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Week 2 Purposive Communication

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This module has been designed to: Purposive Communication
▪ Prepare you for effective
communication with different
audiences in diverse contexts and
situations through the integration
of listening, speaking, reading,
writing, and viewing. Prepared by:
Tiffanny Gail M. Nova
▪ Enhance your competencies in the
recognition and use of verbal and
non-verbal cues in real-world
contexts by determining
appropriate approaches through
heightened cultural and
intercultural awareness to adapt
oneself in various local and global

▪ Provide you opportunity to develop

communication skills needed in
different real-life scenarios and
thus, the you are not only being WEEK
prepared professionally for your
chosen career paths, but also as
ethical, moral and responsible
individual in dealing with others.
Course Material: Purposive Communication 2


Pre – test 3
Learning Outcomes
Required Materials and Resources
Pre -activity
Content and Discussion 6
Assessment Activities 12
Online Resources and Activities 14
Summary 17
Key Terms
Answers to Exercises
Course Material: Purposive Communication 3

Communication Processes, Principles of Communication, and Communication Ethics


If we wanted to communicate successfully with other people, we need to

follow certain steps. In the previous section, we learned that we need to plan the message that
we wanted to deliver, create a clear, well-crafted message, choose the right channel, receive
and interpret the message properly, and provide feedback. Being an effective communicator is
quite challenging but being knowledgeable and equipped would make you stand out among the

The Communication Process Test

Choose the letter from the illustrated process that best represents the underlined words in the
situation given.

_____1. The State of the Nation Address by the president is being broadcast on public television.

_____2. Jay cannot quite hear Dianne’s speech because there is a fire truck wailing outside the

_____3. Marvin is giving a speech on air pollution.

_____4. Manuel listens intently and seems to understand Jon’s speech about the Civil War.

_____5. Jam nods her head in agreement as she listens to Elvie speak.

_____6. Melvin tells Roj about the basketball game he watched on TV last night.

_____7. Scarlet uses the telephone to order the pasta pot after watching an infomercial on TV.

_____8. Gail’s cell phone drops the signal when she is talking to her friend.
Course Material: Purposive Communication 4

Adapted from The Communication Process Test from


Take another Communication Processes test. Click here

Learning Outcomes

- Interpret the different communication processes

- Design a communication model
- Discover the principles and ethics of communication
- Demonstrate proficient and effective communication (speaking, writing, and use of
new technologies).
- Generate innovative practices and solutions guided by ethical standards and make
decisions based on moral norms and imperatives

Required Materials and Resources

- worksheets
- PowerPoint presentation
- Recorded videos


Everybody knows that a good relationship may it be at home, in school

or in the workplace requires effective communication. Misunderstanding occurs
when few people really know how to express themselves properly and even fewer
mastered the art of listening. So, are you a good communicator? Take this quiz to
find out!
Course Material: Purposive Communication 5

Are you a good communicator?

1. Rapid responses are the best. If you know how you feel about a situation, don’t wait a
minute to say so.
 True False

2. Anger is not an important negotiation tool.

 True False

3. When talking to a person about an important issue, is it better to keep it brief and
stick to the facts.
 True False

4. When you're talking to a person who has a short attention span and the responsiveness
of a brick wall. The best course of action is to ask questions to make sure he or she
understood what you were saying.

 True False

5. Using e-mail for sensitive messages that you don't want to say out loud, is NOT a good
rule of thumb.
 True False

If you answered True in all the questions, you’re definitely a good communicator!

Adapted from Are You a Good Communicator? Available from https://consumer.healthday.com/encyclopedia/emotional-health-

Course Material: Purposive Communication 6

Content and Discussion

Communication Process

The communication is a dynamic process that begins with the

conceptualizing of ideas by the sender who then transmits the
message through a channel to the receiver, who in turn gives the
feedback in the form of some message or signal within the given time
frame. Thus, there are Seven major elements of communication
Course Material: Purposive Communication 7

Sender: The sender or the communicator is the person who initiates the
conversation and has conceptualized the idea that he intends to convey it
to others.

Encoding: The sender begins with the encoding process wherein he uses
certain words or non-verbal methods such as symbols, signs, body
gestures, etc. to translate the information into a message. The sender’s
knowledge, skills, perception, background, competencies, etc. has a great
impact on the success of the message.

Message: Once the encoding is finished, the sender gets the message that
he intends to convey. The message can be written, oral, symbolic or non-
verbal such as body gestures, silence, sighs, sounds, etc. or any other signal
that triggers the response of a receiver.

Communication Channel: The Sender chooses the medium through

which he wants to convey his message to the recipient. It must be
selected carefully in order to make the message effective and
correctly interpreted by the recipient.

Receiver: The receiver is the person for whom the message is

intended or targeted.

Decoding: Here, the receiver interprets the sender’s message and

tries to understand it in the best possible manner.
Course Material: Purposive Communication 8

Feedback: The Feedback is the final step of the process that ensures
the receiver has received the message and interpreted it correctly as
it was intended by the sender

Note: The Noise shows the barriers in communications. There are

chances when the message sent by the sender is not received by
the recipient.

A model is a representation of a real-world phenomenon

applied in different forms and is represented graphically. There
are three general types of communication models in which all
other communication models are mostly categorized.

Linear model of communication is

a simple one-way communication
model. The message flows in a
straight line from sender to the
receiver. There is no concept of
feedback. The only task that a
receiver does here is to receive the
Course Material: Purposive Communication 9

In transactional model, senders

and receivers both are known as
communicators and both play
equally important role in
communication. Transactional
model relates communication with
social reality, cultural up-bringing
and relational context
(relationships). Non-verbal
feedback like gestures, body
language, is also considered as
feedback in this model.

Interactive model or convergence

model is similar to transactional
model as they are both two way
communication model. But,
interactive model is mostly used for
new media like internet. Here,
people can respond to any mass
communications like videos, news,
etc. People can exchange their
views and ideas.

Click here to learn more about Communication Models.

Course Material: Purposive Communication 10

Principles of Communication
You need to follow certain principles to be an effective communicator. In this way, you could be able to
communicate with others with no sweat! Below are some of the principles that you need to remember when
dealing with other people.

1. Principle of Clarity:
The idea or message to be communicated should be clearly spelled out. It should be worded in
such a way that the receiver understands the same thing which the sender wants to convey. There
should be no ambiguity in the message

2. Principle of Attention:
In order to make communication effective, the receiver’s attention should be drawn towards the
message. People are different in behavior, attention, emotions etc. so they may respond differently to
the message.

3. Principle of Feedback:
The principle of feedback is very important to make the communication effective. There should
be a feedback information from the recipient to know whether he has understood the message in the
same sense in which the sender has meant it.

4. Principle of Informality:
Formal communication is generally used for transmitting messages and other information.
Sometimes formal communication may not achieve the desired results, informal communication may
prove effective in such situations.

5. Principle of Consistency:
This principle states that communication should always be consistent with the policies, plans,
programs, and objectives of the organization and not in conflict with them.

6. Principle of Timeliness:
This principle states that communication should be done at proper time so that it helps in
implementing plans. Any delay in communication may not serve any purpose rather decisions become of
historical importance only.

7. Principle of Adequacy:
The information communicated should be adequate and complete in all respects. Inadequate
information may delay action and create confusion. Inadequate information also affects efficiency of
the receiver. So adequate information is essential for taking proper decisions and making action plans.
Course Material: Purposive Communication 11

Ten Basics of Ethical Communication

1. Seek to “elicit the best” in communications and interactions with other

group members.
2. Listen when others speak.
3. Speak non-judgmentally.
4. Speak from your own experience and perspective, expressing your own
thoughts, needs, and feelings.
5. Seek to understand others (rather than to be “right” or “more ethical
than thou”).
6. Avoid speaking for others, for example by characterizing what others
have said without checking your understanding, or by universalizing your
opinions, beliefs, values, and conclusions, assuming everyone shares
7. Manage your own personal boundaries: share only what you are
comfortable sharing.
8. Respect the personal boundaries of others.
9. Avoid interrupting and side conversations.
10.Make sure that everyone has time to speak, that all members have
relatively equal “air time” if they want it.
Course Material: Purposive Communication 12

Assessment Activities

Create your own communication model

Now you have learned about the communication process and its
elements and you were able to classify the different models of
communication, I think you are ready now to create your own!
1. Create your own communication model.
2. Explain the communication process of your model and suggest a real-life
scenario where the model could be applicable.
3. Submit your model to me and be ready to discuss them at the next available
There are free infographic maker sites in the web where you can create your model.
Check the sites below:
- venngage.com
- piktochart.com
- canva.com


KEY CONCEPTS 5 4 3 2-1
Highly Effective Effective Developing Ineffective SCORE
KNOWLEDGE The students The students The students The students
demonstrate high demonstrate demonstrate some demonstrate limited
degree of considerable understanding of the understanding of the
understanding of the understanding of the lesson and task. lesson and task.
lesson and task. lesson and task.
5 points

CONTENT - Words are selected - Some words are - Words need to be The answer needs
wisely selected wisely selected wisely revision.
5 points - Answers are - answers just needed - some ideas are not
organized and logically few editing well-thought of

DESIGN Layout is well- Layout is organized. Layout is somehow Layout needs revision.
organized and visually organized.
5 points appealing.

Course Material: Purposive Communication 13

Now you know the the different communication models. Let us try to
assess if you can identify a scenario where you can apply the model.

1. Choose one (1) communication model and discuss a scenario where you
can apply the model.
2. Include in the discussion the principle and ethical considerations that are
important to apply in the model you have chosen.















Course Material: Purposive Communication 14


KEY CONCEPTS 5 4 3 2-1
Highly Effective Effective Developing Ineffective SCORE
GRAMMAR -There are no -There are 2-3 -There are 4 or more -The answer needs
grammatical error/s grammatical error/s grammatical error/s revision.
5 points seen in the answer seen in the answer seen in the answer.
KNOWLEDGE - The students The students The students The students
demonstrate high demonstrate demonstrate some demonstrate limited
degree of considerable understanding of the understanding of the
understanding of the understanding of the lesson and task. lesson and task.
lesson and task. lesson and task.
5 points

CONTENT - Words are selected - Some words are - Words need to be The answer needs
wisely selected wisely selected wisely revision.
5 points - Answers are - answers just needed - some ideas are not
organized and logically few editing well-thought of


Online resources and activities

How important is being a good communicator, for a


“Good communication skills are

second only to vision when it comes
to being a leader. Before you can
impress or inspire, you must be
– Ruel S. de Vera
Ruel S. De Vera is an author and editor. He writes for the Philippine Daily Inquirer. His writing
has received the Catholic Mass Media Award, the Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Award for
Literature and the Philippines Free Press Literary Award.

Read more:
Click here to read a news article on LeaderShift: The leader as an effective
communicator by Glenn San Luis in Philippine Daily Inquirer
Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on
Course Material: Purposive Communication 15


- https://businessjargons.com/communication-process.html
- https://www.businesstopia.net/communication
- https://www4.uwm.edu/cuts/bench/commun.htm

- https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/management/communication/7-principles-of-
- https://www.businessmanagementideas.com/communication/principles-of-effective-
- https://www.rysec.org/10-basics-of-ethical-communication/
- https://www.anvilpublishing.com/authors/ruel-de-vera/


Self-Assessment Questions

Congratulations! You have successfully completed Week 2. You may now assess yourself if you have
achieved the expected learning outcomes of this section. Write your answers and discuss it with me
at the next available session.

1. With the “new normal” due to the pandemic, discuss some barriers of communication that
you encountered in dealing with other people.

Course Material: Purposive Communication 16

2. Among the ethics that you need to consider when communicating to others, which do
you think you should improve on? What are the ways that you could improve yourself to
become an effective communicator?

Course Material: Purposive Communication 17

The communication is a dynamic The three (3) general type of
process that begins with the communication models are
conceptualizing of ideas by the lineal model, transactional
sender who then transmits the model, interactive or
message through a channel to the convergence model.
receiver, who in turn gives the
feedback in the form of some The principles of communication
message or signal within the given are principles of clarity, attention,
time frame. feedback, informality, consistency,
timeliness, and adequacy.
The seven major elements of
communication process are sender,
encoding, message, channel, In interacting with other
receiver, decoding, feedback. people, we need to
follow ethical
The Noise shows the barriers in
communications. There are communication to be
chances when the message sent by able to understand and
the sender is not received by the
be understood.

A model is a representation of a real-

world phenomenon applied in different
forms and is represented graphically.
Course Material: Purposive Communication 18


Communication process Decoding interactive or Principle of timeliness

convergence model
Sender Feedback Principle of clarity Principle of adequacy
Encoding Noise Principle of attention ethical
Message Model Principle of feedback
Channel lineal model Principle of
receiver transactional Principle of
model consistency

Anderson, P. V. (2018) Technical Communication: a reader-centered approach, 9th ed.

Pascual, J. C. , et.al (2016) Purposive Communication

Sebastian, E. L. (2017) English Communication 2

Abulencia, E. F. (2014) Fundamentals of Business Communication

Krizan, A.C. et.al., (2014) Business Communication: theories and best practices 7th ed.

no author (2013) Principles of Business Communication

Hennings, D. G. (2000) Communication in action: teaching literature-based language arts 7th ed.

McCrum, R. , Cran, W. and MacNeil, R. (1986) The story of English, 1st American ed.

Madrunio (2018). Purposive Communication: using English in Multilingual Contexts

The Communication Process Test Answers: 1. C 2. G 3. A 4. D 5. E 6. B 7. F 8. H
Are you a good communicator? If you answered True in all the questions, you’re
definitely a good communicator!
Assessment activities answers vary

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