Language Typology and Tonogenesis Creoles
Language Typology and Tonogenesis Creoles
Language Typology and Tonogenesis Creoles
28 Published by the Linguistic Society of America
University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras
0. Introduction
Languages belong to three basic types when analyzed according to the assignment
of tonal features within phonological units (Hyman 1978, and 1992): intonational
(phonological phrases), pitch-accent (fixed position in phonological words), and
tonal languages (feet and syllables). Regarding the lexically distinctive nature of
tone in languages, Hyman (1992: 166) states that
[ .. ]a tone language is a language in which both pitch phonemes and segmental phonemes
enter into the composition of at least some morphemes. Tone assignment happens at the
lexical or postlexical levels. This distinguishes tonal languages from pitch-accent
languages and intonational languages.
I In fact, the distinction between tone languages and pitch-accent languages has been interpreted
in many studies as a difference between a restricted and an unrestricted distribution of tone
(Hyman 1978, 1992; McCawley, 1978). However, tone languages have different degrees of
restrictions regarding tone distribution.
Yolanda Rivera-Castillo
Typology and Tonogenesis in Two Atlantic Creoles
contour tones only in long bimoraic stressed syllables ( · - High tone; ' - Stress;
and Low tone unmarked) (Birmingham 1971 :5):
In Asian languages, contour tones can attach to syllables regardless of the number
of morae. Contour tones are more numerous in Asian languages and level tones
have a more important role in lexical distinctions for African languages (Chen
1992:61). For all practical purposes, morpheme and syllable are co-extensive in
Asian languages (Chen 1992:60); and contour tones constitute an inseparable unit
linked to a syllable.
On the other hand, Papiamentu has lexically predetermined tone patterns that
respond to categorial distinctions (Kouwenberg and Murray 1994). For example,
verbs carry tone patterns that distinguish these from nouns:
Yolanda Rivera-Castillo
Spreading applies only before phrase edges (4); and polarization applies freely in
all other contexts.
Chen ( 1992: 54) identifies three parameters that distinguish African from
Asian tone languages: tone spreading or movement, metathesis or the melodic
inversion of contour tones, and downstep and downdrift. Bao (1992:3) indicates
that contour (Asian) as well as level tone (African) languages have tone
spreading; however, spreading applies in a restricted fashion in Asian languages
since, with few exceptions, every morpheme carries a lexically prespecified tone
(Chen 1992:60). Spreading is not restricted in African languages and these even
have long distance spreading (Cassimjee and Kisseberth 1992:26). As indicated,
there are other postlexical phenomena in Saramaccan and Papiamentu such as
downstepping and downdrift, which are characteristic of African languages but
are practically absent from Asian languages.
Downstepping and downdrift constitute a gradual lowering of tones adjacent
to a L tone. Pickering and Rivera (2001) have found evidence of downdrift in
In (5), the pitch readings indicate the effect of a L tone in the following H tone (!
- lowering). Harris (1951), Romer (1991), and Bendix (1983) have also described
downdrift effects in Papiamentu. These features show a clear typological
connection between Papiamentu and Kwa and Bantu languages.
Saramaccan shares many of these features with Papiamentu. Saramaccan has a
bitonal system and its TBU is the mora. Rountree (1972) indicates the presence of
mid tones in this language (a tritonal system), but it is unclear at this point
whether these are lexically distinctive. However, Ewe, the most likely substratum
for Saramaccan (Ham 1999), also has a tritonal system. This is still short of four
or five level tones typically found in Asian languages.
Saramaccan also has tone patterns associated with lexical categories,
including patterns that distinguish verbs from other categories (Voorhoeve 1959,
Byrne 1987:261 ):
In these cases, each mora (vowel) bears a different tone since the mora is the
On the other hand, postlexically, Saramaccan has tone spreading and no
polarization. Tone spreading in Saramaccan results from postlexical rules (Ham
Typology and Tonogenesis in Two Atlantic Creoles
1999). For example, a High (H) tone in a word can spread over to following
words (E - lax mid front vowel):
In Saramaccan, the H tone of the determiner di spreads to the first syllable of the
word mitjEE. It has unbounded spreading, including any number of syllables
between two H tones with no intervening phrasal edges. Other postlexical
phenomena includes downstepping.
Rountree (1972: 312) has described cases of downstep in Saramaccan
triggered by a following L tone:
The H tone injan lowers because the following verb carries L tone.
There are five important parameters in the typological classification of these
Creole systems: the number of tone levels, the TBU, the assignment of patterns to
lexical categories, tone spreading, and downstepping. These establish
fundamental distinctions between West African and Asian tonal languages. TBUs,
the assignment of patterns to lexical categories, and tone spreading also
distinguish restricted from non-restricted tone languages that identify stages in the
shift from tone to stress systems, being the non-restricted type the one closer to a
pure tonal system. Indeed, Papiamentu exhibits more features of restricted
systems than Saramaccan. The following section describes the main differences
between Papiamentu and Saramaccan in more detail.
(A) Tone is distinctive at the lexical level. There are two level tones: Hand L.
(B) The mora is the TBU. Contour tones occur only in bimoraic sequences.
(C) Tonal patterns distinguish lexical categories.
(D) Phonological Words must have, at least, a syllable with H tone. However,
these can have more than one H per word, resulting either from postlexical
rules or lexical prespecification.
Yolanda Rivera-Castillo
What makes Papiamentu closer to a restricted tone language and different from
Saramaccan includes the following:
(A) A different set of lexical categories carry tone patterns in each language,
being Saramaccan a language with freer tone assignment and a smaller
number of categories subject to tone patterns.
(B) Polarization, a feature of tone-to-stress systems, applies in Papiamentu,
not Saramaccan.
(C) Accent has an important role in Papiamentu, with stress at the lexical level
while Saramaccan has only phrase level stress assignment.
(D) Saramaccan has lexically assigned falling and rising contour tones, while
Papiamentu has falling contour tones but rising contour tones resulting
from postlexical rules only. Papiamentu has a smaller set of lexically
assigned contour and level tones.
Both are tone languages even if Papiamentu exhibits more changes. Tone
spreading, free tone assignment, and other typically tonal phenomena indicate the
operation of a tonal, not a stress system (Hyman 1978). Differences found in
Papiamentu indicate a shift towards an accentual system: (a) stress and tonal
systems in which stress and H tone are attracted to accented monosyllables; (b)
polarization; and (c) fixed tonal patterns with a single H tone dominate as lexical
3. Conclusions
Typologically, Saramaccan and Papiamentu are not only tonal languages, but
tonal languages related to each other by their typological affiliation to West
African languages. This proposition is strong evidence for a genetic affiliation
between these languages which lexifiers belong to different branches of the Indo-
European family. Both are descendants of the same parents, probably a Kwa
language like Ewe, or closely related languages in West Africa.
Typology and Tonogenesis in Two Atlantic Creoles
Yolanda Rivera-Castillo
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