APA Clinical Health Psychology
APA Clinical Health Psychology
APA Clinical Health Psychology
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Clinical health psychology sees health as the confluence of psychological, social, cultural, and biological factors and applies this understanding to
professional activities including:
Clinical services.
Consulting with, educating and supervising other health care providers and psychologists
Specialized Knowledge
Clinical health psychology has evolved as a specialty area of knowledge and practice with foundations in health psychology, the field of psychology
that addresses the interactions of psychological, social, cultural and biological factors as they relate to health and well-being across diverse
populations and settings.
Problems Addressed
Clinical health psychologists have knowledge of how learning, memory, perception, cognition and motivation influence health behaviors and impact
physical illness, injury, and disability. Examples of problem areas addressed by the specialty include:
Weight management.
Tobacco use.
Pain management.
Populations Served
Clinical health psychology serves any individual of any age with a disease that could be prevented, treated or rehabilitated through the use of
psychological techniques or procedures. The primary focus is on problems that present as physical complaints as opposed to issues that are
restricted to emotional or mental health. Recipients of clinical health psychology services include:
People at elevated risk for disease (e.g., genetic carriers, people who engage in risky behaviors).
Assessment. Clinical interviewing; behavioral observation; personality assessment; general and disease-specific self-report instruments;
psychophysiological measures; medical record review; biological parameters associated with specific diseases.
Intervention. Evidence-based psychotherapy, health promotion and behavioral interventions provided to individuals, groups and families.
Consultation. Consultation with the health care team (including family members); participation in multidisciplinary teams; program development.
Evaluation. Use of research methodologies to develop and evaluate practices based on the best available evidence and to develop new program
evaluation methods.
Related Resources
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Pursuing a Career
Health Psychology
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Clinical Health Psychology https://www.apa.org/ed/graduate/specialize/health
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