Error Codes, Build-Up: Service Information

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Document Title: Function Group: Information Type: Date:

Error codes, build-up 302 Service Information 05-05-2021
EC480D L Volvo

Error codes, build-up

Showing Selected Profile

Valid for serial numbers

Model Production site Serial number start Serial number stop
EC480D L Volvo

Display unit
The error codes shown on the display unit, I-ECU are built up from a character combination with the following appearance and

Figure 1
Example of error code "Temperature sensor engine oil, too high voltage"
Position 1
Indicates which type of component or function that has generated the error code. Abbreviations are found in the first 2–3 letters
of the error codes.

HE Heating element
MA Solenoid valve
PWM Pulse width modulated valve
RE Relay
SE Sensor or monitor
SW Switches

Positions 2a and 2b
States component number where 2a signifies function group and 2b is a consecutive number within the function group.
Position 3
States FMI-code and based on SAE standard J1587. FMI means Failure Mode Identifier and states which type of error that has
caused the error code.

00 Data valid but above normal operating range

01 Data valid but below normal operating range
02 Intermittent or incorrect data
03 Abnormally high voltage or short-circuit to higher voltage
Abbreviated in error code texts "high voltage"
04 Abnormally low voltage or short-circuit to lower voltage
Abbreviated in error code texts "too low voltage"
05 Abnormally low current or open circuit
Abbreviated in error code texts "too low current"
06 Abnormally high current or short-circuit to frame ground
Abbreviated in error code texts "high current"
07 Incorrect reply from mechanical system
Abbreviated in error code texts "mechanical error"
08 Abnormal frequency
09 Abnormal updating rate
10 Abnormally wide variations
11 Unidentifiable malfunction
Abbreviated in error code texts "other error"
12 Defective unit or component
13 Calibration value outside limits
14 Special instructions
15 Reserved for future use

FMI 0 and 1 indicate to values outside normal operating range. These generate an error code with a warning. Warning is shown
on the display unit and through red central warning lamp.

Figure 2
Red central warning

Service tool VCADS Pro

The error codes in VCADS Pro are built up as follows.

Position in Abbreviation Explanation

1 MID Message Identification Description (identification of control unit).
There is a unique number for each control unit.
2 PID Parameter Identification Description (identification of parameter/value).
There is a unique number for each parameter.
PPID Proprietary Parameter Identification Description (Volvo-unique identification of
parameter/value). There is a Volvo-unique number for each parameter.
SID Subsystem Identification Description (identification of component). The SID-number
depends on which control unit (MID) that they are sent from. Each control unit has its own
number series for SID. The exceptions are SID-numbers 151–255 which are general for all
PSID Proprietary Subsystem Identification Description (Volvo-unique identification of
3 FMI Failure Mode Identifier (identification of failure type).
Figure 3
Error code screen in service tool VCADS Pro
Position 1, MID
Indicates the control unit that generated the error code. Based on SAE standard J1587.

128 Engine electronic control unit

140 Instrument electronic control unit
146 Electronic climate control unit
187 Vehicle electronic control unit

Position 2, PID, PPID, SID, PSID

Indicates the component/parameter that generated the error code. Based on SAE standard J1587.
Position 3, FMI
Indicates the FMI code. FMI means Failure Mode Identifier and the code indicates which type of malfunction has generated the
error code. FMI is based on SAE standard J1587.
Components with Volvo-specific FMI number
For a few components FMI has a Volvo-specific meaning (not according to SAE standard J1587), see for example, error code,
MID187 PPID1319 (MA9103).

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