Lecture 11 The Anthroposphere
Lecture 11 The Anthroposphere
Lecture 11 The Anthroposphere
• The anthroposphere encompasses the human
population, the built environment of human, and the
influence of human activities on the Earth system.
Impacts on Geosphere – Soil erosion
• Soil erosion refers to the erosion of the top layer of dirt known
as topsoil, the fertile material vital to life.
• Groundwater contamination
• difficult to detect, control and clean up
• major contaminants: toxic organic compounds
from petroleum, untreated sewage and
agriculture chemicals. saline contamination
caused by the intrusion of seawater into
coastal aquifers.
• passive remediation: rely on natural process
to clean the groundwater
• active remediation: inject O2 to accelerate
decomposition, pumping water to the surface
for treatment and re-inject into the aquifer
Impacts on the Atmosphere
• Long-range transport of pollutant
• Atmospheric transport is the main reason why
anthropogenic pollutants are virtually
everywhere on earth.
• Dry deposition: settle to the ground as tiny solid
• Wet deposition: settle to the ground as
dissolved compounds in rainfall.
• Dependent on chemical and physical properties,
topography and weather.
• Acid precipitation
• refers to the rain that has a pH less than that of
natural rain. Natural rain pH is 5.6. Commonly has
pH in the range of 3 to 5.
• Acids form in the atmosphere when precursor
chemicals interact with water. The most common
precursors are CO2, SOx (sulfur oxides, such as SO2
and SO3) and NOx (nitrous oxide). Their
concentrations have increased as a result of
anthropogenic emissions.
• Downwind of industrial areas is affected the most.
Impacts on the Biosphere – Loss of forests
• Deforestation is a major type of land use
• reasons: commercial logging, make room for
agriculture, fuelwood production,
Impacts on the Biosphere
• Empty nets
• overfishing, environmental change, harmfully
fishing techniques (e.g., drift nets, trawls)
• 80% of the world’s fish stocks are now fully
exploited, overexploited or depleted.
• Coral bleaching
• coral reef, one of the most productive and
sensitive marine ecosystems. Formed by
colonies of tiny animals, which coexist with
photosynthetic algae (zooxanthellae).
• clear water + temperature > 18.
• coastal develop -> sediment -> no light ->
zooxanthellae leaves -> coral bleaching.
• Acidification of ocean can also destroy coral
reefs (CaCO3).
Elevated species loss which
has markedly accelerated over
• Loss of biodiversity the past couple of hundred
• the sixth great extinction years.
• habitat loss and fragmentation due to human
Anthropogenic role in global climate change