The Sims 4 ALL Expansions + ALL Game/stuff Packs + Latest Update + Showy Escape
The Sims 4 ALL Expansions + ALL Game/stuff Packs + Latest Update + Showy Escape
The Sims 4 ALL Expansions + ALL Game/stuff Packs + Latest Update + Showy Escape
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Step 1: Download the Free Download Manager and also the FDM Extension for the browser extension.
🔑code Simslover
DO NOT install some of the expansions with a base game you bought in Origin this will not work.
You Must use the base game I'm giving you with them.
(download could take some time depending on your Internet speed)
you click the X it will let you still use it for free FOREVER even though it says it’s a 30 day
trial. You'll just have to bypass it wanting you to buy every time you use it.)
IMPORTANT: Do not use default Windows extract (appears when right clicking the file) or 7 zip to unzip
the file, it may result in error.
Unzip or extract the sims 4 zip file, then move all files from downloaded zip to anywhere on the drive C: system.
What if I don’t have enough space? You can put it on HDD (Heavy Disk Drive) if available to save it while playing Sims 4.
Step 5: Installation
Open the extracted Sims 4 folder, then find the folder > Game > Bin > Right click the “TS4_x64” and then
Or watch this video tutorial how to install the sims 4. Click this link
How to install future updates:
Go to the link above (with code protection) and you will see the folder named "Updates".
Open it.
Here you can see current and previous updates. Every update requires previous version.
(It means, that you can't install, for example, ver. 4 update for ver. 1 game. You must
install №2 and №3 updates first to be able install latest update №4). So, simply download
and install all previous updates (you will find detailed instructions in zip update file as
Press Esc while you're playing to check current game version.
If you have any questions or issues with the game, please message me here, so I can
help you.
❌ «The code execution cannot proceed because OrangeEmu.DLL was
not found»
• Your antivirus probably deleted the orangeemu.dll or orangeemu64.dll file. Make sure
you have paused your antivirus, then
• Go inside The Sims 4 folder > FIXES. Drag(move) ‘Game’ folder to The Sims 4 folder.
Confirm replacing.
● Go inside The Sims 4 folder > FIXES > no-origin-fix. Drag(move) ‘Game’ folder to The Sims
4 folder. Confirm replacing.
❌ Missing «MSVCP120.dll»
Install all 5 files from Redist folder(1st folder you can see after you downloaded and extracted
zip file)
Go to “The Sims 4” folder > Game > Bin_LE > Right click and run 'TS4' as administrator.
Rename TS4_x64.exe for TS4.exe and run as administrator again.
You must go to Bios and turn off Intel Virtualization Technology (look in Google how to do it).
Go to …\The Sims 4\Language\ and locate file «language-changer» and run it.
That’s how you can improve game performance and make the game faster