Design No. I504

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Design No.

July 19, 2022

Ceiling Membrane Rating — 1 Hr.

Load Restriction - Limited to the Dead Weight of the Assembly
* Indicates such products shall bear the UL or cUL Certification Mark for jurisdictions employing the UL
or cUL Certification (such as Canada), respectively.

1. Supporting Structure #1 — Fire-resistance rated. Suitable point of attachment of C-Channels (Item 4).

2. Supporting Structure #2 — If necessary - Suitable point of attachment of hanger wire (Item 3).

3. Hanger Wire — If necessary - Min. 8 gauge steel wire, hung from holes punched in C-Channel (Item 4). Hanger wire spaced
nominally 24 in. OC.

4. C-Channels — Used to support steel studs at both ends. Min. 3-5/8 in. deep with min. 1-1/4 in. legs and formed from min. No. 20
MSG galv. steel. Perimeter channels attached to a fire-resistance rated supporting structure (Item 1) with fasteners spaced not
greater than 24 in. O.C. at both the top and bottom of the vertical leg. When used with Items 2 and 3, C-Channel secured back to
back with 1/2 in. Type S screws spaced 24 in. OC along centerline of C-Channels. Where C-Channels form a butt joint, screws placed
at both top and bottom of both sides of butt joint.

5. Steel Studs — Min. 3-5/8 in. wide with min. 1-5/8 in. legs containing folded back flanges and formed from min. No. 20 MSG galv.
Steel. Studs to be cut 3/8 in. to 5/8 in. less than the clear span between the vertical legs of the perimeter channels. Studs spaced a
max. 16 in. OC. At each end of the stud, the top and bottom legs shall be secured to the perimeter channel with one 3/8 in. long pan-
head steel screw. Studs are used at each end of the horizontal barrier to terminate the assembly at the adjoining wall. These end
studs shall be secured to the adjoining wall in the same manner as the perimeter channels (Item 4). Maximum unsupported length of
studs not to exceed 8 ft. 1 in.

6. Steel Strap — Min 4 in. wide formed from min. No. 20 MSG galv. Steel. Secured perpendicular to the studs at the centerline of the
span using one 3/8 in. long pan-head steel screw. Strips to overlap one full stud bay at splice locations. As an alternate to the steel
strap, C-Channels (Item 4) may be substituted and installed in the same manner as the steel straps. If a continuous piece is not used,
abut channels on each side of the centerline of the span and overlap one full stud bay.

6A. Framing Members* — As an alternate to items 3, 4, 5, and 6 - Main runners, cross tees, cross channels and wall angle as
listed below:

a. Main Runners — Nom 10 or 12 ft long , 15/16 in. or 1-1/2 in. wide face, spaced 4 ft OC. Main runners suspended by min
12 SWG galv steel hanger wires spaced 24 in. OC, twist tied to supporting structure.

b. Cross Tees — Nom 4 ft long, 1-1/2 in. wide face, installed perpendicular to the main runners, spaced 16 in. OC. The
cross tees or cross channels may be riveted or screw attached to the wall angle or channel to facilitate the ceiling

c. Cross Channels — Nom 4 ft long, installed perpendicular to main runners, spaced 16 in. OC.

d. Wall Angle or Channel — — Painted or galv steel angle with 1 in. legs or channel with 1 in. legs, 1-9/16 in. deep
attached to walls at perimeter of ceiling with fasteners 16 in. OC. To support steel framing member ends and for screw-
attachment of the gypsum panel.

7. Gypsum Board* — Three layers of nom. 5/8 in. thick gypsum board installed with long dimension perpendicular to the steel studs
or Framing Members*. Base secured to studs and perimeter channels with 1 in. long Type S steel screws spaced max. 16 in. OC.
Middle layer secured to the studs or Framing Members* and perimeter supports with 1-5/8 in. long Type S steel screws spaced max.
16 in. OC. Middle layer edge and end joints staggered a min. 16 in. from base layer joints. Face layer secured to the studs or Framing
Members* and perimeter supports with 2-1/4 in. long Type S steel screws spaced max. 12 in. OC. Face layer edge and end joints
staggered a min. 16 in. from middle layer joints.

8. Joint Tape and Compound — Not Shown — (Optional, Not Required On Joints or Screw Heads) — Vinyl, dry or premixed joint
compound, applied in two coats to joints and screw heads; paper tape, nom. 2 in. wide, embedded in first layer of compound over all

* Indicates such products shall bear the UL or cUL Certification Mark for jurisdictions employing the UL or cUL Certification
(such as Canada), respectively.

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