Action Plan in ICT SY 2021-2022
Action Plan in ICT SY 2021-2022
Action Plan in ICT SY 2021-2022
Department of Education
Schools Division Office - Manila
1224 P. Guevarra St. Sta. Cruz, Manila / Telefax:: (02) 736-32-88 / email add:
c. MS PowerPoint
B. Staff 1. Conduct an Teachers can now Sustained ICT
Development Echo-Seminar School Head, Computer MOOE assist the School ICT training from
Workshop on TV LGU’s NGO’s and coordinators in Division Level
School Head and different on ICT ICT Coordinator, Laptop PTA imparting ICT teaching down to School
teachers seminars done by Internet Canteen Fund to the pupils. Level.
DepED. Teachers,
1. Upgrade the ICT Can upload relative Teachers used ICT
competencies 2. Invite a Canteen school data on EBEIS device in
level of teachers resource speaker websites, LIS and delivering their
if necessary on PTA ICT Advisers, other ICT related subject matter to
the school ICT reports. their respective
seminar Master Teachers pupils.
workshop. MOOE
Whole year round
3. Assist every
teachers on which
software package
they lacking in
and teach them
on browsing the
C. Curriculum
Provide technical Improved Video
1. Support and support in the Division EPS, Prepared Video MOOE Lessons in the
Participate the finalization of Canteen Lessons, different subject
Division ICT prepared video School Head, LGU’s areas.
Memo’s and lessons in the PTA Computers Utilization of
guidelines in different subject ICT Coordinators, NGO’s Be able to make a Video Production
preparing a lesson areas. Whole year round Laptops, lesson guide in software.
exemplar with ICT MOOE Teachers, PTA propagating teaching
Integration Televisions, ICT.
ICT Advisers, Canteen Fund
2.Participate in Reference
developing video Master Teachers Materials
lessons in the
different subject
D. Monitoring Regular Division EPS,
and Evaluation monitoring of MOOE
school using ICT District
1. Assess related and based Supervisors BEIS Data LGU’s Enhanced teachers Continue
competency level software and Whole year learning process using Monitoring and
of school heads lessons with EPS Round School Head, NGO’s ICT based evaluating ICT
and teachers in charge of the lessons/software. programs.
subject matter. PTA
2. Assess the ICT Coordinators,
impact of ICT Teachers, Canteen Fund
based lessons on
instruction against
the result of NAT
and other
Assessment such
as periodical
results and
E. Resource DepED ICT BEIS Data MOOE Enhanced teaching- Continue on
Generation Tap possible learning process using resource
donors (LGU), technical Unit, ICT facilities generation to
1. Tap possible Private LGU’s improve ICT
donors in the Individuals. Year Round EPS, Acquisition of new ICT teachings.
development of NGO’s, I.T NGO’s devices such as
ICT. companies, etc. School Head, laptops and
PTA projectors.
ICT Coordinators,
Canteen Fund
Approved by:
Principal IV