Steel Windows & Doors Section 08510: SWI Steel Window Specifications
Steel Windows & Doors Section 08510: SWI Steel Window Specifications
Steel Windows & Doors Section 08510: SWI Steel Window Specifications
Table of Contents
STEEL WINDOWS – HOT ROLLED ................................................................................................................. 3
STEEL WINDOWS – HOT ROLLED FIRE RATED.............................................................................................. 6
STEEL DOORS – HOT ROLLED ....................................................................................................................... 9
SWING-OUT AND SWING-IN ..................................................................................................................... 9
STEEL WINDOWS – COLD FORMED ............................................................................................................ 11
SLIDER ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
STEEL WINDOWS – COLD FORMED FIRE RATED ........................................................................................ 14
SLIDER ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
6679 Palladino Road 1819 Abalone Avenue
Jamesville, NY 13078 Torrance, CA 90501
315-469-3314 310-328-9181
Approved Manufacturers
Windows shall be provided by a manufacturer and/or
FIXED, PROJECT-IN, PROJECT-OUT, distributor of steel windows whose products meet the
Steel Window Institute's performance specifications,
SIDE HUNG-OUT CASEMENT AND as set forth herein or in effect from time to time.
SECTION 08510 05/17 – 2018 Revised
A. The frame and ventilator sections shall be hot
PART 1 – GENERAL rolled steel from purpose made profiles.
B. Windows shall be defined by minimum
Work Included combined weight of the outside frame and
Furnish and install hot rolled steel windows as shown ventilator members in lbs. per lineal ft.
in the contract drawings. Work shall include but not be Delete listings below, not required:
limited to steel windows (fixed, project-in, project-out, 1. Light Intermediate: 2.0
side hung-out or side hung-in), closures, trim, anchors 2. Standard Intermediate: 3.0
and factory applied finished (if required). 3. Heavy Intermediate: 3.5
4. Heavy Custom: 4.2
Related Work C. The frame or ventilator sections shall have a
A. Glass, glazing, and glazing materials: Section minimum front to back depth dimension as
08800 follows:
B. Perimeter caulking and sealing: Section 07900 Delete listings below, not required:
C. Miscellaneous structural items: Section 05500 1. Light Intermediate: 1"
2. Standard Intermediate: 1-1/4"
Quality Assurance, Performance Requirements 3. Heavy Intermediate: 1-5/16"
Weather-stripped windows shall meet or exceed the 4. Heavy Custom: 1-1/2"
following standards: D. Muntin bars shall be hot rolled steel from
purpose made sections.
E. Glazing beads shall be extruded aluminum or
Air Infiltration Test
ASTM E283-04(2012) – Maximum air infiltration
F. Weather-stripping shall be extruded vinyl, EPDM
0.37 CFM/FT of crack length with a pressure
or silicone.
differential across the windows of 6.24 PSF (50
G. Hardware shall be as follows:
Delete listings below, not required:
Water Penetration Test
1. Project-In
ASTM E331-00(2016) – No water penetration for
a. Ventilators shall be hung on either
15 minutes when the window is subjected to a
steel balance arms or heavy duty
rate of flow of 5 Gal./Hr./Sq.Ft. with a pressure steel or stainless steel four-bar
differential of 2.86 PSF (33 MPH). hinges located at each jamb.
b. Bronze cam fastener or spring
Structural Requirements catches located at the centerline of
ASTM E330-14 – Tested to the applicable the top rail of the ventilator.
design pressure specified on the job. 2. Project-Out
a. Ventilators shall be hung on either
Non-weather-strip sections only need to meet steel balance arms or heavy duty
structural requirements. steel or stainless steel four-bar
hinges located at each jamb.
Submittals b. Bronze cam fastener located at the
Submit shop drawings showing window and centerline of the bottom rail of the
installation details, including anchorage, fastening, ventilator.
and recommended sealing methods. Show 3. Side Hung-Out Casement
dimensioned elevations with opening and window a. Ventilators shall be hung on either
sizes. Upon request, provide test reports for all steel, malleable iron or aluminum-
pertinent standards. bronze hinge with non-ferrous pins
and bushings. Hinges shall be close a. Two hinges per ventilator shall be
or extension type. furnished, except that, for ventilators
b. Bronze cam fastener located at the exceeding 5'-6" in height, three
centerline of the jamb. hinges shall be furnished.
c. Optional bronze or die cast roto b. One cam fastener per ventilator shall
operator shall be located on the sill. be furnished, except that, for
4. Side Hung-In Casement ventilators exceeding 5'-6" in height,
a. Ventilators shall be hung on either two-point cam fasteners shall be
steel, malleable iron or aluminum- furnished.
bronze hinges with non-ferrous pins 4. Side Hung-In Casement
and bushings. Hinges shall be close a. Two hinges per ventilator shall be
or extension type. furnished, except that, for ventilators
b. Bronze cam fastener located at the exceeding 5'-6" in height, three
centerline of the jamb. hinges shall be furnished.
H. Insect Screens b. One cam fastener per ventilator shall
1. Insect screen frames shall be formed be furnished, except that, for
electro-galvanized or stainless steel having a ventilators exceeding 5'-6" in height,
minimum thickness of 0.032", or of formed or two-point cam fasteners shall be
extruded aluminum having a minimum furnished.
thickness of 0.040". G. Insect Screens
2. Screens shall be rewireable with 18 x 16 1. Screens with hinged or sliding wickets shall
mesh cloth of aluminum or fiberglass. The be provided as required.
nominal diameter of the cloth shall not be 2. The wire cloth shall be held taut with
less than 0.011" for aluminum. removable spline.
3. Screens shall be removable from the
Fabrication window, held in place by clips.
A. Fabricate windows in accordance with the H. After assembly, windows shall be pretreated,
approved shop drawings. epoxy or zinc coated, followed by manufacturer's
B. Frame and ventilator sections shall be solid one- standard finish.
piece sections and corners shall be welded and
C. Flanges forming the weathering contacts shall Inspection
be rolled integral with sections to provide close A. Window openings shall conform to details and
contact with both inside and outside points of dimensions shown on the approved shop
contact. drawings.
D. Muntin bars shall be interlocked and continuous B. Conditions which may adversely affect the
from head to sill and jamb to jamb except that window installation must be corrected by the
bars in one direction may be discontinued if they General Contractor prior to installation.
are securely welded at the intersection.
E. All windows shall be designed for inside (or Installation
outside) glazing. A. Windows specified under this section shall be
F. Hardware shall be as follows: installed by experienced personnel.
Delete listings below, not required: B. Install windows in strict accordance with the
1. Project-In approved shop drawings.
a. Furnish two cam fasteners or spring C. Set windows plumb, level and true to line,
catches for vents exceeding 4'-8" in without warp or rack of frames or ventilators.
width. D. Anchor units securely to surrounding
2. Project-Out construction with approved fasteners.
a. Furnish two cam fasteners for vents E. The exterior joints between the windows, trim
exceeding 4'-8" in width. and mullions shall be properly sealed watertight
b. If the cam fastener of the ventilator is with an approved sealant and neatly pointed.
more than 6'-6" above floor level, F. Attach ventilator hardware, as required, and
hardware designed for pole operation adjust ventilators to operate smoothly free from
shall be furnished. twist and to be weather tight when closed and
3. Side Hung-Out Casement latched.
G. Any abraded surface of the window finish shall
be cleaned and touched up with air dry paint, as
approved and furnished by the window
manufacturer, in a color to match factory applied
A. The General Contractor shall be responsible for
protecting the windows and related materials
during storage on the job and during and after
B. Window installer shall leave the window
surfaces clean after installation.
C. Any protection necessary due to the cleaning of
materials adjacent to the windows shall be the
responsibility of the General Contractor.
STEEL WINDOWS – HOT ROLLED unless otherwise tested. When multiple
units are installed, the distance between
FIRE RATED unprotected vertical steel mullions shall not
exceed 6 feet unless otherwise tested.
FIXED, PROJECT-IN, PROJECT-OUT, 2. Maximum exposed glass area for 1/4"
labeled wire glass is 1,296 square inches
SIDE HUNG-OUT CASEMENT AND with no dimension exceeding 54 inches
SIDE HUNG-IN CASEMENT unless otherwise tested.
3. Each ventilator must be equipped with a self-
SECTION 08510 05/17 – 2018 Revised closing device, which will permit the
ventilator to close in case of fire.
C. Each window must bear a 3/4 hour fire rating
Work Included
Furnish and install hot rolled steel fire rated windows
as shown in the contract drawings. Work shall include
Submit shop drawings showing window and
but not be limited to steel windows (fixed, project-in,
installation details, including anchorage, fastening,
project-out, side hung-out or side hung-in), closures,
and recommended sealing methods. Show
trim, anchors and factory applied finished (if required).
dimensioned elevations with opening and window
Related Work sizes. Upon request, provide test reports for all
A. Glass, glazing, and glazing materials: Section pertinent standards.
B. Perimeter caulking and sealing: Section 07900 PART 2 – PRODUCTS
C. Miscellaneous structural items: Section 05500
Approved Manufacturers
Windows shall be provided by a manufacturer and/or
Quality Assurance, Performance Requirements
Weather-stripped windows shall meet or exceed the distributor of steel windows whose products meet the
following standards: Steel Window Institute's performance specifications,
as set forth herein or in effect from time to time.
Air Infiltration Test
ASTM E283-04(2012) – Maximum air infiltration Materials
0.37 CFM/FT of crack length with a pressure A. The frame and ventilator sections shall be hot
differential across the windows of 6.24 PSF (50 rolled steel from purpose made profiles.
MPH). B. Windows shall be defined by minimum
Water Penetration Test combined weight of the outside frame and
ASTM E331-00(2016) – No water penetration for ventilator members in lbs. per lineal ft.
15 minutes when the window is subjected to a Delete listings below, not required:
rate of flow of 5 Gal./Hr./Sq.Ft. with a pressure 1. Light Intermediate: 2.0
differential of 2.86 PSF (33 MPH). 2. Standard Intermediate: 3.0
3. Heavy Intermediate: 3.5
Structural Requirements 4. Heavy Custom: 4.2
ASTM E330-14 – Tested to the applicable C. The frame or ventilator sections shall have a
minimum front to back depth dimension as
design pressure specified on the job.
Delete listings below, not required:
Non-weather-strip sections only need to meet
1. Light Intermediate: 1"
structural requirements.
2. Standard Intermediate: 1-1/4"
3. Heavy Intermediate: 1-5/16"
Labeled Fire Rating
A. NFPA 257-2017 – Standard on Fire Test for 4. Heavy Custom: 1-1/2"
Window and Glass Block Assemblies 45-minute D. Muntin bars shall be hot rolled steel from
rating. purpose made profiles.
B. NFPA 80-2016 – Standard for Fire Doors and E. Glazing beads shall be cold formed or hot rolled
Fire Windows. steel.
1. Maximum size opening 84 square feet with F. Weather-stripping shall be extruded vinyl, EPDM
neither dimension exceeding 12 feet or silicone.
G. Hardware for self-closing ventilators.
Delete listings below, not required: or other hold open device located at the
1. Projected ventilators shall be hung on heavy- head of the ventilator. This friction adjuster
duty steel side arms equipped with brass shall be equipped with a fusible link
friction shoes and fusible link releases. release, which will release the friction and
2. Casement ventilators shall be hung on two permit the ventilator to close in the event of
listed spring hinges and fitted with a fire. The opening of each vent shall be
stainless steel friction adjuster with a limited to 90 degrees maximum.
fusible link release. G. Insect Screens
3. Ventilators shall be fitted with steel 1. Screens with hinged or sliding wickets shall
expansion lugs. be provided as required.
4. Provide bronze spring catches attached with 2. The wire cloth shall be held taut with
corrosion-resistant steel screws for all removable spline.
ventilators. 3. Screens shall be removable from the
H. Insect Screens window, held in place by clips.
1. Insect screen frames shall be formed H. After assembly, windows shall be pretreated,
electro-galvanized or stainless steel having epoxy or zinc coated, followed by manufacturer's
a minimum thickness of 0.032", or of standard finish.
formed or extruded aluminum having a
minimum thickness of 0.040". PART 3 – EXECUTION
2. Screens shall be rewireable with 18 x 16
mesh cloth of aluminum or fiberglass. The Inspection
nominal diameter of the cloth shall not be A. Fabricate windows in accordance with the
less than 0.011" for aluminum. approved shop drawings.
B. Conditions which may adversely affect the
Fabrication window installation must be corrected by the
A. Fabricate windows in accordance with the General Contractor prior to installation.
approved shop drawings.
B. Frame and ventilator sections shall be solid one- Installation
piece sections and corners shall be welded and A. Windows specified under this section shall be
dressed. installed by experienced personnel.
C. Flanges forming the weathering contacts shall B. Install windows in strict accordance with the
be rolled integral with sections to provide close approved shop drawings.
contact with both inside and outside points of C. Set windows plumb, level and true to line,
contact. without warp or rack of frames or ventilators.
D. Muntin bars shall be interlocked and continuous D. Anchor units securely to surrounding
from head to sill and jamb to jamb except that construction with approved fasteners.
bars in one direction may be discontinued if they E. The exterior joints between the windows, trim
are securely welded at the intersection. and mullions shall be properly sealed watertight
E. All windows shall be designed for inside (or with an approved sealant and neatly pointed.
outside) glazing. F. Attach ventilator hardware, as required, and
F. Operable Hardware adjust ventilators to operate smoothly free from
Delete listings below, not required: twist and to be weather tight when closed and
1. Projected ventilators shall be balanced on latched.
heavy steel side arms securely pivoted to G. Any abraded surface of the window finish shall
the vent and frame at each jamb. Friction be cleaned and touched up with air dry paint, as
shall be maintained by means of two brass approved and furnished by the window
shoes sliding in the channel of the frame manufacturer, in a color to match factory applied
section controlled by compression springs finish.
enclosed in tubular housings. This housing
is fitted with fusible link release, which will Cleaning
release the friction and permit the ventilator A. The General Contractor shall be responsible for
to close in the event of fire. protecting the windows and related materials
2. Casement ventilators shall be hung on two during storage on the job and during and after
UL listed spring hinges securely fastened installation.
to the vent and frame. Friction shall be B. Window installer shall leave the window
maintained by means of a friction adjuster surfaces clean after installation.
C. Any protection necessary due to the cleaning of
materials adjacent to the windows shall be the
responsibility of the General Contractor.
STEEL DOORS – HOT ROLLED Delete listings below, not required:
1. Standard Intermediate: 1-1/4"
2. Heavy Intermediate: 1-5/16"
SWING-OUT AND SWING-IN 3. Heavy Custom: 1-1/2"
SECTION 08510 05/17 – 2018 Revised D. Muntin bars shall be hot rolled steel from
purpose made sections.
PART 1 – GENERAL E. Glazing beads shall be extruded aluminum or
Work Included F. Weather-stripping shall be extruded vinyl,
Furnish and install hot rolled steel doors as shown in EPDM, or silicone.
the contract drawings. Work shall include but not be
limited to steel doors (swing-out and swing-in), Fabrication
closures, trim, anchors and factory applied finishes (if A. Fabricate doors in accordance with the
required). approved shop drawings.
B. Door frame and ventilator sections shall be solid
Related Work one-piece sections and corners shall be welded
A. Glass, glazing, and glazing materials: Section and dressed.
08800 C. Flanges forming the weathering contacts shall
B. Perimeter caulking and sealing: Section 07900
be rolled integral with sections to provide close
C. Miscellaneous structural items: Section 05500 contact with both inside and outside points of
Quality Assurance, Performance Requirements D. Muntin bars shall be interlocked and continuous
Weather-stripped doors shall meet or exceed the from head to sill and jamb to jamb except that
following standards: bars in one direction may be discontinued if they
are securely welded at the intersection.
Refer to individual manufacturer’s performance
abilities. E. All doors shall be designed for inside (or
outside) glazing.
F. After assembly, doors shall be pretreated, epoxy
or zinc coated, followed by manufacturer's
Submit shop drawings showing door and installation
standard finish.
details, including anchorage, fastening, and
recommended sealing methods. Show dimensioned
elevations with opening and door sizes. Upon
A. Each leaf shall be hung on three or four close
request, provide test reports for all pertinent
type pivots or butt hinges or the manufacturer's
standard design.
PART 2 – PRODUCTS B. Provide a latch with operable lever handles or
knobs from both the inside and outside. Exterior
Approved Manufacturers key cylinder with interior thumb turn can be
Doors shall be provided by a manufacturer and/or provided when specified.
distributor of steel doors whose products meet the C. Furnish top and bottom bolts on the inactive leaf
Steel Window Institute's performance specifications, of a double-folding door.
as set forth herein or in effect from time to time. D. Furnish kick panels of at least 12 gauge steel at
the bottom of each leaf.
Materials E. Locking handles, lever handles, knobs and
A. The door frame and ventilator sections shall be exposed top and bottom bolts shall be the
hot rolled steel from purpose made sections. manufacturer's standard design. They shall be
B. Doors shall be defined by minimum combined attached with brass or other corrosive-resistant
weight of the outside door frame and ventilator screws.
members in lbs. per lineal ft.
Delete listings below, not required: PART 2 – PRODUCTS
1. Standard Intermediate: 3.0
2. Heavy Intermediate: 3.5 Inspection
3. Heavy Custom: 4.2 A. Door openings shall conform with details and
C. The door frame or ventilator sections shall have dimensions shown on the approved shop
a minimum front to back depth dimension as drawings.
B. Conditions which may adversely affect the door
installation must be corrected by the General
Contractor prior to installation.
A. Doors specified under this section shall be
installed by experienced personnel.
B. Install doors in strict accordance with the
approved shop drawings.
C. Set doors plumb, level and true to line, without
warp or rack of door frames or ventilators.
D. Anchor units securely to surrounding
construction with approved fasteners.
E. The exterior joints between the doors, trim and
mullions shall be properly sealed watertight with
an approved sealant and neatly pointed.
F. Attach ventilator hardware, as required, and
adjust ventilators to operate smoothly free from
twist and to be weathertight when closed and
G. Any abraded surface of the door finish shall be
cleaned and touched up with air dry paint, as
approved and furnished by the window
manufacturer, in a color to match factory applied
A. The General Contractor shall be responsible for
protecting the doors and related materials during
storage on the job and during and after
B. Door installer shall leave the door surfaces clean
after installation.
C. Any protection necessary due to the cleaning of
materials adjacent to the doors shall be the
responsibility of the General Contractor.
STEEL WINDOWS – COLD request, provide test reports for all pertinent
FIXED, PROJECT-IN, PROJECT-OUT, Approved Manufacturers
SIDE HUNG-OUT, SIDE HUNG-IN, Windows shall be provided by a manufacturer and/or
distributor of steel windows whose products meet the
VERTICAL SLIDER, HORIZONTAL Steel Window Institute's performance specifications,
SLIDER as set forth herein or in effect from time to time.
SECTION 08510 05/17 – 2018 Revised
A. The frame and ventilator shall be composed of
ASTM A653M-17 low carbon cold rolled formed
Work Included steel sections with a minimum thickness of 20
Furnish and install cold-formed steel windows as gauge.
shown in the contract drawings. Work shall include B. Windows shall be defined and categorized as
but not be limited to steel windows (fixed, project-in, commercial and industrial windows with a
project-out, side hung-in, side hung-out, vertical minimum combined weight of frame and
slider, horizontal slider), trim, anchors and factory ventilator of 2.75 lbs. per linear foot.
applied finishes (if required). C. The frame and ventilator sections shall have a
minimum front to back depth dimension of 1-
Related Work 7/8". Maximum recommended ventilator sizes
A. Glass, glazing, and glazing materials: Section are as follows (W x H):
08800 Delete listings below, not required:
B. Perimeter caulking and sealing: Section 07900 Casement (in our out): 2.5 ft. x 6.0 ft.
C. Miscellaneous structural items: Section 05500 Projected (in or out): 5.0 ft. x 3.0 ft.
Vertical Slider: 4.6 ft. x 4.0 ft.
Quality Assurance, Performance Requirements Horizontal Slider: 3.0 ft. x 6.0 ft.
Weather-stripped windows shall meet or exceed the D. Muntin bars shall have a tee shaped face min. of
following standards: 1-1/4".
E. Glazing beads shall be cold rolled steel with a
Air Infiltration Test minimum thickness of 20 gauge.
ASTM E283-04(2012) – Maximum air infiltration F. Weather stripping shall be extruded vinyl, EPDM
0.37 CFM/FT of crack length with a pressure or silicone.
differential across the windows of 6.24 PSF (50 G. Hardware shall be as follows:
MPH). Delete listings below, not required:
Water Penetration Test 1. Project-In
ASTM E331-00(2016) – No water penetration for a. Ventilators shall be hung on either
15 minutes when the window is subjected to a steel balance arms or heavy-duty
rate of flow of 5 Gal./Hr./Sq.Ft. with a pressure steel or stainless steel three or four-
differential of 2.86 PSF (33 MPH). bar hinges located at each jamb.
b. Bronze or steel cam latch or spring
Structural Requirements catches located at the head of the
ASTM E330-14 – Tested to the applicable ventilator.
design pressure specified on the job. 2. Project-Out
a. Ventilators shall be hung on either
Non-weather-strip sections only need to meet steel balance arms or heavy-duty
structural requirements. steel or stainless steel three or four-
bar hinges located at each jamb.
b. Bronze or steel cam latch located at
the top rail of the ventilator.
Submit shop drawings showing window and
3. Side Hung/Swing-Out Casement
installation details, including anchorage, fastening and
a. Ventilators shall be hung on either
recommended sealing methods. Show dimensioned
steel, malleable iron or aluminum-
elevations with opening and window sizes. Upon
bronze hinges with non-ferrous or
galvanized pins and bushings. Hinges mechanically fastened to the frame or ventilator
shall be close or extension type. sections.
b. Bronze or steel cam latch located at D. All windows shall be designed for either inside or
the jamb of the ventilator. outside glazing.
4. Side Hung/Swing-In Casement E. Hardware shall be as follows:
a. Ventilators shall be hung on either Delete listings below, not required:
steel, malleable iron or aluminum- 1. Project-In
bronze hinges with non-ferrous or a. Furnish two cam latches or spring
galvanized pins and bushings. Hinges catches for ventilators exceeding 4'-
shall be close or extension type. 8" in width.
b. Bronze or steel cam latch or spring b. If the cam latch or spring latch is
catch located at the jamb of the more than 6'-6" above the floor level,
ventilator. hardware designed for pole operation
5. Vertical Slider should be furnished.
a. Single and double hung ventilators 2. Project-Out
shall be fully counter-balanced at any a. Furnish two cam latches for vents
desired position by means of exceeding 4'-8" in width.
adjustable balance mechanisms. b. If the cam latch is more than 6'-6"
b. Bronze or steel lift handle located at above the floor level, hardware
the sill of the ventilator. designed for pole operation should be
c. Bronze or steel sweet catch located furnished.
at the ventilator meeting rails. 3. Casement Swing-In
6. Horizontal Slider a. Two hinges per ventilator shall be
a. Ventilator supported by stainless furnished. For ventilators exceeding
steel or bronze rollers that are guided 5'-6" in height, three hinges shall be
by a track either in the frame head or furnished.
sill. b. One cam latch per ventilator shall be
b. Bronze or steel lift handle located at furnished. For ventilators exceeding
the jamb of the ventilator. 5'-6" in height, two cam latches shall
c. Bronze or steel sweep catch located be furnished.
at the ventilator meeting rails. 4. Casement Swing-Out
H. Insect Screens a. Two hinges per ventilator shall be
1. Insect screen frames shall be formed furnished. For ventilators exceeding
electro-galvanized or stainless steel having a 5'-6" in height, three hinges shall be
minimum thickness of 0.032", or of formed or furnished.
extruded aluminum having a minimum b. One cam latch per ventilator shall be
thickness of 0.040". furnished. For ventilators exceeding
2. Screens shall be rewireable with 18 x 16 5'-6" in height, two cam latches shall
mesh wire cloth of aluminum or fiberglass. be furnished.
The nominal diameter of the cloth shall not 5. Vertical Slider
be less than 0.011" for aluminum. a. One lift handle for lower ventilator
shall be furnished. For ventilators
Fabrication exceeding 48" in width, two lift
A. Fabricate windows in accordance with the handles shall be furnished.
approved shop drawings. b. One sweep catch per window shall be
B. Frame and ventilator sections shall be cold furnished. For ventilators exceeding
formed and members shall be mitered and key 48" in width, two sweet catches shall
cornered or fully welded. A butyl sealant shall be be furnished.
applied and corners shall be mechanically 6. Horizontal Slider
fastened so as to create a close fit. a. Each ventilator to be provided with
C. Muntin bars shall be true muntins and be two roller mechanisms.
continuous from head to sill and jamb to jamb b. One lift handle for each moveable
except that bars in one direction may be ventilator shall be furnished.
discontinuous if they are notched and securely c. One sweep catch per window shall be
fastened at the intersection. Muntins shall be furnished. For ventilators exceeding
48" in height, two sweep catches C. Any protection necessary due to the cleaning of
shall be furnished. materials adjacent to the windows shall be the
F. Insect Screens responsibility of the General Contractor.
1. Screens with hinged or sliding wickets shall
be provided.
2. The wire cloth shall be held taut with
removable spline.
3. Screens shall be removable from window,
held in place by clips.
G. Finish
1. All cold rolled sections shall be pretreated,
epoxy or zinc coated, followed by
manufacturer's standard finish.
A. Window opening shall conform to details and
dimensions shown on the approved shop
B. Conditions that may adversely affect the window
installation must be corrected by the General
Contractor prior to installation.
A. Windows specified under this section shall be
installed by experienced personnel.
B. Install windows in strict accordance with the
approved shop drawings and all local, state, and
national laws and building codes.
C. Set windows plumb, level, and true to line,
without warp or rack of frames or ventilators.
D. Anchor windows securely to surrounding
construction with approved fasteners.
E. The exterior joints between the windows, trim
and mullions shall be properly sealed watertight
with an approved sealant and be neatly pointed.
F. Adjust ventilators to operate smoothly, free from
twist, and to be watertight when closed and
G. Any abraded surface of the window finish shall
be cleaned and touched up with air dry paint, as
approved and furnished by the window
manufacturer, in a color to match the factory
applied finish.
A. The General Contractor shall be responsible for
protecting the windows and related materials
during storage on the job and during and after
B. Window installer shall leave the window
surfaces clean after installation, exercising care
to avoid damage to protective coatings and
A. Glass, glazing, and glazing materials: Section
B. Perimeter caulking and sealing: Section 07900
FIXED, PROJECT-IN, PROJECT-OUT, C. Miscellaneous structural items: Section 05500
B. Windows shall be defined and categorized as bronze hinges with non-ferrous or
commercial and industrial windows with a galvanized pins and bushings. Hinges
minimum combined weight of frame and shall be close or extension type.
ventilator of 2.75 lbs. per linear foot. b. Bronze or steel cam latch or spring
C. The frame and ventilator sections shall have a catch located at the jamb of the
minimum front to back depth dimension of 1- ventilator.
7/8". Maximum recommended ventilator sizes 5. Vertical Slider
are as follows (W x H): a. Single and double hung ventilators
Delete listings below, not required: shall be fully counter-balanced at any
Casement (in or out): 2.5 ft. x 6.0 ft. desired position by means of
Projected (in our out): 5.0 ft. x 3.0 ft. adjustable balance mechanisms.
Vertical Slider: 4.6 ft. x 4.0 ft. b. Bronze or steel lift handle located at
Horizontal Slider: 3.0 ft. x 6.0 ft. the sill of the ventilator.
D. Glass c. Bronze or steel sweep catch located
1. Only labeled fire protection rated glazing at the ventilator meeting rails.
material shall be used in fire rated windows. 6. Horizontal Slider
The individual glazing material exposed area a. Ventilator supported by stainless
shall not exceed 1,296 sq. in. with no steel or bronze rollers that are guided
dimension exceeding 54 in. unless otherwise by a track either in the frame head or
tested. Consult window manufacturer. When sill.
continuous glazing angles or channels are b. Bronze or steel lift handle located at
used to hold glass in a window, these the jamb of the ventilator.
continuous members must be steel. c. Bronze or steel sweep catch located
E. Muntin bars shall have a tee shaped face min. of at the ventilator meeting rails.
1-1/4". I. Insect Screens
F. Glazing beads shall be cold rolled steel with a 1. Insect screen frames shall be formed
minimum thickness of 20 gauge. electro-galvanized or stainless steel having
G. Weather stripping shall be extruded vinyl, EPDM a minimum thickness of 0.032", or of
or silicone. formed or extruded aluminum having a
H. Hardware shall be as follows: minimum thickness of 0.040".
1. Project-In 2. Screens shall be rewireable with 18 x 16
a. Ventilators shall be hung on either mesh wire cloth of aluminum or fiberglass.
steel balance arms or heavy-duty The nominal diameter of the cloth shall not
steel or stainless steel three or four- be less than 0.011" for aluminum.
bar hinges located at each jamb.
b. Bronze or steel cam latch or spring Fabrication
catches located at the head of the A. Fabricate windows in accordance with the
ventilator. approved shop drawings.
2. Project-Out B. Frame and ventilator sections shall be cold
a. Ventilators shall be hung on either formed and members shall be mitered and key
steel balance arms or heavy-duty cornered or fully welded. A butyl sealant shall be
steel or stainless steel three or four- applied and corners shall be mechanically
bar hinges located at each jamb. fastened so as to create a close fit.
b. Bronze or steel cam latch located at C. Muntin bars shall be true muntins and be
the bottom rail of the ventilator. continuous from head to sill and jamb to jamb
3. Side Hung/Swing-Out Casement except that bars in one direction may be
a. Ventilators shall be hung on either discontinuous if they are notched and securely
steel, malleable iron or aluminum- fastened at the intersection. Muntins shall be
bronze hinges with non-ferrous or mechanically fastened to the frame or ventilator
galvanized pins and bushings. Hinges sections.
shall be close or extension type. D. All windows shall be designed for either inside or
b. Bronze or steel cam latch located at outside glazing.
the jamb of the ventilator. E. Operable fire rated windows shall have
4. Side Hung/Swing-In Casement: manufacturer's standard approved hardware.
a. Ventilators shall be hung on either F. Insect Screens
steel, malleable iron or aluminum-
1. Screens with hinged or sliding wickets shall to avoid damage to protective coatings and
be provided. finishes.
2. The wire cloth shall be held taut with C. Any protection necessary due to the cleaning of
removable spline. materials adjacent to the windows shall be the
3. Screens shall be removable from the responsibility of the General Contractor.
window, held in place by clips.
G. Finish
1. All cold rolled sections shall be pretreated
and coated using manufacturer's standard
A. Fire rated windows must be securely fastened to
the wall opening and be capable of resisting all
wind and other stresses for which the window
was designed. Window manufacturer is not
responsible for fire rating of adjacent walls.
B. Window openings shall conform to details and
dimensions shown on the approved shop
C. Conditions that may adversely affect the window
installation must be corrected by the General
Contractor prior to installation.
A. Windows specified under this section shall be
installed by experienced personnel.
B. Install windows in strict accordance with the
approved shop drawings and all local, state, and
national laws and building codes.
C. Set windows plumb, level, and true to line,
without warp or rack of frames or ventilators.
D. Anchor windows securely to surrounding
construction with approved fasteners.
E. The exterior joints between the windows, trim
and mullions shall be properly sealed watertight
with an approved sealant and be neatly pointed.
F. Adjust ventilators to operate smoothly, free from
twist, and to be watertight when closed and
G. Any abraded surface of the window finish shall
be cleaned and touched up with air dry paint, as
approved and furnished by the window
manufacturer, in a color to match the factory
applied finish.
A. The General Contractor shall be responsible for
protecting the windows and related materials
during storage on the job and during and after
B. Window installer shall leave the window
surfaces clean after installation, exercising care