Lesson 1 3
Lesson 1 3
Lesson 1 3
“If we are ever to have pure
“Who am I?”- Not knowing this is the knowledge of anything,
greatest death to the Soul (one’s own we must get rid of the body and
self)! contemplate things
- Dada Bhagwan by themselves with the soul by
Philosophy has always sought to answer Human beings are composed of two
life's difficult questions and has things – body and soul.
relentlessly pursued answers to these Soul is the true self- the
permanent unchanging self found in the
no matter how seemingly futile the
world of Ideas.
quest may be. Body is what we see in the material
world- a mere replica of the true self
What is the Self? (that is
why it is changing).
Composed of self-perception as defined
Soul was already existing even
by their self-concept, self-knowledge, before bodily death and thus, will
self-esteem and social self. survive even after
the body dies.
SOCRATES Thus, the body becomes a prison of
the soul. To free us, we have to
There is soul first before man’s
body. Man first exists in the realm of
ideas and exists as a soul or pure
-born into aristocratic Athenian
When man came to the material family-involved in the rule of 3
world, he forgot the ideas that he tyrants- founded academy (now the
knew, hence he became prototype of modern university)
ignorant. Ignorance causes problem to
man. - An important part of his philosophy
Solution: Dialectic method/Socratic is the dichotomy of the ideal world or
method. the world of forms and the material
- Never wrote a book world.
- Most of the things we know about him
came from Zenophon and his prized ST. AGUSTIN
student - Plato. (reason why it is
“When I consider Thy heavens, the
difficult to differentiate Socrates'
work of Thy fingers,
idea from Plato's. the moon and the stars, which Thou
hast ordained;
"An unexamined life is not worth What is a man, that Thou art mindful
living." of him? And the
son of man, that Thou hast visited
- He directed philosophy's attention him?”
from the universe to an examination of -Psalm 8:3-4
our existence in the universe. Highly influenced by Plato- the
permanent world is where God is and
Summary: Self existed even before we the material world is our world now.
existed into material world (an Man is created out of God’s love
omniscient self) and also created in His image. He also
has an immortal soul whose goal is to
be with God eternally.
The pursuit of happiness can be “What worries you, masters you.”
achieved in God alone.
Moral law is also existing in man’s The self is not locked in mind,
mind. Man’s rationality helps him body and soul only.
distinguish between what is right and Memory is part of the definition of
wrong. the self.
Memory theory- we are the same
- most popular Christian philosopher. person as we were in the past for as
long as we can remember something from
- abandoned early Christian fate that past.
"But my sin was this, that I looked - 1st of Great British Empiricist
for pleasure, beauty, and truth not in philosopher (do not believe whatever
Him but in myself and His other is not sense by self e.g. eyes, touch,
creatures, and the search led me etc.)
instead to pain, confusion, and
error." - St. Augustine (Confessions) DAVID HUME
- Christianized the idea of Plato.
“Reason is, and ought only to be the
slave of the
RENE DESCARTES passions, and can never pretend to
any other office
“ I think, therefore, I am.” than to serve and obey them.”
(Cogito ergo sum)
The mind is divided into two:
- Father of Modern Philosophy. Impressions and Ideas
Impression: Things directly
- hired to tutor Queen Christina of perceived by the senses
Sweden but soon after, he died of Ideas: things created in the mind.
pneumonia because his health couldn't Can be a combination of impressions.
Hume: When he looks in the mind,
take the 5am start of lesson required
there is no impression that
by the queen. corresponds
to the self because the self
Man's essence - THINKING BEING constantly changes. Thus, the self is
merely the
The essence of man is in being a
perception we have at the moment it is
purely thinking being. Thus, I think,
being perceived. Therefore, the
therefore; I am.
enduring Self is just a fiction. We
The mind and body are separate but
cannot observe a permanent self, in
at the same time conjoined with one
another that they causally act upon
each other. (I cannot act without my - Born in Scotland, a lawyer
The self is Mind more than the - wrote book - History of England
Difference: Body is structured but - Like Locke, he is an Empiricist.
the mind cannot be boxed- hence, the
study of the self requires a science Self is just an impression. Self-
of its own because mind pursues its changes every time.
own thoughts.
-not a philosopher
-father of psycho analysis “We know not through our intellect
but through our experience.” that man has many layers (ID, EGO,
An existentialist, he believes that
a person is defined by virtue of GILBERT RYLE - how one behaves is a
movement and expression. A person is factor in showing who man is. -
the sum of all that he does with
his body. Including his interpretation
of his past and his decisions. PAUL CHURCHLAND - brain is the essence
The definition of self is all about
of the self.
one’s perception of one’s experience
and the interpretation of those
The self is grounded on the idea of mind & body dichotomy. For
experiences from the past, the him, man is all about how he sees
possibilities himself (an embodied subjectivity). -
for the future and the present EXPERIENCES
(2) THE SELF AS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT in the society, and the changes that
societal values go through.
“Culture is not just an ornament of
human existence but—the principal CULTURE AND THE SELF
basis of its specificity—an essential
condition for it.”-C. Geertz The self is clearly linked to his or
her culture. We can never understand
Knowing the self requires people apart from it since it is the
understanding our society and its very personality of the society
culture, and how it provokes us to (Rousseau, 2014). Consequently, the
make decisions which are culturally self mirrors this personality of
influenced and socially constructed. culture. In fact, our social
It is quite impossible to ultimately personality is a reflection of culture
know the self without comprehending itself.
the culture of our society.
The teachings of Confucianism are the OTHER NOTES
very fabric of social relationships in
China, reflecting collectivism to its NON-MATERIAL CULTURE
It is important to understand that
- Interdependent non-material culture could also
manifest in the material culture of
1. Past experiences
2. Personality traits
3. Abilities
4. Physical features
5. Values
FAVORITE MYSTERY 7. Social roles
8. Own observations
Johari Window.
9. Feedback from others
Open self – Information about you that
both you and others know. REAL AND IDEAL SELVES
Blind Self – Information about you Rogers asserted that we have 2
that you don’t know but others do selves:
Ideal Self Real Self
Person we want Who we actually "Selective perception" - tinatanggap
to be are lang ang magaganda. Denial
Idealized How I see me
version of Experiencing incongruence - seek
ourself counseling.
How I should be Also called
“actual self” The misalignment of the ideal and real
self leads to incongruence.
“When you invest your time in
developing yourself personally and
professionally, you are role-playing
as a catalyst for self-growth. There
are myriad skill investment avenues.