Week 2 - OCC
Week 2 - OCC
Week 2 - OCC
Background Information:
Models of Communication
● The speaker plays the most crucial and active role in the process. He or she
organizes the speech beforehand and delivers it to the target audience
according to the situation (occasion).
● The speech pertains to the message of the speaker. The purpose of the
speech is to persuade the listener.
● Occasion refers to the situation or setting. It is the setting that dictates the
message of the speaker.
Centro Colegio de Tarlac
Metro Bamban Subd., Anupul, Bamban, Tarlac
www.CentroColegioDeTarlac.org centro.colegio@gmail.com
The five elements of this communication model are not as active as the other models
since this is more of a linear-type model of communication. However, among these five
elements, the speaker and the speech are emphasized in this model.
Centro Colegio de Tarlac
Metro Bamban Subd., Anupul, Bamban, Tarlac
www.CentroColegioDeTarlac.org centro.colegio@gmail.com
Nonetheless, this model was criticized for excluding one crucial element in the
communication process: feedback. Hence, the absence of feedback leaves the speaker
clueless whether the recipient understands the message or not.
Frank E.X. Dance or Frank Dance proposed this helical model of communication,
which shows that communication is a flexible communication process. The use of helix
illustrates that "communication while moving forward is at the same time coming back upon
itself and being affected by its past behavior" (Dance 1967 in Lucero ND). This model of
communication encourages an upward and forward movement, unlike other models of
communication. It indicates that information is growing as the contact continues.
Furthermore, the helical model suggests that contact starts at birth and progresses as one
grows up and that one's responses are based on past experiences.
Exercise 1:
Instructions: For numbers 1-10, read, and identify the concept described in each sentence.
Example: Sender 1. It refers to the term used to describe the origin of the
__________11. President Duterte delivered his fifth State of the Nation Address
(SONA) last July 27.
Exercise 2
Instructions: Compare and contrast the Interactive Model of Communication (Figure 5) and
the Transaction Model of Communication (Figure 3). Identify their similarities
and differences in terms of how communication happens and what elements
are involved in each model. Write your answer on the lines provided below
Figure 5. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Centro Colegio de Tarlac
Metro Bamban Subd., Anupul, Bamban, Tarlac
www.CentroColegioDeTarlac.org centro.colegio@gmail.com
5 4 3 2
Strong main
Adequate main Weakly stated
idea Unclear main idea
idea main idea
Main Topic restated in the not restated in the
restated in the in the entire
entire entire composition
entire composition composition
supporting supporting
Sentences sentences per sentence sentence
per paragraph
paragraph per paragraph
Many errors
Several errors that Many errors that
Free from any that
Grammar do not interfere make it
error interfere with
with meaning incomprehensible
Exercise 3
Instructions: As a student, identify a real-life situation where you can apply one of the
models of communication. Indicate your chosen model of communication and
explain how the real-life situation reflects your chosen model of
communication. You need to have two (2) paragraphs for your answer. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Centro Colegio de Tarlac
Metro Bamban Subd., Anupul, Bamban, Tarlac
www.CentroColegioDeTarlac.org centro.colegio@gmail.com
5 4 3 2
Source: https://www.thoughtco.com/essay-rubric-2081367
Answer Key
Exercise 1
3. Shannon-Weaver model
4. Audience
5. Noise
6. Source
7. Speaker
8. Feedback
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Sipacio, Philippe John F. and Balgos, Anne Richie G. 2016. Oral Communication in Context
for Senior High School. 839 EDSA, South Triangle, Quezon City: C & E Publishing,
Cox, Janelle. "Sample Essay Rubric for Elementary Teachers." ThoughtCo. Accessed
August 7, 2020. https://www.thoughtco.com/essay-rubric-2081367