Info Eduard 2015AVIA 02EN

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Vol 14, February 2015
price US $ 0.00

Avia B.534


© Eduard - Model Accessories, 2015


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Nuremberg 2015
Avia B.534 1/72, MiG-15bis 1/144,
Bf 109E-7 trop 1/48

February 2015

Dimitri Spisarevski (An Excerpt from
the publication „PĚTISTOVKA“

Avia B.534 1/72

March 2015

Issued by Eduard-Model Accessories, spol. s.r.o.

Mírová 170, Obrnice 435 21 eduard
Dear all,
This text was written whilst in Nuremberg The main boxing will
during the Toy Fair. Yesterday the Fair, its be the Weekend kit
Conference Center, saw our first press con- combining high quali-
ference. This focused on new releases in ty with a low regular
2015. An hour earlier a workshop focused price of around 225
on the production and distribution systém CZK for WW2 single
used, which also took place in the same engined fighters like
conference room. By the way, we are very Fw 190 or Spitfire
proud of this system as no other company Mk.IX. Do not forgot
use such a system. To tell the truth the num- the discount for BFC
ber of participants was not high but every members. Even the
start is not easy, you know. To establish a price of the Royal
tradition requires a lot of patience and du- Class editions will be
rability. Generally speaking, it is not easy very reasonable. The
to enforce innovations and new solutions new Avia B.534 Royal
against the resistance, mistrust and disagre- Class is priced at 1500 CZK and for this you success will be good for everyone. Despi-
ement. Remember the Eiffel tower, Wiener will find four complete kits, decals for 31 te the fact that such a wish only sometimes
opera house or miniskirts. All of them are aircraft, PE sets and painting masks for four turn into a utopia.
very nice despite the many attacks that kits, full-color instruction guide and the 64 Enjoy Info and our new revolutional kits.
were made against them. To increase the pages book in the box. If you divide 1500 With 1/72 kits for ever and never in a di-
quality level takes a lot – not just money by 4, you get one kit per 300, the book fferent way.
only. One has to uphold his ideas, his arran- included. Not bad at all, I guess…
gement. Fortunately, critics and carpers are As noted above the very first boxing of Happy Modeling!
not numerous, just loud and tireless while each aircraft will be Royal Class or Limited
talking about their truth. On the other side, Edition version. The contents of these first Vladimir Sulc
stand those who like the new approach and boxings will be not the same. The Avia
who set the new level of quality. It takes kit contains the book, the Fw 190 boxing
time only… will contain a piece of the real Fw 190 shot
The last example of the resistance against down during the battle over Ore Moun-
the new approach is brand the new Avia tains on September 11, 1944 (similar to the
B.534 in 1/72 scale that we have just put 1/48 Royal Class). The 1/72 Spitfire will be
on the market. Not even in the shops yet but introduced by Boys are back Limited Edition
we have found out in the various discussion with a book once again. Different kits, di-
forums that we missed one major change fferent aproaches but the result should be
to produce the definitive kit. I personally the same – to offer high quality and reaso-
love this kind of information, I have heard it nably priced kits. A clear but not easy aim
many, many times. So…ladies and gentle- as the attempts by various other producers
men…once again this month,which will be to do this brought either cheap low-quality
repeated in the future for sure. The surface kits or high-quality expensive kits.
of the wings was criticized but according to We wish our revolution the success as this
our research 99% of modelers like it. We
like it as well and therefore it will be not a
subject to change. Avia is not a definitive kit
but is the best kit of this aircraft all over the
world and therefore unlikely that the be-
tter kit will be released. Moreover, one can
hardly find 1/72 scale kits of the same or
similar quality. We consider our Avia B.534
an up to date and high quality kit. We want
to produce such kits and improve them step
by step. No doubt the improvement will be
recognizable on forthcoming UTI MiG-15,
Fw 190 and Spitfire Mk.IX kits.
Today Avia B.534 is released in the Royal
Class edition. It is the very first release of
our 1/72 scale revolution. Our aim is to put
a growing number of 1/72 scale kits on the
market, releasing them on a regular basis.
The quality of the kits will be similar to our
1/48 kits quality and will improve continu-
ously. Almost all the kits will be scaled down
from our quaterscale kits - re-designed,
simplified but still keeping all the advan-
tages of their bigger brothers (or fathers?).
The very first release of each kit will be the
Royal Class or Limited Edition boxing follo-
wed by Weekend and Profipack boxings.

4 eduard INFO Eduard - February 2015


We‘re bringing you photo gallery

from this year‘s Toy Fair in Nuremberg.

OUR TEAM Vladimír Šulc

Martin Finger Karel Pádár Markéta Kulhánková

Martin Ferkl Libor Havránek Jan Zdiarský

INFO Eduard - February 2015 eduard 5

Prize from Modellfan for Eduard‘s
MiG-15 in 72nd scale.

Jan Zdiarsky receives

the medal from Kai Feindt.

We are very proud and

happy to receive this prize
from Modellfan!

6 eduard INFO Eduard - February 2015

Eduard Press Conference Vladimir Sulc (Eduard‘s CEO)
presented the future production
plans of Eduard, including topics
like the 72nd scale revolution
and news for 2015.

Eduard held historicaly

the first press conference
at Nuremberg Toy Fair.

rest :-)

INFO Eduard - February 2015 eduard 7


Cat. No. R0010

Quattro combo - 4 complete

scale kits in different variants
31 markings
photo-etched sets
painting mask, decals by Cartograf
Pictorial publication about B.534
service - Czechoslovak, Slovak,
Hungarian, Bulgarian, German
(in Czech language)

BUY Avia B.534 1/72

8 eduard INFO Eduard - February 2015


Avia B.534 4. série, 2. stíhací Orljak, podoficer Stefan

Iliev, Karlovo airbase, June, 1940

Avia B.534 4. série, 1/6 stíhací Orljak,

Sofia, August, 1943

Avia B.534 4. série, 222. Jato,

Božurište airbase, May, 1941

Avia B.534 4. série, 112. stíhací Jato,

Sofia - Božurište airbase, 1941

Avia B.534 4. série, 2/2 bitevní Orljak, Autumn, 1944

INFO Eduard - February 2015 eduard 9


Avia B.534 3. série, JFS 4, Fürth-Herzogenaurach, Summer, 1942

Avia B.534 3. série, FFS A/B 8, Vilseck,

1939 - 1940

Avia B.534 3. série, FFS A/B 115, Wels, 1939 - 1941

Avia B.534 3. série, FFS A/B 24, Olomouc,

Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia,
September 1941

Avia B.534 4. série, FFS A/B 112, Böblingen, November 1941

10 eduard INFO Eduard - February 2015


Avia B.534 4. série, Fluglehrerschule der Luftwaffe,

Brandenburg – Brest, Summer, 1940

Avia B.534 4. série, Oblt. Heinz Schumann,

velitel I./JG 71, Bad Aibling,
July - August, 1939

Avia B.534 4. série, 7./LLG 1, Eastern Front, Winter, 1942 / 1943

Avia B.534 3. série, Letecký pluk 2,

51. stíhací letka, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia,
May 1937 – March 1939

Avia B.534 3. série, Letecký pluk 4, 34. stíhací letka,

Hradec Králové, Czechoslovakia, August, 1937

INFO Eduard - February 2015 eduard 11


Avia B.534 3. série, Letecký pluk 3, 37. stíhací letka,

Piešťany, Czechoslovakia, Summer, 1938

Avia B.534 4. série, Letecký pluk 2,

36. stíhací letka, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia,
Autumn, 1937

Avia B.534 4. série, Letecký pluk 4, 34. letka,

Hradec Králové, Czechoslovakia, Summer, 1937

Avia B.534 4. série, Letecký pluk 3, 45. letka,

Piešťany, Czechoslovakia, July, 1938

Avia B.534 4. série, IV. mezinárodní letecký meeting,

Curych, Switzerland, 1937

12 eduard INFO Eduard - February 2015


Avia B.534 4. série, IV. mezinárodní letecký meeting,

Curych, Switzerland, 1937

Avia B.534 4. série, Četnická letecká hlídka,

Hradec Králové, Czechoslovakia, Summer 1937

Avia B.534 3. série, Slovenské Vzdušné zbraně, 1939 - 1941

Avia B.534 4. série, Slovenské

Vzdušné zbraně, 1939-40

Avia B.534 4. série, Slovenské Vzdušné zbraně,

letka 12, Eastern Front, 1941

INFO Eduard - February 2015 eduard 13


Avia B.534 4. série, Slovenské Vzdušné zbraně,

letka 13, Eastern Front, 1941

Avia B.534 4. série, Kombinovaná letka,

Tri Duby, September – October, 1944

Avia B.534 3. série, Slovenské Vzdušné zbraně,

Letecká škola, 1939 - 1941

Avia B.534 4. série, 1. vadászezred

(stíhací křídlo), Maďarské královské letectvo,
Winter, 1941

Avia B.534 4. série, 2/1. vadászszázad

(stíhací letka), Maďarské královské letectvo,
Summer, 1942

Avia B.534 3. série, Letecký pluk 3,

37. stíhací letka, Piešťany, Československo,
Summer, 1938

14 eduard INFO Eduard - February 2015


MiG-15bis 1/144 Cat. No. 4442

White 115, ‘Death and Destruction’, BuNo 72534, ENS

Donald McPherson, Bill Kingston, Jr., a Lyttleton Ward, VF-
5 markings 83, USS Essex, 5. květen 1945
photo-etched sets
painting mask
decals by Eduard
BUY MiG-15bis 1/144 144007 MiG-15 (PE-set)


Cat. No. 4441 Cat. No. 4431 Cat. No. 4429

INFO Eduard - February 2015 eduard 15


Bf 109E-7 trop
1/48, Cat. No. 84167

2 markings

BUY Bf 109E-7 1/48

2./JG 27, Ain En Gazala airfield, Libya 1941

Flown by Oblt. Karl-Wolfgang Redlich, the CO of 1./JG27,

Ain El Gazala, Libya, July, 1941

648058 Bf 109E wheels 648074
648060 Bf 109E lafeta MG 17
648074 Bf 109E cockpit and radio compartment
648059 DB 601A/N engine
D48013 Bf 109E stencils




16 eduard INFO Eduard - February 2015

F-104 C2 ejection seat
1/32 Italeri
Resin seat for F-104 C-2 by Italeri
in 32nd scale.
Set contains:
- resin: 4 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: yes

BUY F-104 C2 ejection seat 1/32

F-104 MB.7 ejection seat
1/32 Italeri
Resin seat for F-104 MB.7 by
Italeri in 32nd scale.
Set contains:
- resin: 5 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: yes

BUY F-104 MB.7 ejection seat 1/32

Mk.20 Rockeye II
Brassin set of 6 pieces of Mk.20 Rockeye II
bombs in 48th scale.
Set contains:
- resin: 12 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: yes

BUY Mk.20 Rockeye II 1/48

INFO Eduard - February 2015 eduard 17


B-17F/G engines
1/48 Revell/Hasegawa
Brassin set of 4 engines for B-17F/G for Revell/
Monogram scale kit in 48th scale.
Set contains:
- resin: 42 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: yes

BUY B-17F/G engines 1/48

A-6 wheels
1/48 Hobby Boss
Brassin set of main and front wheels for A-6
scale kit by Hobby Boss in 48th scale.
Set contains:
- resin: 8 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: yes

BUY A-6 wheels 1/48

Mk.20 Rockeye II
Brassin set of 6 pieces of Mk.20 Rockeye II
bombs in 72nd scale.
Set contains:
- resin: 12 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: yes

BUY Mk.20 Rockeye II 1/72

18 eduard INFO Eduard - February 2015


Brassin set of 2 pieces of GBU-8/B HOBOS
bombs in 72nd scale.
Set contains:
- resin: 4 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: no


GBU-10 Paveway I
Brassin set of 2 pieces of GBU-10 Paveway I
bombs in 72nd scale.
Set contains:
- resin: 4 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: no

BUY GBU-10 Paveway I 1/72

MG 81 gun
Brassin set of 2 pieces of german machine
guns in 72nd scale.
Set contains:
- resin: 2 parts
- decals: ne
- photo-etched details: no

BUY MG 81 gun 1/72

INFO Eduard - February 2015 eduard 19

F4U-1A engine 1/32 Tamiya (32365)

F4U-1A exterior 1/32 Tamiya (32366)

Do 335 exterior 1/32 HKM (32364)

20 eduard INFO Eduard - February 2015

Pz.Kpfw.V Panther (Ausf.D) 1/35 Zvezda (36306)

Pz.Kpfw.V Panther
(Ausf.D) Zimmerit
1/35 Zvezda (36308)

Pz.Kpfw.V Panther (Ausf.D) Schürzen 1/35 Zvezda (36307)

INFO Eduard - February 2015 eduard 21

Jagdpanzer IV (70) Lang 1/35 Tamiya (36309)

Jagdpanzer IV (70) Lang Schürzen 1/35 Tamiya (36310)

Gnat T.1 S.A. 1/48 Airfix (49707)

22 eduard INFO Eduard - February 2015

USS Hornet CV-8 part 1 - cranes 1/200 Merit (53128)

USS Hornet CV-8 part 2 - radar antennas 1/200 Merit (53129)

USS Hornet CV-8 part 3 - life boats 1/200 Merit (53130)

INFO Eduard - February 2015 eduard 23

All sets included in this BIG ED are available separately,
but with every BIG ED set you save up to 30%.

BIG2401 TYPHOON Mk.Ib 1/24 Airfix

23016 Typhoon Mk.Ib seatbelts
23017 Typhoon Mk.Ib engine
23018 Typhoon Mk.Ib landing flaps
23019 Typhoon Mk.Ib interior
23021 Typhoon Mk.Ib wing armament
LX001 Typhoon Mk.Ib

BIG49115 SPITFIRE Mk.Vb 1/48 Airfix

48822 Spitfire Mk.V landing flaps

49695 Spitfire Mk.Vb S.A.
EX440 Spitfire Mk.V

23018 Typhoon Mk.Ib landing flaps (BIG2401)

BIG49116 PBY-5A 1/48 Revell

48825 PBY-5A undercarriage
48826 PBY-5A floats
48827 PBY-5A exterior
49697 PBY-5A interior S.A.
EX118 PBY Catalina

BIG7292 F-35 1/72 HASEGAWA

48826 PBY-5A floats (BIG49116) 73008 Remove Before Flight

73507 F-35A S.A.
CX399 F-35

BIG7293 F-15C MSIP II 1/72 Academy

73008 Remove Before Flight
73519 F-15C MSIP II S.A.

73507 F-35A S.A. (BIG7292)

BIG2401 TYPHOON Mk.Ib 1/24 Airfix

BIG49115 SPITFIRE Mk.Vb 1/48 Airfix

BIG49116 PBY-5A 1/48 Revell

BIG7292 F-35 1/72 Hasegawa

BIG7293 F-15C MSIP II 1/72 Academy

24 eduard INFO Eduard - February 2015

4442 MiG-15bis Dual Combo 1/144 SUPER44 FE707 Gnat T.1 S.A. 1/48 Airfix
84167 Bf 109E-7 trop 1/48 Weekend FE703 Bf 109E-7 Trop Weekend 1/48 Eduard
R0010 Avia B.534 Quattro Combo 1/72 Royal Class
PE-SETS CX408 Lightning F.6 1/72 Airfix
EX452 Gnat T.1 1/48 Airfix
17037 Bismarck 1/700 Revell EX454 JAS-39B/D Gripen 1/48 KittyHawk
17038 Tirpitz 1/700 Revell JX176 F4U-1A 1/32 Tamiya
32364 Do 335 exterior 1/32 HKM
32828 F4U-1A interior S.A. 1/32 Tamiya BIG ED
32365 F4U-1A engine 1/32 Tamiya BIG2401 TYPHOON Mk.Ib 1/24 Airfix
32366 F4U-1A exterior 1/32 Tamiya BIG49115 SPITFIRE Mk.Vb 1/48 Airfix
32367 Wires & Stretchers STEEL 1/32 BIG49116 PBY-5A 1/48 Revell

36306 Pz.Kpfw.V Panther (Ausf.D) 1/35 Zvezda BIG7292 F-35 1/72 Hasegawa
36307 Pz.Kpfw.V Panther (Ausf.D) Schürzen 1/35 Zvezda BIG7293 F-15C MSIP II 1/72 Academy
36308 Pz.Kpfw.V Panther (Ausf.D) Zimmerit 1/35 Zvezda
36309 Jagdpanzer IV (70) Lang 1/35 Tamiya
36310 Jagdpanzer IV (70) Lang Schürzen 1/35 Tamiya BRASSIN
49707 Gnat T.1 S.A. 1/48 Airfix 632047 F-104 C2 ejection seat 1/32 Italeri
53128 USS Hornet CV-8 part 1 - cranes 1/200 Merit 632048 F-104 MB.7 ejection seat 1/32 Italeri
53129 USS Hornet CV-8 part 2 - radar antennas 1/200 Merit 648168 Mk.20 Rockeye II 1/48

53130 USS Hornet CV-8 part 3 - life boats 1/200 Merit 648191 B-17F/G engines 1/48 Revell/Monogram
73029 Avia B.534 seatbelts SUPERFABRIC 1/72 Eduard 648193 A-6 wheels 1/48 Hobby Boss
73521 Lightning F.6 S.A. 1/72 Airfix 672049 Mk.20 Rockeye II 1/72

672050 GBU-8/B HOBOS 1/72

ZOOMS 672051

GBU-10 Paveway I 1/72
33144 F4U-1A interior S.A. 1/32 Tamiya 672062 MG 81 kulomet 1/72
SS521 Lightning F.6 S.A. 1/72 Airfix

BUY / e-shop Eduard


INFO Eduard - February 2015 eduard 25

HISTORY An Excerpt from
the publication
Dimitr Spisarevski Jiří Vraný,
Dimitri Svetozarov Spisarevski was born on Igor Mrkvánek
June 20, 1916 in the town of Dobric and and Jaroslav Kreč
he can rightfully be considered the best
known Bulgarian fighter pilot. In 1931 he
became a cadet for pilot training. During pilot
officer, and later pilot training, there were
periods of varying levels of acknowledg- Dimitra Spisarevského
ment of his remarkable skills as a pilot,
being tempered by his pride, his sense of
‘right’ and his tendency for free thinking. the CO with a month’s worth of grounding,
The young Spisarevski often had issues and was given the mundane job of keep-
with his superiors (conflicts arising from ing inventory of the entire units’ weaponry
a confiscated radio) and was even relega- for good measure.
ted to an infantry unit, but did manage to The following month, Spisarevski walked
finish his flight schooling. Unlike his superi- around like a storm cloud with files under
ors, his classmates held him in high regard. his arm, and whenever he came across one
After completing basic aerial training, of us, he would yell out ‘...all you had to
he and his class were sent to further their do was put away pickles, and I can’t fly all
skills in Werneuchen in Germany, where in month! (Note 2)” On December 1, 1940,
1938, this was accomplished on Arado Ar during training of counter air defenses, he
68s. He found conflict here as well, this time led 222.Jato fighters into simulated com-
with his German instructors, after a fatal bat against Dornier Do 17s from the 5th
for takeoff, and rotated off the ground after Bomber Squadron. The Dogans conducted
order given for flight during increasing fo- a short run. He got to about thirty feet, and
ggy conditions led to the loss of two of the their attacks in pairs and in threes, and
his engine quit. With absolute calm, I watched even as solo entities. Spisarevsky flew his
Bulgarian pilots in a collision. After his re- as the aircraft banked left and fell towards
turn from Germany at the end of 1939 he biplane like a maniac, and over the course
the ground. The impact ripped the landing of continuous attacks from above and from
was promoted to Lieutenant and assigned gear off the aircraft, and bellied in with the
to 232.Jato 2, a fighter unit stationed at the sides, he would come to within a few
tail high in the air. I saw Dimitri get out of the meters of the bombers. ‘When we were
Karlovo, and was flight leader of a Krilo cockpit and light a cigarette. By the time I got
(a three ship formation). returning from this ‘combat’, and appro-
over to him, I was out of breath and he barked ached Graf Ignatiev, Spisarevski ordered
During a B.534 ferry flight from Bozuriste at me ‘you Macedonian maniac, you’re gonna
in Sofia on April 15, 1940, he led his three me by radio to position myself behind the
finish me! (Note 1).....’ He returned the cock to final group, and then the entire colony
ship formation over the airfield at maxi- the correct position, and told me to keep quiet
mum speed and at only some thirty feet of Dogans, led by his aircraft, began to
about it. He then told the investigating team climb. We copied every one of his mane-
off the ground before landing. His com- “yes....I damaged the landing gear, because I
manding officer, Maj. Krsto Georgiev, was uvers, and then, over the air field, we con-
fly. It can’t happen to you, because you don’t!” ducted a true ‘circle of death’. Everyone
not as enthusiastic about the stunt and Lt. The aircraft was repaired within three days.’
Spisarevski was grounded for fifteen days. below must’ve known that we were coming
On September 17, 1940, Bulgaria celebra- back as ‘victors’. Immediately on landing,
In July, 1940, he was re-assigned to the ted the reclaiming of South Dobrogea, until
newly formed 222. Fighter Jato 2 of the we were met by the livid Jato CO Todor
that time managed by Romania. Another 222. Jordanov.....”get over to Col. Sapunov’s...
army air force, which flew from the base Jato pilot and officer Petr Kirov Petrov recoun-
at Graf Ignatiev. His pride where his su- he’s gonna sing for you!” The Colonel was
ted: ‘We were on alert, myself and Nikola well known for his affinity for long, boring
periors were concerned was described Bonev, and all of a sudden, we saw ‘Spaic’
by his friend and fellow unit member Ivan lectures made up of passages from milita-
(Spisarevski’s nickname) coming from the train ry doctrine - this time concerning discipline.
Atanasov: ‘In June, 1940, I was performing station, out of breath. “Prepare another Do-
an acceptance flight in a Dogan (the name It was also clear that he had been infor-
gan”, he ordered the mechanics, “for a three med of what went on around the bombers,
given the B.534 in Bulgarian service), and plane flight!” We flew over Plovdiv, when it all
although I no longer remember why, I because he finished off with the words
turned into a circus! Acrobatics, attacks, mane- “Boys, I do not want you to risk peacetime
switched the reserve fuel tank cock. Spi- uvering between hills.... The townspeople ga-
sarevski then sat in the cockpit, taxied out collisions with our own bombers. Save that
thered below us and watched the spectacle, for actual combat, with actual enemies.” To
and I still had no idea why that, Spisarevski responded “Colonel, rest
we were performing such assured that that is what we will do, should
actions over a town. Only it become necessary.”
after landing did Spaic, After the quick victories of the Germans
with a smile on his face over Yugoslavia and Greece in April,
and with evident delight, 1941, the danger of air raids subsided.
tell us the ‘secret’. “Today, Bulgarian fighter units could conduct trai-
my brother, my homeland ning in ‘summer camps’, where they could
has gained its freedom! hone their skills with the help of German
Dobric is again Bulgarian! advisors. Knowledge of German proved
Today, I’m buying!” And handy for Spaic, but the same could not be
with that, he led us off to said of new tactical and operational regu-
the village eatery, which lations. He would have preferred combat
was aptly named ‘Letec’ on a knight vs knight basis rather than as
(‘Flyboy’). The following something that was organized with a long
day, he was punished by learning curve. At the end of the training,
Lt. Spisarevski (far left) during maintenance training for the B.534. (V. Čakov via J. Kreč)

26 eduard INFO Eduard - February 2015

his German advisor First Lieutenant Puhrin- He returned to the 6th Fighter Squadron at Note 1: Spisarevski dubbed his friend ‘Ma-
ger thanked him for his translation help and Karlovo, where the new machines were ba- cedonian Maniac’, because one of the main
praised his flying skills. As well-intentioned sed, and went through familiarization training. things that brought them together was the
constructive criticism, he added: ‘If you do In November, 1943, he was assigned to 3/6 fact that although they were both Bulgari-
not change your existing attitude, you will Fighter Unit at Bozuriste and on December an, they both hailed from a ‘foreign’ land;
perish in your first combat.’ Although that 20th, he took off on his first and last combat Spisarevski from Romanian Dobrogea, and
was not for another two and a half years, mission. According to eye-witness accounts, Atanasov from Yugoslavian Macedonia.
his prediction was on the button. Spisaverski’s takeoff was delayed, and he did
Spisarevski’s career differed from that of so alone sometime after the initial group of Note 2: Spisarevski’s commentary comes
the typical fighter pilot - from the summer Messerschmitts took off. None of the Bulgarian from other pilots who tended towards mili-
of 1941, there was no function in which pilots saw his final moments up close. Para- tary laxness. They were often punished by
he lasted very long. He attended several doxically, the most detailed account of what a day in the field picking cucumbers. Hen-
courses, internships, went on developmental happened was written by Lt. John Mackenzie, ce, the pickle comment.
trips, passed from unit to unit, and appa- a pilot of one of the escorting Lightnings that
rently even, albeit temporarily, held staff was shot down:
positions. There is no denying that he was ‘About six minutes before I was myself shot
passed along much like the proverbial hot down, I witnessed something horrible. I don’t
potato. In January, 1942, he was investi- know if American pilots in Europe went throu-
gated for taking part in a brawl while on gh anything like it. With my own eyes, I saw
a visit to the Naval Casino in the port of a Bulgarian fighter peel away from a stric-
Burgas. At the time, the Italian naval cap- ken and dropping bomber, and with an ex-
tain could not resist a derogatory remark at cess of speed got over another bomber and
the expense of the Bulgarian pilots , which dove directly into him. The rudders came off
they could not allow to go unanswered. Af- immediately, and the fuselage of the bomber
ter, and as a result of, that incident, he was broke apart. It was one of our best bomber
passed from the 6th Fighter Squadron as crews.’ There is no doubt that the Bulgarian
an instructor to the fighter training centre fighter was piloted by Dimitri Spisarevski. He
based at the air field of Dolna Mitropoliya did not survive the Taran attack. His victim was
in the spring of 1942. Here, he returned B-24J-45-CO Liberator s/n 42-73428 of the
to flying the B.534 and Avia Bs.122 light 376th BG, 515th BS named ‘Big Nig’. Nine of
training aircraft. The fateful page in Spisa- the ten crew members were killed, one was
1st Lt. Puhringer (left) and Dimitri
revski’s career was turned by the delivery taken prisoner. The remains of the bomber fell Spisarevski during flight training.
of the Messerschmitt Bf 109G to Bulgaria, at Pancerev. (V. Čakov via J. Kreč)
which began to arrive in February, 1943.

Dogan No.73 clearly displays the weathered upper surfaces, inclu-

ding worn national markings. The wingtips were initially yellow, but
here appear to have been overpainted in a green color. The unit with
which this Dogan served is not known, but the photograph likely
comes from mid-1943. Avia B.534.382 was stricken off charge at
the end of June, 1944. The second half of 1943 saw the progressive
withdrawl of the Dogan from service. They found their way to 2nd unit
of the 2nd Assault Squadron based at Graf Ignatiev. Their relegation
was not so much the result of any lack of success against Liberators
as it was the delivery of up to then unavailable modern aircraft that
could replace them.

INFO Eduard - February 2015 eduard 27


Dogan No.31 belonging to 2/2 Squadron and November 12th, which is the final date of all green surfaces of the aircraft including the
was photographed at Vrazdebna Air Field in action noted in the logs. Typically, the missions struts and bottom surface of the top wing. This
November, 1944. By this time, the Bulgarians consisted of attacks on retreating convoys, ar- was topped up with identification markings in
had turned on their former Nazi allies and the tillery batteries and trains. A minimum of three white. This was applied to the spinner and the
aircraft was available for action against ret- Dogans were shot down during this timeframe. wingtips on the bottom of the lower wing and
reating German forces. Combat missions were The aircraft was camouflaged for winter ops, top of the upper wing.
undertaken between the 10th of September receiving a grey squiggle pattern applied to (J. Vraný via J. Kreč)

Another Dogan with winter marking.

(M. Ovčáčík)

28 eduard INFO Eduard - February 2015


B.534 4. série, 2/2 bitevní Orljak, January 1945

During the summer and second half of 1943, leadership and Bulgaria joined the side of certain, but it could have been a faded silver
the Dogans went through two further phases the Allies. Combat was undertaken immedia- color, or a light blue. One of the most active
of operational use. First, several 2/2 Assault tely. This Dogan took part in combat missions pilots of 2/2 Assault Squadron was its CO,
Squadron aircraft were employed from the against German units beginning in September, Cpt. Cvjatko Kolev, who took part in the ma-
occupied Serb airfield at Nis for anti-parti- 1944. At the end of October, it received a jority of the first phase of operations, some
san missions between July and August, 1944. winter camouflage scheme consisting of the days flying reconnaissance missions alone,
This unit was effectively destroyed by Ameri- addition of sprayed on light grey squiggles with the last serviceable Dogan. He often re-
can bombings at the end of August. On Sep- over the green base. Identification markings turned sporting bullet holes in his aircraft.
tember 9, 1944, there was a change in sate were in white. The undersurface color is not

INFO Eduard - February 2015 eduard 29


Avia B.534

Avia B.534 4. série, Kombinovaná letka,

Tri Duby, September – October, 1944
The famous B.534.217 flown during Slovak National Uprising is not well documented, built by Petr Zatřepálek
only few photos exist. We offer decals for various tactical marking (S-13 & S-18),
serial numbers (214 & 217) and national markings (red & blue outline, two options
for right side of the rudder, crosses/hills printed separately). The appearance de-
picted in this page is based on our research.

BUY Avia B.534 1/72

30 eduard INFO Eduard - February 2015


INFO Eduard - February 2015 eduard 31

Avia B.534

Avia B.534 4. série, IV. mezinárodní letecký built by Petr Zatřepálek
meeting, Curych, Switzerland, 1937

BUY Avia B.534 1/72

32 eduard INFO Eduard - February 2015


INFO Eduard - February 2015 eduard 33


Avia B.534

Avia B.534 4. série, 112. stíhací Jato,

Sofia - Božurište airbase, 1941 1/72
built by Jakub Nademlejnský
BUY Avia B.534 1/72

34 eduard INFO Eduard - February 2015


INFO Eduard - February 2015 eduard 35

March 2015
Do 335B 1/32 Hong Kong Models
BIG49117 TYPHOON Mk.Ib Bubbletop 1/48 Italeri/Hasegawa 648171
BIG49118 SEA HARRIER FA2 1/48 Kinetic
BIG7294 STIRLING Mk.IV 1/72 Italeri/Hasegawa


648189 624002
M117 bombs late Typhoon guns
1/48 1/24 Airfix

648171 648199
Spitfire Mk.VIII cockpit 648192
GBU-10 Paweway I
1/48 1/48 Eduard
648192 648200
PBY-5A wheels Spitfire Mk.VIII engine
1/48 Revell 1/48 Eduard

632050 648199
Do 335 exhaust stacks
1/32 Hong-Kong Models

F-16 airbrakes
1/72 Tamiya

KITS (March)
1/48 ProfiPACK

1/72 Weekend

Spitfire Mk.VIII
1/48 ProfiPACK

36 eduard INFO Eduard - únor 2015

ON APPROACH March 2015
53131 USS Hornet CV-8 part 4 -
Oerlikon AA guns 1/200 Merit

53132 USS Hornet CV-8 part 5 -
AA quad and 5 in guns 1/200 Merit
53133 Musashi 1/350 1/350 Tamiya
53134 Musashi railings 1/350 Tamiya
53135 Musashi floor plates 1/350 Tamiya
36312 Sd.Kfz.251/1 Ausf. B 1/35 Zvezda
36313 M-ATV MRAP exterior 1/35 Panda
36314 M-ATV MRAP interior S.A. 1/35 Panda
32829 F4U-1A placards 1/32 Tamiya
48834 Spitfire Mk.VIII landing flaps 1/48 Eduard
48835 Spitfire Mk.VIII surface panels 1/48 Eduard
49074 Spitfire Mk.VIII seatbelts SUPERFABRIC 1/48

49708 Spitfire Mk.VIII 1/48 Eduard
49709 JAS-39B/D S.A. 1/48 KittyHawk
72596 Do 17Z bomb bay 1/72 Airfix
72597 Do 17Z landing flaps 1/72 Airfix
72598 Blenheim Mk.IVF landing flaps 1/72 Airfix
72599 Blenheim Mk.IVF exterior 1/72 Airfix
73030 L-39 seatbelts SUPERFABRIC 1/72 Eduard
73522 Do 17Z S.A. 1/72 Airfix
73523 Blenheim Mk.IVF interior S.A. 1/72 Airfix

FE709 JAS-39B/D interior S.A. 1/48 KittyHawk
SS522 Do 17Z interior S.A. 1/72 Airfix
SS517 L-39ZA Weekend S.A. 1/72 Eduard

INFO Eduard - February 2015 eduard 37

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