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We are living through strange times right now with the

pandemic that took over the world.

Many communities are experiencing panic, fear, worry,

and suffering.

Many of us are still self-isolating or under mandatory


This can cause extra stress on top of the concerns we

may have for our health and the health of others.

You might be extremely anxious about how to pay the

bills, perhaps you suddenly have to homeschool your

Or you are spending more time with your partner and

it’s putting a strain on your relationship.

I want to remind you about another type of contagion.

Not the contagion of the virus. But the Contagion of


Kindness holds us together as a community, as a

society, and as a world.

You could say that kindness holds life together. Without

it, we would not have coherent societies.

Kindness is what makes humans human. You know

that phrase, look for the helpers?

Whenever something catastrophic is happening in the

world, we are encouraged to look for those kind souls
who are there, on the ground helping people.

I feel that applies here too, in our current


Don’t just look for the helpers, be the helpers.

This is a great time to practice kindness and see just

how much acts of kindness spread outwards, like a
ripple effect.

The Contagion of Kindness

Practicing kindness has so many layers of contagion.

It is also an incredible way to distract yourself from your

feelings of anxiety, panic or negative thinking.

If you find yourself freaking out about what’s going on,

practice an act of kindness towards someone else.

Social network research reveals that when we feel

happy, we infect our friends with happiness,

And our friends’ friends and even on and outwards

beyond to others we do not know.

Let’s say someone does something kind for you, you

immediately feel better and are in turn far more likely to
do something kind for someone else.

That person who showed you kindness has spread

kindness, it has infected you & caused you to show
kindness in turn, spreading it on to others.

Have you heard of this Korean Miracle??

Mabel was once very obsessed with Korean beauty.
She followed all the latest trends and products to discover the
Korean Miracle to look stunningly beautiful.
But then, one day, she realized that all of that was just a waste
of time!
The truth is… Korean beauty standards have been influenced
largely by those in the media… including actresses, TV
personalities, and K-pop stars.
No doubt, Korea has a rich history of achievements…
… with its rapidly-growing economy, its world-class technology
and engineering industries, and its vibrant pop culture.
The world seems to be attracted to them.
What’s more astonishing is…
A Korean scientist, who discovered a life-energy superhighway
that links all living organisms and the Universe… had his
findings leaked to Korea's elites.
This led to economic growth known as "The Korean Miracle."
Now, this is a REAL miracle to attract wealth within you.
Check out this mind-blogging video -- that can change your
wealth status!

In the same way, when you do something kind for

someone, a family member, a friend or someone you
do not know, your kindness is also infectious.

It just keeps on spreading!

It really is like the ripples that occur when a pebble is

dropped in a pond. Repercussions of kindness just
keep coming.

That inspiration we feel when someone helps us,

causes us to help someone else.

Similarly, when someone helps us we may feel relieved

if we have been stressed or anxious.

The alleviation of that stress has the effect of opening

us up to be more kind to others.

Another very interesting way that kindness is

contagious is through the act of observing others.
When we see someone else being kind, this tells us
instinctively that we should be doing the same, and
therefore we are inspired by the behavior of others.

This is referred to as social contagion.

A scientific study at Harvard discovered that acts of

kindness spread surprisingly easily.

Research, led by Professor Nicholas Christakis, asked

volunteers to play a game known as the ‘Public Goods’

The game involved each person having to put money

into the public pot to benefit the whole community.

The research revealed that when one person made a

large donation into the pot,

It caused others in the group to also make large

donations in the next round of the game, played with
different people.

This created a domino effect in which the first person’s

generosity spread initially to three people,

And then to the nine people that those three people

interact with in the future, and then to other individuals
in subsequent rounds of the experiment.

So don’t you think kindness may be natural to us?

In fact, cooperation, collaboration, and working

together is something our genetic ancestors have done
for hundreds of thousands of years.

If not they would not have survived. They understood

that without kindness and compassion, they would not

We can see this in our genetics, evolution has

hardwired us to be kind.

Empathy, sympathy, and compassion are what have

made us thrive as a society.

Neuroscience shows us that we are wired to reflect

others’ experiences.

A part of our brain lights up when we feel empathy, we

are naturally inclined to care about other people.

It is wrong to assume that humans are inherently

selfish and don’t care about others.

Much of the world is set up to show us that it is ok to

gain at the expense of someone else.

This is quite apparent in the way our competitive

businesses work. We focus on being bigger, stronger
and better than others,

But perhaps the solution to many of the world’s

economic challenges lies in cooperation, not
competition. Working together builds from kindness.

So today, in the midst of all the global mayhem, why

not just be kind?

Be kind from your own small patch of the world. It does

make a difference.

Help your family, friends, and community wherever and

however you can.

Check-in on your nearest and dearest by phone call,

text or email.

Help an older or more vulnerable person in your

community by delivering groceries to their door.

Check-in with those who you know may be struggling.

And don’t forget to be kind to yourself.
Take some time to breathe, meditate, go within.

Can we dare to think we may emerge from this world-

changing time more together than ever?

Kinder and more cooperative as a human race?

All I know is individually, what we do counts, so let’s

practice kindness and compassion.

Are you up for it, Oromwait?

To the life you truly deserve,

Jackie Jones
It’s our passion to build a strong community centered ar

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