Fault Location Techniques For Distribution Systems
Fault Location Techniques For Distribution Systems
Fault Location Techniques For Distribution Systems
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The method has been used in several utilities for many years
Equation 3 has two unknowns m and R f . By separating this
and the experience is very good. The accuracy is very good
and by using the method the mean outage time of customers equation into real and imaginary parts, value of m can be
has been reduced significantly. The method is now part of obtained after elimination of R f .
commercial DMS product and is so far limited to short circuit
faults. The fault type is considered by including the adequate
voltages and currents. Unlike other methods using only local
METHOD OF NOVOSEL et al. data [1, 2], this method is not affected if the fault current at a
fault locator is not in phase with current at the fault. In
The method is based on the idea of fault location applied for conclusion, immunity to effects of load current and fault
short transmission lines [3], with all loads, including tapped resistance is achieved. Compensation for tapped loads enables
lines, represented by a lumped-parameter impedance model this method to provide accurate results, although, for heavily
placed behind the fault. This way of compensating for tapped tapped feeders, the accuracy may degrade toward the end of
loads is accurate as tapped load impedances are much larger the feeder.
than feeder impedance.
The method was tested on an EMTP model of a typical
ZS mZL1 (1-m)ZL1 distribution tapped network (Duke Power, 12.47 kV, three-
~ Isf phase, 4-wire) with approximately 200 fault cases by varying
If fault locations (main feeder and taps), fault resistances and
RF ZLoad
fault inception angle. Sample results are shown in Table 1,
where m is the calculated fault location in percentage of
feeder length.
The method is based on calculating both source and load Fault resistance Fault at 50% Fault at 90%
impedances based on pre-fault and fault voltages and currents Rf = 10 ohms m=49.8% m=88%
measured at the substation. From Figure 1, the load
impedance and the impedance behind the fault locator are: Rf = 50 ohms m=49.2% m=82%
G , the line between nodes M and N and laterals. Loads are The sequence voltages and currents at node F during the
tapped at several nodes and conductors of different types are fault are estimated by assuming that all loads beyond node x
used on this circuit. The fault location technique consists of are consolidated into a single load at N , as in Figure 3.
six steps.
I xf I fx I fn In
R x F y W N
0 0 0 0 0 0
M R x −1 x F x + 1( = y) N − 1(= W) N Vf Vn
Vx L
G o o o o o o o o
Po A
A A A A A A A A A P.U. Distance s 1− s
L o o oK
Vn K m + sK n sK p V
where, Vr is the voltage at node R , Yr is the load I =
x (11)
f K +
v sK w K q + sK r K v + sKu I xf
admittance, Gr and Br are constants proportional to the
conductance and susceptance respectively and n p and nq are where, K' s are complex parameters and are computed using
the response constants for the active and reactive components Yn , B xy , C xy , Ae , Be , C e and De respectively. The sequence
of the load. voltages at nodes F and N and sequence currents at node F
The constants Gr and Br are estimated from the pre-fault are obtained by using Equations 8 and 11 and various
load voltages and currents and, appropriate values of
n p and nq . These constants and voltages are used to estimate
E. Estimating the Location of the Fault
load admittances and sequence currents during the fault.
The distance to the fault node F from node x , s , expressed
as a fraction of the length from node x and node x +1(= y ) , is
estimated from the voltage-current relationships at the fault
and the resistive nature of the fault impedance. For an A-
D. Voltages and Currents at the Fault and Remote End phase-to-ground fault,
The complex parameters K A - K D are expressed into real and In the proposed method the calculation of fault-location
imaginary parts as K A = K AR + jK AI and so on and, substituted consists of two steps. First, the fault-loop impedance is
in Equation 13. Rationalizing the resulting equation, calculated by utilising the measured voltages and currents
neglecting higher order terms in s and rearranging the obtained before and during the fault. Second, the impedance
following equation is obtained. along the feeder is calculated by assuming the faults at each
successive section. By comparing the measured impedance
K AR KCI − K AI KCR with the calculated feeder impedance, an indication of the
s= (14) fault-location can be obtained. As far as only one-end
( KCR K BI − KCI K BR ) + ( K DR K AI − K DI K AR )
supplied radial networks are considered, the positive
sequence fault-loop impedance is calculated according to
An iterative solution of s is obtained using the pre-fault well-known equations depending on the type of fault.
admittance of the consolidated load at node N and some of
the above-mentioned equations. Measurements at Substation Level. Let us consider a radial
network, where a faulty feeder, as for example, k has the pre-
Two more estimates of the distance are obtained by fault equivalent impedance Z Lk . The remaining parallel
considering that the fault is either located between node x − 1 connected feeders are represented by an equivalent branch
and node x or is located between nodes x + 1 and x + 2 with the impedance Z L . Both Z Lk and Z L are assumed to be
respectively. Most plausible solution is selected and the
the positive sequence impedances. The aim of the analysis is
location of the fault from the relay location, node M , is
to determine the post-fault positive sequence impedance Z k
under assumption that the equivalent impedance Z L remains
F. Converting Multiple Estimates to Single Estimate unchanged during a fault. The following equation is valid for
the pre-fault state:
The fault location technique could provide multiple estimates
if the line has 'laterals'. The number of estimates, for a fault, V pre Z L Z Lk
depends on the system configuration and the fault location. Z pre = = (15)
I pre Z L + Z Lk
Software-based fault indicators, like those commercially
available, are developed for this purpose. They detect
downstream faults irrespective of their location. Information where, V pre, I pre are pre-fault voltages and currents.
from the fault indicators is combined with multiple estimates, Two fault cases are considered:
to arrive at a single estimate for the location of a fault.
Phase-to-phase Fault. The positive sequence impedance
Test Results seen from the substation is obtained from the equation:
The fault location technique described above was tested using V pp ZLZk
simulated fault data on a 37 km long 25 kV radial circuit of Z= = (16)
I pp ZL + Zk
SaskPower. .Simulations were performed using the
PSCAD/EMTDC. The fault locations were estimated by the
proposed technique for single-phase-to-ground faults, using where, V pp - phase-phase fault-loop voltage taken at the
fault resistances of 5.0 and 50.0 ohms. Results indicate that
Z pi ( Z f i −1 − Z si −1 )
Combining Equation 15 and Equation 16, Z fi = = Rfi + X fi (23)
Z pi − Z f i −1 + Z si −1
Z Z pre
Zk = (17) Zs1 Zs2
Z pre − Z (1 − k zk ) 1 2 3 k
Z f i −1 > Z fi
Phase-to-ground Fault. In the case of a phase-to-ground
fault (e.g. a phase-to-ground fault), the positive sequence
fault-loop impedance is calculated in a classical way. One can
observe that as only a single phase-to-ground fault is C. EMTP/ATP Simulations and Staged Fault Tests
considered, the zero sequence current measured in the
A 10 kV substation is supplied from 150 kV system. The
substation contains the faulty feeder current I kN and zero-
network contains of rings and sub-rings, containing several
sequence current flows through capacitance of the healthy 10/0.4 kV transformer-houses. Example of the analyzed
feeders. Final expression takes the form network is presented in Figure 5.
Z g Z pre
Zk = (20) equivalent a equivalent b
Z pre − Z g (1 − k zk )(1 − 0 )
V ph 5 6 7
1 2 3 4
V ph 9 8
where, Z g = and (21) 10
16 17 18 19
I ph + k kN I kN 12
V 0 = (V A + V B + V C ) / 3 . (22) 14
13 21