Fire Tech Notes
Fire Tech Notes
Fire Tech Notes
The origin of fire before the dawn of civilization may be traced to an erupting volcano, or a forest fire,
started by lightning. No one really knows where on the earth surface or at what stage of early history
man learned how to start a fire and how to make use of it. Yet, today, man has had fire as:
• Provide heat to convert woo, metals and bones into domestic tools or instruments for aggression.
While the application of fire has served man’s needs, its careless and wanton use exact an enormous
and dreadful toll from society in life and property. Hence, man’s understanding of fire would enable him
to develop the technology of prevention and control to a considerable advanced state. Thus, scientific
study of fire in criminology education is offered for the first time in SY 1985 – 86.
The text content includes the fundamental concepts of the science of fire. The three basic requirements
of fire: fuel, temperature and oxidizing agents, are discussed from the chemistry and physics point of
view in a simple and basic manner so that the students who are not yet familiar with the principles of
chemistry may understand the explanation and the principles involved. The products of combustion are
enumerated and enlightenment on its harmful and fatal effects were stressed. The objective is to make
the student, the future fighters and fire investigators, aware of the serious consequences not only the
economic loses due to fire but also the health and life hazards of combustion products. The detailed
study of the technology of fire is envisioned to cover one third of the semester.
The other portion of the text is concerned of the text is concerned with the investigation of fire with
emphasis on incendiarism and the laws on arson. Fire protection, fire investigation, fire reporting, the
building code are also embodied text.
The author of the first four chapters (part 1) would like to acknowledge the following: Dean Isaias Alma
Jose of the Philippine College of Criminology for extending the invitation to be co-author of the text; and
to Architect Lavon G. Abis of the Building Research Center, National Engineering Center, University of
the Philippines, who did most of the research for the author. To Ms. Carmelita Patricia T. Vargas for her
A. Basic Definitions
and sciences. It is the application of such knowledge that is used to produce the material necessities of
composition and study of matter, changes matter undergo, energy involved in a given change and
conditions necessary to bring about changes in matter.
chemical reaction and cannot be further subdivided by ordinary physical and chemical means. The
structure of the atom is conceived to be made of a central core known as nucleus that contain proton
which is positively charged and neutron which has no charge. Surrounding the nucleus are principal
energy levels where electrons, which is negatively charged, travel in orbit.
6c atomic number
4. Elements are pure substances made up of only one kind of atom. Metallic elements are good
conductors of heat and electricity.
7. Atomic weight of Element is the relative weight of element as compared to the weight of an atom of
carbon, arbitrarily assigned 12.011.
8. Molecular Weight of a Compound is the sum of the atomic weight of all atoms in one molecule of the
compound. This is expressed in grams, known as gram molecular weight or mole of the compound.
9. Chemical formula is an abbreviated way of writing the substance using the symbols of elements
composing the substance and the subscripts of whole numbers denote the proportion at which they
1. Specific Gravity is the ratio of the weight of an equal volume of water. In general, the higher the
specific gravity of a substance, the greater amount of heat is necessary to decomposed it.
2. Vapor Density is the weight of a volume of pure gas composed to the weight of a volume of dry air at
the same temperature and pressure. The property is commonly used in fire protection. Vapor density of
less than 1 indicates that the gas is lighter than air. If a flammable gas with density, lesser that one
escapes from its container, it will travel at high level to the source of ignition. To calculate the vapor
density of a gas, following formula is used:
3. Vapor Pressure – When a liquid is heated in a liquid container, the molecules in a liquid state escape
to form gaseous molecules, the gas molecules strike one another as well as the walls of the container
and may return to the liquid state. A point of equilibrium is eventually reached so the number of
molecules escaping is equal to the number of molecules escaping is equal to the number of molecules re
- entering the liquid state. The force exerted by the molecules is called vapor pressure.
4. Temperature is the measure of the degree of thermal agitation of molecules. Thermometer is the
instrument used to measure temperature which can be expressed in °C (Celsius or centigrade), °F
(Fahrenheit) and ºKm (Kelvin or absolute).
5. Boiling Point is the constant temperature at which vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the
atmospheric pressure.
6. Ignition Temperature or Kindling Temperature is the minimum temperature to which the substance in
the air must be heated in order to initiate or cause self-contained combustion without the addition of
heat from outside sources.
7. Fire Point is the lowest temperature of a liquid in an open container at which vapors are evolved fast
enough to support continuous combustion.
8. Flash Point is the temperature at which a flammable liquid form a vapor-air mixture that ignites. The
minimum and maximum temperature are referred to as the lower and upper flash point in air
1. Endocentric Reactions are changes whereby energy (heat) is absorbed or is added before the reaction
takes place. This means that the substances with less energy than the reacting materials.
2. Exothermic Reactions are those that release or give off energy (heat) thus they produce substances
with less energy than reactants.
3. Oxidation is a chemical change that is exothermic. In connection with fire technology, it is simply
defined as a chemical change in which combustible material (fuel) and an oxidizing agent, like oxygen,
4. Flames are incandescent gases. In order to be sustained, it should maintain a high temperature and a
concentration of short-lived intermediate chemical reactants between fuel and oxidizer. There are
different types of flames, categorized as:
4.1.1 Luminous flame is orange-red, will deposit soot at the bottom of a vessel being heated due to
incomplete combustion of fuel and has a lower temperature.
4.1.2 Non-luminous flame is blue, forms no soot deposit due to almost complete combustion of the fuel
and has relatively high temperature.
4.2.1 Premixed flame is exemplified by the Bunsen-type laboratory burner where the hydrocarbon is
thoroughly mixed with air before reaching the flame zone.
4.2.2 Diffusion flame is observed when gas (fuel0 alone is forced through a nozzle into the atmosphere
in order to form a flammable mixture. The rate at which the fuel and oxidizer are brought together
determines the characteristics of a diffusion flame.
4.3.1 Laminar flame when a particle follows a smooth path through a gaseous flame.
4.3.2 Turbulent flames are those having unsteady, irregular swirls and eddies. As physical size, gas
density or velocity is increased, all laminar gas flows tend to become turbulent.
Fire is a result of chemical reaction of a fuel (reducing agent) with certain elements as oxygen or
chlorine or fluorine (oxidizing agent). At kindling temperature, this reaction is known as oxidation.
1. Oxidation Reaction
Oxidation reactions involved in fires are exothermic. In order for an oxidation reaction to take place, a
combustible material (fuel) and an oxidizing agent must be present. Fuels include innumerable
materials, whether or not a particular material can be oxidized depends on the chemistry of the
materials. For practical purposes, it can be stated that any substance containing primarily carbon and
hydrogen (hydrocarbon) can be oxidized.
The most common oxidizing agent is oxygen in air. Chemicals that release oxygen under a given
condition are potassium chlorate ( KCIO3), sodium nitrate (NaNO3), mercuric oxide (HgO), manganese
dioxide (MNO2), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and many others. Other substances that act as an oxidizing
agent include fluorine (F2), chlorine (CL2) and hydrogen (H2) among others. A few combustible materials
combined in their molecules in such a way that partial combustion may occur without oxygen from any
other outside source.
Combustion is one of the kinds of oxidation which is the same as actual burning. It is the rapid oxidation
accompanied by heat and light. When the heat, generated by combustion, becomes sufficient to cause
the material being oxidized to take fire, the material has reached its burning, kindling or ignition point.
Actually, combustion is very complex and is a subject of much research. A condensed-phase combustion
is usually referred to as a glowing combustion. A gas-phased combustion is known as flame. If the
process is confined so that an appreciable pressure occurs, it is called an explosion. If the combustion
waves propagate at supersonic speed, a shock front develops ahead of it to produce a detonation.
The combustion process is observed as occurring in two modes: the flaming type (including explosions)
and the flameless surface type (including glow and deep-seated glowing embers). The flaming mode is
associated with relatively higher burning rates, expressed in terms of heat energy released from the
originally bond chemical energy per unit time. The temperature of the flame is determined by:
• Weight-time rate
To simplify the understanding of burning, Fig.2 shows the “fire triangle” of the surface type
combustion. Each side of the triangle represents the three basic requirements: fuel, temperature, and
oxygen. The fuel is in solid form that is heated to incandescence. When oxygen (or any oxidizing agent)
is at the interface of the glowing fuel, no chain reaction will occur.
Actually, as temperature rise above the ambient, paralysis becomes involved. Pyrolysis is defined as the
chemical decomposition of matter through the action of heat.
1. An oxidizing agent, a combustible material, and an ignition source are essential foe\r combustion.
2. The combustible material must be heated to its ignition temperature before it will burn.
3.2 The oxidizing agent concentration is lowered below the concentration necessary to support the
It is important to be familiar with the common ways which heat energy can be produced since fire
prevention and extinguishment are dependent on the control of heat energy. Among the sources of heat
energy are:
• Chemical
• Electrical
• Mechanical
• Nuclear
Oxidation reaction is exothermic. The sources of this type of heat is the primary concern of the fire
protection energy.
1.1 Heat Combustion- The heat of combustion is the amount of heat released during the complete
oxidation where the organic fuel is converted to water and carbon dioxide. Heat of combustion,
commonly referred to as calorific or fuel value depends upon the kind and members of atoms in the
molecule as well as upon their arrangement. Calorific values are used in calculating fire loading.
1.2 Spontaneous Heating is the process of increase in temperature of a material as a result of slow
oxidation, that is, without drawing heat from its surroundings, until the ignition temperature results into
combustion. Three conditions that determine whether or not an oxidation reaction will cause dangerous
heating are:
• Rate of heat generation
• Air supply
1.3 Heat of Decomposition is the heat released by the decomposition of compounds requiring the
addition of heat from their formation. Compounds formed from exothermic reaction are often unstable.
When decomposition is started by heating these compounds above critical temperature decomposition
continues with the liberation of heat. Cellulose nitrate (smokeless powder) decomposes with the
liberation of dangerous quantities of heat.
1.4 Heat of Solution is the heat released when a substance is dissolve in a liquid. Most materials release
heat when dissolved but the amount is usually not enough to have any significant effect on fire
Electrical energy produces heat when electric current flows through a conductor or when a spark jumps
on air gap. In a current flow through a conductor, electrons are passed along from one atom to another
within the conductor. Some conductors easily remove the electrons and are said to be good conductors
of electricity as in the case of metals.
2.1 Resistant Heating is when the rate of heat generation is proportional to the resistance and square of
the current. Bare wire conductors can carry more current than insulated wires without heating
dangerously since the temperature of the conductor resulting from resistance heating depends on
dissipation of heat to the surrounding. Single wires can carry more current than bundled or closely
grouped wires.
2.2 Heat Generated by Lightning: The discharge of an electrical charge on a cloud to an opposite charge
on another cloud or on the ground is called lighting. Lightning passing between the cloud and the
ground can develop very high temperature in any material of an high resistance in its path such as wood
or masonry.
2.3 Inductive Heating: Whenever atoms are subjected to electric potential gradients from external
sources, the arrangement of the atom (or of a molecule of several atoms) is distorted, with a tendency
for electrons to move in the direction of opposite direction. This is observed whether the externally
applied potential is due to a battery or generator or is a result of a magnetic field.
2.4 Static Electricity or Frictional Electricity is an electrical discharge that accumulates on the surface of
two materials that have been brought together and then separated. One surface becomes positively
charged and the other negatively. If the substance are not bonded or grounded, they will accumulate
sufficient electrical charge so that a spark discharge may occur. In some instances, flammable gases and
vapors as well as clouds of combustible dust are capable of being ignited. Fuel flowing in a pipe can
generate enough static electricity of sufficient energy to ignite a flammable vapor.
2.5 Heat from Arcing: Arcing results when an electric circuit which is carrying current is interrupted,
either intentionally (as by a knife switch) or accidentally (as when a contact or terminal becomes
loosened). The temperatures of arc are very high, and the heat released may be sufficient to ignite
combustible or flammable material within the vicinity. In some instances the arc may melt the
conductor, with the result that molten metal is scattered. One requirement of an intrinsically safe
electrical circuit is that arcing, due to accidental current interruption, will not release sufficient energy to
ignite the hazardous atmosphere in which the circuit is located.
Mechanical heat energy is responsible for a significant number of fires each year. Although there a few
notable examples of ignition by the mechanical heat energy released by this heat source are due to
frictional heat.
3.1 Frictional Heat results when mechanical energy is used in overcoming the resistance to motion
when two solids are rubbed together. Any friction generates heat. The danger depends on:
Among the examples of heat caused by friction are the sparks ( hot metal particles) thrown
off when a piece of foreign metal enters a grinding mill, and the heat formed by friction of slipping belt
against a pulley.
3.2 Overheating of Machinery may cause fires from the heat accumulated from the rolling, sliding or
friction in machinery or between two hard surfaces, at least one of which is usually a metal. Ignition
sources in this category are heated bearings or rotating machinery and belts which become overheated
due to pulley slippage.
3.3 Heat of Compression is heat released when gas is compressed. This is also known as the diesel
effect. The fact that the temperature of a gas increases, the volume of the gas decreases, has found
practical use in diesel engines in which heat of compression eliminates the use in diesel engines in which
heat of compression eliminates the use for a spark ignition system.
The most plausible explanation for disastrous explosions aboard two aircraft carriers is compression
ignition of an air is directed into a cavity in a block of wood, the wood will ignite. Apparently,
compression waves set-up in the cavity are converted to heat which raises the wood to its ignition
temperature. When pipe fittings are substituted for wood, an oil film on the inside surface of the fittings
can be ignited.
The nucleus of an atom are made up of particles bound together by tremendous forces which can be
released when the nucleus is bombarded by energized particles. Nuclear energy is released in the form
of heat, pressure and nuclear radiation. Unstable (radioactive) atoms spontaneously emit particles or
rays from the nucleus of their atom.
4.1 Nuclear Fission occurs when a subatomic particle called neutron bombards an appropriate
type of nucleus. The nucleus then splits into two lighter nuclei (the fission products), and at the same
time release tremendous amount of energy in the form of kinetic energy of the fission fragments. In
each act of fission, neutrons are emitted and if one of these is at least captured by another fissionable
nucleus, a fission chain reaction with the continuous production of energy becomes possible. The device
in which the nuclear fission chain is initiated, maintained and controlled, so that the accompanying
energy is released at a specified rate is called a nuclear reactor. The basic materials that can be used for
the release of nuclear energy by fission are elements uranium and thorium.
4.2 Nuclear Fusion includes all nuclear reactions in which two lights nuclei combine to form
heavier nucleus, with the emission of other particles or gamma rays. Some of these reaction are
believed to be the source of energy in man-made devices as in the so called ”hydrogen bombs”, where
two deuterium atoms (H2) fused to form Helium (He4).
F. Heat Transfer
The transfer of heat is responsible for the start, as well as the extinguishment of most fires. Heat
is transferred by one or more methods.
• Conduction
• Radiation
• Convection
1. Conduction is heat transferred by direct contact from one body to another. For example, a steam pipe
in contact with wood transfers its heat to the wood by actual contact with the pipe as its conductor.
Conductance depends on three factors:
1.1 Thermal conductivity, which is the measure of the rate of flow of heat through unit area of the
material with unit temperature gradiant. Unit temperature gradiant means that in the direction of heat
flow, the temperature is falling off one degree per unit distance. A typical unit of thermal conductivity is
Kcal / cm / hr / C.
1.2 Cross-sectional area normal to the flow path and length of the flow path. The solution to heat
production problems takes into consideration the thickness of the material subjected to temperature
with the time constant.
Thus if the surface of the material is suddenly exposed to temperature rise, then the
temperature at a depth or thickness within the material will begin to change substantially at a time can
be solved by:
Solids are better heat conductors than gasses. The conduction of heat through air of other gasses is
independent of pressure in the usual range of pressure. No heat is conducted in a perfect vacuum.
Heat conduction cannot be completely stopped by any “heat insulating” material. Heat insulating
materials have a low heat conductivity .No matter how thick the insulation, solidly insulating the space
between the source of heat and the combustion materials may not be sufficient to prevent ignition. If
the rate of heat conduction through the insulating material is greater than the rate of dissipation from
the combustible material, heat may increase to the point of ignition. For this reason, there should
always be an air space or some way of carrying the heat away by the convection, rather than relying
solely on the heat insulating material to protect exposed wood work.
2. Radiation is means of heat transfer when energy travels through space or materials as waves. Radiant
energy waves travel with the speed of light. On arrival at a body, they are absorbed, reflected or
transmitted. Visible light consist of wavelength 4x10-5 cm (violet to red). Emission from combustion
processes stretches from ultra violet race (shorter wavelength than violet) to the infrared region (heat
radiation longer than red wavelength).
Common example of radiation is a candle flame. Air heated by the flame rises upwards while cooler air
moves in towards the candle to supply the flame with the more oxygen, thus sustaining the burning
process. If a hand is held opposite the flame, the hand is not cooled by the air movement; however, it
does not experience a sensation of warmth. This can only be from the hand’s absorption of energy
which is not conducted by air: this energy is called radiant heat or radiation.
Heat from the sun passes through the near vacuum of space until it reaches the earth and is absorbed
by something tangible. Radiant heat also passes freely through symmetrical diatomic molecules such as
hydrogen (H2), oxygen (O2), and nitrogen (N2). There is no absorption of heat by air except by tangible
air constituents or contaminants such as water vapor, carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2),
sulfur dioxide (SO2) or hydrocarbon compounds containing C and H).
Radiation energy travels in a straight line. Thus, heat absorbed from the pin point source would be very
much less than the same amount of heat absorbed from a large radiation surface, providing the
absorbing body also had appreciable area.
3. Convection is a means by which heat is transformed by a circulating medium either gas or a liquid.
Heated air expands and rises and rises, and for this reason heat transfer by convection occurs in an
upward direction although heat currents can be made to carry heat by convecting in any direction. Heat
generated in a stove is distributed throughout the room by heating the air by conduction but the
circulation of the heated air through the room to distant objects is heat transfer by convection.
G. Heat Measurement
1. Temperature Units: Celsius degree (also called Centigrade): A Celsius or Centigrade degree (ºC) is
1/100 the difference between the temperature of melting ice and boiling water at one atmosphere
pressure. On the centigrade scale, the melting point is 100ºC.
Fahrenheit degree (ºF) is 1/180 the difference between the melting point of ice and boiling point of
water at one atmospheric pressure. On the Fahrenheit scale, the melting point of ice is 32 while boiling
point of water is 212.
Kelvin or Absolute (ºK or ºA) is the same scale as the Celsius degree but the melting point of ice
is 273 and boiling point of water is 373. There is 1/100 difference between the melting point of ice and
the boiling point of water at one atmospheric of pressure.
The device that measures the temperature depend either on the physical change
(expansion of a solid liquid or a gas), or a change of state(solid o liquid) or an energy change (changes in
intensity of electrical energy in emission intensities or spectral distribution ). Most common device is the
thermometer. It consist of a tube partially filled with liquid which measures the expansion and
contraction of the liquid with changes on temperature. The tube is caliberated to permit reading of the
level of the liquid in degrees of a temperature scale.
Jonathan Q. Meru
To detect the cause and fight fires is a very considerate topic that every human must learn. Stone Age
men in early civilization first discovered the importance of fire in cooking; it gives us lights and keeping
us warm in cold weather.
Subsequently, fire is one of the most disastrous circumstances that cause lost lives and properties in all
over the globe natural, accidental or intentionally set. Though, just like other crimes, we could not
totally eliminate hazardous fires, there are some ways to prevent the occurrence.
Flashpoint - the temperature at which the material is not hot enough to keep burning, but still gives off
enough vapors to cause a flame to “flash” across the surface.
Vapor Density:
1. Conduction
2. Convection
3. Radiation
1. Incipient Stage
2. Free-burning Stage
3. Burning Stage
4. Breakthrough
Report a fire at location immediately to local authorities (Fire and/or Police Department) or to security
department in school and/or business places to ensure rapid response by firefighters. Upon discovery of
fire, these actions are necessary:
Telephoning the fire department and/or security office in school of business places
You have received proper education or training in fire management or use of fire extinguishers.
As a rule of thumb, a fire that has been extinguished must still be reported to the fire department for
future safety-conscious practices.
1. Observe the location of the nearest emergency exit and familiarize yourself with the evacuation plan
when you are entering at any building, most especially at your own home or working places.
3. Talk with your colleagues, classmates, board mates or officemates about the best plan for your (work)
2. Activate the building fire alarm system by pulling the nearest manual fire alarm, if available
3. Proceed to the nearest telephone and dial the appropriate local fire department. Do not assume that
the fire department has been notified.
4. Observe the type of smoke, color of fire and origin of fire if possible.
5. Proceed to the nearest exit away from the danger area after activating or hearing the fire alarm
6. Close but do not lock the doors on your way out, to limit the spread of fire and smoke.
7. Upon building evacuation, assemble in preassigned area in groups outside the facility, away from exit
doors and drive lanes that will be used by responding emergency personnel.
8. Remain at the danger area until cleared by the fire department to reenter.
NOTE: Personnel who have been educated to use fire extinguishers and handle or deal with the hazards
of incipient fires may fight such fires if they can act safely. Any fire fighting should be attempted after
calling the fire department.
1. If there is a panic, rush for the main exit. Keep out of the crowd and attempt to find some other
means of escape. Above all, KEEP CALM!
2. If you are trapped inside a burning building, do not open door that feels warm. Superheated air might
quickly kill you. Try to get out some other way.
3. Temporary refuge behind a door. Even a thin, wooden door will temporarily stop smoke and hot gases
and may not burn through several minutes.
4. To keep out smoke and gases, stuff clothes in the cracks under and around the door. Open the
window, break it if necessary and shout for assistance.
5. When forced to remain in a smoke filled building, remember that the air is usually better near the
floor. If you must make a dash through smoke or flame, hold your breath.
6. If there is dense smoke but no flame, crawl and if possible, get a wet towel and wrap it around you.
Cover your nose and mouth with damp cloth.
7. If your are cut off the stairs, make a rope out of clothes or curtains. You can utilize porch and garage
roofs or trees to get to the ground.
In order to fight the battle of fire, one must be equipped with proper training and education. The
following motives of fire fighters are needed:
Desire to Serve
Ability to Perform
Courage to Act
Enough experience
1. Straight
2. Semi-Fog
3. Fog
- Keep matches out of reach of children and/or teach them the possible causes of irresponsible playing
of matches.
- Always keep an improvise fire extinguishers at home to be participated by all members of the family
and other home occupants.
1. Constitution-
Under Section 2, Article III (Bill of Rights) of the 1987 Constitution, it provides that, “the right of the
people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and
seizures of whatever nature and for any purpose shall be inviolable, and no search warrant or warrant of
arrest shall issue except upon probable cause to be determined personally be a judge, after examination
under oath or affirmation of the complaint and the witnesses he may produce, particularly describing
the place to be searched, or the persons or things to be seized”.
h) Inspection of buildings and other premises for the enforcement of fire, sanitary and building
regulations. (Sec1.203. PD 1185 FCP-Periodic Inspection by Fire Safety Inspectors)
2. Civil Code-
Under Article 694 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, Nuisance is “any act, omission, establishment,
business, condition of property, or anything else which:
4. Obstructs or interferes with the free passage of any public highway or street, or any body of water, or
Classification of Nuisance:
a) Nuisance per se – at all times and under any circumstance, regardless of location and surroundings.
b) Nuisance per accidens – is that which maybe considered a nuisance by reason of circumstances,
location or surroundings.
b. Private Nuisance – is a nuisance that affects only a person or small number of persons.
2. A civil action; or
1. A civil action; or
Arson, defined:
It is the malicious destruction of property by fire. It consist of the willful and malicious burning of all
kinds of building structure including personal property.
The law on arson in the Philippines is covered by Articles 320 to 326 of the Revised Penal Code, as
amended by PD No. 1613, PD No. 1744, and RA 6975 Sec. 54 which provides that the fire Bureau shall
have the power to investigate all cases of fires and, if necessary, file the proper complaint with the
City/Provincial prosecutor who has jurisdiction over arson cases.
2. Its location
1. Attempted Arson – If a person intended to burn a wooden house, collected rags soaked in gasoline
and placed it inside the wall, but when he was about to light it, he was seen by another who ran after
him, the crime is attempted arson.
2. Frustrated Arson – if the person was able to light the rags but the fire was put out before any part of
the building was burn.
3. Consummated Arson – if the fire was put out, part of the building was burned.
Kinds of Arson
The classification is based on the kind, character and location the property burned, regardless of the
value of the damage caused.
Physical evidence in arson are often destroyed. The prove, corpus delicti must be shown and the
identity of the arsonist established.
Corpus delicti – the fact that crime was committed. It must be shown by the following.
1. Burning – that there was fire which may be shown by direct testimony of complainant, fireman
responding to the crime, other eyewitness. Burned parts of the building may also indicate location.
2. Criminal design – must shown that it was willfully and intentionally done. The presence of the
incendiary devices, flammables such as gasoline, kerosene, may indicate that the fire was not accidental.
3. Evidence of Intent – when vainables were removed before the fire, ill feeling between the accused
and the occupants of the building burned, absence of effort to put out the fire was not accidental.
Motives of Arsonist
In criminal prosecution, motive is necessary to identify the accused, thereafter intent can be easily.
These are:
1. Economic Gain
a) Insurance Freud with the assured – benefiting, coupled with the fact that the assured would transfer
to another location
b) Desire to dispose Merchandise – Stocks on hand may have lost market value being out of season, lack
of raw materials, over supply of merchandise.
c) Existing business transaction which the arsonist would like to a void such as impending liquidation,
settlement of estate, need for cash, prospective business failure, and increase rentals.
5. Intimidation or economic disabling – these are saboteurs, strikers and racketeer to intimidate
management or employers
6. Pyromania – is the uncontrollable impulse of a person to burn anything without any motivation. They
do not run away from the fire scene since they love watching fire burning
Types of Pyromania
b) Hero type – a person set a building on fire and pretends to discover it, turn in the alarm or make some
rescue works to appear an a “hero”
Burning is complete and freeing the presence of air. Most combustible materials are substance with
carbon and hydrogen with mineral matter and oxygen. The spread of fire depend on the following