Cluster University of Jammu (Established by Govt. of J&K) CBCS Exam Scheme Marks-Cum-Grade-Sheet
Cluster University of Jammu (Established by Govt. of J&K) CBCS Exam Scheme Marks-Cum-Grade-Sheet
Cluster University of Jammu (Established by Govt. of J&K) CBCS Exam Scheme Marks-Cum-Grade-Sheet
Minor Major Minor Major
Course Credit Marks / Grade Total Credit
Course Code Paper Type Min./Max. Min./Max Marks Marks
Type s Max. Point Points
Marks Marks obtained obtained
(COMMUNICATI THEORY AE 4 8 / 20 32 / 80 17 55 72 / 100 7.5 30
THEORY GE 4 8 / 20 32 / 80 8 44 52 / 100 5.5 22
PRACTICAL GP 2 10 / 25 10 / 25 21 22 43 / 50 9.0 18
TC 6 12 / 30 48 / 120 20 58 78 / 150 5.5 33
TC 6 12 / 30 48 / 120 22 85 107 / 150 7.5 45
Total 22 Total 352 / 550 Total 148
Semester Marks Percentage Semester Grade Total Credit Total Credit Points SGPA
1st 352 / 550 64.00 B+ 22 148 6.7
Result: B+
Date of Declaration of result:10 SEP 2021
Date of repositioning & Issue of Marks-Cum-Grade-Sheet: 10 SEP 2021
Any query of clarification may be sort from the University within 6 months from the date of the
declaration of the result.
For Grade details please see overleaf.
Errors and Omissions Excepted.
Note: The mere possession of this Marks-Cum-Grade-Sheet does not itself confer any right or privilege
on the candidate independently of the proper degree which will be issued in due course of time.
Conversion factor is 10
1. A student obtaining Grade F shall be considered fail and will be required to reappear in the examination
as per existing rules of the University under CBCS semester system for undergraduate courses.
2. Grade P or percentage of marks (40%) is required to pass in a course.
3. The candidate has to pass separately in Minor/Major Tests and Practicals.
4. Credit Points= Grade Point X Credit.
5. SGPA= Total Credit Point/Total Credits.
6. CGPA = Σ(Ci X Si) / Σ Ci
where Si is the SGPA of the ith semester and Ci is the total number of credits in that semester