Silver Oaks REAC Response To Appeal Inspection
Silver Oaks REAC Response To Appeal Inspection
Silver Oaks REAC Response To Appeal Inspection
Bruce Williams
Thank you for your June 30, 2022 letter requesting a review of the above referenced inspection(s). We received your
letter on July 28, 2022. We have completed our review in accordance with applicable regulations.
Based on the documents you provided with your letter, below is our determination:
If a deficiency cited on the property/development that is the subject of this letter is a database adjustment, REAC will
record it in our systems so that if a deficiency for that item is cited in a future inspection, it will be removed before the
inspection report is released.
This concludes REAC's review of your technical review/database adjustment request and the physical inspection score(s)
shown above is (are) the final score(s).
Should you have any questions concerning this review and/or suggestion(s) to make this process more efficient, please
contact us at . We remind you that information on submitting technical reviews and database
adjustments, including pre-database adjustments, as well as HUD's regulations, is at:
Samuel Tuffour
Program Manager
Physical Assessment Sub-system
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