White Wolf
White Wolf
White Wolf
Any adventurer created for an Eternal Champion game will function without flaw in any
scenario in the series. The strength of Law or Chaos on a plane may affect a character's CHAOSIUM INC.
magical ability. $8.95 - 2108
series of 0 12515 00795 5
roleplaying games
ISBN 0-733635-42-7
Temples: Stewart Wieck
Escape from Yellow Hell: Kevin Freeman
Ship Rules: Greg Stafford, Charlie Krank
Elric: Sandy Petersen
ISBN 0-933635-42-7
WHITE WOLF is infended for use with any Eternal Champion system game (currently the
STORMBRINGER and HA WKMOON games) which are copyrighted by Chaosium Inc. To fully enjoy this
book, readers need to be familiar with the STORMBRINGER rules.
Reproduction of the material within this book for the purposes of personal or corporate profit, by
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Except in this publication and associated advertising, all original artwork for WHITE WOLF remains the
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How to Use This Book
WHITE WOLF contains a number of different items for Hell is a full-fledged chaotic plane, and its weather, monsters, and
you, the gamemaster, to integrate into your Eternal general ambiance are highly inimical to frail humanity.
Champion system campaign. These items can be used
individually or as a group. INTERDIMENSIONAL TRAVEL
In WHITE WOLF, HAWKMOON characters may travel from
The Temples Tragic Millennium Earth to the Young Kingdoms, where they
will find the temples of Chaos, Fire, and Law, or they may be sent
These three powerful temples are situated in the Young to the Yellow Hell, perhaps as part of a mixed group of
Kingdoms, the world of Elric. Each one shows different aspects adventurers from various planes.
of the STORMBRINGER system. Of particular interest are the
many and varied non-player characters and exotic entities Although the games STORMBRINGER and HAWKMOON
inhabiting these temples (58 in all). are constructed to allow easy travel between them, there are
certain effects which interdimensional travel forces upon a
It might be interesting to set the temples of Chaos and Law character. The strongest effects concern demons.
only a week's travel or so from one another. A minor war could be
run with this competition as the basis (and perhaps with the Entering Yellow Hell or the Young Kingdoms
Temple of the Eternal Flame as a neutral third party conducting
negotiations with both sides). Sorcerers entering Yellow Hell discover that their demons
suddenly are increased in power to five times their original value,
due to the highly chaotic nature of the plane. Each bound demon
Elric, the White Wolf may make an immediate attempt to break its binding.
This book contains revised statistics for Elric of Melnibone. It is Fire elementals find the hot environment of the Yellow Hell
suggested that interaction with supremely powerful and highly favorable to their nature, and are doubled in power.
unpredictable characters such as Elric not be an everyday
occurrence in your campaign. However, the occasional No change occurs to a native of Tragic Millennium Earth
appearance of the White Wolf on the peripheries of the campaign upon entering the Young Kingdoms or Yellow Hell. Flamelances
(terrorizing a city, tracking down his enemies, etc.) can be an still function, mutants retain their special power, ornithopters fly
exciting experience for your players. These revised stats are perfectly well. Science, the tool of Law, works just fine in Elric's
offered for such purpose. If you have already taken the trouble to world or in Yellow Hell. However, the tools and sophisticated
generate your own set of stats for Elric, feel free to ignore these. infrastructure necessary to science are generally unavailable
anywhere in the Young Kingdoms, and are certainly not
The Eternal Champion accessible in Yellow Hell.
This is a temple devoted to Mabelrode, called the Faceless. This Special Ability: paralysis
temple and its plots are all the work of one very perceptive mortal
mind, that of the 92-year-old Agent of Chaos, Mekmakabis. When approached, the two faces of the doors speak in unison,
Mekmakabis is the high priest of this temple, though he serves "Who is our lord and the lord of all kingdoms?" Answering
invisibly, for he rarely leaves his ebony tower. Instead, he uses simply "Mabelrode" is insufficient - the correct reply is, "He who
demons as his representatives. has no visage."
Mekmakabis constantly seeks ancient lore, carrying on his The demon door tells anyone failing to give the password to
research in his tower while the other priests carry on the knock and wait for an attendant. In fact, it will actively try to
traditional bloodthirsty worship of Mabelrode in the surrounding convince any such person to knock. If anyone touches one of the
temple. door knockers, it instantly attempts to paralyze him by matching
its POW versus his in a Resistance table roll. If the demon's POW
This temple has become famous to worshipers of Mabelrode, overcomes the target's POW, then the target is paralyzed for the
who make pilgrimages across great distances to experience the next ld6 hours. In the meanwhile, the demon doors will scream
indefinable energy coursing through the building. None of these loudly, giving the alarm and signaling to the priests the presence
pilgrims ever meet, or even hear about, Mekmakabis. of another paralytic prisoner.
The temple can be placed wherever the gamemaster deems 2) THE MAIN WORSHIP CHAMBER: the Wednesday night
best. Some plausible spots would be in Pikarayd, the Silent ceremonies are held here. Most worshipers never come further
Lands, or the Jungle Lands. than this chamber, which is octagonally-shaped and has seven
doors. On either side of the front double doors are wooden stands.
This is a powerful bastion of Chaos. Characters who plan to A close examination reveals that the wood is veined, and throbs
assault this temple had best prepare to die for their cause! gently. Each stand holds six or seven iron bands, made to fit
around the forehead. Each hand has the symbol of Chaos
engraved upon it. Identical demons of possession reside within
II. Temple Description the iron bands.