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T&D Mod5@Azdocuments - in
T&D Mod5@Azdocuments - in
Distribution System
That part of power system which distributes electric power for local use is known as
distribution system. In general, the distribution system is the electrical system between
the substation fed by the Transmission system and the consumer’s meters. It generally
consists of feeders, distributors, and service mains.
i)Nature of current
a) Overhead system
b) Underground system.
a) Radial system
b) Ring main system
c) Inter-connected system
It is used for many distribution processes it is really cheap and simple it is only
used when the substation or the generating stations are located at the center of
the consumers in this type feeder will radiate from the generating stations or
substations and it will reach the distributors at one end. Thus the power flow is
in one direction
Parallel feeder
There is a disadvantage in radial feeders if there is any fault occur during the
transmission there will be no supply for many customers so this can be changed by
using parallel feeder if there is any fault occurs only one line of the feeder will be
affected the other will do the work the cost is high due to increase in feeder number it
can be used to transfer heavy loads
Distribution of AC power
AC power transmission is always at high voltage and mostly by 3-phase system. The
use of single-phase system is limited to single-phase electric railways. Single-phase
power transmission is used only for short distances and for relatively low voltages.
The 4th or neutral wire is taken from the star point of the star-connection as shown in
Figure 6 and is of half the cross-section of the outers or line conductors. If V is the
voltage of each winding, then line voltage is 3 V. Usually, phase voltage i.e. voltage
between any outer and the neutral for a symmetrical system is 230V so that the
voltage between any two lines or outers is 3×230=400V.
Single-phase residential lighting loads or single-phase motors which run on 230 V are
connected between the neutral and any one of the line wires. These loads are
connected symmetrically so that line wires are loaded equally. Hence, the resultant
current in the neutral wire is zero or at least minimum.The three phase induction
motors requiring higher voltages of 400 V or so are put across the lines directly.
It is shown in Figure 1 (a) and (b). In Figure 1 (a), one of the two wires is earthed
whereas in Figure 1 (b) mid-point of the phase winding is earthed.
When the neutral wire in a 3 – phase, 4 – wire system is disconnected, the loads which
are connected between any two line conductors and the neutral are get connected in
series and the potential difference across the combined load becomes equal to the line
voltage. The potential difference across each load is changed according to the rating of
Illustration: The effect of disconnecting neutral wire in a 3 – phase 4 -wire system can
be explained more clearly by the following illustration:
It is clear from the above illustration that if the neutral wire is disconnected in a
3 – phase, 4 – wire system the potential difference across the high resistive load
is increased and the potential difference across the low resistive load is
decreased. In this process, the voltage across the high resistive load may rise
more than the designed value and may damage the high resistive load.
appears to its users a single systematic system. Distributed systems has various
limitations such as in distributed system there is not any presence of a global state. This
differentiates distributed system computing from databases in which a steady global
state is maintained.
Distributed system limitations have the impact on both design and implementation of
distributed systems.
Good power quality saves money and energy. Direct savings to consumers come from
lower energy cost and reactive power tariffs. Indirect savings are gained by avoiding
circumstances such as damage and premature aging of equipment, loss of production or
loss of data and work. Mainly the power quality problems are-high harmonic in
distribution system, low power factor, voltage transients, voltage flicker,
active power and reactive power. Due to poor power quality the performance of various
sensitive loads is very poor. Power Quality Standards: An Industry Update. Power
quality is a worldwide issue, and keeping related standards current is a never-ending
task. It typically takes years to push changes through the process. ... Most of the ongoing
work by the IEEE in harmonic standards development has shifted to
modifying Standard 519-1992.
DC Distribution Calculation:
In addition to the methods of feeding discussed above, a DC Distribution Calculation
may have
1. concentrated loading
2. uniform loading
The concentrated loads are those which act on particular points of the distributor. A
common example of such loads is that tapped off for domestic use. On the other hand,
distributed loads are those which act uniformly on all points of the distributor. Ideally,
there are no distributed loads. However, a nearest example of distributed load is a large
number of loads of same wattage connected to the DC Distribution Calculation at equal
Fig. 13.5 shows the single line diagram of a 2-wire d.c. distributor AB fed at one end A
and having concentrated loads I 1, 12, 13 and 14 tapped off at points C, D, E and F
of the distributor, the load tapped is i amperes. Let l metres be the length of the
distributor and r ohm be the resistance per metre run.
Thus, in a uniformly loaded distributor fed at one end, the total voltage drop is
equal to that produced by the whole of the load assumed to be concentrated at
the middle point.
1. Two ends fed with equal voltages: Consider a distributor AB fed at both ends
with equal voltages V volts and having concentrated loads I 1, I2, I3, I4 and I5 at
points C, D, E, F and G respectively as shown in Fig. 13.14. As we move away from
one of the feeding points, say A, p.d. goes on decreasing till it reaches the
minimum value at some load point, say E, and then again starts rising and
becomes V volts as we reach the other feeding point B.
All the currents tapped off between points A and E (minimum p.d. point) will be
supplied from the feeding point A while those tapped off between B and E will
be supplied from the feeding point B. The current tapped off at point E itself will
be partly supplied from A and partly from B. If these currents are x and y
respectively, then,
From this equation, the unknown IA can be calculated as the values of other
quantities are generally given. Suppose actual directions of currents in the
various sections of the distributor are indicated as shown in Fig. 13.15 (ii). The
load point where the currents are coming from both sides of the distributor is
the point of minimum potential i.e. point E in this case
(ii) Two ends fed with unequal voltages. Fig. 13.16 shows the distributor AB
fed with unequal voltages ; end A being fed at V1 volts and end B at V2 volts. The
point of minimum potential can be found by following the same procedure as
discussed above. Thus in this case,
(i) Distributor fed at both ends with equal voltages. Consider a distributor AB of
length l metres, having resistance r ohms per metre run and with uniform loading of i
amperes per metre run as shown in Fig. 13.24. Let the DC Distribution Calculation be fed
at the feeding points A and B at equal voltages, say V volts. The total current supplied to
the distributor is i l. As the two end voltages are equal, therefore, current supplied from
each feeding point is i l/2 i.e.
Consider a point C at a distance x metres from the feeding point A. Then current at point
C is
Now, consider a small length dx near point C. Its resistance is r dx and the voltage drop
over length dx is
Obviously, the point of minimum potential will be the mid-point. Therefore, maximum
voltage drop will occur at mid-point i.e. where x =l/2.
(ii) Distributor fed at both ends with unequal voltages. Consider a distributor AB of
length (metres having resistance r ohms per metre run and with a uniform loading of i
amperes per metre run as shown in Fig. 13.25. Let the DC Distribution Calculation be fed
from feeding points A and B at voltages VA and VB respectively.
Suppose that the point of minimum potential C is situated at a distance x metres from
the feedingvpoint A. Then current supplied by the feeding point A will be i x.
As the distance of C from feeding point B is (1— x), therefore, current fed from B
is i (l – x).
As all the quantities on the right hand side of the equation are known, therefore,
the point on the distributor where minimum potential occurs can be calculated.