CJR 1 2018 Law Paper III 025ebb44709d6

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Framing of charges and writing of a judgment in Criminal case

Date: 15.07.2018 Max Marks: 100

Oci7D05': 15E3e =66 2018
Time: 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM
o:1): .7154Mor.o:k 2.00 00(7.3 5.00 ri o t..t;
Option is given to the candidates to write answers either in
English or in Kannada
i4i734(.1 cci uori, 2p-D-49o-t9,' Cfqt) /tett)) (7334 Uzi:160E1'W 29de.d-DhC3.

If there is any discrepancy in the questions in English language

and Kannada language, the questions as framed in English
language shall prevail.
z.ioc:fo ctei4rick,
c--) eori 2.3Da
' -c 4 213Z et Fiz fDC toe,peaodeD ciori
Er.iDesspthQ, dspeAr_bat Moit

1. Frame appropriate charge for the Trial of an accused on the

basis of the following charge sheet materials.
Marks: 15

It is alleged in the charge sheet filed by Sampige Police Station

that on 21.10.2000 at about 9.00 am, on Sampige road near Talavar lane
on rough road at Hirikodi village, Al to 6 i.e., Subhas, Kitti Manja,
Ananda, Shekara, Nagaraja alias Naga and Mani formed themselves into
an unlawful assembly with an intention to commit an offence against the
complainant-Fakirappa on the ground that the complainant had informed
the police authorities regarding the theft of wood kept in the backyard of
their house and the accused with their common object, committed rioting
against the complainant-Fakirappa and C.Ws.4 to 6 by holding weapons
like stones, clubs, reaper, sickle and C.Ws.4 Keshava and C.W.6
Narayana have sustained grievous injuries due to the assault made by

the accused and the complainant Fakirappa and C.W.5 Gangaraj has
sustained simple injuries on their body by the act of the accused and the
accused have used vulgar words as Bolimagane% `Sulemagane' against
the complainant and C.Ws.4 to 6 with an intention to commit breach of
peace and the accused have criminally intimidated the complainant and
witnesses by giving threat to their life that if they file any complaint with
the police, they are going to kill them and also caused loss by breaking
open the front door of the house of C.W.6 Narayana.

Therefore, the complainant Fakirappa has lodged a complaint

before the jurisdictional police.

When any person under twenty one years of age is found guilty of
having committed an offence punishable with imprisonment, tried by you
as a Magistrate of the First Class, how would you deal with this case in
your Judgment by keeping in view of the provisions of the Probation of
Offenders Act, 1958. Explain.
Marks: 10

Write a considered judgment in the following case by giving

valid and cogent reasons assuming rival contentions from the
Marks: 75

CC 650/2010

Complainant: State of Karnataka

represented by
Ganganagar police station
Accused: 1) Subbaraya
S/o Gangadarappa
Aged 40 years
Kelagadde Village
Ganganagar Taluk

S/o Gangadarappa
Aged 38 years
Kelagadde Village
Ganganagar Taluk

S/o Muniyappa
Aged 50 years
Ganganagar Taluk

Facts of the case:

It is alleged in -the charge sheet filed by Ganganagar Police Station

that on 03.06.2010 at 5.00 P.M, Accused No.1 to 3 with their common
intention to commit an offence, trespassed into the property bearing
Sy.No.15 measuring 1 acre 10 guntas situated at Kelagadde village
and illegally started to plough the said land with help of tractor. When
CW1 and 2 questioned the act of accused persons by saying that there
is a prohibition order issued by the Civil Court, Al to 3 abused CW1
and 2 in filthy language as Boliznakkale and Sulemakkale and
assaulted CW1 and 2 with their hands and pulled the nighty worn by
CW1 and it was torn and thereby tried to outrage the modesty of CW1
and all the accused persons gave threat to CW1 and 2 by saying that if
they file any complaint with the police, they are going to kill them.
Therefore, CW1 Mangala lodged a complaint before jurisdictional
police. As such this case came to be registered against the accused on
03.06.2010 at 6.45 P.M. in Crime No.46/2010 for the offences
punishable under Section 323, 354, 504, 447, 506 r/w Section 34 of
Indian Penal Code and sent FIR to the Civil Judge and JMFC Court,
Ganganagar on 04.06.2010 at 10.50 A.M. through PC 1615 of
Ganganagar Police Station.

On 04.06.2010, CW9 Hanumantharayappa, ASI went to the spot

of occurrence and drew spot mahazar in the presence of CW1
Mangala, CW5 Venkatappa and CW6 Narasimha and seized torn
nighty of CW1. On 05.06.2010, CW10 K.Narayana PSI went to the spot
of occurrence and recorded the statements of CW3 Ashwath and CW4
Nagappa. On 08.06.2010, CW10 again went to the spot of occurrence
and recorded the statement of CW2 Muniyappa. On 21.07.2010, CW10
obtained wound certificate of CW1 and 2 from the General Hospital,
Ganganagar and obtained RTC of spot of occurrence from Tahsildhar,
Ganganagar Taluk and on completion of investigation, filed charge

sheet against the accused.

The accused No.1 to 3 pleaded not guilty to the charge framed

by the Magistrate. The prosecution examined in all 8 witnesses as PW1
to PW8 and got marked documents as Ex.P1 to P8 and M01.

The accused No.1 to 3 were examined under Section 313 of

the Code of Criminal Procedure. They denied the entire prosecution
case. Accused did not lead any defence evidence.

CW1 - PW1 - Mangala W/o Muniyappa Duly sworn on 15.08.2012

Examination in Chief by APP

I know the accused. On 03.06.2010 at 5.30 P.M, we were working in

our land bearing Sy.No.15 measuring 1 acre 10 guntas situated at
Kelagadde village. At that time, all the accused came to our land with
tractor and started to plough the land. We tried to stop the accused from
ploughing the land. At that time, the accused abused me and my
husband Muniyappa in filthy language as Bolimakkale, Sulemakkale and
they assaulted me and my husband with their hands and gave threat to
our life and pulled my nighty and it was torn. I went to the police station

on the same day and lodged a police complaint. Now I see the complaint,
it is marked as Ex.P1 and my signature is marked as Ex.P1(a). On the
next day, police came to the spot and drew mahazar in my presence.
Police seized my nighty. Now I see the mahazar, marked as Ex.P2 and my
signature is marked as Ex.P2(a). Now I identify my nighty, marked as
M01. Civil Court granted prohibition order against both of us not to
plough the land bearing Sy.No.15. Accused tore my nighty with an
intention to outrage my modesty.

Cross examination by Advocate for accused

My native place is Kelagadde Village. My husband's native place

is Hanumanthanagar. Since 4-5 years, I have been residing at
Kelagadde village. There are two litigation pending in the Civil Court
pertaining to Sy.No.15. I do not know whether the accused are owning
land in Sy.No.15. I do not know about the action taken against the
accused for violation of Court orders. I do not know whether Sy.No.15
belongs to Accused No.1 Subbaraya. It is true that I am running
provision store and I used to close the shop daily at 8.00 -9.00 P.M.
The land bearing Sy.No.15 is situated at a distance of one kilometer
from my provision store. It is not true to suggest that we interfered
with the accused while they were ploughing the land. I do not know
the boundaries of Sy.No.15. It is not true to suggest that I am deposing
falsely. It is not true to suggest that police did not come to the spot to
draw mahazar in my presence. It is not true to suggest that the police
did not seize my nighty. It is not true to suggest that I have filed false
complaint only to harass the accused.
Re-examination: Nil

R.O.I & A.0

Duly sworn on 18.04.2013
CW2 - PW2 - Munivappa
Examination in Chief by APP

I know the accused. Myself and CW1 were working in the land
bearing Sy.No.15. Accusech came to the land bearing Sy.No.15 for
ploughing with the help of Tractor inspite of prohibition order passed
by the Civil Court. Myself and CW1 questioned the act of the accused.
At that time, there was altercation between us and accused. Accused
assaulted me and CW1 with their hands. They tore the nighty of CW1.
Thereafter, I gave statement before the police. MO1 is the torn nighty

of CW1 and it is already marked as M01.

Cross examination by Advocate for accused:

My native place is Hanumanthanagar. CW1 is my wife. I do not

know the extent of land owned by my father-in-law in Sy.No.15. It is
true that the land owned by Accused is in Sy.No.15. My father-in-law
own's land measuring 1 acre 10 guntas in Sy.No.15. It is not true to
suggest that we raised quarrel with accused when they were ploughing
their own land. It is not true to suggest that I gave complaint against
accused through my wife in order to harass them. It is not true to
suggest that the accused have not committed any offence. My wife was
wearing black dotted nighty at the time of incident. It is not true to
suggest that my wife was wearing chudidar dress. It is not true to
suggest that I am deposing falsely by giving false complaint to take

favorable order in the Civil Cases.

Re-examination: Nil.
R.0.18; A.0

CW3 — PW3 — Ashwath

Duly sworn on 22.08.2013
Examination in Chief by APP

I know the accused. I do not know about the quarrel took place
betVveen CW1 and 2 and accused. I did not give any statement before
the police.

(At this stage, learned APP prays permission to treat this witness
as hostile. Permission is accorded. Learned APP is permitted to cross
examine the witness)

Cross examination by APP

ft is not true to suggest that on 03.06.2010 at 5.00 P.M., the

accused trespassed into the land bearing Sy.No.15 belongs to CW1. It
is not true to suggest that the accused were illegally ploughing the said
land with the help of tractor. It is not true to suggest that when CW1
and 2 questioned the act of the accused, the accused abused CW1 and
2, assaulted them and tore nighty of CW1 with an intention to outrage
her modesty and also gave threat to their life. It is not true to suggest
that I had witnessed the incident and gave statement before the police.
The statement said to have given to police is marked as Ex.P3. It is not
true to suggest that I am deposing falsely to help the accused.

Cross examination by Advocate for accused: Nil

Re-examination: Nil.

R.O.I & A.0


Duly sworn on 22.08.2013

CW4 - PW4 - Nagappa
Examination in Chief by APP

I know the accused. I do not know about the quarrel took place
between CW1 and 2 and accused. I did not give any statement before

the police.
(At this stage, learned APP prays permission to treat this witness
as hostile. Permission is accorded. Learned APP is permitted to cross

examine the witness)

Cross examination by APP

It is not true to suggest that on 03.06.2010 at 5.00 P.M, the

accused trespassed into the land bearing Sy.No.15 belongs to CW1. It
is not true to suggest that the accused were illegally ploughing the said
land with the help of tractor. It is not true to suggest that when CW1
and 2 questioned the act of the accused, the accused abused CW1 and
2 assaulted them and tore nighty of CW1 with an intention to outrage
her modesty and also gave threat to their life. It is not true to suggest
that I had witnessed the incident and gave statement before the police.
The statement said to have given to police is marked as Ex.P4. It is not
true to suggest that I am deposing falsely to help the accused.
Cross examination by Advocate for accused: Nil

Re-examination: Nil.
.R.O.I &, A.0

CW5 - PW5 - Venkatappa, Duly sworn on 22.08.2013

Examination in Chief by APP:

I know the accused. Police came to the spot of occurrence on the

next day of the incident and drew mahazar in my presence. I have
signed the mahazar. Now I see Ex.P2 mahazar. My signature is marked
as Ex.P2(b). At the time of mahazar, police seized the torn nighty of
CW1. Now I identify the nighty, which was already marked as MO 1.

Cross examination by Advocate for accused

Police drew mahazar on 03.06.2010. I do not know the

boundaries of the place where mahazar was drawn. I do not remember
at to what time, the police came to the spot and drew the mahazar. At
that time my self, Mangala, Ashivath, Muniyappa, Narasimha were
present. It is not true to suggest that I have signed the mahazar in the
police station. It is not true to suggest that I am deposing falsely to
help CW1.
Re-examination: Nil.

R.O.I &, A.0


CW7 - PW6 - Dr.Krishna Kumar

Examination in Chief by APP: Duly sworn on 03.09.2013

I was working as Medical Officer in General Hospital,

Ganganagar in the year 2010. On 03.06.2010 at 8.10 P.M., One
Mangala came to the hospital for treatment with the history of assault.
examined her and found following injuries on her body:
1. A lacerated wound over right hand inner
aspect 0.5 x 6 c.m. size

2. A lacerated wound over eft hand 0.5 x 6 cms

with torn clothes

The above mentioned injuries are simple in nature. I gave wound

certificate marked as Ex.P5, my signature is marked as Ex.P5(a).

On the same day at 8.10 P.M., one Muniyappa came to the

hospital for treatment with the history of assault. I examined him and

found following injuries on his body:

1. Pain and tenderness over Right hand and Right chest
and Right back

The above mentioned injuries are simple in nature. I gave wound

certificate, marked as Ex.P6, my signature is marked as Ex.P6(a)

Cross examination by Advocate for accused:

It is true that the injuries mentioned in Ex.P5 and P6 can be

caused if a person tripped and fell down. It is true that the age of the
injuries is not mentioned in the wound certificates, but all injuries are

fresh in nature.
Re-examination: Nil
R.O.I. &, A.0

CW9-PW7: Hanumantharayappa, ASI Duly sworn on 03.10.2013

Examination in Chief by APP:

I was working as ASI in Ganganagar police station from

09.06.2008 to 22.06.2011. Now I am working as ASI in

Hanumanthanagar police station.

On 03.06.2010, when I was in charge of police station at about
6.45 P.M, one Mangala, Kelagadde Village appeared before me and
gave written complaint. I registered a case in Crime No.4 6 / 2 010 and
prepared FIR and submitted to the Court. Now I identify my signature
in Ex.P1, marked as Ex.P1(b). FIR is marked as Ex.P7, my signature is
marked as Ex.P7(a).

On 04.06.2010 at 10.30 A.M., I went to the spot of occurrence

and drew mahazar in the presence of CW1 and witnesses CW5 and
CW6 and seized torn nighty produced by CW1. Now I see my signature
in Ex.P2, marked as Ex.P2(c). Now I see the nighty which was seized
by me, which was already marked as M01. Subsequently, I handed
over the case file to CW10 for further investigation.

Cross examination by Advocate for accused:

Mangala alone came to the police station to lodge a complaint.

She was wearing torn nighty when she came to the police station to
lodge a complaint. It is not true to suggest that I have prepared
mahazar in the police station and took signature of the witnesses in
the police station.

Re-examination: Nil

R.O.I. & A.0

CW10 - PW8 K Naravana, PSI Duly sworn on 03.10.2013
Examination in Chief by APP:

I was working as PSI in Ganganagar police station from

28.08.2008 to 05.07.2011.

On 05.06.2010, I received the case file from CW9 for further

investigation and went to the spot of occurrence and recorded the

statements of CW3 Ashwath and CW4 Nagappa. I came to know that

the accused surrendered before the Court and got released on bail. On
08.06.2010, I went to the village and recorded the statement of CW2
Muniyappa. On 21.07.2010, I obtained wound certificate of CW1 and 2
from General Hospital, Ganganagar. On the same day, I obtained RTC
of spot of occurrence from Tahsildar, Ganganagar Taluk. After
completion of investigation, I filed charge sheet against accused. Now I
see the RTC, marked as Ex.P8. CW3 and 4 gave statement before me
as per Ex.P3 and 4.

Cross examination by Advocate for accused:

It is true that as per the contents of mahazar, on the western

side of spot of occurrence, there is a land of accused No.1 Subbaraya. I
have not inquired as to what is the relationship between CW1 and eye
witnesses. It is not true to suggest that I have filed false charge sheet
without proper investigation.

Re-examination: Nil
R.O.I. & A.0


ExPl Complaint
ExP2 Mahazar
ExP3 Statement of CW3
ExP4 Statement of CW4
ExP5 Wound certificate of CW1
ExP6 Wound certificate of CW2
ExP7 First Information Report

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;til r F3o.15d 1 b&S 10 rboLia)59, tar; bzbe,),!0(1)g. erJ ci
&web do5 Lo z&ratil tdbl ex,`;)/1 wo-dth&th .)eef,E,-)4),4 watt) tobei3
&Tv d o ;75-4 axe emthc-14'3 bmt-
-55b,5bri..)4 J',)(24-t, c.a) s'atd4 tlb)ttr wince-Ad)

-rl .11
e 2 ± V31)-Cfro e..)C.A1 st3-ies)
,P" eth :43 ET:iFj ct 11 J.:
atitot zon -c. ri .) .73335 95 'cip4
a _D E1E;
—.-e. tr.D.e.)3
,,seeDeribn cat:x-1733
0:3c.k.spn(ito,dDzzonya). 75zri.) e9-cR CEl Qt;) * en

nch:13, c eci. trictitJ3. 1:137zEt F,IFj TriLoSata •3ervE3 ealGa) c)aoc-JD

ri:Zpa;-51e)ReLttt,. ±),-.i3Ocei titre:cc:Dr:to - 6 wodó,
-AM tpatetiutt

a -.)
ct4"ffi4;73:E^b rjo2Ocus. ffiri attit,
-) W- int).°•(...33
-r" ,;: JC3Dc„)
etspeeDe ,- tro E-"i4 clp)03.5it3, _c 0

Fi4 )1
a.)2 ao-c-eb (73):--.s Tilsciozbra). Da:-)F8. a)2(,:3) ,Doct rttA)20-2-1-e,Ec=a (--"EFt

7-1.)tel»ahcbc3 ctiFie„ cticf.2),. 1 a ot-a) rbytta-r/JeLza)yeaa lF FiC.15 eT3e:)Zit3

-43 Et.)47./MArvii:30e,k) ctv; ;Dot, ?,J:.;.')Ci Ezontr,yuccip Datiet,
ClOrj374 tte 2.

me°, etisPeta aridecibott:

eiEr!i4 7-:),O791 tarp -05 -ScirIL-3 rata Eicia rio LIE); ertter) tra)t),o tc1,171
)) 4-5

.;-).-42 F EJo.15)=-3, -Tio7iopAott 2 m"otze,,71%3

'et:clic710(ri CJOieJ3 TIVatteD .a

gice.A.)-6 EZ,OiT3
C) atteD Fiit).15d6 ecirDeatd3LDezei.) -7:)(DoC:)moo:te a)-ocei.)

1r%io. titUDea)Ltd0 ;737,o;)t-Dc.xxinct• ticfe=a7334 ne„):2-4:-"S .&f)a-Ti‘a)(7,(3otel)

clE,11: ,,Z))) dr."),

.3 air; c7:1E)f)A riae. l&5F eio.15 t1-61.3ca id:c3Ori - teb-da5e) :zoo

dn'cutt.nonr.- C.77"3/ 1

Tu7a3e..). FiDEt atio

• •e-izzse-er Fts:-,-)taeE)-3) cao-cid Fir.) ethei3
Erart taCY-73 eor'ino1oc1)
,r) .20

8-9 rcotV, Loci : re:/,)E56- Telfv'eeGOCi

aT,D 7-173E e0.15 et''

eottotg,c51. F5D4) taci.faecaAtit 2:233e(ticti4 crucb-,7:o Enzd,3zDri

Tarp2.),,tot*e.:33 Da-9te).ElñtatiF Fj.)c).15ci ze1;?.3on E3DRb teic eta


o eto „ ,„
v)OrAID 294 et1.34jra Frc. cJc a.:AZ CA) /O e7OOJ
a r

7-V-v28-44)d):) '--.) aMaszoae.)

7f.),2ce.De-T1ez F.F):14 Vodpitez t'.9e7a)

tc-73ratC.?. Ud±,./CailiOn ti:30to &INZLO3 ;Th7.),Ti) tID T.):Nfa k•-.3 C cZ 0 rnlitt 4t.D
tJ 0

7. 07-3z3Bdt1; ere<e) taect3e..-,-73bco3cfs



- j. M. 2 - dl3D OS) ari OMOd 18.041.2013tio EpLii-Dra aziso&-xlemat,t3

eiri ud.Gete..htd.) c7Drip circ35az,- .7•z I XleT3FCSo.15cic.D tex,r;
' Detecnte5: udezi Etparict. edrace.),to3 Lintic eaDgii r F.10.15CV,
EfOgOd) di-Dt.e23 EJOCktath. e7Dr.l) ZTOM I etiraCto&ti 5'e tzfiet4 Cri
filbd*. U7I ei
i t5d,rocaz'd FidoE-3 atmact 2A.,bie-t8FiLloapa). t5-arzetutfro.1) Fle-.171 &t mb.-7)
1 ciariM
elr;uoci cte.5 a-Spar:Kt. t7)d.) 2.3Z7Dr d 0' 7.3e3t301/:15
4 FO Ocic1). (toa'd -cTOCt et.GeOeftlii
ctec;e; ..)0.2.J.1 23DM 1cictd ctoci y3L. Urirjpot mride eacts12.,.1 caoc13

EArsp,Se ;-1mo.): erirThea, cid etteveoci:

F.JK)1, ;ea' CIL@ CI.0 cth oat.;/I d zo-om 1 Fie-J Lta. ,T,SF3F Eio.15deD
Ebti'DOOthet :5,2)Q-1D Wier&F r“DaC.) et0.150V
t rd.'raee..rato zseF'
eDe .1) atiDoOL.---Voi
-c rJe.Jr
Lt -3
c'e). Fie:34 Flo.15d; 1 caat 10 thoeS aberaFd capee:flp at-roono-Dor.3. edizca),tc-.1)
geth Esoloc-
1 c-.317-3c-
, 53adoric--7)D4 ricic71 =-0tac.34) eaoto ---34a23,-thcio3
estineeoasii gnocio' tAirraz ript-tota remcrooztht rind) .asaStieF3 caota
4 L!

xia2,37;34cS3 eaRce.J.tcfo ofu-D4r,k erdcmr.,1 tzeMicaodp -43-0,37:)340) ,- rJoater„).

F.11.43K3 FiCkVinZ'ari FiF34 r.tiOcia 54) rcbt QC-tet efieitZatefo4 pthqtt. ES;
et0Lea alattUrt
oabby3, caoto 7,Lraz,2,7-14.p.5 ,Ja-c Faajmuofonod Fira571
t3c7:1551.nymt-bet tir.3ez; Ericfatez rze.;13 rinC13 t.V.33 715lot MS Ctlf %tars; eet CZOC.J.5
V V cA 0


thtteDmdd: mer), Lia-3e.t.,t0oak-S

tjjuO 22.08.2013doct
azincne..) dc-t: 1..ozba-i boct:

ef)Eifi 6c52:e?..)t-lo ttarao1d) et,),t) ac--um 1FSD t.). 2 d

_..,,_.,,...1 . c.euuc ,-a; dt-Lsz

t-•-•-F3 c c. t
, -
, . a_ s'3--61?) o ,-t 57, a-I-)- D n 7,-5 D r'Ict ,-<a.-3e. t o m' Q , . \ , ,
,-u-.3' 3 A Gs 7o,35:-.1.1 er.o4.3e tmo.)
-: 3;-333 ;7jedCiThtd. et)51)(73' Cjejjj at
Ei--zz.,2 -o3 &Erbed:-/ Sh FJecto?,c3)d))

5 riot,In b‘c5nee..)t, CA) aim 1 bbr e37'1,71c-
ES37.)acid°.-30d) ,-.6ilaz-eri3,37:)hct Daf,do. tycedo,
,r33eJeleD uatt.)

ZeEk".je720‘z cds,DEQ.)), adp- d el0 e.at 3&d o±


-4V.JD-Dri eekrae(tAi 2.737); 9 2

1 tr03
(tructo. v3D7-5-0 1 a-bzio 2 dd.) eieAsa)- ece,Ad
. -J
dEribn a.torio 2,52, mI dtd aor Jt3 soc,cdC3o EleSat-c; -5))072)3

57,-:04)(dp? rE-Jatya FiDri) ea Ty7VE'iatEi.';

l j:Jetg, 'De&
ze vot
)37,5)(7..b . or-55
eMEt 7,11?)(eLeTid c7S)30r.:3 &R)&3p3:E5'
ctc?, tif007.3CE301711)t-22,37:1

EIDE!) ceeADA eta-zat

or;CC''.)et (teQt;0,41); cc.33D;.:S a:$.3 caocth

Tipcb5Ato‘ -atec,5-:8e(todzqc.th rn

2Zo-D.;-.5D 4- art, 7-7d

GcvO 22.08.2013doca5 -enzar.)-o-TLZ).-i-od.p
&r,dzi: ‘,:-).Q9J.et.o:3tOoc.J:

2:3N-7 af>:). 2 d :tap' ttc-.3

tionea)010.) KID(/'Li. tici.sN,Led5

turlthi zan E ë T e&dtncr.5 ci3dz4dc btcgt t_rat.3e_).


' itoat.15,):-.5DA03.); "Si a Vja C.) ;-5D,:6403.3an Or% Et 7123( t 0 CA) et-D(1s cJeJe..) d.da5
:ffiF /2) torsped. azfo do a er..4 cal d. eie)
0 atr..)10 t-FA 7-7qpz,o
' e-).1)4 Lie xlima)

MtLie TialD03: c,DaieJ dcbdbod:

C)FiDot 3.6.2010dot) ,tod 5 rcodii edfaeaktoo

' 2317a 1 claw; ,--tead rial5
. e.),'dcd iaoco
' xtradA)
fi adsocesidd.) id4v
a-bOod e czscjxetwariori) dza0deJzfl CM:01±
M73 1Eth1/t.),
4 2 do5 adkwea 6
- 'd det5p
. E:,04 -4b4,2,cmr1 trawead.) 2.5DTZ .)7.
W. 2
detbii dep.') mr); I odd adm73don' d3N:05d enriczlOod Quo
d ' et4 rota) ambdd) eth
f'673 2:3=it aMedCb eZ0d) Dati,deJ 4s Viz ttiocbc-; eDc,t,t) el.wetc,Tid
cJQ 71).weiers,o;'
,20) - arae0exid
e toy
dje E3od.)
f tot c7i deena-.1); e.).4caodb a?Je.)-Do3)35. Es-bcto eói 3T1DOjD Fa'po)
,745 „- Tob deeotac.3eFiodo Tiozzirtodicb o.

etY03 MD' : raC.,



25.5D.5- ;5-4.73.5 - ;iodize)

Omod 22.08.2013dom
s atiam
ddaleeazzodi-t: ca.a).e.).atdood: •

ed.raeaktd3 risaact. r-nzt-tozo

' De) d)d)Oel EftweDe,tdo efizc. dod-do
-&) d.)E-DJ uiasyddop
' ;mr!)) d.)(7307i DaiES
eel 73E.S4 ;t80ozi); Dui;ct e).2(d)caot) itt))87,JuDoaig). d)
c pcic, 7Jute:deo 23DM 1 ddd itOd Friepoz.bri)4 ac-357)e)35 dabbnoeto.5.
EAT; it4 acit) 43milde cadY.;).1 izoto rbd.)1/143',Je.mhei.
CUD eR ,-ddm) c..-
;awa) do' dtwOod

diwee,to5 t),:mod 3.6.2010doth eth wddo. )). Nor; Kb (tot zidd zicki
awo3 Ana°._ten
itze eDc co'.)-bd ,'-1;35a-bc..16 7.'4d 23 o d dito dyed

K0,-33F-d, 0 Fio',Joa-
J cr. 0 c-Ti;ria
' etFiEue). Cf, -4,7350,tdeD c,"7.)Ft, 7:130T, eV,
-4 caoo tsen,s1-A154ccb -ozc,c..2). E-stet 2z37,-;m) 1
atctwoti tracDe.,77 (,,74-4cci5C; , ;-,580 .ai)--Dac3c
,TA , "T;CC O
I 3 C3 e F3 ‘JO(.7i3 7:4171)23;rt o-3 'c-'33>QT,JuC,),.
diudbil ,--Icy-oa-n '57)ct
Fo. 7:13C1 , 3 7
v ,,..,) . .L, o


OF-2ot 03.09.2013dor 7±74::337)1?) .)-Da-rrio3TicAttict5


Flu' ct.0 201001 e) id ,7etirtDb'

7j w5atsD, ;Dzopzreibo3t7.)71 tex,e, _ro
- -/ cal Fi 71)e.
C) m-ord 3.6.2010doci) C57.1 8-10 riot,Si4'1 .)or-W c3i-J)3,t da teri.rarva)/A 2388:,,, Cl

3 .) -320 to-abzion.
1/34 1)n (.75D ri di titoti rooaarlE6t, eoz-Sci c".:Cctc.
5' t i'i 2.3 0 C3 ct( C13. eet c'3 ari
e 7,,-, a, 0 C -

• 1) 0.5 x6 -/-3.,`Cia. tivt, tat aoc;tat,32,A2,7•;r

v Cl ct 0-d i-Eio&

2) 0.5 x 6 75 L3. e ei 7;' at aa -c-',4 4,,a154 tbri rizab. ,•=Lt ctbnz,5

ra 5D:o - )0apt et4a _, 3atc3ct

-e,bcc5 c-ftee;)d) r7x),157-itia - - a.,c..--6- 930

0=5. Ettt 7:1000:bt) r327:),73 Ce.../.5() c,-.)or.:-)5

J. '4

ecc C.)Ej c.-E._. ., 8-10 iloe,M FcbaDozb-e21. cpetaiSztto FZe31vRicimil

, ?at:mil
, Fict» t-T,Tlyi
zioCh,tdc. uctott,4, ;tact ct,37)C.37)71 di tegtot• mat1eJ5 e;:-,e,) r.-,1etdc:9, to-daaJot).

1) F.,3c; tu, -±Ti.) zae; ,Dc3a-bcD -5-±, 25:2 rati,ES6 "ctraea&,. Fab d'D Fifa aitt
cOi".7)5 at;€cbact
.4 0

F.35e6 -AldsaetuaD/R&.a.
atcgd nzatiicb ,-76 --,;ct,0 oll 0 ....:
;mt.» mocbui _.)
e.Ja, ""&rDeSeJd
Li G)

eacrut tod38-,e,cyacet,3. FJC-3ot 7-1&0:07i3 --.)5.D,73 e.).6(e;3- ) e„JOCt

at7t t)erVe3 tt.6

d3 ;;; r-`31) CSa.) .


ica 73..--.Toe_z: itidsDee..) -trid 61 ce.)0oc--.1:

2.42J .71.6. c. .%.'11 nr...1d
- Duacte.J.5 c-..b.). 6 de2 rai
, FireOht mat ricb erizar03,17,15
cao Ltd D . mat DJ-eiai ...., -Dit a.:1_511c'er,,TZ033711,1 (:).f1);:b
, cte 9c_.,e..) °Ap
o ri c.3 Z:),
z tido

77303311th c:.2.3-D TicitzreinZhat).

tz; C _t


XiD. 9 - - ciattOr..113O&MOzbet.
2-4-DdEt ca.e,.a.othEiOod

EaDE.1) Cot..mo 9.6.200Sood 22.06.2011d afidn rlotzttrlo' FiQe0e,-76 o-Drial)6

tin di-Dri58(73F13. C,1 , ct)F33)oatirid etirDeeDe,71 o-DttateD
_t C)

DESD05" met eineeDe,--1 mitai) ziadFaci c ,cui ',Imo:bone) 6.45

TIO&Sil tcln'cl) 7E7..15 ci F..13 0 ilc% c.);7154,47/..03 CA5 FS qz c7)..)
Th0 d E6D CIO eat &..)g3 eDt

11.0y,j03. EZEID UctFiD4 Ado Ei0.46 /2 010dc. ctfaeomoTahtiDo sh-geth &54reti-D1 dir3cv.1);
zs.oiToOk cm.o3J.To o at -e0, 7Jetieneuraoad.)&73. c..e-'45 diri (1)3DES ahl de., ct 73 Zao FirDethatt
0 _.e en ' 4 ...: c.)
.ucir:354DriDcti al.1(n) ..)0E-s) 71303 . a--lezczo3.3 :tabria'F-TioMF.1 cp)noz1DF"..).)4 DATD.3.e..)7 caot7.13
F3:714 ;deoc1/1.t.).)4
4 3 e..).7(0.)) cao,th itthate...7.,c.L.)
, Tb.

OD-Doti 4.6.2010doci3 E5eiti 10.30 rli okin aryL3c--0-D ctirDe6

n 9 6 270Z I.
7D6IGMCiCTOCi 2....TDM 5 Eth,th 6 dc-id ;e11:30351,7.3.5 txrd aide-Jet a-3').t3..273Z7D -7.0o5
I 0

izt.)bd eitioa3F..st
-1 untor1,55 adahafxxtfo. ETaDeri DmE3 ca).2de., c'acibr.3 Fiq
rn z
,Tieoattriz Efirvec-5(.58c.th efidri3 ;Janc73 e.).2(h) caoct.) rbd.)87.1e,7405755
4 ,a 4 1 . mrs.)3 e.-3a7)..)'-pria) etabci
' d tiatra)4Firaecilo8d3 ur...1:t, caettre..1 caod) 6iitorle3e rbo38e..)-atc.3. rod atddiat
Ez 3ocir; z4Dstiftee-,-71d
6 TiFi rdal,t
, ettzt, 2.5pm 10&.-304 et;-.7,oF2oh6F1).

_. -A-1e..ti.}:.)3: e.:5ca; to' E, .
_ .
, o t.. 0- tiCtO Woomor'l
o:to-ric1 2.:Z.Ae ,T.:3_26c-,11 0-DiIll t..2(.33 t.,(Dt t CC) a..) 0 C)T-4J3
. tif D 0
7)715) trth'atd(t)4 etfc)COC.X1 MEIC&Q) Ogat.:t
1--/44 &.u-ii
- c7b7±%
e-stc13 (tbct t?...3nt)t).c\C.,f)bM".ict.

g -Q, —, •
Lpe r-1 (:):SL.A.A.Pc.)
ozori..) n3-3tco.
WU-J./NJ c-e
. „..„..... ..


n9.2L— e..tvt.- .E03.5t oi;.ttr. .

-57.)ot 03.10.2 013dout ttro,-Ez
, attOot)

ob.' 28.8.2008bot 5.7.20116 F.:36fil erLe7;11 (.7:odc&c.0


1):;',5n,GFA.ld a-so-7;7).9 dE,J-)Dot

bortozt 5.6.2 010doctecs tAcitt titz:,t!--7".)3 ttoOt t1

tp& 7.14,3oTt, 2,...73-At .3 =-

o.de ty& -7,7•1
o, 7'ciet

otec.511,7-1c1t4 tsit.'neroba'zt ei&zt, doñ 2fta'33:E3

c-5tooct, totei 3c,c,t zaoat. Cot 8.6.2010doto rt.t.)8, track:3E133 tptc, 25D;rz 2

1)t ts,T18Ccoot
c,o tr,J)=3 t&tin-elro)otEt. C.)E5Dof,1 21.7.2010 dor...13 riorReir-1d 7-5DtE- 11

cro Y -it .13 2 Citri Fre)03'3t Fz-:).3taDis

_ o,idt3-a2otyt. er3 O orrld
etz;;Tie-jek n

30e—lfaciFi ro.,-,tbee.)-Dotot -Act) tdt3--32,ozott.). 1-e)(1355

/4 etIMEnnOndcpOri
0 c2

-E.,-6Axtro tzid.tFt 7:1O,•)e., 437-1 c..t0A. t:9 tefacz

udrae•siat' coJitt, alszee. CJ

1:057)(7.3 13c-Tzt a;.3 E..).5& 4 do7;)

to871.),-0Roz.). 2-M-At.3at.)3 4 tr,14 tnot 1


o-,73e3c. t-5eot tic.; t8eubot:

tettdob6 e)et-o2to.t. 11-1 t'at3 Ci8,Ft.0

-11'1; e.sospe,1 1 xtiao-DatF.1 ,7)73
CP r

z.l tYa1) -mdci tor..,s5

757)8G J.11Jet..c) ,-t-iozJot Futt)
9-3oto oy.J.

d-th zr.,411),D5 =to:3 7-5Y,21?) caracEitaro-yetie 724 ,V4et °Lt.) t.)..r-a2.3x1.)tycip


73.5 lt3 Zti

C 'D : e


DeThES.e.)..1 aCb
Drip:73.4).2 ra5ct Cr;Ct

DUoct).ct.3 2,5D.3D. 3 ddcte9t3

DETOri.a).4 2,3D.M. 4 &id ctecit
C3aDrieu.5 mato °tit:3m e-.:Lt

rzo,:bd Fit.)-Dra g

• .a
M 1-:3 eta)


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