B GRADE 11 ACP Q1M4 Learner Copy TVL Final Layout
B GRADE 11 ACP Q1M4 Learner Copy TVL Final Layout
B GRADE 11 ACP Q1M4 Learner Copy TVL Final Layout
Agricultural Crops Production
Quarter 1 - Module 4
Selection of Suitable Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
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Agricultural Crops Production
Quarter 1 - Module 4
Selection of Suitable Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to Technical Vocational Livelihood 11 Self-Learning Module on
Selection of Suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)!
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators both
from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the
learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their
personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of the
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You
also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their
own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as
they do the tasks included in the module.
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
This module has the following parts:
Analysis : In this phase, you will process and classify what is valid
and not for a more in-depth understanding.
Abstraction : This part leads you in reinforcing what you know and
should know more. Exercises are presented for
independent practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic.
Application : This stage brings you to a more practical way that you are
going to use what you have learned and think new ways
on how it can be improved further.
Content Standard 1
Performance Standard 1
Learning Competency 1
Learning Objectives 1
CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates an understanding of
concepts, underlying theories and principles in
the preparation of materials, tools and equipment
in agronomic crop production.
• Identify suitable PPE to be used in
undertaking agronomic crop work.
• Acknowledge the importance of wearing
PPE at all times.
• Select and check suitable Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) prior to use
according to job requirements.
In this lesson, you will select and check suitable Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE) prior to use according to job requirements. Many farm injuries could be
prevented or their impacts reduced if farmers wore proper PPE.
Now that you have an idea about the things that you will learn, take the first
challenge in this module- the Pre-Test!
Directions: Read and understand the statement. Choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write the letter on the blank provided before the number.
_____4. What PPE protects the wearer’s partial or entire face and the eyes from
A. Face mask
B. Face shield
C. Respirator
D. Safety goggles
_____6. Which of the following topical products that absorb or reflect some of the sun's
ultraviolet (UV) radiation and thus helps protect against sunburn?
A. Antibacterial ointment
B. Cucumber Facial Mask
C. Moisturizing cream
D. Sunscreen Lotion
_____7. How often do you inspect your PPE to ensure that it’s in good condition and
functioning properly?
A. Before each use
B. Once a week
C. Once a month
D. When needed
_____8. These are forms of protective eyewear that usually enclose or protect the
area surrounding the eye in order to prevent particulates , water or chemical
from striking the eyes.
A. Helmet
B. Reading glasses
C. Safety goggles
D. Sunglasses
_____9. Mr. Jose Perado is going to spray insecticide to his rice field. What should he
wear to protect him against potentially hazardous particles ?
A. Face mask
B. Medical mask
C. Respirators
D. Surgical mask
_____10. The farmers should be well-protected in order to be productive while working
in the farm. Which of the following best describes the idea?
A. Use of PPE
B. See the doctor regularly
C. Engage in physical workout
D. Attend agriculture-related webinar
_____13. Hard hats have become a staple for workplace safety and protection
purposes, EXCEPT:
A. Electric shocks and burns
B. Protection from falling objects
C. Overhead hazards’ protection
D. Vehicular or sports helmet
_____15. You are mixing pesticides. What should you wear to protect the most
exposed part of your body?
A. Earplugs
B. Gloves
C. Medical mask
D. Ordinary working clothes
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________
Selection of Suitable Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) Prior to
Use According to Job Requirement
Personal Protective Equipment, more commonly referred to as PPE, is required
for many farm tasks like in agronomic crop work. PPE not only helps protect people
but also improves productivity. Farmers can benefit from using the appropriate PPE
for themselves, family members, and workers when the job and its potential hazards
call for it. PPE must be carefully selected. Test fit the PPE to be sure of a proper and
comfortable fit. If it isn’t comfortable because it’s too hot or to tight, it won’t be worn. If
it isn’t worn , it won’t protect. Other excuses for not wearing proper PPE is because it
looks unattractive or it’s not easily accessible. PPE is critically important as it is
generally only used where other measures are insufficient and as such it plays a
crucial role in preventing and reducing many occupational fatalities, injuries and
Even before COVID-19 pandemic, it is a must for farmers to wear a face mask
in going to work because farming is filled with respiratory hazards: pesticide vapors,
dusty fields, Carbon monoxide (gas-powered vehicles or machinery exhaust) and
many others.
Directions: Arrange the following steps of wearing a mask in chronological order.
Number the sentence from number 1-5 on the space provided.
___________ Handle your mask by its ear loops.
___________ Make adjustments where needed.
Are the medical and fabric masks enough to wear when you carry out the mixing
and application of the pesticides by spraying? If not, what are the other Personal
Protective Equipment do you need when you spray fertilizers in your rice field?
Directions: Enumerate the PPEs you need. Write the answers below.
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
Think of Me!
Directions: Answer the following questions.
What equipment will protect the farm worker against health or safety risks at
work? It’s the PPE, otherwise known as Personal Protective Equipment . It can include
items like safety helmets, googles or any eye protection, gloves or any hand
protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear like rubber boots and safety
harnesses. Aside from PPE , it is important too to include provision of instructions,
procedures, training and supervision to encourage people to work safely and
responsibly. Make it a habit to inspect your PPE before use to ensure that it is in good
condition and functioning properly. Wear PPE at all times even when you are just doing
a quick job. Practice being a responsible worker by not waiting for someone to tell you
to wear PPE. Your protection is your responsibility for accidents might happen anytime
and anywhere.
PPE Functions
A farm hat will protect you from
harmful rays from the sun while
working in the field while hard hat is
designed to protect the worker’s head
Farm hat and against concussions, cuts and
Hard hat bruises and traumatic brain injuries
caused by strikes to the head from
falling objects, impacts from swinging
cables and, sometimes, from burns
and other shocks.
It is a device that is inserted in the ear
canal to protect the user's ears from
loud noises, an intrusion of water,
foreign bodies, dust or excessive
wind. Since they reduce the sound
volume, earplugs are often used to
help prevent hearing loss and tinnitus
(ringing of the ears).
Gonzalo Bearman, M.D., a hospital epidemiologist at VCU Health and the
chairman of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Virginia Commonwealth University,
states that it is a requirement these days to always wash hands before handling any
For the correct step-by-step process for wearing a medical mask or homemade
cloth mask, consider the following:
1. Handle your mask by its ear loops. Secure as tightly as possible the
loops of the mask up to your ears.
2. Make sure that it covers your nose and your mouth.
3. Adjust the fit of the mask to cover the chin.
4. Secure the mask round the bridge of your nose.
5. Make adjustments where needed.
According to Dr. Bearman, surgical masks cannot filter out all bacteria, unlike
N95 masks utilized by healthcare professionals, so you should not worry that an
excessive amount of gaps between your face and also the mask. Just ensure it most
closely fits your face and has the smallest amount of gaps for air to filter through as
Nowadays because the rates of all sorts of skin cancers soar high, the time has
come to incorporate a basic sunscreen and sunglasses. Also, sun safety education
must be considered in every industry’s basic safety programs.Here in Philippines,
there’s no crafted law that address this issue yet but in New York the law is called the
"Sun Safety Law”. It deals with the danger inherent in the sun itself and less with the
summer heat effects.
EXERCISE 1: Hassle, Dazzle, Solve the Puzzle !
Directions: Read the phrases below. Identify the PPE being described and then fill in
the puzzle with the correct answers.
Across Down
1. device designed to protect the wearer 2. covers or replaces personal clothing
from inhaling hazardous atmospheres, and their main purpose is to protect
including fumes, vapors gases and worker from chemical, mechanical, and
particular mat. other hazards.
7. provide a guard for what a bare hand 3. enclose or protect the area
should not touch. surrounding the eye in order to prevent
8. protect the skin of farm workers every particles, water or chemicals from
time they are engaged in outdoor tasks. striking the eyes.
9. design to protect the worker’s head 4. protect the toes from falling object or
against concussions, cuts and bruises any kind of compression
and traumatic brain injuries caused by 5. protect the wearer’s partial or entire
strikes to the head from overhead face and the eyes from hazards
hazards. 6. inserted in the ear canal to protect the
10. primarily made to keep particles user’s ears from loud noises, the
breathed out by the wearer – for example intrusion of water, foreign bodies dust or
saliva or mucus. excess
Directions: Match the sentence fragments in Column A with the right pair on Column
B to make the sentence TRUE. Write the letter of the phrase that match in the space
preceding the numbers.
____ 1. PPE does not prevent accidents, A. when it is reused by the
____ 2. Personal Protective Equipment, same person or used by
more commonly referred to as PPE, more than one person
____ 3. PPE does not include B. clean all PPE after use
____ 4. The protective capabilities of single C. to ensure that it’s in good
use PPE cannot be assured condition and functioning
____ 5. To maintain the PPE, properly
____ 6. PPE is important to make workplace D. is required for many farm
safe includes providing instructions, tasks like in agronomic
____ 7. Before each use, inspect your PPE crop work
____ 8. The use of appropriate protective E. make sure you are
equipment, knowledge of entry wearing the right PPE for
points of the chemical to the body the job
and good safety habits F. but it does prevent or
____ 9. With rates of all types of skin reduce injury and even
cancers soaring, fatalities when used
____ 10. In selecting and checking suitable G. reduce the chances of
Personal Protective Equipment personal contamination
(PPE) before use according to job and poisoning
requirement, H. procedures, training and
supervision to encourage
people to work safely and
I. clothing provided for food
hygiene purposes
J. the time has come to
include a basic
sunscreen and
sunglasses as PPE
Directions: Work individually. You use mobile devices, tablets, or cameras to take
your selfies. Each of you will take a picture wearing available PPE at home. You don’t
need to go to your garden or to your farm in doing this activity. Just wear the available
PPE, say PPE, pose and click away! Submit the picture to your subject teacher’s FB
messenger for assessment.
Assessment Ratings:
25 : The student shows that with his/her PPE, he/she is well- protected from
points head to toes.
20 : When 1 or 2 PPE is missing and a part of the body is not protected while
points doing agronomic crop work
: Only 1 or 2 PPE was worn while doing agronomic crop work
10 : The student’s PPE is not acceptable and he/she is putting himself/herself
points in danger
If taking a picture is impossible for you, do this activity instead:
The teacher will rate each drawing using the following rubric:
Drawing Rubric
Criteria Very Good Good
Correctness/preciseness (3 pts.) (2 pts.) (1 pt.)
The drawing The drawing The drawing
conveys a visual lacks visual has no visual
representation to representation representation
the PPE that was to the PPE that to the PPE that
asked. was asked. was asked.
Artistry (1 pt.) (1 pt.) (0 pt.)
The drawing The drawing The drawing
includes details includes details lacks details
and colors. and colors. and colors.
Neatness (1 pt.) (1 pt.) (0 pt.)
The drawing is The drawing is The drawing is
clean, clear and clean, clear dirty with
crisp upon and crisp upon smears upon
completion. completion. completion.
Drawing Very Good Good
Directions: Match the workers’ activities in column B with the parts of the body in
Column A in which the hazardous substance will accidentally enter . Write the letter of
your answer in the space preceding the numbers.
_______1. Mouth A. Worker filling a tank leans over to look
in just as some liquid splashes up
Directions: Mark is spraying pesticides on his farm. Based on the image shown
below, what PPEs do you think are missing? Write one to two complete sentences for
your answer on the space provided.
Directions: Read and understand the statement. Choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write the letter on the blank provided before the number.
_____3. What PPE protects the wearer’s partial or entire face and the eyes from
A. Face mask
B. Face shield
C. Respirator
D. Safety goggles
_____6. Which of the following topical products that absorb or reflect some of the sun's
ultraviolet (UV) radiation and thus helps protect against sunburn?
A. Antibacterial ointment
B. Cucumber Facial Mask
C. Moisturizing cream
D. Sunscreen Lotion
_____7. These are forms of protective eyewear that usually enclose or protect the
area surrounding the eye in order to prevent particulates , water or chemical
from striking the eyes.
A. Helmet
B. Reading glasses
C. Safety goggles
D. Sunglasses
_____8. How often do you inspect your PPE to ensure that it’s in good condition and
functioning properly?
A. Before each use
B. Once a week
C. Once a month
D. When needed
_____10. Mr. Jose Perado is going to spray insecticide to his rice field. What should
he wear to protect him against potentially hazardous particles ?
A. Face mask
B. Medical mask
C. Respirators
D. Surgical mask
_____11. Hard hats have become a staple for workplace safety and protection
purposes, EXCEPT:
A. Electric shocks and burns
B. Protection from falling objects
C. Overhead hazards’ protection
D. Vehicular or sports helmet
_____13. Eye protection must have the following features, EXCEPT:
A. Durable
B. Fancy
C. Kept in good repair
D. Not interfere with vision
______15. You are mixing pesticides. What should you wear to protect the most
exposed part of your body?
A. Earplugs
B. Gloves
C. Medical mask
D. Ordinary working clothes
Curriculum Implementation and Learning Management Matrix.(2020) Most
Essential Learning Competencies for Agricrops Production NC-I. page 412.
Gen. Licerio Topacio National High School T.L.E Learning Module, accessed
May 2020,
Kelly, Diane. Sun Protection: A New PPE. June 2008. Acessed July 2020.
Krstic, Zee. Here's How to Wear a Face Mask Properly, According to Medical
Experts. Good Housekeeping, accessed May 2020,
Weigel, Randolph. Solutions for the Living, Personal Protective Equipment for
Agriculture. (2012) University of Wyoming Extension [PDF file]. Retrieved
from http://www.wyomingextension.org/agpubs/pubs/B1233.pdf
PPE Illustration: https://www.123rf.com/clipart-
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