NTSP Opening and Orientation Reflection
NTSP Opening and Orientation Reflection
NTSP Opening and Orientation Reflection
opportunity for us students, because it helps us to give an idea and how to become a part of this
program to maximize our potential and gain our ideas to help each other to understand the topic and
how NTSP works for our lives.
NSTP Opening and Orientation discuss the 3 components of NSTP, first, CWTS is also known as (Civic
Welfare and Training Service) which refers to programs or activities contributory to the general welfare
and the betterment of life for the members of the community and the enhancement of its facilities,
especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety,
recreation, and morals of the citizenry. (Sec. 3 para. d, R.A. 9163). It also aims to make us students
realize our vital role in nation-building by advancing our involvement in Public and Civic affairs. CWTS
helps us, students, to be aware of our importance to society. maximize our capabilities so we can use
them in our lives and develop our physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being. second is
LTS is also known as (Literacy Training Service) this component teaches us how to train and how we have
to learn about literacy, and numeracy, to teach children, out-of-school youth, and other segments of
society in need of their services. LTS General Objective was to produce competent volunteer facilitators
to respond to and address the literacy and numeracy of the people under depressed, deprived, and
underprivileged (DDU) and the other objective was to apply acquired knowledge, skill, and values in the
teaching and learning process. And the third is ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps) before the
orientation about ROTC our officers are introducing themselves to us and I want to remember them
Major Jose Florante Singson holder of Doctor of Philosophy in Developmental Studies, Captain Maricel
ROTC Commandant and a License Teacher, Captain Allan Rey Salbado Philippine Army Reserve and
Laang – Kawal known as (Citizen Soldier), 2nd Lieutenant Michael John H. Aquino Philippine Army
Reserve and The Battalion S1 of the 13th or 1st infantry battalion and a Public school teacher. And now
ROTC was a good choice if you are focusing to become a Police Officer this program can help us to
maintain and to gain strength in our knowledge of how to become an officer and to become leaders.
According to the National Defense ACT of 1935 “It is the obligation of all citizens regardless of age and
sex to protect and preserve the independence and sovereignty of the republic.” SEC 4. ART II of the 1987
CONSTITUTION mandates that the prime duty of the government the preservation of the state is the
obligation of every citizen.” SECTION 38 and 39. REPUBLIC ACT of 7077 “Mandatory ROTC Program
which is designed to provide Military Training to Tertiary Level Students in order to motivate, train,
organized, and mobilize them for National Defense Preparedness.” REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9163 “The
National Service Training Program made the mandatory ROTC Program become optional and voluntary
to all Tertiary Students.”
National Service Training Program (NSTP) is a choice for us students if which components we have to
choose to help us and motivate us to maximize our potential and what we are capable of. For our Future
Careers, we have to think and understand how we going to help and what we are capable of, to serve
our country and help our people in the time we need us and the time our country needs us.