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ILLUMINATIONS - General English Text Book for the Fourth

ILLUMINATIONS - IV Semester B.A. and other degree courses coming under the
faculty of Arts, prepared by the members of the Text Book
Committee, Bangalore University, Bengaluru ; Published by
Prasaranga, Bangalore University, Bengaluru. Pp : xiv +

© Bangalore University
Fourth Semester
First Edition 2019
B.A. / B.S.W. /B. Music/B.F.A. /B.V.A.
Courses coming under the Faculty of Arts Published by :
Dr. B. Gangadhar
Prasaranga and Printing Press
Bangalore University
Bengaluru - 560 056

Price : `

Printed at : University Printing Press, Bangalore University, B’lore -56

Jnanabharathi, Bengaluru – 560 056

Foreword Publisher’s Note
The General English - Illuminations Text Book for The General English - Illuminations Text Book for Third
III Semester B.A and other courses coming under the Semester B.A., and other courses coming under the
Faculty of Arts, has been designed with the dual- Faculty of Arts has a diverse collection of stories, poems
objective of inducing literary sensibility and developing and essays from the literary giants. They address different
linguistic skills among students. Both of these have been themes and core issues of today’s world. Specific texts
combined in a single text instead of two separate texts. This have been selected to cultivate reading and writing habits
may prove a little economical to students. among the learners. They also aim at developing critical
I congratulate the text book committee on its efforts in the and creative thinking. These texts provide ample space for
selection of the literary pieces and preparation of the the learner to explore linguistic competence and literary
material for grammar and usage. I thank the Director of sensibilities. They also instil human values.
Prasaranga and Printing Press, the Assistant Director of I thank the members of the BOS, Chairperson and the
Prasaranga and their personnel for bringing out the members of the Text Book Committee and the Chief Editor
textbook neatly and on time. who have made commendable efforts in creating such a
I hope the text will motivate the teachers and the students Text Book.
to make the best use of it and develop literary sensibility as I thank the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor for his guidance and
well as linguistic skills. practical support in bringing out this book.
Prof. Venugopal K. R. I am extremely thankful to the Registrar, Bangalore
Vice-Chancellor University for extending his wholehearted co-operation and
I also thank the Staff of Prasaranga and Printing Press for
the support in bringing out the book so neatly within the
stipulated time.
Dr. B. Gangadhar
Director, Prasaranga and Printing Press

Members of the BOS Members of the Text Book Committee
Dr. K. S. Vaishali Prof. C. P. Usha Rani
Chairperson & Editor Chairperson
Board of Studies in English-UG, Bangalore University, Bengaluru Assistant Professor & H o D
S J R College, Race Course Road, Bengaluru -9.
1. Prof. Muralikrishna L. Associate Professor
Department of English, Govt. First Grade College, Vijayanagar, 1. Prof. Veena R. N.
Bengaluru Associate Professor
M.E.S. Degree College, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru
2. Dr. L.N. Seshagiri Associate Professor
Department of English,
2. Dr. Rekha Kowshik P. R. Assistant Professor
Govt. First Grade College, Yediyur, Jayanagar, Bengaluru
B E S Evening College of Arts & Commerce, Jayanagar, Bengaluru
3. Dr. Umarani M.C. Associate Professor
Department of English, B N M Degree College, BSK 2nd Stage, Bengaluru 3. Dr. V. Ilango
Associate Professor & H o D
4. Prof. Chetana P. Associate Professor & Head Acharya First Grade College for Women, Gowribidanur
Dept. of English, Maharani Women's Arts, Commerce & Management
College Sheshadri Road, Bengaluru 4. Dr. Gurudutt T.N.
Associate Professor & H o D
5. Dr. Thammaiah R.B. Associate Professor & Head
V.V. Puram Evening College of Arts and Commerce,
Dept. of English, Padmashree Institute of Management and Sciences,
K. R. Road, Bengaluru -4.
Kengeri, Bengaluru
6. Dr. Rekha Kowshik P. R. Assistant Professor 5. Prof. Umasundari D.R.
B E S Evening College of Arts & Commerce, Jayanagar, Bengaluru Associate Professor
Government First Grade College, Varthuru.
7. Dr. N.S. Gundur, Professor Bengaluru - 560087
Department of English, Tumkur University, Tumkur
8. Prof. Kannan, Professor & Chairperson 6. Prof. Surendra. L
Assistant Professor & H o D
Dept. of English Akkamahadevi Women's University Vijayapura
Government Arts College, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Veedhi
Bengaluru – 560001
Co-opted Member
Prof. D. Yogananda Rao, Associate Professor
Post Graduate Dept. of English, Jain University, Bengaluru 7. Prof. Rajanna Kanekal
Assistant Professor, Rural College,

8. Prof. Ramesha S. M
Assistant Professor Note to the Teacher
Government First Grade College, Thyamagondlu, The new General English syllabus for the undergraduate
Bengaluru (Rural)
B.A. course of Bangalore University aims to foster the
9. Dr. Vedha Surendra literary sensibilities, communication skills and
Assistant Professor & H o D, humanitarian values among the students. The course
Baldwin Women’s Methodist College, Richmond Road material manifests this holistic approach.
Bengaluru - 560028
The fourth Semester textbook has these components:
10. Prof. Selvarani Paulraj poetry, speech, interview, novella supplemented by
Assistant Professor components of skills of language and communication.
New Horizon College, Marathahalli,
The selections for this textbook are an assortment, designed
keeping in view of the students’ competencies and required
11. Prof. Gangaraju G. goals. The literary component has a weightage of 40 marks
Assistant Professor and the language part has a weightage of 30 marks in the
Sri Siddaganga FGC of Arts & Commerce, final examination.
Bengaluru The varied selections made in this textbook cover the areas
of aesthetics and social relevance; and upscaling of skills of
12. Prof. Sunil Kumar B. K. language and communication. As in the English textbooks
Assistant Professor of previous semesters, the aim to sensitize students to
Rani Sarala Devi FGC
Jayanagara different prevailing aspects of society and to improve their
Bengaluru logical and literary sensibilities is given significant
importance. We hope that these texts taking a new life in
Co-Opted Member the arena of students and the teacher will uphold the idea
G. R. Radha that participating in life meaningfully is more important
Assistant Professor
GFGC Kethaganahalli Road
than achieving so called material success. The selections,
Bidadi like any good textbook, allow a learner-centric approach
where students may easily identify themselves and the

prevailing situations with the theme and characters found in Different communicative skills are introduced as co-texts.
the different pieces. Soft Skills, Report Writing, Presentation Skills, Resume
Each selection has a brain storming unit to lead students to Writing and Interview Skills are going to help the students
the context of the text. The post-reading section consists of in practical terms.
a variety of questions to aid comprehension at factual,
inferential and evaluating levels. However, these are Text Book Committee
primarily teaching questions to stimulate discussions in the
classroom and provide scope for expression of multiple
perspectives. They are hence to be distinguished from the
testing questions.
Suggested activities are meant for extending the
understanding of the selection beyond the text. They can
be used to develop other related skills like reference skills,
interview skills, oral skills and narrative skills.
Suggested reading is useful to provide additional
information on the content which stimulates the interest of
the students in related reading. A separate workbook is not
prescribed. However, the components of linguistic skills
incorporated are purported to go beyond the text and
provide an opportunity for the teacher to discuss them in
detail to suit the needs of their students.
The novella in this unit is a light read intended primarily to
act as a medium for training in comprehension. There are
questions that aim at understanding the text at varied levels.
The whole text is designed in view of the requirements and
strengths of the B.A. students. Efforts are made to make
the journey of teaching and learning interesting,
informative and useful for both the learners and the

Preface I am grateful to our Vice – Chancellor, Dr. Venugopal K.R.
for his encouraging and meaningful foreword to the Text
I consider it a unique privilege to present the for III Books. I also like to acknowledge my gratitude to Dr. B.
Semester B.A., courses coming under the Faculty of Arts Gangadhar, the Director of Prasaranga and his staff for
courses of Bangalore University. In the contemporary printing the Text Books.
Indian context, English has emerged as a sine que non for
social and cultural empowerment. It is also an indisputable Dr. K. S. Vaishali
fact that from a pragmatic point of view, English serves as Editor & Chairperson, Department of English,
a window to the world. The legacy of English language has Bangalore University
left an indelible imprint on the Indian psyche. Therefore,
the importance of English Text Books to sharpen the
creative and communicative skills of the students at the
undergraduate level can never be over-emphasized.
The Text Book Committee members have assiduously put
together an invaluable compendium of intellectually
stimulating literary selections, showcasing an admirable
range of issues that espouse progressive, secular,
democratic, ecological, anti-racist, feminist, differently
abled and other egalitarian ideologies. I congratulate them
for this laudatory initiative. The content of these teaching
materials has indeed been perspicaciously selected and
designed by the Text Book Committee. Another
noteworthy inclusion in the curriculum is an innovative
component on film analysis/review and advertisements.
Furthermore, the components on grammar and usage and
the entailing exercises which are intended to strengthen the
linguistic skills of the students and sharpen their
proficiency have been conceptualized in a productive and
efficacious manner.

Contents Contents


- William Wordsworth …. 1
- Kofi Awonoor …. 2. REPORT WRITING ….


- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie ….


- R.K.Narayan ….

- RajaRao ….
(Extended Reading)

7. Model Question Paper

1. LINES WRITTEN IN EARLY SPRING his 1795 meeting with the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. It was
- Wi lli am Words wort h with Coleridge that Wordsworth published the famous Lyrical
Ballads in 1798. While the poems themselves are some of the
Brain storming
 What is Eco fiction? most influential in English literature, it is the preface to the
 Why are environmental issues treated as a top priority today? second edition that remains one of the most important testaments
 Discuss man as constructive and also destructive in nature. to a poet's views on both his craft and his place in the world. In
the preface Wordsworth writes on the need for "common speech"
A Note on the Author
within poems and argues against the hierarchy of the period
William Wordsworth (7 April, 1770 – 23 which valued epic poetry above the lyric.
April, 1850) was an English Romantic poet
who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped Wordsworth's most famous work, The Prelude is considered by
to launch the Romantic Age in English many to be the crowning achievement of English romanticism.
literature with their joint publication Lyrical Wordsworth spent his final years settled at Rydal Mount in
Ballads (1798). England, travelling and continuing his outdoor excursions.
Devastated by the death of his daughter Dora in 1847,
He was born in Cockermouth, Cumbria, England to John Wordsworth seemingly lost his will to compose poems. William
Wordsworth and Ann Cookson. Wordsworth's mother died when Wordsworth died at Rydal Mount on April 23, 1850, leaving his
he was eight—this experience shaped much of his later work. wife Mary to publish The Prelude three months later.
Wordsworth attended Hawkshead Grammar School, where his
love of poetry was firmly established. After Hawkshead, Theme
Wordsworth studied at St. John's College in Cambridge and Lines Written in Early Spring is a landscape poem that is
before his final semester, he set out on a walking tour of Europe, largely concerned with nature. In it, the poet lounges underneath
an experience that influenced both his poetry and his political a tree in the wilderness, and contemplates the changes that
sensibilities. While touring Europe, Wordsworth came in contact society has undergone around him. As the poet sits there and
with the French Revolution. This experience as well as a muses on nature, its beauty, and its seamless existence, his
subsequent period of living in France, inspired Wordsworth's thoughts turn briefly to the misery of man, and to the miseries
interest and sympathy for the life, troubles, and speech of the that they wrought on each other. At the time of writing, the
"common man." Wordsworth's earliest poetry was published in French Revolution was raging through France, a cultural shock
1793 in the collections An Evening Walk and Descriptive which was to provide the British literary society with enough
Sketches. Equally important in the poetic life of Wordsworth was fodder to last them for years – and Wordsworth was no
exception to this. Stunned by the cruelty and the callousness of If this belief from heaven be sent,
French society, he and other Romantics wrote primarily to try If such be Nature’s holy plan,
and take back the world from the brink that it had been pushed to Have I not reason to lament
What man has made of man?
during the so-called age of enlightenment.
I heard a thousand blended notes, Glossary:
While in a grove I sate reclined, Blended : mixed
In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts Grove : a small area of land with a group of trees
Bring sad thoughts to the mind. Sate : old fashioned spelling for sat
Recline : lean back in a position of rest
To her fair works did Nature link Grieve : mourn or to feel intense sorrow
The human soul that through me ran;
Primrose : a wild plant with yellow flowers
And much it grieved my heart to think
Tufts : bunches
What man has made of man.
Bower : a pleasant shady place under trees
Periwinkle : a trailing plant with large blue flowers
Through primrose tufts, in that green bower,
The periwinkle trailed its wreaths; Wreaths : an arrangement of flowers in the shape of a circle
And ’tis my faith that every flower Lament : to express sorrow or unhappiness about
Enjoys the air it breathes.
The birds around me hopped and played, I Answer the following in one or two sentences each
Their thoughts I cannot measure:— 1. ________ did the poet hear when he sat reclined.
But the least motion which they made 2. What did the poet grieve for?
It seemed a thrill of pleasure. 3. What is the faith of the poet?
4. Hopping birds made the poet sad. ( True/ false)
The budding twigs spread out their fan, 5. Why does the poet lament?
To catch the breezy air;
6. Nature’s holy plan is ________.
And I must think, do all I can,
That there was pleasure there. II Answer the following in a page each
1. How does Wordsworth describe nature?
2. What brings sad thoughts in the poet’s mind?
3. Discuss the holy plan of nature.
III Answer the following in two pages each Language Component
1. Analyze Wordsworth’s ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’. SOFT SKILLS
2. How is the theme of the poem relevant in the present day
scenario? Soft skills are interpersonal skills which are used to describe
3. The poem sensitizes the readers about the one’s approach to life, work, and relationships with other people.
irresponsibility of man. Elaborate. It is a cluster of personality traits which gives a person
the competitive edge over others in the workplace and in life.
Suggested Reading
 Silent Spring by Rachel Carson Other names given to soft skills are: people skills, interpersonal
 Great American Desert stories by Therese Svoboda skills, and social skills.
 Parisarada Kathegalu by Poornachandra Tejaswi
Hard Skills: Hard skills also called as technical skills are
Suggested Activity tangible activities, specific abilities, or capabilities that an
 Collect information about Eco Criticism and Ecological Art individual can possess and demonstrate in a measured way.
 Commence an Eco club in your college
Example: computer programming, web design, typing,
 Prepare a collage on ‘Destruction of Nature by Man’
accounting, finance, writing, mathematics, legal and other
skills that are required for a job.

A research states that on an average, each corporate job opening

attracts around 250 resumes, where only four to six of those
candidates get an interview call, and only one gets the job.

What separates the successful candidate from the other job

seekers is, most probably, a set of soft skills. Employers look for
candidates with a strong work ethic, who not only does the job
effectively and efficiently, but also stay focused, organized,
competitive, dedicated, give ideas, knows how to work with a
team, has a positive attitude and has leadership skills.

Knowledge of soft skills helps one to solve the problems  Negotiation Skills
creatively, give ideas for better business, save time, handle  Nonverbal communication skills
conflicts, maintain a peaceful and optimistic environment in the  Listening and empathizing
workplace, etc.  Persuasion
 Public Speaking
The Soft skills are broadly categorized into two divisions:  Storytelling
 Interpersonal skills  Written Communication, etc.
 Intrapersonal skills
2. Leadership Skills
Intrapersonal skills refer to self-regulating characteristics, such Leadership skill set is among the most sought-after skill set by
as time management and self-management, improvement in employers. Hiring managers look for candidates who have good
learning and performance, awareness of rights and responsibility. potential to grow. Such candidates are self-reliant, can work with
the team seamlessly, and even put efforts to make the team and
Interpersonal skills are abilities and attitudes used in
their efforts better.
interactions with other people. Interpersonal skills can be
differentiated according to the individual's position in the Leadership skills include abilities to lead a team, make decisions
interactive situation. and work for the benefit of the company by keeping aside the
personal viewpoints, biases, and conflicts. It stems from the
The important soft skills which are deemed to be beneficial in
experience of handling projects and teams.
this competitive world are:
Leadership is one of the hard-skills employers look for when
1. Communication Skills
hiring c-level or other high ranking executives. However, it is
Communication skills is a broad soft skills category. It refers to
also a very important soft skill for other positions which
how a person communicates with others. Good communication
skills constitute the ability to not only speak confidently but also
 Team Management
to make good presentation and the ability to listen and
 Conflict Management & Resolution
empathize, whenever necessary.
 Decision Making

Communication Skill includes:  Drafting Delegation Strategies

 Speaking Skills  Drafting Motivation Strategies, etc.

 Presentation Skills
3. Work Ethics  Team Player
Work ethics are inherent. It is a soft skills category which is  Collaborative
really hard to teach and even harder to demonstrate during a job  Empathetic
interview. It is how a person feels about his job while carrying  Influential
out his duties and responsibilities. Having a strong work ethic  Networking Skills
means the person acknowledges his position and does the job  Social Skills
assigned to him honestly and diligently with all the  Interpersonal Skills
accountability.  Knowledge of how to deal with difficult personalities, etc.

Some examples of soft skills which come under the work ethics 5. Time Management
category are: In this era of limitless work and limited time, the Hiring
 Completing tasks on time managers always prefer employees who work efficiently and
 Punctuality know how to use time wisely. Almost every employer prefers his
 Being Focused & Organized employees to have time management skills as it not only saves
 Competitiveness them money but also increases the productivity of the
 Perseverance organization.
 Persistence
 Business Etiquettes, etc. Key phrases used to convey time management skills are:
 Prioritizing
4. Teamwork  Goal Setting & Management
Different jobs have different requirements and some require you  Planning
to constantly work and communicate with other team members.  Control
This makes teamwork to be one of the most important soft  Focus
skills for careers in market research, event management, client  Delegation, etc.
servicing, etc. which require employees to do team projects and
attend frequent departmental meetings, etc. 6. Critical Thinking
Critical thinking involves a careful observation and analysis of
Some examples of soft skills falling under the teamwork objective information to make a reasonable judgement. It
category are: involves evaluation of statistics, facts, observable phenomenon,

research findings, and other trustable data to draw reasonable I. Answer the following Questions:
conclusions. 1. Define Soft Skills.
2. What are Hard Skills?
The Hiring managers prefer candidates who can evaluate the 3. Soft skills are categorized into _________and
situation using logical thought and come up with the best ___________ skills.
possible solution. Many employers even require candidates to 4. Mention any three important soft skills.
pass a critical thinking test before appearing for the interview. 5. What is adaptability?

Key phrases used to convey critical thinking skills are:

 Analytical
 Problem Solving
 Artistic Sense
 Critical Observer
 Desire to Learn
 Innovator
 Logical Thinker
 Creative Thinker, etc.

7. Adaptability
Not everyone in the workplace share similar religion, caste, or
other sets of beliefs. Moreover, being adaptable and open-
minded is almost a prerequisite soft skill in this rapidly changing
technological environment. Adaptability is all about embracing
the differences and going with the flow. It’s important to
maintain a sound professional environment in the organization.
Key phrases used to convey adaptability are:
 Calmness
 Optimism
 Open Mindedness
 Curiosity, etc.
2. THE WEAVER BIRD people. Phrases like "And laid its eggs on our only tree" and "old
-Kofi Awoonor shrines defiled by the weaver's excrement" show how the
Brain storming coloniser came to establish itself on the African continent,
● Have you come across the word colonization? leaving them with nothing. A tone of bitterness and anger is
● What do you know about pre-colonization and post- brought out by the use of the word "excrement" which shows
colonization period? how the Africans do not consider the ways forced on them by
● Make a list of the colonies of the British the West as superior.
A note on the Author
The weaver bird built in our house
Kofi Awoonor (1935-2013) was
And laid its eggs on our only tree.
Ghanaian poet and author whose work
We did not want to send it away.
combined the poetic traditions of his
We watched the building of the nest
native Ewe people and contemporary and
And supervised the egg-laying.
religious symbolism to depict Africa during
And the weaver returned in the guise of the owner.
decolonization. He started writing under the
Preaching salvation to us that owned the house.
name George Awoonor Williams, and was
They say it came from the west
also published as Kofi Nyidevu Awoonor. He taught African
Where the storms at sea had felled the gulls
literature at the University of Ghana. Professor Awoonor was
And the fishers dried their nets by lantern light.
among those who were killed in the September 2013
Its sermon is the divination of ourselves
attack at Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya, where he
And our new horizon limits at its nest.
was a participant at the Storymoja Hay Festival.
But we cannot join the prayers and
answers of the communicants.
We look for new homes every day,
The weaver bird is a post-colonial poem
For new altars we strive to rebuild
by the late Kofi Awonoor from Ghana. It
The old shrines defiled by the weaver's excrement.
utilises the symbol of the weaver bird to
represent the coming of the colonialists to
Africa. The language is very simple and
this is effective in conveying a deeper meaning. It depicts the
invasion of the coloniser and the predicament of the colonised
Glossary III Answer the following questions in about two pages each
Guise : an external form appearance or manner of 1. The weaver bird is an allegory. Discuss.
presentation 2. Briefly describe the title ‘The weaver Bird’.
Preaching : delivery of a sermon or religious address to an 3. The Bird’s migration is a symbol of colonization/
assembled group of people. survival. Elaborate.
Salvation : preservation or deliverance from harm ruin or
loss. Suggested Reading
Lantern : a lamp with a transparent case.  Migrating Birds by Mónica de la Torre.
Sermon : a talk on a religion.  "Birds of Passage" by Henry Wadsworth
Horizon : the line at which the earth’s surface and the sky
Suggested Activity
appear to meet.
 ‘The weaver bird’ by Kofi Awanoor -YouTube.
Divination : the practice of seeking knowledge of the future
 ‘The Weaver bird’- Wikipedia.
Shrines : holy place
Defiled : spoiled, degraded
Excrement : waste matter discharged from the bowels.
I Answer the following questions in one or two sentences
1. Where does the weaver bird build the nest?
2. The bird came from .
3. What did the bird lay in the nest?
4. What did the bird preach to the poet?
5. How did the fishermen dry the net?

II Answer the following questions in about a page each

1. Comment on the symbolism used in the poem.
2. What are the reasons for the bird’s migration?
3. What are the poetic devices used in the poem?
4. The poet did not want to send the bird away. Why?

Language Component Types of Reports:
REPORT WRITING 1. Incident reports
Introduction: 2. Audit reports
3. Expense reports
Report writing is an essential skill in many disciplines. Report 4. Daily reports
writing is a formal style of writing elaborately on a topic. A 5. Property valuation reports
report aims to inform and sometimes to persuade the concern 6. Research reports
authority to take decisions. Reports are very important records 7. Executive reports
for any organization. They are often the means by which 8. Visit reports
decisions are made on factual data. 9. Project reports
10. Committees’ reports
What is a report?
11. Survey reports
A report is:
12. Book Review reports
 A presentation of facts and information rather than a
13. Annual reports
discussion of various opinions.
14. Action reports
 Written for a very specific audience
15. Commissions’ reports
 Structured so that it may be scanned quickly by the reader
 Uses numbered headings and sub-headings with concise Format/structure of the Reports:
paragraph, dot points and graphics News report Research report
 Continues with abstract (summary), objectives, methodology,  Headline  Title
findings, table of contents.  Byline  Objective and scope of the
 Lead paragraph study (introduction)
 Ends with recommendations, conclusion and bibliography.
 Explanation  Abstract (summary)
 additional information  Methodology
A good report should contain  Findings
 conclusion
 Clarity of thoughts  Recommendation/ suggestion
 Factual information  Conclusion
 Formal and objective style  Bibliography
 Comprehensive and compact style

Project progress report Survey Report iii. Recommendations: The last paragraph of the letter is
generally earmarked for recording the recommendations, if
 Title  Title Page
 Terms and conditions  Table of Contents any.
 Work done so far  Executive Summary
 Work to be done  Background and Objectives 2. Memorandum form:
 Causes of slow work  Methodology & Results The formalities pertaining to the letter form are done away with,
 Completion of work  Conclusion and in a memorandum report. Different types of printed forms meant
Recommendations for sending reports, supplied by various companies serve as
 Appendices
examples for this.
Organization of a Report
The title of the subject is on the top, followed by the name of the
There are 3 ways in which a report can be organized
author of the report, the date, actual text under various headings
1. Letter form
and sub-headings and conclusions.
2. Memorandum form
3. Letter-text combination form 3. Letter-Text Combination form:
Long reports will normally have three main divisions, which are
1. Letter form
sub-divided into many smaller units as explained below:
Simple and informal reports of a page or two are generally made
in the form of a letter. A simple letter report with a few headings I. Introductory Material:
or titles will resemble an expanded memorandum. It will have 1. Title page
date, address, salutation, the body, the complimentary closure 2. Letter of transmittal
and signature. It is written in the first person. 3. Table of contents
4. Summary or Synopsis
The letter report will have the following parts:
i. Introduction: The first paragraph contains the theme of the II. Body:
report. 1. Introduction
2. Textual content
ii. Findings: The results or findings of the inquiry or
3. Conclusions
investigation are recorded in the subsequent paragraphs.
4. Recommendations

III. Supplementary Material: importance and scope, definition of technical terms used in
1. Appendix the report, if any, etc. are stated.
2. Bibliography (and index when necessary) 6. Textual Content: Also called the text proper, throws light
on the central point of the report. It consists of the
It is thus clear that long as well as formal reports are so development or findings. The facts, proceedings of meetings
organized as to have a combination of a letter and textual content held in connection with the preparation of the report
in the form of regular essay with a detailed presentation of excerpts from published matters or reports etc. are presented
various parts like introduction, evaluation of the data, in detail in this part. The central theme is presented in an
recommendations etc. analytical, logical or chronological order.
Long reports are generally submitted in a book form. 7. Conclusions: The inference drawn by the author is stated
An attempt is made to explain each part briefly. under this heading in a systematic way.
8. Recommendations: If the particular subject matter of the
1. Title Page: The title sheet or the cover page is set apart for report calls for any suggestions or recommendations, the
writing the title or the heading of the report, the person(s) or author should give a very clear account of his suggestions or
authority to whom it is addressed, the date of submission, recommendations at the end of the text proper.
the name of the author(s), etc. 9. Appendix: The data used along with charts and diagrams
2. Cover letter: The cover letter formally presents the report are generally included as an appendix to the body of the
and is addressed to the person or authority to whom it is report.
submitted. It serves as a preface to the report. 10. References and Bibliography: If the report is based on
3. Table of Contents: The table of chapters with the title and exclusive research, the author is expected to add a list of
page mark of each chapter is given on a sheet after the letter reference and bibliography so that the readers will get an
of transmittal followed by charts and diagrams, if any. idea of the books and reports referred to, while drafting the
4. Summary or Synopsis: If the report is very lengthy, the report.
author of the report may give a separate summary or 11. Index: An index of the citations is given after the
synopsis of the report after the table of contents. This is bibliography if necessary.
justified when it is felt that the table of contents will become 12. Signature: A report must be signed by the person(s)
very unwieldy if the synopsis is included under each submitting it. In the case of important reports all the
heading and sub-heading. members of the committee or commission are expected to
5. Introduction: It is the first part of the body of the report sign it. Otherwise, the signature of the Chairman is enough.
wherein the terms of reference, the subject of study, its
Report on Natural Calamity Model Report
Cyclone Fani toll goes up to 38 in Odisha: Raghavanka Scooter Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Marker Street,
Bhubaneswar: Two days after Cyclone Fani ravaged New Delhi.
parts of coastal Odisha, the State on sunday revised its death 18th November, 2018
count upward to 38 out of which 25 died in Puri district alone
including an 18-month old child, who was blown away by The Directors,
strong winds. Raghavanka Scooter Industries Ltd.
New Delhi
The state is still trying to figure out the extent of
damage caused by the cyclone, though government sources Gentlemen,
said that more than Rs. 1,200 crore worth of power Title: Report on the proposed scooter factory at Attibele in
infrastructure was destroyed. the outskirts of Bangalore ‘City in Karnataka’.
More than 1 crore people living in 14835 villages Objectives:
and 46 towns across the districts of Puri, Khurda, Balasore,  To increase the production
Bhadrak, Cuttack, Dhenkanal, Gajam, Jagatsinghpur, Jaipur,  To expand the market in South India
Kendrapara and Mayurbhanj were affected by Fani, special  To reduce the cost of production, transport and
relief commissioner Bishnupada Sethi said in a report.
Terms of Reference. The members of the Sub-committee
All telecommunication channels are down in Puri were appointed in accordance with the following resolutions
district while in Bhubaneshwar, services have been adopted by the Board of Directors on 20th September, 2018:
intermittent. Over 35 lakh people, mainly in Puri and Khurda
1. A Sub-committee be appointed to make enquiries into the
districts, continue to remain in darkness for the third straight availability of erecting a new scooter factory at Attibele in
day with the state government hoping to restore power to Bangalore city, Karnataka state and to present a report
vital installations such as Capital Hospital and the Biju thereon.
Patnaik International Airport in Bhubaneswar by Monday
2. The Sub-committee consist of S/Shri S.K. Umapathy,
morning. Chairman, and K.N. Digvijay and R.K. Pichumuthu,
The government is also working overtime to Directors.
establish road connectivity with Puri, where the cyclone Work done. The Sub-committee held five formal meetings
made its landfall on Friday. on 24th September, 29th September, 3rd November, 6th
-Ashok Pradhan November and 10th November, 2018. In addition, they made
eight visits to inspect to various up-to-date scooter factories
@timesgroup.com (May 6, 2019, The Times Of India) throughout the country and examined several possible sites in

Findings. The Sub-committee made a thorough inspection of 3. M/s. Singh and Saran, our Architects, be invited to submit
the present factory, and having in view the ever increasing plans for the erection of a new scooter factory upon the
demand for the company’s products, they came to the new site.
conclusion that the present accommodations will very soon Sd/-
be inadequate for the company’s requirements.
The inspection of the various other works disclosed the fact
that our existing machinery is out-of-date and is causing great Chairman
waste of power and other resources. 2. (K. SURESH)
A very suitable site for the erection of a new scooter factory Secretary
has been found in close proximity to the Bangalore
Cantonment Railway Station which is served with railway
sidings and Bangalore-Madras Highway. The land on the
accompanying plan will give a correct picture of its location.
Your Sub-committee believes that the land could be acquired
at moderate price. The Government of Karnataka have Sample:
expressed their willingness to grant the necessary exchange
You are the chief engineer of the Abe Construction Pvt. Ltd.
for obtaining the most up-to-date machinery from
Czechoslovakia, whose letter of offer is enclosed. You have been entrusted to construct the three towers of the
The accompanying correspondence will reveal the facts. As Kusha Developers South India Pvt. Ltd. in Srinagar, Bangalore.
for the labour, there does not seem to be any dearth and Write a status report in the prescribed format to
skilled labor in adequate numbers is also available. The a) The chief marketing manager, Kusha Developers.
proposed new scooter factory will require an initial outlay of b) Work completed to date
Rs.50cr, for the factory site, the buildings to be put up and
the machinery to be installed. c) Work in progress
d) Work to be completed
e) The problems encountered
1. The scooter factory be started at the site above referred to
and the negotiations be entered upon for the purchase of
the entire land (30 acres) marked on the accompanying
plan so that further expansions, constructions of workers
quarters may easily be taken up.
2. The machinery from the Czechoslovakia firm be imported
at an early date.

Project Status (Progress) Report For Testing
I. News reports:
The Chief Marketing Manager
The Kusha Developers South India Pvt. Ltd.
Bangalore – 43 1. Write the news reports in about 250 words using the
Title: Construction of Three Towers in Srinagar, Bangalore following hints on the following events/accidents.
Terms of Reference: The Kusha Developers South India a) Environment day celebration in your college – presided
Pvt. Ltd. has made the MOU with the Abe Construction Pvt.
by the principal – Welcome speech by the student
Ltd. regarding the construction of Three Towers
(approximately 350 luxury flats) in Srinagar, Bangalore in leader – delivered a speech on (the importance of
January 2017 at the cost of 130 crores. The project has to be environment) the symbiotic bond between man and
completed in June 2020 without delay. nature – concluded with distribution of saplings and a
Work completed to date: The construction work of the
Three Towers has almost been completed that includes vote of thanks.
masonry, the physical structure and plastering. b) Killed 10 people – injured more than 20 – in a collision
Work in progress: The remaining works like laying the between a KSRTC bus and a lorry – hospitalized –
vetrified tiles to the floors, plumbing, bathroom fittings, cause of the accident by a witness – alarming the road
fixing the window frames and the doors, drainage and
electrical works are going on. accidents – investigation is on.
Work to be completed: Besides the works in progress, the c) The celebration of the Youth Day in your college. Inter
landscape with swimming pool, gym, playgrounds, club – college debate competition organized – the role of
house, parking and gardening are yet to be completed. youths in nation building – inaugurated by the
Anticipated problems: During construction, many
unprecedented problems have aroused and deterred the work Secretary – welcome by the principal – distribution of
namely prizes by the president – a vote of thanks by the student
1. incessant heavy rain leader.
2. unexpected death of some laborers in the construction site
d) The death of children in Muzaffarpur in Bihar – died
3. increasing cost of construction
Despite the anticipated problems the company will complete of a acute encephalitis syndrome (AFS) disease – data
the construction work within the stipulated period as laid shows the alarming state of PHCs in Bihar –
down in the terms of reference of the MOU. negligence of the administration – lack of skilled
doctors – failure of health ministry.
Name: Rajashekaran
Designation: The Chief Engineer
Date: 10-06-2019

II. Project status reports: 4. You are The BEO entrusted to look after the distribution of
Exercises: free books and uniforms to primary and secondary school
1. You are the chief engineer of the BMRCL. You have been children in the town. Submit a status report in a prescribed
entrusted with the completion of metro work from format to
Yelachenahalli to Nice road. Write a status report in the a) The Additional Secretary, The Department of Primary
prescribed format with details and Secondary Education, Government of Karnataka
a) Work completed so far b) Work completed
b) Work to be completed c) Work to be completed
c) Reasons for the slowdown of the work, if it has slowed d) Work in progress
5. You are The Chief Civil Engineer assigned the work of
2. You are The Deputy Director of the health department of supervision of the construction of the check dams in the
Bihar. You are asked to submit the report on the condition of Cauvery belt. Submit a status report in a prescribed format to
children who are suffering from encephalitis. Write a survey a) The Deputy Secretary, Dept. of Small Irrigation,
report on the prevailing situation in a prescribed format to the Bangalore-1
Central ministry of the Health department with details of b) Terms and Conditions
a) Causes for the alarming disease c) Work in progress
b) Measures taken by the state department d) Anticipated problems
c) Recommendations if any

3. You are The PWD engineer asked to supervise the

construction of drainage and footpath in the town. Submit a
status report in a prescribed format to
a) The Chief Executive Engineer, Public Works
Department, Bangalore-1
b) Work completed to date
c) Work to be completed
d) Encountered problems

3. Speech on World Humanitarian Day The well-known writer Adiche gave a speech in observance
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie of World Humanitarian Day in New York City .The speech is
pointed, meaningful, and elegantly delivered.
Brain storming
 Name a few world wars that have toppled civilizations. Theme
 How does war unite and divide people? She portrays her parents’ experience as refugees during the
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of war? Biafra war to make a case for always striving to “make room”
 Discuss the trauma of war survivors. for those in need.
A Note on the Author Speech in observance of World Humanitarian Day in New
York City
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie was born in Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good evening. I’m
Nigeria in 1977. She is the author of three
novels, Purple Hibiscus (2003), Half of a honoured to be here.
Yellow Sun (2006), and Americanah In 1967, almost 50 years ago, my parents lived in Nsukka, a
(2013). university town in Eastern Nigeria. They had 2 small children, a
‘The Thing around Your Neck' (2009) is a house, a car, and friends. A stable life. Then the Nigeria Biafra
short story collection .She has received War started.
numerous awards and distinctions,
including the Orange Broadband Prize for Fiction (2007) and a Only days later, my parents heard the sound of shelling and
MacArthur Foundation Fellowship (2008). gunfire. So frightening, so close, that they had very little time to
pack anything before they ran. They left almost all their
belongings behind.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says, “World
Humanitarian Day is an annual reminder of the need to act to They ended up in another town, a town already very crowded.
alleviate the suffering. It is also an occasion to honour the They could not find a place to stay. Even the refugee camps were
humanitarian workers and volunteers toiling on the front lines full. My father was desperate. He was worried about being out in
of crises. I pay tribute to these dedicated women and men who the open, because of the possibility of air raids. He knew a man
brave danger to help others at far greater risk”. who was from that town, a man named Emmanuel Isike.
Emmanuel lived in a cramped house that was full of people.
Every 19th August is set aside by the United Nations as a day
Members of his extended family, people whose homes the war
to honour the work of humanitarian workers. The theme of
had also smashed.
2016 commemoration was ‘One Humanity’ which was held at
the General Assembly Hall in New York. My father also knew that it would be very difficult for Emmanuel
to accommodate them. Very difficult to stretch what was already

badly stretched. Still, my father knocked on Emmanuel’s door. In my language Igbo, the word for love—In Igbo, the word for
Emmanuel looked at my parents, holding on to their 2 small love is Ifunanya. And its literal translation is, “To see.” So I
daughters, their faces shadowed in despair. And he said, “We would like to suggest today that this is a time for a new
will make room for you.” I think often of that moment. Because I narrative. A narrative in which we truly see those about whom
wonder if my parents would’ve survived the war, had they not we speak.
benefited from that act of kindness?
Let us tell a different story. Let us tell the story differently. Let us
For 3 years, my parents were refugees. And they owed a lot, not remember that the movement of human beings on earth is not
only to Emmanuel, but also to many humanitarian workers. new. Human history is a story of movement and mingling. Let us
Those women and men, magnificent in their bravery and their remember that we are not just bones and flesh, we are emotional
vulnerability and their commitment. But my parents were not just beings. We all share a desire to be valued, a desire to matter. Let
refugees. Nobody is ever just a refugee. Nobody is ever just a
us remember that dignity is as important as food.
single thing. And yet, in the public discourse today, we often
speak of people as single things. Refugee, immigrant. We When we speak of people who are in need, let us speak not only
dehumanize people when we reduce them to a single thing. And of their need, but also of what they love. What they resent, what
this dehumanization is insidious and unconscious. wounds their pride, what they aspire to. What makes them
laugh? Because if we do, then we are reminded of how similar
It happened to me some years ago. I was visiting Mexico from
we are in the midst of our differences. And we are better able to
the US. And at the time, just as it is now, the political climate in
imagine ourselves in the same situation as those in need.
the US was tense. And there were debates going on about
immigration. And immigration was often synonymous with We cannot measure our humanity, but we can act on it. Our
Mexicans. And Mexicans were all portrayed through a singular humanity is that glowing centre in all of us. It is what makes us
lens of negativity. There were stories about Mexicans being speak up about an injustice, even when that injustice does not
arrested at the border, stealing, fleecing the health care system, personally affect us. It is what makes us aware that we are better
bringing disease. off if our fellow human beings are better off. It is what made
I remember walking around on my first day in Guadalajara, a Emmanuel, in his cramped home full of relatives, still open his
beautiful city. Watching people who were going to work and door to my parents and say, “We will make room for you.”
school. People who are laughing. People who were buying and I am not making the simplistic suggestion that all borders must
selling in the market. At first I felt surprised, and then I was be completely open. Because that is impractical. There might not
overwhelmed with shame. I realized that I had been so immersed be enough room for everyone. But there is certainly room to do
in the American media’s narrow coverage of Mexicans, that more. There is room to honour more commitments. Room to
I had forgotten their humanity. And I could not have been more bridge the divide between what has been promised, and what has
ashamed of myself.
been accomplished.
Emmanuel could’ve said, “No,” to my parents. And he would’ve II Answer the following questions in a page each:
had understandable reasons for saying, “No.” But he chose to 1. Discuss the speaker’s life before the outbreak of the Biafra
say, “Yes.” And his reason for saying yes was his humanity. We war.
can create room for people. And today in this world that has 2. How does Emmanuel become an inspiration and role
been scarred by so much suffering, creating room for people is model to the speaker?
not only doable, it is a moral imperative. It is the moral 3. How does her Mexican experience contradict with the
imperative of our time. stories she had heard about them?
And I would like to end with some words from the poet, Samuel 4. What are her views on ‘Nobody is ever just a single
Coleridge. “Work without hope draws nectar in a sieve, and thing’?
hope without an object cannot live.” Thank you. 5. What are her suggestions to retain humanity?

Glossary III Answer the following questions in two pages each

Cramped : small/not spacious 1. Discuss the events that led the speaker to understand the
Vulnerability : helplessness importance of being humane and acknowledge the moral
Insidious : treacherous imperative of the times.
Synonymous : identical 2. Write a note on humanism as understood from Adiche’s
Overwhelmed : stunned/speechless speech.
Imperative : vital/important
Suggested Reading
 Short story collection: The Thing around Your Neck (2009).
I Answer the following questions in a sentence or two each Suggested activity:
1. Where did the speaker’s parents live?
 Gather information on the Biafra war and share with the
2. What kind of a life did they lead? class.
3. How did life change for them after the Biafra war began?
 Prepare an essay on after effects of war and submit it to your
4. Who is Emmanuel? How did he rise to the occasion? college magazine.
5. What happens when we reduce ‘people’ to single things?
6. How long did the speaker’s family remain as refugees?
Who do they owe their gratitude to?
7. What was the general opinion about Mexicans?
8. Why does the speaker feel ashamed of herself?
9. What is the speaker’s plea to mankind?
10. What is the moral imperative suggested by the speaker?
Language Component 2. To persuade: Presentations have another distinctive purpose
PRESENTATION SKILLS of persuading the audience to act or to believe in a certain
way. For example, sales presentations are made to persuade
We have to make number of presentations on different occasions the buyers to buy the product.
like meetings seminars, conferences, etc. This art of making
3. To build goodwill: Still another purpose of presentations is to
presentation is more than just delivering the presentation. It
engage the audience with a sense of humour.
involves developing the theme and ideas, analyzing the audience,
sourcing the material from library and internet, organizing it Factors affecting presentations
effectively and developing various slides on computers, before  Audience Analysis
delivering the presentations. Like speeches, presentations  Communication environment
involve the same fundamentals of oral communication of  Appearance
attracting the attention of the audience and instituting enthusiasm  Use of Visuals
among them. But compared with speeches, presentations are  Opening and Closing of Presentation
usually short and more formal.  Organization of Presentation

PURPOSE OF PRESENTATIONS Presentation or speech involves the following factors:

Oral presentations have the following three basic purposes
1. To inform. Visual Factors
2. To persuade. 1. Dress up effectively to look smart.
3. To build goodwill. 2. Be confident and authoritative in your look.
3. Establish and maintain eye contract while delivering the
1. To inform: The basic purpose of presentation is to inform or speech.
teach the audience regarding new schemes, new proposals, or 4. Avoid looking at the notes.
new products, etc. Training presentations basically aim at 5. Stand upright.
informing the new entrants about the organizational policies 6. Do not try to close the presentation in a hurry.
and procedures. Sales presentations are made to inform the 7. Move out confidently after presentation.
audience about the features of the product that benefit the
readers. Verbal Factors
1. Use exact words and pronunciation.
2. Keep the sentences short.
3. Use active voice can be used for creation of various slides for presentation. The
4. Address your listeners directly. features of power point presentation includes,
5. Avoid emphasizing mistakes.  Creation and insertion of unlimited slides.
 Use of it as slide sorter mode to scan through slides and to
Vocal Factors decide which to show.
1. Speak in enthusiastic and vivid voice.  Insertion of hyperlinks to online web pages or to images.
2. Speak loudly to be heard, neither soft nor shouting.  Graphical objects, images, scanned objects etc. can be
3. Be more alert and aware of your voice. included in slide(s).
 Sound effects can be added in the slides.
Questions and answers session:
 Excel tables and charts can be imported and modified to suit
After presentation, a sufficient time is given to the audience to
the presentation style.
raise questions and ask for clarification of double, if any. While
 Audio and video clips can be added or linked to enhance the
answering the questions the speaker should:
impact of the presentation.
 Keep the answers brief and focused on the goal of
 Different color schemes and wide variety of fonts can be used
to enhance quality of presentation.
 Avoid answering with personal attack.
 Be sincere and honest in answering the questions. Advantages of power point presentations
 Pay equal attention to the spoken part of the questions as well Power point presentations offer the following advantages to the
as its possible background out of which the question stems. speaker:
 Address the answers to the audience.  Enhanced impact upon the audience.
 Handle the criticizing questions with care and tact.  Enhanced quality of material due to different colors, fonts,
 Treat every question with respect as ‘every question is open checking of spelling, etc.
to question, including this question.’  Enhanced confidence of the speaker as he or she can easily
view the relevant points and elaborate them in speech.
 Easy to operate, just with clicking of the mouse of computer.
Computers and laptops can be used as wonderful tools to prepare
 Video or video clippings can be played.
and deliver the presentations. When the spoken message is
 Slides can be modified at the last moment also to ensure that
delivered with the points presented on screen, the effectiveness
important data is presented to the audience.
of the presentation is enhanced. Power point is one of the most
effective and versatile computer software under MS-Office that
Rules for the use of Power points Slide 3
Following are some of the recommended rules for designing the Comedies
power point presentations:  ‘Twelfth Night’,‘The Merchant Of Venice’,’As you like it’
 Slides should be restricted to 4 to 5 bullet points  ‘Winter’s Tale’, ’Measure for Measure’
 Each bullet point should be a short phrase or a few words that
you can build on. Slide 4
 Charts and graphs should be used. Tragedies
 Graphs and charts should show the trends rather than details.  ‘Hamlet’, ‘Macbeth’
 Use animation selectively.  ‘Othello’, ’King Lear’
 Use colors, fonts and designs consistently.
 Use large fonts easily readable by everyone in the audience. Slide 5
 Be sure that matter is free from spelling and grammatical Romantic plays
errors.  ‘Romeo and Juliet’, ‘Love’s Labour’s Lost’
 ‘Cymbeline’
SAMPLE 1: William Shakespeare
Slide 6
Opening Slide
Historical plays
William Shakespeare – Bard of Avon
 ‘Richard II’, ‘Richard III’
 ‘Henry III,’ ‘Henry IV’, ‘Edward III’
Narayana Iyer

Slide 2 Slide 7
Shakespeare – Playwright and poet Sonnets
 37 plays, 156 sonnets and 2 narrative poems  126 sonnets about friendship
 comedies  28 sonnets about love
 tragedies
Last Slide
 romantic plays
 historical plays
 sonnets

SAMPLE 2: How to concentrate on studies for long hours 4. AN INTERVIEW WITH SANDHYA SURI

Opening Slide Brain storming

How to concentrate on studies for long hours  What is discrimination?
By  Do you think there is gender discrimination in Indian Armed
Abhinav Gupta Forces?
 What do you know about Indian Navy?
Slide2  Can you name a few women who have served in Indian
 Meditation Armed Forces?
 Allot sufficient time to do things other than studying
Slide 3 Sandhya Suri is a retired Naval Officer,
 Stay away from distractions She is one among the few fortunate
 Read out aloud women who had the privilege of serving
 Write the points in a notebook on board a warship. The Third Indian
Navy Academy batch had 14 lady cadets.
Slide 4 And Sandhya Suri was one among them.
 Go slow Her career has been quite versatile as she
 Study for short duration has played diverse roles both inter
 Use visual aids wherever possible nationally and in India in the field of Logistics, Sales, Customer
Care, Administration, Human Resources and Training. She is an
Slide 5 Arts graduate from the University of Jammu. She also has
 Stay motivated amazing sportsmanship qualities and is currently the Executive
 Be determined Director for Divot Pvt Ltd which is an aerospace and defence
company based out of Chennai. She is very enthusiastic as her
Slide 6 learning never stops. She is the only lady in her family to serve
THANK YOU in the Armed Forces. Here is her story as per her interview at
The Better India. (TBI)

In August of 1994, a 22-year-old girl received a call to report to Air Force. I am glad I joined the Navy though. I haven’t ever
the Naval Academy. The excited young girl who was back then regretted it. My Dad was ecstatic and my Mom petrified. I am
studying Masters in English and preparing for IPS exams, the only girl in my family who has served in the Armed
dropped everything at hand to be one among the 14 women Forces.
candidates of the third Naval Academy batch.
Q: How was your first day at work?
TBI speaks to retired Naval officer Sandhya Suri who is among A: I was commissioned on 18 August 1994 and have served for
the few women posted to serve on board an Indian Naval seven years. We have to undergo training before our first
Warship. The Indian Navy no longer assigns women officers on posting. I trained at the Naval Academy in Goa first, followed
warships. by CLABS in Kochi, Hamla School of Management and
Logistics in Mumbai, NBCD Basic Training at Lonavala and
Q: What inspired you to join the Navy? then a Ship’s attachment on now de-commissioned aircraft
A: Clichéd as it might sound, I’ve wanted to be in the Armed carrier INS Vikrant. All of this lasted eleven months before I
Forces even before the induction of women came into play. got posted to the Eastern Command.
It’s a uniform thing I suppose. I wanted to be doing
something worthy. My Dad has been my constant motivator Q: What were the challenges you faced at the time?
through my growing years especially. I was preparing for my
IPS exams then. I was in college studying for my Masters in
English, playing a lot of basketball for the state and also
teaching English at the Army School in Kaluchak, Jammu.
When the call for the Navy came, I dropped the IPS road and
very happily so. I had initially applied to the Army, then
Navy and Air Force. The call came from the Navy and the
Air Force. I was attending my Air Force SSB when the call to
report to the Naval Academy came.
A: Fitness is such a mandatory thing. Mental Resilience too.
Q: How did you feel back then, on being selected? I was already playing basketball for Jammu and Kashmir
A: A huge sense of pride and relief that the IPS Exams could be State then, hence I was working out almost 4-5 hours every
dropped, to be honest. I was super excited. I recall my Air day. That helped a lot. I didn’t have much of trouble over
Force SSB Board President asking me to stay on and join the that.
The biggest challenge for me was to insist I was an “Officer” and that the men were ready. It was a challenge in terms of
not a “Lady Officer” as we were referred to. The challenges most proving myself over and over again professionally. It was as
women probably face is about letting go of the fact that you are a simple as objecting to being addressed in a forum as “Officers
woman. Getting the men to think likewise is also a challenge. and Ladies”. You know, I am in uniform. That is all. I may be
Being in the Armed Forces is all about balance and fortitude and a man or a woman. I have the same responsibility. I think it is
a lot of courage. You are as strong as your weakest link. My also more challenging for the men to have a woman serve on
greatest challenge in the Navy was to fight to be considered a a ship.
uniformed military personnel and not a woman. I think this is
every woman’s challenge in the services. Almost all the men felt that women had privileges, like a private
toilet space, cabin doors had to be locked, etc. I didn’t ask for it.
Q: You are among the lucky women who have had the The rules and the provisions were made by gentlemen officers.
opportunity to serve on a warship. What was the experience I know what I signed up for. I did not ask for privileges. I just
like? did what I had to do. You have to understand one thing – women
on the ship means precious space being sacrificed for them; at
least in India. In the foreign Navies, there are no
such accommodations made. You joined, you serve and you
don’t crib. I think the Navy is still deliberating on this one.
Women are not posted on warships right now, leave alone in
active combat divisions. They of course are now sailing around
the world and doing a lot of adventure activities like
mountaineering. I am glad about that and really proud of them.
There has to be more though. I get their concerns. I also don’t
A: I am among the fortunate few who had the privilege of believe that women should be kept out of ships. Just play fair
serving on board a warship. I was posted on a Logistics and don’t draw out privileges.
Warship that lends out support to the Fleet in terms of
logistics replenishment at sea. That particular posting was my For a gentleman officer, he has to serve sea time at least for a
best one in the Navy. It was challenging. I knew my year to get promoted. I think that is where they could start.
responsibilities and was accountable. It is not easy for the I suppose the laws are needed to be objective not subjectively
Navy to post a woman on board a warship. It has been a male gender focused. If women join the Forces and crib for privileges,
domain for too long. I am not sure, even when I was posted, they shouldn’t have joined in the first place. This is about
serving the Tiranga which represents the nation. I wouldn’t think a great journey together. I did none of this for a reward or
there needs to be a bargaining space here for anything. Perhaps award. I did it because I was a part of the team that was at
I am old-fashioned in my thought process but heck, it is not a job sea. I probably kept my head more balanced in emergencies
or even just a career. It is a matter of privilege already and that than a lot of others did.
privilege is to serve the nation. I am fortunate and it has been an
honour. If the country demands it even when I am sixty, I’d sign Another absolutely great stint was at Mumbai with my last
up. posting where my Unit was assigned the task of managing the
entire seating, security and catering plan for the International
Q: Did you ever have moments of doubt, being a woman? Fleet Review in February 2001. My daughter was seven months
A: Not a single moment. Not now, not ever. old then. Somehow, I was blessed with a great support structure
at my residence. We worked tirelessly and it was absolutely
Q: Share with us one of your fond memories of being a Navy satisfying to see it through.
Q: Was the decision to quit the Navy a tough one? What were the
thoughts that went through your mind while deciding to quit?
A: Honestly, I was stagnating. I had requested for long
course specialisation. That was shot down. I aspired to be an
Instructor, a certified Diver, requested for a transfer to SSB
Board or Naval Intel. At that point, when I was asked if
I wanted to extend, when these requests were shot down,
I didn’t see a point in staying. I did not want to push files all
the time. I wanted to do more than just that. At that point, the
decision to not continue with posting women on board also
happened. There was no Permanent Commission at sight
either. There has got to be something. Even today, the women
A: Like I said earlier, the posting on the warship was my best. Officers are still struggling for a Permanent Commission.
I used every little thing I had learned and been trained for. Their prime years have gone in service to the nation and we,
That is as operational as one can get in peace time. I have as a service, are yet to execute a decision on it. Having said
done that. I have painted the ship, I have cooked for the crew, that, I think it is a tough one for the Navy even when it is not
I have been through crisis with the crew and we have all seen 2001.
It was a decision to be taken and was taken. I won’t talk about women sailors is the day I reckon the opportunities will have
how that affected me personally. It is irrelevant because my peaked.
decision had everything to do with the road ahead. I miss the
uniform. I miss that a lot but I am grateful for the opportunity. It I am looking forward to that day is all I can say. Until then, ever
was tough to decide to leave. I don’t regret things though. There since the induction of women in the Navy, we are still work in
is no time for regret here. You have one life. You live it to the progress.
hilt and make the time worth it.
Q: What is your view on women Navy officers not being allowed
Q: Did you feel let down by the lack of opportunities for women to go on ship?
in the Navy at that point in time? A: I would definitely want those doors open. That is operational
Navy. There should be an equal opportunity. Don’t lower
assessment standards for women and if someone makes the
grade, the same as any gentleman officer, then be fair and let
it happen.

Q: How special is Navy Day for you, today?

A: I suppose yes but not to a great degree. One has to see this
rationally and also see ourselves as a nation in terms of
gender. Much as I would like to ignore it, reality cannot be
ignored and sometimes, it is women who are a hindrance to
themselves. You must understand, the Navy was then still in
its infancy as far as women intake is concerned. I think, as a
A: Navy Day is very special to me even today. It is not going to
woman, I also understand the reservations that the then Navy
lose its significance in my life as years go by. It has been
Chief or even the Government had. There will be reservations
fifteen years since I hung my uniform to not wear it again. It
for quite a while I reckon. The day the Indian Navy takes in
hasn’t become less relevant. Once a fauji, always a fauji. It is
your skin. It flows in your blood. Nope, this is not going Ecstatic : overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement.
anywhere. You’ll wonder why I didn’t stay on then. I have Resilience : the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties,
already said why. toughness.
Q: How do you feel about the present opportunities available to Logistics : the detailed organization and implementation of
women wanting to join the Navy? a complex operation.
A: I think it’s about time we stopped looking to opportunities Replenishment: restoration of a stock or supply to former level
available to women. It is time we just invite eligible young or condition.
citizens to join the Services. Gender should not be mentioned. Shanoovarun : “sham no varuna”, motto of Indian Navy.
That would be “the opportunity” in the right sense of the A Sanskrit verse taken from “Taittiriya
word. Upanishad” which means ‘may the God of the
oceans be auspicious unto us’
Q: What is your advice to women wanting to join the Indian Clubs : merchant navy club, Kochi
A: If you are looking at it as a career and a job, please don’t join Comprehension
I Answer the following questions in one or two sentences
and undermine our initial efforts of utter pride in serving the each
nation. Join because the pride of having the privilege swells 1) What inspired Sandhya Suri to join the Navy?
your heart. Join if you can live by the oath you take. Join if 2) How did Sandhya Suri feel on being selected to the
there is more to you than just the thought of glamour in Navy?
uniform. Join only if you can put your country before 3) What was Sandhya Suri doing before she received the
yourself, your Ship (read Unit) before yourself, your team call from the Navy and Air Force?
before yourself and lead by example. Else, please don’t 4) What was the reaction of Sandhya Suri’s parents when
tarnish it’s pristine colours. Shaano Varun is a lifetime thing. she got posted for the Navy?
If you believe that, by all means go and shine. 5) Mention any two places where Sandhya Suri was trained
before posted to the Eastern Command.
6) The biggest challenge for Sandhya Suri was to insist that
Clichéd : showing a lack of originality
she was an -________and not a __________________.
SSB Board : Services Selection Board is an organization that
assesses the candidates for becoming Officers in
the Indian Armed Forces.

II Answer the questions in about a page each: Language Component
1) How does Sandhya Suri describe her experience on a INTERVIEW SKILLS
war ship?
2) Write a brief note on the fond memories of Sandhya Any kind of interview, in general, is very crucial for the job
Suri. seekers and a decisive moment. Very rarely people may be
3) Briefly describe the thoughts that went through Sandhya appointed without an interview. An Interview means that the
Suri’s mind while deciding to quit the Navy. candidate is still in the process of selection and nothing to
4) What advice does Sandhya Suri give for women aspiring dishearten. It facilitates exchange of information.
to join Navy?
5) How did Sandhya Suri feel on being selected to the Interview helps the prospective employer to —-
Navy? Assess the skills and experience stated by the job seeker in the
6) What was Sandhya Suri doing before she received the resume.
call from the Navy and Air Force?  Know the oral communication skills of him/her.
7) What was the reaction of Sandhya Suri’s parents when  Find his/her aptitude and attitude and behavior skills.
she got selected for the Navy?  Get an overall assessment based on the confidence displayed
by her/his
III Answer the following questions in about a page and a  Find evidence of what all written in the resume
half each  Get a sound basis for selecting the candidate.
1) Comment on the gender issue in Navy as brought out in
Sandhya Suri’s interview. Kinds of interview
2) What were the lack of opportunities for women in the 1. Face -to- face 2. Telephonic
Navy and how does Sandhya Suri express her
disappointment to them? Face- to- Face Interview
3) What inspired Sandhya Suri to join the Navy? o Preparation
4) Describe any two places where Sandhya Suri was trained Preparation is a must to an interview. That includes revising your
before she was posted to the Eastern Command. subject, collecting information about the company which has
invited you for the interview and refresh your memory about the
skills you have written in your resume.

 Briefly collect information about the company through For Men
website. Be ready to tell in 3 or 4 sentences about what the  A well-pressed, lightly starched white or light coloured, full –
company does and its aims. sleeved shirt and well -tailored trousers and a suitably
 Make two or three copies of your resume and keep it ready, to matched tie will give a pleasant look on this occasion. Shoes
be given if asked. should shine.
 Sit relaxed and upright, maintain eye contact don’t stare.
o Rehearse for certain questions.  Do not sit cross- legged but keep your knees together and
 Rehearsal of few possible questions and answers as a part of never shake your legs.
preparation you should make a rehearsal or get ready for
answers to the usual questions generally asked in interviews  In face to face interviews greeting and confident smile will
from the experience of your seniors, peers or your own have a great impact on the members of the board. Greeting
previous interviews experiences. The members ask you the members in a pleasant and charming way is an indication
questions to explore your aptitude and attitude. They would of your confidence. You may greet them collectively saying’
like to know how much you are motivated and how smart you good morning/ good afternoon everybody’ based on the time.
are to take up the position if selected.
 Before you start, be sure of the road map, reach the venue After the Interview
half an hour early before the interview. Relax physically and Many job seekers do not give importance to the simple things to
emotionally. follow after the interview. They move the chair aside with a bang
 Look your best in a pleasant, simple and elegant dress and leave the place abruptly without a friendly gesture or
greeting. But one should remember certain principles of etiquette
For Women to follow.
Wear a formal business suit, salwar suit or a sari. Keep it simple
with light -colored clothes. Dress neatly and look clean. Few tips Soon after a member in the board says that you can ‘leave’,
to keep in mind ensure the following things:
 Wear clean clothes  Greet the officer or shake hands with a spirit of confidence.
 Avoid strong perfume  Keep the chair in its original place without a sound.
 Avoid fashion accessories  Close the door softly while leaving the room.
 Groom your hair well  Do not meet the people in the office enquiring about the
 Clip your nails. result.

 Do not discourage the other members with your experience. When the recruiting officer would not have enough time to
 Just say ‘very fine’ or ‘enjoyed well’ to the members who ask concentrate because of the large number of candidates who are
you any questions. called for the first round. Or when the officer finds some
individuals who are closer to each other in rank or marks. Or it
NOTE: may be due to a difference of opinion between two members on
the board regarding a few candidates.
1) Interviewers often observe and note down not only what you
say but how you say it. This second interview is a clear indication that you are closer to
2) Whatever may be the outcome of the interview, you should selection .Naturally, it boosts your morale and confidence. You
enjoy the questions and your interaction with the experts on will be given more time in this round, as the officer concerned is
the board. It adds a lot of experience to you and any keen on you. Usually, more practical kind of the specific
experience is not a waste but an addition to your knowledge. questions related to the post will be asked in the round to make
sure that you are the right candidate for the company.
Telephonic Interview
Besides the usual face-to-face interviews, you find another kind Note: Nobody can predict all questions in an interview, so
of interview that is an interview on phone. Of late, when preparation is a must. Be prepared to answer even the
offshoring or outsourcing of companies has come into vogue it is most unexpected questions.
difficult for the recruiting officer to meet prospective employees
who can be anywhere on the globe. The recruiting officer Your answers should reflect your robust confidence and be
arranges an interview with the job seekers a particular time to careful not to give a negative image about you.
contact him/her. The person who takes the interview should be
available at that given time. It is better not to give your office Exercises on Interview Skills
contact number or your mobile phone number for this purpose
Answer the following by framing questions:
(your mobile phone number is optional).
1) You are the HR of Toyota Kirloskar Motors Pvt. ltd. You are
Questions that are likely to be asked are similar to that of face-
asked to interview the candidates who have received their
to-face interviews. Here you have to greet the recruiting officer
interview letters. Interview them with 5 simple questions.
in an informal way on the phone, in the beginning and at the end.
(Sample Question)
The second interview may be face-to- face or on phone. a) Introduce yourself.
Sometimes you may be called for a second round of interview. b) What is your strength?
c) What is your weakness? 5. THE TALKATIVE MAN
d) What are your expectations from the employer? -R.K.Narayan
e) What do you know about Toyota Kirloskar? Brain Storming
 What is a Novella?
2) Imagine that you are interviewing your English teacher on the  Good Communication and commitment are some of the
topic “The importance of English language”. important factors for a happy, successful marriage. Do you
a) Madam, what do you feel about teaching English? agree?
b) What are the challenges of teaching English?  What could be the reasons for a married couple to drift away
c) Why do you think students hesitate to speak in English? from each other?
d) What is the remedy for this?
e) What are your suggestions to students? A note on the Author
R. K. Narayan (Rasipuram Krishna
3) Imagine you are interviewing your friend on the importance swamy Iyer Narayanaswamy) was born
of skill development, like Spoken English, computer basics in Madras on October10, 1906. He
etc.( Frame five questions) graduated from Maharaja’s College of
Mysore with B.A.degree in 1930. He
4) Imagine you are interviewing your Librarian on the attempted to teach for a while but then
availability of books in the library for the students during the switched to writing full time. His first
examination time.( Frame Five questions) book, Swami and Friends, was published in Britain in
1935.During his life time, he wrote more than 30 novels and
5) Imagine you are interviewing Sachin Tendulkar. (Frame Five hundreds of short stories. His other novels include The Bachelor
Questions) of Arts, The Dark Room, The English Teacher, The Guide, The
Man-eater of Malgudi, The Financial Expert, The Vendor of
Sweets and The World of Nagaraj. He was one of the first
Indians to write in English and gain international recognition. He
received numerous awards including the Padma Bhushan, India’s
highest award. He died on 13th May, 2001 at the age of 94.

Theme 6. What is unusual about Rann’s appearance? What is the
Talkative Man is a story of a woman who makes several narrator’s personal view of his ethnic origin?
attempts to get her husband back. It is also the story of a 7. How did the narrator’s neighbour Sambu come to
journalist referred to as a Talkative Man who rescues a minor acquire a fine library in his house?
girl from eloping with an elderly man which would ultimately 8. Why has Dr.Rann come to Malgudi?
ruin her life. The central theme of the novel delineating Sarasa- 9. Why did the station master feel overwhelmed by
Rann relationship is stated by Narayan in the “post script” which Dr. Rann? What did he do to make his stay comfortable
reads thus: “This is only the story of a wife attempt to reclaim for him?
her erratic, elusive husband who is a wanderer and a philanderer 10. What problems did the station master face when Rann
on a global scale.” continued to occupy the waiting room?
11. What were Ramu’s observations about autos?
Glossary 12. How did the old sweeper at the narrator’s house react
Pyol : It is a raised platform on which to sit or even lie when she saw Dr.Rann?
down. It is about knee height and built on either 13. What was the message in the telegram? Why was the
sides of the main door of a house. narrator excited to receive it?
Penitentiary : prison. 14. What was the outcome of the speaker’s article on a Man
Maudlin : sentimental from Timbuctoo with the photograph of Dr.Rann?
Factotums : personal assistant 15. How had Sarasa’s parents reacted when they came to
Motley : diverse, Varied know about her marriage with Rann?
16. What did the speaker find in Rann’s room? What does it
reveal about Rann’s character?
I. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences or
17. Who is invited as the chief guest for the silver jubilee
as required (not for testing):
celebration of Our Lotus Club? What does he intend to
1. Why is the narrator referred to as “Talkative Man”?
speak on?
2. Why is Varma who owned the “Boardless Hotel”
18. What did Gafur reveal about Rann?
considered as considerate by the narrator?
19. How did the speaker deal with the situation to rescue
3. Why was Varma reluctant to dispose off the calendars?
4. What is Dr.Rann’s original name?
20. With whom did Rann elope in the end?
5. How did he make his Indian name sound foreign?

II. Answer the questions in about a page each: III. Answer the questions in about page and a half each
1. Write a note on Mr. Varma who owned the “Boardless 1. Comment on the significance of the title Talkative
Hotel”. Man.
2. Describe the narrators struggling days to establish 2. “Dr.Rann has unsuspected depths of duplicity” discuss.
himself as a journalist. 3. Elaborate on the growing friendship between Rann and
3. Write briefly on the descendants of the families in Kabir Sarasa which ultimately led to their marriage. How did
Street and Ellamman Street. Sarasa’s parents react to this marriage?
4. What picture of Lawley memorial library or Town Hall 4. Comment on the irony and humour in the Silver Jubilee
Library is given by the narrator? Celebration of the Lotus Club at the Town Hall.
5. Write a note on the station master. 5. How does Rann befriend the young student Girija?
6. Discuss the house hunting expedition. How does the narrator rescue her from him?
7. Comment on Dr.Rann’s reaction when the narrator took 6. Discuss the several attempts made by Command and
him to his house. Sarasa to reclaim her husband Dr. Rann. Does she
8. Discuss the elaborate preparations made to take a succeed?
picture of Dr.Rann. 7. Comment on the conclusion of the Novel.
9. Why did the Commandant Sarasa come to Malgudi?
What are our impressions of this lady? Suggested reading
10. How did the narrator handle the situation when Sarasa  The Story-Teller and the Talkative Man by Albertazzi S.
came searching for Rann to his house?  “The Malgudi days, The financial expert by R.K.Narayan.
11. What do we learn about Rann from Sarasa?  The dialectics of Myth and Irony in R.K.Narayan by
12. How did Rann try to impress Girija the young student, Chellapan. K.
the elderly librarian’s granddaughter?
Suggested Activity
13. What did TM find in Rann’s room? Why was he
 Watch the movie “The Guide”, and write an essay about the
disturbed? What does it reveal about Rann’s Character?
complexity in human relationships.
14. What does the narrator feel about Rann’s relationship
 Watch the movie “Banker Margayya” and write a critical
with Girija, the young student? Why is he reluctant to
speak about it with the grand parents?
15. Discuss the proceedings at the Silver Jubilee celebration
of the Lotus Club.

Language Component The above components or some of them vary depending upon
RESUME WRITING certain factors like a beginner, a senior, skills and experience and
the requirements of a particular job.
Resume, Curriculum vitae (CV) or Bio-data are three different
terms used for a document which the job seekers send to the Personal details
prospective employer stating their educational qualifications, Include name, address, email and phone number. State your full
skills, experience and others. In fact CV is a British usage, name first in bold and upper case. Provide the address you want
Resume an American and the last an Indian usage. Roughly, the to be contacted at.
three terms mean the same in the context of seeking employment
or position. However, some difference among them is found in Employees are not supposed to discriminate on the basis of your
different circles and situations. gender, caste or religion. So your resume need not contain such
information unless specified.
What is a Resume?
Objective or Career objective
A resume (/ˈrezjuːmeɪ/) is a self-profile and a document prepared Starting your resume with an objective tells your employer what
by the person who seeks an employment in an institution/ you are looking for and the level of responsibility that you seek.
company and to get an interview from the employer. For an appealing statement of job objective, use as many content
words as possible.
 Personal details Education
 Objective or Career objective This section discusses your educational background. Most
 Qualification employers expect you to state the degrees or courses you have
 Academic Achievements completed, the year of passing, name of the institute, grade or
 Education division you have achieved.
 Work history
 Summary of Skills Summary of skills
 Personal data Skills acquired during your career can be highlighted separately.
 References These would usually include computer skills, managerial skills,
language proficiency and any other specific skills that you may
have acquired.

Work History / experience  Do not copy a template from the computer.
This should include details about all positions that you have  Be truthful.
held, including the work that you have done during your training  Avoid the use of ‘I’ and other personal pronouns.
or projects. Highlight your best qualities.  Be specific about your achievements.
 Have someone else review your resume.
Personal data  Spell Check.
Do not write your age or date of birth at the top of your resume
but write it towards the end under ‘Personal Profile/ data’, if the Sample Resume
advertisement requires or when there is an age limit for a X.Y. SAVITHRI
#211, Mittal Apartment
particular post.
II cross, I main,
Nehru Colony
References Bengaluru 560054
Include the names of two distinguished people or former Mobile phone- 9111111100
employers who know you and your work well. Include their
current contact information. It is possible that your prospective Career Objective
employer will get in touch with them and seek information about To work for a professionally managed and growth oriented
you – your qualifications, work ethics, dependability etc. So your organisation that would hone my skills and intellectual faculties
referees should be aware that you have included their names and while adding value to self.
they must be willing to write or speak about you.
(However, references need not be provided when you are sure Chartered Account (CA) - November 2003
that they are not expected by the employer). Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) – April 2001

Some Tips Academic Achievements:

 Number of pages should be generally 1 or maximum 2 for a  Topper in graduation (B.Com) from Gandhi Degree College,
beginner and for experienced people it can be 4 to 5, on A4 Bengaluru.
size sheet.  Winner of L N Gupta Medal from AIIE. (All India Industrial
 Use 10 or 12 font’s size and only 2 kinds of them, Times New Exhibition Society) for highest score in Intermediate.(Plus
Roman or Ariel. Do not use fancy fonts. two)
 Use only bullet points.

Education Personal Profile
 CA Final: 50.38% Date of Birth: 27-06-1981
 CA Inter: 55.67% Languages Known: English, Hindi, and Kannada
 CA Foundation: 56.50%
 B.Com: 69.13% References
 Intermediate: 82.20% 1. XYZ, Senior General Manager
 SSC: 82.16% Address:
Phone number:
Work Experience Email ID:
2004 January — to date
2. Mr.ABC
 6 months Assistant Manager, Accounts in charge, Address:
NOVOPAN, Bengaluru(GVK group of Industries) dealing Phone number:
with all sorts of Foreign transactions as part of Imports Email ID:
&Exports Of wood and its products in the company 2001-
2003 Dec. Signature: XXXX
 Completed 3 years of Articleship training with M/s. Shalini
Associates, Chartered Accountants, Bengaluru as required Place:________________
under the regulations of the ICAI from the period 1999 to
Date: ________________
 Involved as a team member in conduct of various audit
assignments in accordance with the prevalent accounting and
audit standards, ensuring the compliance of statutory
requirements, in the areas - statutory audit, bank audit, tax
audit, and internal audit.

IT Skills
 MS- Office
 Tally

COVER LETTER Five Ways Making a Cover Letter Attractive:
Cover letter is a part of the resume and important though  Your neatness, precision, presentation skills and ability to pay
separately enclosed. A cover letter states the purpose of your attention to details
communication, the nature of the job you are interested in, your  Editing your letter to ensure grammatical correctness, correct
understanding of the job requirement and whether you have the spelling and usage.
required skills. A well written cover letter-  Your letter should convey your personality. Don’t copy
 Introduces you anyone’s letter.
 Talks about your areas of specialization  Emphasizing concisely the information pertaining to your
 Indicates the kind of job you are interested in specialized training and all relevant experience and skills
 Highlights your qualifications necessary to the post.
 Talks about the kind of work you have already done  Avoid the use of outdated words like “humbly request’ ‘I
 Attempts to persuade the prospective employer to call you for beg’, ‘your esteemed company’, ‘I enclose herewith’ etc.
an interview.
A cover letter contains:
 Past experience and skills –If in service, a mention must be Write a cover letter for the advertisement:
made of present job and about experience and skills relevant
for the present post applied for. If you do not have any
experience, mention the projects or trainings, relevant to the
job, you had undertaken.
 A reference - make a reference, if any, of someone (taking
permission) who suggested you to apply for, preferably, in
the beginning of the letter itself.
 Level of confidence - every word in the CL, should reflect the
confidence level. It should emphasize why you think you are
suitable with your skills for the post.

XYZ Company Limited The cover letter for the above advertisement
#211, Mittal Apartment
The XYZ Company Limited is based at Ahmedabad, II cross, I main,
Bengaluru, Bihar, Hyderabad and Ranchi. We need Accounts Nehru Colony
Officers. The ideal candidates should be Chartered Bengaluru 560054
Accountants with 2 to 3 years of relevant experience in Mobile phone- 9111111100
computerised Accounting. All candidates should be computer
savvy and should have excellent communication and To
prevention skills. The Manager (HR)
XYZ Company Ltd., Raj Bhavan Road
Interested candidates may apply immediately with their full
Somajiguda, Hyderabad 500 082
Bio-data with ref code (8364) and location preferred, to
The Manager (HR) Madam/Sir,

XYZ Company Ltd., Raj Bhavan Road Sub: Application for the post of Accounts Officer
Somajiguda, Hyderabad 500 082 in XYZ Company Ltd.
Ph. 040-2111115,2111118, Fax- 040 2111117 Ref: Your Advertisement in The Hindu, Dated
E-mail. hr@xyzltd.org June23, 2004, for Accounts Officer post,
Ref. Code(8364).

Mr. AVS Rao, the Deputy Manager, (Production) in your

Company, suggested me to apply for the post of Accounts
Officer (Reference Code: 8364), advertised by you in The
Hindu, dated November 23, 2019.

I am currently employed in NOVOPAN, Hyderabad which deals

with wood and its products, as Assistant Manager in charge of
Accounts, from January 2004.

 I am confident of handling the responsibilities as Accounts 8. COMPANIONS
Officer in your organization. -Raja Rao
 I have relevant experience in computerized accounting in my Alas till now I did not know
present job. I am proficient in computer skills relevant to my My guide and Fate's guide are one.
job and am very good at communication skills. - Hafiz
 In fact, I am ready to work at any place but my preference is
Hyderabad. It was a serpent such as one sees only at a fair, long and many
coloured and swift in riposte when the juggler stops his music.
Please find my resume attached herewith. But it had a secret of its own which none knew except Moti
Khan who brought him to the Fatehpur Sunday fair. The secret
was: his fangs would lie without venom till the day Moti Khan
should see the vision of the large white rupee, with the Kutub
Yours faithfully, Minar on the one side and the face of the Emperor on the other.
That day the fang would eat into his flesh and Moti Khan would
only be a corpse of a man. Unless he find God.
For to tell you the truth, Moti Khan had caught him in the
Date:_______________ strangest of strange circumstances. He was one day going
through the sitaphul wood of Rampur on a visit to his sister, and
the day being hot and the sands all scorching and shiny, he lay
down under a wild fig-tree, his turban on his face and his legs
stretched across a stone. Sleep came like a swift descent of dusk,
and after rapid visions of palms and hills and the dizzying
sunshine, he saw a curious thing. A serpent came in the form of a
man, opened its mouth, and through the most queer twistings of
his face, declared he was Pandit Srinath Sastri of Totepur, who,
having lived at the foot of the Goddess Lakshamma for a
generation or more, one day in the ecstasy of his vision he saw
her, the benign Goddess straight and supple, offering him two
boons. He thought of his falling house and his mortgaged
ancestral lands and said without a thought, 'A bagful of gold and 'I sat at the feet of Sri Lakshamma and fell into ecstasy. I am a
liberation from the cycle of birth and death.' ‘And gold you shall Brahmin.'
have,' said the Goddess, 'but for your greed, you shall be born a 'You are strange.'
serpent in your next life before reaching liberation. For gold and
'Take me or I'll haunt you for this life and all lives to come.'
wisdom go in life like soap and oil. Go and be born a / juggler's
serpent. And when you have made the hearts of many men glad `Go, Satan!' shouted Moti Khan, and rising swift as a sword he
with the ripple and swing of your shining flesh, and you have started for his sister's house. He said to himself, 'I will think of
gone like a bird amidst shrieking children, only to swing round my sister and her child. I will think only of them.' But leaves
their legs and to swing out to the amusement of them all, when rustled and serpents came forth from the left and the right, blue
you have climbed old men's shoulders and hung down them ones and white ones and red ones and copper-coloured ones,
chattering like a squirrel, when you have thrust your hood at the long ones with short tails and short ones with bent tails, and
virgin and circled round the marrying couples, when you have serpents dropped from tree-tops and rock-edges, serpents hissed
gone through the dreams of pregnant women and led the seekers on the river sands. Then Modi Khan stood by the Rampur stream
to the top of the Mount of Holy Beacon, then your sins will be and said, 'Wretch! Stop it. Come, I'll take you with me.' Then the
worn out like the quern with man's grindings and your flesh will serpents disappeared and so did the hissings, and hardly home,
catch fire like the will-o'-the-wisp and disappear into the world he took a basket and put it in a corner, and then he slept; and
of darkness where men await the birth to come. The juggler will when he woke, a serpent had curled itself in the basket. Moti
be a basket-maker and Moti Khan is his name. In a former life he Khan had a pungi made by the local carpenter, and, putting his
sought God but in this he sits on the lap of a concubine. Wending mouth to it, he made the serpent dance. All the village gathered
his way to his sister's for the birth of her son, he will sleep in the round him and all the animals gathered round him, for the music
sitaphul woods. Speak to him. And he will be the vehicle of your of Modi Khan was blue, and the serpent danced on his tail.
salvation.' Thus spoke the Goddess.
'Now, what do you say to that, Mori Khan?' When he said goodbye to his sister, he did not take the road to
his concubine but went straight northwards, for Allah called him
'Yes, I've been a sinner. But never thought I, God and Satan
there. And at every village men came to offer food to Moti Khan
would become one. Who are you?’
and women came to offer milk to the serpent, for it swung round
'The very same serpent.' children's legs and swung out, and cured them of all scars and
'Your race has caused the fall of Adam.' poxes and fevers. Old men slept better after its touch and women
conceived on the very night they offered milk to it. Plague went

and plenty came, but Modi Khan would not smell silver. That once at the women, and suddenly it used to hiss up and
would be death. slap_Moti Khan's cheeks with the back of its head, for his music
had fallen false and he was eyeing women. Round were their
Now sometimes, at night in caravanserais, they had wrangles. hips, he would think, and the eyelashes are black and blue, and
Modi Khan used to say: 'You are not even-a woman to put under the breasts are pointed like young mangoes, and their limbs so
oneself.' tremble and flow that he could sweetly melt into them.

‘But so many women come to see you and so many men come One day, however, there was at the market a dark blue woman,
to honour you, and only a king could have had such a reception with red lips, young and sprightly; and she was a butter woman.
though you're only a basket-maker.' She came and stood by Moti Khan as he made the serpent dance.
He played and he played on his bamboo pungi and music swung
'Only a basket-maker! But I had a queen of a woman, and when
here and splashed there, and suddenly he looked at her and her
she sang her voice was all flesh, and her flesh was all song. And
eyes and her breasts and the nagaswara went and became moha-
she chewed betel-leaves and her lips were red, and even kings.. .'
swara, and she felt it and he felt she felt it; and when night came,
'Stop that. Between this and the vision of the rupee. ...' he thought and thought so much of her and she thought and
thought so much of him, that he slipped to the serai door and she
Moti Khan pulled at his beard and, fire in his eyes, he broke his came to the serai gate, flower in her hair and perfume on her
knuckles against the earth. 'If only I could see a woman! 'If you limbs, but lo! like the sword of God came a long, rippling light,
want God forget women, Moti Khan.' But I never asked for God. circled round them, pinched at her nipples and flew back into the
It is you who always bore me with God. I said I loved a woman. bewildering night. She cried out, and the whole town waked, and
You are only a fanged beast. And here I am in the prime of life Moti Khan thrust the basket under his arm and walked
with a reptile to live with.' northwards, for Allah called him thither.

But suddenly temple bells rang, and the muezzin was heard to 'Now,' said Moti Khan, 'I have to find God. Else this creature
cry Allah-o-Akbar. No doubt it was all the serpent's work. will kill me. And the Devil knows the hell I'd have to bake in.'
Trembling, Moti Khan fell on his knees and bent himself in So, he decided that, at the next saint's tomb he encountered, he
prayer. would sit down and meditate. But he wandered and he wandered;
from one village he went to another. From one fair he went to
From that day on the serpent had one eye turned to the right and another, but he found no Dargah to meditate by. For God always
one to the left when it danced. Once it looked at the men and called him northwards and northwards, and he crossed the
jungles and he went up the mountains, and he came upon narrow dancing women, round hips, betel-chewed lips, round breasts—
valleys where birds screeched here and deer frisked there but no shy some were, while some were only minxes—and they came
man's voice was to be heard, and he said, 'Now let me turn back from the right and went to the left, and they pulled at his heard—
home'; but be looked back and he was afraid. And he said, 'Now and, suddenly, white serpents burst through the earth and
I have to go to the North; for Allah calls me there.' And he enveloped them all, but Moti Khan would not move. He said:
climbed mountains again, and ran through jungles, and then ‘Sheikh Chisti, I am in a strange world. But there is a darker
came broad plains, and he went to the fairs and made the snake world I see behind, and beyond that dark, dark world, I see a
dance, and people left their rice shops and cotton-ware shops and brighter world, and there, there must be Allah.’
the bellowing cattle and the yoked threshers and the querns and
the kilns, and came to hear him play the music and to see the For twenty -nine days he knelt there, his hands pressed against
snake dance. They gave him food and fruit and cloth, but when his -ears, his face turned towards Sheikh Chisti's tomb. And
they said, 'Here's a coin, he said, 'Nay.' And the snake was right people came and said, 'Wake up, old man, wake up'; but he
glad of it, for he hated to kill Moti Khan till he had found God, would not answer. And when they found the snake lying on the
and he himself hated to die. Now, when Moti Khan had crosssed tomb of Sheikh Chisti they cried, 'This is a strange thing,' and
the Narbuda and the Pervan and the Bhagirath, he came to the they took to their heels; while others came and brought mullahs
jumna, and through long Agra he passed making the snake and maulvis but Moti Khan would not answer. For, to speak the
dance, and yet he could not find God and he was sore in soul truth, he was crossing through the dark waters, where one strains
with it. And the serpent was bothersome. and splashes, and where the sky is all cold, and the stars all dead,
and till man come to the other shore, there shall be neither peace
But at Fatehpur Sikri, he said, 'Here is Sheikh Chisti's tomb and I nor God.
would rather starve and die than go one thumb-length more.' He
sat by Sheikh Chisti's tomb and he said, Sheikh Chisti, what is On the twenty-ninth night Skeikh Chisti woke from his tomb and
this Fate has sent me? This serpent is a very wicked thing. He came, his skull-cap and all, and he said 'My son, what may I give
just hisses and spits fire at every wink and waver. He says, 'Find you?'
God.' Now, tell me, Sheikh Chisti, how can find Him? Till I find 'Peace from this serpent—and God.'
Him I will not leave this spot.' 'My son, God is not to be seen. He is everywhere.'
'Eyes to see God, for I cannot any more go northwards.' 'Eyes to
But even as he prayed he saw snakes sprout through his head,
discern God you shall have.'
fountains splashed and snakes fell gently to the sides like the
waters by the Taj, and through them came women, soft women, 'Then peace from this serpent.'
'Faithful shall he be, true companion of the God-seeker.' camphors were lit, and marriage couples went round the platform
'Peace to all men and women,' said Moti Khan. in circumambulation. When the serpent was offered the camphor
Moti Khan had the incense. And when illness comes to the town,
'Peace to all mankind. Further, Moti Khan, 1 have something to with music and flags and torches do we go, and we fall in front
tell you; as dawn breaks Maulvi Mohammed Khan will come to of the pipal-platform and we fall prostrate before the dargah, and
offer you his daughter, fair as an oleander. She has been waiting right through the night a wind rises and blows away the foul
for you and she will wed you. My blessings on you, my son!' humours of the village. And when and they are cured. Emperors
and kings have come and gone but never have they destroyed our
'Allah is found! Victory to Allah!' cried Mod Khan. The serpent village. For man and serpent are friends, and Moti Khan found
flung round him, slipped between his feet and curled round his God.
neck and danced on his head, for, when Moti Khan found God,
his sins would be worn out like the quern-stone with the Between Agra and Fatehpur Sikri you may still find the little
grindings of man, and there would be peace in all mankind. tomb and the pipal. Boys have written their names on the walls
and dust and leaves cover the gold and blue of the pall. But
Moti Khan married the devour daughter of Maulvi Mohanuned someone has dug a well by the side, and if thirst takes you on the
Khan and he loved her well, and he settled down n Fatehpur road, you can take a drink and rest under the pipal, and think
Sikri and became the guardian of Sheikh Chisti's tomb. The deeply of God.
serpent lived with him, and now and again he was taken to the
fair to play for the children.

One day, however, Moti Khan's wife died and was buried in a
tomb of black marble. Eleven months later Moti Khan died and
he was given a white marble tomb, and a dome of the same
stone, for both. Three days after that the serpent died too, and
they buried him in the earth beside the dargah, and gave him a
nice clay tomb. A pipal sprang up on it, and a passing Brahmin
planted a neem-tree by the pipal, and some merchant in the
village gave money to build a platform round them. The pipal
rose to the skies and covered the dome with dark, cool shade,
and Brahmins planted snake-stones under it, and bells rang and

Language Component and receive notifications of their friends' activities. Users may
SOCIAL MEDIA also join common-interest groups.
2. Twitter is an American online news and social
Social media is described as the collection of online networking service on which users post and
communication channels dedicated to sharing of information, interact with messages known as "tweets". Tweets were
ideas, career interests via virtual communities and networks. originally restricted to 140 characters, but on November 7,
2017, this limit was doubled for all languages except Chinese,
Some of the most popular social media websites, with over 100 Japanese, and Korean. Registered users can post, like, and
million registered users, include Facebook (and its associated retweet tweets, but unregistered users can only read them.
Facebook Messenger), YouTube, WhatsApp, Quora, Users access Twitter through its website interface, through
Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pinterest, Blog, Short Message Service (SMS) or its mobile-device
Viber, WeChat, Weibo, Reddit, Tumblr, etc. application software ("app").Twitter was created in March
2006 by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan
A few prominent examples of social media:
Williams and launched in July of that year.
1. Facebook, Inc.is an American online social media and
Twitter – A real-time, micro-blogging social network
social networking service company. It is based in Menlo
 Tweet and ReTweet – Users’ status update in the form of
Park, California. It was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, along
messages is called a tweet. When the user re-post someone
with fellow Harvard College students Eduardo Saverin,
else’s, it is called a ReTweet
Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. It
 Mention @ - When interacting with others on Twitter, users
is considered one of the Big Four technology companies
use their handle (@ symbol and their username). This is
along with Amazon, Apple, and Google.
called a ‘Mention’.
The Facebook service can be accessed from devices with  Favorite – When users enjoy a tweet and want to save it (or

Internet connectivity, such as personal computers, tablets and just express their admiration), they can favorite it.
smartphones. After registering, users can create a customized  Trending Topics # - This section shows the most popular

profile revealing information about themselves. Users can post conversations going on right now in certain regions and is
text, photos and multimedia of their own and share it with signified by a hashtag (#) and the keyword or phrase.
other users as "friends". Users can use various embedded apps,

3. YouTube is an American video-sharing website Users can "like" photos, and follow other users to add their
headquartered in San Bruno, California. Three content to a feed.
former PayPal employees—Chad Hurley, Steve
Chen, and Jawed Karim—created the service in February Instagram –Photo-sharing and editing mobile app
2005. Google bought the site in November 2006 for  Follow, like, comment – Instagram allows users to follow

US$1.65 billion; YouTube now operates as one of Google's others for photo updates, comment on those photos, and like
subsidiaries. them as well.
 Filters – The best thing about Instagram is the ability to take
YouTube allows users to upload, view, rate, share, add to a photo on a mobile device, add a “filter”, and upload it in
favourites, report, comment on videos, and subscribe to other less than a minute. A filter is a quick and easy, editing
users. It offers a wide variety of user-generated and corporate option which changes the general look, feel, and colour of the
media videos. Available content includes video clips, TV show photograph.
clips, music videos, short and documentary films, audio
recordings, movie trailers, live streams, and other content 5. LinkedIn is a business and employment-
such as video blogging, short original videos, and educational oriented service that operates via websites
videos. Most of the content on YouTube is uploaded by and mobile apps. Founded on December 28, 2002, and
individuals. Unregistered users can only watch videos on the launched on May 5, 2003, it is mainly used for professional
site, while registered users are permitted to upload unlimited networking, including employers posting jobs and job
number of videos and add comments to videos. seekers posting their CVs. As of 2015, most of the
company's revenue came from members to recruiters and
4. Instagram (also known as IG or insta) is a photo sales professionals. As of March 2019, LinkedIn had 610
and video-sharingsocial networking service million registered members in 200 countries.
owned by Facebook, Inc. It was created by Kevin Systrom
and Mike Krieger, and launched in October 2010. LinkedIn allows members (both workers and employers) to
create profiles and "connections” in an online social.
The app allows users to upload photos and videos to the service, Members can invite anyone (whether an existing member or not)
which can be edited with various filters, and organized with tags to become a connection.
and location information. An account's posts can be shared
publicly or with pre-approved followers. Users can browse other LinkedIn – Social networking site focused on connecting the
users' content by tags and locations, and view trending content. world’s professionals

 Engagement – Users can measure how people are  Boards – Boards are the themed sections where users
interacting with their site through an engagement “pin “their images, such as fashion, recipes,
percentage that compares the ratio of likes, comments, holidays, etc.
shares, and clicks to impressions (people who saw the
post). 7. WhatsApp Messenger is a freeware and
platform messaging and Voice over IP (VoIP)
 Products/Services – There is a section to easily showcase the service owned by Facebook WhatsApp was
users’ products and services. founded in 2009 by Brian Acton and Jan Koum, both former
employees of Yahoo!. The application allows the sending of
 General Electric- General Electric’s LinkedIn page text messages and voice calls, as well as video calls, images
showcases career opportunities, their products and and other media, documents, and user location. The
services and is updated often with relevant articles and application runs from a mobile device but is also accessible
engaging questions. from desktop computers; the service requires consumer users
to provide a standard cellular mobile. Originally, users could
6. Pinterest, Inc. is a social media web and only communicate with others individually or in groups of
mobile application company that operates a individual users, but in September 2017, WhatsApp
software system designed to discover announced a forthcoming business platform that enabled
information on the World Wide Web, mainly using images companies to provide customer service to users.
and, on a smaller scale, GIFs and videos. The site was
founded by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp. 8. Quora is a question-and-answer website where
Pinterest has reached 250 million monthly active users. questions are asked, answered, edited, and organized
 Pinterest is a free website that requires registration to use. by its community of users in the form of opinions. Its
Users can upload, save, sort, and manage images— publisher, Quora Inc., is based in Mountain View, California.
known as ‘pins’—and other media contents (e.g., videos) The company was founded in June 2009, and the website was
through collections known as pin boards. made available to the public for the first time on June 21,
 Content can also be found outside Pinterest and similarly 2010. Users can collaborate by editing questions and
uploaded to a board via the "Pin It" button, which can be suggesting edits to answers that have been submitted by other
downloaded to the bookmark bar on a web browser. users.

9. A blog is a discussion or informational website One of the principal features of Snapchat is that pictures and
published on the World Wide Web consisting of messages are usually only available for a short time before they
discrete, often informal diary-style text entries become inaccessible to their recipients. The app has evolved
(posts). Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological from originally focusing on person-to-person photo sharing to
order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of presently featuring users' "Stories" of 24 hours of chronological
the web page. Until 2009, blogs were usually the work of a content, along with "Discover", letting brands show ad-
single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often supported short-form content. As of February 2018, Snapchat
covered a single subject or topic. In the 2010s, "multi- has 187 million daily active users.
author blogs" (MABs) emerged, featuring the writing of
multiple authors and sometimes professionally edited. MABs Business applications of social media
from newspapers, other media outlets, universities, think Social media is becoming an integral part of life online. In
tanks, advocacy groups, and similar institutions account for business, social media is used to market products, promote
an increasing quantity of blog traffic. The rise of Twitter and brands, and connect to current customers and foster new
other "microblogging" systems helps integrate MABs and business.
single-author blogs into the news media. Blog can also be
 Social Media can be a very powerful business tool. For
used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a
example, establishing a Face book page allows people who
like users’ brand and the way users conduct business
to like your page, which creates a venue for
10. Tumblr (stylized as tumblr) is a microblogging
communication, marketing and networking. Through
and social networking website founded by David
social media sites, users can follow conversations about their
Karp in 2007 and owned by Verizon Media. The service
brand for real-time market data and feedback.
allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-
form blog. Users can follow other users' blogs. Bloggers can  In terms of customer feedback, social media makes it easy
also make their blogs private. For bloggers many of the to tell a company and everyone else about their experiences
website's features are accessed from a "dashboard" interface. with that company, whether those experiences are good or
bad. The business can also respond very quickly to both
11. Snapchat is a multimedia messaging app used
positive and negative feedback, attend to customer
globally, created by Evan Spiegel, Bobby
problems and maintain, regain or rebuild customer
Murphy, and Reggie Brown, former students at Stanford

 Social media networking allows a company to connect Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse,
individuals who share similar business interests or intimidate or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is
activities. often repeated and habitual.

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or
 Social media is also often used for crowd sourcing. upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by
Customers can use social networking sites to offer ideas for posting provocative and digressive, or off-topic messages
future products or tweaks to current ones with the intent of provoking readers into displaying
emotional responses.
Positive and negative impacts of social media use:

Observers have noted a range of positive and negative impacts

of social media use. Social media can help to improve an
individual's sense of connectedness with real or online
communities, and can be an effective communication (or
marketing) tool for corporations, entrepreneurs, non-profit
organizations, advocacy groups, political parties, and

At the same time, concerns have been raised about possible

links between heavy social media use and depression, and even
the issues of cyberbullying, online harassment and "trolling".
According to cyber bullying statistics, over half of adolescents
and teens have been bullied online, and about the same number
have engaged in cyber bullying. Both the tormenter and the
victim are negatively affected, and the intensity, duration, and
frequency of bullying are the three aspects that increase the
negative effects on both of them.

 Cyberbullying or cyber harassment is a form of bullying or

harassment using electronic means.

Model Question Paper SECTION-B
IV Semester BA Examination (NOVELLA- 15 marks)
Language English- IV I. Answer any one of the following questions in a page
Time: 3 Hrs Marks: 70 each: (1×5=05)
Instructions: 1. Write a note on Mr.Varma who owned the “Boardless
1) Answer all the sections. Hotel”.
2) Write the correct question number. 2. What picture of Lawley memorial library or Town Hall
SECTION-A Library is given by the narrator ?
(Poetry +Prose - 25 marks) 3. Write a note on the station master.
I. Answer any five of the following in three sentences:
(5×2=10) III. Answer any one of the following in about two pages
1. Hopping birds made the poet sad. (True/ false) (1×10=10)
2. Where does the weaver bird build the nest? 1. Discuss on the significance of the title “Talkative Man”.
3. Who is Emmanuel? How did he rise to the occasion? 2. Analyse the irony and humour in the “Silver Jubilee
4. What was the general opinion about Mexicans? Celebration”
5. What inspired Sandhya Suri to join the Navy? of the Lotus Club at the Town Hall.
6. The biggest challenge for Sandhya Suri was to insist that 3. Comment on the conclusion of the Novel.
she was an __________and not a ____________.
II. Answer any three of the following questions in a page (Grammar and Composition - 30 marks)
each choosing at least one from the poetry and the rest IV. Prepare a suitable resume and cover letter for the
from prose: (3×5=15) following advertisement: ( 5+5=10 )
1. How does Wordsworth describe nature? Surya Infotech, Gate 6, Bidadi Industrial Area, Bengaluru,
2. What are the reasons for the bird’s migration as mentioned Karnataka-60 has invited applications for the post of
in “The Weaver Bird”? ACCOUNTS OFFICERS in its respective branches at
3. What are Adichie's suggestions to retain humanity? Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bihar, Hyderabad and Ranchi.
4. How does Emmanuel become an inspiration and role Candidates with good communication skills are preferred.
model to the Speaker? Computer knowledge is a must. Freshers can also apply.
5. What advice does Sandhya Suri give for women aspiring
to join Navy?
V. Answer the following in a sentence or two (5 marks)
1. Define soft skills?
2. Soft skills are categorized into _______and _____ skills.
3. Mention any three important soft skills.
4. What is meant by work ethics?
5. What is adaptability?

VI. Prepare five slides that you would use to make a

presentation on 'Yoga for a Healthy Life’. Each slide
should have a title followed by sub points. (5 marks)

VII. Write a news report in about 250 words using the

following hints on the following events. (5 marks)
Killed 10 people – injured more than 20 – collision between
a KSRTC bus and a lorry – hospitalized – cause of the
accident over speed – investigation is on.
You are The PWD engineer asked to supervise the construction
of drainage and footpath in the town. Submit a report in a
prescribed format to The Chief Executive Engineer, Public
Works Department, Bengaluru. The report must include
• Work completed to date
• Work to be completed
• Encountered problems
VIII. Imagine you are interviewing a famous film actor Rohith
who studied BA in your college. Frame 5 questions for the
purpose. (5marks)


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