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EISOO AnyBackup Operating Procedures

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EISOO AnyBackup 6.0.19

—— POC Operating Procedures
For Four Season Hotel Macau

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© 2006-2017 Shanghai EISOO Information Technology Corp. All Rights Reserved.

This document is written for POC of the Four Season Hotel Macau. No company or individual is
permitted to copy, distribute and extract all or parts of this document without the permission of
Shanghai EISOO Information Technology Corp.

The content of this document may be added, removed or modified and will be regularly added to
new versions by Shanghai EISOO Information Technology Corp. Prior notice will not be given for
any change.

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Copyright............................................................................................................................................ 2
CONTENT............................................................................................................................................ 3
Preface................................................................................................................................................. 5
Chapter 1 Overview...........................................................................................................................6
1.1 About AnyBackup 6.0.............................................................................................................6

1.2 Basic Components................................................................................................................. 6

Chapter 2 Client Installation.............................................................................................................7

2.1 Client Installation................................................................................................................... 7

2.1.1 Cautions......................................................................................................................... 7

2.1.2 Windows Client Installation............................................................................................7

2.1.3 Linux Client Installation................................................................................................12

Chapter 3 Quick Start......................................................................................................................14

3.1 Console Login and Initialization...........................................................................................14

3.1.1 Console Login.............................................................................................................. 14

3.1.2 Edit User Information...................................................................................................15

3.1.3 Other Preparations.......................................................................................................16

3.2 Regular Backup for File System..........................................................................................17

3.3 Restore Backup Files........................................................................................................... 21

Chapter 4 Backup and Recovery....................................................................................................24

4.1 File Backup and Recovery..............................................................................................24

4.2 Oracle Backup and Recovery.........................................................................................26

4.3 SQL Server Backup and Recovery.................................................................................33

4.4 Sybase Backup and Recovery........................................................................................44

4.5 Operating System Backup and Recovery.......................................................................50

4.6 Domino Backup and Recovery........................................................................................51

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Thank you for choosing EISOO AnyBackup product. Please read this document carefully before
installing or using the product to avoid the possible damage caused by improper operations. This
document is only for EISOO AnyBackup Software 6.0. The following information is only for
reference and may be changed. If you have any using problems, please contact the EISOO
Customer Service center.

Target Reader

This document is for

 IT technicians

 IT administrator

 Customers interested in AnyBackup

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Chapter 1 Overview
1.1 About AnyBackup 6.0
AnyBackup, is a professional data protection product for enterprises, which is composed of
AnyBackup Software and AnyBackup Appliance. It can well protect both your physical and virtual
architectures, helping you handle the challenges such as diversified data distribution, continuous
data growth and higher SLA requirements. It can satisfy the different demands from different
enterprises by providing comprehensive compatibility, professional technologies and simplified
management for your hybrid data center. Both RPO and RTO can be satisfied.

1.2 Basic Components

AnyBackup is composed of the following modes:

 Console

Based on the B/S architecture, console is to provide a view for administrator to manage the data
protection system visually. System administrator can execute data backup and recovery, know all
the plans, status and logs of backup and recovery jobs and set user, license, storage etc.

 Client

Being installed on the server to be backed up, the client can respond to the command from console
to provide data backup and recovery features for data protection. Three kinds of clients are
provided by AnyBackup according to different systems, which includes Windows client, Linux client
and AIX client.

 Media Server

Media server is to receive the management control, respond the backup and recovery schedule
and receive the backup data from client.

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Chapter 2 Client Installation

2.1 Client Installation
Only when the proper client is installed on the server or computer to be backed up can the
machine to be protected be connected with the console for data backup and recovery operation via
the console.

2.1.1 Cautions
1. There are two client types, including 32-bit and 64-bit. If the database version is 32-bit, please
use the 32-bit client; if the database version is 64-bit, please use the 64-bit client.

2. Please run the “ping” command to make sure the client IP and the network are available.

3. Please uninstall the old client or the client of other similar products before installing the new one
in case of software conflicts.

4. On the console login page, click [Client Download] to get the proper client installation package.

2.2 Windows Client Installation

2.2.1 System Requirements

Items Required Recommended

CPU 1 quad core CPU 2 quad core CPUs

Memory 2GB 4GB and above

Free Space for Installation 500MB 1GB and above

Operation System Windows 2003 SP1 and Windows 2003 SP1 and
above above

Table 1 System requirements for Windows client

2.2.2 Installation Procedure

Step 1: Double-click the client installation package for Windows to pop up the AnyBackup setup
wizard and click [Next].

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Figure 1 AnyBackup client setup wizard

Step 2: Accept EISOO End User License Agreement and click [Next].

Figure 2 EULA
Step 3: Choose the installation location and click [Next].

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 Notice: The default installation path is Drive C. It is recommended to modify the installation
path to another disk to avoid the influence on system running because of too much cached

Figure 3 Set destination folder

Step 4: Set the server IP address, port number and the client IP address and click [Next].

 Server IP Address: IP address of backup server;

 Port: 9952 as default. The default port number can be used directly without any modification.

 Client IP Address: the client IP address will automatically appear during client installation. No
modification is needed.

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Figure 4 Set IP address

Step 5: If the client is installed for file cloud disaster recovery job, please install file CDP driver.

If you need to use CDP feature, VolumeCDP driver shall be installed. When operating system is
Windows Server 2003 or Windows 7 and below, you need to install iSCSI Initiator.

Tips: The picture below is from Windows 2008 SP2.

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Figure 5 Install File CDP driver

Step 6: Click [Install] to start installing.

Figure 6 Install AnyBakcup client

Step 7: Please wait for a moment before the installation is completed. Click [Finish] and the
Windows client is successfully installed in your computer.

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2.2.3 Client Status Check after Installation

Please confirm whether the client has been installed successfully and keeps online. If the client is
offline, backup and recovery cannot be conducted.

Step 1: In a Windows desktop, click [Start] >> [All Programs] to confirm AnyBackup program and
AnyBackup client have already exists in the system.

Step 2: Check whether the client appears in the client list on the left panel of the management
console and its icon is colorful. Put the mouse onto the client and the client status is “online”.

 Notice:
Grey client icon in the management console indicates that the client is offline. In this case, please
check the network connection of the client or the server IP address configured in the client.

2.2.4 Uninstallation Procedure

You can uninstall Windows client by one of the following ways:

Method 1: On Windows desktop, click [Start] >> [Control Panel] >> [Uninstall programs], right-click
“AnyBackup 6.0 Client” and choose [Uninstall], then click [Yes] in the prompt box to uninstall the

Method 2: On Windows desktop, click [Start] >> [All Programs] >> [6.0 client] >> [Uninstall
AnyBackup 6.0 client], then click [Yes] in the prompt box to uninstall the client.

2.3 Linux Client Installation

2.3.1 System Requirements

Items Required Recommended

CPU 1 quad core CPU 2 quad core CPUs

Memory 2GB 4GB and above

Free Space for Installation 500MB 1GB and above

Operation System Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0
and above and above

Table 1 System requirements for Linux client

2.3.2 Installation Procedure

Step 1: Log in the machine to be protected as root user and upload the client installation package
to the specified location.

Step 2: Unzip the installation package by using the command tar zvxf package_name.

Step 3: Enter the unzipped directory by using the command cd


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 Notice: The italic directory name refers to the actual installation package name.
Step 4: Run the command ./install.sh to install the Linux client of EISOO AnyBackup.

Step 5: Set the following parameters in sequence:

a) Input IP address of the client.

b) Input IP address of the backup server.
c) Select the user type according to the application types to be protected. Input “1”if Oracle,
Sybase, DB2 and Domino databases are not to be backed up; otherwise input the number
corresponding to the database type (Oracle, Sybase, DB2 or Domino) to be backed up.
Fill in other information according to setup wizard prompt.
d) If you need to execute CDP, please input “y” to install CDP driver.
e) Input “y”, then start installing.

Figure 7 Linux Client Installation

Step 6: If such prompt as “AnyBackup Client service has been started successfully” appears on the
interface, it indicates the AnyBackup client has been installed in Linux and the client service runs

2.3.3 Client Status Check after Installation

Please confirm whether the client service has been started successfully and the client keeps
online. If the client is offline, backup and recovery cannot be conducted.

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Step 1: In a Linux environment, after the AnyBackup client is installed successfully, confirm
whether such prompt as “AnyBackup Client service has been started successfully” appears.

Step 2: Check whether the client appears in the client list on the left panel of the management
console and its icon is colorful. Put the mouse onto the client and the client status is “online”.

 Notice:
Grey client icon in the management console indicates that the client is offline. In this case, please
check the network connection of the client or the server IP address configured in the client.

2.3.4 Uninstall Procedure

Step 1: Log in the Linux server, stop the running client.

Step 2: Enter the unzipped client directory AnyBackupClient_xxxxx/app/bin.

Step 3: Run the command ./uninstall.sh to automatically uninstall the client.

Chapter 3 Quick Start

3.1 Console Login and Initialization

3.1.1 Console Login

Run one browser and input the console IP and port number (9801 as default) in the address bar,
such as, then enter the console login page by SSL Login.

A system administrator account is built in AnyBackup software. Its username is “admin” and its
initial password is “123456”. To ensure the system management security, we recommend you to
modify the password of system administrator by clicking [Personal Information] under the account
after logging the console.

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Figure 8 Console login page

3.1.2 Edit User Information

The initial passwords for all the users are “123456”. To ensure account security, please modify user

Step 1: Log in the console, click the user account on the top right corner of the page and click
[User Information].

Figure 9 User Information

Step 2: In User Information view, modify password and other user information.

If “Enable password complexity check” is marked, the new password must contain
numbers, letters and special characters and shall be 8-50 characters.

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Figure 10 Modify user information

3.1.3 Other Preparations

1) License Check
After the initialization, you can log in the console. If you use the system for the first time, please
check whether correct licenses are added and activated.

Check method: Enter [Operation] >> [License Management] to verify.

2) Volume Settings
Before backup, please check whether OFS volume has been set, its free space is large enough
and its status is normal.

Check method: Enter [Device] >> [Media Server Management] >> [Media Management].

If OFS volume is not set, please create one in Media Management page. For more details, please
refer to 6.1.2 Media Management.

3) Modify Data Reception IP

Data Reception IP is used to specify the entrance of data backup destination.

Before backup, make sure the default reception IP ( has been modified to an available
data reception IP.

Setting method: Enter [Device] >> [Media Server Management] >> [System Management], and
input an available IP in “Reception IP (1)”, then click [Save] to save the modifications. For more
details, please refer to 6.1.1 System Management.

4) AnyBackup Client Installation

Install the proper client on the device to be backed up to connect the device with the console for
data backup and recovery. For more details, please refer to 2.2 Client Installation.

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3.2 Regular Backup for File System

To execute file backup, a file backup job shall be created and started in management console.

Step 1: Log in the management console as the system administrator or other administrators with
backup permissions, and enter “Regular Backup” view by default. All the clients and the client
groups are listed on the left, while the Job Management, Job Monitoring, and Job History are
displayed on the right.

Step 2: Select the client to be backed up in the client list on the left, then click [New] >> [File
system] to pop up the “New job” dialog box. Fill in the job name and remarks, then choose the
media server to be backed up to and set the server IP to receive backup data. Click [Next].

Figure 11 Select regular job type

Step 3: In Basic Information tab, input following information in sequence:

 Job Name: Input the job name for the file system backup and the same name is not allowed.
 Backup Policy: Not enabled by default. If you want to apply the policy, please set it in “Policy
Management” view.
 Backup Destination: AnyBackup media server is supported.
If you want to back up file directly to tape library, please connect tape library with console first,
then choose tape library as backup destination here.
 Backup Method: LAN-Free backup is supported on the premise of HBA configuration. For
more, please refer to 4.1.5 Configure HBA and 6.1.3 HBA Management.
 After the settings, click [Next].

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Figure 12 Set basic information - file backup

Step 4: In Option tab, you can enable the source deduplication and set data retention copies and
so on. After the settings, click [Next]. For more information, please refer to 4.2.2 Job Options.

Figure 13 Set option - file backup

 Notice: In case of influence on deduplication performance, deduplication option and

security option cannot be enabled simultaneously.

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Step 5: In Data Source tab, mark the data to be protected, then click [Next]. For more information,
please refer to 4.2.4 File Filter.

Figure 14 Select data source – file backup

Step 6: In Plan tab, you can set the auto job plan. Click [New] to enter the corresponding dialog

Configure the backup type and plan. Plan can be executed “once, daily, weekly, and monthly”. After
that, please set the start time for the plan and decide whether to repeat it or not. Then click [OK].
For more information, please refer to 4.2.3 Job Plan.

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Figure 15 Set job plan – file backup

Step 7: In “Auto Recovery Policy” view, click [New] to set auto recovery policy for specified
recovery data source. According to the policy, the data source to be restored can be restored to
specified client within a certain time period after successful backup.

Figure 16 Set auto recovery policy – file backup

Step 8: After finishing the above steps, click [Done] to finish creating a file backup job.

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After creating the regular backup job, we recommend you to start one full backup immediately if
resources are sufficient.

Step 1: Choose the file backup job, click [Start] >> [Backup] to pop up Start Job dialog box.

Figure 17 Start file backup

Step 2: Choose “full backup” as execution type and fill in backup remarks, then click [OK] to start

Step 3: Enter Job Monitoring page to view execution status of backup job. After the execution,
please enter Job History page to check the execution result.

3.3 Restore Backup Files

If the production server lost files, you can start browsing-to-restore job to restore the backed up

Step 1: In “Job Management” view, choose the job to be restored and click [Start] >> [Recovery] to
pop up the “Recover” dialog box.

Step 2: In “Select Data Source” tab, choose the backup time-point and data to be restored. Then
click [Next].

 If the backup job is normal file system backup, its recovery granularity is file. Please choose
the time-point and data to be restored. The sample is a normal file system backup job.
 If the backup job is volume backup, recovery granularity shall be selected first. Granular
recovery and volume recovery are supported. Then choose the time-point and data to be

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Figure 18 Select data source – file recovery

Step 3: Choose the recovery path.

a) Restore to the path of original client: backup file will be restored to the path of original client.

b) Restore to another path. Choose another client and type the recovery path.

Figure 19 Select recovery path – file recovery

Step 4: Select recovery policy.

1) How to deal with files in same name:

a) Only replace files older than recovery ones: If the file changes, only the changed file will be
replaced during recovery.

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b) Always replace the existing files directly: Whether the file changes or not, all original files will
be replaced during recovery.

c) Skip the existing files: Whether the file changes or not, all the existing files will be skipped
during recovery.

2) Specify script after recovery: if you want to run the script after recovery, mark this item and
click [Browse] to add the recovery script file.
3) If LAN-Free recovery is needed, please mark “Enable LAN-Free Recovery” and set client and
backup destination HBA PortName. For more, please refer to 4.1.5 Configure HBA and 6.1.3
HBA Management.

Figure 20 Select recovery policy – file recovery

Step 5: Click [Done] to start file recovery.

Step 6: Enter Job Monitoring page to view execution status of recovery job. After the execution,
please enter Job History page to check the execution result.

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Chapter 4 Backup and Recovery

4.1 File Backup and Recovery
Before creating a file backup job, please confirm that the management console, media server and
client are correctly installed.

Normal File System Backup

For detailed steps, please refer to 3.2 Regular Backup for File System.

Volume Backup

1. Make sure volume CDP driver is installed during AnyBackup client installation.

Step 1: Choose the client to be protected and click [New] >> [File System] in Job Management

Step 2: In Basic Information tab, please input job name and set media server as backup
destination, then click [Next].

Step 3: In Option tab, set deduplication, full copy retention and more, then click [Next]. For more,
please refer to 4.2.2 Job Options.

Step 4: In Data Source tab, select [Volume Backup] and mark the volume to be protected, then
click [Next].

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Figure 21 Select data source – file volume backup

Step 5: Set backup plan according to actual business. For more, please refer to 4.2.3 Job Plan.

Step 6: If the resources are sufficient, please execute a full backup immediately. Choose the
backup job to be executed, click [Start] >> [Backup] to pop up a dialog box. Choose “Full backup”
as the execution type and fill in the backup remarks, then click [OK] to start the backup.

Normal Recovery Procedure

After backing up the file system, if the file data is lost, you can start the recovery job to restore the
backup file data. For detailed steps, please refer to 3.3 Restore Backup Files.

Volume Recovery Procedure

If the job to be restored is volume backup, granular recovery and volume recovery are supported.
The recovery procedure is as below:

Step 1: Choose the job to be restored, click [Start] >> [Recovery] to pop up the dialog box.

Step 2: In “Select Data Source” view, choose the recovery granularity and data source to be

 If “Granular Recovery” is selected, the data source to be restored can be unfolded to file level
after selecting time-point.
 If “Volume Recovery” is selected, one volume can be selected for recovery after selecting

 Notice: Only one volume can be restored in each volume recovery job.

Step 3: In “Select Recovery Path” tab, please choose the recovery destination. The data can be

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restored to original client path or to another path.

Step 4: In “Select Recovery Policy” tab, decide how to deal with the file in same name.

Step 5: Click [Done] to start file recovery.

4.2 Oracle Backup and Recovery

Supported Features
Features Sub Features Support Remarks
or not

Regular Full Backup

Incremental Backup

Transaction Log Backup

Backup Granularity Single instance

Policy Management

Full Copy Retention

Archive Log Options Deletion Policy: Archive logs before a

specified time can be deleted after several
successful backup

Backup Policy: Archive logs within a

specified time period can be backed up.


Transmission and Storage


Customized Script

Backup Settings Options Used to set multi-channel, FILESPERSET,

MAXOPENFILES, pfile backup, corrupt
block count of data file, advanced
compression (Oracle native feature),
Backup Optimization, Read-only
tablespace and offline data file backup

Backup Plan

Multi-channel Backup

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LAN-Free Backup

Recovery Recovery to original path of

original path

Dissimilar Machine

Granular Recovery Single database, file or table

Specified Time-point Database can be restored to a specified

Recovery time-point

Customized script

Recovery Plan

Auto Recovery Policy Only support for Oracle standalone.

LAN-Free Recovery

Restore catalog by using


Remote Support source and destination recovery


Tape Only full backup copy can be archived


Cloud Oracle HA is not supported.


Installation Cautions
 Clients contain 32-bit and 64-bit. If the database version is 32-bit, please use the 32-bit client;
if the database version is 64-bit, please use the 64-bit client.
 About client installation for Windows, please refer to 2.2.2 Windows Client Installation.
 About client installation for Linux, please refer to 2.2.3 Linux Client Installation. Please log in
the system as the Oracle user while installing the client in Linux and choose the suitable client
according to the kernel version of the Linux machine.

 After the client installation, machine with Oracle database can be regarded as the client
connected to AnyBackup console. You can view its connection status in Client of the Data
Protection page in console.

Deployment Cautions
 Media Server Settings

To ensure the normal execution of backup job, please make sure the media server is normal before

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creating an Oracle backup job.

 Client Settings

1. Check database status. Make sure the database is in open status.

2. Check the archive mode as following sequence:
a) The database archive mode must be enabled.
b) The archive log of Oracle database in flashback area can be backed up and restored, but
make sure that the space of flashback area is large enough and its usage ratio must be
monitored continuously.
c) The Oracle archive log path can be local path. Make sure that Oracle installation user has
the read and write permission to the archive path, which has enough space to store
database data.

Oracle Backup Procedure

Step 1: Click [Data Protection] >> [Regular Backup] and choose the client to be backed up on the
left client list, then in Job Management page click [New] >> [Oracle].

Step 2: In Basic Information tab, type the job name, remarks and choose the backup destination,
then click [Next].

 If media server is selected as backup destination, the data will be backed up to OFS volume.
 If tape library is selected as backup destination, the data will be backed up to tape library

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Figure 22 Set basic information – Oracle backup

Step 3: In the Option tab, you can enable/disable the deduplication and advanced compression,
then set the data retention copies and deletion option of archive logs. After the settings, click
[Next]. For more, please refer to 4.2.2 Job Options.

a) Data Deduplication: Enable this item, then duplicated data will be deleted during backup and
the storage space can be saved.
b) Data retention copies: Set the maximum retention copies according to actual conditions. If not,
all copies will be saved.
c) Security Option: Enable this item, then backup data will be encrypted during storage and
transmission. If you want to use this feature, deduplication cannot be enabled.
d) Oracle Block Change Tracking Option: Enable this item, then Oracle incremental backup
efficiency will be improved.
e) Archive Log Option:
 Enable archive log deletion policy: If enabled, archive logs before a specified time period
will be deleted after a successful backup.
 Enable backup policy of archive log: Mark it to back up the archive logs within several
f) Backup Settings Option:
 Configure channels: Not marked as default. Mark it to set multiple channels for data file

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and log file, thus improving backup performance.

 Configure FILESPERSET: Not marked by default. Mark it to set the count of data file and
log file contained in each backup set. The default value is 32. Generally, the smaller the
FILESPERSET value is, the higher the deduplication ratio is, and the lower the backup
speed is.
 Configure corrupt block count of data file: Click [Browse] to add configuration file. It is not
marked as default. Corrupt block count of data file can be set in the configuration file.
During backup, if the corrupt block count is less than the maximum limit, corrupt blocks will
be backed up but the error information will be skipped. If the corrupt block count is over
the limit, backup will fail.
 Configure MAXPIECESIZE: Marked as default. Used to set the maximum capacity of
single backup piece.
 Configure BLKSIZE: Not marked by default. Mark it to set the data block size during
transmission. Default value: 8.
 Configure MAXOPENFILES: Not marked by default. Mark it to set data file count read by
RMAN concurrently.
 Backup pfile: Marked by default. If not marked, the parameter file cannot be restored
during advanced recovery.
 Enable database advanced compression: Mark this item, then backup data will be
compressed and then transported, with the purpose of saving storage space.

i. Notice: Deduplication result may not be ideal, if both deduplication and compression
are enabled simultaneously.

 Backup Optimization: Not marked by default. Mark it, and RMAN can skip the files
backed-up (data file, log file and backup set included), does not back up the new
generated data, reducing backup tie, and saving backup space.

 Notice: The option will not take effect during full backup.
 Skip read-only tablespace during backup: Not marked by default. Mark it to skip the read-
only tablespace during backup.
 Offline data file is skipped during backup: If you mark this item, all the data files in offline
(offline and recover status included) will be skipped during backup. It is recommended to
execute a full backup for all data files before enabling this feature.
 Use catalog: If the catalog is configured (with listener enabled), the option can be marked.
Since catalog can store full backup information with large space, when it is enabled, if you
want to restore the database to a very earlier status, higher recovery success rate can be
Step 4: In Select Data Source tab, choose the data source.

Click [Set] to input the username and password of the instance, then click [OK] to unfold the

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The user must own sysdba permission and generally sys user is recommended.

Figure 23 Authorize instance - Oracle backup

After authorizing the instance, data source can be unfolded as below. Choose the data source,
then click [Next].

Figure 24 Add data source - Oracle backup

Step 5: Set the job plan and click [OK]. For more information, please refer to 4.2.3 Job Plan.

Step 6: Set auto recovery policy according to you demands. Enable auto recovery policy to restore
the latest backup data to the specified client automatically.

 Choose client: the client selected should be satisfied with dissimilar machine recovery.
 Set recovery plan: The unit can be minute, hour, or day.
 Customized script: Click [Browse] and choose the path of customized script to execute it

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before or after recovery automatically according to your demands.

Figure 25 Auto recovery policy - Oracle backup

Step 7: After the above steps, click [Done] to create an Oracle backup job.

Step 8: If the resources are sufficient, please execute a full backup immediately. Choose the
backup job to be executed, click [Start] >> [Backup] to pop up a dialog box. Choose “Full backup”
as the execution type and fill in the backup remarks, then click [OK] to start the backup.

4.3 SQL Server Backup and Recovery

Supported Features
Support or
Features Sub Features Remarks

Backup Full Backup

Differential Backup

Transaction Log Backup

Backup Granularity Whole instance, single database

Policy Settings

Copy Retention Policy


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Transmission and
Storage Encryption

Customized Script

Backup Plan

LAN-Free Backup

Recovery Original Machine The combination of full backup,

Recovery differential backup and transaction log

Dissimilar Machine

Recovery Granularity Single instance, single database

Restore Database to For single database recovery

Another Name

Restore to Specified not the system database


Recovery Plan

Auto Recovery Policy Only for dissimilar machine recovery of

standalone database

LAN-Free Recovery Only for standalone database

Remote Support recovery in source and

Replication destination end

Tape Only support full copy archiving for

Archiving standalone database

Cloud Only for standalone database


Tape Only for standalone database


Installation Cautions
 Clients contain 32-bit and 64-bit. If the database version is 32-bit, please use the 32-bit client;
if the database version is 64 -bit, please use the 64-bit client.

 Microsoft SQL Server can work in one of the following two security modes (authentication):
Windows Authentication Mode (Windows authentication) and Mixed Mode (SQL Server
authentication and Windows authentication). Both are supported in SQL Server backup of

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EISOO AnyBackup.

 About client installation for Windows, please refer to 2.2.2 Windows Client Installation.

 Please install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components before the
installation of SQL Server 2008, 2008 R2 and 2012. Besides, update package SP2 or above
shall be installed before the installation of SQL Server 2005.

 After the client installation, machine with SQL server database can be regarded as the client
connected to AnyBackup console. You can view its connection status in Client of the Data
Protection page in console.

Deployment Cautions
 Media Server Settings

To ensure the normal execution of backup job, please make sure the media server is normal before
creating a backup job for SQL Server.

 Client Settings

Before creating and starting backup job, please make sure the database service is started. Check
method: In Service, check whether MSSQLSERVER service is started or not.

SQL Server Backup Procedure

Step 1: Log in the management console, click [Data Protection] >> [Regular Backup] to choose the
client to be protected, then click [New] >> [SQL Server] in Job Management.

Step 2: In Basic Information tab, type the job name and remarks. Choose the media server to be
the backup destination. Then click [Next].

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Figure 26 Set basic information – SQL Server backup

Step 3: In Option tab, choose whether to enable the advanced options. Each options description is
as the following:

 Data Deduplication: Mark this item to enable source deduplication. After the job creation, the
item cannot be modified by editing job. For more information, please refer to 4.2.2 Job

 Data Compression Option: Mark this item to save disk space by compressing backup data
during backup.

 Notice: Only SQL Server2008 or above supports this feature.

 Data Retention Copies: Set how many full copies to be saved.

After the settings, click [Next].

Figure 27 Set option – SQL Server backup

Step 4: Select the data source. Data source can be automatically discovered in backup job for SQL
Server as the following window.

Windows authentication and SQL Server authentication are supported when choosing data source.
If you choose windows authentication, there is no need to input username and password.

If you choose SQL Server authentication, please input the user who can log in SQL Server
database and its password. Generally “sa” user is used. After the successful authentication, you
can unfold and choose the data source to be backed up.

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Figure 28 Authentication
Click “+” to unfold and choose the data source, then click [Next].

 Notice: When creating a regular backup job for SQL Server HA, it is recommended to
choose the data source where SQL Server service is running. If the SQL Server service is
not running in the server, the instance cannot be unfolded.

Figure 29 Select data source – SQL Server backup

Step 5: Set the job plan. For more information, please refer to 4.2.3 Job Plan. It is recommended to
set the free time of the server to execute backup job while setting the “Start time”.

Step 6: According to the demands, set auto recovery policy. Click [New] to create auto recovery

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 Recovery data source: Choose the data source to be restored automatically.

 Recovery type: Choose the backup time-point type to be restored. Multiple choices are

 Set recovery policy: Choose the client to be restored to and supports original path or
dissimilar path recovery.

 Set recovery plan: The recovery job can be executed in the unit of minute, hour, or day.

 Customized Script: According to the demands, click [Browse] to choose the path of
customized script and execute the script before or after recovery.

 Cover or not: “Replace existing databases” is marked as default.

After the settings, click [OK] to save the settings. Return to Auto Recovery Policy 设 tab to view the
policy information.

Figure 30 Set auto recovery policy – SQL Server backup

Step 7: After the settings, click [Done] to finish creating the SQL Server backup job.

Step 8: If the resources are sufficient, please execute a full backup immediately. Choose the
backup job to be executed, click [Start] >> [Backup] to pop up a dialog box. Choose “Full backup”

36 / 63

as the execution type and fill in the backup remarks, then click [OK] to start the backup.

Recovery Scenarios
Please choose a suitable recovery method according to your actual demands:

a) If the system database is damaged, please rebuild the system database. Set the SQL Server
as single-user mode and restore the master database, then reset the SQL Server as multi-user
If user database base is damaged, restore it to the original location by browsing to restore.
b) If you want to replicate the original database, you can restore the database and specify the
database name after recovery.
c) If you want to restore the whole database to some time-point in the past, you can specify the
time-point to be restored to.

Recovery Cautions for Standalone SQL Server

1. Dissimilar machine recovery

SQL Server database can be restored to another machine by EISOO AnyBackup. Please ensure
that the database instance with the same name does exist on the target machine in dissimilar
machine recovery.

For example, a database I_A_D, which is included in database instance I_A, existing in machine A,
is restored to another machine B after backup. Before the recovery, you shall make sure that the
instance I_A does exist in machine B. After the successful recovery, database I_A_D still exists in
database instance I_A.

2. Recovery for system database master in common environment

Backup and recovery for system databases is supported by EISOO AnyBackup. Please shut down
services of other databases related to the database instances, except the master database
service, before the master database recovery. The reason is that the database service shall be
restarted in single-user mode for master database recovery, if there exists a program connected to
the database service, the SQL Server module of EISOO AnyBackup cannot be connected to the
database service.

3. Recovery for system database msdb

Database that user is accessing cannot be restored, so the SQL Server agent shall be stopped
before the msdb database recovery. If the agent is running, it may access database msdb.

4. Recovery for ReportServer database

Before restoring the ReportServer database, please make sure SQL Server Reporting Services
has stopped. Because database that user is accessing cannot be restored, if the service is
running, it may access ReportServer database.

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5. Recovery for database with full-text index to another database on local machine

To restore the backup set of the database with full-text index to another database of the local
machine, you shall manually execute the following operations:

Imagine the database “old” with full-text indexes “catalog0” and “catalog1” needs to be restored to
another database “new” of the local machine. Please create a database named new and create the
full-text indexes “catalog0” and “catalog1”, then restore the backup set “old” to the new database
name “new” by forced recovery mode.

Recovery Cautions for HA SQL Server

1. In recovery for the system database master, you shall break the control of HA software or
failover cluster, because SQL Server service will be stopped during master database recovery,
if the HA software is running, then the status will be taken as system failure, system restarting
or takeover will be executed, which will interrupt recovery, leading to recovery failure.
2. In ROSE HA software, when several system databases are restored to dissimilar machine,
please restore master database first, then create database login username to add Windows
administrator under standalone environment to database login user permission. Thus, you can
successfully log in the database as Windows user and continue to restore other system

Recovery Procedure
Step 1: Choose the job to be restored in Job Management view and click [Start] >> [Recovery],
then choose the data source to be restored.

Figure 31 Start SQL Server recovery

Step 2: In Select Data Source tab, choose the time-point and the data to be restored, then click

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Figure 32 Select data source – SQL Server recovery

 Notice: Please restart the SQL Server service in single-user mode in the master database
recovery, and the service will be started in multi-user mode after the recovery. Therefore,
please stop all the applications related to SQL Server links before recovery in case of data

Step 3: Choose the recovery path, set the database name after recovery and choose the recovery

The database will be restored to the original path of the original client and its original database
name will be restored by default.

 Notice: Only specified time-point recovery for the transaction log backup is supported with the
time-point chosen between the last full backup before the transaction log backup and the
transaction log backup. For example, if a transaction log backup generated in console is at
5:30, 1st Jan, 2017 and the last full backup before the transaction log backup is at 2:30, 1st Jan,
2017, the time-point to be restored shall be between these two time-points, otherwise error will
be reported for recovery job with unqualified time.

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Figure 33 Select recovery path – SQL Server recovery

Step 4: Choose the recovery policy. “Replace existing databases” will be marked by default.

Figure 34 Select recovery policy – SQL Server recovery

Step 5: Click [Done] to finish the creation of recovery job, which can be viewed in Job Monitoring

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4.4 Sybase Backup and Recovery

Supported Features
Support or
Features Sub Features Remarks

Backup Type Full Backup


Backup Rotation The combination of full backup and

incremental backup.

Auto-discovery for

Browse to Restore

Dissimilar Machine

Recovery Whole instance, single database


Restore Database to Support restoring the database to a

Another Name new name

Specified Time-point

Installation Cautions
 Clients contain 32-bit and 64-bit. If the database version is 32-bit, please use the 32-bit client;
if the database version is 64-bit, please use the 64-bit client.

 About client installation for Windows, please refer to 2.2.2 Windows Client Installation.

 About client installation for Linux, please refer to 2.2.3 Linux Client Installation. Please install
the client as the root user and choose the Sybase user in Linux client installation. Please
choose the corresponding client according to the kernel version of the Linux machine.

 After the client installation, machine with Sybase can be regarded as the client connected to
the management console. You can view its connection status in Client of the Data Protection
page in console.

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Deployment Cautions
 Media Server Settings

To ensure the normal execution of backup job, please make sure the media server is normal before
creating a backup job for Sybase.

 Client Settings

Please make sure the database service is started when creating and executing backup jobs.

Sybase Backup Procedure

Step 1: Log in the management console and click [Data Protection] >> [Regular Backup] to enter
Job Management page. Then click [New] >> [Sybase].

Step 2: In Basic Information tab, type the job name and remarks. Choose the media server and
reception IP to be backup destination. Then click [Next].

Figure 35 Set basic information – Sybase backup

Step 3: In the Option tab, enable or disable the data deduplication and set the data retention
copies. After the settings, click [Next]. For more information, please refer to 4.2.2 Job Options.

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Figure 36 Set option – Sybase backup

Step 4: Choose the data source. Data source can be automatically discovered in backup job for
Sybase under the premise of manually configuring the instance names, username and password of
the database as the following window.

Generally, user sa is used as the added user, who must have the administrator permission. After
typing the password, click [Test] to check whether the configuration is OK. And click [OK] after the
successful connection.

Figure 37 Set permission for instance - – Sybase backup

At this time, click “+” to unfold and choose the data source, then click [Next].

After the instance is added:

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Figure 38 Select data source – Sybase backup

Step 5: Set the plan. For more information, please refer to 4.2.3 Job Plan.

Step 6: Click [Done] to finish creating Sybase backup job.

Step 6: If the resources are sufficient, please execute a full backup immediately. Choose the
backup job to be executed, click [Start] >> [Backup] to pop up a dialog box. Choose “Full backup”
as the execution type and fill in the backup remarks, then click [OK] to start the backup.

Recovery Cautions
1. In dissimilar machine recovery, the instance name, username and password on target machine
shall be same as those on source machine. There must exist the database to be restored to and its
path shall be same as that on the original machine and its size is larger than the original one.
Furthermore, both logical page sizes shall be same as well, otherwise recovery will fail.

2. Backup for a single database is supported. If multiple databases are backed up in one job, you
can choose one or several from them to restore.

3. Only specified time-point recovery for incremental backup is supported, with the time-point
chosen between the last full backup before the incremental backup and the incremental backup.
For example, if the incremental backup time-point generated in console is at 5:30, 1st Jan, 2017
and the latest full backup time-point before the incremental backup is at 2:30, 1st Jan, 2017, the
recovery time-point shall be between these two time points, otherwise errors will be reported for
recovery jobs with unqualified time-point.

4. The Sybase service shall be restarted in single-user mode in master database recovery and it
will be started in multi-user mode after the recovery. Therefore, please stop all applications
connected to Sybase links before recovery in case of data loss.

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Sybase Recovery Procedure

The recovery processes for Windows and Linux on console are same, though the operating
systems of their recovery-ends are different. Please refer to the recovery process as below:

Step 1: Choose the job to be restored and click [Start] >> [Recovery] in Job Management to pop up
the recovery dialog box.

Figure 39 Start Syabse recovery

Step 2: In Select Data Source, choose the time-point and the data to be restored, then click [Next].

Figure 40 Select data source – Sybase recovery

Step 3: Choose the recovery path, set the restored database name and recovery time-point.

The database will be restored to the original path of the original client and its original database
name will be restored by default. After the settings, click [Next].

 Notice:

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In dissimilar machine recovery, the instance name, username and password on target machine
shall be same as those on source machine. There must exist the database to be restored to and its
path shall be same as that on the original machine and its size is larger than the original one.
Furthermore, both logical page sizes shall be same as well, otherwise recovery will fail.

Only specified time-point recovery for incremental backup is supported, with time-point chosen
between the last full backup before the incremental backup and the incremental backup. For
example, if an incremental backup time-point generated in console is at 5:30, 1st Jan, 2017 and
the latest full backup time-point before the incremental backup is at 2:30, 1st Jan, 2017, the
recovery time-point shall be between these two time points, otherwise errors will be reported for
recovery job out of required time.

Figure 41 Select recovery path – Sybase recovery

Step 5: Choose the recovery policy. “Replace existing databases” and “Connect the database after
recovery” options will be marked by default.

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Figure 42 Select recovery policy – Sybase recovery

Step 6: Click [Done] to finish the creation of recovery job, which can be viewed in Job Monitoring

4.5 Operating System Backup and Recovery

Backup Precautions
 Make sure the media server is normal before creating an OS regular backup job to ensure the
normal execution of backup job.
 Install the proper client and make sure the client is online.

OS Backup Procedure
The backup and recovery steps for Windows and Linux are similar.

1. Enter [Data Protection] >> [Regular Backup] to choose the client to be backed up, and click
[New] >> [Operating System] to pop up the dialog box.
2. In “Basic Information” tab, input the job name and remarks and choose the backup destination.
Then click [Next].

4.6 Domino Backup and Recovery

Supported Features
Features Sub Features Support or Remarks

47 / 63


Backup Type Full Backup


Backup Rotation The combination of full backup and

incremental backup.

Auto-discovery for

Browse to Restore

Dissimilar Machine

Recovery Whole instance, some files


Restore Database Original path or other Domino with the

to Another Name same configurations

Installation Cautions
 Clients contain 32-bit and 64-bit. If the database version is 32-bit, please use the 32-bit client;
if the database version is 64-bit, please use the 64-bit client.

 About client installation for Windows, please refer to 2.2.2 Windows Client Installation.

 About client installation for Linux, please refer to 2.2.3 Linux Client Installation. Please log in
the system as the root user to install the client in Linux and choose the corresponding client
according to the kernel version of the Linux machine.

1) Please make sure that the two paths, Domino Database Install Path and Domino
Database Data Path, are correct.

2) Both paths cannot be ended with the separator “/”.

3) The last directory name of installation path is “lotus”.

4) The last directory name of data path is “notesdata”.

5) Under the conditions of 3) and 4), the default path in Domino installation are taken as the
example. Conditions change if other paths are specified for Domino installation.

 After the client installation, machine with Domino can be regarded as the client connected to
the management console of AnyBackup. Its connection status can be viewed on the left of the
Data Protection page.

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Deployment Cautions
 Media Server Settings

To ensure the normal execution of backup job, please make sure the media server is normal before
creating a backup job for Domino.

Domino Backup Procedure

Step 1: Log in the management console and click [Data Protection] >> [Regular Backup] to enter
the Job Management page. Then click [New] >> [Domino Server] to pop up New Job dialog box.

Step 2: In Basic Information tab, fill in the job name, remarks and choose the backup destination,
then click [Next].

Figure 43 Set basic information – Domino backup

Step 3: In Option tab, you can enable or disable data deduplication and set the data retention
copies. After settings, click [Next].

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Figure 44 Set option – Domino backup

Step 4: Unfold and choose data source, then click [Next].

Figure 45 Set data source – Domino backup

 Notice:
1) If DAOS is enabled in Domino server, a new option “merged attachments and object files” will
occur in the data source. On the contrary, the option will not occur.

2) Whether the archivelog mode is enabled or not, archive transaction log files will not be
displayed in the data source.

Step 5: Set the job plan. For more information, please refer to 4.2.3 Job Plan.

Step 6: If the resources are sufficient, please execute a full backup immediately. Choose the

50 / 63

backup job to be executed, click [Start] >> [Backup] to pop up a dialog box. Choose “Full backup”
as the execution type and fill in the backup remarks, then click [OK] to start the backup.

Recovery Cautions
 If the original Domino environment is damaged (hardware fault or system damage), please
build the Domino service environment first and then install the Domino service according to the
original directory structure but do not start the service.

 If the Domino database to be restored is in use, please stop the Domino service first before
recovery. Please make sure to stop the Domino service before recovery, because no prompt
will occur when restoring the Domino database being used in Linux. If the Domino service is
not stopped after recovery, you shall restore the Domino database again after shutting down
its service.

 Please restore the data according to the following types:

Recovery for backup data with archived transaction log files

Step 1: Shut down Domino service.

Step 2: Clean up or transfer all the old files under the transaction log directory.

Step 3: Log in the management console, click [Browse] to choose the data to be restored.

1) Either all the transaction logs or no transaction log shall be chosen to be restored.

2) The data can be restored to the original path or to another path.

3) If the data is restored to another path, the database DbIID will change, because it is a
different database with a few same data compared with the original database in Domino.

4) When restoring the files of database type (single, multiple, or all), please restore the
transaction log at the same time to restore them to the latest status.

Step 4: Execute the recovery.

Step 5: Start Domino service.

Step 6: Start the service once after the recovery and a new full backup is recommended to be
executed immediately.

Recovery in other conditions

For Domino service without the transaction log started, or in the linear and circular transaction log
mode, data recovery can be executed after shutting down the service. The service can be started
after the recovery. A new full backup after the recovery is recommended.

Dissimilar machine recovery

1. For dissimilar machine recovery in Linux, please create a directory first, and alter the user of the
new directory to be notes, then restore the data to the directory.

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2. If the directories of archive transaction log file and DAOS file are not under the data file path,
please create new directories for archived transaction log file and DAOS file (same with the
directory on machine A ) and alter the their users to be notes.

3. If there is a link directory on local machine, please create the same link directory on the
dissimilar machine according to the original machine.

4. Data restored to the specified path of the dissimilar machine will be stored in the formats
mentioned below:

1) Data under the Domino Directory will be restored to the specified directory and be
organized as the original directory structure.

2) If the path of archived transaction log is the default path, the log directory will not change
after the recovery, that is, under the logdir directory. If transaction log path is customized
path, the log directory will be restored to the specified directory under the
__TRANS_LOG__ directory.

3) If the DAOS path is the default path, the DAOS directory will not change after the
recovery, namely under the DAOS directory. If the DAOS path is the customized path, the
DAOS directory will be restored to the specified directory under the __TRANS_LOG__
directory and be organized as the original directory structure.

4) Restore the link directory to the directory __LINKS_DIR__ under the specified directory
and organized the link directory as the original directory structure.

5. After the dissimilar machine recovery in Linux, copy files to place under the Domino Server
directory in dissimilar machine. Please pay attention to the copied file owners, especially newly-
added files for dissimilar machine. Otherwise, some database will fail to open after configurations.

 Procedure of dissimilar machine recovery (without transaction log):

Step 1: Install AnyBackup client on machine B.

Step 2: Install Domino on machine B with no settings and no started service.

Step 3: Backup the Domino data on machine A.

Step 4: Browse to restore. Specify the dissimilar machine and restore the data to the specified
directory (not the Domino Directory) on machine B.

Step 5: Copy all the data under the specified directory on machine B to the corresponding path
under the Domino Directory.

Step 6: Start the Domino service on machine B.

Step 7: Install and configure the notes client to connect Domino on machine B. After recovery,
databases on both machine A and machine B will have the similar data.

 Procedure of dissimilar machine recovery (with transaction logs):

Step 1: Install EISOO AnyBackup client on machine B.

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Step 2: Install Domino on machine B and set it in archivelog mode, then restart the service to make
the settings take effect. (Note: Please keep the same with the transaction log path of the original
machine). Then shut down machine B to clean up the log files on it.

Step 3: Backup the Domino data on machine A.

Step 4: Browse to restore. Specify the dissimilar machine and restore the file Remarks.ini to the
same path on machine B.

Step 5: Restore all files to the specified directory (not the Domino Directory) on machine B.

Step 6: Copy all the data under the specified directory on machine B to the corresponding location
under the Domino Directory.

Step 7: Start the Domino service on machine B.

Step 8: Reinstall and configure the notes client to connect Domino on machine B. After recovery,
databases on both machine A and machine B will have the similar data.

Recovery Procedure
The recovery processes for Windows and Linux on console are the same, though the operating
systems of their recovery-ends are different. Please refer to the recovery process as below:

Step 1: Choose the job to be restored and click [Start] >> [Recovery] in Job Management page to
pop up Recovery dialog box.

Figure 46 Start Domino recovery

Step 2: In Select Data Source tab, choose the time-point and the data to be restored, and then
click [Next].

53 / 63

Figure 47 Select data source – Domino recovery

Step 3: Choose the recovery path. The database will be restored to the original path of the original
client and its original database name will be restored by default. You can choose other path for
data to be restored to here. Then click [Next].

Figure 48 Select recovery path – Domino recovery

If you want to restore it to another client, choose another Domino Server and click [Browse] to
choose the recovery path under the specified client.

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Figure 49 Select recovery path – Domino recovery

Step 4: Choose the recovery policy and fill in the execution remarks.

Figure 50 Set recovery policy – Domino recovery

Step 5: Click [Done] to start the recovery job. The execution status and final execution results of
the current job can be viewed in Job Monitoring and Job History pages.

55 / 63

Figure 51 Set basic information (OS backup)

3. In “Option” tab, set data retention copy and click [Next]. For more, please refer to 4.2.2 Job
4. In “Data Source” tab, mark the data source to be backed up.
For Windows OS backup, the system disk (Drive C as default) will be marked by default.
For Linux OS backup, the root directory “/” will be marked by default.
[File Filter] or [Directory Filter] is supported to exclude the files or directories which do not
need a backup.

56 / 63

Figure 52 Set data source (OS backup)

5. In “Plan” tab, set the backup job plan. For more, please refer to 4.2.2 Job Options.
6. Click [Done] and an OS backup job is created successfully.
7. If the resources are sufficient, please execute a full backup immediately. Choose the backup
job to be executed, click [Start] >> [Backup] to pop up a dialog box. Choose “Full backup” as
the execution type and fill in the backup remarks, then click [OK] to start the backup.

OS File Recovery Procedure

If the OS is running, but part of OS files are lost, you can restore these files directly. Steps are as

In the Job Management view, choose the OS backup job to be restored, and click [Start] >>
[Recovery] to pop up the dialog box.

1. In “Select Data Source” tab, choose the time-point to be restored and mark the OS files to be

57 / 63

Figure 53 Set data source (OS file recovery)

2. In Select Recovery Path tab, choose the recovery path. The file can be restored to original
client or other path of other client. Click [Browse] to choose the recovery path.

Figure 54 Set recovery path (OS file recovery)

3. In Select Recovery Policy, set recovery policy. “Only replace files older than recovery ones”,
“Always replace the existing files directly”, and “Skip the existing files” are supported. Choose
the policy and input execution remarks.

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Figure 55 Select recovery policy – OS file recovery

4. Click [Done] to start OS file recovery.

 Notice: If the OS crashes, you can execute system booting recovery by the system
recovery environment.

System Boot Recovery

 Caution
1. It is recommended to choose the latest time-point for recovery if you want restore the OS to
the latest status.
2. The target partition size of system to be restored to must be larger than that of the actual
backup system, otherwise OS recovery will fail.
3. The partition information can be restored only in OS boot recovery, not in the browsing
recovery, which can only restore the files and directories in partitions.
 Procedure
To ensure normal boot recovery environment, please choose the correct BIOS boot option
according to installation method of boot recovery environment: Set CD-ROM Drive as preferred
boot option for ISO boot.

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Figure 56 BIOS boot menu

Step 1: Enter the initial interface of system recovery environment.

Figure 57 Start boot recovery

Step 2: Configure RAID/ disk drive controller.

1) Make sure that drives of RAID/ disk drive controller are loaded correctly. Disk drive will be
loaded as default and disk partition list recognized by system will be displayed for 5

Figure 58 View disk partition table

2) If list is empty or inconsistence with actual disk/RAID information. Press any key within 5
minutes to enter “Disk/RAID Configuration” interface, please choose the proper
manufacturer. Input “a” to match and load corresponding drive automatically.

60 / 63

Figure 59 Disk/RAID configuration

3) After choosing manufacturer, please choose the drive according to actual hardware

Figure 60 Drive list

4) After choosing drive, please confirm whether the choice is correct. If correct, input “y” to
exit disk/RAID configuration interface and continue system boot; if not, input “n” to return
to controller manufacturer page and reselect.

61 / 63

Figure 61 Disk partition list

5) System recovery environment will load file and program needed to finish system boot.

Figure 62 Load file and program needed

Step 3: Chose disk to be restored.

Enter system recovery wizard and click each disk to recognize the proper system disk for OS
recovery by detailed partition information, such as partition name, type, size.

 Notice:
1) Make sure you choose the correct system disk to restore. If you choose other disk to
restore by mistake, data in other disk will lose.

2) The disk count of server to be restored to shall be equal to or larger than original server
and the size of disk to be restored to shall be equal to or larger than the original one.

3) If partition type and type are similar, you can do the followings to recognize the system

a) In the blue area on the bottom of “System Recovery Wizard”, right-click the mouse and
choose [Terminal] to open terminal program.

b) Run the command fdisk-l. “*” in red box is boot partition. If recovery system is Linux,
please choose original system/boot partition; if recovery system is Windows, please
choose the boot partition.

Step 4: Set local network

If IP address can be allocated dynamically, please choose “Get IP address automatically” by

DHCP. If not, please configure IP manually. Manual configuration is recommended.

Step 5: Set AnyBackup console information.

Please input the following information in sequence:

 Server IP: Input AnyBackup Console IP.

62 / 63

 Port Number: 9801 as default.

 Login Username: User account to log in AnyBackup console. “admin” is


 Password: Input user password above.

After settings, click [Next].

Step 6: Set job and time-point to be restored.

After successful connection to AnyBackup, you can view all the OS backup job. Unfold “Media
Server” to view the client to be restored and OS backup job, then choose the backup time-point
generated by the job. Click [Next] to pop up dialog box: Are you sure to restore the time-point?
Click [OK].

Step 7: During OS recovery for Windows, disk will be partitioned.

On the initial period of system recovery, the system recovery program will analyze whether the
current disk partition is similar to backup one.

If the original system disk is restored to a new disk, or current disk partition information differ with
the backup one, you can decide whether to partition.

 If you do not create partition, disk will be partitioned in default way or adapt the current
partition format.

 If you click [Create Partition], a dialog box will be popped up and you can create partition
manually for the disk to be restored. Prompt information will display the minimum partition
count and minimum space of each partition to restore the system successfully.

Create a partition: partition size can be set manually or by the rest free allocated space.
Partition type shall be same to the original one.

After partition, click [Done].

Step 8: Start system recovery.

After partition, system starts to be restored. First, according to partition and file system to format
disk partition, then restore boot information, next restore system files. Execution information of
each period will be displayed in recovery program. During file recovery, file name and file recovery
progress will be displayed in detail.

Step 9: Restart the system restored.

After the successful recovery, the dialog box “Recovery has finished, the system will be restarted.”
will pop up. Click [OK] to restart the system restored.

If the OS is restored by CD, please take out the CD or set Hard Drive as preferred boot option in
BIOS to avoid entering system recovery environment again.

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