Msds Ceramide Complex
Msds Ceramide Complex
Msds Ceramide Complex
Ceramide Complex
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Product Name: Ceramide Complex Eyes: Irrigate eyes with a heavy stream of water for at least 15 to 20
INCI Name: ceramide 3, ceramide 6 II, ceramide 1, phytosphingosine, minutes. If irritation persists get medical attention.
cholesterol, sodium lauroyl lactylate, carbomer, xanthan gum Skin: Wash exposed areas of the body with soap and water.
Chemical Name: Aqueous preparation of ceramides and phytosphin- Inhalation: Remove from area of exposure. If breathing is difficult, give
gosines oxygen. Seek medical attention if symptoms persist.
CAS Number: 100403-19-8, 13552-11-9, 80356-14-5, 13557-75-0, 600- Ingestion: Seek medical attention if gastrointestinal symptoms occur.
07-7, 11138-66-2
Origin: chemical Flammability Limits: None known
Unusual Fire Hazard: None known
2. PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Extinguishing Media: Foam, carbon dioxide, dry powder, or water
Appearance & Odor: White liquid with characteristic odor spray. Do not inhale explosion and/or combustion gases.
Relative Density, Air=1: not measured
Dry Residue: not measured 10. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION
Viscosity: not measured Proper use provided, no adverse health effects have been observed.
Solubility in Water: miscible
Storage and disposal must be in accordance with applicable local, state
3. STABILITY & REACTIVITY & federal disposal regulations. Characterization and compliance with
Chemical Stability: stable under normal conditions applicable laws are the responsibility solely of the generator.
Incompatibility: not known
Hazardous Decomposition: None with proper storage and handling 12. TRANSPORT INFORMATION
Hazardous Polymerisation: In the event of fire carbon dioxide, car- DOT Propper Shipping Name: refer to bill of lading or container label
bon monoxide and nitrogen oxides can be released. for DOT or other transportation hazard classification, if any.
ADR/RIC Code: refer to specific hazard class if any Sea Transport
4. HANDLING & STORAGE IMDG Code: refer to specific hazard class if any
As with all chemicals, good industrial hygiene practices should be fol- Air Transport IATA Code: refer to specific hazard class if any
lowed when handling this material. Wash hands thoroughly after han-
dling. Avoid freezing or excessive heat. Do not handle or store near an 13. DISCLAIMER
open flame, heat or other sources of ignition. Keep the container tightly This information relates only to the specific material designated and may
closed. not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materi-
als or in any other process. Such information is to be the best of the
5. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES company’s knowledge and believed accurate and reliable as of the date
Use personal protective equipment. Do not allow product to enter drains indicated. However, no representation, warranty or guarantee of any
or waterways. Don not discharge into the soil. Clean spill with absorbent kind, express or implied, is made as to its accuracy, reliability or com-
materials. Dispose of in accordance with all local, state and federal regu- pleteness and we assume no responsibility for any loss, damage or ex-
lations. pense, direct or consequential, arising out of use. It is the user’s respon-
sibility to satisfy himself as to the suitableness & completeness of such
6. EXPOSURE CONTROLS & PERSONAL PROTECTION information for his own particular use.itation persists get medical atten-
Respiratory Protection: In case of formation of vapours/aerosols use tion.
filter apparatus.
Protective Clothing: PVC gloves, goggles with side shields and light
protective clothing.
Other Protective Measures: Employees must practice good personal
hygiene, washing exposed areas of skin several times daily and launder-
ing contaminated clothing before re-use.
General: No specific hazard known.
Warning: This preparation contains a substance not yet tested com-
Hazardous Polymerisation: will not occur
MakingCosmetics Inc., 35318 SE Center Street, Snoqualmie WA 98065
Phone 425-292-9502, Fax 425-292-9601,