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Auto-Align Post 1.0 User Manual

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User Manual 



● Plug-In Overview  2 

○ Dynamic vs. Static Operation  3 

● System Requirements  4 

○ Authorization  4 

○ Installation  5 

● GUI Map  6 

○ Main Controls  6 

○ Viewers  7 

○ AudioSuite Functions  9 

● Order of Operations  11 

● Known Issues  12 

● Acknowledgments 13 



Auto-Align Post Manual v1.0 © 2018 Sound Radix Ltd. All Rights Reserved 

Auto-Align Post automatically and dynamically aligns the phase of dialogue recordings captured with 
multiple microphones. 
In modern film and video shoots, it’s common to mic dialogue with a combination of shotgun mics mounted 
on boom poles, wireless lavalier mics attached to the talent’s wardrobe, and planted microphones hidden in 
objects on the set. Throughout a take, the boom mic will frequently move to grab lines from different 
characters. Actors, at times, will move about the set, or turn their heads to address other characters. As all of 
this movement is happening, the relative distance of each sound source to each microphone is constantly 
As a result, comb-filtering, or phase-related cancellations at harmonic intervals throughout the frequency 
spectrum, are introduced when combining these sources.  
The problem becomes more complicated in production sound (sync sound) recordings, because of the 
continued variations which result from movement on the set. Aligning the phase of two sources at one point 
in time in these recordings will not guarantee that they will remain in phase over time.  
Enter Auto-Align Post. 
Built on the trusted Auto-Align™ algorithm, but tailors its operation to serve the audio post-production 
industry, Auto-Align Post is a next-generation algorithm that makes phase/time correction of a moving 
multi-microphone recording of an entire film a matter of a few clicks and a short coffee break. 


● Corrects for distances of up to ~112 feet / ~34 meters or a delay of ±100ms 

● Dynamic mode enables continuous phase/time correction for moving actors or cameras 
● Static mode enables fixed phase/time correction for stationary microphones 
● Transparent, filter-free design 
● Multi-channel support 
● Highly optimized for CPU efficiency and operation speed 
● Easy to operate - no manual adjustments required 


Auto-Align Post Manual v1.0 © 2018 Sound Radix Ltd. All Rights Reserved 



Because it is difficult to predict and adapt to ever-changing phase relationships of lavalier and boom mics on 
set, in the past, we have typically been forced to choose one mic or another for each dialogue line. However, 
there are plenty of situations where playing two mics simultaneously can be beneficial. One scenario would 
be a project with a limited foley budget, to be released in a single language. On those types of projects, we 
tend to favor the boom because it has more realistic clothing, footstep and prop sounds. If one character 
turns away from the boom for a handful of lines, though, it’s nice to slip in a little of their lavalier mic to 
enhance the boom recording. 
Lining up the audio from the two sources so that they combine additively can require a lot of trial and error, 
involving nudging, polarity flips, and phase rotation. The end result is often a compromise to achieve the 
best average solution. Auto-Align Post’s ​Dynamic Mode​ removes the time-consuming guesswork and 
produces results with a degree of accuracy that would not be humanly possible. Not only will it alter the 
phase and timing from clip to clip, it will align the phase within the clip, adaptively. If the character is walking 
towards the boom throughout the line, for example, Auto-Align Post’s ​Dynamic Mode​ will track the evolving 
timing change and persistently update its corrections. It can track and correct timing problems due to time 
arrival delays of up to 100 ms, which is equivalent to about 112 feet or 34 meters. 


Auto-Align Post’s ​Static Mode​ was designed to allow for fixed alignment for stationary microphones setups 
or simply in cases where fixed time alignment is preferred. 

Another time-consuming problem that dialog editors often face can be introduced at different points in a 
workflow but stem from a singular problem. Whether the recordist’s cart features multi-track recording 
software printing isolated tracks, and a separate field recorder for printing reference mixes from their 
mixer, or the recordist is using a multi-track mixer/recorder, and a reference mix is being sent to the camera, 
there are numerous scenarios which see multiple recorders being synchronized with timecode on set. The 
files captured by these devices will often be introduced at different points in the workflow. 
Remember that we capture audio in thousands of samples per second, while timecode is merely tens of 
frames per second. There is a known issue in many recorders which causes them to round the audio 
recording’s timecode to the nearest frame, rather than starting the recording exactly at the start of a 
timecode frame. When employing the handy Pro Tools “Field Recorder Workflow,” despite the edges of clips 
aligning perfectly with picture edits, the underlying audio in the multi-track clips may be out of sync from the 
reference mix from the camera or separate field recorder. A similar problem sometimes occurs when 
exporting OMF or AAF files from NLE’s where the OMF/AAF file’s clips align with picture edits, but their 
underlying audio slips out of sync from the editor's reference mix. 
Because the sync offset often varies from clip to clip, aligning the audio manually can be quite tedious. 
Auto-Align Post’s “Static Mode” is designed to automatically analyze and “nudge” the audio within each clip 
and its handles so that it can be accurately synchronized to the reference mix.   


Auto-Align Post Manual v1.0 © 2018 Sound Radix Ltd. All Rights Reserved 


● Intel Core 2 Duo CPU or greater 

● 4 GB RAM or higher 
● OS X 10.7 or higher 


● Intel Core 2 Duo CPU or greater 

● 4 GB RAM or higher 
● Windows 7 or higher 


● AudioSuite: Pro Tools 10 or greater. (Note: Media Composer is not supported) 



To use Auto-Align Post, you’ll need a free iLok account and the iLok License Manager application. To create 
an iLok account and download the iLok License Manager, please visit ​https://www.ilok.com/​. 
An iLok USB Device is not required to use Auto-Align Post. 
1. Log-in to your User Area at ​https://www.soundradix.com/users/ 
2. Enter your license redeem code in the “New License Activation” box, then click “Redeem”. 
3. Enter your iLok Account User ID and email address, then click “Redeem”. 
4. Auto-Align Post will now appear in your product downloads and the license will become available in 
your iLok account. 
Once your Auto-Align Post license has been added to your iLok account, it can be used to authorize the 
plug-in in one of two ways: 

iLok USB Device: 

Can be purchased online or at retailers where professional audio equipment is sold. 

● If you work on multiple machines, it allows you to easily migrate licenses from one machine to 
● For freelancers who travel to different studios, you can have an assistant engineer install the plug-in 
before you arrive, but you don’t have to provide them with your log-in credentials to authorize the 
software. You just bring the key with you. 
● When upgrading machines, there is no need to deactivate licenses. 


Auto-Align Post Manual v1.0 © 2018 Sound Radix Ltd. All Rights Reserved 

● Requires the “dongle” to be connected in order to use the software, which requires an available USB 
● An iLok USB Device can be lost or stolen. 

Host Drive Authorization: 

● Free (Doesn’t require the purchase of an iLok USB Device). 
● Opens up a USB slot, or in the case of many modern laptops which don’t have USB slots, prevents 
the need for USB adapters or hubs. 
● A perfect solution for those using a single computer. 

● Migrating a license to an alternate machine requires returning the license to your account’s “license 
cloud” through the iLok License Manager. 
● When traveling to different studios, an additional step is required upon your arrival. 
It is important to note that regardless of which method is used, a single license can only be used on one machine at a 
time. Also worth noting, if an Auto-Align Post license is activated on a Host Drive, it can later be transferred to an 
iLok USB Device associated with the same iLok account, at no charge. 


Download and install the Auto-Align Post installer. Run the application and follow its on-screen instructions. 
Please note that you may need administrator permissions and password in order to install Auto-Align Post. 
When the installation is complete, quit the installer. 
Prior to the first DAW launch after installation, your Auto-Align Post license can be activated to your Host 
Drive or iLok USB Device through the iLok License Manager. If this has not been done, you will be prompted 
to activate the plug-in during your DAW’s startup sequence. You will need to enter your iLok Account 
credentials, so please have them handy when using this authorization method. 


Auto-Align Post Manual v1.0 © 2018 Sound Radix Ltd. All Rights Reserved 

This GUI Map is broken into three separate diagrams focusing on the Main Controls, the plug-in’s Viewers, 
and specific AudioSuite functions which are relevant to the operation of Auto-Align Post. For more 
comprehensive information on AudioSuite plug-ins, please consult your Pro Tools reference manual. 

Figure 1: Main Controls 

1. Reference Track:​ Chooses the primary audio source to which the phase and timing of the other 
microphones will be aligned. 
2. Dynamic Mode: ​Makes continually varied phase and timing adjustments throughout the selected clip(s). 
3. Static Mode:​ Applies a timing shift of a singular value to each selected clip (if ​Clip by Clip​ processing is 
4. Preview:​ Loads visual feedback into the plug-in’s different ​Viewers​ (See Page 7). 
Note: Preview is merely a visual reference, and will not audition the audio. Also worth noting is that applying the 
Render​ button prior to pressing Preview will load before/after visual feedback into the ​Viewers.​ For this reason, it is 
not necessary to press Preview before rendering. When processing multiple clips in clip-by-clip mode, only the first 
clip is shown. For performance considerations, Preview size is capped at 40,000,000 samples per channel. 


Auto-Align Post Manual v1.0 © 2018 Sound Radix Ltd. All Rights Reserved 

Figure 2: Viewers 


A. Navigation Bar:​ Displays an overview of the entire selection of audio to be processed and allows certain 
areas to be investigated further. 

B. Main Viewer:​ Shows the waveforms of the selected audio and ​Reference Track​ (See Page 6) overlaid on 
top of one another. 
● Pink: Represents the waveform of the ​Reference Track​. 
● Teal: Represents the waveform of the selected audio to be processed. 
● White: Represents areas where both waveforms overlap. 
1. Focus Area Bubble:​ Selects which portion of the selected audio will be shown in the ​Main Viewer​. When 
clicking in the middle of the ​Focus Area Bubble​, a grabber allows the bubble to be dragged along the track, 
retargeting the focus of the ​Main Viewer​. Rolling your mouse or trackball’s scroll-wheel inside of the ​Main 
Viewer​ will have the same effect. 


Auto-Align Post Manual v1.0 © 2018 Sound Radix Ltd. All Rights Reserved 

When clicking and dragging on the ends of the bubble, its width can be stretched or narrowed, thus zooming 
in or out in the ​Main Viewer​. Zooming in and out can also be done by holding Shift, either while dragging the 
Focus Area Bubble​ or while scrolling the ​Main Viewer​. 
2. Zoom Controls:​ Increase or decrease the zoom level of the ​Main Viewer​. Changing this value also affects 
the width of the ​Focus Area Bubble​. 
3. View Mode:​ Toggles the ​Main Viewer​ between viewing the relationship of the selected audio to the 
Reference Track​ before or after the effects of the processor. 
● Source:​ Displays the phase and timing relationship of the unprocessed selection, relative to the 
Reference Track​. 
● Aligned:​ Displays the phase and timing relationship of the selected audio to the ​Reference Track 
after it has been subjected to the processor-imparted phase and timing shifts. 
4. Phase Correlation Meter:​ Shows the positive, negative, or neutral phase relationship between the 
selected audio and the ​Reference Track​. 

​1.​ A positive value indicates that the signals would add if combined. 
​2. ​A negative value indicates that cancellation would occur if the signals were combined. 
​3.​ A null (centered) value indicates that the two signals would not have significant interaction if 
5. Time Display:​ Shows the current position of the ​Focus Area Bubble​ in "Minutes : Seconds . Milliseconds” 
relative to the start of the selected audio. 
Note: This time value does not correlate directly to the Pro Tools Main Counter, but instead to the relative time 
within the selection. 


Auto-Align Post Manual v1.0 © 2018 Sound Radix Ltd. All Rights Reserved 

Figure 3: AudioSuite Settings 


1. Entire Selection / Clip by Clip:​ The primary function of this control is to determine what will happen if 
multiple clips are selected and processed at once. There are a number of byproducts of each mode that are 
of great significance: 
● Entire Selection:​ All selected clips will be consolidated together and processed as one, resulting in a 
single audio file being written, and a single clip appearing on the track. Any Clip Effects, Clip Gain 
and/or fades which pertain to the selected clips will be permanently rendered to create the new 
audio file. 
● Clip by Clip:​ Each selected clip will be processed individually, potentially resulting in a number of 
new audio files being created, and the original clip definitions being maintained. Any clip effects, clip 
gain, and/or fades will remain editable on the selected clips, and will not be permanently rendered. 
2. Create Continuous Files / Create Individual Files:​ When using some AudioSuite plug-ins, ​Create 
Individual Files​ with ​Entire Selection​ ​processing renders the result of the plug-in with all of the byproducts 
of ​Entire Selection​ processing (permanently applying real-time effects), but still processes the clips 
separately. With Auto-Align Post, these settings are directly connected to the ​Entire Selection​ / ​Clip by Clip 


Auto-Align Post Manual v1.0 © 2018 Sound Radix Ltd. All Rights Reserved 

● Create Continuous Files: Automatically switches to ​Entire Selection​ processing. 

● Create Individual Files: Automatically switches to ​Clip by Clip​ processing. 
3. Mono Mode / Multi-Input Mode: ​Determines how multi-channel clips will be processed: 
● Mono Mode​: Each channel of a clip will be individually analyzed and adjusted to align with the 
Reference Track​. 
● Multi-Input Mode​: All of the channels within a clip are cumulatively analyzed and all channels are 
adjusted equally to align with the ​Reference Track​. 
Obviously, we recommend using ​Multi-Input Mode​ for stereo and surround clips, because ​Mono Mode​ can 
throw the channels within a clip out of sync from each other. ​Multi-Input Mode​ supports clips up to 48 
channels, while ​Mono Mode​ can process an unlimited number of channels. 
Note: Choosing M​ ulti-Input Mode​ will automatically set the plug-in to E
​ ntire Selection​ / ​Create Continuous Files 
processing mode. 
4. Handle Length: ​When using ​Clip by Clip​ / ​Create Individual Files​ processing, the plug-in can process 
underlying audio beyond the selected clips’ boundaries. The amount of additional audio processed can be 
truncated to “handles” of a length, set here in a value of seconds. 
5. Whole File:​ Rather than truncating the underlying audio to handles, the whole parent audio file is 
processed while the original clip definitions and real-time effects remain intact on the selected track. 
6. Render: ​Applies the AudioSuite processor with its current settings. 

Auto-Align Post Manual v1.0 © 2018 Sound Radix Ltd. All Rights Reserved 

Now that we’ve learned the controls, let’s take a look at how to use Auto-Align Post: 
1. Launch Auto-Align Post: ​Click on the AudioSuite drop-down menu at the top of the Edit Window and 
scroll to the “Other” category, or the “SoundRadix” bank from the manufacturers list. Choose the 
Auto-Align Post​ plug-in. 
Note:​ Auto-Align Post c​ urrently only operates as an AudioSuite plug-in, and cannot be used as a realtime​ i​ nsert. 
2. Choose Reference Track: ​Click on the ​Reference Track​ ​drop-down menu and select which track from 
your session to which you would like ​Auto-Align Post​ to align the other tracks’ audio. 
3. Select Audio to Be Processed: ​Select a single clip or multiple clips from one or more tracks that you would 
like to align to the ​Reference Track​. In ​Multi-Input Mode​, make sure that you are not selecting clips from 
the ​Reference Track​, as aligning them to themselves would serve no purpose. 
4. Choose Processing Mode:  
● Dynamic Mode​ ​- ​If you are aligning microphones that moved throughout takes, such as multiple 
boom mics, or a combination of boom mics and wireless lavaliers, use this mode for 
continually-adapted results. 
● Static Mode​ ​- ​If you are aligning microphones which remained in fixed positions throughout takes, 
such as a lavalier on a seated actor and a stand-mounted boom, ​Static Mode​ ​will simplify the results 
by producing a consistent shift throughout the entirety of each selected clip. 
When compensating for timecode slippage when aligning isolated microphones’ (ISO’s) recordings to a 
reference mix, it is recommended that ​Static Mode​ ​be employed, as the timecode offset will generally 
remain consistent throughout each clip. 
5. Choose AudioSuite Settings: ​Because a number of AudioSuite functions are tied together when using 
Auto-Align Post​, there are really only a handful of options to consider: 
● If you are synchronizing multiple-mono ISO’s to a reference mix, or one or more mono lavalier mics 
to a boom, it is highly recommended that you use ​Mono Mode​, so that you can process ​Clip by Clip​, 
Create Individual Files​, thus preserving your clips’ handles, Clip Gain and fades. Basically, if the clips 
to be aligned are mono, use those settings to preserve all realtime clip effects. 
● If the clips to be aligned contain information that is wider than mono, then ​Multi-Input Mode​ ​is the 
only way to ensure phase lock between the channels within the clip. Because this will force you into 
Entire Selection​, ​Create Continuous Files​ ​processing, wherever possible, we recommend extending 
each clip to create “handles" before processing, and then trimming them back down to their original 
6. Preview or Render: ​It is not necessary to press ​Preview​ ​at any time, because ​Render​ ​will load the same 
visual feedback into the ​Viewers​.​ However, if you are still deliberating between ​Stati​c​ ​and ​Dynamic​ Modes 
for a selection, and processing large quantities of audio, ​Preview​ ​can be faster than rendering and undoing. 

Auto-Align Post Manual v1.0 © 2018 Sound Radix Ltd. All Rights Reserved 

7. Analyze the Effects: ​Once the ​Viewers​ a ​ re loaded with data, zoom the ​Focus Area Bubble​ ​to a few key 
sections of the clip and assess what the plug-in is doing to the audio. When switching between ​Dynamic​ ​and 
Stati​c​ Modes, and reloading the ​Viewers​ ​by pressing P​ review​, the ​Focus Area Bubbl​e​ ​will maintain the 
same selection, allowing you to easily compare the results. If you see a dramatic phase shift in one mode, 
that isn’t present in the other, you’ll know which sections of the waveform you’ll need to focus your 
attention to when comparing the auditory results. 
8. Render If Necessary:​ If you have merely been using ​Preview​ ​up until this point, don’t forget to hit ​Render 
to apply the results. 
9.​ ​AudioSuite Tip: ​Because AudioSuite permanently renders its results, it is not easy to undo those results at 
a later date. For that reason, it is always recommended that you duplicate your playlists to create 
unprocessed “master” versions immediately before AudioSuite processing. That way, you can easily pull the 
original versions of clips back to the main playlist, in their original timecode positions, if that becomes 
necessary later. 

Important:​ In Pro Tools, ​Multi-Input Mode​ in AAX AudioSuite plug-ins is broken for individual 
mono channels. This means ​Multi-Input Mode​ works incorrectly and similarly to ​Mono Mode​, processing 
one channel at a time rather than as a sample-locked group. Stereo and Surround channels are working 
properly and can be used as a workaround for processing mono channels in ​Multi-Input Mode​. Avid is aware 
of the issue and is working to provide a fix. 

Auto-Align Post Manual v1.0 © 2018 Sound Radix Ltd. All Rights Reserved 

Auto-Align Post uses the following libraries: 

● JUCE​ by ROLI Ltd. 

● Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives 
We would like to very much thank 
Russ Hughes 
Justin Walker 
Marti Humphrey 
Ian Stynes 
Mike Thornton 
Arbel Vaknin 
Erez Eyni 
Brandon Hickey 
For their contribution, invaluable input, and support of Auto-Align Post’s development. Gentlemen, you 

Sound Radix 
Technical Support: https://www.soundradix.com/support/ 

Auto-Align Post Manual v1.0 © 2018 Sound Radix Ltd. All Rights Reserved 

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