Chemical Management Procedure

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Chemicals and other Hazardous Materials,

Management Procedures

Table of Contents

1. Context.................................................................................................................................... 1

2. Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 2

3. Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 3

4. Accountabilities ..................................................................................................................... 14

5. Essential Supporting Documents ......................................................................................... 16

6. Related Documents .............................................................................................................. 16

7. Appendices ........................................................................................................................... 17

Appendix A: Substances where Health surveillance is mandatory

Appendix B: Prohibited carcinogens, restricted carcinogens and restricted hazardous chemicals

Appendix C: Asbestos

1. Context

This procedure supports the University Work Health and Safety Policy.

The purpose of this procedure is to outline the University’s processes for managing risks
associated with the purchase, transport, storage, and use of chemicals including dangerous
goods, hazardous substances, drugs, poisons and controlled substances.

This procedure applies to any work area within University operated and / or maintained
sites, or any situation where a person working at the University may be exposed to

13 September 2013

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2. Definitions

In the context of this document:

ADG Code means the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and
Rail Code;

AIDGC means the Australian Institute of Dangerous Goods Consultants;

Chemical in this document means a substance or material that is planned for use in a
process or procedure, or as an activity to support a process or procedure such as cleaning
prior to or following a procedure. Chemicals can be in a liquid, solid or gas form at the
temperature and pressure being used or at standard temperature and pressure. They may
or may not also meet the criteria of a Dangerous Good and / or a Hazardous Substance.
Chemicals may include a commonly used product such as water or piped natural gas,
where those products are in volumes that may create a high level of risk.

Dangerous Goods means substances that are potentially hazardous to people and
property, and are classified according to their immediate physical or chemical properties as:

a) Substances or articles that under the ADG Code are listed or described as:

(i) dangerous goods of Class 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 8 or 9, or

(ii) goods too dangerous to be transported,

b) or are C1 combustible liquids;

Hazardous Area means an area or space in which the atmosphere contains or may
reasonably be expected to contain any material or substance (including, but not limited to,
combustible dusts, combustible fibres, flammable vapours, flammable liquids, flammable
gases, flammable or combustible fumes) at a concentration that is capable of being ignited
by an ignition source.

Hazardous Substance means a substance that has the potential to harm human health as:

(a) listed in the document entitled “List of Designated Hazardous Substances

[NOHSC: 10005 (1999)]” published by the National Occupational Health and Safety
Commission (NOHSC), as in force from time to time, or

(b) fits the criteria for a hazardous substance set out in the document entitled
“Approved Criteria for Classifying Hazardous Substances [NOHSC: 1008 (1999)]”
published by the NOHSC, as in force from time to time;

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances means substances fitting Schedule

2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 as published in the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and
Poisons (SUSDP);

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Manifest means the University chemical Data Base which is held on line
through ChemWatch.

Responsible Person means the person who has control over the activities where
chemicals are in use. This person is the most senior person involved in the overall activity
such as the Chief Investigator, Course Coordinator, Director, or Team Manager. This person
will retain responsibility for compliance with these procedures irrespective of whether or not
they have delegated actions to staff or others such as a laboratory manager or purchasing
officer. The responsible person shall ensure that adequate resources and information are
available to all staff and persons potentially affected by chemicals under their control and
that controls are in place to ensure the chemicals are purchased, handled, stored and
disposed of in a safe manner.

Register means a list of chemicals at the local level. A register can also be used to
populate the Manifest.

Safety Review means The University procedures for Risk Assessment Reviews for
research and teaching projects.

Packages means containers that are suitable and appropriate for the placing of chemicals
and other materials that permit safe transportation or storage.

Scientifically Qualified Person may be in charge of a laboratory or department, or a

person acting under the direct supervision of such a person, who is authorised to possess
and use any schedule 2, 3 or 4 substance that is required for the conduct of medical or
scientific research or instruction or the conduct of quality control or analysis (as per
Appendix C, clause 19 of the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008).

Site means a site in the University manifest and refers to a building.

Store A store in the University manifest is a specific location where chemicals are stored or
handled, this may include but is not limited to a room, laboratory, tank, bunker, shed,
freezer, cabinet.

3. Procedure

3.1. Acquisition (Purchase or Donation)

Prior to the initial purchase or donation of a chemical the following shall occur:

A copy of the MSDS shall be obtained from the manufacturer / supplier or accessed via

3.1.1 A risk assessment shall be undertaken if the product is a Dangerous Good,

Hazardous Substance or Scheduled Drug or Poison.

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3.1.2 Conduct a full risk assessment (an example template is
detailed in Appendix L: Sample Dangerous Good – Hazardous
Substance Risk Assessment Form);

3.1.3 The risk assessment will be reviewed by the University Chemical and
Radiation Technical Committee if any of the following apply:

 Any of the ChemWatch Hazard Ratings are “High” or “Extreme”;

 The chemical appears on the list of Carcinogenic substances as detailed in
Appendix B: Carcinogenic Substances;
 The chemical is a Schedule 4 or 8 drug (Refer to the Poisons Standard 2009);
 The chemical is an explosive - Class 1 Dangerous Goods (Refer Appendix E:
Explosives and Fireworks);
 The chemical is a security sensitive dangerous substance (Refer Appendix D:
Security Sensitive Dangerous Substances);
 The quantity stored falls into the placard quantity category (Refer Appendix I:
Dangerous Goods Placard and Manifest Quantities);
 The chemicals are listed in the Industry Code of Practice for the Prevention of
diversion of legitimate industrial chemicals into illicit drug manufacture (Refer
Appendix F: Chemical Diversion into Illicit Drug Manufacture for details);
 Chemical has special disposal requirements or is sensitive to the environment.
3.1.4 Confirm the chemical is not to be used in a prohibited manner as listed in
Appendix C: Prohibited uses of Hazardous Substances; If it is going to
be used in a prohibited manner as listed in Appendix D Seek approvals /
authorisations as detailed in Section 3.2;
3.1.5 Order the chemical via the Technology 1 Financial system or via University
Purchasing Card if Head of School Approval has been given for this to
occur. (NOTE: The ordering process shall also consider ordering the
minimum practical inventory that will allow the task to proceed while not
carrying excessive stock. It should also consider the packaging size to
reduce the risk from spills.);
3.1.6 Verify that the controls identified in the risk assessment have been
3.1.7 Add material to Chemical Manifest as detailed in Section 3.4.
3.2. Notifications and Approvals

Prior to placing any order for any of the following materials, notifications, licences and approvals
shall be sought as appropriate for:

• Chemicals appearing on the list in Appendix B: Carcinogenic Substances. These shall

be notified to WorkCover on the Prescribed Form and a copy provided to the Health
and Safety team. Approval is required before any order is made.

• Security Sensitive Dangerous Substances as detailed in Appendix D: Security

Sensitive Dangerous Substances;

• Explosives or Fireworks as detailed in Appendix E: Explosives and Fireworks;

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• Schedule 8 or 9 drugs as detailed in Poisons Standard 2009;

• All chemicals shall be approved via the Safety Review process;

All chemicals meeting the following criteria shall be notified to the Health and Safety Team via the
safety review process:

• The quantity of stored chemicals equals or exceeds the Manifest quantity as detailed in
Appendix I: Dangerous Goods Placard and Manifest Quantities; or

• Chemicals are notifiable to WorkCover as listed above;

• Health surveillance is required as identified in Section 3.3.

3.3. Health Surveillance

Health surveillance shall be provided for each employee who is exposed to a hazardous substance if
there is a risk to the health of the employee as a result of that exposure, and:

• the hazardous substance is listed in (Appendix A: Substances where Health

surveillance is required); or

• the exposure to any other hazardous substance is such that:

- An identifiable disease or other effect on health may be related to the exposure; and
- There is a reasonable likelihood that exposure to the substance and thus the disease
or other effect on health may occur under the particular conditions of work; and
- There is available an effective technique for detecting indications of the disease or
other effect on health.
The MSDS and the Health and Safety Team can provide further guidance.

3.4. Manifest and Registers

3.4.1 Manifest

All University sites shall be included in the manifest stored on the ChemWatch Data Base,
which shall be maintained by local workgroups, and accessible to security services with a hard
copy located at Security. The Health and Safety Team shall maintain a watching brief over the
contents of the manifest. The manifest shall contain copies of the MSDS’s for all chemicals
including the Dangerous Goods listed in the manifest and details of any specific control
measures. The manifest:

• Provides emergency services with information on the quantity, type and location of
dangerous goods on the premises, to enable them to respond appropriately to any
serious incident;

• Provides the list of dangerous goods for the register and forms the basis for notification
to WorkCover;

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• Identifies where dangerous goods are stored and handled in quantities
that exceed, or are likely to exceed, the relevant placarding quantities;

• Supports local registers by providing a listing of all dangerous goods and hazardous
substances that are used or produced in the premises;

• Identifies where dangerous good quantities are over placarding limits for individual
storage locations, rooms or sites (buildings);

• The manifest register is useful as a source of information and as a management tool.

At a local level the manifest ensures individuals;

• Have an inventory of hazardous substances stored and used in their area;

• Have readily available access to copies of MSDS’s for all hazardous substances stored
and used in their area;

• Identifies storage incompatibilities between Dangerous Goods (DG) classes;

• Can prepare and print labels which include risk and safety information;

• Can complete and store a risk assessment using the Chemwatch risk assessment tool;

• Can create reports;

• Have access to appropriate information in an emergency;

• Can contact Chemwatch directly for technical advice.

Training in populating, updating and use of the data base will be provided through training courses
managed by the Health and safety team and each site shall ensure that at least one person from the
site where chemicals are stored or used has attended the training and is competent in using the data

The manifest shall be reviewed by the School every 5 years or sooner if circumstances change (i.e.
New building, relocated store etc);

Local Workgroups are expected to keep the manifest up to date by:

- Removing materials if they are no longer stored on-site;

- Adding materials when they are introduced into the work location;

- Ensuring the quantity listed on the manifest for each material is the maximum quantity that
could be stored in that location at any given time.

All non-University groups located in facilities owned by the University must understand their duty to
provide their DG inventories to the University for inclusion on the manifest. Similarly, University
groups located in facilities owned by other organisations must ensure they provide a copy of their
DG inventory to that organisation.

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• A copy of the manifest must be kept on the premises in a secure place easily
accessible to the emergency services. Security Services shall have access to the

• Building manifest DG reports will be located next to the fire panel along with a floor plan
in all placarded buildings.

Manifest Layout

The manifest consists of three levels.

• First level (Building)

All buildings are already listed on the manifest. Buildings are entered on the manifest as the building
code found on the Campus map e.g. Life Sciences Building = LS, The Forum = SCH etc. NIER
buildings are identified as NIER-A (NIER A Block) etc.

Any buildings which are not at Callaghan Campus have the prefix Z e.g. David Maddison Building =
ZDMB, Newbolds = ZNEWBOLDS. Buildings at Ourimbah Campus have the prefix ZOURIMBAH
e.g. Science Laboratories 1 is listed as ZOURIMBAHSL1

Dangerous Goods depots and tanks which are located separate to a building are listed on the
manifest as the building they are closest to and SITE reference Code from the map key e.g. the
Liquid Nitrogen Storage Tank is SB SITE-E1

• Second level (Room number)

This is the room number of the room where the chemicals are stored. In some cases this may
already be on the manifest but in most cases this will need to be entered when a facility enters their

• Third level (specific storage location)

o o
This is where in the room the material is stored e.g. chemical shelf, fridge, -20 C freezer/-80 C
freezer, Corrosive cabinet, Flammable cabinet, Toxic Cabinet, Poison Safe etc.

NOTE: if there is more than one freezer or shelf they shall be numbered to permit clear identification
(e.g. Freezer 1, freezer 2 etc).

Information required to be included in the manifest

• the full name of each material

• the manufacturers name (the product code is also useful if there is a number of
reagents with similar names)

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• number of storage containers and maximum capacity (volume/weight)
of those containers- must enter the maximum quantity (containers x capacity) expected
to be held in an area at any one time.
• The storage location including- building, room number and specific storage description
(chemical shelf, fridge, -20oC freezer/-80oC freezer, Corrosive cabinet, Flammable
cabinet, Toxic Cabinet, Poison Safe etc).
Materials not to forget to include on the manifest

All chemicals and reagents must be entered onto the manifest. Materials often overlooked include-
cleaning products, liquid nitrogen, kitchen material such as cooking oils, art materials- glue, paint,
etc, gas cylinders and chemical waste such as solvent waste bottles attached to lab apparatus

Materials not found on ChemWatch Database

If you find you have a material which is not listed on the ChemWatch database please forward an
electronic copy of the manufacturers MSDS to Health and Safety to forward down to ChemWatch to
enter onto the database.


Once staff have received training in how to use the manifest they will be issued with a password.
Security is set for individual facilities or in some cases a number of facilities. We ask that you do not
give the Password you are issued with to anyone else unless you have discussed this first with
Health and Safety. Please ensure you only add or edit chemical listings you have responsibility for.

3.4.2 Registers

Each area where Dangerous Goods / Hazardous Substances are stored shall have a register. The
register can be a copy of the Manifest or a separate document. Typically the copy of the manifest is
used where the workgroup does not monitor actual quantities of the materials. Where the quantities
of materials are required to be managed (e.g. Schedule 4, 8 and 9 drugs, poisons, when more than
one group is using the materials etc) a local register is appropriate as a record of the purchase,
usage and disposal of the material(s).

Minimum information needed in a register

The Regulation requires that the minimum information that must be included in a register is a list of
all dangerous goods present, together with the MSDS for all dangerous goods for which an MSDS is
required under the Regulation (i.e. the supplied substances and goods). The same document may
also contain a list of hazardous substances together with the MSDS for all hazardous substances
that have been supplied. Include all substances, even those such as emissions and dusts
generated, since the risks arising from these must be assessed.

Any relevant risk assessment information including the completion of simple and obvious risk
assessments should also be noted in the register.

Keeping the register up to date

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The register must contain entries for all chemicals currently used or produced at the
site. The register should be updated as new dangerous goods or hazardous substances are
introduced to the premises and the use or production of existing dangerous goods is discontinued.

Access to the register

Chief Investigators, Heads of School or managers must ensure that all people who handle or store
dangerous goods have ready access to the register. Those people who could be exposed to a
hazardous substance must also have access to the register. Employee representatives and relevant
public authorities should also have ready access to the information in the register.

The register shall be clearly labelled “Dangerous Goods / Hazardous Substances” Register. The
register can be printed off from the Chemwatch manifest in the form of a report and shall be stored
at the entry to the area / room the register relates to. The Manifest containing all area registers shall
be kept on the ChemWatch Data Base. Storage of wastes shall also be included on the register.

The register shall;

• Be maintained by the workgroup / research group or school. The Faculty Pro Vice-
Chancellor has the ultimate responsibility to ensure that all groups are maintaining the
Manifest and registers;
• Contain a listing of all Dangerous Goods / Hazardous Substances as detailed in
ChemWatch. Note empty tanks, vessels and bottles are to be classified as “full”;
• Be reviewed every 5 years or whenever a significant change has occurred. A record
shall be kept of the review.
3.5. Risk Assessment


A risk assessment shall be conducted for each Dangerous Good, Hazardous Substance or
Scheduled Drug or Poison. The assessment shall be conducted prior to accepting the goods on site
or the manufacture of chemicals to ensure that the goods are acceptable for use on site, and that the
appropriate controls are in place.

Where there are no specific risk controls required then a notation shall be made in the register.
NOTE: Refer to the Section 3.4 for storage of Risk Assessments.

The assessments shall be made in ChemWatch or the form detailed in Appendix L: Sample
Dangerous Good – Hazardous Substance Risk Assessment Form with as a minimum the MSDS
for reference. Further guidance is available in Appendix K: Relevant Guidance and Standards.

The risk assessment shall be reviewed:

• Every 5 years or sooner if a significant change has occurred;

• Whenever there is evidence that the risk assessment is no longer valid;
• An injury or illness results from exposure to a hazard to which the risk assessment
relates; or

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• There is a significant change relating to the risk assessment.
For all Placarded, Manifest and Bulk Storages the risk assessments and outcomes from the
assessments shall be coordinated by the person responsible for the storage.

This shall involve;

• Inclusion of requirements into Emergency Plans;

• Implementing engineering changes;
• Development of Safe Work Method Statements and procedures as relevant;
• Establishment of mechanisms to ensure the ongoing adequacy and implementation of
these systems.


For quantities less than the Placarded quantity (Refer Appendix I) a person capable of interpreting
an MSDS, and the relevant Code of Practice can facilitate the risk assessment.

In cases where the quantity of dangerous goods exceeds the Placard level, but remains below the
“manifest” level, persons competent in the relevant Australian Standard / statutory instrument and
experience in risk assessment would be appropriate for facilitating the risk assessment.

Where the goods are above the “manifest” level, or where incompatible goods are kept in the same
location, or where processing occurs; an accredited member of the Australian Institute of Dangerous
Goods Consultants (AIDGC), or a chemical engineer competent in the risks and processes is
acceptable for facilitating the risk assessment..

Hazardous Areas

The Responsible Person for the area shall ensure all Hazardous Areas are classified and there is a
map defining these areas. The classification process shall be conducted by a competent person who
is eligible to become an accredited member of the AIDGC.

Processes shall be put in place to ensure the controls over the Hazardous Areas and storages are
maintained operationally.

3.6. Placarding, Signage and Labels

Outer Warning Placarding

Each building (site) storing any chemical over the Placard Quantity as detailed in Appendix I:
Dangerous Goods Placard and Manifest Quantities shall have outer warning placards displayed
at all entrances to the premises that emergency services would use, or be likely to use in the event
of an emergency. This includes all road and major pedestrian accesses.

Refer Appendix J: Placarding Signage Requirements for details.

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Dangerous Goods in Bulk

The quantities defining “bulk” are:

• for gases – a container of more than 500L “water capacity” (usually a tank);
• for liquids – a container of more than 450L capacity (or a mass of more than 450Kg);
• for solids – more than 450kg (or more than 450L container capacity), which includes
uncontained solids such as a pile on the ground.
A bulk container, vehicle or an Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) marked in accordance with the
ADG code is acceptable (apart from combustible liquids).

The placard must be located on, or adjacent to the bulk container (such as a tank) or storage.

Placarding for Packaged Dangerous Goods

For all areas that store Dangerous Goods in packages in quantities exceeding those listed in the
Placarding Column of Appendix I refer to Appendix J: Placarding Signage Requirements

With the placard shall also be a sign with the number or designation of the Dangerous Goods store.

No Dangerous Goods classed as “Too Dangerous to Handle” are to be on site unless compliance
with requirements of the WHS Regulation 2011 is proven.

The placards shall be located:

• At the entrance to each building;

• At the entrance to each room or enclosed section where the placarding quantities are
exceeded; and
• Adjacent to any external storage locations.
Where Dangerous Goods have been permanently removed, the Placarding shall also be removed.


Containers that are to be reused for other purposes than the original shall have all references to the
DG's removed.

A container into which dangerous goods are transferred for use within the next 12 hours need only
be labelled with the product name and risk and safety phrases. A container into which a hazardous
substance is decanted for immediate use need not be labelled, so long as it is under direct control by
a person at all times and cleaned immediately after it has been emptied of the substance.

All piping, vessels and enclosed systems shall be labelled with their contents. Australian Standard
AS1345 provides guidance.

Safety and warning labels on chemical storage containers shall be maintained.

For containers less than 500mL the labels should have the following:

• Signal words, dangerous goods class and subsidiary risks

• Name, other ingredients (solvent), UN No.

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• Risk and Safety phrases
• First aid procedures
• Details of the person who prepared the sample –name and contact
• Date prepared or Expiry date
• Reference to MSDS
If the container has stored volumes greater than 500mL, the following additional information is

• Directions for use

• Emergency procedures
3.7. Emergency Preparedness

Risk Assessment

The Risk Assessment process shall define the requirements of the fire and emergency systems for a
specific Dangerous Goods store or product. These shall be included in the Emergency plan of the
area and the site if deemed significant enough to do so.

The need for neutralisers shall be considered as part of the risk assessment and procedures for use,
and included in the register.

Spill Kits

All facilities where hazardous substances and Dangerous Goods are stored and/or handled must
have a spill kit appropriate for the material stored/handled there.

The University has a number of portable 140L Spill kits, further information available at Chemicals
and hazardous materials web page.

3.8. Disposal and Wastes

Waste disposal shall be in accordance with statutory guidelines and University licence requirements.
The MSDS shall be consulted for guidance on environmental consequences.

Disposal methods shall be detailed in the Risk Assessment Review submission.

Waste shall only be disposed of with licensed contractors, more information at Chemical Waste
Collection. Copies of the contractor licence where applicable and each disposal event shall be kept.

Please note the following waste will not be accepted. Contact Health and Safety for further information regarding these waste types.

• DG class 1 explosive waste

• DG class 6.2 infectious waste

• DG class 7 radioactive material

Use of disposal down drains shall be minimised and be as per the university licence and guidelines.
Hazardous Waste shall be disposed of in accordance with the Environmental Sustainability Policy..

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3.9. Records

The following records shall be kept for the defined periods. A copy is to be held locally while the
chemical or procedures are continuing, and a copy is to be kept with records Management (generally
this will be via use of the TRIM system which the Health and Safety Team can access and add
documents to.

Records Type Period

Risk assessments where the need for atmospheric 30 years

monitoring or health surveillance is identified

Risk assessments where atmospheric monitoring or health 5 years after last

surveillance is not required change or once

Records of training and induction of persons likely to be 5 years

exposed to hazardous substances

Persons potentially exposed to carcinogenic substances 30 years

Persons exposed to lead risk work 5 years after last


Maintenance records of tanks, pipes, fire system, structures Life of the asset
and bunds

3.10. Training

Personnel, who purchase chemicals, manage a facility or facilitate chemical risk assessments shall
be trained in the:
• Contents of this procedure;
Personnel who use, manage, transport or store chemicals shall be trained in the:

• Elmo Online Chemical training;

• Nature of the hazards, and the processes used for the identification, assessment and
control of risks relevant to their duties;
• Use and maintenance of the processes to control the risks;
• Operation of the emergency plans, spill response and the equipment relevant to their
• Risk assessments / safe work procedures for the chemicals they are exposed or use;
• Correct selection, use, fitting and maintenance of equipment and PPE; and

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• ChemWatch
3.11. Storage

Chemicals shall be stored in accordance with the regulations, codes of practice and relevant
standards. Refer Appendix K: Relevant Guidance and Standards for guidance material and
Section 3.6.

3.12. Suppliers / Disposers

Where Dangerous Goods are supplied / removed from site in other than Packages, the department
shall obtain copies of the Suppliers / Disposers risk assessments for the control of transfer within, to
and from the site.

Where these transfers occur, the site shall have in place systems to approve and manage the
process so that the University maintains control.

3.13. Changes

Any changes to, additions to, or permanent removal of Dangerous Goods / Hazardous / Schedule
Substance involving the type, use, quantity or storage location shall trigger a review of the:

• Register;
• Manifest;
• Site Map;
• Placarding;
• WorkCover notification requirement;
• Emergency plan; and
• Risk Assessment.
3.14. Inspections and Audits

Each site shall conduct the Laboratory Safety Checklist 6 monthly. This shall include the storage

The Chemical and Radiation Technical Committee (CRTC) and the Health and Safety Team will
periodically audit departmental compliance against this procedure and legal requirements

4. Accountabilities

Executive Team shall

• Implement and apply this procedure within their area of responsibility;

• Confirm or reaffirm responsibilities for managing this procedure; and
• Provide resources to implement the requirements of this procedure;

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Heads of Schools and Chief Investigators shall

• Implement the requirements of this procedure in their site;

• Ensure that relevant persons (including contractors, academics and students) working
under their control are aware of, and abide by the relevant content of this procedure;
• Ensure personnel, researchers, contractors and any other relevant persons are
appropriately trained and competent to provide full and ongoing implementation of the
risk assessment and safe work procedure; and
• Manage Minor and Placarded stores, including;
-Identify to Facilities Management when a store requires placarding so that signage can
be ordered and installed
- Identify and rectify any store segregation incompatibilities
• Communicate the requirements for Students, Staff, and Researchers to follow Safe
Work Method Statements and procedures as well as utilise Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) as and when required

NOTE: These tasks and functions may be delegated to other people to facilitate however the
overall responsibility is retained by the Head of School and Chief Investigator.

Laboratory Manager

Shall manage activities to ensure that the following is undertaken;

• Collate the Laboratory and Faculty registers to form the University register;
• Ensure a hard copy of the current facility manifest/register and MSDS’s are available in
the facility;
• Manage the process for risk assessments and control of all Placard stores;
• Ensure due process is followed for all Placard stores;
• Ensure an appropriate spill kit is stocked and available to manage small to medium
• Enforce the requirements for Students, Staff, and Researchers to follow Safe Work
Method Statements and procedures as well as utilise Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE) as and when required

Students, Staff and Researchers shall

• Follow the requirements of the relevant risk assessment / safe work procedure;
• Follow the specific requirements for individual products; and
• Advise their supervisor when they encounter a substance that has not been assessed.
• Comply with requirements for following Safe Work Method Statements and procedures
as well as utilising Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as and when required

Health and Safety team shall

• Manage the University manifest;

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• Notify WorkCover with regard to manifest quantity Dangerous Goods;
• Liaise with the emergency services such as the fire brigade;
• Identify to Facilities Management when a site (building) requires placarding so that
signage can be ordered and installed;
• Provide a process for risk assessments and control of all Manifest stores;
• Facilitate the provision of the generic training courses in Chemical Storage and
Handling; and
• Provide information and support to implement and enable compliance.

5. Essential Supporting Documents

• Elmo training;
• Safety Risk Assessment Review processes;
• Laboratory Safety Manuals
• Laboratory Safety Checklists.
• Chemical Spill Guidelines

6. Related Documents


Key Words


Dangerous Goods

Hazardous Substances

Scheduled drugs and poisons

Radioactive Substances

Procedure Sponsor – Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research)

Procedure Owner – Director Human Resource Services / Associate Director Health and Safety

Procedure Contact Position - Senior Safety Officer – Laboratories and Research

For Official Use:

The following data will be entered after the document is approved.

Date Approved:

Approval Authority:

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7. Appendices

Appendix B: Substances where Health surveillance is mandatory

Excerpt from WHS Regulation 2013 Schedule 14 as at 8/10/2013

Table 14.1 Hazardous chemicals (other than lead) requiring health monitoring

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item Hazardous chemical Type of health monitoring
1 Acrylonitrile Demographic, medical and occupational history
Records of personal exposure
Physical examination
2 Arsenic (inorganic) Demographic, medical and occupational history
Records of personal exposure
Physical examination with emphasis on the peripheral
nervous system and skin
Urinary inorganic arsenic
3 Benzene Demographic, medical and occupational history
Records of personal exposure
Physical examination
Baseline blood sample for haematological profile
4 Cadmium Demographic, medical and occupational history
Records of personal exposure
Physical examination with emphasis on the respiratory
Standard respiratory questionnaire to be completed
Standardised respiratory function tests including for
example, FEV1, FVC and FEV1/FVC
Urinary cadmium and β2-microglobulin
Health advice, including counselling on the effect of
smoking on cadmium exposure
5 Chromium (inorganic) Demographic, medical and occupational history
Physical examination with emphasis on the respiratory
system and skin
Weekly skin inspection of hands and forearms by a
competent person
6 Creosote Demographic, medical and occupational history
Health advice, including recognition of photosensitivity
and skin changes
Physical examination with emphasis on the neurological
system and skin, noting any abnormal lesions and
evidence of skin sensitisation
Records of personal exposure, including photosensitivity
7 Crystalline silica Demographic, medical and occupational history
Records of personal exposure
Standardised respiratory questionnaire to be completed
Standardised respiratory function test, for example,
Chest X-ray full size PA view
8 Isocyanates Demographic, medical and occupational history
Completion of a standardised respiratory questionnaire

Page 17 of 49
Physical examination of the respiratory system and skin
Standardised respiratory function tests, for example,
9 Mercury (inorganic) Demographic, medical and occupational history
Physical examination with emphasis on dermatological,
gastrointestinal, neurological and renal systems
Urinary inorganic mercury
10 4,4’-Methylene bis (2- Demographic, medical and occupational history
chloroaniline) (MOCA) Physical examination
Urinary total MOCA
Dipstick analysis of urine for haematuria
Urine cytology
11 Organophosphate Demographic, medical and occupational history
pesticides including pattern of use
Physical examination
Baseline estimation of red cell and plasma
cholinesterase activity levels by the Ellman or equivalent
Estimation of red cell and plasma cholinesterase activity
towards the end of the working day on which
organophosphate pesticides have been used
12 Pentachlorophenol Demographic, medical and occupational history
(PCP) Records of personal exposure
Physical examination with emphasis on the skin, noting
any abnormal lesions or effects of irritancy
Urinary total pentachlorophenol
Dipstick urinalysis for haematuria and proteinuria
13 Polycyclic aromatic Demographic, medical and occupational history
hydrocarbons (PAH) Physical examination
Records of personal exposure, including photosensitivity
Health advice, including recognition of photosensitivity
and skin changes
14 Thallium Demographic, medical and occupational history
Physical examination
Urinary thallium
15 Vinyl chloride Demographic, medical and occupational history
Physical examination
Records of personal exposure

Table 14.2 Lead requiring health monitoring

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item Lead Type of health monitoring
1 Lead (inorganic) Demographic, medical and occupational history
Physical examination
Biological monitoring

Note. See Section 3.3. of this procedure and Part 7.6 of the WHS Regulation 2011 chapter 7
division 6 for additional requirements for health surveillance and biological monitoring, and WHS
Regulation 2011 chapter 7 division 9 part 7.2 in the case of lead risk work.

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Appendix B: Prohibited carcinogens, restricted carcinogens and
restricted hazardous chemicals

WHS Regulation 2011 Chapter 7 Division 8 Clause 382: Using, handling and storing restricted
hazardous chemicals

(1) A person conducting a business or undertaking at a workplace must not use,

handle or store, or direct or allow a worker at the workplace to use, handle or store, a
restricted hazardous chemical referred to in an item in Schedule 10, table 10.3,
column 2 for a purpose referred to in column 3 for the item.
(2) A person conducting a business or undertaking at a workplace must not use,
handle or store, or direct or allow a worker at the workplace to use, handle or store,
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) unless the use, handling or storage is:
(a) in relation to existing electrical equipment or construction material, or
(b) for disposal purposes, or
(c) for genuine research and analysis.

Excerpt / Tables from WHS Regulation 2013 Schedule 14 as at 8/10/2013: Schedule 10

Prohibited carcinogens, restricted carcinogens and restricted hazardous chemicals

Note. The prohibition of the use of carcinogens listed in table 10.1, column 2 and the restriction of the
use of carcinogens listed in table 10.2, column 2 apply to the pure substance and where the
substance is present in a mixture at a concentration greater than 0.1%, unless otherwise specified.

Table 10.1 Prohibited carcinogens

Column 1 Column 2
Item Prohibited carcinogen [CAS number]
1 2-Acetylaminofluorene [53-96-3]
2 Aflatoxins
3 4-Aminodiphenyl [92-67-1]
4 Benzidine [92-87-5] and its salts (including benzidine dihydrochloride [531-85-
5 bis(Chloromethyl) ether [542-88-1]
6 Chloromethyl methyl ether [107-30-2] (technical grade which contains
bis(chloromethyl) ether)
7 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene [60-11-7] (Dimethyl Yellow)
8 2-Naphthylamine [91-59-8] and its salts
9 4-Nitrodiphenyl [92-93-3]

Table 10.2 Restricted carcinogens

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item Restricted carcinogen Restricted use
[CAS Number]
1 Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] All

Page 19 of 49
2 Benzene [71-43-2] All uses involving benzene as a feedstock containing
more than 50% of benzene by volume
Genuine research or analysis
3 Cyclophosphamide [50- When used in preparation for therapeutic use in
18-0] hospitals and oncological treatment facilities, and in
manufacturing operations
Genuine research or analysis
4 3,3’-Dichlorobenzidine All
[91-94-1] and its salts
(including 3,3’-
dihydrochloride [612-83-
5 Diethyl sulfate [64-67-5] All
6 Dimethyl sulfate [77-78-1] All
7 Ethylene dibromide [106- When used as a fumigant
93-4] Genuine research or analysis
8 4,4’-Methylene bis(2- All
chloroaniline) [101-14-4]
9 3-Propiolactone [57-57-8] All
10 o-Toluidine [95-53-4] and All
o-Toluidine hydrochloride
11 Vinyl chloride monomer All

Table 10.3 Restricted hazardous chemicals

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item Restricted hazardous Restricted use
1 Antimony and its For abrasive blasting at a concentration of greater than
compounds 0.1% as antimony
2 Arsenic and its For abrasive blasting at a concentration of greater than
compounds 0.1% as arsenic
For spray painting
3 Benzene (benzol), if the For spray painting
substance contains more
than 1% by volume
4 Beryllium and its For abrasive blasting at a concentration of greater than
compounds 0.1% as beryllium
5 Cadmium and its For abrasive blasting at a concentration of greater than
compounds 0.1% as cadmium
6 Carbon disulphide (carbon For spray painting
7 Chromate For wet abrasive blasting
8 Chromium and its For abrasive blasting at a concentration of greater than

Page 20 of 49
compounds 0.5% (except as specified for wet blasting) as chromium
9 Cobalt and its compounds For abrasive blasting at a concentration of greater than
0.1% as cobalt
10 Free silica (crystalline For abrasive blasting at a concentration of greater than
silicon dioxide) 1%
For spray painting
11 Lead and compounds For abrasive blasting at a concentration of greater than
0.1% as lead or which would expose the operator to
levels in excess of those set in the regulations covering
12 Lead carbonate For spray painting
13 Methanol (methyl alcohol), For spray painting
if the substance contains
more than 1% by volume
14 Nickel and its compounds For abrasive blasting at a concentration of greater than
0.1% as nickel
15 Nitrates For wet abrasive blasting
16 Nitrites For wet abrasive blasting
17 Radioactive substance of For abrasive blasting, so far as is reasonably practicable
any kind where the level
of radiation exceeds 1
18 Tetrachloroethane For spray painting
19 Tetrachloromethane For spray painting
(carbon tetrachloride)
20 Tin and its compounds For abrasive blasting at a concentration of greater than
0.1% as tin
21 Tributyl tin For spray painting

Note. Clause 382 deals with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

WHS Regulation 2011 Chapter 7 Division 8 Clause 383: Application for authorisation to use,
handle or store prohibited and restricted carcinogens

(1) A person conducting a business or undertaking at a workplace may apply in writing to the
regulator for authorisation to use, handle or store a prohibited carcinogen or restricted carcinogen
referred to in Schedule 10 at the workplace.
(2) The application must include the following information:
(a) the applicant’s name and business address,
(b) if the applicant conducts the business or undertaking under a business name, that
business name,
(c) the name and address of the supplier of the carcinogen,
(d) the address where the carcinogen will be used, handled or stored,
(e) the name of the carcinogen,
(f) the quantity of the carcinogen to be used, handled or stored at the workplace each year,
(g) the purpose and activity for which the carcinogen will be used, handled or stored,
(h) the number of workers that may be exposed to the carcinogen,

Page 21 of 49
(i) information about how the person will manage risks to health and safety,
including a summary of the steps taken, or to be taken, by the person in relation to the
(i) hazard identification,
(ii) control measures,
(iii) if elimination or substitution of the carcinogen is not reasonably practicable—why
the elimination or substitution is not reasonably practicable,
(j) any other information requested by the regulator.

WHS Regulation 2011 Chapter 7 Division 8 Clause 384: Authorisation to use, handle or store
prohibited carcinogens and restricted carcinogens

(1) If a person applies under clause 383, the regulator may grant an authorisation to use, handle or
store a prohibited carcinogen or restricted carcinogen under this clause.

(2) The regulator may authorise the person to use, handle or store a prohibited carcinogen referred to
in an item in Schedule 10, table 10.1 at the workplace only if the carcinogen will be used, handled or
stored only for genuine research or analysis.

(3) The regulator may authorise the person to use, handle or store a restricted carcinogen referred to
in an item in Schedule 10, table 10.2 at the workplace only if the carcinogen will be used, handled or
stored only for a use referred to in column 3 for the item.

(4) The regulator may impose any conditions on the authorisation that the regulator considers
necessary to achieve the objectives of the Act or this Regulation.

(5) The regulator must refuse to authorise the use, handling or storage of the carcinogen for a use
not referred to in this clause.

Note. A decision to refuse an authorisation is a reviewable decision (see clause 676

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Appendix C: Asbestos

WHS Regulation 2011 Chapter 8 Part 8.1 Clause 419 Work involving asbestos or ACM—
prohibitions and exceptions (

(1) A person conducting a business or undertaking must not carry out, or direct or allow a worker to
carry out, work involving asbestos.

Maximum penalty: (a) in the case of an individual—$6,000, or

(b) in the case of a body corporate—$30,000.

(2) In this clause, work involves asbestos if the work involves manufacturing, supplying, transporting,
storing, removing, using, installing, handling, treating, disposing of or disturbing asbestos or ACM.

(3) Subclause (1) does not apply if the work involving asbestos is any of the following:

(a) genuine research and analysis,

(b) sampling and identification in accordance with this Regulation,

(c) maintenance of, or service work on, non friable asbestos or ACM, fixed or installed before
31 December 2003, in accordance with this Regulation,

(d) removal or disposal of asbestos or ACM, including demolition, in accordance with this

(e) the transport and disposal of asbestos or asbestos waste in accordance with the
Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997,

(f) demonstrations, education or practical training in relation to asbestos or ACM,

(g) display, or preparation or maintenance for display, of an artefact or thing that is, or
includes, asbestos or ACM,

(h) management in accordance with this Regulation of in situ asbestos that was installed or
fixed before 31 December 2003,

(i) work that disturbs asbestos during mining operations that involve the extraction of, or
exploration for, a mineral other than asbestos,

(j) laundering asbestos contaminated clothing in accordance with this Regulation.

Note. See WHS Regulation 2011 chapter 8 for additional information regarding asbestos, and WHS
Regulation 2011 chapter 8 part 8.5 division 1 for health surveillance and biological monitoring

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Appendix D: Security Sensitive Dangerous Substances

Security sensitive dangerous substances are prescribed in the NSW Explosives Regulation 2013.
Refer to the Secure and safe handling of explosives and security sensitive dangerous substances
guide for additional information. Security sensitive ammonium nitrate is prescribed as a security
sensitive dangerous substance and is any of the following (but does not include ammonium nitrate
(a) ammonium nitrate that is not a dangerous good of Class 1,

(b) ammonium nitrate emulsions, suspensions or gels containing greater than 45%
ammonium nitrate,
(c) ammonium nitrate mixtures containing greater than 45% ammonium nitrate.

A licence is required to possess and use certain formulations of ammonium nitrate for:

• use as a fertilizer in agriculture, horticulture or other primary production

• bio-manufacturing
• education and research.
A commercial laboratory, university or other research institution must not keep/store more than 3kg of
security sensitive ammonium nitrate. If they require an amount over the 3kg threshold then a 'Licence
to Use SSAN' is required.
To use ammonium nitrate in the manufacture of explosives or for explosive blasting you, or a
nominated person on behalf of a company, must have an unsupervised handling licence and either a
licence to manufacture explosives or a blasting explosives user’s licence.

Authorisation to store or transport ammonium nitrate will only be granted if you meet certain eligibility
Licence requirements

A licence to store explosives will only be issued if you, or a nominated person on behalf of a
• are over 18 years of age
• hold a current unsupervised handling licence
• have a legitimate reason for handling explosives and/or security sensitive dangerous
• have made adequate arrangements for the safe and secure handling and storage of explosives
and/or security sensitive dangerous substances
• ensure only persons who have an unsupervised handling licence have unsupervised access to
explosives and/or security sensitive dangerous substances
• ensure you only supply to persons authorised under the Explosives Regulation 2005 to receive
explosives and/or security sensitive dangerous substances.

Companies must nominate a person, involved in the management of the company, to be responsible
for the licence. If the nominated person ceases to be the nominated person for that licence, for
example if they resign, the company must nominate another person to take responsibility for the
licence within seven days.

Page 24 of 49
You must advise WorkCover of changes to your licence details, as well as any
changes to the type, quantity and location of explosives or security sensitive ammonium nitrate within
14 days.

Applying for a licence

You must complete the Application for a Licence to use security sensitive dangerous substances
application form (SSDS) and take it to an Australia Post office along with:

• a Security clearance application form or copy of your current unsupervised handling

licence. The original unsupervised handling licence must be shown to Australia Post when
lodging this application;.
• a National criminal history record check form (P877) if you do not hold a current
unsupervised handling licence;
• proof of identity documents (originals only) showing your name, photo, date of birth,
signature and current address to the value of 100 points;
• certified copy of certificate of incorporation or ABN registration showing that the applicant
is a registered company (if the application is by a company);
• security plan;
• certified copies of any explosives licences held by the applicant or nominated person;
• Notification of dangerous goods on premises FDG01 or the Notification of security
sensitive dangerous goods on premises FDG02 and associated fee.

Security plan

You must submit a security plan (including a site plan and schedule) to ensure all explosives and/or
security sensitive dangerous substances are held safely and securely. More detailed information and
suggested templates for completing a security plan are available in the guide for a Security plan for
storage and handling of explosives.

WorkCover may suspend or cancel a licence or impose penalties on licence holders who do not
comply with the conditions of the licence or requirements in the legislation.

Explosives kept and used at workplaces are subject to the conditions of the Explosives Act 2003, the
Explosives Regulation 2005 and the OHS Regulation 2001.

More information is contained in the Using security sensitive dangerous substances GE02: Guide to
obtaining a licence or call 13 10 50.

Page 25 of 49
Appendix E: Explosives and Fireworks

Access to explosives, fireworks and security sensitive dangerous substances is restricted.

WorkCover administers a system of licences and notifications to control and regulate explosives,
explosive precursors, fireworks and security sensitive dangerous substances throughout the supply
chain. Ammonium nitrate is prescribed in the Explosives Regulation 2005 as a security sensitive
dangerous substance.

WorkCover licence specific activities related to explosives, fireworks and security sensitive dangerous
substances including:

• unsupervised handling
• use
• manufacture
• import
• supply
• storage
• transport.

It is an offence to be in possession of, and/or have unsupervised access to, explosives, fireworks
and/or security sensitive dangerous substances without the appropriate licence issued by WorkCover.

Licence applicants will need to satisfy WorkCover's licensing criteria and receive a favourable national
probity assessment from NSW and Commonwealth police and security agencies.

The Explosive Act 2003 and Explosives Regulation 2005 govern the use of explosives and
fireworks in NSW. The Explosives Regulation 2005 requires all activities involving the handling of
explosives and fireworks be carried out in accordance with the:

• AS2187 – Explosives: Storage, Transport and Use

• Australian Code for the Transport of Explosives by Road and Rail
• Australian Dangerous Goods Code

You should also refer to the Guide for the Secure and Safe Handling of Explosives and Security
Sensitive Dangerous Substances.

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Appendix F: Chemical Diversion into Illicit Drug Manufacture

The Code of Practice was first developed by PACIA and SIA in partnership with law enforcement
bodies in 1994, and is aimed to provide a best practice guide for companies to address prevention of
diversion of legitimate industrial chemicals into the illicit drug manufacture.

The Code is updated regularly to reflect latest law enforcement information on trends in illicit drug
manufacture, and has been most recently updated in October 2008. Chemicals deemed to be of
significant interest for diversion purposes are typically submitted to PACIA by law enforcement with
justification for their inclusion into the Code.

Listed chemicals in the code attract controls proportionate to the level of risk for diversion and are
categorised into three lists.

• Category I lists attract stringent industry controls, such as the requirement for companies to
request End User Declarations from customers seeking to purchase the listed chemicals, and
to subsequently forward these declarations to law enforcement in order to analyse potential
diversion risks. Cash sales are prohibited for Category I chemicals, and supply of these
products is required to be delayed for 24 hours;

• Category II chemicals attract less stringent controls; with; and

• Category III chemicals listed for precautionary purposes only

Page 27 of 49

CATEGORY I • Methyl phenylacetate Benzeneacetic

acid, methyl ester 101-41-7
• Acetic anhydride 108-24-7 • N-Methylpseudoephedrine 51018-28-1
• 4-Allylpyrocatechol 2-Hydroxychavicol • Norpseudoephedrine 53643-20-2
1126-61-0 • 2-Pyrrolidone Gamma-butyrolactam
• alpha Phenylacetoacetonitrile alpha 616-45-5
Acetyl Phenylacetonitrile 4468-48-8 • Phenylacetamide 103-81-1
• 4-Amino-Butanoic acid Piperidinic acid • Phenylacetic acid (including salts) 103-
56-12-2 82-2
• Anethole trans - Anethole 4180-23-8 • Phenylacetonitrile Benzyl
• 104-46-1 cyanide/Benzeneacetonitrile/
• Bromobenzene Phenylbromide 108-86- • Benzyl nitrile 140-29-4
1 • Phenylacetyl chloride 103-80-0
• Bromo safrole 38589-39-8 • 1-Phenyl-2-bromopropane (+-)-2-
• Boron tribromide 10294-33-4 Bromo-1-phenylpropane 2114-39-8
• 1,4-Butanediol Tetramethylene Glycol • 1-Phenyl-2-chloropropane
110-63-4 • 1-Phenyl-2-iodopropane (2-
• 1-Chlorophenyl-2-aminopropane Iodopropyl)benzene 29527-87-5
• Ephedrine (including salts) L-Ephedrine • 1-Phenyl-2-nitropropene
50-98-6 • Phenylpropanolamine Norephedrine
• Ethyl phenyl acetate Benzene acetic 37577-28-9
acid, ethyl ester 101-97-3 • 1-Phenyl-2-propanone Benzyl methyl
• Gamma butyrolactone 96-48-0 ketone, Phenylacetone 103-79-7
• Gamma hydroxybutanoic acid • 1-Phenyl-2-propanone oxime
• (including salts) Gamma hydroxybutyric • 1-Phenyl-2-propanol 14898-87-4
acid • 2-Phenyl-propanal Hydratropic aldehyde
• Hydriodic acid Hydrogen iodide 10034- 93-53-8
85-2 • Phosphorus 7723-14-0
• 4-Hydroxybutanal 4- • Phosphorous acid Phosphonic Acid
Hydroxybutyraldehyde 5371-52-8 10294-56-1
• 2-Hydroxytetrahydrofuran Tetrahydro-2- • 1-Phenyl-1-Propanone
furanol 1346-46-9 Phenylethylketone, Propiophenone 99-
• 4-Hydroxy-butanoic acid lactone 55-0
Gamma-valerolactone 9648-0 • Piperonal 3,4-Methylenedioxy-
• 4-Hydroxy-butanoic acid nitrile 4- benzaldehyde, Heliotropine 120-57-0
Hydroxybutyronitrile 628-22-8 • Pseudoephedrine (including salts)
• 4-Hydroxy pentanoic acid Gamma • Pyridine 110-86-1
Valerolactone 108-29-2 • Safrole 5-(2-Propenyl)-1,3-Benzodioxide
• Hypophosphite salts 94-59-7
• Hypophosphorous acid Phosphinic acid • Sassafras oil 8006-80-2
6303-21-5 • Sodium bis(2-methoxyethoxy)
• Lithium Aluminium Hydride LAH 16853- • aluminium hydride Sodium dihydrido-
85-3 bis(2-methoxyethoxy) aluminate 22722-
• Methcathinone Ephedrone 98-1
• 3,4-Methylenedioxy-phenylacetic acid • Sodium Cyanoborohydride Sodium
1,3-Benzodioxolo-5-acetic acid 2861-28- borocyanohydride 25895-60-7
• 3,4-Methylenedioxyphenylpropan-2-one
• N-Methyl ephedrine 552-79-4

Page 28 of 49
CATEGORY II • Phenylalanine
• Acetaldehyde Acetic aldehyde 75-07-0 • Piperidine 110-89-4
• trans  -Methylstyrene trans- • Platinum Nil 7440-06-4
Propenylbenzene 873-66-5 • Potassium 7440-09-7
• N-Acetylanthranilic acid 2- • Propionic anhydride 123-62-6
Acetamidobenzoic acid 89-52-1 • Raney nickel 12635-29-9
• Allylbenzene 3-Phenyl-1-propene /2- • Sodium Borohydride 45288-2
Propenyl Benzene 300-57-2 • Sodium 7440-23-5
• Ammonium formate 540-69-2 • Thionyl chloride 7719-09-7
• Anthranilic acid 2- Aminobenzoic acid • Thorium (including salts)
118-92-3 • Hydrogen sulfide 7783-06-4
• Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 • Hydrogen chloride 7647-01-0
• 1,3-Benzodioxole 1,2- • Hydrogen 1333-74-0
(Methylenedioxy)benzene 274-09-9 • Ammonia 7664-41-7
• Benzyl chloride a-Chlorotoluene 100-44- • Methylamine 74-89-5
• Benzyl bromide a-Bromotoluene 100-
• 5-Bromo-1,3-benzodioxole 4-Bromo-1,2- • Acetic acid Glacial Acetic Acid/ Ethanoic
Methylenedioxybenzene 2635-13-4 Acid 64-19-7
• Calcium 7440-70-2 • Acetone 2-Propanone 67-64-1
• Chromic acid (including salts) • Acetonitrile Methylcyanide 75-05-8
• Chromium trioxide Chromium(VI) oxide • Acetyl chloride 75-36-5
1333-82-0 • Chloroform Trichloromethane 67-66-3
• Ergometrine Ergonovine 60-79-7 • Cyclohexanone Sextone 108-94-1
• Ergotamine 113-15-5 • Diethyl ether Ethyl ether/ Ether 60-29-7
• Ethanamine Monoethylamine 75-04-7 • Formic acid 64-18-6
• N-Ethylephedrine • Hydrochloric acid Muriatic acid/
• N-Ethylpseudoephedrine Hydrogen chloride solution 7647-01-0
• Eugenol Phenol, 2-methoxy-4-(2- • Methylated Spirits Ethanol 64-17-5
propenyl)- (9CI) 97-53-0 • Methyl ethyl ketone MEK/ 2-Butanone
• Formaldehyde Formalin 50-00-0 78-93-3
• Formamide 75-12-7 • Phosphorus pentachloride Phosphorane
• Hydrobromic acid Hydrogen bromide pentachloride 10026-13-8
solution 24426-0 • Phosphorus pentoxide Phosphoric
• Iodine (including iodide salts) 7553-56-2 pentoxide/ Phosphorus oxide 1314-56-3
• Isosafrole 1,3-Benzodioxole,5-(1- • Phosphoric anhydride
propenyl)- 120-58-1 • Phosphorus trichloride Phosphorus
• Lithium 7439-93-2 chloride 7719-12-2
• Lysergic acid • Potassium cyanide 151-50-8
• Magnesium 7439-95 4 • Potassium permanganate 7722-64-7
• Mandelic acid 2-Phenyl-2-hydroxyacetic • Sodium acetate Acetic Acid, sodium salt
acid 90-64-2 (DL) 127-09-3
• Mercury Hydrargyrum 7439-97-6 • Sodium cyanide 143-33-9
• Mercuric chloride Mercury(II) • Sodium hydroxide Caustic soda 1310-
chloride/Mercury bichloride 7487-94-7 73-2
• Methylamine • Sulfuric acid 7664-93-9
Aminomethane/Monomethylamine 74- • Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9
89-5 • Toluene Methyl benzene / Toluol 108-
• Methylammonium salts 88-3
• N-Methylformamide 123-39-7
• Nitroethane 79-24-3
• Nitromethane
• Palladium (including salts)

Page 29 of 49
Appendix G: Class and Schedule Definitions

Dangerous Goods Class

• Class 1 - Explosives
• Class 2 - Gases
• Class 3 - Flammable liquids
• Class 4 - Flammable solids
• Class 5 - Oxidisers
• Class 6 - Poisons / Toxins
• Class 7 - Radioactive substances
• Class 8 - Corrosives
• Class 9 - Miscellaneous

Appendix H: Scheduled Drugs and Poisons

This is a guide only and should be used in conjunction with the Poisons and Therapeutic
Goods Act 1966 and the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008.

Poisons are divided into schedules; schedule 1 is currently not in use so is not included below.
Scheduling is a national classification system that controls how medicines and chemicals are made
available to the public. Medicines and chemicals are classified into Schedules according to the level
of regulatory control over the availability of the medicine or chemical, required to protect public health
and safety. The Schedules are:

• Schedule 2 Pharmacy Medicine

• Schedule 3 Pharmacist Only Medicine
• Schedule 4 Prescription Only Medicine OR Prescription Animal Remedy
• Schedule 5 Caution
• Schedule 6 Poison
• Schedule 7 Dangerous Poison
• Schedule 8 Controlled Drug
• Schedule 9 Prohibited Substance

The Schedules are published in the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons
(SUSDP) and are given legal effect through state and territory legislation.

Substances which are hazardous if misused or carelessly handled but which are
available for therapeutic or other purposes without undue restriction.

Page 30 of 49
Store and handle according to MSDS and the requirements outlined in
the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008

Can only be supplied to Scientifically qualified persons as per Appendix C, Clause 19 of

the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008


Pharmacist only Substances

Store according to MSDS and the requirements outlined in the Poisons and Therapeutic
Goods Regulation 2008 in a lockable facility such as cabinet, refrigerator or room and
maintain records.

Handle according to MSDS and the requirements outlined in the Poisons and
Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008

Can only be supplied to Scientifically qualified persons as per Appendix C, Clause 19 of

the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008


Restricted Substances. Prescription only medicine

The possession and use of Schedule 4 drugs is regulated and restricted to authorised
persons as designated by the Pharmaceutical Services Branch of the NSW Department of
Health (PSB).

Store according to MSDS and the requirements outlined in the Poisons and Therapeutic
Goods Regulation 2008 in lockable facility such as cabinet, refrigerator or room and
maintain records

Any thefts or losses must be notified to Health and Safety and the licence holder must
also notify the police or Dept of Health.

Handle according to MSDS and the requirements outlined in the Poisons and
Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008

Can only be supplied to Scientifically qualified persons as per Appendix C, Clause 19 of

the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008


Poisonous substances of a dangerous nature commonly used for domestic purposes

which are readily obtained but which require caution in their handling, use and storage

Page 31 of 49
Store according to MSDS


Substances which are readily available for agricultural, veterinary, photographic,

industrial purposes.

Store according to MSDS


Substances of exceptional danger which require special precautions in their manufacture

and use

Store according to MSDS and the requirements outlined in the Poisons and Therapeutic
Goods Regulation 2008 in lockable facility such as cabinet, refrigerator or room and
maintain records.

Store separately to other poisons

Any thefts or losses must be notified to Health and Safety and the licence holder must
also notify the police or Dept of Health

Handle according to MSDS and the requirements outlined in the Poisons and
Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008

Can only be supplied to Scientifically qualified persons as per Appendix C, Clause 19 of

the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008, In addition, certain S7 substances
as listed in the SUSMP, may also be supplied and used by a person in charge of an
institution or facility for scientific research, instruction, analysis or study as per supply
conditions prescribed in Part 2 Division 4, Clause 20, sub clause 8c.


Drugs of Addiction

The possession and use of Schedule 8 drugs is prohibited (i.e. illegal) without written
authority from the PSB.

Substances which are, or potentially are, addictions producing and where possession,
supply, prescribing and use are strictly limited

Any thefts or losses must be notified to Health and Safety and the licence holder must
also notify the police (via Security) or Dept of Health

Page 32 of 49
Gaining authorisation

Before you can order, store or use S8 drugs you need to obtain authorisation from the
Health Dept. Head of School/Division must obtain/hold a license and staff in that area
planning to use S8 drugs must apply to the Health Dept in writing in order to be included
under the HOS/HOD’s authorisation.


A person who is authorised to possess S8 drugs must keep:

-the drug stored apart from all other goods in a separate room, safe, cupboard or other
receptacle securely attached to a part of the premises and kept securely locked when not
in immediate use.

-All S8 storage locations must be recorded with Health and Safety and on the manifest

Records of Use

The authorised person must maintain a drug register where they record in hardcopy

-date of use

-name, form, strength and quantity of poison

-name of person/process/animal where poison is transferred, supplied, administered or

disposed of

-name and address of person who supplied the poison

-all entries must be signed


A person who is authorised to be in possession of a drug of addiction must not wilfully

destroy the drug or allow the drug to be destroyed.

The disposal of any expired, excess or unrequired S8 drugs should be arranged with
Health and Safety.

Page 33 of 49

Prohibited Substances

These substances (Illicit drugs) are usually sourced from the Australian Federal Police or
the NSW Government Drug Srvices Unit. If S9 material is to be imported an import
permit licence is required from the NSW Government Drug Services Unit.

These substances may only be used for strictly controlled special uses for which a permit
from the NSW Health Director General is required. Conditions of purchase, storage
(double locked restricted access) and use are stricter than those for Schedule 8.

Any thefts or losses must be notified to Health and Safety and the licence holder must
also notify the Police (via Security) or Dept of Health

Page 34 of 49
Appendix I: Dangerous Goods Placard and Manifest Quantities

Group Description of Packing Group Placarding Manifest quantity

dangerous goods quantity
1 Class 2

Class 2.1 Not Applicable 500 L 5,000 L

Class 2.2 Subsidiary Not Applicable 2,000 L 10,000 L

Risk 5.1

Other Class 2.2 Not Applicable 5,000 L 10,000 L

Class 2.3 Not Applicable 50 L 500 L

Aerosols Not Applicable 5,000 L 10,000 L

Cryogenic Fluids Not Applicable 1,000 L 10,000 L

2 Class 3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, I 50 kg or L 500 kg or L

5.1, 5.2, 6.1 or 8

II 250 kg or L 2,500 kg or L

III 1,000 kg or L 10,000 kg or L

Mixed Packing 1,000 kg or L 10,000 kg or L

Groups in a
single Class with
the quantity of
each Packing
Group below the
quantity for the
Packing Group.

3 Class 9 II 1,000 kg or L 10,000 kg or L

III 5,000 kg or L 10,000 kg or L

Mixed Packing 5,000 kg or L 10,000 kg or L

Groups in Class
9 with the
quantity of each
Packing Group
below the
quantity for the
Packing Group.

Page 35 of 49
Group Description of Packing Group Placarding Manifest quantity
dangerous goods quantity
4 Mixed Classes of Not Applicable 5,000 kg or L— 10,000 kg or L
dangerous goods The quantity
where none of the applies only if
Classes, types or the placarding
Packing Groups (if quantity for an
any) present exceeds individual Class
the quantities specified that is present is
for the relevant 5,000 kg or L.
quantity in Item 1, 2 or
3 of this Table.

2,000 kg or L—
The quantity
applies only if
the placarding
quantity for all of
the Classes
present is 2,000
kg or L or less.

5 C1 combustible liquids Not Applicable 1,000 kg or L 10,000 kg or L

stored and handled
with fire risk
dangerous goods
where none of the
Classes, types or
Packing Groups (if
any) present exceeds
the relevant quantities
in Item 1, 2 or 3 of this

6 Goods too dangerous Not Applicable Any quantity Any quantity

to be transported that
are not kept in a

Page 36 of 49
Group Description of Packing Group Placarding Manifest quantity
dangerous goods quantity
7 C1 combustible liquids Not Applicable 10,000 L 100,000 L
in bulk stored and
handled separately
from other dangerous

C1 combustible liquids Not Applicable 50,000 L 100,000 L

stored and handled in
packages separately
from other dangerous

C1 combustible liquids Not Applicable 50,000 L 100,000 L

in bulk and in
packages stored and
handled separately
from other dangerous
goods provided the
quantity in bulk is
10,000 L or less.

Note: For the purposes of item 3 in the Table, where Class 9 dangerous goods do not have a Packing
Group assigned to them, they are deemed to be assigned to Packing Group III.

Page 37 of 49
Appendix J: Placarding Signage Requirements

Outer Warning Placarding

The signs shall be red letters on white in the dimensions shown.

Figure 1: Outer Warning Sign Dimensions

Dangerous Goods in Bulk

The placarding shall be as follows:

• in space (p) in Figure 2 (below)the name proper shipping name;

• space (q) in Figure 2 the UN number;
• space (r) in Figure 2 the Hazchem Code for the dangerous goods specified in the ADG code;
• in space (s) in Figure 2, the class label and Subsidiary Risk label, if any.

For goods to dangerous to transport refer the Code of Practice for the Storage and Handling of
Dangerous Goods.


1) The numerals and letters used for showing the proper shipping name or name of the goods, UN
Number and Hazchem Code must be:

• black on a white background, except where a letter of the Hazchem Code is white on a black
background, and
• at least 100 mm high, except where the proper shipping name requires 2 lines to be used, in
which case the lettering must be at least 50 mm high.
2) An Emergency Information Panel of a size and layout in accordance with the ADG Code for the
dangerous goods that contains the information listed above may be used as a placard for a storage of
dangerous goods in bulk instead of the one detailed in Error! Reference source not found.

Page 38 of 49
Figure 2: Bulk Storage Placarding

Placarding for Packaged Dangerous Goods

For all areas that store Dangerous Goods in packages in quantities exceeding those listed in the
Placarding Column of Appendix the following apply:

The placard shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the labels to be displayed on it with a white
background in the dimensions shown.

Figure 3: Placard Dimensions

The placard shall include:

• A Class label for each Class of dangerous goods present in a quantity that exceeds the
“Placarding quantity”; and
• If the total quantity of mixed Classes of dangerous goods exceeds the mixed Classes quantity
specified in Item 4 of the Table
• A Class label for each Class of dangerous goods present that exceeds 50% of the quantity
specified for the Class: or
• If no other Class label is required, a mixed Class label: and
• For C1 combustible liquids and fire risk dangerous goods in an aggregate quantity exceeding
1,000 L— a Class 3 Class label.

Page 39 of 49
Appendix K: Relevant Guidance and Standards

NSW OHS Regulation 2001

Code of Practice for the Storage and Handling of Dangerous Goods
Control of workplace hazardous substances: Code of practice
Labelling of workplace substances: Code of practice
Code of Practice for Supply Diversion into Illicit Drug Manufacture - Australian Crime Commission

AS/NZS 1596:2008 The storage and handling of LP Gas

AS 1894-1976 Code of Practice for the Safe Handling of Cryogenic Fluids
AS 1940-2004 The Storage and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids
AS 2243 Safety in Laboratories
AS 2022-2003 Anhydrous Ammonia - Storage and Handling
AS 2030.1-2009 Gas Cylinders – General Requirements
AS 2187 Explosives - Storage, Transport and Use
AS 2507-1998 The Storage and Handling of Pesticides
AS 2508 Safe Storage and Handling Information Cards for Hazardous
AS 2714-2008 The storage and handling of organic peroxides
AS 2927-2001 The Storage and Handling of Liquefied Chlorine Gas
AS 3780-2008 The Storage and Handling of Corrosive Substances
AS 3833-2007 The Storage and Handling of Mixed Classes of Dangerous Goods in
Packages and Intermediate Bulk Containers
AS 3961-2005 The storage and handling of liquefied natural gas
AS 4081-1993 The Storage and Transport of liquid and liquefied Polyfunctional
AS 4326-2008 The Storage and Handling of Oxidizing Agents
AS 4332-2004 The storage and handling of gases in cylinders
AS/NZS 4452-1997 The Storage and Handling of Toxic Substances
AS 4681-2000 The Storage and Handling of Class 9 (Miscellaneous) Dangerous
Goods and Articles
AS 4710-2001 Packages for Chemicals Not Intended for Access or Contact with
Their Contents by Humans

General Guidelines for Minor Storages (Minor storages are those less than the Placarding quantity
in Appendix I: Dangerous Goods Placard and Manifest Quantities follow:

Page 40 of 49
General Minor Storage.

• No heating or ignition sources

• Adequate ventilation
• Dangerous good kept closed when not in use
• Spill retention measures
• Transport is done in a safe manner
• PPE worn when handing substance
• Fire extinguisher of suitable type along an exit route
• Special storage conditions

Class 2 (Gases) – refer to AS 1894

• Gas name label on shoulder of each cylinder is clearly legible

• Cylinders secured to the wall or trolley by brackets or chains.
• Fuel cylinders separate from oxidising cylinders
• Empty cylinders separate from full cylinders and clearly identified
• Indoor gases stored a minimum of 5 meters away from other dangerous goods in a well
ventilated area
• Are cylinders clear of artificial sources of heat
• Cylinder valve closed when cylinder not in use

Class 3 (Flammable liquids) – refer to AS 1940

• No ignition sources
• Safe entry to and exit from all working locations
• All chemical containers clearly labelled
• Procedures in place for the handling of specialty chemicals
• Packages kept closed when not in use
• Spill kit present
• Flammables cabinet used to store flammables if not a specifically designed store
• Safety storage and dispensing cans used for all temporary storages. ( No plastic containers)
• Correct signage in place

Page 41 of 49
Class 8 (Corrosive) – refer to AS 3780

• Packages not kept near incompatible substances

• Packages kept away from class 3 substances
• Packages kept away from heat sources
• Packages kept closed when not in use
• Spill kit present
• Appropriate PPE worn

Page 42 of 49
Dangerous Goods / Hazardous Substances Risk Assessment & Management

Appendix L: Sample Dangerous Good – Hazardous Substance Risk Assessment Form

Area Date of Risk

Review due:

Assessed By Authorised By

Print Name Signature Print Name Signature



Quantity stored / used:

Scale of use: Minor / Laboratory /Industrial process

Exposed: Continuously / Intermittently / during spills / during maintenance

For the hazard prompts listed over the page tick the ones relevant to this Store, depot/ chemical / process / activity. Transfer the Ticked items to the risk
assessment form and complete the risk assessment. Also transfer any Risk Phrases from the MSDS to the Risk Assessment Hazards and detail the controls for
them. ChemWatch may be suitable for Hazardous Substance Assessments.
Dangerous Goods / Hazardous Substances Risk Assessment & Management

Dangerous Goods Dangerous Goods

Issue Relevant? Issue Relevant?
• Can the Dangerous Goods have an effect on Public susceptible to deterioration? ( 12 monthly inspections)
Health and Safety? • Is there a risk of leaks or spills from the storage or
• Can the DG becoming unstable, decompose or change handling of the DGs?
creating a different hazard or increased risk? • Are incompatible DG's stored in the same containment
• If stabilisers are required, are controls needed to area?
maintain levels in accordance with manufactures • Is immediate action to be taken in the case of a spill or
requirements? leak?
• If DG are to be handled or stored within a particular • Is cleanup and disposal of DG or effluent following a
temperature range, are controls needed to maintain levels in leak or spill required?
accordance with manufactures requirements? • Are their risks of transfer of DG's within, to and from
• Is there a risks of the DGs on other DG storages or to the premises?. (This to include spill and leak control, static
persons or property beyond the premises? electricity, vapour generation, suitability of pipe work,
• Are DGs not compatible with other substances? attachments and associated safety systems.)
• Is there a risk of ignition sources in potential hazardous • Are DG storages susceptible to physical damage from
areas? activities on site including impacts, imposed loads and
• Is this a hazardous area? (Explosion risk) mechanical stress?
• Is a fire protection system needed / suitable for the
• Is there potential atmospheric emissions that are toxic, storage and handling of DG's on site and other materials
corrosive, flammable, explosive or asphyxiant? stored or handled?
• Is contamination of, food packaging or personal use • Is safe means of access and egress required?
products possible?
• Are the foundations and supports for bulk containers • Are there security risks of access to Dangerous Goods
and associated pipe work critical? by unauthorised persons or unauthorised activities?
• Is there excessive stress on the DG containers by the • Is lighting for Dangerous Goods facilities inadequate
connected pipe work or equipment possible? for persons to move safely and facilitates safe access and
egress does it create excessive glare or reflection?
• Are DG containers and associated pipework
Dangerous Goods / Hazardous Substances Risk Assessment & Management

Hazardous Substances Environment

Issue Relevant?
• Flammable? Issue Relevant?
• Corrosive? • Is the substance environmentally sensitive?
• Toxic? • Are there licence conditions covering this
• Carcinogenic
• Oxidising?
• Mutagenic? • Are their special disposal condition?
• Teratogenic?
• Explosive?
• Noxious?
• Irritant?
• Health surveillance required? Refer Section 3.3.
• Is this a prohibited use? Refer Appendix
• Training?
• Spill control / cleanup?
• Storage?
• Are neutralisers / antidotes required (e.g. HF)
• Are gas cylinders used inside? ( Mandatory gas
monitors required)
• Can alternative lower risk substances be used?
Dangerous Goods / Hazardous Substances Risk Assessment & Management

2 Potential Existing Controls / RR

Hazard Additional Controls RRR Control Type Action
Consequences Assumptions.

Dangerous Goods

Dangerous Goods / Hazardous Substances Risk Assessment & Management

2 Potential Existing Controls / RR

Hazard Additional Controls RRR Control Type Action
Consequences Assumptions.

Hazardous Substances

Dangerous Goods / Hazardous Substances Risk Assessment & Management

Other Requirements

List the Qualifications required to use / store / transfer /

dispose of the substance.
List the Training required to use / store / transfer /
dispose of the substance.
List the Permits, Certificates, WorkCover Approvals
required to use / store / transfer / dispose of the
List the Codes of Practice, Legislation and any
applicable standards which pertain to the chemical.
List the Plant / Equipment that will be used with the
List the Maintenance Checks for Plant and Equipment.
Dangerous Goods / Hazardous Substances Risk Assessment & Management

Control Types List Action List

Abbrev Control Description Abbrev
ELI Eliminate SWP Include in Safe Work Procedure
SUB Substitute with the safer chemical INV Further investigation required
REM Remove the hazard by the use of alternate means HDWR Implement hardware change
SEP Separate persons from the hazard e.g. guards, barriers, PRO Implement procedural change
ENG Engineering solution e.g. fume cupboard
PRO Generic procedure and training or SWP
PPE Personal protective equipment

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