Cyclohexane Dehydrogenation
Cyclohexane Dehydrogenation
Cyclohexane Dehydrogenation
Table 1
Results of dehydrogenation of cyclohexane over activated carbon supported Ni, Pt and Ni–Pt catalystsa
forward rate is 1.30 mmol min)1 and is highest when 20 wt%. However, volumetric H2 production rates
compared to all other monometallic catalysts used in decreased at metal loading of 40 wt%. Dispersion of
this study. metal catalyst on ACC has been estimated using H2
The XRD analysis was carried out for catalysts used chemisorption and is depicted in table 2. In the case of
in the reaction and exposed to air. All the peaks of the monometallic Ni catalyst the dispersion was 1.09% for
XRD patterns of Ni monometallic catalysts (figure 3) 10 wt% loading of Ni and was reduced to 0.49% and
can be assigned to Ni fcc structure (JCPDS 04-0 850) 0.43% at Ni loading of 20 and 40 wt%, respectively.
and no impurity phases such as NiO or precursor The turn over frequency estimated over the surface
compound has been detected. Thus it is confirmed that atoms was 3.54 s)1 for 20 wt% Ni catalyst and was
a stable Ni catalysts has been formed. Because of the maximum for monometallic Ni catalyst. Dispersion for
stable metallic Ni, the dehydrogenation reaction pre- bimetallic Ni–Pt catalyst was 0.69% and for mono-
vailed and the hydrogen produced was sufficient to metallic 0.5 wt% Pt catalyst it was 12.99%. The TOF
maintain the activity of Ni. In the case of monometallic was higher in the case of bimetallic 20 wt% Ni–
Ni catalysts the hydrogen production rate increased 0.5 wt% Pt catalyst (4.10 s)1). The particle size for
with increase in metal loading from 10 wt% to 40 wt% is larger (table 2) the potential cause for a