Diagnosa Penyakit Pcare
Diagnosa Penyakit Pcare
Diagnosa Penyakit Pcare
Nama Puskesmas
No. Kode dan Nama Kode Diagnosa ICD 10
Ya Tidak
1 Demam tifoid (A01-Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers); (A01.0-Typhoid fever);
(A01.1-Paratyphoid fever A); (A01.2-Paratyphoid fever B);
(A01.3-Paratyphoid fever C); (A01.4-Paratyphoid fever,
2 Disentri (A06-Amoebiasis); (A06.0-Acute amoebic dysentery); (A06.1-
basiler, Chronic intestinal amoebiasis); (A06.2-Amoebic nondysenteric
disentri colitis); (A06.3-Amoeboma of intestine); (A06.7-Cutaneous
amuba amoebiasis); (A06.8-Amoebic infection of other sites); (A06.9-
Amoebiasis, unspecified); (A03-Shigellosis); (A03.0-Shigellosis
due to Shigella dysenteriae); (A03.1-Shigellosis due to Shigella
flexneri); (A03.2-Shigellosis due to Shigella boydii); (A03.3-
Shigellosis due to Shigella sonnei); (A03.8-Other shigellosis);
(A03.9-Shigellosis, unspecified)
Ya Tidak
6 Leptospirosis (A27- Leptospirosis); (A27.0-Leptospirosis
(tanpa icterohaemorrhagica); (A27.8-Other forms of leptospirosis);
komplikasi) (A27.9-Leptospirosis, unspecified)
7 Lepra (A30-Leprosy [Hansen disease]); (A30.0-Indeterminate leprosy);
(A30.1-Tuberculoid leprosy); (A30.2-Borderline tuberculoid
leprosy); (A30.3-Borderline leprosy); (A30.4-Borderline
lepromatous leprosy); (A30.5-Lepromatous leprosy); (A30.8-
Other forms of leprosy); (A30.9-Leprosy, unspecified); (B92-
Sequelae of leprosy)
Ya Tidak
16 Varisela (B01-Varicella [chickenpox]); (B01.9-Varicella without
tanpa complication)
17 Herpes zoster (B02-Zoster [herpes zoster]); (B02.9-Zoster without
tanpa complication)
18 Morbili tanpa (B05-Measles); (B05.9-Measles without complication)
19 Veruka (B07-Viral warts)
20 Moluskum (B08-Other viral infections characterized by skin and mucous
kontagiosum membrane lesions, not elsewhere classified); (B08.1-Molluscum
Ya Tidak
34 Skistosomiasi (B65-Schistosomiasis [bilharziasis]); (B65.0-Schistosomiasis
s due to Schistosoma haematobium [urinary schistosomiasis]);
(B65.1-Schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma mansoni [intestinal
schistosomiasis]); (B65.2-Schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma
japonicum); (B65.3-Cercarial dermatitis); (B65.8-Other
schistosomiases); (B65.9-Schistosomiasis, unspecified)
Ya Tidak
43 Pedikulosis (B85-Pediculosis and phthiriasis); (B85.0- Pediculosis due to
kapitis Pediculus humanus capitis); (B85.1- Pediculosis due to
Pediculus humanus corporis); (B85.4- Mixed pediculosis and
44 Skabies (B86-Scabies)
45 Lipoma (D17-Benign lipomatous neoplasm); (D17.0-Benign lipomatous
neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of head, face and
neck); (D17.1-Benign lipomatous neoplasm of skin and
subcutaneous tissue of trunk); (D17.2-Benign lipomatous
neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of limbs); (D17.3-
Benign lipomatous neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of
other and unspecified sites); (D17.7-Benign lipomatous
neoplasm of other sites); (D17.9-Benign lipomatous neoplasm,
Ya Tidak
52 Defisiensi (E50-Vitamin A deficiency); (E50.0-Vitamin A deficiency with
vitamin conjunctival xerosis); (E50.1-Vitamin A deficiency with Bitot spot
and conjunctival xerosis); (E50.2-Vitamin A deficiency with
corneal xerosis); (E50.3-Vitamin A deficiency with corneal
ulceration and xerosis); (E50.4-Vitamin A deficiency with
keratomalacia); (E50.5-Vitamin A deficiency with night
blindness); (E50.6-Vitamin A deficiency with xerophthalmic
scars of cornea); (E50.7-Other ocular manifestations of vitamin
A deficiency); (E50.8-Other manifestations of vitamin A
deficiency); (E50.9-Vitamin A deficiency, unspecified); (E51-
Thiamine deficiency); (E51.1-Beriberi); (E51.8-Other
manifestations of thiamine deficiency); (E51.9-Thiamine
deficiency, unspecified); (E52-Niacin deficiency [pellagra]);
(E53-Deficiency of other B group vitamins); (E53.0-Riboflavin
deficiency); (E53.1-Pyridoxine deficiency); (E53.8-Deficiency of
other specified B group vitamins); (E53.9-Vitamin B deficiency,
unspecified); (E54-Ascorbic acid deficiency); (E55-Vitamin D
deficiency); (E55.0-Rickets, active); (E55.9-Vitamin D deficiency,
unspecified); (E56-Other vitamin deficiencies); (E56.0-
Deficiency of vitamin E); (E56.1-Deficiency of vitamin K); (E56.8-
Deficiency of other vitamins); (E56.9-Vitamin deficiency,
unspecified); (E64-Sequelae of malnutrition and other nutritional
deficiencies); (E64.1-Sequelae of vitamin A deficiency); (E64.2-
Sequelae of vitamin C deficiency); (E64.3-Sequelae of rickets);
(E64.8-Sequelae of other nutritional deficiencies); (E64.9-
Sequelae of unspecified nutritional deficiency)
Ya Tidak
55 Dislipidemia (E78-Disorders of lipoprotein metabolism and other lipidaemias);
(E78.0-Pure hypercholesterolaemia); (E78.1-Pure
hyperglyceridaemia); (E78.2-Mixed hyperlipidaemia); (E78.3-
Hyperchylomicronaemia); (E78.4-Other hyperlipidaemia);
(E78.5-Hyperlipidaemia, unspecified); (E78.6-Lipoprotein
deficiency); (E78.8-Other disorders of lipoprotein metabolism);
(E78.9-Disorder of lipoprotein metabolism, unspecified)
Ya Tidak
66 Konjungtivitis (H10-Conjunctivitis); (H10.0-Mucopurulent conjunctivitis);
(H10.1-Acute atopic conjunctivitis); (H10.2-Other acute
conjunctivitis); (H10.3-Acute conjunctivitis, unspecified); (H10.4-
Chronic conjunctivitis); (H10.5-Blepharoconjunctivitis); (H10.8-
Other conjunctivitis); (H10.9-Conjunctivitis, unspecified); (B30-
Viral conjunctivitis); (B30.1-Conjunctivitis due to adenovirus );
(B30.2-Viral pharyngoconjunctivitis); (B30.8-Other viral
conjunctivitis ); (B30.9-Viral conjunctivitis, unspecified); (H13.1-
Conjunctivitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified
Ya Tidak
76 Otitis media (H65-Nonsuppurative otitis media); (H65.1-Other acute
akut nonsuppurative otitis media); (H65.9-Nonsuppurative otitis
media, unspecified); (H66-Suppurative and unspecified otitis
media); (H66.0-Acute suppurative otitis media); (H66.4-
Suppurative otitis media, unspecified); (H66.9-Otitis media,
unspecified); (H67-Otitis media in diseases classified
elsewhere); (H67.0-Otitis media in bacterial diseases classified
elsewhere); (H67.1-Otitis media in viral diseases classified
elsewhere); (H67.8-Otitis media in other diseases classified
Ya Tidak
84 Influenza (J10-Influenza due to other identified influenza virus); (J10.0-
Influenza with pneumonia, other influenza virus identified);
(J10.1-Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, other
influenza virus identified); (J10.8-Influenza with other
manifestations, other influenza virus identified); (J11-Influenza,
virus not identified); (J11.0-Influenza with pneumonia, virus not
identified); (J11.1-Influenza with other respiratory
manifestations, virus not identified); (J11.8-Influenza with other
manifestations, virus not identified); (A49.2-Haemophilus
influenzae infection, unspecified site)
Ya Tidak
86 Bronkitis akut (J20-Acute bronchitis); (J20.0-Acute bronchitis due to
Mycoplasma pneumoniae); (J20.1-Acute bronchitis due to
Haemophilus influenzae); (J20.2-Acute bronchitis due to
streptococcus); (J20.3-Acute bronchitis due to coxsackievirus);
(J20.4-Acute bronchitis due to parainfluenza virus); (J20.5-Acute
bronchitis due to respiratory syncytial virus); (J20.6-Acute
bronchitis due to rhinovirus); (J20.7-Acute bronchitis due to
echovirus); (J20.8-Acute bronchitis due to other specified
organisms); (J20.9-Acute bronchitis, unspecified); (J40-
Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic); (J41-Simple and
mucopurulent chronic bronchitis); (J41.0-Simple chronic
bronchitis); (J41.1-Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis); (J41.8-
Mixed simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis); (J42-
Unspecified chronic bronchitis)
Ya Tidak
95 Impetigo (L01-Impetigo); (L01.0-Impetigo [any organism] [any site]);
(L01.1-Impetiginization of other dermatoses)