.:il LfA.i indicates that the first action has definitely comp let ed
before the following action.
■ Note that the past tense is not att ached to -.:il LfA.i.
■ -.:il LfA.i is attached only to a verb stem, not to an adject ive.

1 Choose the correct word based on the schedule.

~_ii_ q"-7 ,q~ Xii LI IIj 9.I 6

.2.{j 10:00 - 11:30 B~ Oi ~ ¥
~!¥ofiL Lf"'i .2.~ 12:00 - 1:00 □□

.2.~ 2:00 - 3:30 IIIOf.J:.

j:l_il_ qAi .2.~ 4:00 - 5:00 ~Xi[

_..., vi
,:-!Al Dlt\JO
CJ Cl -,v1J.L.
- - - - - - - - --

1AIOII ~{:! - - - - - - - - - - 2AIOII IIIO~x ~R.

2 Match the phrases on the left column with those in the right.

• .2.Al2 □ ~=f\JO
CJ-, 2 L.: 2 VIJ.L.

• Ol
,2.L.§. .!i!J,f\J 0
r2 """"'v1J.L.

Lesson 10 X112f~OII 7f~OjR. 155


• A: 01~ -9-~0JI ~-=riof.:il 2J-iEOJI JfR

B: ~2H ~~LilR Ai~ Jf.:il {tOiR D ~~q to be difficult

• A: J:ilJf-=rJ-7'1~ ~~:liOiR;; CJ-1 !i!AilR D 7[_1:!:l_q to be m ppy

□ ~LH q to finish
B: Oj[}j! 9-t~~Oi£! □ '¾.go fq to be upset

• A: OiJ:il ~7-JIJ7fAl ~¥~0iR □ Wf vacat ion

(from work)
B: 51co-17~f/'\.IO
□ 2.MMVI..L.J.... □ j)_~qq
t o be broken
□ D~ OI ; p~q
■ -~- expresses speaker's conjecture about other people or thin gs. t o be relieved
■ -Lil2 expresses speaker's spontaneous response to new information. D ~ Xii festival
D q Lf2_q to visit
■ -'.t;!./~~Lil2 expresses conjecture about the past event.

1 Choose the most appropriate word to complete the conversations.

2 Match the most appropriate answers on the right for sentences in the left.

1) A: ~:J:11~ q ~~Ol.H..
2) A: q~ ~~Ei ~7fotl.H.. • 8 -'02L..CrM·I...._,
~~ □• AILL-'11L~ o

- □ ~01= .2..,_, □_1-01

• 8 •AML..Cl,1.t; Di<>l-'IIL~1O


1 Listen to the narration and answer the questions. •

1) Choose True or False. l'l'Pl'l'l'P

(i) 2ofl)jlC:of~ ~2-:::: Xil~~Oll 7f ~OiR ( T / F) □ {1 island
□ llrq sea
( T / F) □ ~~r-t.f Mt Halla
□ R ticket
(3"\ □ I-;=,=
'-~ L...:....:c...L-
a II.s. Afn..10
...Ll...2 ),.Au1..L.L. ( T / F) □ t:i-~tfq to sightsee
□ ~tfq to go hiking

□ Oj~Af travel agency

□ ~~airport

to brush teeth
□ Dj2j~ f]"q
<2) ~B~ 7i0UR to wash hair

@ d:l:~~ 7i0UR

2 Talk with classmates about your daily routines using -2 Lf,li.

A: Ai:: ~~ ~~
LfJ,i ~~~ t!OiR
B: Ai::~~~ ti~ LfJ,i ~~ ~OiR

x1:: Ot~otl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4) O~Clt.!2.

Lesson 10 Al~5:0ll 7f~R 157

1 Read the following text and answer the questions. •

.2~ ~~OJ Wor71 cH£17r 21210JR J::-J~ ~ ~ ~¥Ei ~{:Joi
□ CH2.I rontest
frcll~OJR ~OjlAi ~J::r (a) OjJ:il ~~OJ ~ tF?-~ Y()jlAi WoH □ ~ befcre

%fD-JR cqOj .2~ Wor71 CH£10j1Ai ~H~OiR Arg~OI ~JOrAi □ \ll~ol hard
□ \!!class
r~~OjR ::l~J::I~ ~q.Jl qAi □ r;;o1 7rc:lli',lOlR q;:: ~7~01 □ ~C-IOJ finally
o~~ ifoHAi J::i~ {;)"~ ~ 'hfD-JR ::I2H~ ~~ ~~012;'.0lR □ ~.R ofq to present
□ ~2j q to be nervous
□ {;f~ Efq
to win a prize
□ .::12115: nevertheess
□ ~~ experience
1) Choose the most appropriate word in (a). □ $,i.~ competition
□ Lf7fq to enter
0) 9:1 ::il LrAi D ~71 sports match

GD ~J:ilor::il LrAi

2) Choose True or False.

0) ~ ~ {j()jl ~or71 CH£!~ ~OiR ( T / F)

(2) )t::: ~Ilor::il LrAi PJOI ~~OiR ( T / F)
( T / F)

2 Have you ever participated in a contest? Write about your contest experience,
using -01/0~ !!O!R.

2) 7110lfI(K-pop) .2.CI~


A}-? 7}~
~~ol 'V_~R? ,}..Q_ 01-01.n
, O 2 2 1..n.. .

\:1 .2. All"?5:-°il 71- ~°' .R?

1::111::11<2! 0 1-Y.R. ll}..2. »-1 ~ 71- ~oj.R?
\:1 .2. l:]l, A7~ °=lc-l ~ 71- ~oj.R. ~DJY7l- A7l2f5:-°il l-1-J,il.R.

,J..],J..]15'j- -;,;1_g_ TTl.L ,J..]c}_Q_ ol-ol.n -, Q:Jnll 7Ton:li)} ::i!TTl.:fr_r oln-1 n

o o '---'- .:xcJ e "'I L... - , o e 2 I ..f:L, _]_ .:u. -1 o '---'- / I "'11::l ..::r:.. M - l..f:L,

1::111::11<2! A7S:_ 71- ~ ~oj.R.

\:1 .2. :i~ A7l2f5:- 9<5J~ rrJl ~~ 71- .!~J-il.R.

□ ~place D ():j2.i \:j several times
D ~Jltreally □ {:l{:lo~q to be fresh

D 2.j raw fish □ ~Il~lJIEI spaghetti

❖ Practice the dialogue with the cue words.

@: o~~ g~ @: "?<;§
A:;:~~ @ Ol/7~ 2,lOi.9-7
Q:j~ ~"'-1 AI1~7ilEI
B: L:JI. Jil7~ ;:~~ ® 'c:_/~ @ 011£/0IOllR

Lesson 10 J:i~£0ll 7f ¥.IOJR 159


□ {l{lofq to be bo1Bd
□ otlOJc! air conditioner
□ ;>jq to turn on
□ ig-~ ~2.1q to sw eat
■ [[H is a noun that expresses the time when an actio n or state
occurs or its duration.
■ -( 0 )2 [[H is attached to a verb or adjective stem. When the
stem ends in a consonant,-~ [[His used. When the stem ends
in a vowel or 2, -2 [[His used.
■ [[H is attached to certain nouns, which indicate a set time, such
as ::i:::i'=g[[H, ~-~M, ff7~ [[H, and '2,1"£,f nH.

1 Choose the most appropriate word.

o~~ ccff C:j~ [[ff _l::;:l_.:i]_ ~ ~ [[ff {j{j~ [[ff

1) ~~OllAi 7~.9..

2) 20~.!2.
Cl -, 2
2 .LL,

3) ~Jll7~ OllOlt!~ 1:t.H..

4) ~DJLl7~ ~DI LI ~Etl ~2.~iiH !i!J.11.9..

2 Match the phrases on the left column with those in the right.

• 2,Li;:s:I~ Din.JO
(L.;-. -,v1.&.1..



• Al~ .':cc.Hof.'= ,\.f%tOI ~l~l<2JOIOJIR

• ~%10JIA1 □H~ ~~ ,A.f%tOI Xi[LllliOllR □ ';;t day

• =?-<?;jOI fil~ ~ -?:I ofJ-11.8-7 D ~L11 neighbourhood

□ ~.:J.~ program
• 2Jflf7f Al~ '2_J-C ~ ~ ~ ~l'E:JigJO IOJIR

■ --e is attached to a verb stem to modify a following noun.

■ When a verb stem ends in 2 (e.g., filq, Eq, ~q '2.!-~q, etc.),
2 is dropped before-::.

1 Choose the most appropriate word.

c:: L....

1) Ol7PP~117~ - - - - - - - - ~L1IOIIR.
2) l!!l~~~OllAi - - - - - - - - ~LI~ '2.!"l;!OlR.
3) :J:117~ A~~ - - - - - - - - ~Qt~ ~1011:0IOJIR.

2 Ask your classmates and fill in the table.

-- H5 ~~ Oh~ g §-
~.,i 01~1: ~.,i 01~2:

H5 A~~ ~ E g.Q,r
<2.!" ~e g.~
::q~ £E TV E.~ .:J.'el

Lesson 10 X112f~OII 7f~ OjR. 161

1 Listen to the conversation and choose True or False. •

1) □t2.1ot:: R~ 11Hc~'M~ xt~ ~R. ( T / F) l'l'l'l'l'l'I'

2) £Llot~ □t2.1ot:: x-1~ ~~ LtA1 11Hc~'M~ ~ 7iOIIR. ( T / F) □ ~H~e!~ l::edminton
□ -"- E ~I~ stress
D ~NI ~ 2.q not to be
al::le to sleep

2 Listen to the narration and choose the incorrect statement about Mohammed. •

o) J::Pd ~ B.~OJI ArJ101E ~ ~t; Er ~OiR

Gz) ArJIOIE~ ~ IIIJ 71~01 ~21:0iR
@ q ~ z;owOJ1 ArJ101 E ~ Er::il Lr.A.1 ~£~ '2J'§" 710jlR

3 What do you do in the following situations?

A: AE211-"- ~~ [cH ~ oHB-7

B: ~F?-or::il 0~71oHR

3) 71~01 Lt~ l[H



1 Read the following text and choose True or False. l'PPPPPP
□ ():j2.i various
□ 7~AI kind
□ ~~ Korean traditional
2~ ~ 21~~ 4-~ ~ ~ ~ ~-=?-~or~ B5-I ~~-e-Ojl {l~R ~ □ ~fjq to be enjoyable
fl¥E1 21 fl77r::ZI -=?-?3~~R ~27 7r::ZI B5-I ~ ~ 4- ~51~R □ o~-9- a day
D ~6.j Korean food
-=:121~ B5-I ~ l2J-C ~ 4-~0jl~ {l~£. B5-I ~ l2J-~~ Lrf1
□ ~7~~ chopsticks
q gOI ~~ ~~£. B5-I ~ ~ ~ [[~ L:j~ □ ~~Al ~~ 2lOI
□ H1~£. -=:12~~ ~~51~£! B5-I ~ l2J-~~ Lrf1 21~~ ~~
fr~~ ~51~R ~7-i-g or~~ y;J~R

( T / F)

( T / F)

3) 71~1
,c=L.: •I
i;h!i!.2 0ln.l .s!
L,,;-,2 t::::1VI 2
0ln.l 0
~v1..u... ( T / F)

2 Choose the most appropriate expression.



1.11-2 1..u...

Lesson 10 Xil~~Oll 7~tl0i.R 163

Getting around in Korea
Both tourists and Korean citizens can get around the country via public
transportation. The most popular city that tourists visit in Korea is Seoul (J.i%),
the capital of the country. J.i% currently has nine subway lines, plus several
other train lines connecting to nearby cities. You may be overwhelmed at
first, but don't worry! You can find English names for all stops at each station.
If you prefer a more convenient way to find where you want to go, you can
download a smartphone application, which gives you the fastest ways to get
to your destination. In addition, you will be able to hear announcements on
the train in four languages, i.e., Korean, English, Chinese, andJapanese. Some
cities, like Busan (~J), also provide such information on the train.
Speaking of ~J, do you know how to get there from J.i%? Of course you
can drive or take an express bus, both of which would take more than four
hours. If you prefer a quicker trip, you may consider taking KTX (Korean Train
Express) that became available on April 1st, 2004. This high-speed train has
been designed to reach speeds as high as 305 km per hour. Thanks to KTX,
the travel time from Seoul to Busan is reduced to less than three hours, cutting
the original travel time almost in half!
There are express bus services connecting virtually all parts of Korea.
Tickets can be purchased online or at the bus terminals.
All means of public transportation in Korea, including the lists above, offer
free wifi service. So, in case you need to check your itinerary or you feel like
you' re lost, just log onto the Internet.


Vocabulary List 1: by lesson
Vocabulary List 2: in alphabetical order
Answer Key
Listening Script
English Translation
Conjugation Table
List 1: by lesson

80l X 8-?:! 0101
0-, IljiDIXI
J::i(Lf) I 2 [jj.2.f1 31
01~01 ~011£? What is your name7 2 [jj.2.f1 31
-U-I Mr. , Ms . 2 CH.2.f1 31
3~ China 2 CH.2.f1 31
.A.f'Et person 2 CH.2.f1 31
~~ Korea 2 CH.2.f1 31
.,Hqq Canada 2 CH.2.f1 31
11~q to be glad (to meet) 2 CH.2.f1 31
~ 2.1~ the Philippines 2 CH.2.f1 31
DI~ Iran 2 [jj.2.f1 31
.2., Australia 2 g~1 32
~.:a Hong Kong 2 g~1 32

-,o student 2 ~'f11 32
-, 0 university student 2 g~2 33
□ 1~ the United States 2 g~2 33
Dis! 2 g~2 33
2L- Japan
2.i.A.IOf Russia 2 g~2 33
_j]§-2{~ high school student 2 g~2 33
12.J~ India 2 ~J I WofJ 11 34
- o - France 2 ~J I Wof7I1 34
l!JI_E=_'a Vietnam 2 ~J I WofJl1 34
EH~ Thailand 2 ~J I Wof7I1 34
~~ England 2 ~J I Wof7I1 34
~~Di the Korean language 2 W l·).).Jl1 35
-tli!l'a teacher 2 W l·).).Jl1 35
>?-2.I my 2 ~Pl-).).Jl1 35
Of~J::I father 2 ~Pl-).).Jl1 35
't)"c1IDI.A.IOf Malaysia 2 '~Pl-).).Jl1 35
Oi □j LI mother 2 ~J l·).).Jl1 35
~Lf.A.i \1~8' LI q I'm glad to meet you 2 CH.2.f2 37
1~~ first-year (student) 2 CH.2.f2 37
2~~ second-year (student) 2 CH.2.f2 37
3~~ third-year (student) 2 CH.2.f2 37
4~~ fourth-year (student) 2 CH.2.f2 37
Qj.A.f doctor 2 g~3 38
3 EfAH
-, 0 middle school student 2 g~3 38
~~Di the Japanese language 2 ~ Jl·Wof7 I2 40


cc 0101
8Di :;::- 8%! o, 11iI0IxI
():j::q female 2 ~71 Wof7I2 40
(}jq(}jl where 3 CH2.f1 45
~q to live 3 CH2.f1 45
qgEfg downtown 3 CH2.f1 45
~.s:!q to do grocery shopping 3 CH2.f1 45
Of§_ supermaket 3 CH2.f1 45
7fq to go 3 CH2.f1 45
'?£ usually 3 CH2.f1 45
o-, food 3 CH2.f1 45
9:1q to eat 3 CH2.f1 45
£~£ Toronto 3 CH2.f1 45
2,[q to exist 3 CH2.f1 45
~'2J Efg Korea town 3 CH2.f1 45
~-¥1:fj Vancouver 3 CH2.f1 45
~§.2.I~ Montreal 3 CH2.f1 45
2.Ef2t Ottawa 3 CH2.f1 45
~)_fet library 3 ~~1 46
~¥ofq to study 3 @~1 46
_:;:uI meat 3 @~1 46
:l!"ilCf to be delicious 3 ~~1 46
2JXf chair 3 @~1 46
?,tq to sit 3 @~1 46
~,q to be many 3 ~~1 46
~Jilofq to do homework 3 ~~1 46
~q to be good 3 @~1 46
2.q to come 3 @~2 47
_s:l_Cf to see 3 @~2 47
;:;,.q to give 3 @~2 47
~HOfCf to learn 3 ~~2 47
□ fAICf to drink 3 @~2 47
X[LHCf to spend time 3 ~~2 47
3.q to be big 3 ~~2 47
Xfq to sleep 3 ~~2 47
.s:!LHCf to send 3 ~~2 47
Lf!!!Cf to be bad 3 @~2 47
T TT milk 3 @~2 47
~q to write 3 ~~2 47
l J_q not to exist 3 @~3 48
5~ park 3 @~3 48
tf§ofq to exercise 3 @~3 48
1;11!2.f~ department store 3 ~~3 48

Vocabuary List 1: by lesson 167

£:!Oj :::;:: 8%! 0101
o-i niI0Ix1
XIE now 3 @tg:j3 48
ej home, house 3 ~~3 48
0 older brother for male 3 ~~3 48
.J.-lc:.j- 3 §~3 48
70 restaura nt
DD lunch 3 @tg:j3 48
'c!°Xf male 3 ~JIWWl1 49
jjJ_~ classroom 3 ~JI Wof7I1 49
tiillg coffee shop 3 ~J IWWl1 49
.::12H;_1 therefore 3 '~Pl-~7I1 50
xf0ILf Efg Chinatown 3 W l-~7 I1 50
TT-, New York 3 W l-~7 I1 50
~ book 3 ~Pl-~7I1 50
~q to read 3 ~Jl-~7I1 50
~21l~Llc.f Excuse me 3 CH.2.f2 51
~~l,!_,f~f:!- Shoe Museum 3 CH.2.f2 51
Il beside 3 CH.2.f2 51
Xlof~ subway 3 CH.2.f2 51
-, station 3 CH.2.f2 51
Ot front 3 CH.2.f2 51

~t1I~ post office 3 CH.2.f2 51

Jl~;_f dormitory 3 CH.2.f2 51
Jftg bag 3 CH.2.f2 51
~~ desk 3 CH.2.f2 51
;_pjl clock, watch 3 CH.2.f2 51
¥2'ci parents 3 @tg:j4 52
;_1;1 f.:il Chicago 3 @tg:j4 52
Jjl;_lq to stay (honorific form) 3 @tg:j4 52
t1I~f:!- gym 3 @tg:j4 52
;_m bookstore 3 @tg:j4 52
<2t inside, in 3 ~~4 52
¥1 behind 3 @tg:j4 52
~ above 3 ~~4 52
0f2H/lkl below 3 ~~4 52
TI outside 3 ~~4 52
~{!J.2.lf:!- student union building 3 @tg:j4 52
lesson 3 @tg:j5 53
JH□ l'.Uc.f to be fun 3 @tg:j5 53
{;,II.j supermarket 3 @tg:j5 53
0fII.f§. apartment 3 ~J I ~ 712 55
~II.j~ campus 3 ~J I ~ 712 55
-,,,= plural marker 3 W l~Jl2 55


cc 0101
8Di :;::- 8%! o, 11iI0IxI
:::r2.I.:il and 3 '~.Pl-~712 55
Of9- very 3 ~-Pl-~712 43
~q to be small 3 ~-Pl-~712 43
UH.:ilgq to be hungry 4 CH2.f1 59
2x, nearby 4 CH2.f1 59
DI this 4 CH2.f1 59
Di!::. w hich 4 CH2.f1 59
D-jITH.9.? how is it? 4 CH2.f1 59
g2.fcz.J ~JI online reivew 4 CH2.f1 59
.]_~ then 4 CH2.f1 59
2iee today 4 CH2.f1 59
0I~2.Iot Italy 4 CH2.f1 59
~ water 4 g'Ej1 60
EHt:!~ Taekwondo 4 ~~1 60
;.H new 4 g'Ej1 60
A clothes 4 g'Ej1 60
11I0I:gj" K-pop 4 ~~1 60
,2 weekend 4 g'Ej1 60
{[y friend 4 g'Ej1 60
~q to listen 4 ~~1 60
12.]-Lfq to meet 4 g'Ej1 60
)..fq to buy 4 g'Ej1 60
§ money 4 ~~1 60
~JOI a lot 4 ~~1 60
~Ai§. concert 4 g'Ej1 60
~2.Iq to borrow 4 g'Ej2 61
~q to hang out 4 g'Ej2 61
xIq to play 4 g'Ej2 61
E1ILlc1'-. tennis 4 ~~2 61
:X:i'='i dinner 4 g'Ej2 61
,oo swimming pool 4 ~~2 61
*~ofq to swim 4 ~~2 61
'@.UI weather 4 g'Ej3 62
gq to be cold 4 g'Ej3 62
D-j~q to be difficu lt 4 g'Ej3 62
~f~q to be fast 4 g'Ej3 62
\:!\:! London 4 g'Ej3 62
t:t I'E:JigJ bibimbap 4 g'Ej3 62
q Lj q to attend 4 g'Ej3 62
~q to be spicy 4 g'Ej3 62
.:il6~iil high school 4 ~~3 62

Vcx:abi.Jfl"{ List 1: by lesson 169

£:!Oj :::;:: 8%! 0101
o-i niI0IxI
-of~ and, with 4 ~71 Wof7I1 63
2.f'2:1 ramyeon 4 ~7IWWl1 63
~*DI spicy rice cake dish 4 ~7IWWl1 63
0-, school break 4 ~71 Wof7I1 63
():j~Jfq to go travelling 4 ~7IWWl1 63
Ail-"?~ Jeju Island 4 ~7IWWl1 63
.YOI together 4 ~7IWWl1 63
Jff! lljq to take a photo 4 ~7IWWl1 63
llil-'rr menu 4 '~Pl-~7I1 64
Diel gimbap 4 W l-~7 I1 64
~ dollar 4 W l-~7 I1 64
0-j!~ fish cake 4 ~Pl-~7I1 64
-'M q to sell 4 ~Pl-~7I1 64
2.PPf ~Iq to be popular 4 W l-~7 I1 64
~~ Korean rice cake soup 4 ~Pl-~7I1 64
~~ dum pling 4 ~Pl-~7I1 64
ITH during 4 ~.P l-~7 I1 64
':r.2H song 4 ~Pl-~7I1 64
§~~ employee 4 CH:2.f2 65
D-lA1 2 J-ilfl. Welcome 4 CH£f2 65
Xf2.I seat 4 CH2.f2 65
01~2.£ 2J-ilfl. Come this way 4 CH2.f2 65
~~JI Korean barbecued beef 4 CH2.f2 65
tH.!,.J-"?Q!Xf vegetarian 4 CH2.f2 65
D=l7I here 4 CH2.f2 65
oflf one 4 CH2.f2 65
.Yt:11 ribs 4 CH2.f2 65
Dl=l2 pork belly 4 CH2.f2 65
~ofq to work 4 @tg:j4 66
Of!!.q to be sick 4 ~~4 66
00 female younger sibling 4 @tg:j4 66
gJq not to have 4 ~~4 66
\cf~~ male younger sibling 4 ~~4 66
~q to have 4 ~~4 66
~q to know 4 @tg:j4 66
2.~ q not to know 4 ~~4 66
t:lj)f 2 q It rains 4 ~~4 66
L:j~ too much 4 @tg:j4 66
Al~ test 4 @tg:j4 66
~ tlj)i hamburger 4 @tg:j4 66
IlfEI party 4 ~~4 66


8Di :;::- 8%! 0101
o, 11iI0IxI
JJ.2 Saturday 4 @tg:j4 66
f!-¥/c Ej computer 4 @tg:j4 66
~~(}j the Chinese language 4 @tg:j5 67
~~5;!! novel 4 @tg:j5 67
2.fCj.2. radio 4 @tg:j5 67
~-'?:! hospital 4 @tg:j6 68
.<?-tt umbrella 4 @tg:j6 68
~q to put up 4 @tg:j6 68
LH~ tomorrow 4 @tg:j6 68
Dj2.I head 4 @tg:j6 68
7Ig mood 4 ~~6 68
.§~.IJVH bean paste stew 4 ~7 l·~ of7I2 69
~@ofq to order 4 ~7 l·~ of7I2 69
2.~XI ~~ organge juice 4 ~71 ~of7I2 69
-Y,,I cookies 4 ~7 1~ of7I2 69
l:fj~ EI bubble tea 4 ~7 l ~ of7I2 69
~ S.~))ffl_? What can I get for you? 4 ~7I~of7I2 69
~0fofq to like 4 Wl-~7I2 70
,_.,□ recently 4 W l-~7I2 70
~ ~r:JI by the way 4 Wl-~7I2 70
5fAH2S student ID 4 Wl-~7I2 70
211 why 4 Wl-~7I2 70
Alll time 4 W l-~7 I2 70
,o theatre 4 W l-~7 I2 70
C~f~f movie 4 W l-~712 70
DI~ this time 5 CH2.f1 75
).ii~ sale 5 CH2.f1 75
tj2.f~_2 phone number 5 CH2.f1 75
t!2.f~-27f ~Ollfl.? What's your phone number? 5 CH2.f1 75
~Eil to (someone) 5 CH2.f1 75
00 1
JJ. 2 days of the week 5 CH2.f1 75
~ 001
2 JJ. 2 Monday 5 CH2.f1 75
2.fB.~ Tuesday 5 CH2.f1 75
,,_.,2 Wednesday 5 CH2.f1 75
2 0 01
,JJ.2 Thursday 5 CH2.f1 75
D JJ.2 Friday 5 CH2.f1 75
§c.O 01
JJ.2 Saturday 5 CH2.f1 75
0 1001
2 JJ. 2 Sunday 5 CH2.f1 75
g~~ stationery store 5 CH2.f1 75
~□fOllfl.? How much is if? 5 @tg:j1 76
2.ieeDI Oj~O l~lfl.? What's the date today? 5 ~~ 1 76

Vocabuary List l by lesson 171

£:!Oj :::;:: 8%! 0101
o-i niI0IxI
9~ September 5 @tg:j1 76
2 day 5 ~~1 76
32.l~□ t~ Christmas 5 ~~1 76
~Ail when 5 ~~2 77
Lil\:! next year 5 @tg:j2 77
-Q'.:! last year 5 @tg:j2 77
~~± gas station 5 @tg:j2 77
D-iAil yesterday 5 @tg:j2 77
tlf 78
l=t cooked rice, meal 5 ~J IWWl1
0f~l::Jf0I~ part-time job 5 ~JI WofJl1 78
02 birthday 5 ~JIWWl1 78
Ail my (humble form) 5 ~J IWWl1 78
2.{j a.m. 5 '~Pl-~7 I1 79
~~ . .q 11 o'clock 5 W l-~7I1 79
2.Xf hat/cap 5 SPJ-~ 7I1 79
-'i!':t:t(~) what 5 SPJ-~7 I1 79
~~ clerk 5 CH2.f2 81
.iililj-).1 textbook 5 CH2.f2 81
*~~~[.~ to take a class 5 CH£f2 81
~~gLlq I see 5 CH£f2 81
~ counting unit for books 5 CH2.f2 81
-Oji per 5 CH2.f2 81
q.,q ~Jil.9. I'll be back 5 CH2.f2 81
;,-iill coffee 5 CH2.f2 81
{! counting unit for beverage 5 CH2.f2 81
2.~ p.m. 5 @tg:j3 82
2.tllf older brother for female 5 @tg:j3 82
[:j more 5 @tg:j3 82
).f§ candy 5 @tg:j4 83
~0fXI puppy 5 ~~4 83
tt car 5 @tg:j4 83
~F?- family 5 ~~4 83
Xl-'f7H eraser 5 ~ Jl·Wof7 I2 84
2 !i'- altogether 5 ~ Jl·WofJ l2 84
1::JfXI pants 5 ~ Jl·WofJ l2 84
otol~ofl l ice hockey 5 SP l ~ Jl2 85
~ JI~ rink, stadium 5 SPI ~ 712 85
E.I, ticket 5 W l~Jl2 85
~~ one piece 5 SP l ~ Jl2 85
!i'-.Af'S two people 5 SP l ~ Jl2 85
~~g same 5 W l~Jl2 85


8Di :;::- 8%! 0101
o, 11iI0IxI
EIJ-l~ T-shirt 5 '~.Pl-~712 85
~q to wear 5 ~-Pl-~712 85
-(Q)2 7i01Ifl. w ill 5 ~Pl-~712 85
CZJE-j'x) Internet 5 ~71·~712 85 ~71·~712
20 pencil case 5 85
~DIE~ amusement park 6 CH2f1 89
°',cy w ho 6 CH2f1 89
~Ol7Iy ride 6 CH2f1 89
Efq to ride, get on 6 CH2f1 89
,.:::: what kind of 6 CH2f1 89
TIIXf pizza 6 CH2f1 89
fr~~ shopping mall 6 CH2f1 89
~Of mom 6 g'Ej1 90
nI~afq to be tired 6 ~~1 90
_I:;:!_£0 usually 6 g'Ej1 91
~Djqq to get up 6 g'Ej1 91
'--0 bank 6 ~~2 92
~Djl..j grandmother 6 g'Ej2 92
~Of~XI grandfather 6 g'Ej2 92
},.f.i}j- apple 6 g'Ej2 92
~H pear 6 g'Ej2 92
7f7JI shop 6 g'Ej2 92
t!!S 'fl5':.I sandwich 6 g'Ej2 92
~0-j English 6 g'Ej2 92
OjII.I g'Ej2
pencil 6 92
'"'"' g'Ej2
Xl'd past 6 93
El_l::::I_OI TV 6 ~7 l·Wof7I1 93
0-j~O-jfl.7 how was - 7 6 ~7 I·Waf7I1 93
~ _I!q to be sad 6 ~7 I·Waf7I1 93
TTTT - YouTube 6 ~ 7l·Wof7I1 93
.:::Iia painting 6 ~71~711 94
~Xf alone 6 ~7 1~711 94
t!"~afq to take a walk 6 ~ 71·~7 11 94
():j.Xf ~y girl friend 6 ~71~711 94
~!:, bus 6 CH£f2 95
~2.lofq to be convenient 6 CH£f2 95
~DfLf how long 6 CH2f2 95
~2.Iq to take (time) 6 CH£f2 95
0 about 6 CH2f2 95
Oi~Jll how 6 CH2f2 95
~OiJ-1 on foot 6 CH£f2 95

Vocabuary List 1: by lesson 173

£:!Oj :::;:: 8%! 0101
o -i n1101x1
-OIIA1 ~J7fJ:I from- to~ 6 CH2.f2 95
~Al taxi 6 CH2.f2 95
Ai~ Seoul 6 ~~3 96
l::ll~!PI airplane 6 §~3 96
e hand 6 gig:J3 96
~1tj] ball-point pen 6 gig:J3 96
- 7 truck 6 ~~3 96
~{J Busan 6 §~3 96
7lxt train 6 @ig:j3 96
Dlllll'§l email 6 §~3 96
g7f~ spoon 6 ~~3 96
~Df§.g smartphone 6 @ig:j3 96
3.q to be tall 6 @ig:j4 97
Jil'§l the most 6 ~~4 97
! to be slow 6 @ig:j4 97
Olll:Jjllil~§. {J Mt. Everest 6 @ig:j4 97
).il~OIIA1 in the world 6 ~'f14 97
rrc.t to be high 6 @ig:j4 97
J1I~ season 6 @ig:j4 97
)~~ w inter 6 @ig:j5 98
D night 6 @ig:j5 98
Of~ morning 6 @ig:j5 98
7f~ fall 6 @ig:j5 98
():j~ summer 6 ~7 1•9:taf712 99
D spring 6 ~7 1·9:taf712 99
D j:~
T 7 very 6 ~7 1·9:tof712 99
-Qq to be short 6 ~7 1·9:tof712 99
~7t who 6 ~71·9:taf712 99
~ Ljg Q1 Union Station 6 W l ).).712 100
_fr~atc.t to shop 6 W l ).).712 100
cl f.'i".
0 7 Bangkok 6 W l ).).712 100
□H'§l everyday 7 CH2.f1 105
2 well 7 CH2.f1 105
7gt 1q to teach 7 CH2.f1 105
~~atc.t to be kind 7 CH2.f1 105
q~ next 7 CH2.f1 105
£f71 semester 7 CH2.f1 105
2-0 t
0 7 music 7 CH2.f1 105
-'?~Alc.f to sleep (honorific form) 7 ~~1 106
~Alc.t to eat (honorific form) 7 ~tg;fl 106
LtDI age 7 ~~1 106


cc 0101
8Di :;::- 8%! o, 11iI0IxI
2:P-il age (honorific form) 7 @tg:j1 106
~~ birthday (honorific form) 7 ~~1 106
~ofq to do well 7 ~~1 106
71q2.1q to wait 7 ~~2 107
Xi'='! evening 7 @tg:j2 107
Of~(igf) breakfast 7 @tg:j2 107
_!;:l_q to take/write (a test) 7 @tg:j3 108
Oll!!!q(Ol!!!q) to be pretty 7 @tg:j3 108
~{q to be clear 7 @tg:j3 108
fl5::l:!JVH Kimchi stew 7 @tg:j3 108
2-, early 7 ~~3 108
rrf§cofq to be warm 7 @tg:j3 108
~q to be late 7 @tg:j3 108
11 height 7 ~~3 108
frOI .2.q to snow 7 @tg:j3 108
)f~ family 7 @tg:j3 109
?:!Yofq to be healthy 7 ~ 7I·Wof7I1 109
q2.I legs 7 ~ 7I·Wof7I1 109
~H stomach 7 ~ 7I·Wof7I1 109
~~@) a little 7 ~ 7I·Wof7I1 109
t!i& q to be okay 7 ~7 I·Wof7I1 109
~ Of7f)..lq to pass aw ay 7 ~7 I·Wof7I1 110
Xlt!~ last month 7 ~-P l~7I1 110
§<2t during 7 ~-P l ~7 11 110
q.2.q to come out, leave 7 'W l~7I1 110
~olq to be congested 7 ~Pl ~7 I1 110
~JU late 7 ~Pl ~7 I1 110
Of~ (not) yet 7 'W l~7I1 110
~-iofq to clean 7 'W l~7I1 110
1Vi Xlofq to wash the dishes 7 ~Pl ~7 I1 110
~.11 ski 7 CH£l-2 111
~~□~gt:! Blue Mountian 7 CH£l-2 111
-, -, plan, appointment 7 cH:m 111
.::I~ just 7 CH£l-2 111
2 Il
2- golf 7 CH£l-2 111
i5~ basketball 7 CH£l-2 111
D sleeping 7 @tg:j5 113
EJq to be hot 7 @tg:j5 113
~q to be far 7 @tg:j5 113
) f~q to be close 7 @tg:j5 113
Et.Xf ~9 boy friend 7 ~~5 113

Vocabuary List l by lesson 175

£:!Oj :::;:: 8%! 0101
o-i niI0IxI
-, medication 7 @tg:j5 113
.1.qq to be cheap 7 @tg:j6 114
cz:JLI older sister for female 7 ~~6 114
~.:;i soccer 7 §~6 114
~qq to end 7 @tg:j6 114
frl::llofq to prepare 7 ~Jl·Wof7I2 115
.£2.lq to be cloudy 7 Wl~Jl2 11 6
0 room 7 Wl~Jl2 116
~~q to make 7 ~Pl ~712 116
~*Ei 7il~ computer game 7 Wl~Jl2 116
~2.fofq to call 7 Wl~Jl2 116
~ of.2.q to return 7 ~Pl~Jl2 11 6
~JJIO 1§. skate 8 CH2.f1 121
~JJIDl§.:g skate rink 8 CH2.f1 121
~~Lilfl. That's great. 8 CH2.f1 121
~.':c!i!~ snowboard 8 CH2.f1 121
Xf~J-1 bicycle 8 CH2.f1 121
~ti Kimchi 8 @tg:j1 122
!,!~q to sing 8 @tg:j1 122
Wofq to speak 8 ~~1 122
~PIOii ~2.Iq to catch a cold 8 ~'f11 122
J:VI over there 8 @tg:j2 123
Ail~ q to pull over, stop 8 @tg:j2 123
sq to help 8 @tg:j2 123
□ IQ:l~ seaweed soup 8 @tg:j2 123
OPI baby 8 @tg:j3 124
i1J~q to be cute 8 @tg:j3 124
~ dance 8 @tg:j3 124
~Lf to dance 8 @tg:j3 124
flower 8 @tg:j3 124
tl□t skirt 8 @tg:j3 124
- ~ [ii see p.144 8 ~~3 124
~2.t□t drama 8 ~J I WW l1 125
Di~ what kind of 8 ~J IWW l1 125
~~ofq to recommend 8 ~J I WW l1 125
'?!!'@ old days 8 ~J I WW l1 125
~:g soy sauce 8 ~J I WW l1 125
~2.f~ ballad 8 ~J I WW l1 125
~ tune, melody 8 ~J I WW l1 125
~~ dance 8 ~J I WW l1 125
Wl8 sesame oil 8 ~ JI WW l1 125


8Di :;::- 8%! 0101
o, 11iI 0IxI
20 sugar 8 ~7I·Wof7I1 125
Of~ garlic 8 ~ 7l·Wof7I1 125
Qlolq to cook 8 ~ 7l·Wof7I1 125
~q to put in 8 ~ 7I·Wof7I1 125
~q to open 8 ~ 7l·Wof7I1 125
gq to close 8 ~7 l·Wof7I1 125
~H~ w indow 8 ~7I·Wof7I1 125

I!: door 8 ~ 7I·Wof7I1 125
~~2.1 voice 8 ~7 l·Wof7I1 125
:'Vil loudly 8 ~7I·Wof7I1 125
~□ I hobby 8 [ H£f2 127
II.IOf!r. :J::lq to play the piano 8 [H£f2 127
.:J.'f,1:X:112.J- but, however 8 [ H£f2 127
~2H"'l ~ Qt classical music 8 [H.2-f2 127
'21~~ concert, recital 8 [ H£f2 127
7f !i!q to try to go 8 [ H£f2 127
u;,;: daytime 8 [ H£f2 127
~fOI~~~ 1~q to play the violin 8 [ H£f2 127
~~§~~Ct to play the flute 8 [ H£f2 127
7IEf~ :J::lq to play the guitar 8 [H£f2 127
tft!ofq to drive 8 ~~4 128
QJ-7 I musical instrument 8 @~4 128
'2l~ ofq to play (musical instrument) 8 ~~4 128
2 language 8 ~~4 128

i!:o sports 8 @~4 128
~q to walk 8 ~~5 129
71 road 8 @~5 129

7fX9fq to take away 8 @~6 130

~ 2Hofq to do the laundry 8 @~6 130
t!~ ofq to major in 8 ~~6 130
~;ti scenery 8 ~7 1Wof7I2 131
Of~gq to be beautiful 8 ~7 I Wof7I2 131
.:;i~ofq to take a look 8 ~7 I Wof7I2 131
'?jq to take a rest 8 ~7 1Wof7I2 131
LfOIWf2.f Niagara 8 ~7 1Wof7I2 131
&.!l falls 8 ~7 l·Wof7I2 131
~H~ Efq to get on a ship 8 ~7 l·Wof7I2 131
.9.2.I cooking 8 '~Pl-~ 712 132
7fg sometimes 8 W l-~712 132
~[Hofq to invite 8 ~) 1·~712 132
~£.:J. blog 8 ~7 1·~712 132

Vocabuary List 1: by lesson 177

£:!Oj :::;:: 8%! 0101
o-i niI0IxI
2 text 8 Wl ~.7 I2 132
~2.Iq to upload 8 '~Pl ~.712 132
~OtH Like' button 8 '~Pl ~.712 132
~~q to press 8 Wl~.7I2 132
\;:t,q fishing 8 W l~.7I2 132
~Xl*~tgt Kimchi fried rice 8 '~Pl ~.712 132
DIOP lofct(0~.7 lofct) to tell a story 8 Wl~.7I2 132
□ tq every 8 Wl~.7I2 132
TO weekdays 8 ~Pl ~.712 132
Xf-'? often 8 Wl~.7I2 132
~q to look for 9 CH.2.f1 137
,wq to be short 9 CH.2.f1 137
Ji(?.:1) thing 9 CH.2.f1 137
□ t~OII ~q to like 9 CH.2.f1 137
~:z.t~ red 9 CH.2.f1 137
~ .:il (A ~ .:il B) not (A but B) 9 CH.2.f1 137
q~q to be different 9 CH.2.f1 137
~(7k') colour 9 CH.2.f1 137
.'r.i8~ yellow 9 CH.2.f1 137
:J. that (close to the listener) 9 CH.2.f1 137
\1t:lfXI shorts 9 CH.2.f1 137
£1~ grey 9 CH.2.f1 137
~~q to be thick 9 CH.2.f1 137
:g~ gloves 9 CH.2.f1 137
Ilfi8~ blue 9 CH.2.f1 137
TT l=j Europe 9 ~~1 138
J1I~ plan 9 ~'f11 138
.7pg,Jq to be light 9 gtg:J2 139
~§ofq to be quite 9 gtg:J2 139
7JH:£of q to be clea n 9 ~~2 139
\.Jct to be spacious 9 gtg:J2 139
13:!~ q to be stylish 9 ~~2 139
<2rn glasses 9 ~~2 139
'ls!Hofq to need 9 gtg:J2 139
~ ofq to be close 9 gtg:J2 139
{:j~ gift 9 gtg:J2 139
13:!Xlct to be stylish 9 ~~2 139
JIIDl3 cake 9 gtg:J2 139
~~ once 9 gtg:J3 140
t]q to wear (shoes) 9 gtg:J3 140
~Xfig pork bone soup 9 ~~3 140


8Di :;::- 8%! 0101
o, 11iI0IxI
5':7§ for the first time 9 @tg:j3 140
%11~ Quebec 9 @tg:j3 140
J;:f tea 9 @tg:j3 140
of~q to be white 9 ~7I·~of7I1 141
~~t!I! handbag 9 ~7l·~of7I1 141
~ofq to be comfortable 9 ~7l·~of7I1 141
Ole {'!!Ei Eaton Centre 9 1Pl~ 7I1 142
.\f~ofq to be famous 9 1Pl~ 7I1 142
mwq to be black 9 1Pl~7I1 142
g52.~ sports shoes 9 1Pl~ 7I1 142
:i:im really 9 1Pl~ 7I1 142

1::1I.ufq to be expensive 9 'Wl~7I1 142

Xi that (over there) 9 CH.2.f2 143
AfOI~ size 9 CH.2-f2 143
~P-I'2! just a second 9 CH.2.f2 143
eeofq to be strong 9 CH.2.f2 143
~Jq to be thin 9 CH.2.f2 143
:'.'.::~I Ei sweater 9 CH.2.f2 143
Lf7fq to go out 9 @tg:j4 144
~q to answer, receive 9 ~~4 144
C:j~q to be dirty 9 ~~4 144
f:l's 6:JoIq to be touching 9 @tg:j4 144
7f;::,_2_q to bring 9 ~~4 144
DIIT.f.J f later 9 @tg:j5 145
~q to use 9 @tg:j5 145
2-f:g~ washroom 9 ~~ 5 145
}-j_;~ shirt 9 @tg:j6 146
or□ ~
02 socks 9 @tg:j6 146
□ f:'.'.:: 3 mask 9 @tg:j6 146
:'.'.::7f!! scarf 9 ~~6 146
~ ~OI necklace 9 @tg:j6 146
i1l~ DI earrings 9 @tg:j6 146
W.UI bracelet 9 ~~6 146
2 - belt 9 @tg:j6 146
\:]"::i::I ring 9 @tg:j6 146
ti!~ contact lens 9 @tg:j6 146
'=!JEfOI necktie 9 @tg:j6 146
~l::lfXI jeans 9 @tg:j6 146
0I12.J immigration 9 W l-~712 148
EHDjLfq to be born 9 ~ 71·~712 148
I'll more 9 ~7 1·~712 148

Vocabuary List l by lesson 179

£:!Oj :::;:: 8%! 0101
o-i HilDIXI
"f!Cf to be easy 9 Wl~.7I2 148
~Pl reading 9 '~Pl ~.712 148
WoVI speaking 9 '~Pl ~.712 148
():j.7IAi.7I here and there 10 [jj.2.f1 153
~qq to be excited 10 [jj.2.f1 153
q all 10 [jj.2.f1 153
~al especially 10 CH.2.f1 153
~CH area around Hongik University 10 CH.2.f1 153
'2.J.A.f~ lnsa-dong in Seoul 10 CH.2.f1 153
JIQJOll 'aCf to be memorable 10 CH.2.f1 153
!:,Ilil'2J Spain 10 CH.2.f1 153
!:,Ilil'2.J(}j the Spanish language 10 CH.2.f1 153
20 bowling 10 g'Ecj1 154
5!2,l 7-:f
200 bowling alley 10 ~~1 154
DO very 10 g'Ecj1 154
"'-loll Korean rice beverage 10 g'Ecj1 154
!:,;lfOICfDI~ skydiving 10 ~'f11 154
~~ofCf to graduate 10 g'Ecj2 155
-Qj possessive marker 10 g'Ecj2 155
ljJCf to w ash 10 g'Ecj2 155
.A.f~ofCf to take a shower 10 g'Ecj2 155
~~q to be diificult 10 g'Ecj3 156
.7 I!!:!Cf to be happy 10 g'Ecj3 156
~LHCf to finish 10 g'Ecj3 156
~{;tofCf to be upset 10 g'Ecj3 156
-~Pf vacation (from work) 10 g'Ecj3 156
:il:g qq to be broken dow n 10 g'Ecj3 156
Df§Ol 7fig'lq to be relieved 10 g'Ecj3 156
~:J;il festival 10 g'Ecj3 156
Cfl=l.2.Cf to visit 10 g'Ecj3 156
A1 island 10 ~ JIWof.7 I1 157

t:lfq sea 10 ~ JI Wof.7 I1 157

~2.f~ Mt. Halla 10 ~ JI Wof.7 I1 157
.u. ticket 10 ~ JI Wof.7 I1 157
f:!--i!!ofCf to sightsee 10 ~ JI Wof.7 I1 157
~~ofCf to go hiking 10 ~J I Wof.7 I1 157
():j~.A.f travel agency 10 ~ .1 I w·wI1 157
j],'5'~ airport 10 ~ JI Wof.7 I1 157

Ol~~q to brush teech 10 ~J I Wof.7 I1 157

D12.I~ ~q to wash hair 10 ~J I Wof.7 I1 157
CH.2.I contest 10 '~Pl-~.7 I1 158


8Di :;::- 8%! 0101
o, 11iI0IxI
~ before 10 ~-Pl~7I1 158
~{Jal hard 10 ~Pl~7I1 158
\:! class 10 '~-Pl ~711 158
SCID-i finally 10 'Wl~7I1 158
~.Hofq to present 10 '~-Pl-~7I1 158
~2.Iq to be nervous 10 ~Pl~7I1 158
{l"~ Efq to win a prize 10 ~Pl-~7I1 158
-=icH~ nevertheless 10 ~Pl-~7I1 158
OD experience 10 '~-Pl-~7I1 158
~-=;l-~ competition 10 ~Pl-~7I1 158
L(Jfq to enter 10 ~Pl-~7I1 158
~Pl sport match 10 'Wl~7I1 158
A place 10 CH£.f2 159
(]:j2.H:! several times 10 CH.2-f2 159
::SU:f really 10 CH£.f2 159
~~ofq to be fresh 10 CH£.f2 159
2.j raw fish 10 CH.2.f2 159
:'.'.:c.IlfJ-JIEI spaghetti 10 CH.2.f2 159
'2J'2Jafq to be bored 10 @~4 160
OIID-it:! air conditioner 10 ~~4 160
;i~q to tum on 10 ~~4 160
~~ i 2.Iq to sweat 10 @~4 160
u2 day 10 @~5 161
§L:ll neighbourhood 10 @~5 161
!l_S'__:]~ program 10 @~5 161
~HS'2J§ badminton 10 ~~5 162
:'.'.:c.§.cil:'.'.:c. stress 10 ~7 IWof7I2 162
:goI8 2.q not to be able to sleep 10 ~7 I Waf7I2 162
(]:j2.j various 10 ~7 1-~712 163
7fAI kind 10 W l ~ 7I2 163
~~ Korean traditional clothes 10 W l-~712 163
~ fjq to be enjoyable 10 W l-~712 163
of~ a day 10 ~ 71-~ 712 163
~61 Korean food 10 ~71-~712 163
~)f~ chopsticks 10 W l-~712 163

Vocabuary List l by lesson 181

Li st 2: in alphabetical order

80i A°' 8-?:! 0101

0., niI0I;:i;:I
7f _1:2_q to try to go 8 CH2.f2 127
7flll shop 6 @ig:j2 92
7f~q to be close 7 ~~5 113
7fB sometimes 8 Wl~7I2 132
7fq to go 3 CH2.f1 45
7f~~Iq to teach 7 CH2.f1 105
7f~ bag 3 CH2.f2 51
7f'fjq to be light 9 @ig:j2 139
7f~ fall 6 @ig:j5 98
7f::1:,Jfq to take away 8 ~~6 130
7f}:1-2.q to bring 9 @ig:j4 144
7f~ family 7 @ig:j3 109
7fJ;:I kind 10 ~71 ~7 12 163
?j:g soy sauce 8 ~J I Wof7I1 125
.y1::1I ribs 4 CH2.f2 65
~PIOii ~2.Iq to catch a cold 8 ~~1 122
~§~0Iq to be touching 9 @ig:j4 144
~lf~ pork bone soup 9 @ig:j3 140
~ot;;:I puppy 5 ~'f14 83
.Y0I together 4 ~J IWofJl1 63
Ji(?,:!) thing 9 CH2.f1 137
?:!~ofq to be healthy 7 ~7 IWofJl1 109
~q to walk 8 @ig:j5 129
~2.Iq to take (time) 6 CH2.f2 95
~0i),i on foot 6 CH2.f2 95
7~~ winter 6 ~~5 98
~71 sport match 10 ~71·~711 158
~7I:g rink, stadium 5 W l~Jl2 85
~~I scenery 8 ~J l·WofJ l2 131
OD experience 10 W l-~7I1 158
71I1"-lq to stay (honorific form) 3 @ig:j4 52
Jji~ season 6 ~~4 97
Jji~ plan 9 ~~1 138
.:i].7I meat 3 @ig:j1 46
.:i:l.32{.iil. high school 4 gig:J3 62
fAH high school student 2 ~tg;J2 33
:il:g qq to be broken down 10 ~~3 156


8Di :,;: 8%! 0101
o, 11iI0IxI
-, tune, melody 8 ~7I·Wof7I1 125
2- golf 7 cH.2.f2 111
A place 10 cH.2.f2 159
~~ofq to study 3 ~~1 46
5~ park 3 @'EJ3 48
.:iJ.i;~ 157
00 airport 10 ~7l·Wof7I1
tf~ofq to sightsee 10 ~7I·Wof7I1 157
t!ju,fq to be okay 7 ~7I·Wof7I1 109
.iiLi1}J.i textbook 5 cH.2.f2 81
.iil~ classroom 3 ~7I·Wof7I1 49
~~ofq to take a look 8 ~71 Wof7I2 131
r:! counting unit for books 5 CH£l-2 81
i1l~ DI earrings 9 @'EJ6 146
i1J~q to be cute 8 ~~3 124
:J. that (close to the listener) 9 cH.2.f1 137
:J.~ just 7 CH£1-2 111
:J.2H~ nevertheless 10 '~-Pl ~7 11 158
:J.2HJ.i therefore 3 'Wl~7I1 50
:J.'c!r:JI by the way 4 W l-~7I2 70
:J.~ then 4 cH.2.f1 59
:J.~Xl\:l but, however 8 CH£l-2 127
:J.2.l.:il and 3 Wl-~7I2 55
:J.'EJ painting 6 '~-Pl~7I1 94
,o theatre 4 Wl-~7I2 70
25':1 nearby 4 CH.2.f1 59
2 text 8 W l·c',9 I2 132
□~ 2 Friday 5 cH.2.f1 75
71q2.1q to wait 7 @'EJ2 107
71ft mood 4 @'EJ6 68
7l!!!q to be happy 10 @'EJ3 156
7I~).f dormitory 3 CH£l-2 51
71'210!1 'aq to be memorable 10 CH.2.f1 153
7I5':f train 6 @'EJ3 96
7IEf~ 5': lq to play the guitar 8 CH£l-2 127
2 road 8 @'EJ5 129
7 lclf
Dt=I gimbap 4 ~P l~7I1 64
fl:i':I Kimchi 8 ~~1 122
~~I~ ~~ Kimchi fried rice 8 W I !0)12 132
fl:i':IJJVH Kimchi stew 7 @'EJ3 108
mwq to be black 9 '~-Pl ~ 711 142
7Jlxofq to be clean 9 ~~2 139

Vocabuary List 2: in alphabetical order 183

£:!Oj A 8%! 0101
o -i niI0IxI
,SC flower 8 @tg:j3 124
~qq to end 7 @tg:j6 114
~LHq to finish 10 ~~3 156
Lt7fq to go out 9 §~4 144
Lt7fq to enter 10 '~Pl-~7I1 158
Lt!!!q to be bad 3 @tg:j2 47
q2 q to come out, leave 7 W l-~7 I1 110
qoI age 7 @tg:j1 106
LtDI0f7f2.f Niagara 8 ~7 l·Wof7I2 131
!,c!",q fishing 8 W l ~7 I2 132
u2 day 10 ~~5 161
'§.UI weather 4 @tg:j3 62
W .!r. AH
0 00 male younger sibling 4 @tg:j4 66
'ctXf male 3 ~7 IWof7I1 49
'ctJ:f ~F?- boy friend 7 @tg:j5 113
;,c daytime 8 cH:m 127
LH'.:J next year 5 ~'f12 77
LH~ tomorrow 4 @tg:j6 68
L:j~ too much 4 @tg:j4 66
\ijq to be spacious 9 @tg:j2 139
~q to put in 8 ~ 71Waf7I1 125
'=!JEf0I necktie 9 @tg:j6 146
_Lr_ 'E!.l;!J yellow 9 CH-2.f1 137
!r.2H song 4 '~Pl-~ 7I1 64
~q to hang out 4 @tg:j2 61
~ 0l~ f:l amusement park 6 CH2.f1 89
~ 0171-=?- ride 6 CH-2.f1 89
s -=?- basketball 7 CH2.f2 111
fiq to be high 6 @tg:j4 97
!,=-7f w ho 6 ~ 7I•Wof7 I2 99
!,=--=?- w ho 6 CH-2.f1 89
!,=-~ q to press 8 W l ~ 7I2 132
~0I 2 q to snow 7 ~~3 108
L .s::/_
TT -, New York 3 W l-~7I1 50
.'::.2.lq to be slow 6 @tg:j4 97
- E eil see p.144 8 ~~3 124
~ 711 late 7 '~Pl-~ 7I1 110
~q to be late 7 @tg:j3 108
q all 10 CH-2.f1 153
qL=12 q to visit 10 @tg:j3 156
qLJq to attend 4 ~~3 62


8Di :,;: 8%! 0101
o, 11iI0IxI
cgq to be different 9 CH2.f1 137
q2.I legs 7 ~ Jl·WofJl1 109
q.,q ~JJl.9. I'll be back 5 CH2.f2 81
qgEfg downtow n 3 CH2.f1 45
q* next 7 CH2.f1 105
gq to close 8 ~Jl·WofJl1 125
CH~{!] university student 2 ~~2 33
CH2.I contest 10 1Pl~Jl1 158
~!:: dance 8 ~Jl·filofJl1 125
C:j more 5 @'f:J3 82
C:j~q to be dirty 9 ~~4 144
'Ejq to be hot 7 @'f:J5 113
~).ft!- library 3 @'f:J1 46
§ money 4 ~~1 60
~0fJfJ.lq to pass away 7 ~J l·filofJl1 110
~of.2.q to return 7 W l·~J12 11 6
aq to help 8 ~~2 123
slll neighbourhood 10 @ig:j5 161
s<2t during 7 1Pl~Jl1 110
-§:g.Ul7H bean paste stew 4 ~J I filofJl2 69
~ J.f'El" two people 5 Wl·~Jl2 85
~~q to be thick 9 CH2.f1 137
fl behind 3 ~~4 52
S.Cl(}J finally 10 1Pl~Jl1 158
S.2.f□f drama 8 ~J l·filof7I1 125
S.J.lq to eat (honorific form) 7 ~~1 106
~q to listen 4 ~~1 60
- ,;e plural marker 3 1Pl·~Jl2 55
6t1"ofq to go hiking 10 ~J l·filof7I1 157
o:f~ofq to be warm 7 @'f:J3 108
~~ ~ 2.Iq to sweat 10 @'f:J4 160
[j during 4 1Pl~Jl1 64
~~ Korean rice cake soup 4 1Pl·~ Jl1 64
~ *OI spicy rice cake dish 4 ~ Jl·WofJ l1 63
'§! 2.Iq to be nervous 10 1Pl~Jl1 158
~~g same 5 ~ Jl·~Jl2 85
2.fq.2. radio 4 @'f:J5 67
2.fl2'1 ramyeon 4 ~ Jl·WofJ l1 63
2.1J.I0f Russia 2 @'f:J2 33
'c!E! London 4 @'f:J3 62
~~ contact lens 9 ~~6 146

Vocabuary List 2: in alphabetical order 185

£:!Oj A 8%! 0101
o-i n1101x1
□ t~ garlic 8 ~71 Wof711 125
□ tq every 8 '~Pl ~712 132
□ t~.3. mask 9 ~~6 146
□ t,qq to drink 3 ~~2 47
□ t~OII ~q to like 9 [jj.2.f1 137
□ t~Ol 7f~q to be relieved 10 gig:J3 156
□ t§. supermaket 3 CH.2.f1 45
Qfolq to be congested 7 W l-~7 11 110
~qq to meet 4 @ig:j1 60
~LtA1 \:!~@Liq I'm glad to meet you 2 CH.2.f2 37
~'i'- dumpling 4 W l-~7 11 64
~~q to make 7 ~Pl~712 11 6
~Jq to be many 3 @ig:j1 46
~JOI a lot 4 ~~1 60
2 language 8 @ig:j4 128
W.:il (A W.:il B) not (A but B) 9 [jj.2.f1 137
W21IDl,,\,IOt Malaysia 2 ~.P l-~7 11 35
WofJI speaking 9 SP l~712 148
Wofq to speak 8 @ig:j1 122
~{q to be clear 7 @ig:j3 108
9!2,[q to be delicious 3 ~'f11 46
□H~ everyday 7 [jj.2.f1 105
~q to be spicy 4 @ig:j3 62
Oj2.I head 4 @ig:j6 68
Oj2.I~ f!q to wash hair 10 ~7 1Wof711 157
~q to eat 3 [jj.2.f1 45
~q to be far 7 @ig:j5 113
'3:!2,[q to be stylish 9 @ig:j2 139
';t!Xlq to be stylish 9 @ig:j2 139
llil'rr menu 4 ~Pl-~ 711 64
2 -'i'- altogether 5 ~ 71·Wof712 84
2~q not to know 4 ~~4 66
2Xf hat/cap 5 ~Pl-~ 711 79
~~DI necklace 9 ~~6 146
~~2.1 voice 8 ~ 71Wof7 11 125
5!. 00 1
. ~ 2 Thursday 5 CH.2.f1 75
~ §.2.I~ Montreal 3 CH.2.f1 45
TC what kind of 6 CH.2.f1 89
~g:t(~) what 5 ~Pl-~ 711 79
, -,
D j:~
very 6 ~7 l·Wof7 12 99
i:!: door 8 ~ 71Wof7 11 125


8Di a:
:,;: 8%! 0101
o, 11i101x1
~~~ stationery store 5 CH2.f1 75
~ water 4 ~~1 60
~ ~~J]ffl_? What can I get for you7 4 ~Jl·WofJl2 69
□1~ the United States 2 ~~2 33
□1'2:1~ seaweed soup 8 gigJ2 123
cl fq sea 10 ~Jl·WofJl1 157
cif0l~8~ ;;~q to play the violin 8 CH2.f2 127
cif:X:I pants 5 ~J I WofJl2 84
~ outside 3 gigJ4 52
\:! class 10 ~Pl~Jl1 158
\:!fl"q to be glad (to meet) 2 CH2.f1 31
\:tel f:X:I shorts 9 CH2.f1 137
\:!:X:I ring 9 gigj6 146
~q to answer, receive 9 ~~4 144
~2.f~ ballad 8 ~J l·WofJl1 125
~.Hofq to present 10 ~P l~Jl1 158
elf night 6 ~~5 98

elf cooked rice, meal 5 ~J l·WofJ l1 78


elf room 7 W l·~Jl2 11 6

o, Bangkok 6 Wl·~Jl2 100
o, school break 4 ~J l·WofJl1 63
~H pear 6 gigJ2 92
~H stomach 7 ~Jl•WofJl1 109
~H.:il!!.q to be hungry 4 CH2.f1 59
~H~'2Jt1 badminton 10 gigJ5 162
~H~ qq to get on a ship 8 ~J I WofJl2 131
~H~q to learn 3 gigJ2 47
ic!!!2.f~ department store 3 gigJ3 48
~-yl:lj Vancouver 3 CH2.f1 45
l:lj~E.I bubble tea 4 ~ JI WofJl2 69
l:lj!:, bus 6 CH£l-2 95
IJfl§.'a Vietnam 2 ~J l·WofJl1 34
2 - belt 9 ~~6 146
~~ hospital 4 gigj6 68
!i!LHq to send 3 gigJ2 47
!i!q to see 3 gigJ2 47
!:;!q to take/write (a test) 7 gigJ3 108
!i!~ usually 6 gigJ1 91
5'_2.I bowling 10 gigJ1 154
2 0

5'_2.l7'f bowling alley 10 gigJ1 154

2 00

~~ ball-point pen 6 ~~3 96

Vocabuary List 2: in alphabetical order 187

£:!Oj A 8%! 0101
o-i niI0IxI
~ spring 6 ~7I·Wof7I2 99

¥~q to sing 8 ~~1 122

¥2\=J parents 3 ~~4 52
¥-tl Busan 6 §~3 96
2"" dollar 4 '~Pl-~7I1 64
~.:il.7I Korean barbecued beef 4 CH:2.f2 65
~ £_:] blog 8 W l ~7 I2 132
~~□h~t:! Blue Mountia n 7 CH2.f2 111
l:ll)f 2.q It rains 4 gig:i4 66
l:ll'2:JigJ- bibimbap 4 §~3 62
l:llJ.\fq to be expensive 9 W l-~7 I1 142
l:ll~!PI airplane 6 gig:i3 96
~ 2.Iq to borrow 4 @'E:l2 61
t!lf~q to be fast 4 ~~3 62
~:z.t~ red 9 CH2.f1 137
~2Hofq to do the laundry 8 @'E:l6 130
J-f.i}j- apple 6 ~'f12 92
J-fq to buy 4 @'E:l1 60
J-fia person 2 CH2.f1 31
J-f0I~ size 9 CH-2.f2 143
J-f~ ~q to take a photo 4 ~ 71Wof7I1 63
J-f~ candy 5 gig:i4 83
-t11ofq to take a walk 6 ~Pl-~ 7I1 94
~q to live 3 CH2.f1 45
Dt=l2 pork belly 4 CH2.f2 65
~~Efq to w in a prize 10 ~Pl-~ 7I1 158
AH new 4 ~'f11 60
~(7g) colour 9 CH2.f1 137
~_c=_.\<JJ I sandw ich 6 @'E:l2 92
~t] birthday (honorific form) 7 ~~1 106
02 birthday 5 ~ 7IWof7I1 78
.A.f.\"'clof q to take a shower 10 ~~2 155
J-i~ Seoul 6 ~~3 96
J-m bookstore 3 ~~4 52
tl~ gift 9 @'E:l2 139
tl~'a teacher 2 '~Pl-~ 7I1 35
~7-JXlofq to w ash the dishes 7 '~Pl-~ 7I1 110
20 sugar 8 ~ 7I Wof7 I1 125
D island 10 ~7 I Wof7 I1 157
Ail~OIIJ-i in the world 6 gig:i4 97
Ail-'i'-Cf to pull over, stop 8 ~~2 123


a: 0101
8Di :,;: 8%! o, 11,I0IxI sale 5 CH2.f1 75
J.1~ shirt 9 @\!l6 146
1:~~ novel 4 @\!l5 67
~{tofq to be upset 10 @\!l3 156
e hand 6 @\!l3 96
:n.~~ shopping mall 6 CH2.f1 89
i}_~ofq to shop 6 1Pl·~7I2 100
lesson 3 @\!l5 53
~~~@Ct to take a class 5 CH2.f2 81
TOO swimming pool 4 ~~2 61
*~ofq to swim 4 ~~2 61
,~2 Wednesday 5 CH2.f1 75
~J.:ilofq to do homework 3 @\!l1 46
g7f~ spoon 6 ~~3 96
'flq to take a rest 8 ~7 1~af7I2 131
~q to be easy 9 W l-~712 148
* Ilj supermarket 3 ~~5 53
:'.'.::'r.!i!~ snowboard 8 CH2.f1 121
:'.'.::□ f§.g smartphone 6 @\!l3 96
:'.'.::~IEi sweater 9 CH2.J-2 143
:'.'.::;tf0lq0I~ skydiving 10 @\!l1 154
:'.'.::7f!! scarf 9 @\!l6 146
:'.'.:::,JI0I§. skate 8 CH2.f1 121
:'.'.:::,JI0l§.-'g skate rink 8 CH2.f1 121
:'.'.::71 ski 7 CH2.J-2 111
:'.'.::§.lil:'.'.:: stress 10 ~ 7l~of7I2 162
:'.'.::IlfJllEI spaghetti 10 CH2.f2 159
:'.'.::llil'2J Spain 10 CH2.f1 153
:'.'.::llil'2JDi the Spanish language 10 CH2.f1 153
~E:q to be sad 6 ~ 7l·~of7 I1 93
J.I~ time 4 W l-~712 70
J.171I clock, watch 3 CH2.J-2 51
J.l7f.:i1 Chicago 3 ~~4 52
J.I~ test 4 @\!l4 66
,!,_F?- fam ily 5 @\!l4 83
, lc.t
o restaurant 3 @\!l3 48
"'-loll Korean rice beverage 10 ~~1 154
-;:]qq to be excited 10 CH2.f1 153
-;:]q to wear (shoes) 9 @\!l3 140
-;:!~l;!,f~-8 Shoe Museum 3 CH2.f2 51
~ l1l~ Llq Excuse me 3 CH2.J-2 51

Vocabuary List 2: in alphabetical order 189

£:!Oj A 8%! 0101
o -i HilDIXI
{l{lofq to be bored 10 @tg:j4 160
~~ofq to be fresh 10 CH2.f2 159
1qq to be chea p 7 ~~6 114
~q to w rite 3 ~~2 47
~q to put up 4 @tg:j6 68
~q to use 9 @tg:j5 145
-U-I Mr. , Ms. 2 CH2.f1 31
~q to wash 10 @tg:j2 155
OPI baby 8 @tg:j3 124
Of2H/~ below 3 §~4 52
Of~l::JfOI~ part-time job 5 §7 1Wof711 78
Of§ 'gq to be beautiful 8 §7 l·Wof7 12 131
OftijXI father 2 ~Pl-~ 711 35
OtDl'.'.':of1I ice hockey 5 W l ~7 12 85
ot_:; ,c very 3 W l~712 43
ot~ (not) yet 7 ~Pl-~ 711 110
Of~ morning 6 ~'f15 98
Of~(tgJ) breakfast 7 @tg:j2 107
Ofllf~ apartment 3 W 1~712 55
Of;!!.q to be sick 4 ~~4 66
QJ-71 musical instrument 8 @tg:j4 128
<2t inside, in 3 @tg:j4 52
<2!~ glasses 9 @tg:j2 139
?,.tq to sit 3 ~'f11 46
~ ~ B Llq I see 5 CH2.f2 81
~q to know 4 @tg:j4 66
'it front 3 CH2.12 51
-, medication 7 @tg:j5 113
-, -, plan, appointment 7 CH£12 111
~q to be thin 9 CH£12 143
O(D f
02 socks 9 @tg:j6 146
Di~ w hich 4 CH2.f1 59
DiCIOII w here 3 CH2.f1 45
Oi[H£? how is it? 4 CH2.f1 59
Di~DiB.? how was - ? 6 § 71Wof7 11 93
Di~ w hat kind of 8 §7 1Wof7 11 125
Di~lll how 6 CH2.12 95
(}j~q to be difficult 4 @tg:j3 62
(}jDj LI mother 2 ~P l-~ 711 35
Di~ fish cake 4 '~P l-~ 711 64
OiA12tilfl. Welcome 4 CH2.f2 65


a: 0101
8Di :,;: 8%! o, 11iI0IxI
o-p:1I yesterday 5 @tg:j2 77
~LI older sister for female 7 @tg:j6 114
~;;ii when 5 ~~2 77
'g;! □ [q how long 6 CH-2.f2 95
'g;!D(OjlB.? How much is it7 5 @tg:j1 76
'tl□t mom 6 @tg:j1 90
'ti~ very 10 ~~1 154
c;itq not to exist 3 @tg:j3 48
c;itq not to have 4 @tg:j4 66
-()jl per 5 CH-2.f2 81
()jl1Jll2l~§. -tl Mt. Everest 6 ~~4 97
-()jlJ..i ~7Jf:X:I from- to~ 6 CH-2.f2 95
()ji(}jz:! air conditioner 10 @tg:j4 160
(]:Pi here 4 cH.2-f2 65
(]::JJl:X:iJI here and there 10 cH.2-f1 153
00 fem ale younger sibling 4 @tg:j4 66
(]::j2-j various 10 Wl-~7I2 163
(]::j 2-1 'ti several times 10 CH-2.f2 159
(]::j§ summer 6 ~J I Waf7I2 99
(]::j;q female 2 ~7 I Wof7I2 40
(]::j.:q~-:;i girl friend 6 '~-Pl ~7 11 94
(]::j~Jfq to go travelling 4 ~J l·Waf7I1 63
(]::j~J..f travel agency 10 ~Jl•Wof7I1 157
-, station 3 cH.2-f2 51
'2JJ,.il age (honorific form) 7 @tg:j1 106
'21-"?afq to play (musical instrument) 8 ~~4 128
'21-"?2-J concert, recital 8 cH.2-f2 127
'-'2 pencil 6 @tg:j2 92
~q to open 8 ~J l·Waf7I1 125
~{jal hard 10 ~Pl~7 I1 158
~~J..I 11 o'clock 5 ~-P l~Jl1 79
~~ England 2 ~J l·Wof7I1 34
~01 English 6 ~~2 92
~2-f movie 4 ~-Pl-~712 70
01 beside 3 CH-2.f2 51

0jl~q(oI~q) to be pretty 7 @tg:j3 108

'?)!';@ old days 8 ~J l·WofJl1 125
2~ today 4 cH.2-f1 59
2~01Qj~0l()jlB.? What's the date today? 5 @tg:j1 76
2q to come 3 @tg:j2 47
2~p;:I _:;;;~ organge juice 4 ~ JI Wof7I2 69

Vocabuary List 2: in alphabetical order 191

£:!Oj A 8%! 0101
o-i niI0IxI
2.~[ older brother for female 5 @tg:j3 82
2.~ a.m. 5 '~P l·!L7I1 79
2.Ef2} Ottawa 3 [)l.£f1 45
2.~ p.m. 5 §~3 82
g2.f~ ~71 online reivew 4 [)l.£f1 59
~2.Iq to upload 8 '~Pl ~712 132
~ clothes 4 @tg:j1 60
2H why 4 Wl~7I2 70
2.2.1 cooking 8 ~Pl ~712 132
001 5 CH.£f1 75
~ 2 days of the week
02>. recently 4 Wl~7I2 70
~ O

-$2.I my 2 ~Pl-~7I1 35
-$~ umbrella 4 @tg:j6 68
TTT milk 3 ~~2 47
$-t11~ post office 3 CH£f2 51

i!:o sports 8 @tg:j4 128
gsafct to exercise 3 ~'f13 48
~5£~ sports shoes 9 ~Pl-~7I1 142
g~afct to drive 8 @tg:j4 128
2 ~ 2 Monday 5 CH.£f1 75
5fl above 3 @tg:j4 52
*LlgQ1 Union Station 6 W l~7I2 100
TT l=j Europe 9 ~'f11 138
*~afct to be famous 9 '~Pl-~7 I1 142
0 E t:t
TTTT~ YouTube 6 ~7 1Wof7I1 93
-(.S:.)2 7iOIIB. will 5 W l ~7 I2 85
'-- 0 bank 6 @tg:j2 92
07 food 3 [jj.£f1 45
.9.0f music 7 [jj.£f1 105

-Qj possessive marker 10 ~~2 155

Qj,J..r doctor 2 @tg:j3 38
Qj_;q chair 3 ~~1 46
DI this 4 CH.£f1 59
0ICTf7f later 9 ~~5 145
DI~ Iran 2 CH.£f1 31
Dl~~q to brush teech 10 ~7 I Wof7 I1 157
01~01 ~Oji£? What is your name7 2 CH.£f1 31
DIOJl'?,j email 6 @tg:j3 96
Dl'2J immigration 9 ~P l ~ 7I2 148
DI~ this time 5 [)l.£f1 75
DIDPlofq to tell a story 8 W l~7I2 132


8Di :,;: 8%! 0101
o, 11iI0IxI
Dl~Q£ 2),ilH Come this w ay 4 [ H:~f2 65
Dl'M2.I0f Italy 4 cH2.f1 59
DIE {"!!Ei Eaton Centre 9 '~-Pl ~ 711 142
Q.Jolq to cook 8 ~ Jl·Wof7I1 125
CZJJIJf ~Jq to be popular 4 '~-Pl-~7I1 64
CZ.!~ India 2 ~J l·Wof7I1 34
CZJNs lnsa-dong in Seoul 10 cH2.f1 153
CZJEi'x! Internet 5 1Pl·~J l2 85
2 day 5 @'f:l1 76
2L- Japan 2 ~~2 33
~~Di the Japanese language 2 ~JI Wof7I2 40
~ Djqq to get up 6 @'f:l1 91
01 001
2 ~ 2 Sunday 5 cH2.f1 75
2-, early 7 ~~3 108
~afq to w ork 4 gig:i4 66
WI reading 9 W l-~712 148
~q to read 3 ~) 1~7 11 50
iJq to wear 5 W l-~7 I2 85
2!_q to exist 3 cH2.f1 45
2!_q to have 4 ~~4 66
Xfq to sleep 3 @'f:l2 47
Xf2.I seat 4 cH2.f2 65
Xft !Ji bicycle 8 cH2.f1 121
x1;;;, often 8 W l-~7 I2 132
Qt'! last year 5 @'f:l2 77
Qq to be small 3 W l-~712 43
Qq to be short 6 ~J I Wof7I2 99
tr coun ting unit for beverage 5 CH2.J-2 81
2 well 7 cH2.f1 105
~~LilH That's great. 8 cH2.f1 121
~afq to do well 7 ~~ 1 106
D sleeping 7 gig:i5 113
:g,"-1'2! just a second 9 cH2.f2 143
:goI ~ 2 q not to be able to sleep 10 ~ JI Wof7I2 162
Ol=l gloves 9 CH2.f1 137
~_l:;l_q to do grocery shopping 3 cH2.f1 45
:1:1□ I2J.q to be fu n 3 gig:i5 53
Aj that (over there) 9 CH2.J-2 143
Aj(Lf) I 2 cH2.f1 31
Ai)I over there 8 g ig:i2 123
AN dinner 4 ~~2 61

Vocabuary List 2: in alphabetical order 193

£:!Oj A 8%! 0101
o-i niI0IxI
XN evening 7 @tg:j2 107
~ before 10 '~P l·!L7I1 158
~:gafct to major in 8 ~~6 130
~2.f~:£ phone number 5 [jj2.f1 75
~2.f~:£7f ~Oji£? What's your phone number? 5 [jj2.f1 75
~2.fafct to call 7 '~Pl ~712 11 6
DD lunch 3 ~~3 48
~~ clerk 5 [jj2.f2 81
-3,17f~ chopsticks 10 ~Pl ~712 163
Xi □ f
02 really 9 W l-~7 I1 142
Jil my (humble form) 5 §7IWof7I1 78
Jil~ the most 6 @tg:j4 97
Jil-'?~ Jeju Island 4 §7 I Wof7 I1 63
~5@) a little 7 §7 IWof7I1 109
~§afct to be quite 9 @tg:j2 139
~~afct to graduate 10 @tg:j2 155
§~~ employee 4 CH2.f2 65
~q to be good 3 @tg:j1 46
~0tfl. Like' button 8 W I~7I2 132
~0tofq to like 4 '~Pl ~7 12 70
-'?ct to give 3 @tg:j2 47
-'?£ usually 3 [jj2.f1 45
, 2 weekend 4 ~'f11 60
-'?-'?-.,"let to sleep (honorific form) 7 ~'f11 106
-'?@ofq to order 4 §7 I·Wof7I2 69
TTT'--'--' gas station 5 @tg:j2 77
TO weekdays 8 Wl~7I2 132
frl::llofq to prepare 7 §7 I·Wof7I2 115
3~ China 2 [jj2.f1 31
3~0j the Chinese language 4 ~~5 67
3 5--ifAH
o middle school student 2 @tg:j3 38
~fjq to be enjoyable 10 W l~7I2 163
Al5 now 3 ~~3 48
Al\:! past 6 @tg:j2 93
Al\:!~ last month 7 W l-~7I1 110
AILHct to spend time 3 @tg:j2 47
Al-'?1H eraser 5 §7 l·Wof7 I2 84
Alof~ subway 3 CH2.f2 51
~:U:f really 10 CH2.f2 159
ct home, house 3 gtg:J3 48
,wq to be short 9 [jj2.f1 137


8Di :,;: 8%! 0101
o, 111101:i:1
o= about 6 [ H:~f2 95
xf car 5 @\!l4 83
xf tea 9 @\!l3 140
xf0ILf Eh~ Chinatow n 3 ~ 71~ 711 50
WI~ sesame oil 8 ~Jl·Wof.711 125
~~ w indow 8 ~Jl·Wof.711 125
~q to look for 9 cH2.f1 137
;i:j,!,J~.Qj.Xf vegetarian 4 CH£1-2 65
~ book 3 ~ Jl·~.711 50
70 desk 3 CH£1-2 51
J::-j~ for the first time 9 ~~3 140
t:Jl::lfXI jeans 9 @\!l6 146
t:J±afq to clean 7 ~ Jl~.711 110
til~ t!- gym 3 ~~4 52
~cHafq to invite 8 Wl·~.712 132
{i-q to dance 8 @\!l3 124
;}t!ofq to recommend 8 ~ .i' l·Wof.711 125
~ ::;i soccer 7 @\!l6 114
~Ail festival 10 @\!l3 156
i'5" dance 8 @\!l3 124
gq to be cold 4 @\!l3 62
~□ I hobby 8 cH2.f2 127
x1q to play 4 @\!l2 61
xl□I skirt 8 @\!l3 124
~ ::;i friend 4 @\!l1 60
~~ofq to be kind 7 cH2.f1 105
~ofq to be close 9 @\!l2 139
1HLfq Canada 2 cH2.f1 31
~ Ilj-"', campus 3 ~7 1·~712 55
11n1 coffee 5 CH£!-2 81
11n1g coffee shop 3 ~.i' l·Wof.7 11 49
~-¥fEj computer 4 @\!l4 66
~ -¥f Ei lll'i!d computer game 7 ~ Jl·~ .7 12 11 6
111013 cake 9 ~~2 139
11101ig K-pop 4 @\!l1 60
1jq to turn on 10 ~~4 160
~.,l_j§_ concert 4 ~~1 60
~=fl-~ com petition 10 ~ 71~711 158
-=fl- 11 cookies 4 ~ JI Wof.7 12 69
tlltJ!l Quebec 9 @\!l3 140
.::Uil loudly 8 ~ .i' l·Wof.7 11 125

Vocabuary List 2: in alphabetical order 195

£:!Oj A 8%! 0101
o-i HjlDIXI
3.q to be big 3 @tg:j2 47
3.q to be tall 6 ~~4 97
3.2.l~□ f~ Christmas 5 ~~1 76
~2H,!,J ~QJ- classical music 8 CH2.f2 127
:71 height 7 gtg:J3 108
Efq to ride, get on 6 CH2.f1 89
EH~ Thailand 2 ~71 Wof7I1 34
EHr:!~ Taekwondo 4 @tg:j1 60
EHOjLfq to be born 9 '~Pl ~ 712 148
FJJ.>-I taxi 6 CH2.f2 95
EilLI~ tennis 4 ~~2 61
£~£ Toronto 3 CH2.f1 45
£ ~001 2 Saturday 4 @tg:l4 66
~ 2 Saturday 5 CH2.f1 75
§_~ truck 6 @tg:j3 96
~al especially 10 CH2.f1 153
eeofq to be strong 9 CH2.f2 143
El_i:::!DI TV 6 ~7 IWof7I1 93
El.>-t~- T-shirt 5 SP l~7I2 85
El~ ticket 5 '~Pl ~7 12 85
Ilf~~ blue 9 CH2.f1 137
IlfEI party 4 @tg:j4 66
-wq to sell 4 ~Pl-~7 I1 64
-w:i:q bracelet 9 @tg:j6 146
~2.lofq to be convenient 6 CH2.f2 95
~ofq to be comfortable 9 ~7 IWof7I1 141
~~ falls 8 ~7 I·Wof7I2 131
_H ticket 10 ~7 1Wof7I1 157
~ o~ France 2 ~7 I Wof7I1 34
!!£.::I~ program 10 ~~5 161
~~§~ ~ [.~ to play the flute 8 CH2.f2 127
rrI~ofq to be tired 6 ~~1 90
IJ.I0f.':r:. .xIq to play the piano 8 CH2.f2 127
rrI.:q pizza 6 CH2.f1 89
~2.IItl the Philippines 2 CH2.f1 31
~B.ofq to need 9 @tg:j2 139
20 pencil case 5 '~Pl ~7 12 85
- of.Jl and, with 4 ~7 I Wof7 I1 63
oflf one 4 CH2.f2 65
of~ a day 10 '~P l ~ 712 163
of~ q to be w hite 9 ~ 7I Wof7 I1 141


a: 0101
8Di :,;: 8%! o, 11,I0I:i:I
~71 semester 7 CH2.f1 105
-,o student 2 ~~1 32
-,oo student ID 4 '~-Pl·c',9I2 70
~{!!- student union building 3 @tg:j4 52
~:g one piece 5 '~Pl-c',9I2 85
~~ Korea 2 CH2.f1 31
~~D-j the Korean language 2 1Pl~7I1 35
~2-f~ Mt. Halla 10 ~J l·Wof.7I1 157
~'r:j once 9 gtg:J3 140
~~ Korea n traditional clothes 10 Wl-~712 163
~<',_J Korean food 10 1Pl-~712 163
~'2JEh~ Korea town 3 CH2.f1 45
~Eil to (someone) 5 CH2.f1 75
~DjL.j grandmother 6 ~~2 92
~0fl::!p:I grandfather 6 @tg:j2 92
~~le!!! handbag 9 ~J I-Wof.7 I1 141
~lf-j)i hamburger 4 @tg:j4 66
0 older brother for male 3 @tg:j3 48
-x @tg:j1
.2., Australia 2 32
~Xf alone 6 1Pl~7I1 94
§TH area around Hongik University 10 CH2.f1 153
~.:a Hong Kong 2 @tg:j1 32

2.f.9.~ Tuesday 5 CH2.f1 75

2.f:g~ washroom 9 @tg:j5 145
2.j raw fish 10 CH2.J-2 159
2.I~ grey 9 CH2.f1 137
-il"t! more 9 W l-~712 148
rm vacation (from work) 10 @tg:j3 156
2.2-Iq to be cloudy 7 1Pl-~712 116
~~c~ to be diificult 10 @tg:j3 156
1~~ first-year (student) 2 CH2.J-2 37
2~~ second- year (student) 2 CH2.J-2 37
3~~ third-year (student) 2 CH2.f2 37
4~~ fourth-year (student) 2 CH2.J-2 37
9~ September 5 ~~1 76

Vocabuary List 2: in alphabetical order 197

1:i!I- ~

1. 1) DI 2) 01 3)7f
2. 1} r 2}, 3} I 4} F 5}TT
2. 1) OfLIR 32{'clOI OfLIOllf?.
6} ..L 7H 8}, 9}F 10} ~
11} ..L 12} TT 13H
2) OfLIR ~~ .,q~-0I OfLIOllf?.
3) OfLIR g2{~0I OfLIOllf?.

2. 1} Lf 2} Of 3}7f 4} ~ 5} ~
6}~ 7}tf 8}~
2. ~ I) A: J::-11= ~ ~ Oi ~$oHf?__
B: J::-j5= ~~Oi ~$oHR
[pronunciation rules]
A: J::-11= g~ .A.FctOIOIIR
1. 1}@ 2)(1) 3}@ 4) (1) 5)(1)
6)(1) 7}@ 8)(1) 9)(2)
B: J::-11= tJil§.'a .A.FctOIOIIR
10} @
2. 1) (1) 2}@ 3}@ 4) (1) 5) (2)
6)(1) 7}(2_) 8)(2) 9)(1) [~7I-~af7I2l
10) (2)
1. 1) F 2)T 3)T 4}F
2. G□'2Jc:Jo"f).ilR J::-11= .J:il~DIOIIR J::-11= 2{~0IOIIR J::-11=
2~0IOIIR J::-11= ~5=l:II.A.IDf .A.f'is'OIOIIR

[~~1] 1. (3)
1. 1} 1= 2} 1= 3)g 4)g 2. (4)
2. 1} OIOllf?. 2) OIOllf?. 3)011f?. 4) OIOllf?. 3. 1) J::-11= 2{~01 OfLIOllf?.
2) J::-11= 1HLfCf .A.f~~IOllf?.
[~~2] 3) J::-j5= 3~01OfLIOllf?.
1. ><
2. 1} A: '§l"~HC:J .Ull= 2-i.A.IOf .A.f'is'QIOllf?.7
B: l:1I, '§l"~HC:J .Ull= 2-i.A.IOf .A.FctOIOIIR
2} A: ~4' .Ull= ~152{~0IOllf?.7
B: l:1I, ~4' .Ull= ~152{~0IOIIR
1. 1) ~Oif?. 2) fiO ff?_
2. 1) ~XiloHf?. 2) ~Oif?. 3HJDff?.
[~7I-~f7l 1]
1. 1}@ 2) (1) 3)(3)
2. (::]i ~)..ii - ~.A.I2, ~12! - g~
1. 1)(3) 2) (3) 3) @
2. ~


1. 1) OjlJsi 2) Oji 3) Oji
4) OjlJsi 5) Oji
2. 1) ~~Oji 2) 5:.Aft.fOIIJsi 3) ~'a{)j!Jsi 2. ~ A: 5:.Jsf2:.fOII ~ of2:J 7f£.?
B: 5:.Jsft.fOII ~ ~S2.2-i 7fR
(~7l·Wof7l 1] ]I A: ~:£~Oji ~ of2:j 7f£.?
1. 1)(2) 2)CD B: ~:£~Oji .1'::~of2-i 7fR
2. 1)(3) 2)CD
3. r.:n A: ~£. OiCJOjJJsi ~$oHm (~tg;j3]
B: Ail=~£. :;11111g01IJsi ~ $oHR 1. 1HJAI£.?

(~71•!:91 1)
1. 1) CD 2)(2) 3) (2) 4) C2)
(~7l·Wof7l 1]
1. 1)T 2) F 3) T
2. CD
2) ~I 3. ~ ~CljLJ~ 12_1-Lf:il 1i'OiR Ai~ ~JOI .Af~~OiR

[~tg;j5] [~71·!:9 11]

1. 1) OJ 2) 7f 3) l= 4)g 1. 1) (3) 2) @
2. 1) OJ 2) l= 3) 7f 4)1= 2. 4'~ ~H-'?:il 1i'OiR

(~7l•Wof7l 2] (~tg;j4]
1. l)CD 2)(2) 1. 1) ~ 2) ~
2. 1) ~l0jl :UOi£. 2) ~Oji :UOi£.
3) ~Oji :UOi£.
4) =?Al 'fi:IOil :UOi£. / 2af[]jl~ ~IDjl :UOi£. /
*~ ~Oji :UOi£. / ),l~\:I ~Oji :UOi£.

(~71·!:912] 2. €ll A:~£. ~~Oji ~ oH£.?

1. 1) (2) 2)(2) B: ~£. Of~ tJfOI~~ oHR
2. '::II ~'ag 5:.Jsif:1- ~Oji :UOiR / .<?t~J~ g e{~~lf:1-
<i'._rOjl :UOiR (~tg;j 6]
1. 1) ~ $ of).iJ£.2) ~f:!Ojl 7f).i J£.
3) -'?-ts~ ~ ).ii£.
2. :0 ::J.~, ~:£~ _ti).iJR

(~7l·Waf7l 2]
1. 1)T 2) F 3) F
2. :il A: ~ ~~J7f£.?
B: ~ :;i:;, JofLf, tJJ \!Jig,t" ofLf ~).iJR

Answer Key 199

[SPh':9I2] [~~4]
1. 1} (3) 2} (1) 3} @ 1.~
2. □~2.IOfe ';§2~ '2s ~ OfoHR .::J.2.HAi ~"2)-0il '2s 7fR
2. ~ A: sf"OfJ::l7f ~ □ ~2.I ~Oj2.?
['EJEi] B: sl-DfJ::l7f ~ □ ~2.1 ~OlR
(i) - to have a large circle of acquaintance
@- to be gullible
1. 1) 2-t:i 8AI 40~ 2) 2~ 1AI 15~
@ - to be generous
3) 2~ 7AI 30~ 4) 2-ti 11AI 11~
@- to have high standards
2. 1)@ 2) (1) 3)@ 4}@
® - to be untalkative
3. 1:JfJ::I ti- ~Oil ~~2 ~ DIOilR
® - to eat like a bird
(j) - to be tenacious
® - to be fearless

1. 1)@ 2)@
[~~ 1]
2. Cll ~Of: 293-574-9595
1. 1) ~!¥%!0l2. 2} '2_1-Lf2.
3) ~Ol2. 4) ~ Ol'.tl0l2.
2. 1) ~~Ol~Ol2. 2} Df{i0j2. 3) ~~Oj2.
1. 1) LH~Dll 2) -'?~Dll
3. 1:.!1 A: OJJil OJ CIOil L'.Ol2.?
B: OJJil li!j2~0il LtOJR
(g7l•Wof7l 1]
A: li!j2~0ilAi ~ %!0l2.?
1. 1) @ 2) @
B: :i'i::~%!0lR
2. 1) @ 2)(j)
3. fTl A: ,J,.fq ,v.1, ~~01 \~:ml011.9.7
[~~ 2]
B: J;II ~~g 121e125~010llR
1. 1) with 2) and 3) and 4) with
2. 1) ~of:il l2:1WOI ~Oj2.
[~71-~,9 11]
2) OJDi Llaf:il ~fOI 01?:!J§ ~f0-J2.
1. 1) @ 2)(j)
3) 7ftg-45~, 2.J:f-37~
[g7l•Wof7I 1]
1. 1) (i) 2) (i) 3) (2_)
2. ~ A: J::I8" 'zte,IOjl ~ %!0l2.?
1. 1)(2) 2)(3)
B: 7f~of:il 01?:!J%!0lR
2. ~ A: □ ~3. .UI, ~
B: ~~~ ~DIOilR
[~ 71-~711]
1. 1) F 2)T 3)F
2. 1) sl-OfJ::lof:il ~OilAi {J~oH2.
2) OjJ;f ~ -=jl-of:il ~"2)-0ilAi ';§2~ sl.f2.


1. 1) i:Jl~7I~ 2) 7lfr~
4)J:lo~~ 5) OIDll~~
2. ~
(@7I-~ of7I 11
1. 1)@ 2)@ 3) CD
(~tg;j4] 2. 1) CD 2)@ 3) @
1. 1) B~.s:!.q 3. ::D ~2.I Ott:tiJ:I1= ~!AtOII q LIJ-i lR Ott:tiJ:I ~IJ..rl= ~
2. 1) •U J:il= ~.:i:27I~ J.:il~ ~OtoHR OIIJ..i ~OjR ~2.I Oj[}jLl5=. ~!AtOII qLIJ-i lR ():j§~
2) Li'JI J:il= B~OII J.:il~ 7f.:il ~OlR g .:il5 e:J-.ii! 2etiaOIOIIR 'a'M!Jg get.ii! 3~0IOII

2. 1) ~OIIJ..i e:J-.ii!77fJ:I 1. 1) (3) 2)(2) 3)CD
2) ~ 1OJ..1-~-E:I Ot~ 7J..177fJ:I 2. 1) ~±at.:il lllJ-1I£. 2) 1PiJ:lot.:il lllJ-1I£.
3) 9~$ E:l 11~77fJ:I
(@7 I-~of7I 2] 1. 1) ~$~Pi0ll£.
1. 1) F 2)T 3) F 2) ~ 7i0jl£. / ~~ 7i0jl£.
2. 1) (2) 2)(3) 3) ~~ 7i0jl£.
3. ~ A: e:J-.ii!OII Ol~7il 2.ffU 2. :n A: 2~ J:NOII ~ ~ 7i0jl£.1
B: J:lo~~ 2.fR B: ~ OIIJ..i TV~ 7iOjlR
A: ~OIIJ..i e:J-.ii!77fJ:I ~□ tLt ~2cl.9.? JJ A: Ollrj ~£.~OIi ~ ~ 7i0jl.9.?
B: ~-=?-~ '2Af 7iOjlR

(~71·!:912] [~tg;j5]
1. 1)(3) 2)CD 3)(2) 1. 1) (2) 2)CD 3)(2)

3) ~Ofof.:il
(~ tg;j 1] 2. :I! A: B~Ol .::;,~ glf.:il ~ 0H£.1
1. 1) ~ OlLtJ-il£. 2) ~.S?.J-1I£. B: B~Ol .::;,~ glf.:il qe "?'~OIi 7fR
~ A: Ollrj "?-~OIi ~ ~ 7i 0jl£.1
2. 1) ~fJ-1I£. 2) ~afJ-1I£. 3) ~.S?.J-1I£.
B: £.7~ of.:il _3'_~~ ~ 7i OjlR
1. 1) ~$oH£. 2) ~Oj£. 3) ~~Oj£. (@7l·Wof7I 2]
1. 1) (2) 2) (3) 3)(3)
2. l) E .:il ~om 2) □tJ..l.:il ~Ol£.
2. 1) (D 2)(2) 3)(D
(~tg;j3] 3. lid! A: ig,t-~IOjl ~ ~ 7i0jl£.1
1. 1) 0jl.i:1:!.J:l'2._I- 1i£. B: Of~i:JfOI§.~ of.:il D:1~5=. ~ 7iOjlR

AnSVl-€r Key 201

[SPh':912] ~ A: ~2 g§- ~~ ~Of.9.?
1. 1)(1) 2}@ 3}@ B:4'~~~~0fR
2. ~[ljLle ~Oil.Ai ~N:i:2 lW-112.
1. 1} ~77f2. 2) ~~77f2. 3) §77f2.
2. 1) '§77f2. 2) Qj~77f2. 3) ~77f2.

[~tg;j 1]
1. 1) (1) 2)@
1. 1)(1) 2)@
2. 1) QjQiOf 2) ~oHDf
2. 1} ~-'? ~Oi.9. 2) '21~-'? :UOi.9.
3) ~OiOf 4) ~$oHOf
3}~-'? ~Oi.9.

1. 1)@ 2) (1) 3) (3)
1. 1} 2.f-9-;.112. 2)7f~Jj -9-;.112.
2. 1) ~77f2. 2} '2}~77f2. 3} i~77f2. 4) :U~77f2.
3) ~Oi -9-;.112.
2. 1} '2.t~Oi 2} ~2.j 3) 7f~Jj
[~ 71-~712]
1. 1)@ 2) @ 3) (1)
2. ~ .J:11~ □ le ():j~OIOilR ~~ [lH~Jg Lf2.f~ ():j~
1. 1)~l:ll2 2) Oi~l:112. 3)2l:ll2
of.:il t)-:;i-'r. '2JLfR
4}~l:ll2 5) Oll!!!.l:112.

[@71-~ fl l 1]
1. 1)(2) 2)(1) [~~ 1)
2.@ 1. 1) 7fc'cl.:il 2) ~S2.c'cl.:il 3) '2}~2.j_:;:l_
3. 1) 'E!"Of -9-).112. 2. ED A: ~2.I .UI, Ol;!:j -9-~0il ljj~OI :UOi2.7
3} ~oH -9-;.112. B: -9-~0il ~~~Oil 7f2.j_:;:i oHR

[~71-~711] [~~ 2)
1. 1) @ 2) @ 3)@ 1. 1) ~§~ 2) 7JH:?tof.:il ~g
2. 01 ~ LI ,u1, ~of;.11m ;;:i °'?AIOIIR ~2.~ 0il ~01 3) □Hg 4) S:!:Ue 5) 1t2~
~2.f !i!.2:1 ~-'? :UOi.9.? g;;:f 5!.LH -9-).11R 2. 1) OIi~ 2) 9-t:Ue

1. 1}~ ~~Of.9. 2) QjOi
3} '§ ~ ~Of2. 2. ~ A: ~P IOii V~2.l.:il {,!OiR Oi~7il oHOf £H2.7
2. Ln A: ~eQ/"71~ -9-~ ~ifQf2.1 B: t:!IEf'2J C~ QjOi 5!).11R
B: IllOf_Lr_ ~ ~ ~OfR
f'lJ A: Di'= Lf2.f ~~ ~ ~ ~ Of2.7 [@71-~f7l 1]
1. 1)T 2)T 3)F


2.x [~~2]
1. 1} ~~of~ qJ.i, Qj~ qJ.i, ti~ qJ.i

(~7l·tt:71 1]
1. 1}T /T / F / F 2) !:ctl-/ llfOJ [~~3]
2. r.:JJ LH'c!OII ~~Oi~ ~HSf-cl~ oHR 1. 1}@ 2) (1)
1. 1)(2) 2)(1) 3}@
1. 1} F 2}T 3) F
2. 1) (2) 2} @
[~~5] 3. ij igj"§ Qj~ qJ.i DI~ ~DIR
1. 1) &-of~ 2) '20 I~ 3) .Ui~
2. \'JI ~~Oi 4'-'?J J.l:c_!Oil ~goH~ xHR
2. 1) F 2) F 3}T
3. :II g§~7IOII q1f ~OiR
2. ~ 01 ).fgg 11f'2._I- t1fx1~ '?J~OiR ::::i.2.1~ 01<21 g§
1. 1}of~[[H 2) ~~~ [[H
3) [:j§ [lH 4) !,:!_~ {,!§ [lH
1. 1) (1) 2}@ 2. ~
2. (3)
3. rJJ ~~ rr~ J.t~_of~ 11f'2._I- t1fx1~ '?J~OiR 01<21
g 5 ~~ -tJ~OiR 77f'2._I- {:jg2.f~~ :?10iR 77f'2._I- 2
1. 1} .A.fl= 2) 011= 3} @1= 4) ~Oiq1=
X~ ~ 77f'2._r □ 1~3.~ ~OiR
2. :n ~ .:;i:
□ IH g§: $.:;i, §-QJ-: 1,101 :g,i-, V Qje §-~:
□Hg§-~ . TV ~::::i.~: ~~ !::.2.f□ I
1. 1) F 2}T 3) F
(~7l·~of7 l 2l
2. Xfc 11101!:i::.~ ~ tPcr:JI J;:11 'a§~g ~ti£. /
1. 1}T 2) F
Wof714'-'?J§ ,;,.1g r:i1 (~·Pl 9-'?;jg Oj2.rn2. I
2. @
Xie ~~ ~OIi J.fe r:JI ~Cle =r~l~OII ~012.
3. ]I ~~~ rcH §-QJ-§ ~OiR / :go1 V §- rcH ~§ ~
OiR / 71~01 q~ [lH :g§ XfR

1. 1) F 2) F 3}T

Answer Key 203

12_1 2.: V'3of).ilR Ail= O112.12.~Llq.
J:i~ H 12_!2. J.lle g ~ AfgDIOJIH.?
12_1 2.: DfLIH., J:ie ti"~ .AfgOIOJIR
~g-2 J:i~ H Ail= 1HL1q AfgOIOJIR ~~gqq_
12_1 2.: ~~Liq.
'r/,/ I/ F /TT/..1../ 1 / , / F/ ~ /..1../TT/
[~71-~ f7l 1]
1. 1) '2t\§afJ..i l.9.7 J:i E 12J.~OIIR J:iE ti-~ .A-f~OIOJIR
~g-2 2) ~\!lofJ,ilm Xil= 2of0ll~OIIR Xil= Dlt:f .A-fisQIOIIR
3) ~\!lofJ.ilm J:il= t!lt!l~DIOIIR Xil= ~ J..f~~IDIIR
LI/ Of/ ?f /~/~/~I j:f I~

[Wl-~ 711]
[Essential Expressions]
V'3of).ilH.7 Ail= Ai~\=:-IOIOJIR 1HL1q AfgOIOJIH..
Greetings & Courtesies
,::rn.11 ,>..•AH
5LJ"7v L..! o LI.Q
□ L- 71Al°'
□ o1 J..7AHLIOIOJIR tJltJIVg 8 ~
V'3of).ilR L..: O 0

V'3ol 7:11).ilR .AfgOIOJIH.. 2.ofotl!::.1= om .AfgOIOJIR 12_!2.e ti-~

V'3ol 7f).ilR .AfgOIOJIR
~ c1l~L1q_
[t.H~f 2]
-f:i,4-.f~Llq. / _:;:i~g-Llq
BAI~: V'3 of).ii H.? Ai 1= B Al~ 01 OJI H.. ti-~ Di
□ IV~Llq. / f.l§ ~Llq.
{:j~'aOIOJIR Ol~OI ~OjlH.7
~OiAi f.l§~Llq.
tJltJIV: Ail= tJltJIVOIOJIR '2._ILfAi ~~ g-Llq.
BAI~: t1l t1IV J.lle l~'c!OIOJIH.7
Classroom Expressions
~OiLl).ilR [~71-~f712]
1. ():jJ;:f:V'3of).ilH.7 AiE BAl~OIOJIH.. 15f::i. _ _.,v(\.Ji
~Oi .sV,.i lR
[Q-2.f of).i lR {:j~'a oIOJIR
EJ.;q: '2t\§ofJ..ilH"I 7'i1= 2.of[Jjl!::.OilR 7'i 1=
3~'c!O IOJIR
q;_1aH .sV,.ilR
[~Pl-~ 712]
~ Oi7 f).ilR V\§ofJ..ilR Ail= t1 lt1l'2tOIOJIR 7'i E g~ .AfgOIOJIR 7'iE
7 0 IOJIO rUf,f_i
YI -, i)_ 2 f!AOIOJIR ~LI.Ai \:tfl°BLlq
5 I L.:

3j!J- Q~Ol~0tli.
[Cf1~f 1]
[t.H~f 1]
Jl-"-t:I: '2t\§afJ..ilR J:iE J:i,-:'--:'~:l~Llq 01~01-'i'IOll.9.7
tJltJIV: 12_!2. ,u1, DiCIOJI ~DfH.?


12.1 2.: AiE ~~~ qgEffE-Ojl ~OfR ~OfR OfIIf~7f 2j-.iil. ';§Oji ~DiR ~Ili:::'::7f Of9- :1iR
tJltJI~: DiCIOjlAi ~ Sl.f.9.? 2j-{!j~!r. ~JOfR .:J.cli!. !r.Aif!r. Of9- :1iR AiE 9-~
\:.J 2.: ~~ Df~Oil 7fR AiE 9-~ ~~ ~ Q.1DiR !r.Ait':fOjlAi ~!j!.oHR !r.Ait':f§ 2j-{!J2lt':f ';§Oji ~DiR
i:Jli:JI~: ~~~Oji~~ Of~ ~Di.9.7 !r.Aif '2._rOjl :1illl§OI ~DiR 2j-{!j~OI :1illl§OjlAi 7illl
12.1 2.: l::1I, ~DiR DfA1R :1illl7f '3J-~DiR

(~ 7l•Wof71 1]
1. 'aAf: DiCI ~Of£.?
D=Pl AiE 'W-'?-t:tiOjl ~DfR
'aAf: DiCIAi ~ Sl.f.9.7
D:Pl 9-~ g~ Df~Ojl 7fR Ai :::':: H 2.afOII~ .UI, ~H::iJ..gAl.9.7~ Qji!. ~Di£.?
2.afOII~: ~;;- g~ Qji!. ~DiR OI 2fi0jl ~~ ~'aOI
2. 'aJl DiCIOjl 7f.9.? ~J::I£.7
Oj;;q: !r.AftfOll 7fR
Ai :::':: H l: 11. 2fi0jl ~;;- ~'aOI ~JDfR
'aJl 9-~ !r.Ait:.fOIIAi ~!j!.oH.9.?
2.afOII~: Di-'= ~'aOI '3J-~Di.9.?
Wl l::1I, Ail= 9-~ !r.Ait':fOjlAi ~!j!.oHR □ fol~
Ai:::':: H ;_i~~'aDiClH£.7gcf~~7I7f ~ DfR
2.ofOII~: .:J.~, 2.~g Ai~~'aOjl ~ ;;- g~
'aJ::f: AiE 9-~ ~OjlAi ~ !j!.oHR

1. AiE Ol\:.12.0IIR AiE 9-~ ~;;- g~ QjDiR .:J.2HAi 1. 'aJ::f: tJltJI~ .UI, ~Hi!.~Al.9.7~OI ~{J 7fR
Al5 ~;;- Df~ Ojl 7fR i:JIi:JI~§ g;;- AfgOIOjlR
OjJ::f: ~ DfR ~ Qji!. ~ Di.9.7
i:Jli:JI~§ ;i:fOILfEffE-Ojl ~OfR 9-~ g;;- Df~OjlAi
'aJ::f: Ai~~'aOjl cf~ofi!_ ~*OI QjQcj 7fR
~ Sl.fR tJltJI~§ Al5 !r.Ait:_fOjl 7fR tJltJI~§ 9-~
OjJ::f: l: 1I, .:J.2.H.9..
!r.Ait:.fOIIAi ~!j!.oHR
2. 'aJ::f: ~2j- ccH ~ afi!. ~Di.9.7
([jj~f 2]
01J::f: 01~ 7fi1. ~DiR ~;;-Oji 7fi1. ~DiR
Ai:::'::t:!: ~c1I~Llq . ~;;- □ f~7f OiCI ~Di.9.7
'aJ::f: ~~IAi ~ afi!. ~Di.9.7
□ fclD f: ~;;- □ r~l= -tl~ ~~B ';§Oji ~DiR
01J::f: J:il9-!r.Ojl ~ci 7fi1. ~DiR
Ai:::'::t:!: -tl~ ~~B§ Di CI ~Di.9.7
□ fclD f: Ala~~ 'frl(}JI ~DiR
Ai:::'::H l: 11, :YAf~ Llq, '3J-Lf~'a0jl ~;;- g~ 2.Ail.9.! ~igj"ofi!. cf~,
Di~. ~*OI~ ~DfR ~*Ol7f ~ 7I7f ~JDf-9..
(~7 l•Wof71 2]
1. 'aJ::f: Ai, ~c1l~ Llq. S?-til;;-0I DiCI ~Di.9.7 ([jj~f2]
01J::f: S?-til;;-Ol.9.? S?-til;;-§ '2._rOjl ~DiR
~ ~ ~: Di;_i 2.).ilR
'aJ::f: Ai~§ DiCI ~Di£.?
Ai :::':: H J::fcl ~Dim
OjJ::f: ;_mg !r.Aif ';§Oji ~DiR
~ ~ ~: l: 1I, 01~~ 0ilR
'aJ::f: l: 1 1, :YAf~ Llq,
Ai :::':: H J::il= ~i!.7I~ Qji!_ ~DiR 2.ofOII~ .uI1=m

[~Pl-~ 7I2]
AiE Ai:::'::t:!OIOjlR CH2j-.iil. 12j-'clOIOjlR AiE OfIIf~Ojl

Listening Script 205

2.ofDll~: J:il= tH~-9-2.IJ:f{)jlR .::J.2.HJ..i .:;:u1~ V
J:i !:::. 'cl: .::J.'el tJl~tgtg O-iffH.9.7 2. ow: ~.9.~0II ~ oH.9.7
2.ofDll~: ~DfR 'c)'J:f: Of~l:JfOl~oHR
Ai!:::. H OPl.9.! ~:;:u1 ofLf, 1:Jl~tgJ"ofLf-9-J.ilR OlJ:f: .::J.'el, £f.9.~0lll= ~ oH.9.7
'cfJ:f: ~Oil ~OiR
[~7l•Wof712] OlJ:f: .::J.'el, £f.9.~0ll -'?-2-I ~0-1 ~{d ~OiR
1. ~~f:I: ~ ~'§7Jf.9_7 'cfJ:f: lll, ~OfR
e 'cl: -§~MPH ~Dim
~~f:I: lll, ~OiR [Wl-,1~911]
e 'EJ: -§~MPH □H~.9.? 2.~g ~.9.~0IOIIR tJltJIV ,JJ,ll= J:15 ~£rnOII 7fR
~~f:I: OfLIR V □H~R 12.12. ,JJ,l!r ~fOI 7fR tJltJIV ,JJ,ll= 2.r.i ~~ J..I ,g~ 1:E-OII
e 'Ej: .::J.'el, -§~MPH ofLf-9-J.ilR J:lo~~OIIJ..i 12.12. ,JJ,I~ 121LfR tJltJIV ,JJ,11= ~£~OIIJ..i
~~f:I: lll. 7f~§ J..fR 7f~g J..~ 2 ~OIOIIR 12.12. ,JJ,ll= 2.J:~
J..fR 2.J:fl= {t~~ ~ O-IOIIR

~Lil= ~§ ~OfoH.9.. .9.g ±~~§ ~.::iJ. ~Oi oHR [CH~f2]

.::::i. 2.HJ..i 2~ !r).fE:_I-OII ±~~§ ~2.12:J 7fR .::J.t:IC:ll ~ f:I: OiJ..i 0ilR
~{!jgOI J:15 ~OiR ~OIi ~Oi.9.. .::J.2.HJ..i ~§ ~ CfLI~ : ~;;-Oi _iil_:lfJ..i ~Oi.9.7
~c12.. ~Lie 111:E-01 v~ofR ~ f:I: ~ ~~ =?~ § §
CfLI~ : 1~~ =?~§ §OiR
~ f:I: 12{\:1 J::IJ 't:f D-iR nl_:il.J-J..Pf &£'§lOII
CfLI~ : ~HJ/gLICf. .::J.t:IC:ll ~r!OII ~□ l"Oll.9.?
~ f:I: ~ r!OII J..~2 ~OIOIIR
CfLI~ : lll, ~ .9.~ 0II CfJ..1 ~ 7ilR
12.1 2.: tJltJIV ,JJ,I -9-'MOII ~ oH.9.7
~ f:I: lll, ~al 7fJ.ilR
l:lltJ!V: ~ .9.~0II ~£f~OII 7fR Dl\'.:l -9-~0II
[~ 7l·Wof712]
12.1 2.: .::J.2.H.9.7 .::J.'el -'?cl ~fOI 7fR
1. 1) 2.r_i SJ..I 401:E-
tJltJIV: lll, ~ OfR 12.12. ,JJ,I r.i£f\'.:l2.7f ~ Oll.9.7
2) 2~ 7J..l 151:E-
12.1 2.: 259-736-1582011£.. tJltJIV ,JJ,I r.i£f\'.:l2.l=
3) 2~ 7J..I 301:E-
4) 2.r.i 11J..I 111:E-
tJltJIV: :J.:il7f J:1512.J.2. ,JJ,l~E11r.i£foHR
12.1 2.: r.i£f7f 21-R .::iJ.~§ LICf. .::J.'el ~.9.~0II ~R
2. ~f:I: OiJ..i 0ilR
l:lli:JIV: lll, ~OfR
e'a: ~;;-Oi .iil.1-fJ..i ~ r!OII ~□ 1-0ll.9.?
~f:I: 35~0-IOIIR
[~ 7l•Wof711]
1. 'cfJ:f: r.i£f\'.:J2.7f ~ Oll.9.7
e 'a: J:l-'?-7H~ 7HOII ~□l"Oll.9.7
OjJ:f: :J.:il r.i£f\'.:l2.l= 647-5454-98780-IOIIR
~f:I: 2~0-IOIIR
'cfJ:f: :J.:ilLITI.i ,JJ,ll= ~:J.:il ~.iii.OIi 2.f.9.?
e 'a: .::J.'el ~;;-Oi .iil.1-fJ..i ~ rjof.::iJ. J:l-'?-7H~ 7H
OjJ:f: £f.9.~0II 2.fR ~:J.:il ~.iii.Oil 2.f.9.7 -9-J.i lR


~-'tJ:O:Pl~OiR [[jj~f 2]
e'El: .:ilgrEl'Llq_ □ f2.1of: §O@-'t!OII :X:lor{;j~ :UOiH.?
'2J 2.: DfLIR tti~~ :UOiR tlj~7f :X:lof{j:j!i!.q C:J
[~Pl-~~912] -\:12.loHR
}l~_'c[of.:i:2 2.ofDll~e ~H.~OII OfDl~of:11 -?:Pl~OII Df2.IDf: §O@-'tJ77f:X:I ~ Dflf ~2.clH.?
7fR E.I~§ tf ~IOjl 2~01 ~DIOIIR ~ J-fgg ~~g '2.1 2.: tti~~ 30~~ ~~D-iR □ f2.1 or ,u1e ~ ~oi1
E.IJ-t~-~ ~~ 7WIIR .::J.<ciL:!I :X:-J~'c[g E.IJ-t~7f ~OiR Oi~Pil :UOim
:x:-J~'c[g '2.JE:l~OIIJ---J E.IJ-1~~ -9-goHR E.IJ--1~ tf ~Oil □ f2.1o f: :x:-ie ~OiA-J :UD-iR {JOIIA-J ~~11f:x:1 ~ OiA-J
~~~ ~DIOIIR E.IJ-1~e 59.~0II 2.fR

1. J.:ilAl:tf ,ule :X:l'd0:1~0!1 tf~OII :UOiR ~~~OIIA-J
6j!J- Ofll Of CIOII it<>fR?
tf~ 77f:X:I tJl~!PI~ ~fil Al{l- ~~OiH..
□ r2.IDf: '2.12. ,ul, OiJ.:il ~ ~OiH.1
2. 1) :X:lor{;jOI tlj~!i!.q C:J ~2.fR ~Al~ tti~!i!.q [;j
'2J 2.: OiJ.:il §Ol~OII :UOiR
~2.fR :X:lor{;j§ ~Al!i!.q C:J ~2.fR
□ r2.1of: f~of.:i:2 :UD-im
2) □ ILfe 2.ofDll~!i!.q C:J ~ DfR :X:-j~'c[g
'2J 2.: 2ofDll~of.:i2 :UOiR
2.ofDll~!i!.q C:J :1-JR
□ r2.IDf: §Dl~OIIJ--J ~ ~OiH.1
'2J 2.: §OI 71~ 'Wl-JR .::J.2.l.:i:2 §-~~ Qj~OiR
□ r2.1of: -'?e §-~~ Qj~Oim
'2J 2.: ~tlj7-jof.:i2 111;::~ Qj~OiR □ f2.1Df ,Ule OiJ.:il ~ OiJ.:il ~ Lie □ f2.1 o faf.:i2 tf'2.1 E.ffi:-OII :UD-iR 2 -t:1 ~tf
)..I ..g~ ~Oil i?-Llg C1:1 0IIA-j '2.l"~ OiR i?-Llg C1:1 0IIA-j
tf'2.J E.ffi:-77f:X:I :X:lof{j:j~ ..g~ ~~ ~ ~OiR :X:lor{;jOI
□ r2.IDf: :X:-Je ~~IOjl)..-J ~2.~ t.f{)-JR
tti~!i!.q C:J ~2.rR ~Llof.:i:2 □ f2.1 o fe tf'2.1 E.ffi:-OIIA-J
tf~ §-~~ Qj~OiR tf~ §-~OI ~~ ~ ~~OiR
tJltJl'2.t§ OiJ.:il ~2.~ 0IIA-J ii:~~OiR {JOIIA-J ~2.~77f:X:I
1. 'aJ::f: □ r2.IDf ,ul, -9-~ ~ ~OiH.1
~Q-iA-j ~2 ~ ~ ~OiR ~ 2.f~OII Afg OI ~J~OiR
Q:1 :X:f: :X:-Je ~~Oil ~ ~IOjl 1_f{)-JR '2.12. ,UleH.?
ii:~OI J.:H□l~~OiR
'aJ::f: :X:-J~ :X:l'd ~H.~OII ~ ~OIIJ--J ~2.f *D-iR
Q:jJ::f: .::J.'l:li.OiH.? ~2.f7f OiC£l!OiH.?
'aJ::f: ~ OiR

[~71-t:9 11]
2.ofDll~ ,Ule ~H.~OII ~.ii!.OIIA-j tf~ Oi~ ~ -"f-~OiR [[jj~f 1]
2.fH.~Olle ~)_-Jf:_f{)ji)_-j Df~ l:JfOl§.~OiR -=?H.~Olle 2.ofDll~: J.:il LIII.i ,UI, :X:15 ~ oHH.?
-'?~ ~OIIA-J -'?~ ~OiR ~H.~Oll e {JOII ~ ~OiR J.:il LI rrj: tf~Oi ~ -"f-of.:i:2 ~ OiR 2)..I OII .:;,~ 01
5 9.~0lle t]~of.:i:2 ~~I :UOiR ~~f{)jlA-j .::J.'El~ ~OiR
* D-iR 2 ofDll~: tf~ Oi .:;,~01 Q-i[[HH.1
J.:il LI II.j: Df-9- J.:H □ l ~:X:1'2J" ~J.:il7 f □H~ ~OiR
2.ofDll~: .::J.2HH.1 tf~Oi -t:1{!J'a§ lH.1

Listening Script 207

J.:il LI rrj: l:11 , ~~ Ol ~ ~ 7f ~tIAil .9.. .::J. 2.1 .:il [~7I-'Mof7I2]
~~cWilR 1. 0:j;::f: 0I~ 9igoiI 'i'cl ~ 7i 01I2.?
2ofDII~: .::J.'el, Ch~- ~710!15:. ~~ Ol =?~§~Ol.9.7 'a;::f: Aie ~-=?-af.:il E1ILI~~ ~ 7i 01IR
J.:il LI rrj: l:11, ~OlR ():jJ;:f: E1I LI~~ J;:f9 t j.9.7
'a°Af: l:1I, 9'g0il _I:;:!_~ E1ILI~~ t jR .::J.'c!C:1I Alt:I"
[~7I-'Mof7I 1] £9.~0ile t1I7f 2.fAi ~ ~OlR OI~ 9'g0il
1. 'a~\f: □f2.Iof .uIe 7f~oI ~ ~0IoiIH.? ~OI E1ILI~ t iH_.
o:p,f: ~Di LI. of l:!Pl Ol OJ LI. ~LI. Ai. q~ ():j;::f: □ IVoHR Aie £9.~of.:il ~H.~Oil Q.f~OI
~OIOilR VOlR ~~ '2!~ 7i01IR
'a°Af: ~OJ Lle-cisrofAilH.7
ow: l:1I. Ai£-I ~OJ Lie 'c1Aile ~J2.AIAI'2! of9 2. 2.afDll~e 0I~ 9 5H.~ ANOil ~OilAi IlfEI~
,clgof;_ilR ~ 7i01IR 5 9.~ Of~Oil ~±~ ~ 7i01IR .::J.2.l.:il
IlfEI~ 2t1I~ 7i01IR ~-=jl~OI ~s AIOil ~ 7i01IR
2. 0:jAf: APd90il 2H~.w.Oil V 2.~0lH.7 q~ ~01 ~ 7i01IR ~-=?-~af.:il AN§ ~.:il ~£:fS:.
'a"Jl ~JOI OfWOlR § 7i01IR
():jJ;:f: Q-j Cl 7 f Of:s_i\l-j H.?
'aJ;:f: OJ2.l7f ~JOI OfWOlR [~ 71-~712]
O:l;::f: ~~Oil 7f~Q-jH.? Aie Df2.IOfOjlR 2.~g £9.~0IOilR £9.~0il -'?-2.I
'a"Af: l:1I. ~~Oil 1-fOJR 7f~g !i!.~ ~~§ ~2-2:J ~'aOil 7fR .::J.'c!Cil 2.~g
0:j;::f: Al5g tilf'JQ;_ilH.7 ~,up f 2-2.l.:il l:ll7f 2.fAi ~'aOil V LtOlR .::J.2.HAi
'aJ;:f: Alt:1"9e Of1RJ;:l'2__r Al5g tilf'JOfR -'f2.I 7f~~g 2 -'i'- ~Oil VOlR Q-jOJ Lle ~±~ of.:il
7:11;_112. ~OJ Lie ~IOIIAi ~Al.:il 7:11;_112. ofc/jAle ~~§
[~ 71-!:911] 2t1lof.:il lllAilR -'f2.I 7f~OI 2-'i'- ~~ §-~§ ~OfoHAi
Ai~~g Al'cr'§Oil ~~Oil ~Q-jR £E£0iIAi ~Q-jR Ofc/jAle l:ll~ig)"§ '2!~.:il lllJ.ilR l:ll~ig)"g ~5 ~Al'2!
q oIe ~~"i'- ~0IoiI2. Ai~~g ~ 1c:1 5V £E£0iIAi 9J"VOlR 'a°5~g Al5 ~ OilAi B~El 7il'E:J § of.:il
~~Q-j~ ~H~OlR Ai~~g 0I ~ ~710!1~~Q-j -'?~§ VOlR ~Lie ~J.:i l~ af.:il VOlR Aie ANOil ~-=?-af.:il
~OlR =?~01Of9 J.:H □ IVOlR Alt:1"90il ~~Ol Al~§ ~£:f~ 7i01IR J.:il ~-=?-e ~~ OilAi ~~Q-j~ ~ ~ oHR
!el:OlR Al~g 11Al~OlR ~OilAi 10AIOil Lf~Al'2! ~-=?-e :S,f'c:1 10~0!1~~ Oil LtOlR ~-=?-e 0I~ O:l~Oil
~Vf ~JOI QJ"~Q-jR .::J.2.HAi 15~ ~ ~Q-jH._Ai~~g t HLfCfOII ~Of~ 7i 01IR Aie O:l~Oil ~~ '2!~ 7i 01IR
q§- ~710!15:. ~~Ol =?~§ ~OlR

([fj~f 2]
t1lt1IV: 9'g0il 'i'cl ~ 7iOIIH.1
qLI~: ~:11Ef2.j ~~Dfff~Oil ~ 7i01IR
[ctt:£f 1]
l:llt!IV: Of, ~'gOIH.?~:11~ ~ EfAilH.?
□ f2.I of: £Lie ~1iI0I§. '@ * VOlH.?
qLI~: ofLIH.. ~ ~ EfAl'2! ~ ofoHR t1lt1IV .uIe
£ LI: l:1I. ~1iI0I§. '@* VOlR □ f2.Iofem
9igoiI 'i'cl ~ 7i01IH.1
Df2.IOf: Aie ~ EfR ~tilOI§.~ ~H-'?.:il ~Q-jR
t1lt1IV: Q.f~ OI ~OlAi .::J.'cf ~Oil V§ 7i01IR ~ ;::f
£ LI: J.:il7f 7f~tj~=?VOlRVOl 2.~~R
El_i: : i_OI !i!..:il ~ 7i01IR
Df2.IOf: .::J.'c!C:1I Aie ~tilOl§.7f ~ Q-jR
qLI~ : .::::i.<e1 Aiof.:il 11()1~ :11Ef2:J 7fR
t1 lt1IV: ~OfR


~ LI: -flltJOfR ,~}ilOl~~OIIAi ~~-'? :UDiR 'aAf: AiE ~-=?-~of::i:l qo1of7fcf &.£.OIi ~ 7i()jlR
Df2.IOf: Of, ~~l:IIR op::f: qo1of1 f2.f &.£9.77P le Qi[[HH.?
'aJ::f: ~J.l7f Of~q~R 7iJIAi ~'r of::i:l ~H'r ~
[@7 1-~<WI 1] -'? :UDiR
1. 'aJl □ f2.IOf .UI, B~ Di~ ;g ~ ofl:JIR 01J::f: J;:i'r B~ 7f ~ ~ DiR
0:1}::f: _:;}~§Liq. AiE B~Di~ ~ f::i:l ~DiAi B~ 'aJ::f: .::J.~ 01~ Q:j~ tgt~ [[H ~OI ~77fH.7
!r:.cH~ ~JOI ~DiR Q:jJ::f: l:11, ~fOI 7fR
'aJl Ai'r B~Di~ ~of:;:i. ~DiR ~e
~OfH.? ~{:loH 9-AilR [~71-~l 2]
O:P:l AiE H.5 _Lr:2.H!:tq ~~ _Lr:2.H~ 'i'lO I ~DiR AiE tJltJl~JDIOIIR .J:il '?-l □ le H.2.IOjlR AiE 7fc,1 9-~0II
~-=?-~§ .:tcHaHAi §-~§ '2J-~Di '?ciR H.5 :i;:ie B~
2. 'aJl ~::i:l717f ~~ 9.!":UL:JIR Di'iPll '2J-~5?iOiH.7 g §-~§ '2J-~Di !:i::i:l ~OiAi f?.W-.1:::!.~ J::f9- !ii.fR AiE
7f~J.i 9-;_ilR -fJigjof::i:l ~::i:l71~ '2!~ ~ ~OfR
op.::f: '2s Di2cl~R ::i:l7IOII {_I-~, ;g71~, ~~, □I~~ AiE §-~§ '2!~::i:l ,q~§ Y,QOiR .::J.21::i:l ~~.::J.OII
'tJ::i:l Qj oIAilR Af~of::i:l g§ ~2.19.. Afg ~OI .J:il Af~ § !:i::i:l
'aJl Di'EJ:i;:I 12NR ::i:l□ f~R ·~ofH.' ~ ~ 2:JR J_fg ~o1.J:il Af~§ ~ofaHAi J::i e
llfE-01 Of9- ~OfR
[~71·:'g l 1]
Jl~.'cl .UI, '2J~ of.AilH.? Ai .J:il LIILi()jlR 2~ ~:PIOii
~2c!Ai B~Di -'?~ Oil ~-'? liiS?iDiR 2.~g ~JOI
Of1l/"Al'2J- LW
~g ~.iii.OIi ~-'? :U§ 7i()jlR .::J."r::1L:il B~ Di
~.J:illf :UDiH.7 AiBE11-B.2.f g aH 9-.AilR .J:il -B.2.f~:!.2-e [[jj~f 1]
~AfAr -=iW.2. {l"-=?-~~OIOIIR .::J.~ LH~ ~.iil.OIIAi sl.fR ~ %): OiAi .2.AilR ~ ~SV.ilH.?
V~ol 711.AilR
tJltJl'2f: J.l□f~ Af2cl::i:l oHR
~ %): Of, Lil. 01J.l□ f Qi[[HH.7
([jj~f 2]
tJltJl'2f: g C:J iJg J.l□f :UOiH.7
tJltJl'2f: 12.l.2- .UI, '?-l □ l7f ~OjlH.? ~ %): .::J.~ Ol-cl Qi[lHH.7
12.1 .2-: Aie rr1of_1r:~ ~ofaHR tJltJIV .u1e rr1of_1r: ~
tJltJIV: □ r§-0!1 ~DiR .: : 1"r::1L:J I ~n ""1 ~:;:i. qe ""1,~g
~~fQfH.? gj_QiH.7
tJltJl'2f: OfLIR ~ ~ §2.fR .::J.~:i;:1'2J- ~2.H~ §-Q,1-§ ~ %): :UDiR 0171 _lr:~-'djg Qi[lH H.7
~ OfoHR tJltJl'2f: Ol!!!l:IIR .::J.7i ~Di§-'? :UDiH.?
12.1 .2-: ~H.~OII ILIOf_lr: ~9-.2.ll f :UDiR ~fOl 7fR
~ %): l:11, Ol~S2.~ 2.fAi ~Di !r!AilR
tJltJl'2f: ~~L:JIH. . Ai'r 7f !:i::i:l ~S?iDiH. . t::i.J:i l
12.1 2: J;:i'90II '2J-qR ',;/"Olle .J:il7f Of~IJfOI~~ oHO~
1. AiE Oi.J:il ~.iii. ArnOII :VDiR .J:H □ l:Ue ± ~~§
~DiR .::J.21::i:l 7f77fff l!!j.2.f~Oll'r :VDiR ~{__1-
tJltJl'2f: ~OfH.. .::J.~ ~_g_~ 2~ 6AIOII f?.Llg ~OIIAi
tJfJ;:l~ ~DiR
2. OI~ ~_g_~g ',?:J □f {!J-t)OIOIIR .: : 12.HAi ',?:J □ f {:1~§
[@71-~of712l Af2.1::i:l .fr~§OII :VDiH.. OftJiJ;:le of'2J 2J::f~
1. 'aJl 01~ 01~ '2:t~ [[H ~ ~Pi()jlH.?
Wl g!.11IR Of~ 2~~DiR

Listening Script 209

:UOJR AiE II~'i:J" ?]~l!!j§ :UOJR §{!jg -[I~ AiE 0:1§{!Jof.::il ~~~OIi ~OfR .:J.c:HJ.i -'?-2-11= 'ae:J-
H~§:UOJR [[lj□ fq ~-=?-1::ljOII 7fR Alld 'ae:J- [[HOii~ ~ -=?-1::ljOII :Ul=E:JI
~ -=?-1::lj e ~~~~q i~ [l:f~~OJR 7~~0!1 ~Jljff
[~Pl·!:911] :i?:§ 't'._1- ~OJ~ £HR .:J.cHAi AiE [[r~~ ~-=?-l::lj7f
1:111:11vg Alld ~~OIi Alo~§ Er.::il Ole {:1_1EiOII :UOJR ~OfR qg. 'ae:J-OII~ §{!Jof.::il ~OI ~-=?-1::ljOII 7f2.1.::il
Ole {:11E:11= ~~~OIIAi i?-23~ _i'i,%J~OIOIIR :i?: 7f7ilOIIAi oHR
!r.'i:l" J;m~ Af.::il, OIi~ 2N~- -=?-s~OJR H~ 7f7ilOIIAi
77f'2! ff§2.f7f ilfA-j :UOJR i:Jli:Jl't'._1-g _i'i, %J§ ~~
~OroHR .:J.cHAi qg. ~~OIi~ Ole {:1_1EiOll 7f2.1.::il oHR

([jj~f 2] [[jj~f 1]
AilLIIIi: ff§.2.f Arel ~l=E:JI 7ft:ljff ff§.2.f '.UOJB.?
q LI~ : AilLIIIi ,UI, Ai"~ ~Lf.::il LfA-j ~ ~ 7-JOll.9.?
~: Lil, 7f'gJ.::il -\1'1~ ff§£} P)OI 9).0i.9.. Ol~Q~
AilLIIT.i: ~;;-OIi 7fR Q:17 1Ai71 0:1~of2oj.::il oHR
2.AilR q LI~ : -'?-2.H ~~ t)Lf~L:Jl.9.!
Ail LIIIi: A-j 77l°J {f§£fc ~□ ~l.9)
AilLIIT.i: q LI~ ,u11= ~;;-OIi 7f ~f()j.9_?
A1 ~: 150~0IOIIR
q LI~ : L:JI, Al8 'ae:J- [[HJ.-j~OIIJ.i All,JOJR
Ail LIIIi: □~g.oi1 ~1= E:JI § i:JlilH=ll-9. . .:J. 'El 01 ofl2J
AilLlrr.i : ~~m ~;;-OIIAi OJ Cl7f Ail~ AH□ l '.U~OJm
q LI~: q -l':ljf'Jg[:JIR ~ol ~[Hof.::il ~J.f§OI 7IC210il
A1 ~: 100~0IOIIR
AilLIIIi: t!OJ !if~ xHB.?
A1 %1: .:J.'E!R AfOl~7f OJ~7il S:.1).11.9.1
Ail LIIIi: 70IOIIR 2.ofDll~of.::il \:J.2.e Ail~~OII ~ 7f ~OJR .:J.cHAi
A1 ~: :gJ..1'217lq2.1;.1 1R
'ae:J- [[H Ail~~OII ~ 7-JOIIR Ail~~e i?-23~ {JOIOIIR
1:1fq7f ~ Oll_l!l_.::il -s5;17f Of~q~R ~ J.fgg l::lfe-fOIIAi
* ~ of.::il LfJ.i ~2.rHOII~ ~2.r~ 7-JOIIR ~ }..fgg
1. ~%IOIIAi Ail~~or.::il 1:111:11<2JOI Al~ '2.!LfR Ail~~E
~E:i~S2.~ 1:11~71R~J.r2ol.::il oHR
~ff.1 Allll~ ~OJR .:J.2.l.::il ~TI l::l~AI~ ~ ~OJR
1:111:11vg !r.'i:J" ~5'rE.~ ~OJR .:J.2.l.::il OIi~ i1l~OI~
~OJR 2~ ~ ;;-OJ ~ of71 cH ~P f '.U~OJ-9.. Ail= ~ '@
~$El ~~ol frl::ll~OJR ~ OIIJ.i ~Ar 'cJ§of.::il LfJ.i
2. e:i- {!J: -t:j{!Jta! *~AFc_rOII ~ □ fJ..1~ s:H.9.1
0JA11 ~ ;;-OJ ~ ~7~ 'YOIIJ.i ~oH ~ OJ-9.. ~CIOJ
-t:j{!Jta: L:JI, .:J.'E!R □~J..1~ £HR 2~ ~ or71 CH£IOIIJ.i ~ R~OJR J.fg~OI ~,tOfJ.-j
e:j- {!j: -t:j{!Jta! A-j ~~~ ~ Qj~OJR J.f:i:i.f QjOJ~
~~OJR .:J.~Al'c! ~Lf.::il LfJ.i □ ~g.0 1 7ft:lj~OJR q e
~7~01 or~ ifoHJ.i Aie .g§ ~ Wl-!R .:::ic:H~ ~g
-t:j{!Jta: L:JI. QjOJ~ £HR
-s~Ol~ OJR
e:j- {!j: -t:j{!Jta, Al~ g.Qj-§ ~ OJ~ £H
-t:j{!Jta: OfLIR V £HR [[jj~f 2]
1:11 1:11v : 1:J.2. ,u1, 01~ 0:1~oi1~;;-oil 0:1~ 7f2oJ.::il oHR
AiE AilLIIIiOIIR $2.tag ~;;-OIIAi 011:J 2111=E:JI AiE
1HLfq01IJ.i EHOJ ~OJ-9.. $ 2.tag ~ -=?-1::ljOII J.rJ.le E:ll


t1lt1IV: OfLIR \'.J2..Ule7f~Oi2.7
\'.J 2.: l:11, Aie Oj2.j ~ Jf ~f0-j2._ ~DJLl7f ;l:il~!r.Ojl
t1lt1IV: Of, -tl.uf2.7 ~~Oi2.! ~g Q-i[Ql2.7 ;;:f~ Jfe
~'a ~Oi2.7
\'.J 2.: {J{J~ .2.I~ We ~'a~ '§!WR ::J. ~Oji i?-23~
Jf-9.Jf g~ofe ?irr1g_1r_ ~D-iR
t!lt!IV: Ai.'r. Jf .t,J._:il_ 'iiD-iR
\'.J 2.: :::1;g ;:il~!r. 01?,IJ~ [lH ~~ 7f .t.J.J-ilR

(g 7l-~of712l
1. £ LI: □ f2.10L 2.g- ;i;:f~ ore g~ ~Oi2.7
□f2.1of: ~H!::.\'.J'B _;q~ j_rn_ £Ll!r. ~H!::.\'.J'B j_i
£ LI: l:11, Ai.'r. ~ofoHR 01~ ~~,M ~01~77f2.7
Df2.IOf: l:11. ;:H□l~~l:IIR
£ LI: ~H!::.\'.J'B j_l_:il_ Lf.A.i ~fOI ;;:N QjOiR
Df2.IOf: l:11, £2.'§)0jl !t/-2.!

2. 2.afDJl!::.e ;;:18 £2.~0jl "";11101~ Ef2:J ,q~ ~Oji

~ e OfOl""~ .3.0jl :UD-iR ""11101~~ V Ef !if.Ai
j_j§Ojle ~JOI i'-Ai~OiR ofJ;:1'2} "";11101~~ '§" [Qj
71~01 ~~ ~5:l"OiR q§ ~~Ojl!r. \'..12.of_:il_ ~OI
""11101~ Ef2.j ~ 7WIIR

2 ~g ~ ~ Oi 4'~~ ~e ~::;i~of_:il_ -?:Jj_l ~~£f{)JI

1-fOiR ~ Al¥-E:I ~ AIJ7fJ;:I ~~OiR Oj2.j Jf;;:I -?:Jj_ l~
§ 4' ~~OiR ::J.2.l_:il_ -?:Jj_l~ '21!::.e 4'~0jl!r. :UD-iR
-?dt.l~ '2}~_:il_ LfAi q ~ OI QjOi ~OiR -?dt.l~ Qj~
[[H Lii'- □H ~Ai ~~ ~JOI Df1.0iR ::J.2-H.'r. 9.!"~~0i2.!
-?dt.l~ '2}~_:il_ LfAi ~~~ ~ _:il_ .A.f-t)~ )Ij~OiR §Jjg

Listening Script 211


I'm in my first year at university. Nice to

Lesson 2
meet you .
[Conversation 1]
Justin: Hello. I'm Justin. What's your name?
Minho: Hello. I'm Minho Lee. Lesson 3
Justin: Are you Chinese?
Minho: No, I'm Korean. [Conversation 1)
Justin: I'm Canadian. Nice to meet you . Vivian: Minho, where do you live?
Min ho: Nice to meet you. Minho: I live in dow ntown Toronto.
Vivian: W here do you get groceries?
[Listening/Speaking 1] Minho: I go to a Korean market. I usually eat
1. Hello. I'm Minho. I'm Korean. Korean food.
2. Hello. I'm Mohammed. I'm Iranian . Vivian: Are there Korean groceries in Toronto?
3. Hello. I'm Vivian. I'm Chinese. Minho: Yes, they are.

[Reading/Writing 1] [Listening/Speaking 1]
1. Hello. I'm Justin. I'm Canadian. Our Korean 1. Man: W here do you live 7
teacher is Jiyeong Kim. Vivian is Chinese. Woman: I live in Vancouver.
Mohammed is Iranian. Min ho is Korean. Man: W here you do get groceries?
2. My father is Malaysian. My mothe r is Woman: I u sua ll y go to a C h inese
Australian. supermarket.

[Conversation 2) 2. Man: W here are you going?

Jiyeong Kim: Hello. I' m Jiyeong Kim. I'm a Woman: I'm going to the library
Korean teacher. What's your Man: Do you usually study at the library?
name? Woman: Yeah, I usually study at the library.
Vivian: I'm Vivian. Nice to meet you. How abou t you, Michael?
Jiyeong Kim: Are you a first-year student? Man: I usually study at home.
Vivan: No, I'm not a first-year student.
I' m in my second year. [Reading/Writing 1)
1. Hello . I' m Minho Lee . I usually eat Korean
[Listening/Speaking 2) food. So I go to Ko rean supe rmarket s.
1. Woman: Hello. I' m Ji ye ong Kim. I' m a Vivian is Chinese. Vivian lives in Chinatow n.
Korean teacher. She us ually gets g roceries at Chin ese
Man: Hello. I' m Mohammed. I'm in my supermarkets. Vivian is going to the libra ry
third year at university. now. Vivian usually studies at the library.

[Reading/Writing 2) [Conversation 2)
1. Hello. I'm Vivian. I'm Chinese . I' m a student. Justin: Excuse me, w here is the Ko re an


Maria: There is a Korean supermarket next to Mohammed: Then, let' s go to Seoul Restaurant
the Shoe Museum. to eat Korea n food today.
Justin: Where is the Shoe Museum?
Maria: It is in front of the subw ay station. [Listening/Speaking 1]
Justin: Okay, thank you! 1. Man: Vivian, you are hungry, aren't you?
Let' s go have lunch together.
[Listening/Speaking 2] W oma n: All right. W hat do you want to eat?
1. Man: Excuse me, where is th e post Man: Let's go to Seoul Restaura nt to eat
office 7 ramyeon and tteokbokki.
Woman: The post office? There is one inside Woman: Okay
the bookstore.
Man: Where is the bookstore 7 2. Man: What do you want to do during the
Woman: It is next to the library. school break 7
Man: Okay, thank you. W oman: I want to go on a trip. I want to go
to Korea .
[Reading/Writing 2] Man: What do you want to do in Korea?
I am Justin. I am a freshm an in college. I live W oman: I want to go on a trip to Jeju Island.
in an apartment. The apartment is next to the
school. The cam pus is very big. There are many [Reading/Writing 1]
students. And the library is also very big. I study Please com e to Mat na Restau ra nt for Korean
mainly in the library. The library is next to the food. Matna Restauran t sells gimbap, ramyeon,
student union building. There is a coffee shop in fish cake, and tteokbokki. Tteokbokki is popular.
the library Students drink coffee at the coffee
shop. The coffee is delicious. [Conversation 2]
Employee: W elcome.
Justin: Are there any available seats 7
Employee: Yes, please come this way.
Lesson 4
Justin: I want to eat bulgogi. What about
[Conversation 1] you, Moham med?
Justin: Mohammed, Yo u are hungry, Mohammed: I am a vegetarian. So I do not eat
aren' t you? What do you want to meat.
eat? Justin: How about bibim bap7
Mohammed: I want to eat Korean food. There Mohammed: Okay.
a re Korean restauran ts in thi s Justin: Excuse me ! O ne bulgogi, o ne
area, aren't there? bibimbap, please.
Justin: There are many Korean restaurants
nearby. [Listening/Speaking 2]
Mohammed: W hich restaurant is good? Employee: W hat would you like?
Justin: How about Seoul Resta ura nt? Guest: Do you have soybean paste stew?
There are good online reviews for Employee: Yes, we do.
the restaurant. Guest: Is it spicy?
Employee: No, it is not.

ErglishTranslation 213
Customer: Then, please give me some soybean Tuesday.
paste stew. Man: Ok, fine.
Employee: Okay.
[Reading/Writing 1]
[Reading/Writing 2] Today is Saturday. Vivian is going to the
Tony likes books. He wants to read novels these department store now . Minho is going w it h
days. So he is going to borrow a novel at the her. Vivian meets Minho at the subway station
library today. But he does not have a student at 11 :30. Vivian buys a bag at the department
ID right now. He left it at home. So he cannot store. The bag is forty-five dollars Minho buys
borrow books. Tony is not happy a hat. The hat is $37.

[Conversation 2]
Clerk: Hi. May I help you?
Lesson 5
Daniel: Do you have Korean textbooks?
[Conversation 1] Clerk: What course level do you take 7
Minho: Vivian, what are you doing this weekend? Daniel: I am taking the first grade class.
Vivian: I'm going to the department store on Clerk: We don't have the first grade textbooks
Saturday. There is a sale this weekend. now. They w ill arrive on Thursday.
Min ho: Is that right? Then let's go together. Daniel: I see. By the way, how much is it per
Vivian: Okay, great. What is your phone number? book?
Min ho: It is 259-736-1582. What is your phone Clerk: It's $45.
number, Vivian? Daniel: Okay, I w ill come back on Thursday.
Vivian: I'm calling you now. Clerk: Okay, goodbye
Min ho: My phone is ringing. Thank you. Then I'll
see you on Saturday. [Listening/Speaking 2]
Vivian: Okay, I got it. 1. 1)8:40a.m.
2) 1:15 p.m.
[Listening/Speaking 1] 3) 7:30 p.m.
1. Man: What is your phone number? 4)11:1 1a.m.
Woman: My phone number is 647-5454-
9878. 2. Clerk: Hi May I help you?
Man: Jennifer, when do you come to Customer: How much is a Korean textbook?
school? Clerk: It's $35.
Woman: I come to school on Tuesdays. Customer: How much for an eraser?
When do you come to school? Clerk: $2.
Man: I come to school on Thursdays. Customer: Please give me one Kore an
textbook and two erasers.
2 . Woman: What do you do on Monday? Clerk: Here you are.
Man: I will work part-time. Customer: Thank you.
Woman: Then wha t do you do on Tuesday?
Man: I will be at home. [Reading/Writing 2]
Woman: Then, let's have lunch together on Justin and Mohammed go to the ice hockey


arena on Saturday. It is $52 per ticket They subway?
will wear the same T-shirt But Justin does not Minho: No, I went by bus. The bus is more
have the T-shirt Justin is ordering a T-shirt convenient than t he subway.
from the Internet. It is $67 per T-shirt The Maria: How long does it take to get t o t he
T-shirt arrives on Friday. amusement park?
Minho: It took about 30 minutes by bus. Maria,
how did you go to the theatre?
Maria: I w ent t here on foot It took about 15
Lesson 6
mi nu tes on foot from home t o the
[Conversation 1] theatre.
Maria: Min ho, what did you do yesterday?
Min ho: I went to the amusement park yesterday. [Listening/Speaking 2)
Maria: Who did you go with? 1. Jessica went to Korea last summer. It took
Minho: I went there with Mohammed. 13 hours by airplane from Toronto to Korea.
Maria: What did you do at the amusement She was very tired.
Minho: I rode the rides. And I also ate some 2. 1) The subway is faster t han the bus. The
food. taxi is also faster than the bus . The
Maria: What did you eat? subway is faster than the taxi.
Minho: I ate a hamburger and pizza. what did 2) Mina is smaller than Mohammed. Justin is
you do yesterday, Maria7 taller than Mohammed.
Maria: I watched a movie in the theatre.
[Reading/Writing 2)
[Listening/Speaking 1] Tony went to Koreatown w ith Maria yesterday.
Man: Maria, what did you do on the weekend? Tony met Maria at Union Station at 11 :30 am . It
Woman: I went to the theatre on Saturday. took about 30 minutes by subway from Union
What about you, Minho? Station to Kore atown . The subway is faster
Man: I also watched a movie in the theatre than the bus. Tony and Maria ate Korean food in
last Sunday. Koreatown . The Korean food was rea lly good.
Woman: Really? How was the movie? Vivian shopped at a department store yesterday.
Man: It was sad. It took 15 minutes to walk from her house to
the department store. There were many people
[Reading/Writing 1] at the department store. Shopping was fun.
M ohamme d studied Korean at school on
Monday He worked part-tim e in the library on
Tuesday. He swam in the pool on Wednesday. Lesson 7
He was at home on Thursday. He went to a
museum with a friend on Friday. He saw a [Conversation 1]
painting in the museum. Mohammed: Jennifer, what are you doing?
Jennifer: I am studying Korean . I have a
[Conversation 2) class at 2 o'clock.
Maria: Did you go to the amusement park by Mohammed: How do you like Korean class?

Erglish Translation 215

Jennifer: It is very fun but there is homework Vivian: What are you going to do this weekend?
every day. Daniel: I'm going to Blue Mountain to ski.
Mohammed: Is that so? Is your Korean teacher Vivian: Really? Do you ski well?
nice? Daniel: No, I am not good at it, bu t I like it.
Jennifer: Yes, my teacher teaches Korean Vivian, what are you going to do this
well. My teacher is kind. weekend?
Mohammed: So, are you also going to take a Vivian: I do not have any plans So I'll just be at
Korean course next semester? home. I'll watch TV alone and sleep
Jennifer: Yes, lwill. Daniel: Come skiing w ith me.
Vivian: Okay
[Listening/Speaking 1]
1. Man: How many family members do you [Listening/Speaking 2)
have? 1. Woman: What are you going to do this
Woman: There are five people in my family weekend?
including my grandmother, father, Man: I'm going to play tennis w it h my
mother, sister, and me. friend.
Man: Is your grandmother healthy? Woman: Do you play tennis often?
Woman: Yes, my grandmother is old, but Man : Yes, I usually play tennis on t he
she is very healthy. weekend. But I was not able to play
it because it rained last Saturday.
2. Woman: Why did you not come to school Let 's play te nnis together t his
last week? weekend.
Man: I was sick severely last week. Woman: I'm sorry. I have plans on Sat urday
Woman: Where did you get hurt? and Sunday I will meet my friend.
Man: I had a severe headache.
Woman: Did you go to the hospital? 2. Mohammed w ill have a party at home this
Man: Yes, I went to the hospital. Friday. He will clean the house on Frida y
Wom an: Are you okay now? morning. And he will pre pare for the party.
Man: I was sick last week, but I'm okay His friends w ill come at seven o'clock. Five
now. frie nds w ill come. He w ill have dinner w ith
his friends and also watch a movie.
[Reading/Writing 1]
Justin came to Korea last month. He is from [Reading/Writing 2)
Toronto. He is twenty-three years old. Justin I am Maria. Today is Saturday My family usually
studied Korean in Tomnto for a year. Justin is goes to a restaurant fo r lunch on Saturday.
taking a Korean class this semester. The Korean But today it was cloudy and we did not go to
class is very fun. He took a Korean test last a restaurant. So my fam ily is all at home. My
week. The test was at 11 o'clock. He left home m other is clean ing up . My gran dmot her is
at 10 o'clock, but the traffic was very congested. sleeping in her room. My father is preparing for
So he was 15 minutes late. Justin will be taking lunch. My family loves Korean food , so he is
the Korean course again next semester. making bibim bap Bibimbap is a little bit spicy
[Conversation 2) but delicious. My brother is playing computer


games in his room now. My sister is doing I w as very sick today, but I will be able to go
homework. I will call my friend in the evening to school tomorrow . By the w ay, is there any
My friend is studying Korean in Korea. My friend Korean homework? Please call me. My phone
went to Korea last October. My friend will be number is 144 945 3978. See you at school
back to Canada this summer. I w ill meet my tomorrow . Good-bye.
friend in the summer.
[Conversation 2)
Vivian: Minho, w hat is your hobby?
Minho: I like playing t he piano Vivian, do you
Lesson 8
know how to play the piano 7
[Conversation 1] Vivian: No, I do not know how to play the piano.
Maria: Tony, can you skate? But I like classical music.
Tony: Yes, I can. How about you, Maria? Minho: There is a piano concert next Friday .
Maria: I cannot. I want to learn skating. Let's go toget her.
Tony: Then, I can teach you. It is not difficult. Vivian: Okay. I wan ted to go there too. When
Maria: But I do not have skates. shall we meet?
Tony: That is fine. You can borrow them at the Minho: Let's meet in the evening. Duri ng the
skating rink. day time, I have to work part-time.
Maria: That's great. Vivian: Okay. Let's meet at Un ion Stat ion at
6:00 pm next Friday.
[Listening/Speaking 1]
1. Man : You're very good at Korean. [Listening/Speaking 2)
Woman: Thank you. I listen to lots of Korean 1. Man: W hat are you go ing to do t his
songs because I want to be good at summer break?
Korean. Woman: I do not know yet.
Man : I want to be good at Korean too . Man: I w ill go to Niagara Falls w ith my
Wh at song s are good ? Please friends.
recom mend some songs. Woman: Really? W hat is Niagara Falls like?
Woman: I listen to more old songs than new Man: The scenery is beautiful. You can
ones. w atch the falls and ride a boat.
Woman: I want to go there too.
2. Man : The bulgogi is really delicious. How Man: Then, shall w e go there toget her
did you make it? Please teach me this summer break?
how to make it. Woman: Yes, let's go toget her.
Woman: It's not difficult. Cook the meat
after adding soy sauce, sesame oil, [Reading/Writing 2)
sugar, and garlic to the meat. I am Vivian. My hobby is cooking I sometimes
Man : It's not difficult. Thank you. invite friends over to make them food on the
weekend. These days I often watch YouTube
[Reading/Writing 1] because I want to try to cook Korean food . I
Justin, how are you? It's Jennifer. I could not go know how to make gim bap and bulgogi.
to Korean class because I caught a cold today. After I make food , I take pictu res. And I post

ErglishTranslation 217
the photos and text on my blog. People see my have light sports shoes?
pictures and press 'Like'. Because people like Clerk: I have a lot of light and comfortable
my photos. I feel great. sports shoes. Come over here.
Jennifer: How much are the black ones?
Cleark: They are $150.
Jennifer: I like them. but they are a li t t le
Lesson 9
expensive. Then. how about these
[Conversation 1] white ones?
Clerk: Hi. What are you looking for'? Clerk: They are $100.
Vivian: I am planing to buy a skirt. Jennifer: Can I try them on?
Clerk: Okay. How about this skirt? Clerk: Of course. what is your size?
Vivien: Do you have shorter ones? Jennifer: It is 7.
Clerk: How about this? Clerk: Wait a moment.
Vivian: I like it. But do you have other colours
than red? [Listening/Speaking 2]
Clerk: Yes. we do. How about this yellow one? 1. James and Vivian are meeting in t he park
Vivian: It is beautiful. Can I try it on? right now. James is wearing a nice watch.
Clerk: Yes. come over here and try it on. And he is wearing red pants. Vivian is
wearing a yellow scarf. And she is wearing
[Listening/Speaking 1] pretty earrings.
1. I went to the school bookstore. I bought a
interesting novel. I went to the department 2. Student: Teacher! Can I drink water in class?
store nearby. I bought red pants. Teacher: Yes, of course. You can drink it.
Student: Teacher! I did not even have lunch.
2. This Saturday is my mom's birthday. So I Can I eat apples?
went to the mall to buy my mom's present. Teacher: Yes, you can.
My father bought a white hat. I bought a blue Student: Teacher. can I listen to music now?
handbag. My younger sibling bought her Teacher: No. you cannot.
comfortable shoes.
[Reading/Writing 2]
[Reading/Writing 1] I am Jennifer. My parent s came from Korea
Vivian went to the Eaton Centre by subway and I was born in Canada. My parents live in
last weekend. The Eaton Centre is a famous Vancouver and I live in Toronto with my sister.
shopping mall in Toronto. She bought a yellow So we go to Vancouver every school break. We
skirt at a clothing store. and saw a pretty hat. also went to Vancouver during my last break,
She bought black sports shoes at a shoe store and it was much warmer than Toronto. Thick
because they were cheap. Vivian really likes clothes are not needed in the winter. So I like
shopping . So she is going to the Eaton Centre warm Vancouver. I will go to Vancouver with my
again next weekend. sister during the next break.

[Conversation 2]
Jennifer: I came to buy sports shoes. Do you


Vivian: No, have you?
Minho: Yes, I've been there several times. My
[Conversation 1] grandmother lives there.
Daniel: Jennifer, What are you going to do Vivian: Oh, really? That w ou ld be nice! How
after the test is over? about the food? Do yo u ha ve any
Jennifer: I'm going to Korea. I'm planning to restaurants you go to often 7
travel here and there . Minho: I know a restaurant where they sell fresh
Daniel: Wow! That must be excitingl raw fish. There is a famous coffee shop
Jennifer: Have you been to Korea 7 next to it.
Daniel: Yes, I lived in Seoul for one semester Vivian: I wan t to go there, too.
as an exchange student. Minho: Ta ke lots of pictures w hile you're
Jennifer: Really? Where in Korea did you have travelling in Korea.
the most fun?
Daniel: All were fine, and Hongdae and ln- [Listening/Speaking 2)
sa-dong district were especially 1. Tony: Maria, do you do any workouts t hese
memorable. days?
Maria: I play badminton often. Have you
[Listening/Speaking 1] played badm inton, Tony?
Mohammed and Minho haven't been to Jeju- Tony: Yes, I like it, too . Shall we play it
do. So they are going to Jeju-do during school together this weekend?
vacation. Jeju-do is a famous island. The sea Maria: Yes! It'll be fun.
is so pretty and the scenery is beautiful. After Tony: After badminton, let's go for a dinner
swimming in the sea, they will go hiking in together.
Mount Halla-san. They are planning to buy flight Maria: Sure. See you on Saturday.
tickets on line.
2. Mohammed went to the ice rink in front of
[Reading/Writing 1] t he city hall to ice- skate. Because he has
We had a Korean Speech Contest today. I not skated before, he was scared at t he
prepared for it for the past two months. After beginning. But when he skated, he felt really
practicing alone at home, I tried it in the Korean good. He will go ska ting again next weekend
langu age class yesterday. Finally I did my w ith Minho.
speech at the Speech Contest today. I was
nervous because there were a lot of people. [Reading/Writing 2)
However, I felt relieved after it was over. Other I went to the Kimchi Muse um today w ith
friends did really well, so I didn't get any awards. classmates from the Korean language class.
Even so, it was a good experience. We got to see various kinds of kimchi. And we
went to a class in which we made kimchi on our
[Conversation 2) own. After making kimchi, we ate it together. I
Vivian: Minho, I' m planning to go to Korea drank lots of water because the kimchi was too
this summer. Please recommen d nice spicy Still, it was tasty! After making kimchi, we
places I can go. dressed up with Hanbok and took a picture. It
Minho: Have you been to Jeju Island? was an enjoyable day.

ErglishTranslation 219

Endings A/V- Oifl /Otfl (L3) A/V-Il (L7) A/V-(Q.)Ail 9 (L4)

Similar V-Il 2,l()-j.9. (L7) V-(.s!.)2.1 (L4)
Conjugation V-Il ~()-j.9. (L4) V-(.s!.)2.~Il (L9)
7fq 7f.9. 7fil 7fAil.9.
Qjq Qj()-j.9. Qjil 9il.9.
~q ~0~_9_ ~.:il ~.s!
\iJq 'al Oi.9. \i!Il \ii.s!.Ail.9.
V (N+iifq) ~¥ofq t5"!,!0~H ~!,!O~.:il ~¥
A (-iifq) ~~ofq ~,§0~_9_ ~~ofil
£fi'JOlq £fi'JOIOll.9. £fi'JOIIl £fi'JOIJ..i l.9.
Copula ~.F?-Dlq ~.F?-Oll.9. tF?-DIIl ~ .:;io
OfLlq Of~Oll.9. Of~Il
EJq [;j~.9. E!Il Ccl>
1:1 irregular ijq 'rl~.9. ijI]_ ~>
sq 5.=. 2j-.9. sil
~q ~OiH ~ .s!
c irregular 2
~q ~()-j.9. ~I]_ ~.s!.J..i l.9.
~q ~()-j.9. ~I]_
2 irregular 3 ~q ~Of.9. ~I]_
~q ~Of.9. ~ I]_
3.q ;7-j.9. 3.Il
S?. irregular 4
,\)_q .Uj.9. ,\.I.I)_ ,\
q~q ~2.ffl_ q~I]_
~ irregular 5
2~q ~ 2.f.9. 2 ~Il 2 ~

* A: Adjectives, V: Verbs, N: Nouns, L: Lesson

1. 1::::1 irregular: The stem final 1::::1 becomes ~ when followed by a vowel.
2. c: irregular: The stem fin al c: becomes 2 when followed by a vowel.
3. 2 irregular: The stem final 2 disappears when followed by L , 1::::1 , J.-..
4. S2. irregular: The stem final S2. is dropped when followed by a vowel.
5. ~ irregular: When the stem final syllable~ is followed by Oj/OL 2 is doubled and S2. is dropped.


A/V-l-19.. (L4) A/V-<J:J.f]i..Oifl (L6) A/V- (9.)2 7-iOllf1 (U) AN-Oi;_1/0fJ,1 (L7) A/VL/f!:./eril (L9)
A/V-;i;:112_!- (L7) A/V-(':2)2 ~ 'llct (L8) A/V - 010f £j.9.. (L8) A- (Q)L (L9)
A/V-Lil.9.. (L8) V-(':2)2 ~ ~q/2.~q (L8) V-01M .s:1.q (L9) I
A/V-(':2)2,Jf.9.. (L8) I
7f;i;:I£. :V:01.9.. ~ 710!1.9.. 7fJ.1 7fe:.Cil
12:1::i;:1.9. 12:15101.9.. 12:1£ 7iOll.9.. 12:101).1 12:je:.Cil
~AIH ~510iH ~£ 7iOll.9.. ~OfJ.1 ~gc11
\i!Al.9.. ~~Di.Q \ii£ 7iOll.9.. 'a;I01J.1 'aiif!:.Cil
~ ¥ofAl.9.. t½!,!~OiH ~¥~ 7iOll.9.. ~ ¥ o!J.1 ~ ¥ afec11
_;i;~ofAl.9.. ~~~OiH _;:;~~ 7iOll.9.. _;i;~o!J.1 _;:;~~[ii
~i!JOl;i;:1£. ~i!JO 15101.9.. ~ill~ 7iOll.9.. ~i!JO101J.1 ~i!!'2JC11
-t.F?-01::i;:1.9. -t.).:;:t~01.9.. -t.!.:;:t~ 7iOll.9.. -t.).:;:t():jJ.1 -t.).:;:t'2JCil
OfLJ;i;:1£. OfLJ ~01.9.. Of'§ 7iOll.9.. OfLI01J.1 Of'dCil
EJ;i;:1.9.. [jf:!.01.9.. [j~ 7iOll.9.. [j~).1 [jgc11
~;i;:1.9.. 'rlf:!.01.9.. 'rl~ 7iOll.9.. 'rl~J.1 'rJftCil
s;i;:1.9.. S:.~01.9.. s=.~ 7iOll.9.. S:.2j-).1 sec11
~;i;:1.9.. ~~Di.9. ~£ 7iOll.9.. ~ 01J.1 ~e:.Cil
~;i;:1.9.. ~5101.9.. ~£ 7iOll.9.. ~01J.1 ~ e:.Cil
~Al.9.. ~~01.9.. ~ 7iOll.9.. ~01).1 '2:JCil
~ Al.9.. ~5101H ~ 7iOll.9.. ~Of).1 Ofe:.Cil
~ ;i;:1.9.. ~5101.9. ~ 7iOll.9.. ~OfJ.1 Afe:.Cil
3.;i;:1.9.. tl01.9.. ~ 7iOll.9.. lj).1 e c11
J..',;i;:1£. ~01.9.. ~ 7iOll.9.. .Ui).1 J..',E:_[11
q~;i;:1.9.. '§xl:01.9.. q~ 7iOll.9.. '§2-fJ.1 qECil
2~::i;:1.9.. ~~Oi.9. 2 ~ 7iOll.9.. §2-fJ.1 2 ~e:.Cil

Conjugatbn T11.J~ 221



KOREAN 1 for beginner level and NEW GENERATION KOREAN 2 for
intermediate level. NEW GENERATION KOREAN 1 and 2 include a
textbook and a workbook. Textbook and workbook are available in
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NEW GENERATION KOREAN TEXTBOOK 1 can be used for both in-

class and self-study for beginning-level Korean learners who want
to understand, speak, read, and write contemporary Korean as well
as learn about Korean culture.

NEW GENERATION KOREAN WORKBOOK 1 provides students with

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