GRP3 Chap1-2
GRP3 Chap1-2
GRP3 Chap1-2
Davao City
August, 2020
Gen. Malvar St., Davao City 8000
With the fast-paced modernization that has been taking place in today’s
for the past decade, universities and colleges have been starting to integrate, if
not totally shift into, online modes of delivering education to its students. In fact,
United States, by Babson Survey Research Group in 2018, there has been an
straight year in 2016 (Babson College, 2018). This reflects a surge of over 30
percent of students in higher education are taking at least one online course in
(2015), nursing programs are adding online courses as well as degree programs
in trying to meet the demand for more qualified nurses (American Association of
simulation (65 percent), tied closely with adaptive quizzing and testing (64
With that said, nursing programs are already integrating the online
approach in conducting classes and even students’ activity; and that includes
2016). It is not only limited to the clinical duties in hospitals and clinical areas
affiliated to the school as well as facilities, such as lying in clinics, but also the
tasks. With the incorporation of the online modality in the undergraduate nursing
2018), most students (more than 70%) responded that they had a positive
Gen. Malvar St., Davao City 8000
In the Philippines, as the country has been gravely hit with COVID-19 with
49, 034 active cases as of August 17, 2020 (DOH, 2020), schools in all levels,
including the universities and colleges, have opted to shift to different modes of
delivering education which includes online learning. As the school year 2020-
2021 has opened in some schools all over the country, online learning has been
rampantly practiced.
learning for the school year 2020 to 2021. However, face-to-face exams and
classes are yet to take place on September 1, 2020 in Davao City Higher
Educational Institutions (HEIs) (Colina IV, 2020). Davao Doctors College, on the
other hand, have already started their classes last August 3, 2020; in which the
students from the nursing program. With this given, they have already
lieu with their program. Thus, this study aims to explore and understand the lived
experiences of the nursing students, specifically the third year students, on the
learning. Furthermore, it aims to explore the perception of the third year nursing
students who currently experiencing the new method of learning specifically the
online-related learning. The study also aims to know the differences of traditional-
the study will describe how students cope up with the new challenges they face
Research Questions
enhance learning?
enables learners to learn at their own location and time. It allows learners to be
self-directed, and also gives them the ability to link to access resources online
which are necessary for their use of teaching requirements. This holds a number
of potential benefits and the apprentices need access to tools and resources
include text, audio, video, email and online conversations and assessment. It is
which boost the knowledge of learners and its skills (Ali, 2016).
the Nursing undergraduate training. For this reason, the university will establish
learn by themselves, whether what year or age they are. No more obstacles to
those with the most usage of computer in terms of their perceptions. Also, it was
programs to neither the nurses’ age nor the length of their work experience.
However, there
is a significant difference between the nurses’ perception and where they are
attributing factors.
program does not have an instructor who can recognize unmotivated students or
personal motivation based upon the interest in the subject materials or desire to
get credit in the course. A research was conducted by a group of researcher from
online distance learning and base on their findings it appears that 99.4%
concured that e-learning is user friendly, 92.6% agreed that it is easier for them
to become skilful when it comes to e-learning usage, while 97.1% agreed that e-
support nursing education and skills but there are some students does not want
applied online learning. However, some factors are considered as part of using
online learning and affect their experiences. The research was conducted by the
an online learning context. Based on their findings most students (>70%) shows
that online learning improved their learnings and gives them positive outcome,
and some students (22-28%) shows that through online learning their motivation
education such as approaches that modern that lead the students to become
good and skilled nurses. The online learning today is one of the most used
method. The research was conducted in iran, where the researcher survey the
nursing students view and experiences in using online learning such as flipped
flipped classroom online learning rather than the traditional one. The students
about technology that might be used to engage students in learning and meet
other instructional goals. The most recent Horizon Report1 indicates that a shift
is taking place across higher education in which students are learning by creating
rather than consuming content delivered by the teacher. In more and more
Gen. Malvar St., Davao City 8000
and discussing higher-level questions about nursing. They create Web sites,
podcasts, videos, and other multimedia. Students are learning together and from
to create and share their stories about palliative care concepts, leading to a deep
encounter in their practice and helps to bridge the gap between theory and
practice. With technology, we can add reality to a scenario and make traditional
case studies more realistic. Shellenbarger and Robb described how faculty can
hyperlinks, video clips, and images, to provide the context for the case, engage
(Oerman, 2015)
scenarios nurses might see in clinical practice. Students can take vital signs and
where students can practice their critical thinking and decision-making skills,
knowing the mannequin will not stay dead if it dies, according to an article at
software to help educate nurses and other healthcare professionals like the flight
The use of mobile technology in nursing gives students (and working nurses)
instant access to drug references, diagnoses, medical textbooks and more using
apps and online guides on smartphones and tablets. “These devices are
acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes for providing nursing care. Nursing
environments. In Iran and many other countries, clinical education forms more
Gen. Malvar St., Davao City 8000
abilities and train the nursing students to enter the nursing profession and
psychomotor skills which are of significance for patient care. Students’ exposure
and preparation to enter the clinical setting are one of the important factors
during their clinical practice from the phenomenological point of view of nine
student nurses. Student nurses are found to be on the verge of developing the
sense of responsibility for the health and well-being of others as having been
clinical environments that are perceived as unfamiliar and complex and that
require dealings with diverse human relations. Notably, the group’s experiences
strategy in nursing education. Focus group discussions and interviews were the
application and laboratory skills enable student nurses to learn effectively, to feel
with their skills, and to become competent in taking care of patients. Meanwhile,
need to rethink about the clinical skills training in the field of nursing. Distinctly,
approaches in order to decrease the gap that exists between the academic and
instructors on the other hand need to design strategies and new innovative ways
Theoretical Lens
alternative learning modalities that will enable them to continue learning and
nurses lived experiences on the program that they are currently enrolled in is
the lived experiences of Third Year Nursing students’ of Davao Doctors College
will utilize the Technology Acceptance Model of Fred Davis and Richard Bagozzi
Richard Bagozzi, there are two primary factors that influence an individual’s
intention to use new technology and these are the perceived ease of use and
likelihood that utilizing a particular application system will improve his or her work
characterized as how much the forthcoming client anticipates that the system will
framework that will enable the researchers to understand the computer usage
Gen. Malvar St., Davao City 8000
experience modalities. This theory is the basis to the study because it is about
usefulness of the technology based on the online related learning modalities that
used by the students. It matches the factors that value the usefulness and ease
of used that enhances the skills and obtaining the information system and
related learning experience modalities and can deliver quality of care using
This study aims to benefit the following persons: 1.) Nursing students, 2.)
and limitations of the 3 rd year nursing students will be brought to light aside from
Also, this study aims to benefit the clinical instructors of the institution in a
way that knowing the perception of the students towards the modalities, they will
The study will serve as a guide as to which part the modalities still needs
study are specifically students who are pursuing a health profession career and
Gen. Malvar St., Davao City 8000
College. The live experiences are determined only by the questions designed by
the researchers. The results obtained in this study may not be applicable to
Research Design
The study will be utilizing the qualitative research design in order to gather
qualitative data on the lived experiences of the third year nursing student of
the participants. In order to do so, the researchers will have an in-depth interview
incorporated in the nursing program in Davao Doctors College, the study will be
fact that the third year nursing students of DDC are one of the pioneering batch
Research Participants
The selection of participants will include the Third Year Nursing Students
of Davao Doctors College and has been on online-related learning since March
Gen. Malvar St., Davao City 8000
Data Sources
The essential information needed for this study will be gathered from the
Doctors College. The participants who will agree to participate in this study will
considered as secondary sources for this study, that will be necessary to support
This study will follow through the following procedures for the data collection:
Secure the approval from the Nursing program Chair of Davao Doctors College,
to conduct the study, the informed consent of the participating Third Year Nursing
Student will be secured prior to data gathering. 2) Actual data gathering will be
conducted. 3) The participants, prior to data gathering, will be oriented about the
nature of the study, it’s purpose, and the data collection procedure. Also, to be
included in the orientation, are the rights to ask questions during interview, right
to refuse to give information, and right to withdraw from the study.In the interview
participants will be informed that the interview will be recorded. The recordings
will then be transcribe word for word after the interview to ensure data accuracy.
Gen. Malvar St., Davao City 8000
guided with questionnaire guideline. 6) If the data are gathered, the interview will
end and the participants will be given appreciation for participating in the
research study.
encouraged to make a support about their answers with real-life examples and
the interviewer will throw follow-up queries. From the interview, the researcher
will make use of the raw material to study until they will emerge with a theory that
Transferability. Researchers must consider that the results of the research are
thick description of the research process to let the reader evaluate whether the
Dependability. Study should be consistent and stable over time. The findings,
participants that will be supported by the data as received from participants of the
study. The audit trial is the most needed strategy for this criterion. The
and reflexive about their own role in the process of collecting, analyzing and
all of these will affect research decision in all aspects of the study.
research design used to the third year nursing students on their experiences on
charge of analyzing and interpreting the data collected from the participants. The
participants. The researcher will have role, to act honestly and ethically towards
Ethical Consideration
In conducting the study, the researcher will ensure and follow ethical
beneficence, respect for anonymity and confidentiality, and respect for privacy.
Gen. Malvar St., Davao City 8000
decision of the participants to sign the consent. The researcher will explain the
purpose of the study, the nature of the study, the right to refuse participation, the
right to withdraw anytime from participating from the study, the right to privacy
and confidentiality, and the risks and benefits of the study before asking them to
sign the informed consent. Recordings from the interview will be stored and
Data Analysis
In this study, the end result is a concise yet all-encompassing description of the
participants that created it. The method depends upon first person accounts of
experience; these may come from face-to-face interviews; but can also be
There are distinctive seven step process that provides a thorough analysis, with
each step staying close to the data and these are 1) familiarisation which the
researcher familiarises him or herself with the data, by reading through all the
The researcher identifies all statements in the accounts that are of direct
researcher clusters the identified meanings into themes that are common across
description where the researcher writes a full and inclusive description of the
description down to a short, dense statement that captures just those aspects
back and modify earlier steps in the analysis in the light of this feedback. (Morrow
et al., 2015)
Gen. Malvar St., Davao City 8000
Nahid J., (2016). The challenges of nursing students in the clinical learning
environment: A qualitative study. Publishing Open Access research journals &
papers | Hindawi.
Steivy T., Caranto L., David J., (2015). The real world: Lived experiences of
student nurses during clinical practice. 403 - Forbidden: Access is
Forneris, S., & Tiffany, J. (2018). Future of Technology in Nursing Education Part
2: How Nursing Education Programs are Currently Using Educational
Technology. How Nursing Education Programs are Currently Using Educational
Technology | Wolters Kluwer.
Gen. Malvar St., Davao City 8000