Kot Nik 2001
Kot Nik 2001
Kot Nik 2001
The paper presents a comparative study of the contamination of a cell suspension by ions released from aluminum cuvettes ŽAl 3q . and
stainless steel electrodes ŽFe 2qrFe 3q . during cell membrane electropermeabilization by unipolar and by symmetrical bipolar rectangular
electric pulses. A single pulse and a train of eight pulses were delivered to electrodes at a 2-mm distance, with 100-ms and 1-ms pulse
durations, and amplitudes ranging from 0 to 400 V for unipolar, and from 0 to 280 V for bipolar pulses. We found that the released
concentrations of Al 3q and Fe 2qrFe 3q were always more than one order of magnitude lower with bipolar pulses than with unipolar
pulses of the same amplitude and duration. We then investigated the viability of DC-3F cells after 1 h of incubation in the medium
containing different concentrations of Al 3q or Fe 2qrFe 3q within the range of measured released concentrations Žup to 2.5 mM for both
ions., thus separating the effects of electrolytic contamination from the effects of electropermeabilization itself. For Fe 2qrFe 3q, loss of
cell viability became significant at concentrations above 1.5 mM, while for Al 3q, no effect on cell survival was detected within the
investigated range. Still, reports on the biochemical effects of released Al 3q also suggest that with aluminum cuvettes, electrolytic
contamination can be detrimental. Our study shows that electrolytic contamination and its detrimental effects can be largely reduced with
no loss in efficiency of electropermeabilization, if bipolar rectangular pulses of the same amplitude and duration are used instead of the
commonly applied unipolar pulses. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
1567-5394r01r$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 5 6 7 - 5 3 9 4 Ž 0 1 . 0 0 1 1 5 - 3
92 T. Kotnik et al.r Bioelectrochemistry 54 (2001) 91–95
cause substantial precipitation of nucleic acids and proteins 2.3. Cell culture
from the solution. The release of Fe 2qrFe 3q from stain-
less steel electrodes has also been confirmed by Tomov DC-3F cells, a line of spontaneously transformed Chi-
and Tsoneva w6x. nese hamster fibroblasts w7x, were grown in monolayers at
In our study, we have measured concentrations of metal 37 8C and 5% CO 2 ŽUniversal Water Jacketed Incubator,
ions released into the cell suspension from aluminum Forma Scientific, Marietta, OH, USA.. The cells were
electroporation cuvettes Žrelease of Al 3q . and stainless cultivated in 150-cm3 flasks, and 60-mm petri dishes were
steel electrodes Žrelease of Fe 2qrFe 3q . during cell mem- used for cloning efficiency assays Žboth from TPP,
brane electropermeabilization by unipolar and symmetrical Trasadingen, Switzerland.. The culture medium consisted
bipolar rectangular electric pulses. We show that in both of Eagle minimum essential medium EMEM 41090 sup-
cases, the concentrations of ions released by bipolar pulses plemented with 10% fetal bovine serum Žboth from Life
are more than an order of magnitude lower than those Technologies., 100 Urml of penicillin and 125 mgrml of
released by unipolar pulses of the same amplitude and streptomycin Žboth from SarbachrSolvay Pharma, Brus-
duration, and thus, the detrimental effects of electrolytic sels, Belgium..
contamination on cells can be largely reduced by the use
of bipolar instead of unipolar pulses. 2.4. Determination of cell Õiability
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