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Politics of Aundair
ut of the four surviving nations, Aundair lost Sasik d'Vadalis is the royal consort, which is to say he is the
the most during the last war. The secession of husband of Queen Aurala. While he has renounced all formal
the Eldeen Reaches resulted in a loss of more ties to House Vadalis, his critics point out that he has kept his
than half the nation's territory. Unlike Droaam Vadalis name, something mandated by the Korth Edicts.
and Q'barra, the Eldeen Reaches were a vital While Sasik has truly renounced all formal power within
part of Aundair's economy. Unlike Zilargo and the house, his relationship with Aurala is integral to her long-
the Mror Holds, the Eldeen Reaches have not term plans for the Eldeen Reaches. The heirs of handling seek
stayed on good terms with the country they seceded from. to usurp the Wardens of the Wood, who currently hold the
formal reigns of power in the Reaches. Aurala intends to
The Crown capitalize on this, stabilizing the Eldeen Reaches as an ally
much the way Breland can lean on Zilargo, ensuring a reliable
While Boranel is certainly the most beloved of the current supply of food and other resources when the next war breaks
surviving monarchs and Kaius is the most personally out.
powerful, the Aundairian crown is the most influential within Prince Wrogar ir'Wynarn is the crown prince of Aundair
its nation. Aurala's immediate family directly controls almost and a gallant knight. Or, at least in his head - the truth is the
every lever of power within Aundair, unlike Boranel's crown prince has been enabled his whole life by an army of
innefectual heirs or the direct challenge to power represented retainers and assistants who smooth over every problem he
by the Karrnathi warlords. Lord Darro ir'Lain represents the runs into and prevent him from ever facing real danger. His
biggest power in Aundair not directly related to Aurala by podsnappery is in part enabled by Lord Darro ir'Lain, who
blood or marriage, but even as first warlord he agrees that has worked to take the prince under his wing and teach him
Aundair should strike first in the next war. the ways of magic as a way of gaining influence.
Jurian is Aurala's second child, a playboy duelist-in-exile.
The Royal Family Shortly after signing the treaty of Thronehold, Aurala banned
Queen Aurala ir'Wynarn knows that Galifar is hers, both by the national pastime of Aundairians - dueling. To indicate the
the rights of succession and on account of her capabilities as a
ruler. While Mishann, governess then Queen of Cyre, was the
rightful heir to Jarot, Cyre is no more. As such, the throne
should fall both to the only heir to join Mishann in upholding
the right of succession, but also the second oldest and thus
seriousness with which she believed this was an issue, she
exiled her very own son who killed a nobleman in a duel over
a young lady. However, this exile served a second purpose - it
gave Jurian free reign to roam the five nations the past two
years as the Royal Eyes' top agent, and currently allows him to
rightful heir in the event of the death of the first - the line of spend time developing a relationship with Ruken ir'Clarn,
Wrogar ir'Wynarn. encouraging him to force the democratic question.
Furthermore, by every measure of merit Aurala deserves Princess Corrine is Aurala's youngest, a tempestuous
the throne - Boranel is too old and his heirs too incompetent, teenager who has made good friends with her cousin
Kaius III too young and naive to believe in peaceful Austasia, the adolescent daughter of Governor Aurad. Both
coexistence, and Thrane has gone completely overboard by love to create new adventures for themselves in Fairhaven, but
ousting their monarchs. The only way to rebuild Galifar is the time may come when they find themselves far from home
under a single, strong ruler, and Aurala is certain that means with nobody to bail them out.
the duty falls to her. First Warlord and Minister of Magic Adal holds both
significant formal and informal power in Aundair. While he
shares his older sister's vision for a united Galifar under
The Neutral Good Conqueror Aundair, he believes himself more suited to the task. Despite
Aurala, as the only ruler of the five nations his respect for Lord Darro ir'Lain, he rejects Darro's plans to
interested in war, is easy to cast as the villain. retake the Eldeen Reaches by force, seeing it as a waste of
However, it's important to understand how she can time and resources.
During the negotiations of the Treaty of Thronehold, Adal
Aurad is Aurala's youngest brother, the governor of Fairhaven, The Royal Eyes
and the chief diplomat of Aundair. A dedicated public servant,
he splits his time between managing the city and serving the Aundair's intelligence agency, the Royal Eyes lack the sheer
national interest. He too believes his sister is destined to wear number of sources and boots on the ground that the Dark
the crown of Galifar, but believes the path is through Lanterns cultivated prior to the outbreak of the Last War. Still,
diplomacy rather that more bloodshed. He has found an they are one of the premier intelligence agencies in Khorvaire,
unlikely ally in his brother-in-law Sasik, advocating that the leaning on magical might from both spells and items to cover
Eldeen Reaches can serve as a model state for a rebuilt ground where they lack personnel.
Galifar - regional governance, but a recognition that Aurala is While the Royal Eyes ultimately report to Aurala, the day-to-
the true ruler. Sasik's violation of the Korth edicts bothers day operations are handled by her spymaster Thuel
Aurad slightly, but he reconciles it by asserting that Aurala Racannoch. Thuel has only held the position for the past two
holds the reigns - the houses must have renewed subservience years - he replaced Nara ir’Galanatyr, who retired under
to the crown of Galifar, renewing the original promise of the mysterious circumstances to Wyr shortly after Aurala signed
Korth Edicts. the Treaty of Thronehold. Thuel is completely loyal to Aurala,
The twins Wrel and Wrey are brilliant wizards and leading having worked his way up the ranks the hard way over many
researchers at Arcanix, heading up the mysterious Project years, without the usual benefit of an easy start granted to
Gemini. While most wizards in their mid-20's could only hope those of noble birth.
of heading up entire projects, these twins have found that
their combined magical might is far beyond what they can The Last War
accomplish individually. Project Gemini studies sympathetic
magic - binding similar objects together to extend the range The Last War began with the paranoia of an aging king. The
and potency of magic. While the twins are interested in their sinful pride of his children led to the fracturing of a kingdom
research for purely academic reasons, their older brother Adal that they saw fit for the taking. While Wrogar allied with
has been tracking their project and spinning off battlefield Mishann at the onset of the Last War, the trials and
applications from their discoveries. Furthermore, any number tribulations of extended conflict eventually broke the bonds
of the Lords of Dust might take an interest in their project, between Aundair and Cyre, leading to Aurala's infamous
especially Sul Khatesh, whose whispers may be the true declaration at the Treaty of Thronehold that as "Cyre no
source of the twin's talent. longer exits", it did not deserve representation.
e At the onset of the war, Aundair more than any other nation
viewed the war as one great glorious adventure. The sons and
daughters of Aundair would go forth and win battles, tell
stories, and reforge the broken blade of Galifar stronger than
it was before. This is not what happened, as the great
adventure stretched into a hundred bloody years and a
shattered kingdom. Jarot's paranoia had led to the
development of advanced defenses, inhibiting the ability for
any army to convert tactical victories to strategic ones. Armies
constructed large trenches to provide cover against war
magic. Soldiers who survived the battlefield didn't always
come back whole in body or mind, either missing limbs and
wracked by spellshock. Wealthier families could afford
armies from the Cyran warfronts was not just a sign of tactical
or strategic weakness - it was a mortal wound to the pride that
all Aundairians are taught, to wear their heads high knowing
that they are the greatest nation in Khorvaire. Giving up the
fight to defend Cyre meant acknowledging that Aundair was
not the nation she thought she was.
Cyre's destruction meant that the great adventure Wrogar
had led Aundair on ended in failure. Aurala chose to play on
Boranel's soft heart, convincing him to accept the majority of
the refugees. By contrast, she still refuses to even meet with
any of the surviving Cyran diplomatic corps. Aurala is
martialing the Aundairian spirit, harnessing its wounded pride
to revitalize the country and prepare it for whatever is to come
The Army The Navy
Aundair's army pioneered many of the advances in the arcane While the conventional war wizards of Aundair explored many
arts over the war, with the Arcane Congress working on an more branches of magic than their counterparts in other
endless stream of classified projects for the Aundairian nations, the Aundairian Navy pushed those studies even
crown. While Karrnath certainly has the lead in necromancy further, deeply incorporating illusion magic into their tactics.
and even manage to match Aundair in abjuration and The inherent uncertainties of war are only amplified on the
evocation, Aundairian war wizards provide a much broarder water, where information is everything.
and more diverse skill set. Conjuration, enchantment, and In terms of warfronts, Aundair's First Fleet was the
transmutation are three key schools of magic where Aundair smallest, patrolling the Eldeen Bay and maintaining shipping
simply has no peer. Fog of War enshrouded formations of routes in the waters north of Khorvaire. The Second Fleet
Thranish archers, Gallant Charge enabled formations of was the largest, vying for control of Scion's Sound and the
Aundairian soldiers to charge through enemy fire, and Mass waters around Thronehold. The Third Fleet protected
Darkvision allowed elite Aundairian forces to strike even Aundair's western flank, conducting operations in Lake
during the darkest nights. Galifar against Thrane and Breland.
More formally, Aundair's ordinary armies were
supplemented by the Knights Arcane, a large order that Sample NPCs
included almost every noble who served in the war. The Erica Spellvig is a master illusionist for the Aundairian Navy.
Knights Arcane embodied the mixing of arcane and martial A human transwoman with long, braided hair, she is
traditions. Many of the Knights Arcane conventionally raised renowned for her control over large-scale illusions and her
their own mounts to serve as traditional cavalry, mixing spell attention to detail. She was conducting operations in Cyran
and blade from horseback. The Knights Phantom were an waters when the Mourning struck, miraculously surviving the
elite unit of light cavalry that preferred to leverage the spell dead-gray mists. However, something's been off with her
Phantom Steed over flesh and blood mounts, using a special illusions since then - small, unconscious alterations. Recently
dragonshard focus item that extended the duration of the she's been seeing moving shadows in the periphery of her
steed beyond the conventional one hour. vision, sometimes coalescing into hazy form. In truth, the
Perhaps the most famous of the Knights Arcane were the Mourning created a shadowy duplicate of her past self that is
dragonhawk riders, whose mastery of magic solidified trying to replace her.
Aundair's aerial superiority. While Brelish hippogriffs, Cyran
griffons, Thranish wyverns, and Karrnathi undead
monstrosities all challenged Aundair's dragonhawk riders
throughout the war, more often than not the dragonhawks
came out on top. Still, this wasn't enough to prevent the major
The Korth Edicts
When Galifar was founded, the Korth Edicts were an
agreement between the (then eleven) dragonmarked houses
losses Aundair faced throughout the war. While a Lyrandar and the fledgling kingdom that separated the rights and
airship can be constructed in a matter of month, it takes years privileges of each. A legal barrier was erected between the
for a Dragonhawk to grow to a rideable size and war-ready nobility and houses, declaring that any house member who
state. Furthermore, the reliance on the noble class for both marries into the nobility must renounce all claims they have
mounts and riders limited the overall size and scope of aerial on the house.
warfare, something that may change if the next war were to While the houses control and regulate most trade in
break out. Khorvaire, certain sectors are outside of their purview. First
and foremost, land is primarily controlled by Khorvaire's
Sample NPCs nobility, the rent from which funds their continued existence.
Lauren ir'Isen is a commander for the First Aerie of Derived from the land is agriculture, which the Raincaller's
dragonhawk riders in southern Aundair. A stocky, ginger- Guild supplements but does not control or regulate. Other
haired khoravar ace with more than fifty kills, she's more natural-resource oriented industries such as logging and
comfortable in the sky than on the ground. Moving up in the mining are similarly sequestered from the houses, creating
ranks meant that for the last four years of the war, she didn't opportunities for the Aurum. In a more conventional industrial
see any direct combat despite a deep desire to. With the end sense, textiles and construction are at most regulated by
of the war and the force drawdown, she's returned to Cannith, but are far enough outside its ordinary purview to
patrolling Aundair's skies with her prize dragonhawk, allow others to build wealth.
Featherheart. Recently, she's become concerned for the aviary With the fracturing of Galifar, the houses have begun to
- Dragonhawk eggs are extremely valuable due to their slow push and test whether any nation will uphold the Korth
rate of breeding, and one has recently gone missing. Any Edicts. Aundair bears the two biggest cases of this, with
number of suspects could have stolen the egg, from local House Lyrandar controlling Stormhome while Sasik d'Vadalis
bandits, to a rival country, to House Vadalis. Characters who sits in Fairhaven as the queen's consort.
locate the missing egg not only earn favor with her but can
use her to get introductions in the Aundairian military or
Aurala's court in Fairhaven.
The University of Wynarn
Education The University has six departments, each with their own
Aundair's system of education is one of the most advanced in enormous building that includes dormitories, classrooms,
the five nations, raising the standard of living not just for the laboratories, restaurants, and museums. For much of the past
noble classes, but for everyone. While all nobles in the five century, these facilities sat empty, as ministers of magic
nations provide education for the farmers and local prioritized funding and recruitment efforts for the Arcane
merchants that pay them taxes, Aundairian nobles take great Congress. Members of other nations could no longer attend,
pride in the quality of the education they provide. while Aundairians who had the money and status to attend
While magical ability certainly requires some level of talent, frequently chose to pursue other, more practical paths.
it's also a function of education. Every Aundairian villager By 990, the faculty outnumbered the students. The
receives some level of magical education, even if they only administration made a bold choice after the Treaty of
retain the very basics of spellwork - a piece or two of Thronehold to open enrollment up significantly while creating
prestidigitation, for example. On a more professional basis, a scholarship system, filling out empty classrooms with
almost every craftsperson in Aundair can be considered a students of all nations and races. This has created tension
magewright, using magic to improve their productivity and the amongst the student population, as members of the
quality of their work. On a material level, the people of aristocracy confront the reality of warforged, goblinoid, and
Aundair have a higher quality of life than every other nation. shifter students who have never had access to university.
For higher education, well-to-do Aundairians and the nobles
can afford Aundair's elite universities - Arcanix for the Arcane Science and Theory
magically talented, and the University of Wynarn for those The department of arcane science and theory eschews the
pursuing more mundane studies. Elsewise, a variety of practicalities of spellcasting, focusing on topics such as the
Sovereign Host monasteries provide higher education to the planes and magical phenomena. The department chair is Dr.
faithful few who are selected each year. The Twelve, while Odatra Orulin Ornan, a wizened gnome that's nearly blind
based in Karrnath, also provides education to those affiliated from age. Still, her mathematical mind is unmatched in
with the houses or one of their subsidiary guilds. Khorvaire, having published the majority of the major
mathematical breakthroughs of the past two centuries.
Formed over the prison of Sul Khatesh, the Keeper of Secrets,
the village of Arcanix has always been known to produce an
unusual number of magical prodigies. While she slumbers
deep beneath in Khyber, her dreams sometimes prove to be a
muse to young magic-users, gifting them insights far beyond
The department of classics has not benefited from the
school's resurgence, with almost all new students still
considering it to be the study of dead literature. The
department chair is Dr. Sartumal Peters, a venerable elf
their comprehension. whose favorite works were old when he was young.
At the beginning of the Last War, Aundair captured much of History
Western Thrane, including the village of Arcanix. Recently The department of history has worked to understand all
nationalized to serve Wrogar's purposes, the Arcane Congress aspects of the past century of warfare. The department chair
aided the war effort by turning their floating towers into is Dr. Juliona Walleau, an Aundairian nationalist. Her latest
floating fortresses, patrolling this newly claimed territory in book The Forge of War has come under fire for portraying the
the name of Aundair. Thranish armies as undisciplined zealots rampaging through
Local Politics Appendix A: New Spells
The gap between urban and rural life in Aundair is bigger Fog of War
than anywhere else in the five nations, even as both share a 3rd-level conjuration
deep national pride and fascination with magic. Aundair's
pastoral countryside benefits from the nation's abundance of Casting Time: 1 minute
magewrights, but shuns the fast living and fashion-obsessed Range: 500 feet
cities. By contrast, the people of Aundair's cities consider the Components: V, S
rural folks as backwards, always a generation behind on the Duration: 1 Hour (Concentration)
latest magical advancements. You create a 50-foot-radius sphere of fog centered on a point
within range. The sphere spreads around corners, and its area
Rural Aundair is heavily obscured. It lasts for the duration or until a wind of
The farmers of Aundair live a life similar to their ancestors moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour)
from before the Kingdom of Galifar, tilling the rich soil in a disperses it.
comfortable climate to grow luxury goods desired across the Gallant Charge
continent. Most lords maintain a vineyard of some sort, with 3rd-level enchantment
the quality of the wine believed to reflect the quality of their
leadership and piety to the Sovereign Host. Casting Time: 1 minute
For a land steeped in arcane magic, rural Aundair is much Range: 30 feet
more religious than outsiders might suspect. Aureon is Components: V, S
revered throughout the nation as the deity of knowledge and Duration: 10 minutes.
magic, but Arawai has many devotional temples intended to Up to a dozen willing creatures within range are imbued with
bring about good harvests. Merchants in the towns of Aundair bravery. Until the spell ends, each creature is immune to being
give tithes to local temples of Kol Korran, and villagers who frightened and gains temporary hit points equal to your
live in the wilder patches give praise to Balinor. Rural Aundair spellcasting ability modifier at the start of each of its turns.
is also a hotbed of Pure Flame activity, a holdover from the When the spell ends, the target loses any remaining
end of the Lycanthropic threat early in the last century. temporary hit points from this spell.
Appendix B: The Royal
Family Tree