H05V-K H07V-K
H05V-K H07V-K
H05V-K H07V-K
No. 0 9 / 2 0 1 7
2. Type, batch or serial number or any other element allowing identification of the
construction product as required under Article 11(4):Specified standard Marking on
cable : DIN EN 50525-2-31
3. Intended use or uses of the construction product, in accordance with the applicable
harmonized technical specification, as foreseen by the manufacturer:
Supply of electricity in buildings and other civil engineering works with the objective of
limiting the generation and spread of fire and smoke
4. Name, registered trade name or registered trade mark and contact address of the
manufacturer as required under Article 11(5):
RR Kabel Ltd,
142/2 Madhuban Dam Road, Karad, Rakholi,
Silvassa Pin-396240,
UT of dadra and Nagar Haveli,India
Trade Name:- RR Kabel
5. Where applicable, name and contact address of the authorized representative whose
mandate covers the tasks specified in Article 12(2):
Mr.Jose Thomas
RR Kabel Ltd,
142/2 Madhuban Dam Road, Karad, Rakholi,
Silvassa Pin-396240,
UT of dadra and Nagar Haveli,India
6. System or systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance of the
construction product as set out in CPR, Annex V: System 3
8. Declared performance
Harmonized technical
Essential characteristics Performance
Reaction to fire Eca
Dangerous substances EN 50575:2014
9. The performance of the product identified in points 1 and 2 is in conformity with the
declared performance in point 8.
2. Type, batch or serial number or any other element allowing identification of the
construction product as required under Article 11(4):Specified standard Marking on
cable : DIN EN 50525-2-31
H05V-K- Size Range 0.5 to 1 Sq.mm H07V-K- Size Range 1.5 to 120 Sq.mm
3. Intended use or uses of the construction product, in accordance with the applicable
harmonized technical specification, as foreseen by the manufacturer:
Supply of electricity in buildings and other civil engineering works with the objective of
limiting the generation and spread of fire and smoke
4. Name, registered trade name or registered trade mark and contact address of the
manufacturer as required under Article 11(5):
RR Kabel Ltd,
142/2 Madhuban Dam Road, Karad, Rakholi,
Silvassa Pin-396240,
UT of dadra and Nagar Haveli,India
Trade Name:- RR Kabel
5. Where applicable, name and contact address of the authorized representative whose
mandate covers the tasks specified in Article 12(2):
Mr. Jose Thomas
RR Kabel Ltd,
142/2 Madhuban Dam Road, Karad, Rakholi,
Silvassa Pin-396240,
UT of dadra and Nagar Haveli,India
6. System or systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance of the
construction product as set out in CPR, Annex V: System 3
8. Declared performance
Harmonized technical
Essential characteristics Performance
Reaction to fire Eca
Dangerous substances NIL EN 50575:2014
9. The performance of the product identified in points 1 and 2 is in conformity with the
declared performance in point 8.
Dhairya Parmar